path: root/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
diff options
authorsimonpj <unknown>2001-01-25 17:47:14 +0000
committersimonpj <unknown>2001-01-25 17:47:14 +0000
commitab7fb945890d4a6895d83d60d44260772d3160d4 (patch)
tree243267d0b5fa3f9dfea6401cd8550d4c9ae8d84f /ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
parent85c5b32bf6e68f21d8a66abc94ef47ae0e853fae (diff)
[project @ 2001-01-25 17:47:12 by simonpj]
A big improvement to the way command-line expressions are typechecked. Now we don't wrap in "print" and hope for the best (the wrong "print" might be in scope). Instead we work on the renamed epxression and do the Right Thing by using the correct "print". Also do generalisation, so that we get the right type back from the :t command. WARNING: it's possible that these files overlap with my fortcoming Big Commit of typechecker stuff, so you may need to hang on for a few mins.
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs')
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
index af9ccc6e11..87eb777eca 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
@@ -44,14 +44,14 @@ import Name ( Name, NamedThing(..), getSrcLoc,
nameIsLocalOrFrom, nameOccName, nameModule,
import Name ( mkNameEnv, nameEnvElts, extendNameEnv )
-import RdrName ( elemRdrEnv, foldRdrEnv, isQual )
+import RdrName ( foldRdrEnv, isQual )
import OccName ( occNameFlavour )
import NameSet
import TysWiredIn ( unitTyCon, intTyCon, boolTyCon )
import PrelNames ( mAIN_Name, pREL_MAIN_Name, pRELUDE_Name,
- ioTyCon_RDR, main_RDR_Unqual,
- unpackCString_RDR, unpackCStringFoldr_RDR, unpackCStringUtf8_RDR,
- eqString_RDR
+ ioTyConName, printName,
+ unpackCStringName, unpackCStringFoldrName, unpackCStringUtf8Name,
+ eqStringName
import PrelInfo ( derivingOccurrences )
import Type ( funTyCon )
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ import Bag ( bagToList )
import FiniteMap ( FiniteMap, fmToList, emptyFM, lookupFM,
addToFM_C, elemFM, addToFM
-import UniqFM ( lookupUFM )
+import UniqFM ( lookupWithDefaultUFM )
import Maybes ( maybeToBool, catMaybes )
import Outputable
import IO ( openFile, IOMode(..) )
@@ -136,14 +136,18 @@ renameExpr dflags hit hst pcs this_module expr
returnRn Nothing
- lookupOrigNames implicit_occs `thenRn` \ implicit_names ->
- slurpImpDecls (fvs `plusFV` implicit_names) `thenRn` \ decls ->
+ let
+ implicit_fvs = fvs `plusFV` string_names
+ `plusFV` default_tycon_names
+ `plusFV` unitFV printName
+ -- print :: a -> IO () may be needed later
+ in
+ slurpImpDecls (fvs `plusFV` implicit_fvs) `thenRn` \ decls ->
doDump e decls `thenRn_`
returnRn (Just (print_unqual, (e, decls)))
- implicit_occs = string_occs
doc = text "context for compiling expression"
doDump :: RenamedHsExpr -> [RenamedHsDecl] -> RnMG (Either IOError ())
@@ -222,9 +226,6 @@ rename this_module contents@(HsModule _ _ exports imports local_decls mod_deprec
rnSourceDecls gbl_env local_fixity_env local_decls `thenRn` \ (rn_local_decls, source_fvs) ->
- checkMain this_module local_gbl_env `thenRn_`
-- We exit here if there are any errors in the source, *before*
-- we attempt to slurp the decls from the interfaces, otherwise
@@ -294,57 +295,40 @@ rename this_module contents@(HsModule _ _ exports imports local_decls mod_deprec
mod_name = moduleName this_module
-Checking that main is defined
-checkMain :: Module -> GlobalRdrEnv -> RnMG ()
-checkMain this_mod local_env
- | moduleName this_mod == mAIN_Name
- = checkRn (main_RDR_Unqual `elemRdrEnv` local_env) noMainErr
- | otherwise
- = returnRn ()
@implicitFVs@ forces the renamer to slurp in some things which aren't
mentioned explicitly, but which might be needed by the type checker.
implicitFVs mod_name decls
- = lookupOrigNames implicit_occs `thenRn` \ implicit_names ->
- returnRn (mkNameSet (map getName default_tycons) `plusFV`
- implicit_names)
+ = lookupOrigNames deriv_occs `thenRn` \ deriving_names ->
+ returnRn (default_tycon_names `plusFV`
+ string_names `plusFV`
+ deriving_names `plusFV`
+ implicit_main)
- -- Add occurrences for Int, and (), because they
- -- are the types to which ambigious type variables may be defaulted by
- -- the type checker; so they won't always appear explicitly.
