path: root/src/internal/profile
diff options
authorHana Kim <>2019-12-11 18:47:05 -0500
committerHyang-Ah Hana Kim <>2020-04-17 19:35:56 +0000
commit2ff1e3ebf5de77325c0e96a6c2a229656fc7be50 (patch)
treebd0efb8e47988d2e2e1c09b727bb4923e1746bcd /src/internal/profile
parentef5c59d47b7f4376ea8ff54fb0a882528c0f5588 (diff)
net/http/pprof: support the "seconds" param for block, mutex profiles
When the seconds param is given, the block and mutex profile endpoints report the difference between two measurements collected the given seconds apart. Historically, the block and mutex profiles have reported the cumulative counts since the process start, and it turned out they are more useful when interpreted along with the time duration. Note: cpu profile and trace endpoints already accept the "seconds" parameter. With this CL, the block and mutex profile endpoints will accept the "seconds" parameter. Providing the "seconds" parameter to other types of profiles is an error. This change moves runtime/pprof/internal/profile to internal/profile and adds part of merge logic from to internal/profile, in order to allow both net/http/pprof and runtime/pprof to access it. Fixes #23401 Change-Id: Ie2486f1a63eb8ff210d7d3bc2de683e9335fd5cd Reviewed-on: Run-TryBot: Hyang-Ah Hana Kim <> Reviewed-by: Emmanuel Odeke <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/internal/profile')
9 files changed, 3587 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/internal/profile/encode.go b/src/internal/profile/encode.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af319330d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/internal/profile/encode.go
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package profile
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "sort"
+func (p *Profile) decoder() []decoder {
+ return profileDecoder
+// preEncode populates the unexported fields to be used by encode
+// (with suffix X) from the corresponding exported fields. The
+// exported fields are cleared up to facilitate testing.
+func (p *Profile) preEncode() {
+ strings := make(map[string]int)
+ addString(strings, "")
+ for _, st := range p.SampleType {
+ st.typeX = addString(strings, st.Type)
+ st.unitX = addString(strings, st.Unit)
+ }
+ for _, s := range p.Sample {
+ s.labelX = nil
+ var keys []string
+ for k := range s.Label {
+ keys = append(keys, k)
+ }
+ sort.Strings(keys)
+ for _, k := range keys {
+ vs := s.Label[k]
+ for _, v := range vs {
+ s.labelX = append(s.labelX,
+ Label{
+ keyX: addString(strings, k),
+ strX: addString(strings, v),
+ },
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ var numKeys []string
+ for k := range s.NumLabel {
+ numKeys = append(numKeys, k)
+ }
+ sort.Strings(numKeys)
+ for _, k := range numKeys {
+ vs := s.NumLabel[k]
+ for _, v := range vs {
+ s.labelX = append(s.labelX,
+ Label{
+ keyX: addString(strings, k),
+ numX: v,
+ },
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ s.locationIDX = nil
+ for _, l := range s.Location {
+ s.locationIDX = append(s.locationIDX, l.ID)
+ }
+ }
+ for _, m := range p.Mapping {
+ m.fileX = addString(strings, m.File)
+ m.buildIDX = addString(strings, m.BuildID)
+ }
+ for _, l := range p.Location {
+ for i, ln := range l.Line {
+ if ln.Function != nil {
+ l.Line[i].functionIDX = ln.Function.ID
+ } else {
+ l.Line[i].functionIDX = 0
+ }
+ }
+ if l.Mapping != nil {
+ l.mappingIDX = l.Mapping.ID
+ } else {
+ l.mappingIDX = 0
+ }
+ }
+ for _, f := range p.Function {
+ f.nameX = addString(strings, f.Name)
+ f.systemNameX = addString(strings, f.SystemName)
+ f.filenameX = addString(strings, f.Filename)
+ }
+ p.dropFramesX = addString(strings, p.DropFrames)
+ p.keepFramesX = addString(strings, p.KeepFrames)
