path: root/compiler/main/Ar.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/main/Ar.hs')
1 files changed, 258 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/main/Ar.hs b/compiler/main/Ar.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3b50f39dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/Ar.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, CPP #-}
+{- Note: [The need for Ar.hs]
+Building `-staticlib` required the presence of libtool, and was a such
+restricted to mach-o only. As libtool on macOS and gnu libtool are very
+different, there was no simple portable way to support this.
+libtool for static archives does essentially: concatinate the input archives,
+add the input objects, and create a symbol index. Using `ar` for this task
+fails as even `ar` (bsd and gnu, llvm, ...) do not provide the same
+features across platforms (e.g. index prefixed retrieval of objects with
+the same name.)
+As Archives are rather simple structurally, we can just build the archives
+with Haskell directly and use ranlib on the final result to get the symbol
+index. This should allow us to work around with the differences/abailability
+of libtool across differet platforms.
+module Ar
+ (ArchiveEntry(..)
+ ,Archive(..)
+ ,afilter
+ ,parseAr
+ ,loadAr
+ ,loadObj
+ ,writeBSDAr
+ ,writeGNUAr
+ ,isBSDSymdef
+ ,isGNUSymdef
+ )
+ where
+import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup)
+import Data.List (mapAccumL, isPrefixOf)
+import Data.Monoid ((<>))
+import Data.Binary.Get
+import Data.Binary.Put
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Applicative
+import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
+#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
+import qualified System.Posix.Files as POSIX
+import System.FilePath (takeFileName)
+data ArchiveEntry = ArchiveEntry
+ { filename :: String -- ^ File name.
+ , filetime :: Int -- ^ File modification time.
+ , fileown :: Int -- ^ File owner.
+ , filegrp :: Int -- ^ File group.
+ , filemode :: Int -- ^ File mode.
+ , filesize :: Int -- ^ File size.
+ , filedata :: B.ByteString -- ^ File bytes.
+ } deriving (Eq, Show)
+newtype Archive = Archive [ArchiveEntry]
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Semigroup, Monoid)
+afilter :: (ArchiveEntry -> Bool) -> Archive -> Archive
+afilter f (Archive xs) = Archive (filter f xs)
+isBSDSymdef, isGNUSymdef :: ArchiveEntry -> Bool
+isBSDSymdef a = "__.SYMDEF" `isPrefixOf` (filename a)
+isGNUSymdef a = "/" == (filename a)
+-- | Archives have numeric values padded with '\x20' to the right.
+getPaddedInt :: B.ByteString -> Int
+getPaddedInt = read . C.unpack . C.takeWhile (/= '\x20')
+putPaddedInt :: Int -> Int -> Put
+putPaddedInt padding i = putPaddedString '\x20' padding (show i)
+putPaddedString :: Char -> Int -> String -> Put
+putPaddedString pad padding s = putByteString . C.pack . take padding $ s `mappend` (repeat pad)
+getBSDArchEntries :: Get [ArchiveEntry]
+getBSDArchEntries = do
+ empty <- isEmpty
+ if empty then
+ return []
+ else do
+ name <- getByteString 16
+ when ('/' `C.elem` name && C.take 3 name /= "#1/") $
+ fail "Looks like GNU Archive"
+ time <- getPaddedInt <$> getByteString 12
+ own <- getPaddedInt <$> getByteString 6
+ grp <- getPaddedInt <$> getByteString 6
+ mode <- getPaddedInt <$> getByteString 8
+ st_size <- getPaddedInt <$> getByteString 10
+ end <- getByteString 2
+ when (end /= "\x60\x0a") $
+ fail "Invalid archive header end marker"
+ off1 <- liftM fromIntegral bytesRead :: Get Int
+ -- BSD stores extended filenames, by writing #1/<length> into the
+ -- name field, the first @length@ bytes then represent the file name
+ -- thus the payload size is filesize + file name length.
+ name <- if C.unpack (C.take 3 name) == "#1/" then
+ liftM (C.unpack . C.takeWhile (/= '\0')) (getByteString $ read $ C.unpack $ C.drop 3 name)
+ else
+ return $ C.unpack $ C.takeWhile (/= ' ') name
+ off2 <- liftM fromIntegral bytesRead :: Get Int
+ file <- getByteString (st_size - (off2 - off1))
+ rest <- getBSDArchEntries
+ return $ (ArchiveEntry name time own grp mode (st_size - (off2 - off1)) file) : rest
+-- | GNU Archives feature a special '//' entry that contains the
+-- extended names. Those are referred to as /<num>, where num is the
+-- offset into the '//' entry.
+-- In addition, filenames are terminated with '/' in the archive.
+getGNUArchEntries :: Maybe ArchiveEntry -> Get [ArchiveEntry]
+getGNUArchEntries extInfo = do
+ empty <- isEmpty
+ if empty
+ then return []
+ else
+ do
+ name <- getByteString 16
+ time <- getPaddedInt <$> getByteString 12
+ own <- getPaddedInt <$> getByteString 6
+ grp <- getPaddedInt <$> getByteString 6
+ mode <- getPaddedInt <$> getByteString 8
+ st_size <- getPaddedInt <$> getByteString 10
+ end <- getByteString 2
+ when (end /= "\x60\x0a") $
+ fail "Invalid archive header end marker"
+ file <- getByteString st_size
+ name <- return . C.unpack $
+ if C.unpack (C.take 1 name) == "/"
+ then case C.takeWhile (/= ' ') name of
+ name@"/" -> name -- symbol table
+ name@"//" -> name -- extendedn file names table
+ name -> getExtName extInfo (read . C.unpack $ C.drop 1 name)
+ else C.takeWhile (/= '/') name
+ case name of
+ "/" -> getGNUArchEntries extInfo
+ "//" -> getGNUArchEntries (Just (ArchiveEntry name time own grp mode st_size file))
+ _ -> (ArchiveEntry name time own grp mode st_size file :) <$> getGNUArchEntries extInfo
+ where
+ getExtName :: Maybe ArchiveEntry -> Int -> B.ByteString
+ getExtName Nothing _ = error "Invalid extended filename reference."
