path: root/ChangeLog
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Diffstat (limited to 'ChangeLog')
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 142 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 3029152..db19104 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,175 +1,180 @@
-This is a timeline change log, see features included in each release ABOVE release number
-2.0 Major version bump
+2.8 Featured release
-Fixed a bug on V2 CHAD construction, affects absolute colorimetric intent
-Fixed a bug that prevented linkicc to work
-Fixed a bug on transicc that made profiles with output colorants info to malfunction
-Fixed a bug on Lab + Alpha float formatters, added such predefined formatters as well
-Added cmsChangeBufferFormat for backwards compatibility
-Added a check on jpgicc for NULL transforms
-Fixed VC2010, VC2008 projects
-Added cmsTagLinkedTo
-Fixed some typos in error messages
-Peliminary Delphi wrapper
-Fixed a bug in tificc in floating point formats
-Fixed a bug in device link creation on v4 profiles
-Fixed a bug in psid and profile sequence tags
-Fixed memory leaks on when recovering from errors
-Fixed an issue on curve inversion
-Fixed several integer overflow and other integrity checks, thanks to Chris Evans
-linkicc now stores the rendering intent in the profile header
-Fixed delphi interface
-Added Duotone support (Bilinear interpolation)
-Fixed a bug on curve reversing when source curves have few points
-Added bound check in floating point interpolation
+Changed ChangeLog direction
+Fixed types in comments thanks to Stefan Weil for fixing that.
+Fixed localization bug, added a new test case crayons.icc thnaks to Richard Hughes for providing the profile.
+Fixed a bug in optimizer that made some formats (i.e, bits planar) unavailable
+Fixed misalignment problems on Alpha. The compiler does not align strings, and accessing begin of string as a uint16 makes code to fail.
+Added some extra checks to the tools and examples.
+Fix a bug that prevented to read luminance tag
+BIG amount of functionality contributed/Sponsored by Alien Skin Software: TransformStride, copyAlpha, performance plug-ins. Fixes some warnings as well.
+added an extra _ to _stdcall to make it more portable
+Fixed a bug in transicc for named color profiles
-2.1 Maintenance release
+2.7 Maintenance release
-Fixed severa bugs in absolute colorimetric intent
-Removed pthreads need
-Updated linkicc to 2.1, cleanup
-Fixed some potential issues as NULL dereferencing
-Fixed GBD bug (out of bounds memory overwrite)
-changed memmove to memcpy in cache for xput improvement
-Profiles with weird curves are not prone to p`relinearization optimization.
-Added functions to retrieve formatters from transforms
-Fixed a bug that made crash black preservation on CMYK2CMYK devicelinks
-Added named color functionality
-Fixed a bug in black preservation and sligtly non-monotonic curves
-Added dictionary metatag support
-Fixed a bug on ReadRAWtag
-Pascal unit now is supported by Free Pascal Compiler
+Added a version retrieval function
+Added an option in transicc for working in bounded mode
+Fixed wrong handling of extra channels in some formatters.
+Added a project for VS2013
+Added license for iccjpeg.c
+New project for mac
+Added a global optimization that merges consecutive matrices in pipelines. Fixes loss of precision in some transforms
+Added a flag to clip negative values in unbounded transforms (only gray, rgb, cmyk)
+Move unused var suppresor before the `return` statements.
+Remove dead code.
+Add missing comma in CGATS parser
+utils/jpgicc/iccjpeg.c: Fix check if unsigned variable 'total_length'… …
+Some maintenance fixes
+Remove unused vcproj files
+Added a function to retrieve the iohandler of a given profile object
+Added a safety check on named color lists
+Fixed a macro clash on SNONE.
+Fixed a possible segmentation fault in a non-happy path
-2.2 Maintenance release
+2.6 Featured release
-Fixed a 0 byte allocation issue in _cmsCreateSubAllocChunk
-Fixed encoding for floating point tags in Lab/XYZ
-Fixed Absolute colorimetric intent issues
-Fixed a bug on the range of data in transicc, when colorant tag is specified
-Adding a memory alignment macro for CGATS parser
-Updated to ICC spec 4.3
-Added compatibility with Argyll's CGATS parser
+Added pthread dependency. From now lcms supports multithreading
+Fix for delete tag memory corruption
+Added directories for tiff, jpeg in configure script
+New locking plug-in, from Artifex
+Big revamp on Contexts, from Artifex
+Fixed memory leaks on error handling
+Changed endianness detection for PowerPC
+Added a way to retrieve matrix shaper always, no matter LUT is present
+Fixed a bug in PCS/Colorspace order when reading V2 Lab devicelinks
+Fixed some indexing out of bounds in floating point interpolation
+Fixed a double free in recovering from a previous error in default intent handler.
