diff options
5 files changed, 1987 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/fmt_test.go b/src/cmd/compile/fmt_test.go
index 992b43460b..8af7cced6a 100644
--- a/src/cmd/compile/fmt_test.go
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/fmt_test.go
@@ -610,6 +610,7 @@ var knownFormats = map[string]string{
"[]cmd/compile/internal/ssa.ID %v": "",
"[]cmd/compile/internal/syntax.token %s": "",
"[]string %v": "",
+ "[]uint32 %v": "",
"bool %v": "",
"byte %08b": "",
"byte %c": "",
@@ -645,6 +646,8 @@ var knownFormats = map[string]string{
"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Op %s": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Op %v": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.ValAndOff %s": "",
+ "cmd/compile/internal/ssa.posetNode %v": "",
+ "cmd/compile/internal/ssa.posetTestOp %v": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.rbrank %d": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.regMask %d": "",
"cmd/compile/internal/ssa.register %d": "",
@@ -693,31 +696,32 @@ var knownFormats = map[string]string{
"interface{} %s": "",
"interface{} %v": "",
"map[*cmd/compile/internal/gc.Node]*cmd/compile/internal/ssa.Value %v": "",
- "reflect.Type %s": "",
- "rune %#U": "",
- "rune %c": "",
- "string %-*s": "",
- "string %-16s": "",
- "string %-6s": "",
- "string %.*s": "",
- "string %q": "",
- "string %s": "",
- "string %v": "",
- "time.Duration %d": "",
- "time.Duration %v": "",
- "uint %04x": "",
- "uint %5d": "",
- "uint %d": "",
- "uint %x": "",
- "uint16 %d": "",
- "uint16 %v": "",
- "uint16 %x": "",
- "uint32 %d": "",
- "uint32 %x": "",
- "uint64 %08x": "",
- "uint64 %d": "",
- "uint64 %x": "",
- "uint8 %d": "",
- "uint8 %x": "",
- "uintptr %d": "",
+ "map[cmd/compile/internal/ssa.ID]uint32 %v": "",
+ "reflect.Type %s": "",
+ "rune %#U": "",
+ "rune %c": "",
+ "string %-*s": "",
+ "string %-16s": "",
+ "string %-6s": "",
+ "string %.*s": "",
+ "string %q": "",
+ "string %s": "",
+ "string %v": "",
+ "time.Duration %d": "",
+ "time.Duration %v": "",
+ "uint %04x": "",
+ "uint %5d": "",
+ "uint %d": "",
+ "uint %x": "",
+ "uint16 %d": "",
+ "uint16 %v": "",
+ "uint16 %x": "",
+ "uint32 %d": "",
+ "uint32 %x": "",
+ "uint64 %08x": "",
+ "uint64 %d": "",
+ "uint64 %x": "",
+ "uint8 %d": "",
+ "uint8 %x": "",
+ "uintptr %d": "",
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/poset.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/poset.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..22826b92bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/poset.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1181 @@
+// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package ssa
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "os"
+const uintSize = 32 << (^uint(0) >> 32 & 1) // 32 or 64
+// bitset is a bit array for dense indexes.
+type bitset []uint
+func newBitset(n int) bitset {
+ return make(bitset, (n+uintSize-1)/uintSize)
+func (bs bitset) Reset() {
+ for i := range bs {
+ bs[i] = 0
+ }
+func (bs bitset) Set(idx uint32) {
+ bs[idx/uintSize] |= 1 << (idx % uintSize)
+func (bs bitset) Clear(idx uint32) {
+ bs[idx/uintSize] &^= 1 << (idx % uintSize)
+func (bs bitset) Test(idx uint32) bool {
+ return bs[idx/uintSize]&(1<<(idx%uintSize)) != 0
+type undoType uint8
+const (
+ undoInvalid undoType = iota
+ undoCheckpoint // a checkpoint to group undo passes
+ undoSetChl // change back left child of undo.idx to undo.edge
+ undoSetChr // change back right child of undo.idx to undo.edge
+ undoNonEqual // forget that SSA value undo.ID is non-equal to undo.idx (another ID)
+ undoNewNode // remove new node created for SSA value undo.ID
+ undoAliasNode // unalias SSA value undo.ID so that it points back to node index undo.idx
+ undoNewRoot // remove node undo.idx from root list
+ undoChangeRoot // remove node undo.idx from root list, and put back undo.edge.Target instead
+ undoMergeRoot // remove node undo.idx from root list, and put back its children instead
+// posetUndo represents an undo pass to be performed.
+// It's an union of fields that can be used to store information,
+// and typ is the discriminant, that specifies which kind
+// of operation must be performed. Not all fields are always used.
+type posetUndo struct {
+ typ undoType
+ idx uint32
+ edge posetEdge
+const (
+ // Make poset handle constants as unsigned numbers.
+ posetFlagUnsigned = 1 << iota
+// A poset edge. The zero value is the null/empty edge.
+// Packs target node index (31 bits) and strict flag (1 bit).
+type posetEdge uint32
+func newedge(t uint32, strict bool) posetEdge {
+ s := uint32(0)
+ if strict {
+ s = 1
+ }
+ return posetEdge(t<<1 | s)
+func (e posetEdge) Target() uint32 { return uint32(e) >> 1 }
+func (e posetEdge) Strict() bool { return uint32(e)&1 != 0 }
+func (e posetEdge) String() string {
+ s := fmt.Sprint(e.Target())
+ if e.Strict() {
+ s += "*"
+ }
+ return s
+// posetNode is a node of a DAG within the poset.
+type posetNode struct {
+ l, r posetEdge
+// poset is a union-find data structure that can represent a partially ordered set
+// of SSA values. Given a binary relation that creates a partial order (eg: '<'),
+// clients can record relations between SSA values using SetOrder, and later
+// check relations (in the transitive closure) with Ordered. For instance,
+// if SetOrder is called to record that A<B and B<C, Ordered will later confirm
+// that A<C.
+// It is possible to record equality relations between SSA values with SetEqual and check
+// equality with Equal. Equality propagates into the transitive closure for the partial
+// order so that if we know that A<B<C and later learn that A==D, Ordered will return
+// true for D<C.
+// poset will refuse to record new relations that contradict existing relations:
+// for instance if A<B<C, calling SetOrder for C<A will fail returning false; also
+// calling SetEqual for C==A will fail.
+// It is also possible to record inequality relations between nodes with SetNonEqual;
+// given that non-equality is not transitive, the only effect is that a later call
+// to SetEqual for the same values will fail. NonEqual checks whether it is known that
+// the nodes are different, either because SetNonEqual was called before, or because
+// we know that that they are strictly ordered.
+// It is implemented as a forest of DAGs; in each DAG, if node A dominates B,
+// it means that A<B. Equality is represented by mapping two SSA values to the same
+// DAG node; when a new equality relation is recorded between two existing nodes,
+// the nodes are merged, adjusting incoming and outgoing edges.
+// Constants are specially treated. When a constant is added to the poset, it is
+// immediately linked to other constants already present; so for instance if the
+// poset knows that x<=3, and then x is tested against 5, 5 is first added and linked
+// 3 (using 3<5), so that the poset knows that x<=3<5; at that point, it is able
+// to answer x<5 correctly.
+// poset is designed to be memory efficient and do little allocations during normal usage.
