diff options
authorJavier Jardón <>2016-01-19 14:19:06 +0000
committerJavier Jardón <>2016-01-19 14:21:32 +0000
commit7ae844dfbf089460c3d6147d9313eb31d5b01431 (patch)
parent6c10ce4ee5d3b8a62879d559834d5a4fae242eef (diff)
Include gsettings schemas in treebaserock/1.5.9+gsettings
So we do not need to depend on gconf package
2 files changed, 164 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/data/dconf/ b/data/dconf/
index 7f0d0fd8..273be544 100644
--- a/data/dconf/
+++ b/data/dconf/
@@ -50,11 +50,6 @@ dconfprofile_DATA = profile/ibus
dconfdbdir = $(sysconfdir)/dconf/db/ibus.d
dconfdb_DATA = 00-upstream-settings $(top_srcdir)/data/
- $(AM_V_GEN) gsettings-schema-convert --force --gconf --xml \
- --schema-id "org.freedesktop.ibus" \
- --output $@ $<
00-upstream-settings: $(srcdir)/ | $(gsettings_SCHEMAS)
@$(MKDIR_P) db
$(AM_V_GEN) $(srcdir)/ > $@ || \
diff --git a/data/dconf/ b/data/dconf/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4926b7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/dconf/
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+ <schema id="org.freedesktop.ibus" path="/desktop/ibus/">
+ <child name="general" schema="org.freedesktop.ibus.general"/>
+ <child name="panel" schema="org.freedesktop.ibus.panel"/>
+ </schema>
+ <schema id="org.freedesktop.ibus.general" path="/desktop/ibus/general/">
+ <key name="preload-engines" type="as">
+ <default>[]</default>
+ </key>
+ <key name="engines-order" type="as">
+ <default>[]</default>
+ <summary>Engines order</summary>
+ <description>Saved engines order in input method list</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="switcher-delay-time" type="i">
+ <default>400</default>
+ <summary>Popup delay milliseconds for IME switcher window</summary>
+ <description>Set popup delay milliseconds to show IME switcher window. The default is 400. 0 = Show the window immediately. 0 &lt; Delay milliseconds. 0 &gt; Do not show the window and switch prev/next engines.</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="version" type="s">
+ <default>''</default>
+ <summary>Saved version number</summary>
+ <description>The saved version number will be used to check the difference between the version of the previous installed ibus and one of the current ibus.</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="xkb-latin-layouts" type="as">
+ <default>[ 'ara', 'bg', 'cz', 'dev', 'gr', 'gur', 'in', 'jp(kana)', 'mal', 'mkd', 'ru', 'ua' ]</default>
+ <summary>Latin layouts which have no ASCII</summary>
+ <description>US layout is appended to the latin layouts. variant can be omitted.</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="use-xmodmap" type="b">
+ <default>true</default>
+ <summary>Use xmodmap</summary>
+ <description>Run xmodmap if .xmodmap or .Xmodmap exists when ibus engines are switched.</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="use-system-keyboard-layout" type="b">
+ <default>false</default>
+ <summary>Use system keyboard layout</summary>
+ <description>Use system keyboard (XKB) layout</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="embed-preedit-text" type="b">
+ <default>true</default>
+ <summary>Embed Preedit Text</summary>
+ <description>Embed Preedit Text in Application Window</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="use-global-engine" type="b">
+ <default>true</default>
+ <summary>Use global input method</summary>
+ <description>Share the same input method among all applications</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="enable-by-default" type="b">
+ <default>false</default>
+ <summary>Enable input method by default</summary>
+ <description>Enable input method by default when the application gets input focus</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="dconf-preserve-name-prefixes" type="as">
+ <default>[ '/desktop/ibus/engine/pinyin', '/desktop/ibus/engine/bopomofo', '/desktop/ibus/engine/hangul' ]</default>
+ <summary>DConf preserve name prefixes</summary>
+ <description>Prefixes of DConf keys to stop name conversion</description>
+ </key>
+ <child name="hotkey" schema="org.freedesktop.ibus.general.hotkey"/>
+ </schema>
+ <schema id="org.freedesktop.ibus.general.hotkey" path="/desktop/ibus/general/hotkey/">
+ <key name="trigger" type="as">
+ <default>[ 'Control+space', 'Zenkaku_Hankaku', 'Alt+Kanji', 'Alt+grave', 'Hangul', 'Alt+Release+Alt_R' ]</default>
+ <summary>Trigger shortcut keys</summary>
+ <description>The shortcut keys for turning input method on or off</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="triggers" type="as">
+ <default>[ '&lt;Super&gt;space' ]</default>
+ <summary>Trigger shortcut keys for gtk_accelerator_parse</summary>