-2.3 Maintenance release
+2.5 Maintenance release
-Fixed a bug in the named color devicelink generation
-Fixed uint64 to work in systems without long long native type
-Added performance improvements from several contributors, mostly Artifex
-Fixed a bug in black preservation checking
-Added black point detection algorithm from Adobe paper
-Added support for transforms on planar data with different stride
-Added a new plug in entry for full transform
-Exposed internal overview table for tone curves
-gamma 1.0 can now operate in unbounded mode
-Fixed a bug in pipeline duplication
-Added getPipelineContextID
-Added a new plug-in type
-Internal stage structs are now accessible through plug-in API
-Fixed a bug on ending zero when saving a IT8 to memory
-Fixed a bug on IT8 reading of negative numbers.
-Increased security checks, thanks to Mateusz Jurczyk, from Google.
-Added half float support
-Fixed a typo on tificc and jpgicc names, thanks to Elle Stone for reporting.
-Fixed a bug on named color profiles.
-Added a conditional compilatio flag for "half" support
-Fixed a bug in transicc when clot tables are present
-Added formatter resolution after xform optimization plugin
-added half float variants (ABGR and so)
-Fixed a bug in XYZ floating point PCS
-Fixed an unitialized read on PatchLUT
-Added a check for maximum input channels
+Added some checks for non-happy path, mostly failing mallocs
+Transform2Devicelink now keeps white point when guessing deviceclass is enabled
+Rendering intent used when creating the transform is now propagated to profile header in cmsTransform2Devicelink. This is because 7.2.15 in spec 4.3
+Added a simple project for cppcheck
+Added support for VS2012
+Remove spurious tabs added by git merge of pull request
+Fixed a bug in parametric curves
+Added some fixes from XhmikosR
+Added TIFF Lab16 handling on tifficc
+More changes from Artifex
+Added identity curves support for write V2 LUT
+Added a way to read the profile creator from header
+Added a reference for Mac MLU tag
+Fixed devicelink generation for 8 bits
+Several minor issues found by cppcheck
+Several improvements in cgats parser.
+Fixed some bugs on floating point curves.
+Fixed a bug on big endian platforms not supporting uint64 or long long.
+Added error descriptions on cmsSmoothToneCurve
+Added new cmsPlugInTHR() and fixed some race conditions (thanks to Artifex)
+update black point detection algorithm to reflect ICC changes
+Fixed some 64 bit warnings on size_t to uint32 conversions
+Fixed a multithead bug on optimization (StageDEF)
+RGB profiles using same tone curves for several channels are storing now only one copy of the curve (saves space)
+User defined parametric curves can now be saved in ICC profiles.
2.4 Featured release
-User defined parametric curves can now be saved in ICC profiles.
-RGB profiles using same tone curves for several channels are storing now only one copy of the curve (saves space)
-Fixed a multithead bug on optimization (StageDEF)
-Fixed some 64 bit warnings on size_t to uint32 conversions
-update black point detection algorithm to reflect ICC changes
-Added new cmsPlugInTHR() and fixed some race conditions (thanks to Artifex)
-Added error descriptions on cmsSmoothToneCurve
-Fixed a bug on big endian platforms not supporting uint64 or long long.
-Fixed some bugs on floating point curves.
-Several improvements in cgats parser.
-Several minor issues found by cppcheck
-Fixed devicelink generation for 8 bits
-Added a reference for Mac MLU tag
-Added a way to read the profile creator from header
-Added identity curves support for write V2 LUT
-More changes from Artifex
-Added TIFF Lab16 handling on tifficc
-Added some fixes from XhmikosR
-Fixed a bug in parametric curves
-Remove spurious tabs added by git merge of pull request
-Added support for VS2012
-Added a simple project for cppcheck
-Rendering intent used when creating the transform is now propagated to profile header in cmsTransform2Devicelink. This is because 7.2.15 in spec 4.3
-Transform2Devicelink now keeps white point when guessing deviceclass is enabled
-Added some checks for non-happy path, mostly failing mallocs
+Added a check for maximum input channels
+Fixed an unitialized read on PatchLUT
+Fixed a bug in XYZ floating point PCS
+added half float variants (ABGR and so)
+Added formatter resolution after xform optimization plugin
+Fixed a bug in transicc when clot tables are present
+Added a conditional compilatio flag for "half" support
+Fixed a bug on named color profiles.
+Fixed a typo on tificc and jpgicc names, thanks to Elle Stone for reporting.
+Added half float support
+Increased security checks, thanks to Mateusz Jurczyk, from Google.
+Fixed a bug on IT8 reading of negative numbers.
