path: root/compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext
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authorAlan Zimmerman <>2021-02-21 21:23:40 +0000
committerMarge Bot <>2021-03-20 07:48:38 -0400
commit95275a5f25a2e70b71240d4756109180486af1b1 (patch)
treeeb4801bb0e00098b8b9d513479de4fbbd779ddac /compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext
parentf940fd466a86c2f8e93237b36835797be3f3c898 (diff)
GHC Exactprint main commit
Metric Increase: T10370 parsing001 Updates haddock submodule
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext')
2 files changed, 318 insertions, 215 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Ast.hs b/compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Ast.hs
index 4c75399ee0..6f894dfc1a 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Ast.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Ast.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ import GHC.Types.Avail ( Avails )
import GHC.Data.Bag ( Bag, bagToList )
import GHC.Types.Basic
import GHC.Data.BooleanFormula
-import GHC.Core.Class ( FunDep, className, classSCSelIds )
+import GHC.Core.Class ( className, classSCSelIds )
import GHC.Core.Utils ( exprType )
import GHC.Core.ConLike ( conLikeName, ConLike(RealDataCon) )
import GHC.Core.TyCon ( TyCon, tyConClass_maybe )
@@ -348,10 +349,12 @@ enrichHie ts (hsGrp, imports, exports, _) ev_bs insts tcs =
modulify (HiePath file) xs' = do
- top_ev_asts <-
+ top_ev_asts :: [HieAST Type] <- do
+ let
+ l :: SrcSpanAnnA
+ l = noAnnSrcSpan (RealSrcSpan (realSrcLocSpan $ mkRealSrcLoc file 1 1) Nothing)
toHie $ EvBindContext ModuleScope Nothing
- $ L (RealSrcSpan (realSrcLocSpan $ mkRealSrcLoc file 1 1) Nothing)
- $ EvBinds ev_bs
+ $ L l (EvBinds ev_bs)
(uloc_evs,more_ev_asts) <- getUnlocatedEvBinds file
@@ -390,12 +393,17 @@ enrichHie ts (hsGrp, imports, exports, _) ev_bs insts tcs =
, toHie $ hs_ruleds grp
+getRealSpanA :: SrcSpanAnn' ann -> Maybe Span
+getRealSpanA la = getRealSpan (locA la)
getRealSpan :: SrcSpan -> Maybe Span
getRealSpan (RealSrcSpan sp _) = Just sp
getRealSpan _ = Nothing
-grhss_span :: GRHSs (GhcPass p) body -> SrcSpan
-grhss_span (GRHSs _ xs bs) = foldl' combineSrcSpans (getLoc bs) (map getLoc xs)
+grhss_span :: (Anno (GRHS (GhcPass p) (LocatedA (body (GhcPass p)))) ~ SrcSpan
+ , Data (HsLocalBinds (GhcPass p)))
+ => GRHSs (GhcPass p) (LocatedA (body (GhcPass p))) -> SrcSpan
+grhss_span (GRHSs _ xs bs) = foldl' combineSrcSpans (spanHsLocaLBinds bs) (map getLoc xs)
bindingsOnly :: [Context Name] -> HieM [HieAST a]
bindingsOnly [] = pure []
@@ -468,13 +476,13 @@ data TVScoped a = TVS TyVarScope Scope a -- TyVarScope
-- things to its right, ala RScoped
-- | Each element scopes over the elements to the right
-listScopes :: Scope -> [Located a] -> [RScoped (Located a)]
+listScopes :: Scope -> [LocatedA a] -> [RScoped (LocatedA a)]
listScopes _ [] = []
listScopes rhsScope [pat] = [RS rhsScope pat]
listScopes rhsScope (pat : pats) = RS sc pat : pats'
pats'@((RS scope p):_) = listScopes rhsScope pats
- sc = combineScopes scope $ mkScope $ getLoc p
+ sc = combineScopes scope $ mkScope $ getLocA p
-- | 'listScopes' specialised to 'PScoped' things
@@ -536,11 +544,17 @@ instance HasLoc thing => HasLoc (PScoped thing) where
instance HasLoc (Located a) where
loc (L l _) = l
+instance HasLoc (LocatedA a) where
+ loc (L la _) = locA la
+instance HasLoc (LocatedN a) where
+ loc (L la _) = locA la
instance HasLoc a => HasLoc [a] where
loc [] = noSrcSpan
loc xs = foldl1' combineSrcSpans $ map loc xs
-instance HasLoc a => HasLoc (FamEqn (GhcPass s) a) where
+instance (HasLoc a, HiePass p) => HasLoc (FamEqn (GhcPass p) a) where
loc (FamEqn _ a outer_bndrs b _ c) = case outer_bndrs of
HsOuterImplicit{} ->
foldl1' combineSrcSpans [loc a, loc b, loc c]
@@ -587,6 +601,12 @@ instance ToHie (IEContext (Located ModuleName)) where
idents = M.singleton (Left mname) details
toHie _ = pure []
+instance ToHie (Context (Located a)) => ToHie (Context (LocatedN a)) where
+ toHie (C c (L l a)) = toHie (C c (L (locA l) a))
+instance ToHie (Context (Located a)) => ToHie (Context (LocatedA a)) where
+ toHie (C c (L l a)) = toHie (C c (L (locA l) a))
instance ToHie (Context (Located Var)) where
toHie c = case c of
C context (L (RealSrcSpan span _) name')
@@ -645,7 +665,7 @@ evVarsOfTermList (EvTypeable _ ev) =
EvTypeableTyLit e -> evVarsOfTermList e
evVarsOfTermList (EvFun{}) = []
-instance ToHie (EvBindContext (Located TcEvBinds)) where
+instance ToHie (EvBindContext (LocatedA TcEvBinds)) where
toHie (EvBindContext sc sp (L span (EvBinds bs)))
= concatMapM go $ bagToList bs
@@ -653,40 +673,40 @@ instance ToHie (EvBindContext (Located TcEvBinds)) where
let evDeps = evVarsOfTermList $ eb_rhs evbind
depNames = EvBindDeps $ map varName evDeps
concatM $
- [ toHie (C (EvidenceVarBind (EvLetBind depNames) (combineScopes sc (mkScope span)) sp)
+ [ toHie (C (EvidenceVarBind (EvLetBind depNames) (combineScopes sc (mkScopeA span)) sp)
(L span $ eb_lhs evbind))
, toHie $ map (C EvidenceVarUse . L span) $ evDeps
toHie _ = pure []
-instance ToHie (Located HsWrapper) where
+instance ToHie (LocatedA HsWrapper) where
toHie (L osp wrap)
= case wrap of
- (WpLet bs) -> toHie $ EvBindContext (mkScope osp) (getRealSpan osp) (L osp bs)
+ (WpLet bs) -> toHie $ EvBindContext (mkScopeA osp) (getRealSpanA osp) (L osp bs)
(WpCompose a b) -> concatM $
[toHie (L osp a), toHie (L osp b)]
(WpFun a b _ _) -> concatM $
[toHie (L osp a), toHie (L osp b)]
(WpEvLam a) ->
- toHie $ C (EvidenceVarBind EvWrapperBind (mkScope osp) (getRealSpan osp))
+ toHie $ C (EvidenceVarBind EvWrapperBind (mkScopeA osp) (getRealSpanA osp))
$ L osp a
(WpEvApp a) ->
concatMapM (toHie . C EvidenceVarUse . L osp) $ evVarsOfTermList a
_ -> pure []
-instance HiePass p => HasType (Located (HsBind (GhcPass p))) where
+instance HiePass p => HasType (LocatedA (HsBind (GhcPass p))) where
getTypeNode (L spn bind) =
case hiePass @p of
- HieRn -> makeNode bind spn
+ HieRn -> makeNode bind (locA spn)
HieTc -> case bind of
- FunBind{fun_id = name} -> makeTypeNode bind spn (varType $ unLoc name)
- _ -> makeNode bind spn
+ FunBind{fun_id = name} -> makeTypeNode bind (locA spn) (varType $ unLoc name)
+ _ -> makeNode bind (locA spn)
-instance HiePass p => HasType (Located (Pat (GhcPass p))) where
+instance HiePass p => HasType (LocatedA (Pat (GhcPass p))) where
getTypeNode (L spn pat) =
case hiePass @p of
- HieRn -> makeNode pat spn
- HieTc -> makeTypeNode pat spn (hsPatType pat)
+ HieRn -> makeNodeA pat spn
+ HieTc -> makeTypeNodeA pat spn (hsPatType pat)
-- | This instance tries to construct 'HieAST' nodes which include the type of
-- the expression. It is not yet possible to do this efficiently for all
@@ -703,10 +723,10 @@ instance HiePass p => HasType (Located (Pat (GhcPass p))) where
-- expression's type is going to be expensive.