+ if pt := p.PeriodType; pt != nil {
+ pt.typeX = addString(strings, pt.Type)
+ pt.unitX = addString(strings, pt.Unit)
+ }
+ p.stringTable = make([]string, len(strings))
+ for s, i := range strings {
+ p.stringTable[i] = s
+ }
+func (p *Profile) encode(b *buffer) {
+ for _, x := range p.SampleType {
+ encodeMessage(b, 1, x)
+ }
+ for _, x := range p.Sample {
+ encodeMessage(b, 2, x)
+ }
+ for _, x := range p.Mapping {
+ encodeMessage(b, 3, x)
+ }
+ for _, x := range p.Location {
+ encodeMessage(b, 4, x)
+ }
+ for _, x := range p.Function {
+ encodeMessage(b, 5, x)
+ }
+ encodeStrings(b, 6, p.stringTable)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 7, p.dropFramesX)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 8, p.keepFramesX)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 9, p.TimeNanos)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 10, p.DurationNanos)
+ if pt := p.PeriodType; pt != nil && (pt.typeX != 0 || pt.unitX != 0) {
+ encodeMessage(b, 11, p.PeriodType)
+ }
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 12, p.Period)
+var profileDecoder = []decoder{
+ nil, // 0
+ // repeated ValueType sample_type = 1
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error {
+ x := new(ValueType)
+ pp := m.(*Profile)
+ pp.SampleType = append(pp.SampleType, x)
+ return decodeMessage(b, x)
+ },
+ // repeated Sample sample = 2
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error {
+ x := new(Sample)
+ pp := m.(*Profile)
+ pp.Sample = append(pp.Sample, x)
+ return decodeMessage(b, x)
+ },
+ // repeated Mapping mapping = 3
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error {
+ x := new(Mapping)
+ pp := m.(*Profile)
+ pp.Mapping = append(pp.Mapping, x)
+ return decodeMessage(b, x)
+ },
+ // repeated Location location = 4
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error {
+ x := new(Location)
+ pp := m.(*Profile)
+ pp.Location = append(pp.Location, x)
+ return decodeMessage(b, x)
+ },
+ // repeated Function function = 5
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error {
+ x := new(Function)
+ pp := m.(*Profile)
+ pp.Function = append(pp.Function, x)
+ return decodeMessage(b, x)
+ },
+ // repeated string string_table = 6
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error {
+ err := decodeStrings(b, &m.(*Profile).stringTable)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if *&m.(*Profile).stringTable[0] != "" {
+ return errors.New("string_table[0] must be ''")
+ }
+ return nil
+ },
+ // repeated int64 drop_frames = 7
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Profile).dropFramesX) },
+ // repeated int64 keep_frames = 8
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Profile).keepFramesX) },
+ // repeated int64 time_nanos = 9
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Profile).TimeNanos) },
+ // repeated int64 duration_nanos = 10
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Profile).DurationNanos) },
+ // optional string period_type = 11
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error {
+ x := new(ValueType)
+ pp := m.(*Profile)
+ pp.PeriodType = x
+ return decodeMessage(b, x)
+ },
+ // repeated int64 period = 12
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Profile).Period) },
+ // repeated int64 comment = 13
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64s(b, &m.(*Profile).commentX) },
+ // int64 defaultSampleType = 14
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Profile).defaultSampleTypeX) },
+// postDecode takes the unexported fields populated by decode (with
+// suffix X) and populates the corresponding exported fields.
+// The unexported fields are cleared up to facilitate testing.
