path: root/libraries/base/Data/Bifoldable.hs
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authorJulien Debon <>2020-03-23 00:58:41 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2020-05-08 15:29:28 -0400
commit78bf8bf967551f8667b766328504cfbd24df9bfb (patch)
treec3294380369e3096aad5486a42e8bd126cbce8dc /libraries/base/Data/Bifoldable.hs
parent6f6d72b2c382860a5f7a08779b2405da8473814c (diff)
Add doc examples for Bifoldable
See #17929
Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/base/Data/Bifoldable.hs')
1 files changed, 581 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/base/Data/Bifoldable.hs b/libraries/base/Data/Bifoldable.hs
index 918ddd236c..b8c3ad4d75 100644
--- a/libraries/base/Data/Bifoldable.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/Data/Bifoldable.hs
@@ -66,6 +66,15 @@ import GHC.Generics (K1(..))
-- > instance Bifoldable (,) where
-- > bifoldr f g z (a, b) = f a (g b z)
+-- Some examples below also use the following BiList to showcase empty
+-- Bifoldable behaviors when relevant ('Either' and '(,)' containing always exactly
+-- resp. 1 and 2 elements):
+-- > data BiList a b = BiList [a] [b]
+-- >
+-- > instance Bifoldable BiList where
+-- > bifoldr f g z (BiList as bs) = foldr f (foldr g z bs) as
-- A minimal 'Bifoldable' definition consists of either 'bifoldMap' or
-- 'bifoldr'. When defining more than this minimal set, one should ensure
-- that the following identities hold:
@@ -96,6 +105,25 @@ class Bifoldable p where
-- @'bifold' ≡ 'bifoldMap' 'id' 'id'@
+ -- ==== __Examples__
+ --
+ -- Basic usage:
+ --
+ -- >>> bifold (Right [1, 2, 3])
+ -- [1,2,3]
+ --
+ -- >>> bifold (Left [5, 6])
+ -- [5,6]
+ --
+ -- >>> bifold ([1, 2, 3], [4, 5])
+ -- [1,2,3,4,5]
+ --
+ -- >>> bifold (Product 6, Product 7)
+ -- Product {getProduct = 42}
+ --
+ -- >>> bifold (Sum 6, Sum 7)
+ -- Sum {getSum = 13}
+ --
-- @since
bifold :: Monoid m => p m m -> m
bifold = bifoldMap id id
@@ -103,8 +131,20 @@ class Bifoldable p where
-- | Combines the elements of a structure, given ways of mapping them to a
-- common monoid.
- -- @'bifoldMap' f g
- -- ≡ 'bifoldr' ('mappend' . f) ('mappend' . g) 'mempty'@
+ -- @'bifoldMap' f g ≡ 'bifoldr' ('mappend' . f) ('mappend' . g) 'mempty'@
+ --
+ -- ==== __Examples__
+ --
+ -- Basic usage:
+ --
+ -- >>> bifoldMap (take 3) (fmap digitToInt) ([1..], "89")
+ -- [1,2,3,8,9]
+ --
+ -- >>> bifoldMap (take 3) (fmap digitToInt) (Left [1..])
+ -- [1,2,3]
+ --
+ -- >>> bifoldMap (take 3) (fmap digitToInt) (Right "89")
+ -- [8,9]
-- @since
bifoldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> (b -> m) -> p a b -> m
@@ -117,6 +157,24 @@ class Bifoldable p where
-- @'bifoldr' f g z ≡ 'foldr' ('either' f g) z . toEitherList@
+ -- ==== __Examples__
+ --
+ -- Basic usage:
+ --
+ -- @
+ -- > bifoldr (+) (*) 3 (5, 7)
+ -- 26 -- 5 + (7 * 3)
+ --
+ -- > bifoldr (+) (*) 3 (7, 5)
+ -- 22 -- 7 + (5 * 3)
+ --
+ -- > bifoldr (+) (*) 3 (Right 5)
+ -- 15 -- 5 * 3
+ --
+ -- > bifoldr (+) (*) 3 (Left 5)
+ -- 8 -- 5 + 3
+ -- @
+ --
-- @since
bifoldr :: (a -> c -> c) -> (b -> c -> c) -> c -> p a b -> c
bifoldr f g z t = appEndo (bifoldMap (Endo #. f) (Endo #. g) t) z
@@ -133,6 +191,24 @@ class Bifoldable p where
-- force the "inner" results, resulting in a thunk chain which then must be
-- evaluated from the outside-in.
