path: root/compiler/utils
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diff --git a/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs b/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs
index ebf8416b29..79a4917176 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs
+++ b/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs
@@ -3,40 +3,36 @@
% (c) The GRASP Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
-Outputable: defines classes for pretty-printing and forcing, both
-forms of ``output.''
+-- | This module defines classes and functions for pretty-printing. It also
+-- exports a number of helpful debugging and other utilities such as 'trace' and 'panic'.
+-- The interface to this module is very similar to the standard Hughes-PJ pretty printing
+-- module, except that it exports a number of additional functions that are rarely used,
+-- and works over the 'SDoc' type.
module Outputable (
- Outputable(..), OutputableBndr(..), -- Class
- BindingSite(..),
+ -- * Type classes
+ Outputable(..), OutputableBndr(..),
- PprStyle, CodeStyle(..), PrintUnqualified, alwaysQualify, neverQualify,
- QualifyName(..),
- getPprStyle, withPprStyle, withPprStyleDoc,
- pprDeeper, pprDeeperList, pprSetDepth,
- codeStyle, userStyle, debugStyle, dumpStyle, asmStyle,
- ifPprDebug, qualName, qualModule,
- mkErrStyle, defaultErrStyle, defaultDumpStyle, defaultUserStyle,
- mkUserStyle,
- SDoc, -- Abstract
+ -- * Pretty printing combinators
+ SDoc,
interppSP, interpp'SP, pprQuotedList, pprWithCommas,
empty, nest,
- text, char, ftext, ptext,
+ char,
+ text, ftext, ptext,
int, integer, float, double, rational,
parens, cparen, brackets, braces, quotes, doubleQuotes, angleBrackets,
semi, comma, colon, dcolon, space, equals, dot, arrow,
lparen, rparen, lbrack, rbrack, lbrace, rbrace, underscore,
(<>), (<+>), hcat, hsep,
- ($$), ($+$), vcat,
+ ($$), ($+$), vcat,
sep, cat,
fsep, fcat,
hang, punctuate,
speakNth, speakNTimes, speakN, speakNOf, plural,
+ -- * Converting 'SDoc' into strings and outputing it
printSDoc, printErrs, hPrintDump, printDump,
printForC, printForAsm, printForUser, printForUserPartWay,
pprCode, mkCodeStyle,
@@ -46,7 +42,19 @@ module Outputable (
pprInfixVar, pprPrefixVar,
pprHsChar, pprHsString, pprHsInfix, pprHsVar,
- -- error handling
+ -- * Controlling the style in which output is printed
+ BindingSite(..),
+ PprStyle, CodeStyle(..), PrintUnqualified, alwaysQualify, neverQualify,
+ QualifyName(..),
+ getPprStyle, withPprStyle, withPprStyleDoc,
+ pprDeeper, pprDeeperList, pprSetDepth,
+ codeStyle, userStyle, debugStyle, dumpStyle, asmStyle,
+ ifPprDebug, qualName, qualModule,
+ mkErrStyle, defaultErrStyle, defaultDumpStyle, defaultUserStyle,
+ mkUserStyle,
+ -- * Error handling and debugging utilities
pprPanic, assertPprPanic, pprPanicFastInt, pprPgmError,
pprTrace, warnPprTrace,
trace, pgmError, panic, panicFastInt, assertPanic
@@ -332,8 +340,8 @@ docToSDoc :: Doc -> SDoc
docToSDoc d = \_ -> d
empty :: SDoc
-text :: String -> SDoc
char :: Char -> SDoc
+text :: String -> SDoc
ftext :: FastString -> SDoc
ptext :: LitString -> SDoc
int :: Int -> SDoc
@@ -343,8 +351,8 @@ double :: Double -> SDoc
rational :: Rational -> SDoc
empty _sty = Pretty.empty
-text s _sty = Pretty.text s
char c _sty = Pretty.char c
+text s _sty = Pretty.text s
ftext s _sty = Pretty.ftext s
ptext s _sty = Pretty.ptext s
int n _sty = n
@@ -394,7 +402,16 @@ lbrace _sty = Pretty.lbrace
rbrace _sty = Pretty.rbrace
nest :: Int -> SDoc -> SDoc
-(<>), (<+>), ($$), ($+$) :: SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
+-- ^ Indent 'SDoc' some specified amount
+(<>) :: SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
+-- ^ Join two 'SDoc' together horizontally without a gap
+(<+>) :: SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
+-- ^ Join two 'SDoc' together horizontally with a gap between them
+($$) :: SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
+-- ^ Join two 'SDoc' together vertically; if there is
+-- no vertical overlap it "dovetails" the two onto one line
+($+$) :: SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
+-- ^ Join two 'SDoc' together vertically
nest n d sty = Pretty.nest n (d sty)
(<>) d1 d2 sty = (Pretty.<>) (d1 sty) (d2 sty)
@@ -402,7 +419,21 @@ nest n d sty = Pretty.nest n (d sty)
($$) d1 d2 sty = (Pretty.$$) (d1 sty) (d2 sty)
($+$) d1 d2 sty = (Pretty.$+$) (d1 sty) (d2 sty)
-hcat, hsep, vcat, sep, cat, fsep, fcat :: [SDoc] -> SDoc
+hcat :: [SDoc] -> SDoc
+-- ^ Concatenate 'SDoc' horizontally
+hsep :: [SDoc] -> SDoc
+-- ^ Concatenate 'SDoc' horizontally with a space between each one
+vcat :: [SDoc] -> SDoc
+-- ^ Concatenate 'SDoc' vertically with dovetailing
+sep :: [SDoc] -> SDoc
+-- ^ Separate: is either like 'hsep' or like 'vcat', depending on what fits
+cat :: [SDoc] -> SDoc
+-- ^ Catenate: is either like 'hcat' or like 'vcat', depending on what fits
+fsep :: [SDoc] -> SDoc
+-- ^ A paragraph-fill combinator. It's much like sep, only it
+-- keeps fitting things on one line until it can't fit any more.
