path: root/api/go1.16.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'api/go1.16.txt')
1 files changed, 662 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/api/go1.16.txt b/api/go1.16.txt
index ce015fd6fb..8f9ca55ccd 100644
--- a/api/go1.16.txt
+++ b/api/go1.16.txt
@@ -499,3 +499,665 @@ pkg unicode, var Chorasmian *RangeTable
pkg unicode, var Dives_Akuru *RangeTable
pkg unicode, var Khitan_Small_Script *RangeTable
pkg unicode, var Yezidi *RangeTable
+# all deprecations up to and including Go 1.16
+pkg archive/tar, type Header struct, Xattrs //deprecated
+pkg archive/zip, method (*File) ModTime //deprecated
+pkg archive/zip, method (*File) SetModTime //deprecated
+pkg archive/zip, method (*FileHeader) ModTime //deprecated
+pkg archive/zip, method (*FileHeader) SetModTime //deprecated
+pkg compress/flate, type ReadError //deprecated
+pkg compress/flate, type WriteError //deprecated
+pkg crypto/rc4, method (*Cipher) Reset //deprecated
+pkg crypto/tls, const VersionSSL30 //deprecated
+pkg crypto/tls, method (*Config) BuildNameToCertificate //deprecated
+pkg crypto/tls, type Config struct, NameToCertificate //deprecated
+pkg crypto/tls, type Config struct, SessionTicketKey //deprecated
+pkg crypto/tls, type ConnectionState struct, NegotiatedProtocolIsMutual //deprecated
+pkg crypto/tls, type ConnectionState struct, TLSUnique //deprecated
+pkg crypto/x509, func DecryptPEMBlock //deprecated
+pkg crypto/x509, func EncryptPEMBlock //deprecated
+pkg crypto/x509, func IsEncryptedPEMBlock //deprecated
+pkg crypto/x509, type CertificateRequest struct, Attributes //deprecated
+pkg database/sql/driver, type ColumnConverter //deprecated
+pkg database/sql/driver, type Conn interface, Begin //deprecated
+pkg database/sql/driver, type Execer //deprecated
+pkg database/sql/driver, type Queryer //deprecated
+pkg database/sql/driver, type Stmt interface, Exec //deprecated
+pkg database/sql/driver, type Stmt interface, Query //deprecated
+pkg debug/gosym, method (*LineTable) LineToPC //deprecated
+pkg debug/gosym, method (*LineTable) PCToLine //deprecated
+pkg encoding/json, type InvalidUTF8Error //deprecated
+pkg encoding/json, type UnmarshalFieldError //deprecated
+pkg go/build, const AllowBinary //deprecated
+pkg go/doc, type Package struct, Bugs //deprecated
+pkg go/importer, func For //deprecated
+pkg go/importer, func ForCompiler //deprecated
+pkg go/types, func NewInterface //deprecated
+pkg go/types, method (*Interface) Embedded //deprecated
+pkg image, var ZP //deprecated
+pkg image, var ZR //deprecated
+pkg image/jpeg, type Reader //deprecated
+pkg net, type Dialer struct, Cancel //deprecated
+pkg net, type Dialer struct, DualStack //deprecated
+pkg net/http, method (*Transport) CancelRequest //deprecated
+pkg net/http, type CloseNotifier //deprecated
+pkg net/http, type ProtocolError //deprecated
+pkg net/http, type Request struct, Cancel //deprecated
+pkg net/http, type Transport struct, Dial //deprecated
+pkg net/http, type Transport struct, DialTLS //deprecated
+pkg net/http, var ErrHeaderTooLong //deprecated
+pkg net/http, var ErrMissingContentLength //deprecated
+pkg net/http, var ErrShortBody //deprecated
+pkg net/http, var ErrUnexpectedTrailer //deprecated
+pkg net/http, var ErrWriteAfterFlush //deprecated
+pkg net/http/httptest, type ResponseRecorder struct, HeaderMap //deprecated
+pkg net/http/httputil, func NewClientConn //deprecated
+pkg net/http/httputil, func NewProxyClientConn //deprecated
+pkg net/http/httputil, func NewServerConn //deprecated
+pkg net/http/httputil, type ClientConn //deprecated
+pkg net/http/httputil, type ServerConn //deprecated
+pkg net/http/httputil, var ErrClosed //deprecated
+pkg net/http/httputil, var ErrPersistEOF //deprecated
+pkg net/http/httputil, var ErrPipeline //deprecated
+pkg os, const SEEK_CUR //deprecated
+pkg os, const SEEK_END //deprecated
+pkg os, const SEEK_SET //deprecated
+pkg path/filepath, func HasPrefix //deprecated
+pkg regexp, method (*Regexp) Copy //deprecated
+pkg runtime, func CPUProfile //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), func BpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), func BpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), func BpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), func BpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), func BpfJump //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), func BpfStats //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), func BpfStmt //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), func BpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), func CheckBpfVersion //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), func FlushBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), func ParseRoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), func ParseRoutingSockaddr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), func RouteRIB //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), func SetBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), func SetBpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), func SetBpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), func SetBpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), func SetBpfImmediate //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), func SetBpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), func SetBpfPromisc //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), func SetBpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), func StringSlicePtr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), type InterfaceAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), type InterfaceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), type InterfaceMulticastAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), type RouteMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64), type RoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), func BpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), func BpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), func BpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), func BpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), func BpfJump //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), func BpfStats //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), func BpfStmt //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), func BpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), func CheckBpfVersion //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), func FlushBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), func ParseRoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), func ParseRoutingSockaddr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), func RouteRIB //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), func SetBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfImmediate //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfPromisc //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), func StringSlicePtr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), type InterfaceAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), type InterfaceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), type InterfaceMulticastAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), type RouteMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (darwin-amd64-cgo), type RoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), func BpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), func BpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), func BpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), func BpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), func BpfJump //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), func BpfStats //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), func BpfStmt //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), func BpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), func CheckBpfVersion //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), func FlushBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), func ParseRoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), func ParseRoutingSockaddr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), func RouteRIB //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), func SetBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), func SetBpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), func SetBpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), func SetBpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), func SetBpfImmediate //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), func SetBpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), func SetBpfPromisc //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), func SetBpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), func StringSlicePtr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type InterfaceAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type InterfaceAnnounceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type InterfaceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type InterfaceMulticastAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type RouteMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type RoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), func BpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), func BpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), func BpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), func BpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), func BpfJump //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), func BpfStats //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), func BpfStmt //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), func BpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), func CheckBpfVersion //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), func FlushBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), func ParseRoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), func ParseRoutingSockaddr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), func RouteRIB //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), func SetBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), func SetBpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), func SetBpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), func SetBpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), func SetBpfImmediate //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), func SetBpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), func SetBpfPromisc //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), func SetBpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), func StringSlicePtr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type InterfaceAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type InterfaceAnnounceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type InterfaceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type InterfaceMulticastAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type RouteMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type RoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func BpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func BpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func BpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func BpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func BpfJump //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func BpfStats //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func BpfStmt //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func BpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func CheckBpfVersion //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func FlushBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func ParseRoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func ParseRoutingSockaddr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func RouteRIB //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func SetBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func SetBpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func SetBpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func SetBpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func SetBpfImmediate //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func SetBpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func SetBpfPromisc //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func SetBpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func StringSlicePtr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type InterfaceAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type InterfaceAnnounceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type InterfaceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type InterfaceMulticastAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type RouteMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type RoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), func BpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), func BpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), func BpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), func BpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), func BpfJump //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), func BpfStats //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), func BpfStmt //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), func BpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), func CheckBpfVersion //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), func FlushBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), func ParseRoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), func ParseRoutingSockaddr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), func RouteRIB //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), func SetBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfImmediate //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfPromisc //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), func StringSlicePtr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type InterfaceAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type InterfaceAnnounceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type InterfaceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type InterfaceMulticastAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type RouteMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type RoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), func BpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), func BpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), func BpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), func BpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), func BpfJump //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), func BpfStats //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), func BpfStmt //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), func BpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), func CheckBpfVersion //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), func FlushBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), func ParseRoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), func ParseRoutingSockaddr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), func RouteRIB //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), func SetBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), func SetBpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), func SetBpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), func SetBpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), func SetBpfImmediate //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), func SetBpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), func SetBpfPromisc //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), func SetBpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), func StringSlicePtr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type InterfaceAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type InterfaceAnnounceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type InterfaceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type InterfaceMulticastAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type RouteMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type RoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), func BpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), func BpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), func BpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), func BpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), func BpfJump //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), func BpfStats //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), func BpfStmt //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), func BpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), func CheckBpfVersion //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), func FlushBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), func ParseRoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), func ParseRoutingSockaddr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), func RouteRIB //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), func SetBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), func SetBpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), func SetBpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), func SetBpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), func SetBpfImmediate //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), func SetBpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), func SetBpfPromisc //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), func SetBpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), func StringSlicePtr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type InterfaceAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type InterfaceAnnounceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type InterfaceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type InterfaceMulticastAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type RouteMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type RoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-386), func AttachLsf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-386), func DetachLsf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-386), func LsfJump //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-386), func LsfSocket //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-386), func LsfStmt //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-386), func SetLsfPromisc //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-386), func StringSlicePtr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), func AttachLsf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), func DetachLsf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), func LsfJump //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), func LsfSocket //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), func LsfStmt //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), func SetLsfPromisc //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-386-cgo), func StringSlicePtr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-amd64), func AttachLsf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-amd64), func DetachLsf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-amd64), func LsfJump //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-amd64), func LsfSocket //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-amd64), func LsfStmt //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-amd64), func SetLsfPromisc //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-amd64), func StringSlicePtr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-amd64-cgo), func AttachLsf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-amd64-cgo), func DetachLsf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-amd64-cgo), func LsfJump //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-amd64-cgo), func LsfSocket //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-amd64-cgo), func LsfStmt //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-amd64-cgo), func SetLsfPromisc //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-amd64-cgo), func StringSlicePtr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-arm), func AttachLsf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-arm), func DetachLsf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-arm), func LsfJump //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-arm), func LsfSocket //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-arm), func LsfStmt //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-arm), func SetLsfPromisc //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-arm), func StringSlicePtr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-arm-cgo), func AttachLsf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-arm-cgo), func DetachLsf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-arm-cgo), func LsfJump //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-arm-cgo), func LsfSocket //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-arm-cgo), func LsfStmt //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-arm-cgo), func SetLsfPromisc //deprecated