+ -- ==== __Examples__
+ --
+ -- Basic usage:
+ --
+ -- @
+ -- > bifoldl (+) (*) 3 (5, 7)
+ -- 56 -- (5 + 3) * 7
+ --
+ -- > bifoldl (+) (*) 3 (7, 5)
+ -- 50 -- (7 + 3) * 5
+ --
+ -- > bifoldl (+) (*) 3 (Right 5)
+ -- 15 -- 5 * 3
+ --
+ -- > bifoldl (+) (*) 3 (Left 5)
+ -- 8 -- 5 + 3
+ -- @
+ --
-- @since
bifoldl :: (c -> a -> c) -> (c -> b -> c) -> c -> p a b -> c
bifoldl f g z t = appEndo (getDual (bifoldMap (Dual . Endo . flip f)
@@ -187,6 +263,32 @@ bifoldr' f g z0 xs = bifoldl f' g' id xs z0 where
-- | A variant of 'bifoldr' that has no base case,
-- and thus may only be applied to non-empty structures.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- Basic usage:
+-- >>> bifoldr1 (+) (5, 7)
+-- 12
+-- >>> bifoldr1 (+) (Right 7)
+-- 7
+-- >>> bifoldr1 (+) (Left 5)
+-- 5
+-- @
+-- > bifoldr1 (+) (BiList [1, 2] [3, 4])
+-- 10 -- 1 + (2 + (3 + 4))
+-- @
+-- >>> bifoldr1 (+) (BiList [1, 2] [])
+-- 3
+-- On empty structures, this function throws an exception:
+-- >>> bifoldr1 (+) (BiList [] [])
+-- *** Exception: bifoldr1: empty structure
-- @since
bifoldr1 :: Bifoldable t => (a -> a -> a) -> t a a -> a
bifoldr1 f xs = fromMaybe (error "bifoldr1: empty structure")
@@ -222,6 +324,32 @@ bifoldl' f g z0 xs = bifoldr f' g' id xs z0 where
-- | A variant of 'bifoldl' that has no base case,
-- and thus may only be applied to non-empty structures.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- Basic usage:
+-- >>> bifoldl1 (+) (5, 7)
+-- 12
+-- >>> bifoldl1 (+) (Right 7)
+-- 7
+-- >>> bifoldl1 (+) (Left 5)
+-- 5
+-- @
+-- > bifoldl1 (+) (BiList [1, 2] [3, 4])
+-- 10 -- ((1 + 2) + 3) + 4
+-- @
+-- >>> bifoldl1 (+) (BiList [1, 2] [])
+-- 3
+-- On empty structures, this function throws an exception:
+-- >>> bifoldl1 (+) (BiList [] [])
+-- *** Exception: bifoldl1: empty structure
-- @since
bifoldl1 :: Bifoldable t => (a -> a -> a) -> t a a -> a
bifoldl1 f xs = fromMaybe (error "bifoldl1: empty structure")
@@ -233,6 +361,23 @@ bifoldl1 f xs = fromMaybe (error "bifoldl1: empty structure")
-- | Left associative monadic bifold over a structure.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- Basic usage:
+-- >>> bifoldlM (\a b -> print b >> pure a) (\a c -> print (show c) >> pure a) 42 ("Hello", True)
+-- "Hello"
+-- "True"
+-- 42
+-- >>> bifoldlM (\a b -> print b >> pure a) (\a c -> print (show c) >> pure a) 42 (Right True)
+-- "True"
+-- 42
+-- >>> bifoldlM (\a b -> print b >> pure a) (\a c -> print (show c) >> pure a) 42 (Left "Hello")
+-- "Hello"
+-- 42
-- @since
bifoldlM :: (Bifoldable t, Monad m)
=> (a -> b -> m a) -> (a -> c -> m a) -> a -> t b c -> m a
@@ -244,6 +389,20 @@ bifoldlM f g z0 xs = bifoldr f' g' return xs z0 where
-- actions from left to right, and ignore the results. For a version that
-- doesn't ignore the results, see 'Data.Bitraversable.bitraverse'.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- Basic usage:
+-- >>> bitraverse_ print (print . show) ("Hello", True)
+-- "Hello"
+-- "True"