+// Most internal data structures are pre-allocated and flat, so for instance adding a
+// new relation does not cause any allocation. For performance reasons,
+// each node has only up to two outgoing edges (like a binary tree), so intermediate
+// "dummy" nodes are required to represent more than two relations. For instance,
+// to record that A<I, A<J, A<K (with no known relation between I,J,K), we create the
+// following DAG:
+// A
+// / \
+// I dummy
+// / \
+// J K
+type poset struct {
+ lastidx uint32 // last generated dense index
+ flags uint8 // internal flags
+ values map[ID]uint32 // map SSA values to dense indexes
+ constants []*Value // record SSA constants together with their value
+ nodes []posetNode // nodes (in all DAGs)
+ roots []uint32 // list of root nodes (forest)
+ noneq map[ID]bitset // non-equal relations
+ undo []posetUndo // undo chain
+func newPoset(unsigned bool) *poset {
+ var flags uint8
+ if unsigned {
+ flags |= posetFlagUnsigned
+ }
+ return &poset{
+ flags: flags,
+ values: make(map[ID]uint32),
+ constants: make([]*Value, 0, 8),
+ nodes: make([]posetNode, 1, 16),
+ roots: make([]uint32, 0, 4),
+ noneq: make(map[ID]bitset),
+ undo: make([]posetUndo, 0, 4),
+ }
+// Handle children
+func (po *poset) setchl(i uint32, l posetEdge) { po.nodes[i].l = l }
+func (po *poset) setchr(i uint32, r posetEdge) { po.nodes[i].r = r }
+func (po *poset) chl(i uint32) uint32 { return po.nodes[i].l.Target() }
+func (po *poset) chr(i uint32) uint32 { return po.nodes[i].r.Target() }
+func (po *poset) children(i uint32) (posetEdge, posetEdge) {
+ return po.nodes[i].l, po.nodes[i].r
+// upush records a new undo step. It can be used for simple
+// undo passes that record up to one index and one edge.
+func (po *poset) upush(typ undoType, p uint32, e posetEdge) {
+ po.undo = append(po.undo, posetUndo{typ: typ, idx: p, edge: e})
+// upushnew pushes an undo pass for a new node
+func (po *poset) upushnew(id ID, idx uint32) {
+ po.undo = append(po.undo, posetUndo{typ: undoNewNode, ID: id, idx: idx})
+// upushneq pushes a new undo pass for a nonequal relation
+func (po *poset) upushneq(id1 ID, id2 ID) {
+ po.undo = append(po.undo, posetUndo{typ: undoNonEqual, ID: id1, idx: uint32(id2)})
+// upushalias pushes a new undo pass for aliasing two nodes
+func (po *poset) upushalias(id ID, i2 uint32) {
+ po.undo = append(po.undo, posetUndo{typ: undoAliasNode, ID: id, idx: i2})
+// addchild adds i2 as direct child of i1.
+func (po *poset) addchild(i1, i2 uint32, strict bool) {
+ i1l, i1r := po.children(i1)
+ e2 := newedge(i2, strict)
+ if i1l == 0 {
+ po.setchl(i1, e2)
+ po.upush(undoSetChl, i1, 0)
+ } else if i1r == 0 {
+ po.setchr(i1, e2)
+ po.upush(undoSetChr, i1, 0)
+ } else {
+ // If n1 already has two children, add an intermediate dummy
+ // node to record the relation correctly (without relating
+ // n2 to other existing nodes). Use a non-deterministic value
+ // to decide whether to append on the left or the right, to avoid
+ // creating degenerated chains.
+ //
+ // n1
+ // / \
+ // i1l dummy
+ // / \
+ // i1r n2
+ //
+ dummy := po.newnode(nil)
+ if (i1^i2)&1 != 0 { // non-deterministic
+ po.setchl(dummy, i1r)
+ po.setchr(dummy, e2)
+ po.setchr(i1, newedge(dummy, false))
+ po.upush(undoSetChr, i1, i1r)
+ } else {
+ po.setchl(dummy, i1l)
+ po.setchr(dummy, e2)
+ po.setchl(i1, newedge(dummy, false))
+ po.upush(undoSetChl, i1, i1l)
+ }
+ }
+// newnode allocates a new node bound to SSA value n.
+// If n is nil, this is a dummy node (= only used internally).
+func (po *poset) newnode(n *Value) uint32 {
+ i := po.lastidx + 1
+ po.lastidx++
+ po.nodes = append(po.nodes, posetNode{})
+ if n != nil {
+ if po.values[n.ID] != 0 {
+ panic("newnode for Value already inserted")
+ }
+ po.values[n.ID] = i
+ po.upushnew(n.ID, i)
+ } else {
+ po.upushnew(0, i)
+ }
+ return i
+// lookup searches for a SSA value into the forest of DAGS, and return its node.
+// Constants are materialized on the fly during lookup.
+func (po *poset) lookup(n *Value) (uint32, bool) {
+ i, f := po.values[n.ID]
+ if !f && n.isGenericIntConst() {
+ po.newconst(n)
+ i, f = po.values[n.ID]
+ }
+ return i, f
+// newconst creates a node for a constant. It links it to other constants, so
+// that n<=5 is detected true when n<=3 is known to be true.
+// TODO: this is O(N), fix it.
+func (po *poset) newconst(n *Value) {
+ if !n.isGenericIntConst() {
+ panic("newconst on non-constant")
+ }
+ // If this is the first constant, put it into a new root, as
+ // we can't record an existing connection so we don't have
+ // a specific DAG to add it to.
+ if len(po.constants) == 0 {
+ i := po.newnode(n)
+ po.roots = append(po.roots, i)
+ po.upush(undoNewRoot, i, 0)
+ po.constants = append(po.constants, n)
+ return
+ }
+ // Find the lower and upper bound among existing constants. That is,
+ // find the higher constant that is lower than the one that we're adding,
+ // and the lower constant that is higher.
+ // The loop is duplicated to handle signed and unsigned comparison,
+ // depending on how the poset was configured.
+ var lowerptr, higherptr *Value
+ if po.flags&posetFlagUnsigned != 0 {
+ var lower, higher uint64
+ val1 := n.AuxUnsigned()
+ for _, ptr := range po.constants {
+ val2 := ptr.AuxUnsigned()
+ if val1 == val2 {
+ po.aliasnode(ptr, n)
+ return
+ }
+ if val2 < val1 && (lowerptr == nil || val2 > lower) {
+ lower = val2
+ lowerptr = ptr
+ } else if val2 > val1 && (higherptr == nil || val2 < higher) {
+ higher = val2
+ higherptr = ptr
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ var lower, higher int64
+ val1 := n.AuxInt
+ for _, ptr := range po.constants {
+ val2 := ptr.AuxInt
+ if val1 == val2 {
+ po.aliasnode(ptr, n)
+ return
+ }
+ if val2 < val1 && (lowerptr == nil || val2 > lower) {
+ lower = val2
+ lowerptr = ptr
+ } else if val2 > val1 && (higherptr == nil || val2 < higher) {
+ higher = val2
+ higherptr = ptr
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if lowerptr == nil && higherptr == nil {
+ // This should not happen, as at least one
+ // other constant must exist if we get here.
+ panic("no constant found")
+ }
+ // Create the new node and connect it to the bounds, so that
+ // lower < n < higher. We could have found both bounds or only one
+ // of them, depending on what other constants are present in the poset.
+ // Notice that we always link constants together, so they
+ // are always part of the same DAG.
+ i := po.newnode(n)
+ switch {
+ case lowerptr != nil && higherptr != nil:
+ // Both bounds are present, record lower < n < higher.
+ po.addchild(po.values[lowerptr.ID], i, true)
+ po.addchild(i, po.values[higherptr.ID], true)
+ case lowerptr != nil:
+ // Lower bound only, record lower < n.
+ po.addchild(po.values[lowerptr.ID], i, true)
+ case higherptr != nil:
+ // Higher bound only. To record n < higher, we need
+ // a dummy root:
+ //
+ // dummy
+ // / \
+ // root \
+ // / n
+ // .... /
+ // \ /
+ // higher
+ //
+ i2 := po.values[higherptr.ID]
+ r2 := po.findroot(i2)
+ dummy := po.newnode(nil)
+ po.changeroot(r2, dummy)
+ po.upush(undoChangeRoot, dummy, newedge(r2, false))
+ po.addchild(dummy, r2, false)
+ po.addchild(dummy, i, false)
+ po.addchild(i, i2, true)
+ }
+ po.constants = append(po.constants, n)
+// aliasnode records that n2 is an alias of n1
+func (po *poset) aliasnode(n1, n2 *Value) {
+ i1 := po.values[n1.ID]
+ if i1 == 0 {
+ panic("aliasnode for non-existing node")
+ }
+ i2 := po.values[n2.ID]
+ if i2 != 0 {
+ // Rename all references to i2 into i1
+ // (do not touch i1 itself, otherwise we can create useless self-loops)
+ for idx, n := range po.nodes {
+ if uint32(idx) != i1 {
+ l, r := n.l, n.r
+ if l.Target() == i2 {
+ po.setchl(uint32(idx), newedge(i1, l.Strict()))
+ po.upush(undoSetChl, uint32(idx), l)
+ }
+ if r.Target() == i2 {
+ po.setchr(uint32(idx), newedge(i1, r.Strict()))
+ po.upush(undoSetChr, uint32(idx), r)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Reassign all existing IDs that point to i2 to i1.