+ getExtName (Just info) offset = C.takeWhile (/= '/') . C.drop offset $ filedata info
+-- | put an Archive Entry. This assumes that the entries
+-- have been preprocessed to account for the extenden file name
+-- table section "//" e.g. for GNU Archives. Or that the names
+-- have been move into the payload for BSD Archives.
+putArchEntry :: ArchiveEntry -> PutM ()
+putArchEntry (ArchiveEntry name time own grp mode st_size file) = do
+ putPaddedString ' ' 16 name
+ putPaddedInt 12 time
+ putPaddedInt 6 own
+ putPaddedInt 6 grp
+ putPaddedInt 8 mode
+ putPaddedInt 10 (st_size + pad)
+ putByteString "\x60\x0a"
+ putByteString file
+ when (pad == 1) $
+ putWord8 0x0a
+ where
+ pad = st_size `mod` 2
+getArchMagic :: Get ()
+getArchMagic = do
+ magic <- liftM C.unpack $ getByteString 8
+ if magic /= "!<arch>\n"
+ then fail $ "Invalid magic number " ++ show magic
+ else return ()
+putArchMagic :: Put
+putArchMagic = putByteString $ C.pack "!<arch>\n"
+getArch :: Get Archive
+getArch = Archive <$> do
+ getArchMagic
+ getBSDArchEntries <|> getGNUArchEntries Nothing
+putBSDArch :: Archive -> PutM ()
+putBSDArch (Archive as) = do
+ putArchMagic
+ mapM_ putArchEntry (processEntries as)
+ where
+ padStr pad size str = take size $ str <> repeat pad
+ nameSize name = case length name `divMod` 4 of
+ (n, 0) -> 4 * n
+ (n, _) -> 4 * (n + 1)
+ needExt name = length name > 16 || ' ' `elem` name
+ processEntry :: ArchiveEntry -> ArchiveEntry
+ processEntry archive@(ArchiveEntry name _ _ _ _ st_size _)
+ | needExt name = archive { filename = "#1/" <> show sz
+ , filedata = C.pack (padStr '\0' sz name) <> filedata archive
+ , filesize = st_size + sz }
+ | otherwise = archive
+ where sz = nameSize name
+ processEntries = map processEntry
+putGNUArch :: Archive -> PutM ()
+putGNUArch (Archive as) = do
+ putArchMagic
+ mapM_ putArchEntry (processEntries as)
+ where
+ processEntry :: ArchiveEntry -> ArchiveEntry -> (ArchiveEntry, ArchiveEntry)
+ processEntry extInfo archive@(ArchiveEntry name _ _ _ _ _ _)
+ | length name > 15 = ( extInfo { filesize = filesize extInfo + length name + 2
+ , filedata = filedata extInfo <> C.pack name <> "/\n" }
+ , archive { filename = "/" <> show (filesize extInfo) } )
+ | otherwise = ( extInfo, archive { filename = name <> "/" } )
+ processEntries :: [ArchiveEntry] -> [ArchiveEntry]
+ processEntries =
+ uncurry (:) . mapAccumL processEntry (ArchiveEntry "//" 0 0 0 0 0 mempty)
+parseAr :: B.ByteString -> Archive
+parseAr = runGet getArch . L.fromChunks . pure
+writeBSDAr, writeGNUAr :: FilePath -> Archive -> IO ()
+writeBSDAr fp = L.writeFile fp . runPut . putBSDArch
+writeGNUAr fp = L.writeFile fp . runPut . putGNUArch
+loadAr :: FilePath -> IO Archive
+loadAr fp = parseAr <$> B.readFile fp
+loadObj :: FilePath -> IO ArchiveEntry
+loadObj fp = do
+ payload <- B.readFile fp
+ (modt, own, grp, mode) <- fileInfo fp
+ return $ ArchiveEntry
+ (takeFileName fp) modt own grp mode
+ (B.length payload) payload
+-- | Take a filePath and return (mod time, own, grp, mode in decimal)
+fileInfo :: FilePath -> IO ( Int, Int, Int, Int) -- ^ mod time, own, grp, mode (in decimal)
+#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
+-- on windows mod time, owner group and mode are zero.
+fileInfo _ = pure (0,0,0,0)
+fileInfo fp = go <$> POSIX.getFileStatus fp
+ where go status = ( fromEnum $ POSIX.modificationTime status
+ , fromIntegral $ POSIX.fileOwner status
+ , fromIntegral $ POSIX.fileGroup status
+ , oct2dec . fromIntegral $ POSIX.fileMode status
+ )
+oct2dec :: Int -> Int
+oct2dec = foldl (\a b -> a * 10 + b) 0 . reverse . dec 8
+ where dec _ 0 = []
+ dec b i = let (rest, last) = i `quotRem` b
+ in last:dec b rest