-- See #16233
-instance HiePass p => HasType (Located (HsExpr (GhcPass p))) where
+instance HiePass p => HasType (LocatedA (HsExpr (GhcPass p))) where
getTypeNode e@(L spn e') =
case hiePass @p of
- HieRn -> makeNode e' spn
+ HieRn -> makeNodeA e' spn
HieTc ->
-- Some expression forms have their type immediately available
let tyOpt = case e' of
@@ -729,15 +749,15 @@ instance HiePass p => HasType (Located (HsExpr (GhcPass p))) where
case tyOpt of
- Just t -> makeTypeNode e' spn t
+ Just t -> makeTypeNodeA e' spn t
| skipDesugaring e' -> fallback
| otherwise -> do
hs_env <- lift $ lift $ Hsc $ \e w -> return (e,w)
(_,mbe) <- liftIO $ deSugarExpr hs_env e
- maybe fallback (makeTypeNode e' spn . exprType) mbe
+ maybe fallback (makeTypeNodeA e' spn . exprType) mbe
- fallback = makeNode e' spn
+ fallback = makeNodeA e' spn
matchGroupType :: MatchGroupTc -> Type
matchGroupType (MatchGroupTc args res) = mkVisFunTys args res
@@ -764,12 +784,16 @@ data HiePassEv p where
class ( IsPass p
, HiePass (NoGhcTcPass p)
, ModifyState (IdGhcP p)
- , Data (GRHS (GhcPass p) (Located (HsExpr (GhcPass p))))
+ , Data (GRHS (GhcPass p) (LocatedA (HsExpr (GhcPass p))))
+ , Data (Match (GhcPass p) (LocatedA (HsExpr (GhcPass p))))
+ , Data (Match (GhcPass p) (LocatedA (HsCmd (GhcPass p))))
+ , Data (Stmt (GhcPass p) (LocatedA (HsExpr (GhcPass p))))
+ , Data (Stmt (GhcPass p) (LocatedA (HsCmd (GhcPass p))))
, Data (HsExpr (GhcPass p))
- , Data (HsCmd (GhcPass p))
+ , Data (HsCmd (GhcPass p))
, Data (AmbiguousFieldOcc (GhcPass p))
, Data (HsCmdTop (GhcPass p))
- , Data (GRHS (GhcPass p) (Located (HsCmd (GhcPass p))))
+ , Data (GRHS (GhcPass p) (LocatedA (HsCmd (GhcPass p))))
, Data (HsSplice (GhcPass p))
, Data (HsLocalBinds (GhcPass p))
, Data (FieldOcc (GhcPass p))
@@ -780,6 +804,7 @@ class ( IsPass p
, ToHie (RFContext (Located (FieldOcc (GhcPass p))))
, ToHie (TScoped (LHsWcType (GhcPass (NoGhcTcPass p))))
, ToHie (TScoped (LHsSigWcType (GhcPass (NoGhcTcPass p))))
+ , Anno (IdGhcP p) ~ SrcSpanAnnN
=> HiePass p where
hiePass :: HiePassEv p
@@ -792,18 +817,35 @@ instance HiePass 'Typechecked where
instance ToHie (Context (Located NoExtField)) where
toHie _ = pure []
-instance HiePass p => ToHie (BindContext (Located (HsBind (GhcPass p)))) where
+type AnnoBody p body
+ = ( Anno (Match (GhcPass p) (LocatedA (body (GhcPass p))))
+ ~ SrcSpanAnnA
+ , Anno [LocatedA (Match (GhcPass p) (LocatedA (body (GhcPass p))))]
+ ~ SrcSpanAnnL
+ , Anno (GRHS (GhcPass p) (LocatedA (body (GhcPass p))))
+ ~ SrcSpan
+ , Anno (StmtLR (GhcPass p) (GhcPass p) (LocatedA (body (GhcPass p)))) ~ SrcSpanAnnA
+ , Data (body (GhcPass p))
+ , Data (Match (GhcPass p) (LocatedA (body (GhcPass p))))
+ , Data (GRHS (GhcPass p) (LocatedA (body (GhcPass p))))
+ , Data (Stmt (GhcPass p) (LocatedA (body (GhcPass p))))
+ , IsPass p
+ )
+instance HiePass p => ToHie (BindContext (LocatedA (HsBind (GhcPass p)))) where
toHie (BC context scope b@(L span bind)) =
concatM $ getTypeNode b : case bind of
FunBind{fun_id = name, fun_matches = matches, fun_ext = wrap} ->
- [ toHie $ C (ValBind context scope $ getRealSpan span) name
+ [ toHie $ C (ValBind context scope $ getRealSpanA span) name
, toHie matches
, case hiePass @p of
HieTc -> toHie $ L span wrap
_ -> pure []
PatBind{pat_lhs = lhs, pat_rhs = rhs} ->
- [ toHie $ PS (getRealSpan span) scope NoScope lhs
+ [ toHie $ PS (getRealSpan (locA span)) scope NoScope lhs
, toHie rhs
VarBind{var_rhs = expr} ->
@@ -816,26 +858,26 @@ instance HiePass p => ToHie (BindContext (Located (HsBind (GhcPass p)))) where
(toHie $ fmap (BC context scope) binds)
, toHie $ map (L span . abe_wrap) xs
, toHie $
- map (EvBindContext (mkScope span) (getRealSpan span)
+ map (EvBindContext (mkScopeA span) (getRealSpanA span)
. L span) ev_binds
, toHie $
map (C (EvidenceVarBind EvSigBind
- (mkScope span)
- (getRealSpan span))
+ (mkScopeA span)
+ (getRealSpanA span))
. L span) ev_vars
PatSynBind _ psb ->
- [ toHie $ L span psb -- PatSynBinds only occur at the top level
+ [ toHie $ L (locA span) psb -- PatSynBinds only occur at the top level
instance ( HiePass p
- , ToHie (Located body)
- , Data body
- ) => ToHie (MatchGroup (GhcPass p) (Located body)) where
+ , AnnoBody p body
+ , ToHie (LocatedA (body (GhcPass p)))
+ ) => ToHie (MatchGroup (GhcPass p) (LocatedA (body (GhcPass p)))) where
toHie mg = case mg of
MG{ mg_alts = (L span alts) , mg_origin = origin} ->
local (setOrigin origin) $ concatM
- [ locOnly span
+ [ locOnly (locA span)
, toHie alts
@@ -853,14 +895,14 @@ instance HiePass p => ToHie (Located (PatSynBind (GhcPass p) (GhcPass p))) where
lhsScope = combineScopes varScope detScope
- varScope = mkLScope var
- patScope = mkScope $ getLoc pat
+ varScope = mkLScopeN var
+ patScope = mkScopeA $ getLoc pat
detScope = case dets of
- (PrefixCon _ args) -> foldr combineScopes NoScope $ map mkLScope args
- (InfixCon a b) -> combineScopes (mkLScope a) (mkLScope b)
+ (PrefixCon _ args) -> foldr combineScopes NoScope $ map mkLScopeN args
+ (InfixCon a b) -> combineScopes (mkLScopeN a) (mkLScopeN b)
(RecCon r) -> foldr go NoScope r
go (RecordPatSynField a b) c = combineScopes c
- $ combineScopes (mkLScope (rdrNameFieldOcc a)) (mkLScope b)
+ $ combineScopes (mkLScopeN (rdrNameFieldOcc a)) (mkLScopeN b)
detSpan = case detScope of
LocalScope a -> Just a
_ -> Nothing
@@ -874,9 +916,10 @@ instance HiePass p => ToHie (HsPatSynDir (GhcPass p)) where
_ -> pure []
instance ( HiePass p
- , Data body
- , ToHie (Located body)
- ) => ToHie (Located (Match (GhcPass p) (Located body))) where
+ , Data (body (GhcPass p))
+ , AnnoBody p body
+ , ToHie (LocatedA (body (GhcPass p)))
+ ) => ToHie (LocatedA (Match (GhcPass p) (LocatedA (body (GhcPass p))))) where
