path: root/doc/configuration.txt
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/configuration.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 520 deletions
diff --git a/doc/configuration.txt b/doc/configuration.txt
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index e03e32ea..00000000
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+++ /dev/null
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-Configuration File
-Module: core
-:Author: Jan Kneschke
-:Date: $Date$
-:Revision: $Revision$
- the layout of the configuration file
-.. meta::
- :keywords: lighttpd, configuration
-.. contents:: Table of Contents
-Basic Syntax
-A BNF like notation: ::
- option : NAME = VALUE
- merge : NAME += VALUE
- NAME : modulename.key
- VALUE : ( <string> | <integer> | <boolean> | <array> | VALUE [ + VALUE ]*)
- <string> : "text"
- <integer>: digit*
- <boolean>: ( "enable" | "disable" )
- <array> : "(" [ <string> "=>" ] <value> [, [ <string> "=>" ] <value> ]* ")"
- INCLUDE : "include" VALUE
- INCLUDE_SHELL : "include_shell" STRING_VALUE
- # default document-root
- server.document-root = "/var/www/"
- # TCP port
- server.port = 80
- # selecting modules
- server.modules = ( "mod_access", "mod_rewrite" )
- # variables, computed when config is read.
- var.mymodule = "foo"
- server.modules += ( "mod_" + var.mymodule )
- # var.PID is initialised to the pid of lighttpd before config is parsed
- # include, relative to dirname of main config file
- include "mime.types.conf"
- # read configuration from output of a command
- include_shell "/usr/local/bin/confmimetype /etc/mime.types"
-Conditional Configuration
-Most options can be configured conditionally by using the following syntax
-(including nesting).
- <field> <operator> <value> {
- ...
- <field> <operator> <value> {
- ... nesting: match only when parent match
- }
- }
- else <field> <operator> <value> {
- ... the "else if" block
- }
-where <field> is one of one of the following:
- match on cookie
- match on scheme
- match on host
- match on useragent
- match on referer
- match on url
- match on the remote IP or a remote Network
- match on socket. Value must be on the format "ip:port" where ip is an IP
- address and port a port number. Only equal match (==) is supported.
- It also binds the daemon to this socket. Use this if you want to do IP/port-
- based virtual hosts.
-<operator> is one of:
- string equal match
- string not equal match
- perl style regular expression match
- perl style regular expression not match
-and <value> is either a quoted ("") literal string or regular expression.
- # disable directory-listings for /download/*
- dir-listing.activate = "enable"
- $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/download/" {
- dir-listing.activate = "disable"
- }
- # handish virtual hosting
- # map all domains of a top-level-domain to a single document-root
- $HTTP["host"] =~ "(^|\.)example\.org$" {
- server.document-root = "/var/www/htdocs/"
- }
- # multiple sockets
- $SERVER["socket"] == "" {
- server.document-root = "..."
- }
- $SERVER["socket"] == "" {
- ssl.pemfile = "/var/www/certs/localhost.pem"
- ssl.engine = "enable"
- server.document-root = "/var/www/htdocs/"
- }
- # deny access for all googlebot
- $HTTP["useragent"] =~ "Google" {
- url.access-deny = ( "" )
- }
- # deny access for all image stealers
- $HTTP["referer"] !~ "^($|http://www\.example\.org)" {
- url.access-deny = ( ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png" )
- }
- # deny the access to to all user which
- # are not in the network
- $HTTP["host"] == "" {
- $HTTP["remoteip"] != "" {
- url.access-deny = ( "" )
- }
- }
-Using variables
-You can set your own variables in the configuration to simplify your config.
- var.basedir = "/home/www/servers/"
- $HTTP["host"] == "" {
- = ""
- include "incl-base.conf"
- }
- in incl-base.conf:
- server.document-root = basedir + + "/pages/"
- accesslog.filename = basedir + + "/logs/access.log"
-You can also use environement variables or the default variables var.PID and
-var.CWD: ::
- var.basedir = env.LIGHTTPDBASE
- $HTTP["host"] == "" {
- = ""
- include "incl-base.conf"
- include "incl-fastcgi.conf"
- }
- in incl-fastcgi.conf:
- fastcgi.server = ( ... => ((
- "socket" => basedir + + "/tmp/fastcgi-" + PID + ".sock"
- )) )
-Or like the lighttpd script for rails does:
- var.basedir = var.CWD
- server.document-root = basedir + "/public/"
-Global context
- global {
- ...
- }
-You don't need it in the main configuration file. But you might have
-difficulty setting server wide configuration inside a included-file from
- in lighttpd.conf:
- server.modules = ()
- $HTTP["host"] == "" {
- include "incl-php.conf"
- }
- in incl-php.conf:
- global {
- server.modules += ("mod_fastcgi")
- static-file.exclude-extensions += (".php")
- }
- fastcgi.server = "..."