+ // This includes n2.ID.
+ for k, v := range po.values {
+ if v == i2 {
+ po.values[k] = i1
+ po.upushalias(k, i2)
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // n2.ID wasn't seen before, so record it as alias to i1
+ po.values[n2.ID] = i1
+ po.upushalias(n2.ID, 0)
+ }
+func (po *poset) isroot(r uint32) bool {
+ for i := range po.roots {
+ if po.roots[i] == r {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+func (po *poset) changeroot(oldr, newr uint32) {
+ for i := range po.roots {
+ if po.roots[i] == oldr {
+ po.roots[i] = newr
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ panic("changeroot on non-root")
+func (po *poset) removeroot(r uint32) {
+ for i := range po.roots {
+ if po.roots[i] == r {
+ po.roots = append(po.roots[:i], po.roots[i+1:]...)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ panic("removeroot on non-root")
+// dfs performs a depth-first search within the DAG whose root is r.
+// f is the visit function called for each node; if it returns true,
+// the search is aborted and true is returned. The root node is
+// visited too.
+// If strict, ignore edges across a path until at least one
+// strict edge is found. For instance, for a chain A<=B<=C<D<=E<F,
+// a strict walk visits D,E,F.
+// If the visit ends, false is returned.
+func (po *poset) dfs(r uint32, strict bool, f func(i uint32) bool) bool {
+ closed := newBitset(int(po.lastidx + 1))
+ open := make([]uint32, 1, 64)
+ open[0] = r
+ if strict {
+ // Do a first DFS; walk all paths and stop when we find a strict
+ // edge, building a "next" list of nodes reachable through strict
+ // edges. This will be the bootstrap open list for the real DFS.
+ next := make([]uint32, 0, 64)
+ for len(open) > 0 {
+ i := open[len(open)-1]
+ open = open[:len(open)-1]
+ // Don't visit the same node twice. Notice that all nodes
+ // across non-strict paths are still visited at least once, so
+ // a non-strict path can never obscure a strict path to the
+ // same node.
+ if !closed.Test(i) {
+ closed.Set(i)
+ l, r := po.children(i)
+ if l != 0 {
+ if l.Strict() {
+ next = append(next, l.Target())
+ } else {
+ open = append(open, l.Target())
+ }
+ }
+ if r != 0 {
+ if r.Strict() {
+ next = append(next, r.Target())
+ } else {
+ open = append(open, r.Target())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ open = next
+ closed.Reset()
+ }
+ for len(open) > 0 {
+ i := open[len(open)-1]
+ open = open[:len(open)-1]
+ if !closed.Test(i) {
+ if f(i) {
+ return true
+ }
+ closed.Set(i)
+ l, r := po.children(i)
+ if l != 0 {
+ open = append(open, l.Target())
+ }
+ if r != 0 {
+ open = append(open, r.Target())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+// Returns true if i1 dominates i2.
+// If strict == true: if the function returns true, then i1 < i2.
+// If strict == false: if the function returns true, then i1 <= i2.
+// If the function returns false, no relation is known.
+func (po *poset) dominates(i1, i2 uint32, strict bool) bool {
+ return po.dfs(i1, strict, func(n uint32) bool {
+ return n == i2
+ })
+// findroot finds i's root, that is which DAG contains i.
+// Returns the root; if i is itself a root, it is returned.
+// Panic if i is not in any DAG.
+func (po *poset) findroot(i uint32) uint32 {
+ // TODO(rasky): if needed, a way to speed up this search is
+ // storing a bitset for each root using it as a mini bloom filter
+ // of nodes present under that root.
+ for _, r := range po.roots {
+ if po.dominates(r, i, false) {
+ return r
+ }
+ }
+ panic("findroot didn't find any root")
+// mergeroot merges two DAGs into one DAG by creating a new dummy root
+func (po *poset) mergeroot(r1, r2 uint32) uint32 {
+ r := po.newnode(nil)
+ po.setchl(r, newedge(r1, false))
+ po.setchr(r, newedge(r2, false))
+ po.changeroot(r1, r)
+ po.removeroot(r2)
+ po.upush(undoMergeRoot, r, 0)
+ return r
+// collapsepath marks i1 and i2 as equal and collapses as equal all
+// nodes across all paths between i1 and i2. If a strict edge is
+// found, the function does not modify the DAG and returns false.
+func (po *poset) collapsepath(n1, n2 *Value) bool {
+ i1, i2 := po.values[n1.ID], po.values[n2.ID]
+ if po.dominates(i1, i2, true) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // TODO: for now, only handle the simple case of i2 being child of i1
+ l, r := po.children(i1)
+ if l.Target() == i2 || r.Target() == i2 {
+ po.aliasnode(n1, n2)
+ po.addchild(i1, i2, false)
+ return true
+ }
+ return true
+// Check whether it is recorded that id1!=id2
+func (po *poset) isnoneq(id1, id2 ID) bool {
+ if id1 < id2 {
+ id1, id2 = id2, id1
+ }
+ // Check if we recorded a non-equal relation before
+ if bs, ok := po.noneq[id1]; ok && bs.Test(uint32(id2)) {
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+// Record that id1!=id2
+func (po *poset) setnoneq(id1, id2 ID) {
+ if id1 < id2 {
+ id1, id2 = id2, id1
+ }
+ bs := po.noneq[id1]
+ if bs == nil {
+ // Given that we record non-equality relations using the
+ // higher ID as a key, the bitsize will never change size.
+ // TODO(rasky): if memory is a problem, consider allocating
+ // a small bitset and lazily grow it when higher IDs arrive.
+ bs = newBitset(int(id1))
+ po.noneq[id1] = bs
+ } else if bs.Test(uint32(id2)) {
+ // Already recorded
+ return
+ }
+ bs.Set(uint32(id2))
+ po.upushneq(id1, id2)
+// CheckIntegrity verifies internal integrity of a poset. It is intended
+// for debugging purposes.
+func (po *poset) CheckIntegrity() (err error) {
+ // Record which index is a constant
+ constants := newBitset(int(po.lastidx + 1))
+ for _, c := range po.constants {
+ if idx, ok := po.values[c.ID]; !ok {
+ err = errors.New("node missing for constant")
+ return err
+ } else {
+ constants.Set(idx)
+ }
+ }
+ // Verify that each node appears in a single DAG, and that
+ // all constants are within the same DAG
+ var croot uint32
+ seen := newBitset(int(po.lastidx + 1))
+ for _, r := range po.roots {
+ if r == 0 {
+ err = errors.New("empty root")
+ return
+ }
+ po.dfs(r, false, func(i uint32) bool {
+ if seen.Test(i) {
+ err = errors.New("duplicate node")
+ return true
+ }
+ seen.Set(i)
+ if constants.Test(i) {
+ if croot == 0 {
+ croot = r
+ } else if croot != r {
+ err = errors.New("constants are in different DAGs")
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ // Verify that values contain the minimum set
+ for id, idx := range po.values {
+ if !seen.Test(idx) {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("spurious value [%d]=%d", id, idx)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ // Verify that only existing nodes have non-zero children
+ for i, n := range po.nodes {
+ if n.l|n.r != 0 {
+ if !seen.Test(uint32(i)) {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("children of unknown node %d->%v", i, n)
+ return
+ }
+ if n.l.Target() == uint32(i) || n.r.Target() == uint32(i) {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("self-loop on node %d", i)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return
+// CheckEmpty checks that a poset is completely empty.
+// It can be used for debugging purposes, as a poset is supposed to
+// be empty after it's fully rolled back through Undo.
+func (po *poset) CheckEmpty() error {
+ // Check that the poset is completely empty
+ if len(po.values) != 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("non-empty value map: %v", po.values)
+ }
+ if len(po.roots) != 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("non-empty root list: %v", po.roots)
+ }
+ for _, bs := range po.noneq {
+ for _, x := range bs {
+ if x != 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("non-empty noneq map")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for idx, n := range po.nodes {
+ if n.l|n.r != 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("non-empty node %v->[%d,%d]", idx, n.l.Target(), n.r.Target())
+ }
+ }
+ if len(po.constants) != 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("non-empty constant")
+ }
+ return nil
+// DotDump dumps the poset in graphviz format to file fn, with the specified title.
