diff options
authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2011-08-23 13:48:16 +0100
committerSimon Peyton Jones <>2011-08-23 13:48:16 +0100
commitc19deeb7a4a8e5d369934bba9a829dedbc502a4c (patch)
parente8f0225d8bd42fd4b66ac9e787be4703574d1896 (diff)
Wibbles to accommodate TH changes (Trac #4429, #5406)
2 files changed, 175 insertions, 173 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/haddock/haddock_examples/haddock.Test.stderr b/testsuite/tests/haddock/haddock_examples/haddock.Test.stderr
index 4c8c718d70..48cae1cf83 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/haddock/haddock_examples/haddock.Test.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/haddock/haddock_examples/haddock.Test.stderr
@@ -1,164 +1,166 @@
-[1 of 3] Compiling Visible ( Visible.hs, Visible.o )
-==================== Parser ====================
-module Visible where
-visible :: Int -> Int
-visible a = a
-[2 of 3] Compiling Hidden ( Hidden.hs, Hidden.o )
-==================== Parser ====================
-module Hidden where
-hidden :: Int -> Int
-hidden a = a
-[3 of 3] Compiling Test ( Test.hs, Test.o )
-==================== Parser ====================
-<document comment>
-module Test (
- <IEGroup: 1>, <IEGroup: 2>, T(..), T2, T3(..), T4(..), T5(..),
- T6(..), N1(..), N2(..), N3(..), N4, N5(..), N6(..), N7(..),
- <IEGroup: 2>, R(..), R1(..), <document comment>, p, q, u,
- <IEGroup: 1>, C(a, b), D(..), E, F(..), <document comment>, a,
- <IEGroup: 1>, f, g, <IEGroup: 1>, <IEDocNamed: aux1>,
- <IEDocNamed: aux2>, <IEDocNamed: aux3>, <IEDocNamed: aux4>,
- <IEDocNamed: aux5>, <IEDocNamed: aux6>, <IEDocNamed: aux7>,
- <IEDocNamed: aux8>, <IEDocNamed: aux9>, <IEDocNamed: aux10>,
- <IEDocNamed: aux11>, <IEDocNamed: aux12>, <document comment>,
- <IEGroup: 1>, module Hidden, <IEGroup: 1>, module Visible,
- <document comment>, <IEGroup: 1>, Ex(..), <IEGroup: 1>, k, l, m, o,
- <IEGroup: 1>, <IEGroup: 2>, <document comment>, f'
- ) where
-import Hidden
-import Visible
-<document comment>
-data T a b
- = <document comment> A Int Maybe Float |
- <document comment> B (T a b, T Int Float)
-<document comment>
-data T2 a b = T2 a b
-<document comment>
-data T3 a b = A1 a | B1 b
-data T4 a b = A2 a | B2 b
-data T5 a b = <document comment> A3 a | <document comment> B3 b
-<document comment>
-data T6
- = <document comment> A4 |
- <document comment> B4 |
- <document comment> C4
-<document comment>
-newtype N1 a = N1 a
-<document comment>
-newtype N2 a b = N2 {n :: a b}
-<document comment>
-newtype N3 a b = N3 {n3 :: a b <document comment>}
-<document comment>
-newtype N4 a b = N4 a
-newtype N5 a b = N5 {n5 :: a b <document comment>}
-newtype N6 a b = <document comment> N6 {n6 :: a b}
-<document comment>
-newtype N7 a b = <document comment> N7 {n7 :: a b}
-class D a => C a where
- { a :: IO a
- b :: [a]
- c :: a }
-<document comment>
-class D a where
- { d :: T a b
- e :: (a, a) }
-<document comment>
-instance D Int where
- { d = undefined
- e = undefined }
-instance Test.D Float where
- { d = undefined
- e = undefined }
-class E a where { ee :: a }
-<document comment>
-class F a where { ff :: a }
-<document comment>
-data R
- = <document comment>
- C1 {p :: Int <document comment>,
- q :: forall a. a -> a <document comment>,
- r :: Int <document comment>,
- s :: Int <document comment>} |
- <document comment>
- C2 {t :: T1
- -> (T2 Int Int) -> (T3 Bool Bool) -> (T4 Float Float) -> T5 () (),
- u :: Int,
- v :: Int}
-<document comment>
-data R1
- = <document comment>
- C3 {s1 :: Int <document comment>,
- s2 :: Int <document comment>,
- s3 :: Int <document comment>}
-<document comment>
-<document comment>
-<document comment>
-<document comment>
-f :: C a => a -> Int
-<document comment>
-foreign import ccall safe "static header.h g" g :: Int -> IO CInt
-<document comment>
-h :: Int
-h = 42
-<document comment>
-<document comment>
-<document comment>
-<document comment>
-<document comment>
-<document comment>
-<document comment>
-<document comment>
-<document comment>
-<document comment>
-<document comment>
-<document comment>
-<document comment>
-data Ex a
- = forall b. C b => Ex1 b |
- forall b. Ex2 b |
- forall b. C a => Ex3 b |
- Ex4 forall a. a -> a
-<document comment>
-k ::
- T () () <document comment>
- -> (T2 Int Int) <document comment>
- -> (T3 Bool Bool -> T4 Float Float) <document comment>
- -> T5 () () <document comment> -> IO () <document comment>
-l :: (Int, Int, Float) <document comment> -> Int <document comment>
-<document comment>
-m :: R -> N1 () <document comment> -> IO Int <document comment>
-<document comment>
-newn :: R <document comment> -> N1 () <document comment> -> IO Int
-newn = undefined
-<document comment>
-foreign import ccall unsafe "static header.h o" o
- :: Float <document comment> -> IO Float <document comment>
-<document comment>
-newp :: Int
-newp = undefined
-<document comment>
-f' :: Int
-data T1 =
-f = undefined
-f' = undefined
-type CInt = Int
-k = undefined
-l = undefined
-m = undefined
-Test.hs:32:9: Warning: `p' is exported by `p' and `R(..)'