+func (p *Profile) postDecode() error {
+ var err error
+ mappings := make(map[uint64]*Mapping)
+ for _, m := range p.Mapping {
+ m.File, err = getString(p.stringTable, &m.fileX, err)
+ m.BuildID, err = getString(p.stringTable, &m.buildIDX, err)
+ mappings[m.ID] = m
+ }
+ functions := make(map[uint64]*Function)
+ for _, f := range p.Function {
+ f.Name, err = getString(p.stringTable, &f.nameX, err)
+ f.SystemName, err = getString(p.stringTable, &f.systemNameX, err)
+ f.Filename, err = getString(p.stringTable, &f.filenameX, err)
+ functions[f.ID] = f
+ }
+ locations := make(map[uint64]*Location)
+ for _, l := range p.Location {
+ l.Mapping = mappings[l.mappingIDX]
+ l.mappingIDX = 0
+ for i, ln := range l.Line {
+ if id := ln.functionIDX; id != 0 {
+ l.Line[i].Function = functions[id]
+ if l.Line[i].Function == nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("Function ID %d not found", id)
+ }
+ l.Line[i].functionIDX = 0
+ }
+ }
+ locations[l.ID] = l
+ }
+ for _, st := range p.SampleType {
+ st.Type, err = getString(p.stringTable, &st.typeX, err)
+ st.Unit, err = getString(p.stringTable, &st.unitX, err)
+ }
+ for _, s := range p.Sample {
+ labels := make(map[string][]string)
+ numLabels := make(map[string][]int64)
+ for _, l := range s.labelX {
+ var key, value string
+ key, err = getString(p.stringTable, &l.keyX, err)
+ if l.strX != 0 {
+ value, err = getString(p.stringTable, &l.strX, err)
+ labels[key] = append(labels[key], value)
+ } else {
+ numLabels[key] = append(numLabels[key], l.numX)
+ }
+ }
+ if len(labels) > 0 {
+ s.Label = labels
+ }
+ if len(numLabels) > 0 {
+ s.NumLabel = numLabels
+ }
+ s.Location = nil
+ for _, lid := range s.locationIDX {
+ s.Location = append(s.Location, locations[lid])
+ }
+ s.locationIDX = nil
+ }
+ p.DropFrames, err = getString(p.stringTable, &p.dropFramesX, err)
+ p.KeepFrames, err = getString(p.stringTable, &p.keepFramesX, err)
+ if pt := p.PeriodType; pt == nil {
+ p.PeriodType = &ValueType{}
+ }
+ if pt := p.PeriodType; pt != nil {
+ pt.Type, err = getString(p.stringTable, &pt.typeX, err)
+ pt.Unit, err = getString(p.stringTable, &pt.unitX, err)
+ }
+ for _, i := range p.commentX {
+ var c string
+ c, err = getString(p.stringTable, &i, err)
+ p.Comments = append(p.Comments, c)
+ }
+ p.commentX = nil
+ p.DefaultSampleType, err = getString(p.stringTable, &p.defaultSampleTypeX, err)
+ p.stringTable = nil
+ return nil
+func (p *ValueType) decoder() []decoder {
+ return valueTypeDecoder
+func (p *ValueType) encode(b *buffer) {
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 1, p.typeX)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 2, p.unitX)
+var valueTypeDecoder = []decoder{
+ nil, // 0
+ // optional int64 type = 1
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*ValueType).typeX) },
+ // optional int64 unit = 2
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*ValueType).unitX) },
+func (p *Sample) decoder() []decoder {
+ return sampleDecoder
+func (p *Sample) encode(b *buffer) {
+ encodeUint64s(b, 1, p.locationIDX)
+ for _, x := range p.Value {
+ encodeInt64(b, 2, x)
+ }
+ for _, x := range p.labelX {
+ encodeMessage(b, 3, x)
+ }
+var sampleDecoder = []decoder{
+ nil, // 0
+ // repeated uint64 location = 1
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeUint64s(b, &m.(*Sample).locationIDX) },
+ // repeated int64 value = 2
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64s(b, &m.(*Sample).Value) },
+ // repeated Label label = 3
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error {
+ s := m.(*Sample)
+ n := len(s.labelX)
+ s.labelX = append(s.labelX, Label{})
+ return decodeMessage(b, &s.labelX[n])
+ },
+func (p Label) decoder() []decoder {
+ return labelDecoder
+func (p Label) encode(b *buffer) {
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 1, p.keyX)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 2, p.strX)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 3, p.numX)
+var labelDecoder = []decoder{
+ nil, // 0
+ // optional int64 key = 1
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Label).keyX) },
+ // optional int64 str = 2
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Label).strX) },
+ // optional int64 num = 3
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Label).numX) },
+func (p *Mapping) decoder() []decoder {
+ return mappingDecoder
+func (p *Mapping) encode(b *buffer) {
+ encodeUint64Opt(b, 1, p.ID)
+ encodeUint64Opt(b, 2, p.Start)
+ encodeUint64Opt(b, 3, p.Limit)
+ encodeUint64Opt(b, 4, p.Offset)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 5, p.fileX)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 6, p.buildIDX)