+ <description>The shortcut keys for turning input method on or off</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="enable-unconditional" type="as">
+ <default>[]</default>
+ <summary>Enable shortcut keys</summary>
+ <description>The shortcut keys for turning input method on</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="disable-unconditional" type="as">
+ <default>[]</default>
+ <summary>Disable shortcut keys</summary>
+ <description>The shortcut keys for turning input method off</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="next-engine" type="as">
+ <default>[ 'Alt+Shift_L' ]</default>
+ <summary>Next engine shortcut keys</summary>
+ <description>The shortcut keys for switching to the next input method in the list</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="next-engine-in-menu" type="as">
+ <default>[ 'Alt+Shift_L' ]</default>
+ <summary>Next engine shortcut keys</summary>
+ <description>The shortcut keys for switching to the next input method in the list</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="prev-engine" type="as">
+ <default>[]</default>
+ <summary>Prev engine shortcut keys</summary>
+ <description>The shortcut keys for switching to the previous input method</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="previous-engine" type="as">
+ <default>[]</default>
+ <summary>Prev engine shortcut keys</summary>
+ <description>The shortcut keys for switching to the previous input method</description>
+ </key>
+ </schema>
+ <schema id="org.freedesktop.ibus.panel" path="/desktop/ibus/panel/">
+ <key name="show" type="i">
+ <default>0</default>
+ <summary>Auto hide</summary>
+ <description>The behavior of property panel. 0 = Do not show, 1 = Auto hide, 2 = Always show</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="x" type="i">
+ <default>-1</default>
+ <summary>Language panel position</summary>
+ </key>
+ <key name="y" type="i">
+ <default>-1</default>
+ <summary>Language panel position</summary>
+ </key>
+ <key name="follow-input-cursor-when-always-shown" type="b">
+ <default>false</default>
+ <summary>Follow the input cursor in case the panel is always shown</summary>
+ <description>If true, the panel follows the input cursor in case the panel is always shown. If false, the panel is shown at a fixed location.</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="auto-hide-timeout" type="i">
+ <default>10000</default>
+ <summary>The milliseconds to show property panel</summary>
+ <description>The milliseconds to show property panel after focus-in or properties are changed.</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="lookup-table-orientation" type="i">
+ <default>1</default>
+ <summary>Orientation of lookup table</summary>
+ <description>Orientation of lookup table. 0 = Horizontal, 1 = Vertical</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="show-icon-on-systray" type="b">
+ <default>true</default>
+ <summary>Show icon on system tray</summary>
+ <description>Show icon on system tray</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="show-im-name" type="b">
+ <default>false</default>
+ <summary>Show input method name</summary>
+ <description>Show input method name on language bar</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="xkb-icon-rgba" type="s">
+ <default>'#415099'</default>
+ <summary>RGBA value of XKB icon</summary>
+ <description>XKB icon shows the layout string and the string is rendered with the RGBA value. The RGBA value can be 1. a color name from X11, 2. a hex value in form '#rrggbb' where 'r', 'g' and 'b' are hex digits of the red, green, and blue, 3. a RGB color in form 'rgb(r,g,b)' or 4. a RGBA color in form 'rgba(r,g,b,a)' where 'r', 'g', and 'b' are either integers in the range 0 to 255 or precentage values in the range 0% to 100%, and 'a' is a floating point value in the range 0 to 1 of the alpha.</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="property-icon-delay-time" type="i">
+ <default>500</default>
+ <summary>The milliseconds to show the panel icon for a property</summary>
+ <description>The milliseconds to show the panel icon from the engine icon to a property icon whenever engines are switched if the property is specified by the value of icon-prop-key in IBusEngineDesc. If the value is 0, no delay time and the property icon is shown immediately.</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="use-custom-font" type="b">
+ <default>false</default>
+ <summary>Use custom font</summary>
+ <description>Use custom font name for language panel</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="custom-font" type="s">
+ <default>'Sans 10'</default>
+ <summary>Custom font</summary>
+ <description>Custom font name for language panel</description>
+ </key>
+ </schema>