toHie (L span m ) = concatM $ node : case m of
Match{m_ctxt=mctx, m_pats = pats, m_grhss = grhss } ->
[ toHie mctx
@@ -886,8 +929,8 @@ instance ( HiePass p
node = case hiePass @p of
- HieTc -> makeNode m span
- HieRn -> makeNode m span
+ HieTc -> makeNodeA m span
+ HieRn -> makeNodeA m span
instance HiePass p => ToHie (HsMatchContext (GhcPass p)) where
toHie (FunRhs{mc_fun=name}) = toHie $ C MatchBind name
@@ -900,7 +943,7 @@ instance HiePass p => ToHie (HsStmtContext (GhcPass p)) where
toHie (TransStmtCtxt a) = toHie a
toHie _ = pure []
-instance HiePass p => ToHie (PScoped (Located (Pat (GhcPass p)))) where
+instance HiePass p => ToHie (PScoped (LocatedA (Pat (GhcPass p)))) where
toHie (PS rsp scope pscope lpat@(L ospan opat)) =
concatM $ getTypeNode lpat : case opat of
WildPat _ ->
@@ -913,7 +956,7 @@ instance HiePass p => ToHie (PScoped (Located (Pat (GhcPass p)))) where
AsPat _ lname pat ->
[ toHie $ C (PatternBind scope
- (combineScopes (mkLScope pat) pscope)
+ (combineScopes (mkLScopeA pat) pscope)
, toHie $ PS rsp scope pscope pat
@@ -941,7 +984,7 @@ instance HiePass p => ToHie (PScoped (Located (Pat (GhcPass p)))) where
, let ev_binds = cpt_binds ext
ev_vars = cpt_dicts ext
wrap = cpt_wrap ext
- evscope = mkScope ospan `combineScopes` scope `combineScopes` pscope
+ evscope = mkScopeA ospan `combineScopes` scope `combineScopes` pscope
in concatM [ toHie $ EvBindContext scope rsp $ L ospan ev_binds
, toHie $ L ospan wrap
, toHie $ map (C (EvidenceVarBind EvPatternBind evscope rsp)
@@ -970,7 +1013,7 @@ instance HiePass p => ToHie (PScoped (Located (Pat (GhcPass p)))) where
[ toHie $ PS rsp scope pscope pat
, case hiePass @p of
HieTc ->
- let cscope = mkLScope pat in
+ let cscope = mkLScopeA pat in
toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [cscope, scope, pscope])
HieRn -> pure []
@@ -989,48 +1032,50 @@ instance HiePass p => ToHie (PScoped (Located (Pat (GhcPass p)))) where
contextify :: a ~ LPat (GhcPass p) => HsConDetails (HsPatSigType (NoGhcTc (GhcPass p))) a (HsRecFields (GhcPass p) a)
-> HsConDetails (TScoped (HsPatSigType (NoGhcTc (GhcPass p)))) (PScoped a) (RContext (HsRecFields (GhcPass p) (PScoped a)))
contextify (PrefixCon tyargs args) = PrefixCon (tScopes scope argscope tyargs) (patScopes rsp scope pscope args)
- where argscope = foldr combineScopes NoScope $ map mkLScope args
+ where argscope = foldr combineScopes NoScope $ map mkLScopeA args
contextify (InfixCon a b) = InfixCon a' b'
where [a', b'] = patScopes rsp scope pscope [a,b]
contextify (RecCon r) = RecCon $ RC RecFieldMatch $ contextify_rec r
contextify_rec (HsRecFields fds a) = HsRecFields (map go scoped_fds) a
- go (RS fscope (L spn (HsRecField lbl pat pun))) =
- L spn $ HsRecField lbl (PS rsp scope fscope pat) pun
+ go :: RScoped (LocatedA (HsRecField' id a1))
+ -> LocatedA (HsRecField' id (PScoped a1)) -- AZ
+ go (RS fscope (L spn (HsRecField x lbl pat pun))) =
+ L spn $ HsRecField x lbl (PS rsp scope fscope pat) pun
scoped_fds = listScopes pscope fds
instance ToHie (TScoped (HsPatSigType GhcRn)) where
toHie (TS sc (HsPS (HsPSRn wcs tvs) body@(L span _))) = concatM $
- [ bindingsOnly $ map (C $ TyVarBind (mkScope span) sc) (wcs++tvs)
+ [ bindingsOnly $ map (C $ TyVarBind (mkScopeA span) sc) (wcs++tvs)
, toHie body
-- See Note [Scoping Rules for SigPat]
-instance ( ToHie (Located body)
+instance ( ToHie (LocatedA (body (GhcPass p)))
, HiePass p
- , Data body
- ) => ToHie (GRHSs (GhcPass p) (Located body)) where
+ , AnnoBody p body
+ ) => ToHie (GRHSs (GhcPass p) (LocatedA (body (GhcPass p)))) where
toHie grhs = concatM $ case grhs of
GRHSs _ grhss binds ->
[ toHie grhss
, toHie $ RS (mkScope $ grhss_span grhs) binds
-instance ( ToHie (Located body)
- , HiePass a
- , Data body
- ) => ToHie (Located (GRHS (GhcPass a) (Located body))) where
+instance ( ToHie (LocatedA (body (GhcPass p)))
+ , HiePass p
+ , AnnoBody p body
+ ) => ToHie (Located (GRHS (GhcPass p) (LocatedA (body (GhcPass p))))) where
toHie (L span g) = concatM $ node : case g of
GRHS _ guards body ->
- [ toHie $ listScopes (mkLScope body) guards
+ [ toHie $ listScopes (mkLScopeA body) guards
, toHie body
- node = case hiePass @a of
+ node = case hiePass @p of
HieRn -> makeNode g span
HieTc -> makeNode g span
-instance HiePass p => ToHie (Located (HsExpr (GhcPass p))) where
+instance HiePass p => ToHie (LocatedA (HsExpr (GhcPass p))) where
toHie e@(L mspan oexpr) = concatM $ getTypeNode e : case oexpr of
HsVar _ (L _ var) ->
[ toHie $ C Use (L mspan var)
@@ -1041,7 +1086,7 @@ instance HiePass p => ToHie (Located (HsExpr (GhcPass p))) where
[ toHie $ C Use $ L mspan $ conLikeName con
HsRecFld _ fld ->
- [ toHie $ RFC RecFieldOcc Nothing (L mspan fld)
+ [ toHie $ RFC RecFieldOcc Nothing (L (locA mspan) fld)
HsOverLabel {} -> []
HsIPVar _ _ -> []
@@ -1099,11 +1144,11 @@ instance HiePass p => ToHie (Located (HsExpr (GhcPass p))) where
[ toHie grhss
HsLet _ binds expr ->
- [ toHie $ RS (mkLScope expr) binds
+ [ toHie $ RS (mkLScopeA expr) binds
, toHie expr
HsDo _ _ (L ispan stmts) ->
- [ locOnly ispan
+ [ locOnly (locA ispan)
, toHie $ listScopes NoScope stmts
ExplicitList _ exprs ->
@@ -1114,7 +1159,7 @@ instance HiePass p => ToHie (Located (HsExpr (GhcPass p))) where
, toHie $ RC RecFieldAssign $ binds
- con_name :: Located Name
+ con_name :: LocatedN Name
con_name = case hiePass @p of -- Like ConPat
HieRn -> con
HieTc -> fmap conLikeName con
@@ -1127,7 +1172,7 @@ instance HiePass p => ToHie (Located (HsExpr (GhcPass p))) where
ExprWithTySig _ expr sig ->
[ toHie expr
- , toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [mkLScope expr]) sig
+ , toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [mkLScopeA expr]) sig
ArithSeq _ _ info ->
[ toHie info