+fcat :: [SDoc] -> SDoc
+-- ^ This behaves like 'fsep', but it uses '<>' for horizontal conposition rather than '<+>'
hcat ds sty = Pretty.hcat [d sty | d <- ds]
@@ -413,11 +444,15 @@ cat ds sty = [d sty | d <- ds]
fsep ds sty = Pretty.fsep [d sty | d <- ds]
fcat ds sty = Pretty.fcat [d sty | d <- ds]
-hang :: SDoc -> Int -> SDoc -> SDoc
+hang :: SDoc -- ^ The header
+ -> Int -- ^ Amount to indent the hung body
+ -> SDoc -- ^ The hung body, indented and placed below the header
+ -> SDoc
hang d1 n d2 sty = Pretty.hang (d1 sty) n (d2 sty)
-punctuate :: SDoc -> [SDoc] -> [SDoc]
+punctuate :: SDoc -- ^ The punctuation
+ -> [SDoc] -- ^ The list that will have punctuation added between every adjacent pair of elements
+ -> [SDoc] -- ^ Punctuated list
punctuate _ [] = []
punctuate p (d:ds) = go d ds
@@ -433,6 +468,7 @@ punctuate p (d:ds) = go d ds
+-- | Class designating that some type has an 'SDoc' representation
class Outputable a where
ppr :: a -> SDoc
@@ -494,30 +530,25 @@ instance Outputable FastString where
-- no double quotes or anything
%* *
\subsection{The @OutputableBndr@ class}
%* *
-When we print a binder, we often want to print its type too.
-The @OutputableBndr@ class encapsulates this idea.
-@BindingSite@ is used to tell the thing that prints binder what
-language construct is binding the identifier. This can be used
-to decide how much info to print.
+-- | 'BindingSite' is used to tell the thing that prints binder what
+-- language construct is binding the identifier. This can be used
+-- to decide how much info to print.
data BindingSite = LambdaBind | CaseBind | LetBind
+-- | When we print a binder, we often want to print its type too.
+-- The @OutputableBndr@ class encapsulates this idea.
class Outputable a => OutputableBndr a where
pprBndr :: BindingSite -> a -> SDoc
pprBndr _b x = ppr x
%* *
\subsection{Random printing helpers}
@@ -526,10 +557,13 @@ class Outputable a => OutputableBndr a where
-- We have 31-bit Chars and will simply use Show instances of Char and String.
+-- | Special combinator for showing character literals.
pprHsChar :: Char -> SDoc
pprHsChar c | c > '\x10ffff' = char '\\' <> text (show (fromIntegral (ord c) :: Word32))
| otherwise = text (show c)
+-- | Special combinator for showing string literals.
pprHsString :: FastString -> SDoc
pprHsString fs = text (show (unpackFS fs))
@@ -569,7 +603,6 @@ isOperator ppr_v
_ -> False
%* *
\subsection{Other helper functions}
@@ -577,17 +610,24 @@ isOperator ppr_v
-pprWithCommas :: (a -> SDoc) -> [a] -> SDoc
+pprWithCommas :: (a -> SDoc) -- ^ The pretty printing function to use
+ -> [a] -- ^ The things to be pretty printed
+ -> SDoc -- ^ 'SDoc' where the things have been pretty printed,
+ -- comma-separated and finally packed into a paragraph.
pprWithCommas pp xs = fsep (punctuate comma (map pp xs))
+-- | Returns the seperated concatenation of the pretty printed things.
interppSP :: Outputable a => [a] -> SDoc
interppSP xs = sep (map ppr xs)
+-- | Returns the comma-seperated concatenation of the pretty printed things.
interpp'SP :: Outputable a => [a] -> SDoc
interpp'SP xs = sep (punctuate comma (map ppr xs))
+-- | Returns the comma-seperated concatenation of the quoted pretty printed things.