+-- >>> bitraverse_ print (print . show) (Right True)
+-- "True"
+-- >>> bitraverse_ print (print . show) (Left "Hello")
+-- "Hello"
-- @since
bitraverse_ :: (Bifoldable t, Applicative f)
=> (a -> f c) -> (b -> f d) -> t a b -> f ()
@@ -252,9 +411,19 @@ bitraverse_ f g = bifoldr ((*>) . f) ((*>) . g) (pure ())
-- | As 'bitraverse_', but with the structure as the primary argument. For a
-- version that doesn't ignore the results, see 'Data.Bitraversable.bifor'.
--- >>> > bifor_ ('a', "bc") print (print . reverse)
--- 'a'
--- "cb"
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- Basic usage:
+-- >>> bifor_ ("Hello", True) print (print . show)
+-- "Hello"
+-- "True"
+-- >>> bifor_ (Right True) print (print . show)
+-- "True"
+-- >>> bifor_ (Left "Hello") print (print . show)
+-- "Hello"
-- @since
bifor_ :: (Bifoldable t, Applicative f)
@@ -285,12 +454,42 @@ bisequenceA_ = bisequence_
-- results. For a version that doesn't ignore the results, see
-- 'Data.Bitraversable.bisequence'.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- Basic usage:
+-- >>> bisequence_ (print "Hello", print "World")
+-- "Hello"
+-- "World"
+-- >>> bisequence_ (Left (print "Hello"))
+-- "Hello"
+-- >>> bisequence_ (Right (print "World"))
+-- "World"
-- @since
bisequence_ :: (Bifoldable t, Applicative f) => t (f a) (f b) -> f ()
bisequence_ = bifoldr (*>) (*>) (pure ())
-- | The sum of a collection of actions, generalizing 'biconcat'.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- Basic usage:
+-- >>> biasum (Nothing, Nothing)
+-- Nothing
+-- >>> biasum (Nothing, Just 42)
+-- Just 42
+-- >>> biasum (Just 18, Nothing)
+-- Just 18
+-- >>> biasum (Just 18, Just 42)
+-- Just 18
-- @since
biasum :: (Bifoldable t, Alternative f) => t (f a) (f a) -> f a
biasum = bifoldr (<|>) (<|>) empty
@@ -303,36 +502,138 @@ bimsum = biasum
-- | Collects the list of elements of a structure, from left to right.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- Basic usage:
+-- >>> biList (18, 42)
+-- [18,42]
+-- >>> biList (Left 18)
+-- [18]
-- @since
biList :: Bifoldable t => t a a -> [a]
biList = bifoldr (:) (:) []
-- | Test whether the structure is empty.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- Basic usage:
+-- >>> binull (18, 42)
+-- False
+-- >>> binull (Right 42)
+-- False
+-- >>> binull (BiList [] [])
+-- True
-- @since
binull :: Bifoldable t => t a b -> Bool
binull = bifoldr (\_ _ -> False) (\_ _ -> False) True
-- | Returns the size/length of a finite structure as an 'Int'.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- Basic usage:
+-- >>> bilength (True, 42)
+-- 2
+-- >>> bilength (Right 42)
+-- 1
+-- >>> bilength (BiList [1,2,3] [4,5])
+-- 5
+-- >>> bilength (BiList [] [])
+-- 0
+-- On infinite structures, this function hangs:
+-- @
+-- > bilength (BiList [1..] [])
+-- * Hangs forever *
+-- @
-- @since
bilength :: Bifoldable t => t a b -> Int
bilength = bifoldl' (\c _ -> c+1) (\c _ -> c+1) 0
-- | Does the element occur in the structure?