@@ -1176,23 +1221,24 @@ instance HiePass p => ToHie (Located (HsExpr (GhcPass p))) where
| otherwise -> []
-instance HiePass p => ToHie (Located (HsTupArg (GhcPass p))) where
- toHie (L span arg) = concatM $ makeNode arg span : case arg of
+-- NOTE: no longer have the location
+instance HiePass p => ToHie (HsTupArg (GhcPass p)) where
+ toHie arg = concatM $ case arg of
Present _ expr ->
[ toHie expr
Missing _ -> []
-instance ( ToHie (Located body)
- , Data body
+instance ( ToHie (LocatedA (body (GhcPass p)))
+ , AnnoBody p body
, HiePass p
- ) => ToHie (RScoped (Located (Stmt (GhcPass p) (Located body)))) where
+ ) => ToHie (RScoped (LocatedA (Stmt (GhcPass p) (LocatedA (body (GhcPass p)))))) where
toHie (RS scope (L span stmt)) = concatM $ node : case stmt of
LastStmt _ body _ _ ->
[ toHie body
BindStmt _ pat body ->
- [ toHie $ PS (getRealSpan $ getLoc body) scope NoScope pat
+ [ toHie $ PS (getRealSpan $ getLocA body) scope NoScope pat
, toHie body
ApplicativeStmt _ stmts _ ->
@@ -1214,34 +1260,60 @@ instance ( ToHie (Located body)
, toHie using
, toHie by
- RecStmt {recS_stmts = stmts} ->
- [ toHie $ map (RS $ combineScopes scope (mkScope span)) stmts
+ RecStmt {recS_stmts = L _ stmts} ->
+ [ toHie $ map (RS $ combineScopes scope (mkScope (locA span))) stmts
node = case hiePass @p of
- HieTc -> makeNode stmt span
- HieRn -> makeNode stmt span
+ HieTc -> makeNodeA stmt span
+ HieRn -> makeNodeA stmt span
-instance HiePass p => ToHie (RScoped (Located (HsLocalBinds (GhcPass p)))) where
- toHie (RS scope (L sp binds)) = concatM $ makeNode binds sp : case binds of
+instance HiePass p => ToHie (RScoped (HsLocalBinds (GhcPass p))) where
+ toHie (RS scope binds) = concatM $ makeNode binds (spanHsLocaLBinds binds) : case binds of
EmptyLocalBinds _ -> []
HsIPBinds _ ipbinds -> case ipbinds of
- IPBinds evbinds xs -> let sc = combineScopes scope $ mkScope sp in
- [ case hiePass @p of
- HieTc -> toHie $ EvBindContext sc (getRealSpan sp) $ L sp evbinds
+ IPBinds evbinds xs -> let sc = combineScopes scope $ scopeHsLocaLBinds binds
+ sp :: SrcSpanAnnA
+ sp = noAnnSrcSpan $ spanHsLocaLBinds binds in
+ [
+ case hiePass @p of
+ HieTc -> toHie $ EvBindContext sc (getRealSpan $ locA sp) $ L sp evbinds
HieRn -> pure []
, toHie $ map (RS sc) xs
HsValBinds _ valBinds ->
- [ toHie $ RS (combineScopes scope $ mkScope sp)
+ [
+ toHie $ RS (combineScopes scope (scopeHsLocaLBinds binds))
-instance HiePass p => ToHie (RScoped (Located (IPBind (GhcPass p)))) where
- toHie (RS scope (L sp bind)) = concatM $ makeNode bind sp : case bind of
+scopeHsLocaLBinds :: HsLocalBinds (GhcPass p) -> Scope
+scopeHsLocaLBinds (HsValBinds _ (ValBinds _ bs sigs))
+ = foldr combineScopes NoScope (bsScope ++ sigsScope)
+ where
+ bsScope :: [Scope]
+ bsScope = map (mkScopeA . getLoc) $ bagToList bs
+ sigsScope :: [Scope]
+ sigsScope = map (mkScope . getLocA) sigs
+scopeHsLocaLBinds (HsValBinds _ (XValBindsLR (NValBinds bs sigs)))
+ = foldr combineScopes NoScope (bsScope ++ sigsScope)
+ where
+ bsScope :: [Scope]
+ bsScope = map (mkScopeA . getLoc) $ concatMap (bagToList . snd) bs
+ sigsScope :: [Scope]
+ sigsScope = map (mkScope . getLocA) sigs
+scopeHsLocaLBinds (HsIPBinds _ (IPBinds _ bs))
+ = foldr combineScopes NoScope (map (mkScopeA . getLoc) bs)
+scopeHsLocaLBinds (EmptyLocalBinds _) = NoScope
+instance HiePass p => ToHie (RScoped (LocatedA (IPBind (GhcPass p)))) where
+ toHie (RS scope (L sp bind)) = concatM $ makeNodeA bind sp : case bind of
IPBind _ (Left _) expr -> [toHie expr]
IPBind _ (Right v) expr ->
- [ toHie $ C (EvidenceVarBind EvImplicitBind scope (getRealSpan sp))
+ [ toHie $ C (EvidenceVarBind EvImplicitBind scope (getRealSpanA sp))
$ L sp v
, toHie expr
@@ -1265,11 +1337,11 @@ instance ( ToHie arg , HasLoc arg , Data arg
toHie (RC c (HsRecFields fields _)) = toHie $ map (RC c) fields
instance ( ToHie (RFContext (Located label))
- , ToHie arg , HasLoc arg , Data arg
+ , ToHie arg, HasLoc arg, Data arg
, Data label
- ) => ToHie (RContext (LHsRecField' label arg)) where
- toHie (RC c (L span recfld)) = concatM $ makeNode recfld span : case recfld of
- HsRecField label expr _ ->
+ ) => ToHie (RContext (LocatedA (HsRecField' label arg))) where
+ toHie (RC c (L span recfld)) = concatM $ makeNode recfld (locA span) : case recfld of
+ HsRecField _ label expr _ ->
[ toHie $ RFC c (getRealSpan $ loc expr) label
, toHie expr
@@ -1328,8 +1400,8 @@ instance HiePass p => ToHie (Located (HsCmdTop (GhcPass p))) where
[ toHie cmd
-instance HiePass p => ToHie (Located (HsCmd (GhcPass p))) where
- toHie (L span cmd) = concatM $ makeNode cmd span : case cmd of
+instance HiePass p => ToHie (LocatedA (HsCmd (GhcPass p))) where
+ toHie (L span cmd) = concatM $ makeNodeA cmd span : case cmd of
HsCmdArrApp _ a b _ _ ->
[ toHie a
, toHie b
@@ -1361,11 +1433,11 @@ instance HiePass p => ToHie (Located (HsCmd (GhcPass p))) where
, toHie c
HsCmdLet _ binds cmd' ->
- [ toHie $ RS (mkLScope cmd') binds
+ [ toHie $ RS (mkLScopeA cmd') binds
, toHie cmd'
HsCmdDo _ (L ispan stmts) ->
- [ locOnly ispan
+ [ locOnly (locA ispan)
, toHie $ listScopes NoScope stmts
XCmd _ -> []
@@ -1382,27 +1454,27 @@ instance ToHie (TyClGroup GhcRn) where
, toHie instances
-instance ToHie (Located (TyClDecl GhcRn)) where
- toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
+instance ToHie (LocatedA (TyClDecl GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNodeA decl span : case decl of
FamDecl {tcdFam = fdecl} ->
- [ toHie (L span fdecl)
+ [ toHie ((L span fdecl) :: LFamilyDecl GhcRn)
SynDecl {tcdLName = name, tcdTyVars = vars, tcdRhs = typ} ->
- [ toHie $ C (Decl SynDec $ getRealSpan span) name
- , toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [mkScope $ getLoc typ]) vars