+func (po *poset) DotDump(fn string, title string) error {
+ f, err := os.Create(fn)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ defer f.Close()
+ // Create reverse index mapping (taking aliases into account)
+ names := make(map[uint32]string)
+ for id, i := range po.values {
+ s := names[i]
+ if s == "" {
+ s = fmt.Sprintf("v%d", id)
+ } else {
+ s += fmt.Sprintf(", v%d", id)
+ }
+ names[i] = s
+ }
+ // Create constant mapping
+ consts := make(map[uint32]int64)
+ for _, v := range po.constants {
+ idx := po.values[v.ID]
+ if po.flags&posetFlagUnsigned != 0 {
+ consts[idx] = int64(v.AuxUnsigned())
+ } else {
+ consts[idx] = v.AuxInt
+ }
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(f, "digraph poset {\n")
+ fmt.Fprintf(f, "\tedge [ fontsize=10 ]\n")
+ for ridx, r := range po.roots {
+ fmt.Fprintf(f, "\tsubgraph root%d {\n", ridx)
+ po.dfs(r, false, func(i uint32) bool {
+ if val, ok := consts[i]; ok {
+ // Constant
+ var vals string
+ if po.flags&posetFlagUnsigned != 0 {
+ vals = fmt.Sprint(uint64(val))
+ } else {
+ vals = fmt.Sprint(int64(val))
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(f, "\t\tnode%d [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=cadetblue1 label=<%s <font point-size=\"6\">%s [%d]</font>>]\n",
+ i, vals, names[i], i)
+ } else {
+ // Normal SSA value
+ fmt.Fprintf(f, "\t\tnode%d [label=<%s <font point-size=\"6\">[%d]</font>>]\n", i, names[i], i)
+ }
+ chl, chr := po.children(i)
+ for _, ch := range []posetEdge{chl, chr} {
+ if ch != 0 {
+ if ch.Strict() {
+ fmt.Fprintf(f, "\t\tnode%d -> node%d [label=\" <\" color=\"red\"]\n", i, ch.Target())
+ } else {
+ fmt.Fprintf(f, "\t\tnode%d -> node%d [label=\" <=\" color=\"green\"]\n", i, ch.Target())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+ })
+ fmt.Fprintf(f, "\t}\n")
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(f, "\tlabelloc=\"t\"\n")
+ fmt.Fprintf(f, "\tlabeldistance=\"3.0\"\n")
+ fmt.Fprintf(f, "\tlabel=%q\n", title)
+ fmt.Fprintf(f, "}\n")
+ return nil
+// Ordered returns true if n1<n2. It returns false either when it is
+// certain that n1<n2 is false, or if there is not enough information
+// to tell.
+// Complexity is O(n).
+func (po *poset) Ordered(n1, n2 *Value) bool {
+ if n1.ID == n2.ID {
+ panic("should not call Ordered with n1==n2")
+ }
+ i1, f1 := po.lookup(n1)
+ i2, f2 := po.lookup(n2)
+ if !f1 || !f2 {
+ return false
+ }
+ return i1 != i2 && po.dominates(i1, i2, true)
+// Ordered returns true if n1<=n2. It returns false either when it is
+// certain that n1<=n2 is false, or if there is not enough information
+// to tell.
+// Complexity is O(n).
+func (po *poset) OrderedOrEqual(n1, n2 *Value) bool {
+ if n1.ID == n2.ID {
+ panic("should not call Ordered with n1==n2")
+ }
+ i1, f1 := po.lookup(n1)
+ i2, f2 := po.lookup(n2)
+ if !f1 || !f2 {
+ return false
+ }
+ return i1 == i2 || po.dominates(i1, i2, false) ||
+ (po.dominates(i2, i1, false) && !po.dominates(i2, i1, true))
+// Equal returns true if n1==n2. It returns false either when it is
+// certain that n1==n2 is false, or if there is not enough information
+// to tell.
+// Complexity is O(1).
+func (po *poset) Equal(n1, n2 *Value) bool {
+ if n1.ID == n2.ID {
+ panic("should not call Equal with n1==n2")
+ }
+ i1, f1 := po.lookup(n1)
+ i2, f2 := po.lookup(n2)
+ return f1 && f2 && i1 == i2
+// NonEqual returns true if n1!=n2. It returns false either when it is
+// certain that n1!=n2 is false, or if there is not enough information
+// to tell.
+// Complexity is O(n) (because it internally calls Ordered to see if we
+// can infer n1!=n2 from n1<n2 or n2<n1).
+func (po *poset) NonEqual(n1, n2 *Value) bool {
+ if n1.ID == n2.ID {
+ panic("should not call Equal with n1==n2")
+ }
+ if po.isnoneq(n1.ID, n2.ID) {
+ return true
+ }
+ // Check if n1<n2 or n2<n1, in which case we can infer that n1!=n2
+ if po.Ordered(n1, n2) || po.Ordered(n2, n1) {
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+// setOrder records that n1<n2 or n1<=n2 (depending on strict).
+// Implements SetOrder() and SetOrderOrEqual()
+func (po *poset) setOrder(n1, n2 *Value, strict bool) bool {
+ // If we are trying to record n1<=n2 but we learned that n1!=n2,
+ // record n1<n2, as it provides more information.
+ if !strict && po.isnoneq(n1.ID, n2.ID) {
+ strict = true
+ }
+ i1, f1 := po.lookup(n1)
+ i2, f2 := po.lookup(n2)
+ switch {
+ case !f1 && !f2:
+ // Neither n1 nor n2 are in the poset, so they are not related
+ // in any way to existing nodes.
+ // Create a new DAG to record the relation.
+ i1, i2 = po.newnode(n1), po.newnode(n2)
+ po.roots = append(po.roots, i1)
+ po.upush(undoNewRoot, i1, 0)
+ po.addchild(i1, i2, strict)
+ case f1 && !f2:
+ // n1 is in one of the DAGs, while n2 is not. Add n2 as children
+ // of n1.
+ i2 = po.newnode(n2)
+ po.addchild(i1, i2, strict)
+ case !f1 && f2:
+ // n1 is not in any DAG but n2 is. If n2 is a root, we can put
+ // n1 in its place as a root; otherwise, we need to create a new
+ // dummy root to record the relation.
+ i1 = po.newnode(n1)
+ if po.isroot(i2) {
+ po.changeroot(i2, i1)
+ po.upush(undoChangeRoot, i1, newedge(i2, strict))
+ po.addchild(i1, i2, strict)
+ return true
+ }
+ // Search for i2's root; this requires a O(n) search on all
+ // DAGs
+ r := po.findroot(i2)
+ // Re-parent as follows:
+ //
+ // dummy
+ // r / \
+ // \ ===> r i1
+ // i2 \ /
+ // i2
+ //
+ dummy := po.newnode(nil)
+ po.changeroot(r, dummy)
+ po.upush(undoChangeRoot, dummy, newedge(r, false))
+ po.addchild(dummy, r, false)
+ po.addchild(dummy, i1, false)
+ po.addchild(i1, i2, strict)
+ case f1 && f2:
+ // If the nodes are aliased, fail only if we're setting a strict order
+ // (that is, we cannot set n1<n2 if n1==n2).
+ if i1 == i2 {
+ return !strict
+ }
+ // Both n1 and n2 are in the poset. This is the complex part of the algorithm
+ // as we need to find many different cases and DAG shapes.