-Test.hs:32:12: Warning: `q' is exported by `q' and `R(..)'
-Test.hs:32:15: Warning: `u' is exported by `u' and `R(..)'
-Test.hs:38:9: Warning: `a' is exported by `a' and `C(a, b)'
+[1 of 3] Compiling Visible ( Visible.hs, Visible.o )
+==================== Parser ====================
+module Visible where
+visible :: Int -> Int
+visible a = a
+[2 of 3] Compiling Hidden ( Hidden.hs, Hidden.o )
+==================== Parser ====================
+module Hidden where
+hidden :: Int -> Int
+hidden a = a
+[3 of 3] Compiling Test ( Test.hs, Test.o )
+==================== Parser ====================
+<document comment>
+module Test (
+ <IEGroup: 1>, <IEGroup: 2>, T(..), T2, T3(..), T4(..), T5(..),
+ T6(..), N1(..), N2(..), N3(..), N4, N5(..), N6(..), N7(..),
+ <IEGroup: 2>, R(..), R1(..), <document comment>, p, q, u,
+ <IEGroup: 1>, C(a, b), D(..), E, F(..), <document comment>, a,
+ <IEGroup: 1>, f, g, <IEGroup: 1>, <IEDocNamed: aux1>,
+ <IEDocNamed: aux2>, <IEDocNamed: aux3>, <IEDocNamed: aux4>,
+ <IEDocNamed: aux5>, <IEDocNamed: aux6>, <IEDocNamed: aux7>,
+ <IEDocNamed: aux8>, <IEDocNamed: aux9>, <IEDocNamed: aux10>,
+ <IEDocNamed: aux11>, <IEDocNamed: aux12>, <document comment>,
+ <IEGroup: 1>, module Hidden, <IEGroup: 1>, module Visible,
+ <document comment>, <IEGroup: 1>, Ex(..), <IEGroup: 1>, k, l, m, o,
+ <IEGroup: 1>, <IEGroup: 2>, <document comment>, f'
+ ) where
+import Hidden
+import Visible
+<document comment>
+data T a b
+ = <document comment> A Int Maybe Float |
+ <document comment> B (T a b, T Int Float)
+<document comment>
+data T2 a b = T2 a b
+<document comment>
+data T3 a b = A1 a | B1 b
+data T4 a b = A2 a | B2 b
+data T5 a b = <document comment> A3 a | <document comment> B3 b
+<document comment>
+data T6
+ = <document comment> A4 |
+ <document comment> B4 |
+ <document comment> C4
+<document comment>
+newtype N1 a = N1 a
+<document comment>
+newtype N2 a b = N2 {n :: a b}
+<document comment>
+newtype N3 a b = N3 {n3 :: a b <document comment>}
+<document comment>
+newtype N4 a b = N4 a
+newtype N5 a b = N5 {n5 :: a b <document comment>}
+newtype N6 a b = <document comment> N6 {n6 :: a b}
+<document comment>
+newtype N7 a b = <document comment> N7 {n7 :: a b}
+class D a => C a where
+ a :: IO a
+ b :: [a]
+ c :: a
+<document comment>
+class D a where
+ d :: T a b
+ e :: (a, a)
+<document comment>
+instance D Int where
+ d = undefined
+ e = undefined
+instance Test.D Float where
+ d = undefined
+ e = undefined
+class E a where
+ ee :: a
+<document comment>
+class F a where
+ ff :: a
+<document comment>
+data R
+ = <document comment>
+ C1 {p :: Int <document comment>,
+ q :: forall a. a -> a <document comment>,
+ r :: Int <document comment>,
+ s :: Int <document comment>} |
+ <document comment>
+ C2 {t :: T1
+ -> (T2 Int Int) -> (T3 Bool Bool) -> (T4 Float Float) -> T5 () (),
+ u :: Int,
+ v :: Int}
+<document comment>
+data R1
+ = <document comment>
+ C3 {s1 :: Int <document comment>,
+ s2 :: Int <document comment>,
+ s3 :: Int <document comment>}
+<document comment>
+<document comment>
+<document comment>
+<document comment>
+f :: C a => a -> Int
+<document comment>