+ [ toHie $ C (Decl SynDec $ getRealSpanA span) name
+ , toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [mkScope $ getLocA typ]) vars
, toHie typ
DataDecl {tcdLName = name, tcdTyVars = vars, tcdDataDefn = defn} ->
- [ toHie $ C (Decl DataDec $ getRealSpan span) name
+ [ toHie $ C (Decl DataDec $ getRealSpanA span) name
, toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [quant_scope, rhs_scope]) vars
, toHie defn
- quant_scope = mkLScope $ fromMaybe (noLoc []) $ dd_ctxt defn
+ quant_scope = mkLScopeA $ fromMaybe (noLocA []) $ dd_ctxt defn
rhs_scope = sig_sc `combineScopes` con_sc `combineScopes` deriv_sc
- sig_sc = maybe NoScope mkLScope $ dd_kindSig defn
- con_sc = foldr combineScopes NoScope $ map mkLScope $ dd_cons defn
- deriv_sc = mkLScope $ dd_derivs defn
+ sig_sc = maybe NoScope mkLScopeA $ dd_kindSig defn
+ con_sc = foldr combineScopes NoScope $ map mkLScopeA $ dd_cons defn
+ deriv_sc = foldr combineScopes NoScope $ map mkLScope $ dd_derivs defn
ClassDecl { tcdCtxt = context
, tcdLName = name
, tcdTyVars = vars
@@ -1412,25 +1484,25 @@ instance ToHie (Located (TyClDecl GhcRn)) where
, tcdATs = typs
, tcdATDefs = deftyps
} ->
- [ toHie $ C (Decl ClassDec $ getRealSpan span) name
+ [ toHie $ C (Decl ClassDec $ getRealSpanA span) name
, toHie context
, toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [context_scope, rhs_scope]) vars
, toHie deps
- , toHie $ map (SC $ SI ClassSig $ getRealSpan span) sigs
+ , toHie $ map (SC $ SI ClassSig $ getRealSpanA span) sigs
, toHie $ fmap (BC InstanceBind ModuleScope) meths
, toHie typs
- , concatMapM (locOnly . getLoc) deftyps
+ , concatMapM (locOnly . getLocA) deftyps
, toHie deftyps
- context_scope = mkLScope $ fromMaybe (noLoc []) context
+ context_scope = mkLScopeA $ fromMaybe (noLocA []) context
rhs_scope = foldl1' combineScopes $ map mkScope
[ loc deps, loc sigs, loc (bagToList meths), loc typs, loc deftyps]
-instance ToHie (Located (FamilyDecl GhcRn)) where
- toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
- FamilyDecl _ info name vars _ sig inj ->
- [ toHie $ C (Decl FamDec $ getRealSpan span) name
+instance ToHie (LocatedA (FamilyDecl GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNodeA decl span : case decl of
+ FamilyDecl _ info _ name vars _ sig inj ->
+ [ toHie $ C (Decl FamDec $ getRealSpanA span) name
, toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [rhsSpan]) vars
, toHie info
, toHie $ RS injSpan sig
@@ -1443,11 +1515,11 @@ instance ToHie (Located (FamilyDecl GhcRn)) where
instance ToHie (FamilyInfo GhcRn) where
toHie (ClosedTypeFamily (Just eqns)) = concatM $
- [ concatMapM (locOnly . getLoc) eqns
+ [ concatMapM (locOnly . getLocA) eqns
, toHie $ map go eqns
- go (L l ib) = TS (ResolvedScopes [mkScope l]) ib
+ go (L l ib) = TS (ResolvedScopes [mkScopeA l]) ib
toHie _ = pure []
instance ToHie (RScoped (Located (FamilyResultSig GhcRn))) where
@@ -1461,15 +1533,18 @@ instance ToHie (RScoped (Located (FamilyResultSig GhcRn))) where
[ toHie $ TVS (ResolvedScopes [sc]) NoScope bndr
-instance ToHie (Located (FunDep (Located Name))) where
- toHie (L span fd@(lhs, rhs)) = concatM $
- [ makeNode fd span
+instance ToHie (LocatedA (FunDep GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (L span fd@(FunDep _ lhs rhs)) = concatM $
+ [ makeNode fd (locA span)
, toHie $ map (C Use) lhs
, toHie $ map (C Use) rhs
-instance (ToHie rhs, HasLoc rhs)
- => ToHie (TScoped (FamEqn GhcRn rhs)) where
+instance ToHie (TScoped (FamEqn GhcRn (HsDataDefn GhcRn))) where
+ toHie (TS _ f) = toHie f
+instance ToHie (TScoped (FamEqn GhcRn (LocatedA (HsType GhcRn)))) where
toHie (TS _ f) = toHie f
instance (ToHie rhs, HasLoc rhs)
@@ -1486,7 +1561,7 @@ instance (ToHie rhs, HasLoc rhs)
instance ToHie (Located (InjectivityAnn GhcRn)) where
toHie (L span ann) = concatM $ makeNode ann span : case ann of
- InjectivityAnn lhs rhs ->
+ InjectivityAnn _ lhs rhs ->
[ toHie $ C Use lhs
, toHie $ map (C Use) rhs
@@ -1512,32 +1587,32 @@ instance ToHie (Located (HsDerivingClause GhcRn)) where
, toHie dct
-instance ToHie (Located (DerivClauseTys GhcRn)) where
- toHie (L span dct) = concatM $ makeNode dct span : case dct of
+instance ToHie (LocatedC (DerivClauseTys GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (L span dct) = concatM $ makeNodeA dct span : case dct of
DctSingle _ ty -> [ toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes []) ty ]
DctMulti _ tys -> [ toHie $ map (TS (ResolvedScopes [])) tys ]
instance ToHie (Located (DerivStrategy GhcRn)) where
toHie (L span strat) = concatM $ makeNode strat span : case strat of
- StockStrategy -> []
- AnyclassStrategy -> []
- NewtypeStrategy -> []
+ StockStrategy _ -> []
+ AnyclassStrategy _ -> []
+ NewtypeStrategy _ -> []
ViaStrategy s -> [ toHie (TS (ResolvedScopes []) s) ]
-instance ToHie (Located OverlapMode) where
- toHie (L span _) = locOnly span
+instance ToHie (LocatedP OverlapMode) where
+ toHie (L span _) = locOnly (locA span)
instance ToHie a => ToHie (HsScaled GhcRn a) where
toHie (HsScaled w t) = concatM [toHie (arrowToHsType w), toHie t]
-instance ToHie (Located (ConDecl GhcRn)) where
- toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
+instance ToHie (LocatedA (ConDecl GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl (locA span) : case decl of
ConDeclGADT { con_names = names, con_bndrs = L outer_bndrs_loc outer_bndrs
, con_mb_cxt = ctx, con_g_args = args, con_res_ty = typ } ->
- [ toHie $ map (C (Decl ConDec $ getRealSpan span)) names
+ [ toHie $ map (C (Decl ConDec $ getRealSpanA span)) names
, case outer_bndrs of
HsOuterImplicit{hso_ximplicit = imp_vars} ->
- bindingsOnly $ map (C $ TyVarBind (mkScope outer_bndrs_loc) resScope)