+ // Check if n1 somehow dominates n2
+ if po.dominates(i1, i2, false) {
+ // This is the table of all cases we need to handle:
+ //
+ // DAG New Action
+ // ---------------------------------------------------
+ // #1: N1<=X<=N2 | N1<=N2 | do nothing
+ // #2: N1<=X<=N2 | N1<N2 | add strict edge (N1<N2)
+ // #3: N1<X<N2 | N1<=N2 | do nothing (we already know more)
+ // #4: N1<X<N2 | N1<N2 | do nothing
+ // Check if we're in case #2
+ if strict && !po.dominates(i1, i2, true) {
+ po.addchild(i1, i2, true)
+ return true
+ }
+ // Case #1, #3 o #4: nothing to do
+ return true
+ }
+ // Check if n2 somehow dominates n1
+ if po.dominates(i2, i1, false) {
+ // This is the table of all cases we need to handle:
+ //
+ // DAG New Action
+ // ---------------------------------------------------
+ // #5: N2<=X<=N1 | N1<=N2 | collapse path (learn that N1=X=N2)
+ // #6: N2<=X<=N1 | N1<N2 | contradiction
+ // #7: N2<X<N1 | N1<=N2 | contradiction in the path
+ // #8: N2<X<N1 | N1<N2 | contradiction
+ if strict {
+ // Cases #6 and #8: contradiction
+ return false
+ }
+ // We're in case #5 or #7. Try to collapse path, and that will
+ // fail if it realizes that we are in case #7.
+ return po.collapsepath(n2, n1)
+ }
+ // We don't know of any existing relation between n1 and n2. They could
+ // be part of the same DAG or not.
+ // Find their roots to check whether they are in the same DAG.
+ r1, r2 := po.findroot(i1), po.findroot(i2)
+ if r1 != r2 {
+ // We need to merge the two DAGs to record a relation between the nodes
+ po.mergeroot(r1, r2)
+ }
+ // Connect n1 and n2
+ po.addchild(i1, i2, strict)
+ }
+ return true
+// SetOrder records that n1<n2. Returns false if this is a contradiction
+// Complexity is O(1) if n2 was never seen before, or O(n) otherwise.
+func (po *poset) SetOrder(n1, n2 *Value) bool {
+ if n1.ID == n2.ID {
+ panic("should not call SetOrder with n1==n2")
+ }
+ return po.setOrder(n1, n2, true)
+// SetOrderOrEqual records that n1<=n2. Returns false if this is a contradiction
+// Complexity is O(1) if n2 was never seen before, or O(n) otherwise.
+func (po *poset) SetOrderOrEqual(n1, n2 *Value) bool {
+ if n1.ID == n2.ID {
+ panic("should not call SetOrder with n1==n2")
+ }
+ return po.setOrder(n1, n2, false)
+// SetEqual records that n1==n2. Returns false if this is a contradiction
+// (that is, if it is already recorded that n1<n2 or n2<n1).
+// Complexity is O(1) if n2 was never seen before, or O(n) otherwise.
+func (po *poset) SetEqual(n1, n2 *Value) bool {
+ if n1.ID == n2.ID {
+ panic("should not call Add with n1==n2")
+ }
+ // If we recorded that n1!=n2, this is a contradiction.
+ if po.isnoneq(n1.ID, n2.ID) {
+ return false
+ }
+ i1, f1 := po.lookup(n1)
+ i2, f2 := po.lookup(n2)
+ switch {
+ case !f1 && !f2:
+ i1 = po.newnode(n1)
+ po.roots = append(po.roots, i1)
+ po.upush(undoNewRoot, i1, 0)
+ po.aliasnode(n1, n2)
+ case f1 && !f2:
+ po.aliasnode(n1, n2)
+ case !f1 && f2:
+ po.aliasnode(n2, n1)
+ case f1 && f2:
+ if i1 == i2 {
+ // Already aliased, ignore
+ return true
+ }
+ // If we already knew that n1<=n2, we can collapse the path to
+ // record n1==n2 (and viceversa).
+ if po.dominates(i1, i2, false) {
+ return po.collapsepath(n1, n2)
+ }
+ if po.dominates(i2, i1, false) {
+ return po.collapsepath(n2, n1)
+ }
+ r1 := po.findroot(i1)
+ r2 := po.findroot(i2)
+ if r1 != r2 {
+ // Merge the two DAGs so we can record relations between the nodes
+ po.mergeroot(r1, r2)
+ }
+ // Set n2 as alias of n1. This will also update all the references
+ // to n2 to become references to n1
+ po.aliasnode(n1, n2)
+ // Connect i2 (now dummy) as child of i1. This allows to keep the correct
+ // order with its children.
+ po.addchild(i1, i2, false)
+ }
+ return true
+// SetNonEqual records that n1!=n2. Returns false if this is a contradiction
+// (that is, if it is already recorded that n1==n2).
+// Complexity is O(n).
+func (po *poset) SetNonEqual(n1, n2 *Value) bool {
+ if n1.ID == n2.ID {
+ panic("should not call Equal with n1==n2")
+ }
+ // See if we already know this
+ if po.isnoneq(n1.ID, n2.ID) {
+ return true
+ }
+ // Check if we're contradicting an existing relation
+ if po.Equal(n1, n2) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Record non-equality
+ po.setnoneq(n1.ID, n2.ID)
+ // If we know that i1<=i2 but not i1<i2, learn that as we
+ // now know that they are not equal. Do the same for i2<=i1.
+ i1, f1 := po.lookup(n1)
+ i2, f2 := po.lookup(n2)
+ if f1 && f2 {
+ if po.dominates(i1, i2, false) && !po.dominates(i1, i2, true) {
+ po.addchild(i1, i2, true)
+ }
+ if po.dominates(i2, i1, false) && !po.dominates(i2, i1, true) {
+ po.addchild(i2, i1, true)
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+// Checkpoint saves the current state of the DAG so that it's possible
+// to later undo this state.
+// Complexity is O(1).
+func (po *poset) Checkpoint() {
+ po.undo = append(po.undo, posetUndo{typ: undoCheckpoint})
+// Undo restores the state of the poset to the previous checkpoint.
+// Complexity depends on the type of operations that were performed
+// since the last checkpoint; each Set* operation creates an undo
+// pass which Undo has to revert with a worst-case complexity of O(n).