+ encodeBoolOpt(b, 7, p.HasFunctions)
+ encodeBoolOpt(b, 8, p.HasFilenames)
+ encodeBoolOpt(b, 9, p.HasLineNumbers)
+ encodeBoolOpt(b, 10, p.HasInlineFrames)
+var mappingDecoder = []decoder{
+ nil, // 0
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeUint64(b, &m.(*Mapping).ID) }, // optional uint64 id = 1
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeUint64(b, &m.(*Mapping).Start) }, // optional uint64 memory_offset = 2
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeUint64(b, &m.(*Mapping).Limit) }, // optional uint64 memory_limit = 3
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeUint64(b, &m.(*Mapping).Offset) }, // optional uint64 file_offset = 4
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Mapping).fileX) }, // optional int64 filename = 5
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Mapping).buildIDX) }, // optional int64 build_id = 6
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeBool(b, &m.(*Mapping).HasFunctions) }, // optional bool has_functions = 7
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeBool(b, &m.(*Mapping).HasFilenames) }, // optional bool has_filenames = 8
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeBool(b, &m.(*Mapping).HasLineNumbers) }, // optional bool has_line_numbers = 9
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeBool(b, &m.(*Mapping).HasInlineFrames) }, // optional bool has_inline_frames = 10
+func (p *Location) decoder() []decoder {
+ return locationDecoder
+func (p *Location) encode(b *buffer) {
+ encodeUint64Opt(b, 1, p.ID)
+ encodeUint64Opt(b, 2, p.mappingIDX)
+ encodeUint64Opt(b, 3, p.Address)
+ for i := range p.Line {
+ encodeMessage(b, 4, &p.Line[i])
+ }
+var locationDecoder = []decoder{
+ nil, // 0
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeUint64(b, &m.(*Location).ID) }, // optional uint64 id = 1;
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeUint64(b, &m.(*Location).mappingIDX) }, // optional uint64 mapping_id = 2;
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeUint64(b, &m.(*Location).Address) }, // optional uint64 address = 3;
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { // repeated Line line = 4
+ pp := m.(*Location)
+ n := len(pp.Line)
+ pp.Line = append(pp.Line, Line{})
+ return decodeMessage(b, &pp.Line[n])
+ },
+func (p *Line) decoder() []decoder {
+ return lineDecoder
+func (p *Line) encode(b *buffer) {
+ encodeUint64Opt(b, 1, p.functionIDX)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 2, p.Line)
+var lineDecoder = []decoder{
+ nil, // 0
+ // optional uint64 function_id = 1
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeUint64(b, &m.(*Line).functionIDX) },
+ // optional int64 line = 2
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Line).Line) },
+func (p *Function) decoder() []decoder {
+ return functionDecoder
+func (p *Function) encode(b *buffer) {
+ encodeUint64Opt(b, 1, p.ID)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 2, p.nameX)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 3, p.systemNameX)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 4, p.filenameX)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 5, p.StartLine)
+var functionDecoder = []decoder{
+ nil, // 0
+ // optional uint64 id = 1
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeUint64(b, &m.(*Function).ID) },
+ // optional int64 function_name = 2
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Function).nameX) },
+ // optional int64 function_system_name = 3
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Function).systemNameX) },
+ // repeated int64 filename = 4
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Function).filenameX) },
+ // optional int64 start_line = 5
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Function).StartLine) },
+func addString(strings map[string]int, s string) int64 {
+ i, ok := strings[s]
+ if !ok {
+ i = len(strings)
+ strings[s] = i
+ }
+ return int64(i)
+func getString(strings []string, strng *int64, err error) (string, error) {
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ s := int(*strng)
+ if s < 0 || s >= len(strings) {
+ return "", errMalformed
+ }
+ *strng = 0
+ return strings[s], nil
diff --git a/src/internal/profile/filter.go b/src/internal/profile/filter.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9cad866df8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/internal/profile/filter.go
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Implements methods to filter samples from profiles.