+ bindingsOnly $ map (C $ TyVarBind (mkScopeA outer_bndrs_loc) resScope)
HsOuterExplicit{hso_bndrs = exp_bndrs} ->
toHie $ tvScopes resScope NoScope exp_bndrs
@@ -1547,51 +1622,51 @@ instance ToHie (Located (ConDecl GhcRn)) where
rhsScope = combineScopes argsScope tyScope
- ctxScope = maybe NoScope mkLScope ctx
+ ctxScope = maybe NoScope mkLScopeA ctx
argsScope = case args of
PrefixConGADT xs -> scaled_args_scope xs
- RecConGADT x -> mkLScope x
- tyScope = mkLScope typ
+ RecConGADT x -> mkLScopeA x
+ tyScope = mkLScopeA typ
resScope = ResolvedScopes [ctxScope, rhsScope]
ConDeclH98 { con_name = name, con_ex_tvs = qvars
, con_mb_cxt = ctx, con_args = dets } ->
- [ toHie $ C (Decl ConDec $ getRealSpan span) name
+ [ toHie $ C (Decl ConDec $ getRealSpan (locA span)) name
, toHie $ tvScopes (ResolvedScopes []) rhsScope qvars
, toHie ctx
, toHie dets
rhsScope = combineScopes ctxScope argsScope
- ctxScope = maybe NoScope mkLScope ctx
+ ctxScope = maybe NoScope mkLScopeA ctx
argsScope = case dets of
PrefixCon _ xs -> scaled_args_scope xs
InfixCon a b -> scaled_args_scope [a, b]
- RecCon x -> mkLScope x
+ RecCon x -> mkLScopeA x
where scaled_args_scope :: [HsScaled GhcRn (LHsType GhcRn)] -> Scope
- scaled_args_scope = foldr combineScopes NoScope . map (mkLScope . hsScaledThing)
+ scaled_args_scope = foldr combineScopes NoScope . map (mkLScopeA . hsScaledThing)
-instance ToHie (Located [Located (ConDeclField GhcRn)]) where
+instance ToHie (LocatedL [LocatedA (ConDeclField GhcRn)]) where
toHie (L span decls) = concatM $
- [ locOnly span
+ [ locOnly (locA span)
, toHie decls
-instance ToHie (TScoped (HsWildCardBndrs GhcRn (Located (HsSigType GhcRn)))) where
+instance ToHie (TScoped (HsWildCardBndrs GhcRn (LocatedA (HsSigType GhcRn)))) where
toHie (TS sc (HsWC names a)) = concatM $
[ bindingsOnly $ map (C $ TyVarBind (mkScope span) sc) names
, toHie $ TS sc a
where span = loc a
-instance ToHie (TScoped (HsWildCardBndrs GhcRn (Located (HsType GhcRn)))) where
+instance ToHie (TScoped (HsWildCardBndrs GhcRn (LocatedA (HsType GhcRn)))) where
toHie (TS sc (HsWC names a)) = concatM $
[ bindingsOnly $ map (C $ TyVarBind (mkScope span) sc) names
, toHie a
where span = loc a
-instance ToHie (Located (StandaloneKindSig GhcRn)) where
- toHie (L sp sig) = concatM [makeNode sig sp, toHie sig]
+instance ToHie (LocatedA (StandaloneKindSig GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (L sp sig) = concatM [makeNodeA sig sp, toHie sig]
instance ToHie (StandaloneKindSig GhcRn) where
toHie sig = concatM $ case sig of
@@ -1600,11 +1675,11 @@ instance ToHie (StandaloneKindSig GhcRn) where
, toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes []) typ
-instance HiePass p => ToHie (SigContext (Located (Sig (GhcPass p)))) where
+instance HiePass p => ToHie (SigContext (LocatedA (Sig (GhcPass p)))) where
toHie (SC (SI styp msp) (L sp sig)) =
case hiePass @p of
HieTc -> pure []
- HieRn -> concatM $ makeNode sig sp : case sig of
+ HieRn -> concatM $ makeNodeA sig sp : case sig of
TypeSig _ names typ ->
[ toHie $ map (C TyDecl) names
, toHie $ TS (UnresolvedScope (map unLoc names) Nothing) typ
@@ -1615,7 +1690,7 @@ instance HiePass p => ToHie (SigContext (Located (Sig (GhcPass p)))) where
ClassOpSig _ _ names typ ->
[ case styp of
- ClassSig -> toHie $ map (C $ ClassTyDecl $ getRealSpan sp) names
+ ClassSig -> toHie $ map (C $ ClassTyDecl $ getRealSpanA sp) names
_ -> toHie $ map (C $ TyDecl) names
, toHie $ TS (UnresolvedScope (map unLoc names) msp) typ
@@ -1646,21 +1721,22 @@ instance HiePass p => ToHie (SigContext (Located (Sig (GhcPass p)))) where
, toHie $ fmap (C Use) typ
-instance ToHie (TScoped (Located (HsSigType GhcRn))) where
- toHie (TS tsc (L span t@HsSig{sig_bndrs=bndrs,sig_body=body})) = concatM $ makeNode t span :
- [ toHie (TVS tsc (mkScope span) bndrs)
+instance ToHie (TScoped (LocatedA (HsSigType GhcRn))) where
+ toHie (TS tsc (L span t@HsSig{sig_bndrs=bndrs,sig_body=body})) = concatM $ makeNodeA t span :
+ [ toHie (TVS tsc (mkScopeA span) bndrs)
, toHie body
+-- Check this
instance Data flag => ToHie (TVScoped (HsOuterTyVarBndrs flag GhcRn)) where
toHie (TVS tsc sc bndrs) = case bndrs of
HsOuterImplicit xs -> bindingsOnly $ map (C $ TyVarBind sc tsc) xs
HsOuterExplicit _ xs -> toHie $ tvScopes tsc sc xs
-instance ToHie (Located (HsType GhcRn)) where
- toHie (L span t) = concatM $ makeNode t span : case t of
+instance ToHie (LocatedA (HsType GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (L span t) = concatM $ makeNode t (locA span) : case t of
HsForAllTy _ tele body ->
- let scope = mkScope $ getLoc body in
+ let scope = mkScope $ getLocA body in
[ case tele of
HsForAllVis { hsf_vis_bndrs = bndrs } ->
toHie $ tvScopes (ResolvedScopes []) scope bndrs
@@ -1741,8 +1817,8 @@ instance (ToHie tm, ToHie ty) => ToHie (HsArg tm ty) where
toHie (HsTypeArg _ ty) = toHie ty
toHie (HsArgPar sp) = locOnly sp
-instance Data flag => ToHie (TVScoped (Located (HsTyVarBndr flag GhcRn))) where
- toHie (TVS tsc sc (L span bndr)) = concatM $ makeNode bndr span : case bndr of
+instance Data flag => ToHie (TVScoped (LocatedA (HsTyVarBndr flag GhcRn))) where
+ toHie (TVS tsc sc (L span bndr)) = concatM $ makeNodeA bndr span : case bndr of
UserTyVar _ _ var ->
[ toHie $ C (TyVarBind sc tsc) var
@@ -1760,14 +1836,14 @@ instance ToHie (TScoped (LHsQTyVars GhcRn)) where
varLoc = loc vars
bindings = map (C $ TyVarBind (mkScope varLoc) sc) implicits
-instance ToHie (Located [Located (HsType GhcRn)]) where
+instance ToHie (LocatedC [LocatedA (HsType GhcRn)]) where
toHie (L span tys) = concatM $
- [ locOnly span
+ [ locOnly (locA span)
, toHie tys
-instance ToHie (Located (ConDeclField GhcRn)) where
- toHie (L span field) = concatM $ makeNode field span : case field of