+func (po *poset) Undo() {
+ if len(po.undo) == 0 {
+ panic("empty undo stack")
+ }
+ for len(po.undo) > 0 {
+ pass := po.undo[len(po.undo)-1]
+ po.undo = po.undo[:len(po.undo)-1]
+ switch pass.typ {
+ case undoCheckpoint:
+ return
+ case undoSetChl:
+ po.setchl(pass.idx, pass.edge)
+ case undoSetChr:
+ po.setchr(pass.idx, pass.edge)
+ case undoNonEqual:
+ po.noneq[pass.ID].Clear(pass.idx)
+ case undoNewNode:
+ if pass.ID != 0 {
+ if po.values[pass.ID] != pass.idx {
+ panic("invalid newnode undo pass")
+ }
+ delete(po.values, pass.ID)
+ }
+ po.setchl(pass.idx, 0)
+ po.setchr(pass.idx, 0)
+ // If it was the last inserted constant, remove it
+ nc := len(po.constants)
+ if nc > 0 && po.constants[nc-1].ID == pass.ID {
+ po.constants = po.constants[:nc-1]
+ }
+ case undoAliasNode:
+ ID, prev := pass.ID, pass.idx
+ cur := po.values[ID]
+ if prev == 0 {
+ // Born as an alias, die as an alias
+ delete(po.values, ID)
+ } else {
+ if cur == prev {
+ panic("invalid aliasnode undo pass")
+ }
+ // Give it back previous value
+ po.values[ID] = prev
+ }
+ case undoNewRoot:
+ i := pass.idx
+ l, r := po.children(i)
+ if l|r != 0 {
+ panic("non-empty root in undo newroot")
+ }
+ po.removeroot(i)
+ case undoChangeRoot:
+ i := pass.idx
+ l, r := po.children(i)
+ if l|r != 0 {
+ panic("non-empty root in undo changeroot")
+ }
+ po.changeroot(i, pass.edge.Target())
+ case undoMergeRoot:
+ i := pass.idx
+ l, r := po.children(i)
+ po.changeroot(i, l.Target())
+ po.roots = append(po.roots, r.Target())
+ default:
+ panic(pass.typ)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/poset_test.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/poset_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..899ac1ba06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/poset_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,682 @@
+// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package ssa
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "testing"
+const (
+ SetOrder = "SetOrder"
+ SetOrder_Fail = "SetOrder_Fail"
+ SetOrderOrEqual = "SetOrderOrEqual"
+ SetOrderOrEqual_Fail = "SetOrderOrEqual_Fail"
+ Ordered = "Ordered"
+ Ordered_Fail = "Ordered_Fail"
+ OrderedOrEqual = "OrderedOrEqual"
+ OrderedOrEqual_Fail = "OrderedOrEqual_Fail"
+ SetEqual = "SetEqual"
+ SetEqual_Fail = "SetEqual_Fail"
+ Equal = "Equal"
+ Equal_Fail = "Equal_Fail"
+ SetNonEqual = "SetNonEqual"
+ SetNonEqual_Fail = "SetNonEqual_Fail"
+ NonEqual = "NonEqual"
+ NonEqual_Fail = "NonEqual_Fail"
+ Checkpoint = "Checkpoint"
+ Undo = "Undo"
+type posetTestOp struct {
+ typ string
+ a, b int
+func vconst(i int) int {
+ if i < -128 || i >= 128 {
+ panic("invalid const")
+ }
+ return 1000 + 128 + i
+func vconst2(i int) int {
+ if i < -128 || i >= 128 {
+ panic("invalid const")
+ }
+ return 1000 + 256 + i
+func testPosetOps(t *testing.T, unsigned bool, ops []posetTestOp) {
+ var v [1512]*Value
+ for i := range v {
+ v[i] = new(Value)
+ v[i].ID = ID(i)
+ if i >= 1000 && i < 1256 {
+ v[i].Op = OpConst64
+ v[i].AuxInt = int64(i - 1000 - 128)
+ }
+ if i >= 1256 && i < 1512 {
+ v[i].Op = OpConst64
+ v[i].AuxInt = int64(i - 1000 - 256)
+ }
+ }
+ po := newPoset(unsigned)
+ for idx, op := range ops {
+ t.Logf("op%d%v", idx, op)
+ switch op.typ {
+ case SetOrder:
+ if !po.SetOrder(v[op.a], v[op.b]) {
+ t.Errorf("FAILED: op%d%v failed", idx, op)
+ }
+ case SetOrder_Fail:
+ if po.SetOrder(v[op.a], v[op.b]) {
+ t.Errorf("FAILED: op%d%v passed", idx, op)
+ }
+ case SetOrderOrEqual:
+ if !po.SetOrderOrEqual(v[op.a], v[op.b]) {
+ t.Errorf("FAILED: op%d%v failed", idx, op)
+ }
+ case SetOrderOrEqual_Fail:
+ if po.SetOrderOrEqual(v[op.a], v[op.b]) {
+ t.Errorf("FAILED: op%d%v passed", idx, op)
+ }
+ case Ordered:
+ if !po.Ordered(v[op.a], v[op.b]) {
+ t.Errorf("FAILED: op%d%v failed", idx, op)
+ }
+ case Ordered_Fail:
+ if po.Ordered(v[op.a], v[op.b]) {
+ t.Errorf("FAILED: op%d%v passed", idx, op)
+ }
+ case OrderedOrEqual:
+ if !po.OrderedOrEqual(v[op.a], v[op.b]) {
+ t.Errorf("FAILED: op%d%v failed", idx, op)
+ }
+ case OrderedOrEqual_Fail:
+ if po.OrderedOrEqual(v[op.a], v[op.b]) {
+ t.Errorf("FAILED: op%d%v passed", idx, op)
+ }
+ case SetEqual:
+ if !po.SetEqual(v[op.a], v[op.b]) {
+ t.Errorf("FAILED: op%d%v failed", idx, op)
+ }
+ case SetEqual_Fail:
+ if po.SetEqual(v[op.a], v[op.b]) {
+ t.Errorf("FAILED: op%d%v passed", idx, op)
+ }
+ case Equal:
+ if !po.Equal(v[op.a], v[op.b]) {
+ t.Errorf("FAILED: op%d%v failed", idx, op)
+ }
+ case Equal_Fail:
+ if po.Equal(v[op.a], v[op.b]) {
+ t.Errorf("FAILED: op%d%v passed", idx, op)
+ }
+ case SetNonEqual:
+ if !po.SetNonEqual(v[op.a], v[op.b]) {
+ t.Errorf("FAILED: op%d%v failed", idx, op)
+ }
+ case SetNonEqual_Fail:
+ if po.SetNonEqual(v[op.a], v[op.b]) {
+ t.Errorf("FAILED: op%d%v passed", idx, op)
+ }
+ case NonEqual:
+ if !po.NonEqual(v[op.a], v[op.b]) {
+ t.Errorf("FAILED: op%d%v failed", idx, op)
+ }
+ case NonEqual_Fail:
+ if po.NonEqual(v[op.a], v[op.b]) {
+ t.Errorf("FAILED: op%d%v passed", idx, op)
+ }
+ case Checkpoint:
+ po.Checkpoint()
+ case Undo:
+ t.Log("Undo stack", po.undo)
+ po.Undo()
+ default:
+ panic("unimplemented")
+ }
+ if false {
+ po.DotDump(fmt.Sprintf("", idx), fmt.Sprintf("Last op: %v", op))
+ }
+ if err := po.CheckIntegrity(); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("op%d%v: integrity error: %v", idx, op, err)
+ }
+ }
+ // Check that the poset is completely empty
+ if err := po.CheckEmpty(); err != nil {
+ t.Error(err)
+ }
+func TestPoset(t *testing.T) {
+ testPosetOps(t, false, []posetTestOp{
+ {Ordered_Fail, 123, 124},
+ // Dag #0: 100<101
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetOrder, 100, 101},
+ {Ordered, 100, 101},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 101, 100},
+ {SetOrder_Fail, 101, 100},
+ {SetOrder, 100, 101}, // repeat
+ {NonEqual, 100, 101},
+ {NonEqual, 101, 100},
+ {SetEqual_Fail, 100, 101},
+ // Dag #1: 4<=7<12
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetOrderOrEqual, 4, 7},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, 4, 7},
+ {SetOrder, 7, 12},
+ {Ordered, 7, 12},
+ {Ordered, 4, 12},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 12, 4},
+ {NonEqual, 4, 12},
+ {NonEqual, 12, 4},
+ {NonEqual_Fail, 4, 100},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, 4, 12},
+ {OrderedOrEqual_Fail, 12, 4},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, 4, 7},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, 7, 4},
+ // Dag #1: 1<4<=7<12
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetOrder, 1, 4},
+ {Ordered, 1, 4},
+ {Ordered, 1, 12},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 12, 1},
+ // Dag #1: 1<4<=7<12, 6<7
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetOrder, 6, 7},
+ {Ordered, 6, 7},
+ {Ordered, 6, 12},
+ {SetOrder_Fail, 7, 4},
+ {SetOrder_Fail, 7, 6},
+ {SetOrder_Fail, 7, 1},
+ // Dag #1: 1<4<=7<12, 1<6<7
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 1, 6},
+ {SetOrder, 1, 6},
+ {Ordered, 1, 6},
+ {SetOrder_Fail, 6, 1},
+ // Dag #1: 1<4<=7<12, 1<4<6<7
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 4, 6},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 4, 7},
+ {SetOrder, 4, 6},
+ {Ordered, 4, 6},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, 4, 6},
+ {Ordered, 4, 7},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, 4, 7},
+ {SetOrder_Fail, 6, 4},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 7, 6},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 7, 4},
+ {OrderedOrEqual_Fail, 7, 6},
+ {OrderedOrEqual_Fail, 7, 4},
+ // Merge: 1<4<6, 4<=7<12, 6<101
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 6, 101},
+ {SetOrder, 6, 101},
+ {Ordered, 6, 101},
+ {Ordered, 1, 101},
+ // Merge: 1<4<6, 4<=7<12, 6<100<101
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 6, 100},
+ {SetOrder, 6, 100},
+ {Ordered, 1, 100},
+ // Undo: 1<4<6<7<12, 6<101
+ {Ordered, 100, 101},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Ordered, 100, 101},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 6, 100},
+ {Ordered, 6, 101},
+ {Ordered, 1, 101},
+ // Undo: 1<4<6<7<12, 100<101
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 1, 100},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 1, 101},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 6, 100},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 6, 101},
+ // Merge: 1<4<6<7<12, 6<100<101
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {Ordered, 100, 101},
+ {SetOrder, 6, 100},
+ {Ordered, 6, 100},
+ {Ordered, 6, 101},
+ {Ordered, 1, 101},
+ // Undo 2 times: 1<4<7<12, 1<6<7
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Ordered, 1, 6},
+ {Ordered, 4, 12},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 4, 6},
+ {SetOrder_Fail, 6, 1},
+ // Undo 2 times: 1<4<7<12
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Ordered, 1, 12},
+ {Ordered, 7, 12},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 1, 6},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 6, 7},
+ {Ordered, 100, 101},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 1, 101},
+ // Undo: 4<7<12
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 1, 12},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 1, 4},
+ {Ordered, 4, 12},
+ {Ordered, 100, 101},
+ // Undo: 100<101
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 4, 7},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 7, 12},
+ {Ordered, 100, 101},
+ // Recreated DAG #1 from scratch, reusing same nodes.