- -- [The () one is a GHC extension for defaulting CCall results.]
- -- ALSO: funTyCon, since it occurs implicitly everywhere!
- -- (we don't want to be bothered with making funTyCon a
- -- free var at every function application!)
- -- Double is dealt with separately in getGates
- default_tycons = [unitTyCon, funTyCon, boolTyCon, intTyCon]
-- Add occurrences for IO or PrimIO
implicit_main | mod_name == mAIN_Name
- || mod_name == pREL_MAIN_Name = [ioTyCon_RDR]
- | otherwise = []
+ || mod_name == pREL_MAIN_Name = unitFV ioTyConName
+ | otherwise = emptyFVs
- -- Now add extra "occurrences" for things that
- -- the deriving mechanism, or defaulting, will later need in order to
- -- generate code
- implicit_occs = string_occs ++ foldr ((++) . get) implicit_main decls
- get (TyClD (TyData {tcdDerivs = Just deriv_classes})) = concat (map get_deriv deriv_classes)
- get other = []
- get_deriv cls = case lookupUFM derivingOccurrences cls of
- Nothing -> []
- Just occs -> occs
+ deriv_occs = [occ | TyClD (TyData {tcdDerivs = Just deriv_classes}) <- decls,
+ cls <- deriv_classes,
+ occ <- lookupWithDefaultUFM derivingOccurrences [] cls ]
-- Virtually every program has error messages in it somewhere
-string_occs = [unpackCString_RDR, unpackCStringFoldr_RDR,
- unpackCStringUtf8_RDR, eqString_RDR]
+string_names = mkFVs [unpackCStringName, unpackCStringFoldrName,
+ unpackCStringUtf8Name, eqStringName]
+-- Add occurrences for Int, and (), because they
+-- are the types to which ambigious type variables may be defaulted by
+-- the type checker; so they won't always appear explicitly.
+-- [The () one is a GHC extension for defaulting CCall results.]
+-- ALSO: funTyCon, since it occurs implicitly everywhere!
+-- (we don't want to be bothered with making funTyCon a
+-- free var at every function application!)
+-- Double is dealt with separately in getGates
+default_tycon_names = mkFVs (map getName [unitTyCon, funTyCon, boolTyCon, intTyCon])
@@ -611,16 +595,15 @@ closeIfaceDecls dflags hit hst pcs
local_names = foldl add emptyNameSet tycl_decls
add names decl = addListToNameSet names (map fst (tyClDeclSysNames decl ++ tyClDeclNames decl))
- -- Record that we have now got declarations for local_names
recordLocalSlurps local_names `thenRn_`
-- Do the transitive closure
- lookupOrigNames implicit_occs `thenRn` \ implicit_names ->
- closeDecls decls (needed `plusFV` implicit_names) `thenRn` \closed_decls ->
+ closeDecls decls (needed `plusFV` implicit_fvs) `thenRn` \closed_decls ->
rnDump [] closed_decls `thenRn_`
returnRn closed_decls
- implicit_occs = string_occs -- Data type decls with record selectors,
+ implicit_fvs = string_names -- Data type decls with record selectors,
-- which may appear in the decls, need unpackCString
-- and friends. It's easier to just grab them right now.
@@ -920,10 +903,6 @@ dupFixityDecl rdr_name loc1 loc2
badDeprec d
= sep [ptext SLIT("Illegal deprecation when whole module is deprecated"),
nest 4 (ppr d)]
- = hsep [ptext SLIT("Module"), quotes (ppr mAIN_Name),
- ptext SLIT("must include a definition for"), quotes (ptext SLIT("main"))]