+package profile
+import "regexp"
+// FilterSamplesByName filters the samples in a profile and only keeps
+// samples where at least one frame matches focus but none match ignore.
+// Returns true is the corresponding regexp matched at least one sample.
+func (p *Profile) FilterSamplesByName(focus, ignore, hide *regexp.Regexp) (fm, im, hm bool) {
+ focusOrIgnore := make(map[uint64]bool)
+ hidden := make(map[uint64]bool)
+ for _, l := range p.Location {
+ if ignore != nil && l.matchesName(ignore) {
+ im = true
+ focusOrIgnore[l.ID] = false
+ } else if focus == nil || l.matchesName(focus) {
+ fm = true
+ focusOrIgnore[l.ID] = true
+ }
+ if hide != nil && l.matchesName(hide) {
+ hm = true
+ l.Line = l.unmatchedLines(hide)
+ if len(l.Line) == 0 {
+ hidden[l.ID] = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ s := make([]*Sample, 0, len(p.Sample))
+ for _, sample := range p.Sample {
+ if focusedAndNotIgnored(sample.Location, focusOrIgnore) {
+ if len(hidden) > 0 {
+ var locs []*Location
+ for _, loc := range sample.Location {
+ if !hidden[loc.ID] {
+ locs = append(locs, loc)
+ }
+ }
+ if len(locs) == 0 {
+ // Remove sample with no locations (by not adding it to s).
+ continue
+ }
+ sample.Location = locs
+ }
+ s = append(s, sample)
+ }
+ }
+ p.Sample = s
+ return
+// matchesName reports whether the function name or file in the
+// location matches the regular expression.
+func (loc *Location) matchesName(re *regexp.Regexp) bool {
+ for _, ln := range loc.Line {
+ if fn := ln.Function; fn != nil {
+ if re.MatchString(fn.Name) {
+ return true
+ }
+ if re.MatchString(fn.Filename) {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+// unmatchedLines returns the lines in the location that do not match
+// the regular expression.
+func (loc *Location) unmatchedLines(re *regexp.Regexp) []Line {
+ var lines []Line
+ for _, ln := range loc.Line {
+ if fn := ln.Function; fn != nil {
+ if re.MatchString(fn.Name) {
+ continue
+ }
+ if re.MatchString(fn.Filename) {
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ lines = append(lines, ln)
+ }
+ return lines
+// focusedAndNotIgnored looks up a slice of ids against a map of
+// focused/ignored locations. The map only contains locations that are
+// explicitly focused or ignored. Returns whether there is at least
+// one focused location but no ignored locations.
+func focusedAndNotIgnored(locs []*Location, m map[uint64]bool) bool {
+ var f bool
+ for _, loc := range locs {
+ if focus, focusOrIgnore := m[loc.ID]; focusOrIgnore {
+ if focus {
+ // Found focused location. Must keep searching in case there
+ // is an ignored one as well.
+ f = true
+ } else {
+ // Found ignored location. Can return false right away.
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return f
+// TagMatch selects tags for filtering
+type TagMatch func(key, val string, nval int64) bool
+// FilterSamplesByTag removes all samples from the profile, except
+// those that match focus and do not match the ignore regular
+// expression.
+func (p *Profile) FilterSamplesByTag(focus, ignore TagMatch) (fm, im bool) {
+ samples := make([]*Sample, 0, len(p.Sample))
+ for _, s := range p.Sample {
+ focused, ignored := focusedSample(s, focus, ignore)
+ fm = fm || focused
+ im = im || ignored
+ if focused && !ignored {
+ samples = append(samples, s)
+ }
+ }
+ p.Sample = samples
+ return
+// focusedTag checks a sample against focus and ignore regexps.
+// Returns whether the focus/ignore regexps match any tags
+func focusedSample(s *Sample, focus, ignore TagMatch) (fm, im bool) {
+ fm = focus == nil
+ for key, vals := range s.Label {
+ for _, val := range vals {
+ if ignore != nil && ignore(key, val, 0) {
+ im = true
+ }
+ if !fm && focus(key, val, 0) {
+ fm = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for key, vals := range s.NumLabel {
+ for _, val := range vals {
+ if ignore != nil && ignore(key, "", val) {
+ im = true
+ }
+ if !fm && focus(key, "", val) {
+ fm = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return fm, im
diff --git a/src/internal/profile/legacy_profile.go b/src/internal/profile/legacy_profile.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d69f8deee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/internal/profile/legacy_profile.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1266 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// This file implements parsers to convert legacy profiles into the
+// profile.proto format.