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- Basic usage:
+-- >>> bielem 42 (17, 42)
+-- True
+-- >>> bielem 42 (17, 43)
+-- False
+-- >>> bielem 42 (Left 42)
+-- True
+-- >>> bielem 42 (Right 13)
+-- False
+-- >>> bielem 42 (BiList [1..5] [1..100])
+-- True
+-- >>> bielem 42 (BiList [1..5] [1..41])
+-- False
-- @since
bielem :: (Bifoldable t, Eq a) => a -> t a a -> Bool
bielem x = biany (== x) (== x)
-- | Reduces a structure of lists to the concatenation of those lists.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- Basic usage:
+-- >>> biconcat ([1, 2, 3], [4, 5])
+-- [1,2,3,4,5]
+-- >>> biconcat (Left [1, 2, 3])
+-- [1,2,3]
+-- >>> biconcat (BiList [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8]] [[9]])
+-- [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
-- @since
biconcat :: Bifoldable t => t [a] [a] -> [a]
biconcat = bifold
-- | The largest element of a non-empty structure.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- Basic usage:
+-- >>> bimaximum (42, 17)
+-- 42
+-- >>> bimaximum (Right 42)
+-- 42
+-- >>> bimaximum (BiList [13, 29, 4] [18, 1, 7])
+-- 29
+-- >>> bimaximum (BiList [13, 29, 4] [])
+-- 29
+-- On empty structures, this function throws an exception:
+-- >>> bimaximum (BiList [] [])
+-- *** Exception: bimaximum: empty structure
-- @since
bimaximum :: forall t a. (Bifoldable t, Ord a) => t a a -> a
bimaximum = fromMaybe (error "bimaximum: empty structure") .
@@ -341,6 +642,27 @@ bimaximum = fromMaybe (error "bimaximum: empty structure") .
-- | The least element of a non-empty structure.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- Basic usage:
+-- >>> biminimum (42, 17)
+-- 17
+-- >>> biminimum (Right 42)
+-- 42
+-- >>> biminimum (BiList [13, 29, 4] [18, 1, 7])
+-- 1
+-- >>> biminimum (BiList [13, 29, 4] [])
+-- 4
+-- On empty structures, this function throws an exception:
+-- >>> biminimum (BiList [] [])
+-- *** Exception: biminimum: empty structure
-- @since
biminimum :: forall t a. (Bifoldable t, Ord a) => t a a -> a
biminimum = fromMaybe (error "biminimum: empty structure") .
@@ -349,6 +671,25 @@ biminimum = fromMaybe (error "biminimum: empty structure") .