-server module
-main sections
- document-root of the webserver
- This variable has the specified as it will be used for all requests
- without a Host: header and for all with a know hostname which you
- might have specified with one of the above conditionals.
- Default: no default, required
- IP address, hostname or absolute path to the unix-domain socket the server
- listen on.
- Default: bind to all interfaces
- Example: ::
- server.bind = ""
- server.bind = ""
- server.bind = "/tmp/lighttpd.socket"
- tcp-port to bind the server to
-.. note:: port belows 1024 require root-permissions
- Default: 80 (443 if ssl is enabled)
- bind to the IPv6 socket
- set the string returned by the Server: response header
- Default: lighttpd <current-version>
- pathname of the error-log
- Default: either STDERR or ``server.errorlog-use-syslog``
- send errorlog to syslog
- Default: disabled
- root-directory of the server
- NOTE: requires root-permissions
- username used to run the server
- NOTE: requires root-permissions
- groupname used to run the server
- NOTE: requires root-permissions
- allow to follow-symlinks
- Default: enabled
- list of files to search for if a directory is requested
- e.g.: ::
- index-file.names = ( "index.php", "index.html",
- "index.htm", "default.htm" )
- if a name starts with slash this file will be used a index generator
- for all directories.
- modules to load
-.. note:: the order of the modules is important.
- The modules are executed in the order as they are specified. Loading
- mod_auth AFTER mod_fastcgi might disable authentication for fastcgi
- backends (if check-local is disabled).
- As auth should be done first, move it before all executing modules (like
- proxy, fastcgi, scgi and cgi).
- rewrites, redirects and access should be first, followed by auth and
- the docroot plugins.
- Afterwards the external handlers like fastcgi, cgi, scgi and proxy and
- at the bottom the post-processing plugins like mod_accesslog.
- e.g.: ::
- server.modules = ( "mod_rewrite",
- "mod_redirect",
- "mod_alias",
- "mod_access",
- "mod_auth",
- "mod_status",
- "mod_simple_vhost",
- "mod_evhost",
- "mod_userdir",
- "mod_secdownload",
- "mod_cgi",
- "mod_ssi",
- "mod_compress",
- "mod_usertrack",
- "mod_expire",
- "mod_rrdtool",
- "mod_accesslog" )
- Starting with lighttpd 1.4.0 three default modules are loaded automaticly:
- - mod_indexfile
- - mod_dirlisting
- - mod_staticfile
- set the event handler
- Default: "poll"
- set the name of the .pid-file where the PID of the server should be placed.
- This option is used in combination with a start-script and the daemon mode
- Default: not set
- maximum size in kbytes of the request (header + body). Only applies to POST
- requests.
- Default: 2097152 (2GB)
- number of worker processes to spawn. This is usually only needed on servers
- which are fairly loaded and the network handler calls delay often (e.g. new
- requests are not handled instantaneously).
- Default: 0
- name of the server/virtual server
- Default: hostname
- maximum number of request within a keep-alive session before the server
- terminates the connection
- Default: 128
- maximum number of seconds until a idling keep-alive connection is droped
- Default: 30
- maximum number of seconds until a waiting, non keep-alive read times out
- and closes the connection
- Default: 60
- maximum number of seconds until a waiting write call times out and closes
- the connection
- Default: 360
- uri to call if the requested file results in a 404
- Default: not set
- Example: ::
- server.error-handler-404 = "/error-404.php"
- defines if HTTP/1.1 is allowed or not.
- Default: enabled
- defines if range requests are allowed or not.
- Default: enabled
-SSL engine
- path to the PEM file for SSL support
- enables listing of internally unhandled HTTP-headers
- e.g. ::
- debug.dump-unknown-headers = "enable"
- list of known mimetype mappings
- NOTE: if no mapping is given "application/octet-stream" is used
- e.g.: ::
- mimetype.assign = ( ".png" => "image/png",
- ".jpg" => "image/jpeg",
- ".jpeg" => "image/jpeg",
- ".html" => "text/html",
- ".txt" => "text/plain" )
- The list is compared top down and the first match is taken. This is
- important if you have matches like: ::
- ".tar.gz" => "application/x-tgz",
- ".gz" => "application/x-gzip",
- If you want to set another default mimetype use: ::
- ...,
- "" => "text/plain" )
- as the last entry in the list.
- If available, use the XFS-style extended attribute interface to
- retrieve the "Content-Type" attribute on each file, and use that as the
- mime type. If it's not defined or not available, fall back to the
- mimetype.assign assignment.
- e.g.: ::
- mimetype.use-xattr = "enable"
- on shell use:
- $ attr -s Content-Type -V image/svg svgfile.svg
- or
- $ attr -s Content-Type -V text/html indexfile
- default: disabled
- default: disabled
- default: disabled
- default: disabled
- default: disabled
- for developers only
- default: disabled