+foreign import ccall safe "static header.h g" g :: Int -> IO CInt
+<document comment>
+h :: Int
+h = 42
+<document comment>
+<document comment>
+<document comment>
+<document comment>
+<document comment>
+<document comment>
+<document comment>
+<document comment>
+<document comment>
+<document comment>
+<document comment>
+<document comment>
+<document comment>
+data Ex a
+ = forall b. C b => Ex1 b |
+ forall b. Ex2 b |
+ forall b. C a => Ex3 b |
+ Ex4 forall a. a -> a
+<document comment>
+k ::
+ T () () <document comment>
+ -> (T2 Int Int) <document comment>
+ -> (T3 Bool Bool -> T4 Float Float) <document comment>
+ -> T5 () () <document comment> -> IO () <document comment>
+l :: (Int, Int, Float) <document comment> -> Int <document comment>
+<document comment>
+m :: R -> N1 () <document comment> -> IO Int <document comment>
+<document comment>
+newn :: R <document comment> -> N1 () <document comment> -> IO Int
+newn = undefined
+<document comment>
+foreign import ccall unsafe "static header.h o" o
+ :: Float <document comment> -> IO Float <document comment>
+<document comment>
+newp :: Int
+newp = undefined
+<document comment>
+f' :: Int
+data T1 =
+f = undefined
+f' = undefined
+type CInt = Int
+k = undefined
+l = undefined
+m = undefined
+Test.hs:32:9: Warning: `p' is exported by `p' and `R(..)'
+Test.hs:32:12: Warning: `q' is exported by `q' and `R(..)'
+Test.hs:32:15: Warning: `u' is exported by `u' and `R(..)'
+Test.hs:38:9: Warning: `a' is exported by `a' and `C(a, b)'
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/th/T1835.hs b/testsuite/tests/th/T1835.hs
index 296bf907ab..e9bda365fc 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/th/T1835.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/th/T1835.hs
@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ instance MyClass2 Int Bool
main = do
putStrLn $(do { info <- reify ''MyClass; lift (pprint info) })
- print $(isClassInstance ''Eq [ConT ''Foo] >>= lift)
- print $(isClassInstance ''MyClass [ConT ''Foo] >>= lift)
- print $ not $(isClassInstance ''Show [ConT ''Foo] >>= lift)
- print $(isClassInstance ''MyClass [ConT ''Bar] >>= lift) -- this one
- print $(isClassInstance ''MyClass [ConT ''Baz] >>= lift)
- print $(isClassInstance ''MyClass [AppT (ConT ''Quux) (ConT ''Int)] >>= lift) --this one
- print $(isClassInstance ''MyClass [AppT (ConT ''Quux2) (ConT ''Int)] >>= lift) -- this one
- print $(isClassInstance ''MyClass2 [ConT ''Int, ConT ''Bool] >>= lift)
- print $(isClassInstance ''MyClass2 [ConT ''Bool, ConT ''Bool] >>= lift)
+ print $(isInstance ''Eq [ConT ''Foo] >>= lift)
+ print $(isInstance ''MyClass [ConT ''Foo] >>= lift)
+ print $ not $(isInstance ''Show [ConT ''Foo] >>= lift)
+ print $(isInstance ''MyClass [ConT ''Bar] >>= lift) -- this one
+ print $(isInstance ''MyClass [ConT ''Baz] >>= lift)
+ print $(isInstance ''MyClass [AppT (ConT ''Quux) (ConT ''Int)] >>= lift) --this one
+ print $(isInstance ''MyClass [AppT (ConT ''Quux2) (ConT ''Int)] >>= lift) -- this one
+ print $(isInstance ''MyClass2 [ConT ''Int, ConT ''Bool] >>= lift)
+ print $(isInstance ''MyClass2 [ConT ''Bool, ConT ''Bool] >>= lift)