path: root/msvc/ddk_build.cmd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'msvc/ddk_build.cmd')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 219 deletions
diff --git a/msvc/ddk_build.cmd b/msvc/ddk_build.cmd
deleted file mode 100644
index 66331fb..0000000
--- a/msvc/ddk_build.cmd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-::# default builds static library.
-::# you can pass the following arguments (case insensitive):
-::# - "DLL" to build a DLL instead of a static library
-::# - "/MT" to build a static library compatible with MSVC's /MT option (LIBCMT vs MSVCRT)
-if Test%BUILD_ALT_DIR%==Test goto usage
-::# process commandline parameters
-set version=1.0
-set PWD=%~dp0
-set BUILD_CMD=build /bcwgZ /M2
-if "%1" == "" goto no_more_args
-::# /I for case insensitive
-if /I Test%1==TestDLL set TARGET=DYNLINK
-if /I Test%1==Test/MT set STATIC_LIBC=1
-cd ..\libusb\os
-echo TARGETTYPE=%TARGET% > target
-copy target+..\..\msvc\libusb_sources sources >NUL 2>&1
-del target
-@echo on
-@echo off
-if errorlevel 1 goto builderror
-cd ..\..
-set cpudir=i386
-set destType=Win32
-if %_BUILDARCH%==x86 goto isI386
-set cpudir=amd64
-set destType=x64
-set srcPath=libusb\os\obj%BUILD_ALT_DIR%\%cpudir%
-set dstPath=%destType%\Debug
-if %DDKBUILDENV%==chk goto isDebug
-set dstPath=%destType%\Release
-if exist %destType% goto md2
-md %destType%
-if exist %dstPath% goto md3
-md %dstPath%
-if exist %dstPath%\dll goto md4
-md %dstPath%\dll
-if exist %dstPath%\lib goto md5
-md %dstPath%\lib
-if exist %dstPath%\examples goto md6
-md %dstPath%\examples
-if exist %dstPath%\tests goto md7
-md %dstPath%\tests
-@echo on
-if %TARGET%==LIBRARY goto copylib
-copy %srcPath%\libusb-%version%.dll %dstPath%\dll
-copy %srcPath%\libusb-%version%.pdb %dstPath%\dll
-copy %srcPath%\libusb-%version%.lib %dstPath%\lib
-@echo off
-if exist examples\getopt\getopt_ddkbuild goto md8
-md examples\getopt\getopt_ddkbuild
-cd examples\getopt\getopt_ddkbuild
-copy ..\..\..\msvc\getopt_sources sources >NUL 2>&1
-@echo on
-@echo off
-if errorlevel 1 goto builderror
-cd ..\..\..
-if exist examples\fxload_ddkbuild goto md9
-md examples\fxload_ddkbuild
-cd examples\fxload_ddkbuild
-copy ..\..\msvc\fxload_sources sources >NUL 2>&1
-@echo on
-@echo off
-if errorlevel 1 goto builderror
-cd ..\..
-set srcPath=examples\fxload_ddkbuild\obj%BUILD_ALT_DIR%\%cpudir%
-@echo on
-copy %srcPath%\fxload.exe %dstPath%\examples
-copy %srcPath%\fxload.pdb %dstPath%\examples
-@echo off
-if exist examples\hotplugtest_ddkbuild goto md10
-md examples\hotplugtest_ddkbuild
-cd examples\hotplugtest_ddkbuild
-copy ..\..\msvc\hotplugtest_sources sources >NUL 2>&1
-@echo on
-@echo off
-if errorlevel 1 goto builderror
-cd ..\..
-set srcPath=examples\hotplugtest_ddkbuild\obj%BUILD_ALT_DIR%\%cpudir%
-@echo on
-copy %srcPath%\hotplugtest.exe %dstPath%\examples
-copy %srcPath%\hotplugtest.pdb %dstPath%\examples
-@echo off
-if exist examples\listdevs_ddkbuild goto md11
-md examples\listdevs_ddkbuild
-cd examples\listdevs_ddkbuild
-copy ..\..\msvc\listdevs_sources sources >NUL 2>&1
-@echo on
-@echo off
-if errorlevel 1 goto builderror
-cd ..\..
-set srcPath=examples\listdevs_ddkbuild\obj%BUILD_ALT_DIR%\%cpudir%
-@echo on
-copy %srcPath%\listdevs.exe %dstPath%\examples
-copy %srcPath%\listdevs.pdb %dstPath%\examples
-@echo off
-if exist examples\testlibusb_ddkbuild goto md12
-md examples\testlibusb_ddkbuild
-cd examples\testlibusb_ddkbuild
-copy ..\..\msvc\testlibusb_sources sources >NUL 2>&1
-@echo on
-@echo off
-if errorlevel 1 goto builderror
-cd ..\..
-set srcPath=examples\testlibusb_ddkbuild\obj%BUILD_ALT_DIR%\%cpudir%
-@echo on
-copy %srcPath%\testlibusb.exe %dstPath%\examples
-copy %srcPath%\testlibusb.pdb %dstPath%\examples
-@echo off
-if exist examples\xusb_ddkbuild goto md13
-md examples\xusb_ddkbuild
-cd examples\xusb_ddkbuild
-copy ..\..\msvc\xusb_sources sources >NUL 2>&1
-@echo on
-@echo off
-if errorlevel 1 goto builderror
-cd ..\..
-set srcPath=examples\xusb_ddkbuild\obj%BUILD_ALT_DIR%\%cpudir%
-@echo on
-copy %srcPath%\xusb.exe %dstPath%\examples
-copy %srcPath%\xusb.pdb %dstPath%\examples
-@echo off
-if exist tests\stress_ddkbuild goto md14
-md tests\stress_ddkbuild
-cd tests\stress_ddkbuild
-copy ..\..\msvc\stress_sources sources >NUL 2>&1
-@echo on
-@echo off
-if errorlevel 1 goto builderror
-cd ..\..
-set srcPath=tests\stress_ddkbuild\obj%BUILD_ALT_DIR%\%cpudir%
-@echo on
-copy %srcPath%\stress.exe %dstPath%\tests
-copy %srcPath%\stress.pdb %dstPath%\tests
-@echo off
-cd msvc
-goto done
-echo ddk_build must be run in a WDK build environment
-goto done
-echo Build failed
-cd %PWD% \ No newline at end of file