+package profile
+import (
+ "bufio"
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "math"
+ "regexp"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+var (
+ countStartRE = regexp.MustCompile(`\A(\w+) profile: total \d+\n\z`)
+ countRE = regexp.MustCompile(`\A(\d+) @(( 0x[0-9a-f]+)+)\n\z`)
+ heapHeaderRE = regexp.MustCompile(`heap profile: *(\d+): *(\d+) *\[ *(\d+): *(\d+) *\] *@ *(heap[_a-z0-9]*)/?(\d*)`)
+ heapSampleRE = regexp.MustCompile(`(-?\d+): *(-?\d+) *\[ *(\d+): *(\d+) *] @([ x0-9a-f]*)`)
+ contentionSampleRE = regexp.MustCompile(`(\d+) *(\d+) @([ x0-9a-f]*)`)
+ hexNumberRE = regexp.MustCompile(`0x[0-9a-f]+`)
+ growthHeaderRE = regexp.MustCompile(`heap profile: *(\d+): *(\d+) *\[ *(\d+): *(\d+) *\] @ growthz`)
+ fragmentationHeaderRE = regexp.MustCompile(`heap profile: *(\d+): *(\d+) *\[ *(\d+): *(\d+) *\] @ fragmentationz`)
+ threadzStartRE = regexp.MustCompile(`--- threadz \d+ ---`)
+ threadStartRE = regexp.MustCompile(`--- Thread ([[:xdigit:]]+) \(name: (.*)/(\d+)\) stack: ---`)
+ procMapsRE = regexp.MustCompile(`([[:xdigit:]]+)-([[:xdigit:]]+)\s+([-rwxp]+)\s+([[:xdigit:]]+)\s+([[:xdigit:]]+):([[:xdigit:]]+)\s+([[:digit:]]+)\s*(\S+)?`)
+ briefMapsRE = regexp.MustCompile(`\s*([[:xdigit:]]+)-([[:xdigit:]]+):\s*(\S+)(\s.*@)?([[:xdigit:]]+)?`)
+ // LegacyHeapAllocated instructs the heapz parsers to use the
+ // allocated memory stats instead of the default in-use memory. Note
+ // that tcmalloc doesn't provide all allocated memory, only in-use
+ // stats.
+ LegacyHeapAllocated bool
+func isSpaceOrComment(line string) bool {
+ trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(line)
+ return len(trimmed) == 0 || trimmed[0] == '#'
+// parseGoCount parses a Go count profile (e.g., threadcreate or
+// goroutine) and returns a new Profile.
+func parseGoCount(b []byte) (*Profile, error) {
+ r := bytes.NewBuffer(b)
+ var line string
+ var err error
+ for {
+ // Skip past comments and empty lines seeking a real header.
+ line, err = r.ReadString('\n')
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if !isSpaceOrComment(line) {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ m := countStartRE.FindStringSubmatch(line)
+ if m == nil {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ profileType := m[1]
+ p := &Profile{
+ PeriodType: &ValueType{Type: profileType, Unit: "count"},
+ Period: 1,
+ SampleType: []*ValueType{{Type: profileType, Unit: "count"}},
+ }
+ locations := make(map[uint64]*Location)
+ for {
+ line, err = r.ReadString('\n')
+ if err != nil {
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ break
+ }
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if isSpaceOrComment(line) {
+ continue
+ }
+ if strings.HasPrefix(line, "---") {
+ break
+ }
+ m := countRE.FindStringSubmatch(line)
+ if m == nil {
+ return nil, errMalformed
+ }
+ n, err := strconv.ParseInt(m[1], 0, 64)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, errMalformed
+ }
+ fields := strings.Fields(m[2])
+ locs := make([]*Location, 0, len(fields))
+ for _, stk := range fields {
+ addr, err := strconv.ParseUint(stk, 0, 64)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, errMalformed
+ }
+ // Adjust all frames by -1 to land on the call instruction.