-- | The 'bisum' function computes the sum of the numbers of a structure.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- Basic usage:
+-- >>> bisum (42, 17)
+-- 59
+-- >>> bisum (Right 42)
+-- 42
+-- >>> bisum (BiList [13, 29, 4] [18, 1, 7])
+-- 72
+-- >>> bisum (BiList [13, 29, 4] [])
+-- 46
+-- >>> bisum (BiList [] [])
+-- 0
-- @since
bisum :: (Bifoldable t, Num a) => t a a -> a
bisum = getSum #. bifoldMap Sum Sum
@@ -356,6 +697,25 @@ bisum = getSum #. bifoldMap Sum Sum
-- | The 'biproduct' function computes the product of the numbers of a
-- structure.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- Basic usage:
+-- >>> biproduct (42, 17)
+-- 714
+-- >>> biproduct (Right 42)
+-- 42
+-- >>> biproduct (BiList [13, 29, 4] [18, 1, 7])
+-- 190008
+-- >>> biproduct (BiList [13, 29, 4] [])
+-- 1508
+-- >>> biproduct (BiList [] [])
+-- 1
-- @since
biproduct :: (Bifoldable t, Num a) => t a a -> a
biproduct = getProduct #. bifoldMap Product Product
@@ -363,6 +723,19 @@ biproduct = getProduct #. bifoldMap Product Product
-- | Given a means of mapping the elements of a structure to lists, computes the
-- concatenation of all such lists in order.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- Basic usage:
+-- >>> biconcatMap (take 3) (fmap digitToInt) ([1..], "89")
+-- [1,2,3,8,9]
+-- >>> biconcatMap (take 3) (fmap digitToInt) (Left [1..])
+-- [1,2,3]
+-- >>> biconcatMap (take 3) (fmap digitToInt) (Right "89")
+-- [8,9]
-- @since
biconcatMap :: Bifoldable t => (a -> [c]) -> (b -> [c]) -> t a b -> [c]
biconcatMap = bifoldMap
@@ -371,6 +744,43 @@ biconcatMap = bifoldMap
-- result to be 'True', the container must be finite; 'False', however,
-- results from a 'False' value finitely far from the left end.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- Basic usage:
+-- >>> biand (True, False)
+-- False
+-- >>> biand (True, True)
+-- True
+-- >>> biand (Left True)
+-- True
+-- Empty structures yield 'True':
+-- >>> biand (BiList [] [])
+-- True
+-- A 'False' value finitely far from the left end yields 'False' (short circuit):
+-- >>> biand (BiList [True, True, False, True] (repeat True))
+-- False
+-- A 'False' value infinitely far from the left end hangs:
+-- @
+-- > biand (BiList (repeat True) [False])
+-- * Hangs forever *
+-- @
+-- An infinitely 'True' value hangs:
+-- @
+-- > biand (BiList (repeat True) [])
+-- * Hangs forever *
+-- @
-- @since
biand :: Bifoldable t => t Bool Bool -> Bool
biand = getAll #. bifoldMap All All
@@ -379,19 +789,107 @@ biand = getAll #. bifoldMap All All
-- result to be 'False', the container must be finite; 'True', however,
-- results from a 'True' value finitely far from the left end.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- Basic usage:
+-- >>> bior (True, False)
+-- True
+-- >>> bior (False, False)
+-- False
+-- >>> bior (Left True)
+-- True
+-- Empty structures yield 'False':
+-- >>> bior (BiList [] [])
+-- False
+-- A 'True' value finitely far from the left end yields 'True' (short circuit):
+-- >>> bior (BiList [False, False, True, False] (repeat False))
+-- True
+-- A 'True' value infinitely far from the left end hangs:
+-- @
+-- > bior (BiList (repeat False) [True])
+-- * Hangs forever *
+-- @
+-- An infinitely 'False' value hangs:
+-- @
+-- > bior (BiList (repeat False) [])
+-- * Hangs forever *
+-- @
-- @since
bior :: Bifoldable t => t Bool Bool -> Bool
bior = getAny #. bifoldMap Any Any
-- | Determines whether any element of the structure satisfies its appropriate
--- predicate argument.