+Fixed a bug on ending zero when saving a IT8 to memory
+Internal stage structs are now accessible through plug-in API
+Added a new plug-in type
+Added getPipelineContextID
+Fixed a bug in pipeline duplication
+gamma 1.0 can now operate in unbounded mode
+Exposed internal overview table for tone curves
+Added a new plug in entry for full transform
+Added support for transforms on planar data with different stride
+Added black point detection algorithm from Adobe paper
+Fixed a bug in black preservation checking
+Added performance improvements from several contributors, mostly Artifex
+Fixed uint64 to work in systems without long long native type
+Fixed a bug in the named color devicelink generation
-2.5 Maintenance release
+2.3 Maintenance release
-Fixed a double free in recovering from a previous error in default intent handler.
-Fixed some indexing out of bounds in floating point interpolation
-Fixed a bug in PCS/Colorspace order when reading V2 Lab devicelinks
-Added a way to retrieve matrix shaper always, no matter LUT is present
-Changed endianness detection for PowerPC
-Fixed memory leaks on error handling
-Big revamp on Contexts, from Artifex
-New locking plug-in, from Artifex
-Added directories for tiff, jpeg in configure script
-Fix for delete tag memory corruption
-Added pthread dependency. From now lcms supports multithreading
+Added compatibility with Argyll's CGATS parser
+Updated to ICC spec 4.3
+Adding a memory alignment macro for CGATS parser
+Fixed a bug on the range of data in transicc, when colorant tag is specified
+Fixed Absolute colorimetric intent issues
+Fixed encoding for floating point tags in Lab/XYZ
+Fixed a 0 byte allocation issue in _cmsCreateSubAllocChunk
-2.6 Featured release
+2.2 Maintenance release
-Fixed a possible segmentation fault in a non-happy path
-Fixed a macro clash on SNONE.
-Added a safety check on named color lists
-Added a function to retrieve the iohandler of a given profile object
-Remove unused vcproj files
-Some maintenance fixes
-utils/jpgicc/iccjpeg.c: Fix check if unsigned variable 'total_length'… …
-Add missing comma in CGATS parser
-Remove dead code.
-Move unused var suppresor before the `return` statements.
-Added a flag to clip negative values in unbounded transforms (only gray, rgb, cmyk)
-Added a global optimization that merges consecutive matrices in pipelines. Fixes loss of precision in some transforms
-New project for mac
-Added license for iccjpeg.c
-Added a project for VS2013
-Fixed wrong handling of extra channels in some formatters.
-Added an option in transicc for working in bounded mode
-Added a version retrieval function
+Pascal unit now is supported by Free Pascal Compiler
+Fixed a bug on ReadRAWtag
+Added dictionary metatag support
+Fixed a bug in black preservation and sligtly non-monotonic curves
+Added named color functionality
+Fixed a bug that made crash black preservation on CMYK2CMYK devicelinks
+Added functions to retrieve formatters from transforms
+Profiles with weird curves are not prone to p`relinearization optimization.
+changed memmove to memcpy in cache for xput improvement
+Fixed GBD bug (out of bounds memory overwrite)
+Fixed some potential issues as NULL dereferencing
+Updated linkicc to 2.1, cleanup
+Removed pthreads need
+Fixed severa bugs in absolute colorimetric intent
-2.7 Maintenance release
+2.1 Maintenance release
-Fixed a bug in transicc for named color profiles
-added an extra _ to _stdcall to make it more portable
-Big amount of functionality contributed/Sponsored by Alien Skin Software: TransformStride, copyAlpha, performance plug-ins. Fixes some warnings as well.
-Fix a bug that prevented to read luminance tag
-Added some extra checks to the tools and examples.
-Fixed misalignment problems on Alpha. The compiler does not align strings, and accessing begin of string as a uint16 makes code to fail.
-Fixed a bug in optimizer that made some formats (i.e, bits planar) unavailable
-Improved detection of cases where RGB8 optimizer does not apply \ No newline at end of file
+Added bound check in floating point interpolation
+Fixed a bug on curve reversing when source curves have few points
+Added Duotone support (Bilinear interpolation)
+Fixed delphi interface
+linkicc now stores the rendering intent in the profile header
+Fixed several integer overflow and other integrity checks, thanks to Chris Evans
+Fixed an issue on curve inversion
+Fixed memory leaks on when recovering from errors
+Fixed a bug in psid and profile sequence tags
+Fixed a bug in device link creation on v4 profiles
+Fixed a bug in tificc in floating point formats
+Peliminary Delphi wrapper
+Fixed some typos in error messages
+Added cmsTagLinkedTo
+Fixed VC2010, VC2008 projects
+Added a check on jpgicc for NULL transforms
+Added cmsChangeBufferFormat for backwards compatibility
+Fixed a bug on Lab + Alpha float formatters, added such predefined formatters as well
+Fixed a bug on transicc that made profiles with output colorants info to malfunction
+Fixed a bug that prevented linkicc to work
+Fixed a bug on V2 CHAD construction, affects absolute colorimetric intent
+2.0 Major version bump