+ // This also stresses that Undo has done its job correctly.
+ // DAG: 1<2<(5|6), 101<102<(105|106<107)
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetOrder, 101, 102},
+ {SetOrder, 102, 105},
+ {SetOrder, 102, 106},
+ {SetOrder, 106, 107},
+ {SetOrder, 1, 2},
+ {SetOrder, 2, 5},
+ {SetOrder, 2, 6},
+ {SetEqual_Fail, 1, 6},
+ {SetEqual_Fail, 107, 102},
+ // Now Set 2 == 102
+ // New DAG: (1|101)<2==102<(5|6|105|106<107)
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetEqual, 2, 102},
+ {Equal, 2, 102},
+ {SetEqual, 2, 102}, // trivially pass
+ {SetNonEqual_Fail, 2, 102}, // trivially fail
+ {Ordered, 1, 107},
+ {Ordered, 101, 6},
+ {Ordered, 101, 105},
+ {Ordered, 2, 106},
+ {Ordered, 102, 6},
+ // Undo SetEqual
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Equal_Fail, 2, 102},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 2, 102},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 1, 107},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 101, 6},
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetEqual, 2, 100},
+ {Ordered, 1, 107},
+ {Ordered, 100, 6},
+ // SetEqual with new node
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetEqual, 2, 400},
+ {SetEqual, 401, 2},
+ {Equal, 400, 401},
+ {Ordered, 1, 400},
+ {Ordered, 400, 6},
+ {Ordered, 1, 401},
+ {Ordered, 401, 6},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 2, 401},
+ // SetEqual unseen nodes and then connect
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetEqual, 500, 501},
+ {SetEqual, 102, 501},
+ {Equal, 500, 102},
+ {Ordered, 501, 106},
+ {Ordered, 100, 500},
+ {SetEqual, 500, 501},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 500, 501},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 102, 501},
+ // SetNonEqual relations
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetNonEqual, 600, 601},
+ {NonEqual, 600, 601},
+ {SetNonEqual, 601, 602},
+ {NonEqual, 601, 602},
+ {NonEqual_Fail, 600, 602}, // non-transitive
+ {SetEqual_Fail, 601, 602},
+ // Undo back to beginning, leave the poset empty
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ })
+func TestPosetStrict(t *testing.T) {
+ testPosetOps(t, false, []posetTestOp{
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ // Build: 20!=30, 10<20<=30<40. The 20<=30 will become 20<30.
+ {SetNonEqual, 20, 30},
+ {SetOrder, 10, 20},
+ {SetOrderOrEqual, 20, 30}, // this is affected by 20!=30
+ {SetOrder, 30, 40},
+ {Ordered, 10, 30},
+ {Ordered, 20, 30},
+ {Ordered, 10, 40},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, 10, 30},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, 20, 30},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, 10, 40},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ // Now do the opposite: first build the DAG and then learn non-equality
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetOrder, 10, 20},
+ {SetOrderOrEqual, 20, 30}, // this is affected by 20!=30
+ {SetOrder, 30, 40},
+ {Ordered, 10, 30},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 20, 30},
+ {Ordered, 10, 40},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, 10, 30},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, 20, 30},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, 10, 40},
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetNonEqual, 20, 30},
+ {Ordered, 10, 30},
+ {Ordered, 20, 30},
+ {Ordered, 10, 40},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, 10, 30},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, 20, 30},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, 10, 40},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetOrderOrEqual, 30, 35},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, 20, 35},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 20, 35},
+ {SetNonEqual, 20, 35},
+ {Ordered, 20, 35},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ // Learn <= and >=
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetOrderOrEqual, 50, 60},
+ {SetOrderOrEqual, 60, 50},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, 50, 60},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, 60, 50},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 50, 60},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 60, 50},
+ {Equal, 50, 60},
+ {Equal, 60, 50},
+ {NonEqual_Fail, 50, 60},
+ {NonEqual_Fail, 60, 50},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ })
+func TestSetEqual(t *testing.T) {
+ testPosetOps(t, false, []posetTestOp{
+ // 10<=20<=30<40, 20<=100<110
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetOrderOrEqual, 10, 20},
+ {SetOrderOrEqual, 20, 30},
+ {SetOrder, 30, 40},
+ {SetOrderOrEqual, 20, 100},
+ {SetOrder, 100, 110},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, 10, 30},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, 30, 10},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 10, 30},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 30, 10},
+ {Ordered, 10, 40},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 40, 10},
+ // Try learning 10==20.
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetEqual, 10, 20},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, 10, 20},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 10, 20},
+ {Equal, 10, 20},
+ {SetOrderOrEqual, 10, 20},
+ {SetOrderOrEqual, 20, 10},
+ {SetOrder_Fail, 10, 20},
+ {SetOrder_Fail, 20, 10},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ // Try learning 20==10.
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetEqual, 20, 10},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, 10, 20},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 10, 20},
+ {Equal, 10, 20},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ // Try learning 10==40 or 30==40 or 10==110.