+-- > [x,y,z] ==> `x', `y', `z'
pprQuotedList :: Outputable a => [a] -> SDoc
--- [x,y,z] ==> `x', `y', `z'
pprQuotedList xs = hsep (punctuate comma (map (quotes . ppr) xs))
@@ -598,10 +638,12 @@ pprQuotedList xs = hsep (punctuate comma (map (quotes . ppr) xs))
%* *
-@speakNth@ converts an integer to a verbal index; eg 1 maps to
-``first'' etc.
+-- | Converts an integer to a verbal index:
+-- > speakNth 1 = text "first"
+-- > speakNth 5 = text "fifth"
+-- > speakNth 21 = text "21st"
speakNth :: Int -> SDoc
speakNth 1 = ptext (sLit "first")
speakNth 2 = ptext (sLit "second")
@@ -619,6 +661,11 @@ speakNth n = hcat [ int n, text suffix ]
last_dig = n `rem` 10
+-- | Converts an integer to a verbal multiplicity:
+-- > speakN 0 = text "none"
+-- > speakN 5 = text "five"
+-- > speakN 10 = text "10"
speakN :: Int -> SDoc
speakN 0 = ptext (sLit "none") -- E.g. "he has none"
speakN 1 = ptext (sLit "one") -- E.g. "he has one"
@@ -629,16 +676,32 @@ speakN 5 = ptext (sLit "five")
speakN 6 = ptext (sLit "six")
speakN n = int n
+-- | Converts an integer and object description to a statement about the
+-- multiplicity of those objects:
+-- > speakNOf 0 (text "melon") = text "no melons"
+-- > speakNOf 1 (text "melon") = text "one melon"
+-- > speakNOf 3 (text "melon") = text "three melons"
speakNOf :: Int -> SDoc -> SDoc
-speakNOf 0 d = ptext (sLit "no") <+> d <> char 's' -- E.g. "no arguments"
+speakNOf 0 d = ptext (sLit "no") <+> d <> char 's'
speakNOf 1 d = ptext (sLit "one") <+> d -- E.g. "one argument"
speakNOf n d = speakN n <+> d <> char 's' -- E.g. "three arguments"
+-- | Converts a strictly positive integer into a number of times:
+-- > speakNTimes 1 = text "once"
+-- > speakNTimes 2 = text "twice"
+-- > speakNTimes 4 = text "4 times"
speakNTimes :: Int {- >=1 -} -> SDoc
speakNTimes t | t == 1 = ptext (sLit "once")
| t == 2 = ptext (sLit "twice")
| otherwise = speakN t <+> ptext (sLit "times")
+-- | Determines the pluralisation suffix appropriate for the length of a list:
+-- > plural [] = char 's'
+-- > plural ["Hello"] = empty
+-- > plural ["Hello", "World"] = char 's'
plural :: [a] -> SDoc
plural [_] = empty -- a bit frightening, but there you are
plural _ = char 's'
@@ -652,17 +715,23 @@ plural _ = char 's'
-pprPanic, pprPgmError :: String -> SDoc -> a
+pprPanic :: String -> SDoc -> a
+-- ^ Throw an exception saying "bug in GHC"
+pprPgmError :: String -> SDoc -> a
+-- ^ Throw an exception saying "bug in pgm being compiled" (used for unusual program errors)
pprTrace :: String -> SDoc -> a -> a
-pprPanic = pprAndThen panic -- Throw an exn saying "bug in GHC"
+-- ^ If debug output is on, show some 'SDoc' on the screen
+pprPanic = pprAndThen panic
+pprPgmError = pprAndThen pgmError
-pprPgmError = pprAndThen pgmError -- Throw an exn saying "bug in pgm being compiled"
- -- (used for unusual pgm errors)
pprTrace str doc x
| opt_NoDebugOutput = x
| otherwise = pprAndThen trace str doc x
pprPanicFastInt :: String -> SDoc -> FastInt
+-- ^ Specialization of pprPanic that can be safely used with 'FastInt'
pprPanicFastInt heading pretty_msg = panicFastInt (show (doc PprDebug))
doc = text heading <+> pretty_msg
@@ -673,6 +742,8 @@ pprAndThen cont heading pretty_msg = cont (show (doc PprDebug))
doc = sep [text heading, nest 4 pretty_msg]
assertPprPanic :: String -> Int -> SDoc -> a
+-- ^ Panic with an assertation failure, recording the given file and line number.
+-- Should typically be accessed with the ASSERT family of macros
assertPprPanic file line msg
= panic (show (doc PprDebug))
@@ -682,6 +753,8 @@ assertPprPanic file line msg
warnPprTrace :: Bool -> String -> Int -> SDoc -> a -> a
+-- ^ Just warn about an assertion failure, recording the given file and line number.
+-- Should typically be accessed with the WARN macros
warnPprTrace _ _file _line _msg x | opt_NoDebugOutput = x
warnPprTrace False _file _line _msg x = x
warnPprTrace True file line msg x