+instance ToHie (LocatedA (ConDeclField GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (L span field) = concatM $ makeNode field (locA span) : case field of
ConDeclField _ fields typ _ ->
[ toHie $ map (RFC RecFieldDecl (getRealSpan $ loc typ)) fields
, toHie typ
@@ -1789,8 +1865,8 @@ instance ToHie (LHsExpr a) => ToHie (ArithSeqInfo a) where
, toHie c
-instance ToHie (Located (SpliceDecl GhcRn)) where
- toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
+instance ToHie (LocatedA (SpliceDecl GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNodeA decl span : case decl of
SpliceDecl _ splice _ ->
[ toHie splice
@@ -1804,8 +1880,8 @@ instance ToHie PendingRnSplice where
instance ToHie PendingTcSplice where
toHie _ = pure []
-instance ToHie (LBooleanFormula (Located Name)) where
- toHie (L span form) = concatM $ makeNode form span : case form of
+instance ToHie (LBooleanFormula (LocatedN Name)) where
+ toHie (L span form) = concatM $ makeNode form (locA span) : case form of
Var a ->
[ toHie $ C Use a
@@ -1822,8 +1898,8 @@ instance ToHie (LBooleanFormula (Located Name)) where
instance ToHie (Located HsIPName) where
toHie (L span e) = makeNode e span
-instance HiePass p => ToHie (Located (HsSplice (GhcPass p))) where
- toHie (L span sp) = concatM $ makeNode sp span : case sp of
+instance HiePass p => ToHie (LocatedA (HsSplice (GhcPass p))) where
+ toHie (L span sp) = concatM $ makeNodeA sp span : case sp of
HsTypedSplice _ _ _ expr ->
[ toHie expr
@@ -1843,15 +1919,15 @@ instance HiePass p => ToHie (Located (HsSplice (GhcPass p))) where
GhcTc -> case x of
HsSplicedT _ -> []
-instance ToHie (Located (RoleAnnotDecl GhcRn)) where
- toHie (L span annot) = concatM $ makeNode annot span : case annot of
+instance ToHie (LocatedA (RoleAnnotDecl GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (L span annot) = concatM $ makeNodeA annot span : case annot of
RoleAnnotDecl _ var roles ->
[ toHie $ C Use var
, concatMapM (locOnly . getLoc) roles
-instance ToHie (Located (InstDecl GhcRn)) where
- toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
+instance ToHie (LocatedA (InstDecl GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNodeA decl span : case decl of
ClsInstD _ d ->
[ toHie $ L span d
@@ -1862,23 +1938,23 @@ instance ToHie (Located (InstDecl GhcRn)) where
[ toHie $ L span d
-instance ToHie (Located (ClsInstDecl GhcRn)) where
+instance ToHie (LocatedA (ClsInstDecl GhcRn)) where
toHie (L span decl) = concatM
- [ toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [mkScope span]) $ cid_poly_ty decl
+ [ toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [mkScopeA span]) $ cid_poly_ty decl
, toHie $ fmap (BC InstanceBind ModuleScope) $ cid_binds decl
- , toHie $ map (SC $ SI InstSig $ getRealSpan span) $ cid_sigs decl
- , concatMapM (locOnly . getLoc) $ cid_tyfam_insts decl
+ , toHie $ map (SC $ SI InstSig $ getRealSpanA span) $ cid_sigs decl
+ , concatMapM (locOnly . getLocA) $ cid_tyfam_insts decl
, toHie $ cid_tyfam_insts decl
- , concatMapM (locOnly . getLoc) $ cid_datafam_insts decl
+ , concatMapM (locOnly . getLocA) $ cid_datafam_insts decl
, toHie $ cid_datafam_insts decl
, toHie $ cid_overlap_mode decl
-instance ToHie (Located (DataFamInstDecl GhcRn)) where
- toHie (L sp (DataFamInstDecl d)) = toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [mkScope sp]) d
+instance ToHie (LocatedA (DataFamInstDecl GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (L sp (DataFamInstDecl d)) = toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [mkScopeA sp]) d
-instance ToHie (Located (TyFamInstDecl GhcRn)) where
- toHie (L sp (TyFamInstDecl d)) = toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [mkScope sp]) d
+instance ToHie (LocatedA (TyFamInstDecl GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (L sp (TyFamInstDecl _ d)) = toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [mkScopeA sp]) d
instance HiePass p => ToHie (Context (FieldOcc (GhcPass p))) where
toHie (C c (FieldOcc n (L l _))) = case hiePass @p of
@@ -1891,30 +1967,30 @@ instance HiePass p => ToHie (PatSynFieldContext (RecordPatSynField (GhcPass p)))
, toHie $ C Use b
-instance ToHie (Located (DerivDecl GhcRn)) where
- toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
+instance ToHie (LocatedA (DerivDecl GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNodeA decl span : case decl of
DerivDecl _ typ strat overlap ->
[ toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes []) typ
, toHie strat
, toHie overlap
-instance ToHie (Located (FixitySig GhcRn)) where
- toHie (L span sig) = concatM $ makeNode sig span : case sig of
+instance ToHie (LocatedA (FixitySig GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (L span sig) = concatM $ makeNodeA sig span : case sig of
FixitySig _ vars _ ->
[ toHie $ map (C Use) vars
-instance ToHie (Located (DefaultDecl GhcRn)) where
- toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
+instance ToHie (LocatedA (DefaultDecl GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNodeA decl span : case decl of
DefaultDecl _ typs ->
[ toHie typs
-instance ToHie (Located (ForeignDecl GhcRn)) where
- toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
+instance ToHie (LocatedA (ForeignDecl GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNodeA decl span : case decl of
ForeignImport {fd_name = name, fd_sig_ty = sig, fd_fi = fi} ->
- [ toHie $ C (ValBind RegularBind ModuleScope $ getRealSpan span) name
+ [ toHie $ C (ValBind RegularBind ModuleScope $ getRealSpanA span) name
, toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes []) sig
, toHie fi
@@ -1937,49 +2013,49 @@ instance ToHie ForeignExport where
, locOnly b