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetEqual_Fail, 10, 40},
+ {SetEqual_Fail, 40, 10},
+ {SetEqual_Fail, 30, 40},
+ {SetEqual_Fail, 40, 30},
+ {SetEqual_Fail, 10, 110},
+ {SetEqual_Fail, 110, 10},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ // Try learning 40==110, and then 10==40 or 10=110
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetEqual, 40, 110},
+ {SetEqual_Fail, 10, 40},
+ {SetEqual_Fail, 40, 10},
+ {SetEqual_Fail, 10, 110},
+ {SetEqual_Fail, 110, 10},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ // Try learning 40<20 or 30<20 or 110<10
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetOrder_Fail, 40, 20},
+ {SetOrder_Fail, 30, 20},
+ {SetOrder_Fail, 110, 10},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ // Try learning 30<=20
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetOrderOrEqual, 30, 20},
+ {Equal, 30, 20},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, 30, 100},
+ {Ordered, 30, 110},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ })
+func TestPosetConst(t *testing.T) {
+ testPosetOps(t, false, []posetTestOp{
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetOrder, 1, vconst(15)},
+ {SetOrderOrEqual, 100, vconst(120)},
+ {Ordered, 1, vconst(15)},
+ {Ordered, 1, vconst(120)},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, 1, vconst(120)},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, 100, vconst(120)},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 100, vconst(15)},
+ {Ordered_Fail, vconst(15), 100},
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetOrderOrEqual, 1, 5},
+ {SetOrderOrEqual, 5, 25},
+ {SetEqual, 20, vconst(20)},
+ {SetEqual, 25, vconst(25)},
+ {Ordered, 1, 20},
+ {Ordered, 1, vconst(30)},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetOrderOrEqual, 1, 5},
+ {SetOrderOrEqual, 5, 25},
+ {SetEqual, vconst(-20), 5},
+ {SetEqual, vconst(-25), 1},
+ {Ordered, 1, 5},
+ {Ordered, vconst(-30), 1},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetNonEqual, 1, vconst(4)},
+ {SetNonEqual, 1, vconst(6)},
+ {NonEqual, 1, vconst(4)},
+ {NonEqual_Fail, 1, vconst(5)},
+ {NonEqual, 1, vconst(6)},
+ {Equal_Fail, 1, vconst(4)},
+ {Equal_Fail, 1, vconst(5)},
+ {Equal_Fail, 1, vconst(6)},
+ {Equal_Fail, 1, vconst(7)},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ })
+ testPosetOps(t, true, []posetTestOp{
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetOrder, 1, vconst(15)},
+ {SetOrderOrEqual, 100, vconst(-5)}, // -5 is a very big number in unsigned
+ {Ordered, 1, vconst(15)},
+ {Ordered, 1, vconst(-5)},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, 1, vconst(-5)},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, 100, vconst(-5)},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 100, vconst(15)},
+ {Ordered_Fail, vconst(15), 100},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ })
+ testPosetOps(t, false, []posetTestOp{
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetOrderOrEqual, 1, vconst(3)},
+ {SetNonEqual, 1, vconst(0)},
+ {Ordered_Fail, 1, vconst(0)},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ })
+ testPosetOps(t, false, []posetTestOp{
+ // Check relations of a constant with itself
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetOrderOrEqual, vconst(3), vconst2(3)},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetEqual, vconst(3), vconst2(3)},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetNonEqual_Fail, vconst(3), vconst2(3)},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetOrder_Fail, vconst(3), vconst2(3)},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ // Check relations of two constants among them, using
+ // different instances of the same constant
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetOrderOrEqual, vconst(3), vconst(4)},
+ {OrderedOrEqual, vconst(3), vconst2(4)},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetOrder, vconst(3), vconst(4)},
+ {Ordered, vconst(3), vconst2(4)},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetEqual_Fail, vconst(3), vconst(4)},
+ {SetEqual_Fail, vconst(3), vconst2(4)},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {NonEqual, vconst(3), vconst(4)},
+ {NonEqual, vconst(3), vconst2(4)},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {Equal_Fail, vconst(3), vconst(4)},
+ {Equal_Fail, vconst(3), vconst2(4)},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetNonEqual, vconst(3), vconst(4)},
+ {SetNonEqual, vconst(3), vconst2(4)},
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ })
+func TestPosetNonEqual(t *testing.T) {
+ testPosetOps(t, false, []posetTestOp{
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {Equal_Fail, 10, 20},
+ {NonEqual_Fail, 10, 20},
+ // Learn 10!=20
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetNonEqual, 10, 20},
+ {Equal_Fail, 10, 20},
+ {NonEqual, 10, 20},
+ {SetEqual_Fail, 10, 20},
+ // Learn again 10!=20
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetNonEqual, 10, 20},
+ {Equal_Fail, 10, 20},
+ {NonEqual, 10, 20},
+ // Undo. We still know 10!=20
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Equal_Fail, 10, 20},
+ {NonEqual, 10, 20},
+ {SetEqual_Fail, 10, 20},
+ // Undo again. Now we know nothing
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Equal_Fail, 10, 20},
+ {NonEqual_Fail, 10, 20},
+ // Learn 10==20
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetEqual, 10, 20},
+ {Equal, 10, 20},
+ {NonEqual_Fail, 10, 20},
+ {SetNonEqual_Fail, 10, 20},
+ // Learn again 10==20
+ {Checkpoint, 0, 0},
+ {SetEqual, 10, 20},
+ {Equal, 10, 20},
+ {NonEqual_Fail, 10, 20},
+ {SetNonEqual_Fail, 10, 20},
+ // Undo. We still know 10==20
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Equal, 10, 20},
+ {NonEqual_Fail, 10, 20},
+ {SetNonEqual_Fail, 10, 20},
+ // Undo. We know nothing
+ {Undo, 0, 0},
+ {Equal_Fail, 10, 20},
+ {NonEqual_Fail, 10, 20},
+ })
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/prove.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/prove.go
index 11efbb516b..a11b46566d 100644
--- a/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/prove.go
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/prove.go
@@ -160,6 +160,11 @@ type factsTable struct {
facts map[pair]relation // current known set of relation
stack []fact // previous sets of relations
+ // order is a couple of partial order sets that record information
+ // about relations between SSA values in the signed and unsigned
+ // domain.
+ order [2]*poset
// known lower and upper bounds on individual values.
limits map[ID]limit
limitStack []limitFact // previous entries
@@ -178,6 +183,8 @@ var checkpointBound = limitFact{}
func newFactsTable() *factsTable {
ft := &factsTable{}
+ ft.order[0] = newPoset(false) // signed
+ ft.order[1] = newPoset(true) // unsigned
ft.facts = make(map[pair]relation)
ft.stack = make([]fact, 4)
ft.limits = make(map[ID]limit)
@@ -202,30 +209,58 @@ func (ft *factsTable) update(parent *Block, v, w *Value, d domain, r relation) {
- if lessByID(w, v) {
- v, w = w, v
- r = reverseBits[r]
- }
+ if d == signed || d == unsigned {
+ var ok bool
+ idx := 0
+ if d == unsigned {
+ idx = 1
+ }
+ switch r {
+ case lt:
+ ok = ft.order[idx].SetOrder(v, w)
+ case gt:
+ ok = ft.order[idx].SetOrder(w, v)
+ case lt | eq:
+ ok = ft.order[idx].SetOrderOrEqual(v, w)
+ case gt | eq:
+ ok = ft.order[idx].SetOrderOrEqual(w, v)
+ case eq:
+ ok = ft.order[idx].SetEqual(v, w)
+ case lt | gt:
+ ok = ft.order[idx].SetNonEqual(v, w)
+ default:
+ panic("unknown relation")
+ }
+ if !ok {
+ ft.unsat = true
+ return
+ }
+ } else {
+ if lessByID(w, v) {
+ v, w = w, v
+ r = reverseBits[r]
+ }
- p := pair{v, w, d}
- oldR, ok := ft.facts[p]
- if !ok {
- if v == w {
- oldR = eq
- } else {
- oldR = lt | eq | gt
+ p := pair{v, w, d}
+ oldR, ok := ft.facts[p]
+ if !ok {
+ if v == w {
+ oldR = eq
+ } else {
+ oldR = lt | eq | gt
+ }
+ }
+ // No changes compared to information already in facts table.
+ if oldR == r {
+ return
+ }
+ ft.stack = append(ft.stack, fact{p, oldR})
+ ft.facts[p] = oldR & r
+ // If this relation is not satisfiable, mark it and exit right away
+ if oldR&r == 0 {
+ ft.unsat = true
+ return
- }
- // No changes compared to information already in facts table.
- if oldR == r {
- return
- }
- ft.stack = append(ft.stack, fact{p, oldR})
- ft.facts[p] = oldR & r
- // If this relation is not satisfiable, mark it and exit right away
- if oldR&r == 0 {
- ft.unsat = true
- return
// Extract bounds when comparing against constants
@@ -382,6 +417,8 @@ func (ft *factsTable) checkpoint() {
ft.stack = append(ft.stack, checkpointFact)
ft.limitStack = append(ft.limitStack, checkpointBound)
+ ft.order[0].Checkpoint()
+ ft.order[1].Checkpoint()
// restore restores known relation to the state just
@@ -417,6 +454,8 @@ func (ft *factsTable) restore() {
ft.limits[old.vid] = old.limit
+ ft.order[0].Undo()
+ ft.order[1].Undo()
func lessByID(v, w *Value) bool {
diff --git a/test/prove.go b/test/prove.go
index 197bdb0aef..b7ef468be6 100644
--- a/test/prove.go
+++ b/test/prove.go
@@ -397,8 +397,7 @@ func f13e(a int) int {
func f13f(a int64) int64 {
if a > math.MaxInt64 {
- // Unreachable, but prove doesn't know that.
- if a == 0 {
+ if a == 0 { // ERROR "Disproved Eq64$"
return 1
@@ -575,6 +574,37 @@ func fence4(x, y int64) {
+// Check transitive relations
+func trans1(x, y int64) {
+ if x > 5 {
+ if y > x {
+ if y > 2 { // ERROR "Proved Greater64"
+ return
+ }
+ } else if y == x {
+ if y > 5 { // ERROR "Proved Greater64"
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if x >= 10 {
+ if y > x {
+ if y > 10 { // ERROR "Proved Greater64"
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+func trans2(a, b []int, i int) {
+ if len(a) != len(b) {
+ return
+ }
+ _ = a[i]
+ _ = b[i] // ERROR "Proved IsInBounds$"
func useInt(a int) {