+-- predicate argument. Empty structures yield 'False'.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- Basic usage:
+-- >>> biany even isDigit (27, 't')
+-- False
+-- >>> biany even isDigit (27, '8')
+-- True
+-- >>> biany even isDigit (26, 't')
+-- True
+-- >>> biany even isDigit (Left 27)
+-- False
+-- >>> biany even isDigit (Left 26)
+-- True
+-- >>> biany even isDigit (BiList [27, 53] ['t', '8'])
+-- True
+-- Empty structures yield 'False':
+-- >>> biany even isDigit (BiList [] [])
+-- False
-- @since
biany :: Bifoldable t => (a -> Bool) -> (b -> Bool) -> t a b -> Bool
biany p q = getAny #. bifoldMap (Any . p) (Any . q)
-- | Determines whether all elements of the structure satisfy their appropriate
--- predicate argument.
+-- predicate argument. Empty structures yield 'True'.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- Basic usage:
+-- >>> biall even isDigit (27, 't')
+-- False
+-- >>> biall even isDigit (26, '8')
+-- True
+-- >>> biall even isDigit (Left 27)
+-- False
+-- >>> biall even isDigit (Left 26)
+-- True
+-- >>> biall even isDigit (BiList [26, 52] ['3', '8'])
+-- True
+-- Empty structures yield 'True':
+-- >>> biall even isDigit (BiList [] [])
+-- True
-- @since
biall :: Bifoldable t => (a -> Bool) -> (b -> Bool) -> t a b -> Bool
@@ -400,6 +898,24 @@ biall p q = getAll #. bifoldMap (All . p) (All . q)
-- | The largest element of a non-empty structure with respect to the
-- given comparison function.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- Basic usage:
+-- >>> bimaximumBy compare (42, 17)
+-- 42
+-- >>> bimaximumBy compare (Left 17)
+-- 17
+-- >>> bimaximumBy compare (BiList [42, 17, 23] [-5, 18])
+-- 42
+-- On empty structures, this function throws an exception:
+-- >>> bimaximumBy compare (BiList [] [])
+-- *** Exception: bifoldr1: empty structure
-- @since
bimaximumBy :: Bifoldable t => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> t a a -> a
bimaximumBy cmp = bifoldr1 max'
@@ -410,6 +926,24 @@ bimaximumBy cmp = bifoldr1 max'
-- | The least element of a non-empty structure with respect to the
-- given comparison function.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- Basic usage:
+-- >>> biminimumBy compare (42, 17)
+-- 17
+-- >>> biminimumBy compare (Left 17)
+-- 17
+-- >>> biminimumBy compare (BiList [42, 17, 23] [-5, 18])
+-- -5
+-- On empty structures, this function throws an exception:
+-- >>> biminimumBy compare (BiList [] [])
+-- *** Exception: bifoldr1: empty structure
-- @since
biminimumBy :: Bifoldable t => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> t a a -> a
biminimumBy cmp = bifoldr1 min'
@@ -419,6 +953,28 @@ biminimumBy cmp = bifoldr1 min'
-- | 'binotElem' is the negation of 'bielem'.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- Basic usage:
+-- >>> binotElem 42 (17, 42)
+-- False
+-- >>> binotElem 42 (17, 43)
+-- True
+-- >>> binotElem 42 (Left 42)
+-- False
+-- >>> binotElem 42 (Right 13)
+-- True
+-- >>> binotElem 42 (BiList [1..5] [1..100])
+-- False
+-- >>> binotElem 42 (BiList [1..5] [1..41])
+-- True
-- @since
binotElem :: (Bifoldable t, Eq a) => a -> t a a-> Bool
binotElem x = not . bielem x
@@ -427,6 +983,24 @@ binotElem x = not . bielem x
-- the leftmost element of the structure matching the predicate, or
-- 'Nothing' if there is no such element.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- Basic usage:
+-- >>> bifind even (27, 53)
+-- Nothing
+-- >>> bifind even (27, 52)
+-- Just 52
+-- >>> bifind even (26, 52)
+-- Just 26
+-- Empty structures always yield 'Nothing':
+-- >>> bifind even (BiList [] [])
+-- Nothing
-- @since
bifind :: Bifoldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a a -> Maybe a
bifind p = getFirst . bifoldMap finder finder