+pkg syscall (linux-arm-cgo), func StringSlicePtr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386), func BpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386), func BpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386), func BpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386), func BpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386), func BpfJump //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386), func BpfStats //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386), func BpfStmt //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386), func BpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386), func CheckBpfVersion //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386), func FlushBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386), func ParseRoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386), func ParseRoutingSockaddr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386), func RouteRIB //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386), func SetBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386), func SetBpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386), func SetBpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386), func SetBpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386), func SetBpfImmediate //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386), func SetBpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386), func SetBpfPromisc //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386), func SetBpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386), func StringSlicePtr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386), type InterfaceAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386), type InterfaceAnnounceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386), type InterfaceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386), type RouteMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386), type RoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), func BpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), func BpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), func BpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), func BpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), func BpfJump //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), func BpfStats //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), func BpfStmt //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), func BpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), func CheckBpfVersion //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), func FlushBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), func ParseRoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), func ParseRoutingSockaddr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), func RouteRIB //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), func SetBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), func SetBpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), func SetBpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), func SetBpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), func SetBpfImmediate //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), func SetBpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), func SetBpfPromisc //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), func SetBpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), func StringSlicePtr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), type InterfaceAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), type InterfaceAnnounceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), type InterfaceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), type RouteMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-386-cgo), type RoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), func BpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), func BpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), func BpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), func BpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), func BpfJump //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), func BpfStats //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), func BpfStmt //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), func BpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), func CheckBpfVersion //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), func FlushBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), func ParseRoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), func ParseRoutingSockaddr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), func RouteRIB //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), func SetBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), func SetBpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), func SetBpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), func SetBpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), func SetBpfImmediate //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), func SetBpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), func SetBpfPromisc //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), func SetBpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), func StringSlicePtr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), type InterfaceAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), type InterfaceAnnounceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), type InterfaceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), type RouteMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64), type RoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), func BpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), func BpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), func BpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), func BpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), func BpfJump //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), func BpfStats //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), func BpfStmt //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), func BpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), func CheckBpfVersion //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), func FlushBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), func ParseRoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), func ParseRoutingSockaddr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), func RouteRIB //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), func SetBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfImmediate //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfPromisc //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), func StringSlicePtr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), type InterfaceAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), type InterfaceAnnounceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), type InterfaceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), type RouteMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-amd64-cgo), type RoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), func BpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), func BpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), func BpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), func BpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), func BpfJump //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), func BpfStats //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), func BpfStmt //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), func BpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), func CheckBpfVersion //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), func FlushBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), func ParseRoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), func ParseRoutingSockaddr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), func RouteRIB //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), func SetBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), func SetBpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), func SetBpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), func SetBpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), func SetBpfImmediate //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), func SetBpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), func SetBpfPromisc //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), func SetBpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), func StringSlicePtr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), type InterfaceAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), type InterfaceAnnounceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), type InterfaceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), type RouteMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm), type RoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), func BpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), func BpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), func BpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), func BpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), func BpfJump //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), func BpfStats //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), func BpfStmt //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), func BpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), func CheckBpfVersion //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), func FlushBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), func ParseRoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), func ParseRoutingSockaddr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), func RouteRIB //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), func SetBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), func SetBpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), func SetBpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), func SetBpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), func SetBpfImmediate //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), func SetBpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), func SetBpfPromisc //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), func SetBpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), func StringSlicePtr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), type InterfaceAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), type InterfaceAnnounceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), type InterfaceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), type RouteMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm-cgo), type RoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64), func BpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64), func BpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64), func BpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64), func BpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64), func BpfJump //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64), func BpfStats //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64), func BpfStmt //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64), func BpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64), func CheckBpfVersion //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64), func FlushBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64), func ParseRoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64), func ParseRoutingSockaddr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64), func RouteRIB //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64), func SetBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64), func SetBpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64), func SetBpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64), func SetBpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64), func SetBpfImmediate //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64), func SetBpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64), func SetBpfPromisc //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64), func SetBpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64), func StringSlicePtr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64), type InterfaceAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64), type InterfaceAnnounceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64), type InterfaceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64), type RouteMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64), type RoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64-cgo), func BpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64-cgo), func BpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64-cgo), func BpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64-cgo), func BpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64-cgo), func BpfJump //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64-cgo), func BpfStats //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64-cgo), func BpfStmt //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64-cgo), func BpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64-cgo), func CheckBpfVersion //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64-cgo), func FlushBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64-cgo), func ParseRoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64-cgo), func ParseRoutingSockaddr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64-cgo), func RouteRIB //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64-cgo), func SetBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64-cgo), func SetBpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64-cgo), func SetBpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64-cgo), func SetBpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64-cgo), func SetBpfImmediate //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64-cgo), func SetBpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64-cgo), func SetBpfPromisc //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64-cgo), func SetBpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64-cgo), func StringSlicePtr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64-cgo), type InterfaceAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64-cgo), type InterfaceAnnounceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64-cgo), type InterfaceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64-cgo), type RouteMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (netbsd-arm64-cgo), type RoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), func BpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), func BpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), func BpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), func BpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), func BpfJump //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), func BpfStats //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), func BpfStmt //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), func BpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), func CheckBpfVersion //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), func FlushBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), func ParseRoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), func ParseRoutingSockaddr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), func RouteRIB //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), func SetBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), func SetBpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), func SetBpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), func SetBpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), func SetBpfImmediate //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), func SetBpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), func SetBpfPromisc //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), func SetBpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), func StringSlicePtr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), type InterfaceAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), type InterfaceAnnounceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), type InterfaceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), type RouteMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), type RoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), func BpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), func BpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), func BpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), func BpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), func BpfJump //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), func BpfStats //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), func BpfStmt //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), func BpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), func CheckBpfVersion //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), func FlushBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), func ParseRoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), func ParseRoutingSockaddr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), func RouteRIB //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), func SetBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), func SetBpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), func SetBpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), func SetBpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), func SetBpfImmediate //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), func SetBpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), func SetBpfPromisc //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), func SetBpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), func StringSlicePtr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), type InterfaceAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), type InterfaceAnnounceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), type InterfaceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), type RouteMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), type RoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), func BpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), func BpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), func BpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), func BpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), func BpfJump //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), func BpfStats //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), func BpfStmt //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), func BpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), func CheckBpfVersion //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), func FlushBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), func ParseRoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), func ParseRoutingSockaddr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), func RouteRIB //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), func SetBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), func SetBpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), func SetBpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), func SetBpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), func SetBpfImmediate //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), func SetBpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), func SetBpfPromisc //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), func SetBpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), func StringSlicePtr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), type InterfaceAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), type InterfaceAnnounceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), type InterfaceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), type RouteMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), type RoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), func BpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), func BpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), func BpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), func BpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), func BpfJump //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), func BpfStats //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), func BpfStmt //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), func BpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), func CheckBpfVersion //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), func FlushBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), func ParseRoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), func ParseRoutingSockaddr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), func RouteRIB //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), func SetBpf //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfBuflen //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfDatalink //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfHeadercmpl //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfImmediate //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfInterface //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfPromisc //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), func SetBpfTimeout //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), func StringSlicePtr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), type InterfaceAddrMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), type InterfaceAnnounceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), type InterfaceMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), type RouteMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), type RoutingMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (windows-386), func FormatMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (windows-386), func StringToUTF16 //deprecated
+pkg syscall (windows-386), func StringToUTF16Ptr //deprecated
+pkg syscall (windows-amd64), func FormatMessage //deprecated
+pkg syscall (windows-amd64), func StringToUTF16 //deprecated
+pkg syscall (windows-amd64), func StringToUTF16Ptr //deprecated
+pkg syscall, func StringBytePtr //deprecated
+pkg syscall, func StringByteSlice //deprecated