-instance ToHie (Located (WarnDecls GhcRn)) where
- toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
+instance ToHie (LocatedA (WarnDecls GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNodeA decl span : case decl of
Warnings _ _ warnings ->
[ toHie warnings
-instance ToHie (Located (WarnDecl GhcRn)) where
- toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
+instance ToHie (LocatedA (WarnDecl GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl (locA span) : case decl of
Warning _ vars _ ->
[ toHie $ map (C Use) vars
-instance ToHie (Located (AnnDecl GhcRn)) where
- toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
+instance ToHie (LocatedA (AnnDecl GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNodeA decl span : case decl of
HsAnnotation _ _ prov expr ->
[ toHie prov
, toHie expr
-instance ToHie (Context (Located a)) => ToHie (AnnProvenance a) where
+instance ToHie (AnnProvenance GhcRn) where
toHie (ValueAnnProvenance a) = toHie $ C Use a
toHie (TypeAnnProvenance a) = toHie $ C Use a
toHie ModuleAnnProvenance = pure []
-instance ToHie (Located (RuleDecls GhcRn)) where
- toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
+instance ToHie (LocatedA (RuleDecls GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNodeA decl span : case decl of
HsRules _ _ rules ->
[ toHie rules
-instance ToHie (Located (RuleDecl GhcRn)) where
+instance ToHie (LocatedA (RuleDecl GhcRn)) where
toHie (L span r@(HsRule _ rname _ tybndrs bndrs exprA exprB)) = concatM
- [ makeNode r span
+ [ makeNodeA r span
, locOnly $ getLoc rname
, toHie $ fmap (tvScopes (ResolvedScopes []) scope) tybndrs
- , toHie $ map (RS $ mkScope span) bndrs
+ , toHie $ map (RS $ mkScope (locA span)) bndrs
, toHie exprA
, toHie exprB
where scope = bndrs_sc `combineScopes` exprA_sc `combineScopes` exprB_sc
bndrs_sc = maybe NoScope mkLScope (listToMaybe bndrs)
- exprA_sc = mkLScope exprA
- exprB_sc = mkLScope exprB
+ exprA_sc = mkLScopeA exprA
+ exprB_sc = mkLScopeA exprB
instance ToHie (RScoped (Located (RuleBndr GhcRn))) where
toHie (RS sc (L span bndr)) = concatM $ makeNode bndr span : case bndr of
@@ -1991,8 +2067,8 @@ instance ToHie (RScoped (Located (RuleBndr GhcRn))) where
, toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [sc]) typ
-instance ToHie (Located (ImportDecl GhcRn)) where
- toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
+instance ToHie (LocatedA (ImportDecl GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl (locA span) : case decl of
ImportDecl { ideclName = name, ideclAs = as, ideclHiding = hidden } ->
[ toHie $ IEC Import name
, toHie $ fmap (IEC ImportAs) as
@@ -2000,14 +2076,14 @@ instance ToHie (Located (ImportDecl GhcRn)) where
goIE (hiding, (L sp liens)) = concatM $
- [ locOnly sp
+ [ locOnly (locA sp)
, toHie $ map (IEC c) liens
c = if hiding then ImportHiding else Import
-instance ToHie (IEContext (Located (IE GhcRn))) where
- toHie (IEC c (L span ie)) = concatM $ makeNode ie span : case ie of
+instance ToHie (IEContext (LocatedA (IE GhcRn))) where
+ toHie (IEC c (L span ie)) = concatM $ makeNode ie (locA span) : case ie of
IEVar _ n ->
[ toHie $ IEC c n
@@ -2030,14 +2106,14 @@ instance ToHie (IEContext (Located (IE GhcRn))) where
IEDocNamed _ _ -> []
instance ToHie (IEContext (LIEWrappedName Name)) where
- toHie (IEC c (L span iewn)) = concatM $ makeNode iewn span : case iewn of
+ toHie (IEC c (L span iewn)) = concatM $ makeNodeA iewn span : case iewn of
IEName n ->
[ toHie $ C (IEThing c) n
- IEPattern p ->
+ IEPattern _ p ->
[ toHie $ C (IEThing c) p
- IEType n ->
+ IEType _ n ->
[ toHie $ C (IEThing c) n
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Utils.hs b/compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Utils.hs
index c4c86dd216..0a9150f532 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Utils.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Utils.hs
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
import GHC.Core.Type
import GHC.Types.Var
import GHC.Types.Var.Env
+import GHC.Parser.Annotation
import GHC.Iface.Ext.Types
@@ -523,6 +524,9 @@ locOnly (RealSrcSpan span _) = do
pure [Node e span []]
locOnly _ = pure []
+mkScopeA :: SrcSpanAnn' ann -> Scope
+mkScopeA l = mkScope (locA l)
mkScope :: SrcSpan -> Scope
mkScope (RealSrcSpan sp _) = LocalScope sp
mkScope _ = NoScope
@@ -530,6 +534,12 @@ mkScope _ = NoScope
mkLScope :: Located a -> Scope
mkLScope = mkScope . getLoc
+mkLScopeA :: GenLocated (SrcSpanAnn' a) e -> Scope
+mkLScopeA = mkScope . locA . getLoc
+mkLScopeN :: LocatedN a -> Scope
+mkLScopeN = mkScope . getLocA
combineScopes :: Scope -> Scope -> Scope
combineScopes ModuleScope _ = ModuleScope
combineScopes _ ModuleScope = ModuleScope
@@ -541,6 +551,14 @@ combineScopes (LocalScope a) (LocalScope b) =
mkSourcedNodeInfo :: NodeOrigin -> NodeInfo a -> SourcedNodeInfo a
mkSourcedNodeInfo org ni = SourcedNodeInfo $ M.singleton org ni
+{-# INLINEABLE makeNodeA #-}
+ :: (Monad m, Data a)
+ => a -- ^ helps fill in 'nodeAnnotations' (with 'Data')
+ -> SrcSpanAnn' ann -- ^ return an empty list if this is unhelpful
+ -> ReaderT NodeOrigin m [HieAST b]
+makeNodeA x spn = makeNode x (locA spn)
{-# INLINEABLE makeNode #-}
:: (Monad m, Data a)
@@ -556,6 +574,15 @@ makeNode x spn = do
cons = mkFastString . show . toConstr $ x
typ = mkFastString . show . typeRepTyCon . typeOf $ x
+{-# INLINEABLE makeTypeNodeA #-}
+ :: (Monad m, Data a)
+ => a -- ^ helps fill in 'nodeAnnotations' (with 'Data')
+ -> SrcSpanAnnA -- ^ return an empty list if this is unhelpful
+ -> Type -- ^ type to associate with the node
+ -> ReaderT NodeOrigin m [HieAST Type]
+makeTypeNodeA x spn etyp = makeTypeNode x (locA spn) etyp
{-# INLINEABLE makeTypeNode #-}
:: (Monad m, Data a)