+ addr--
+ loc := locations[addr]
+ if loc == nil {
+ loc = &Location{
+ Address: addr,
+ }
+ locations[addr] = loc
+ p.Location = append(p.Location, loc)
+ }
+ locs = append(locs, loc)
+ }
+ p.Sample = append(p.Sample, &Sample{
+ Location: locs,
+ Value: []int64{n},
+ })
+ }
+ if err = parseAdditionalSections(strings.TrimSpace(line), r, p); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return p, nil
+// remapLocationIDs ensures there is a location for each address
+// referenced by a sample, and remaps the samples to point to the new
+// location ids.
+func (p *Profile) remapLocationIDs() {
+ seen := make(map[*Location]bool, len(p.Location))
+ var locs []*Location
+ for _, s := range p.Sample {
+ for _, l := range s.Location {
+ if seen[l] {
+ continue
+ }
+ l.ID = uint64(len(locs) + 1)
+ locs = append(locs, l)
+ seen[l] = true
+ }
+ }
+ p.Location = locs
+func (p *Profile) remapFunctionIDs() {
+ seen := make(map[*Function]bool, len(p.Function))
+ var fns []*Function
+ for _, l := range p.Location {
+ for _, ln := range l.Line {
+ fn := ln.Function
+ if fn == nil || seen[fn] {
+ continue
+ }
+ fn.ID = uint64(len(fns) + 1)
+ fns = append(fns, fn)
+ seen[fn] = true
+ }
+ }
+ p.Function = fns
+// remapMappingIDs matches location addresses with existing mappings
+// and updates them appropriately. This is O(N*M), if this ever shows
+// up as a bottleneck, evaluate sorting the mappings and doing a
+// binary search, which would make it O(N*log(M)).
+func (p *Profile) remapMappingIDs() {
+ if len(p.Mapping) == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ // Some profile handlers will incorrectly set regions for the main
+ // executable if its section is remapped. Fix them through heuristics.
+ // Remove the initial mapping if named '/anon_hugepage' and has a
+ // consecutive adjacent mapping.
+ if m := p.Mapping[0]; strings.HasPrefix(m.File, "/anon_hugepage") {
+ if len(p.Mapping) > 1 && m.Limit == p.Mapping[1].Start {
+ p.Mapping = p.Mapping[1:]
+ }
+ }
+ // Subtract the offset from the start of the main mapping if it
+ // ends up at a recognizable start address.
+ const expectedStart = 0x400000
+ if m := p.Mapping[0]; m.Start-m.Offset == expectedStart {
+ m.Start = expectedStart
+ m.Offset = 0
+ }
+ for _, l := range p.Location {
+ if a := l.Address; a != 0 {
+ for _, m := range p.Mapping {
+ if m.Start <= a && a < m.Limit {
+ l.Mapping = m
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Reset all mapping IDs.
+ for i, m := range p.Mapping {
+ m.ID = uint64(i + 1)
+ }
+var cpuInts = []func([]byte) (uint64, []byte){
+ get32l,
+ get32b,
+ get64l,
+ get64b,
+func get32l(b []byte) (uint64, []byte) {
+ if len(b) < 4 {
+ return 0, nil
+ }
+ return uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24, b[4:]
+func get32b(b []byte) (uint64, []byte) {
+ if len(b) < 4 {
+ return 0, nil
+ }
+ return uint64(b[3]) | uint64(b[2])<<8 | uint64(b[1])<<16 | uint64(b[0])<<24, b[4:]
+func get64l(b []byte) (uint64, []byte) {
+ if len(b) < 8 {
+ return 0, nil
+ }
+ return uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 | uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56, b[8:]
+func get64b(b []byte) (uint64, []byte) {
+ if len(b) < 8 {
+ return 0, nil
+ }
+ return uint64(b[7]) | uint64(b[6])<<8 | uint64(b[5])<<16 | uint64(b[4])<<24 | uint64(b[3])<<32 | uint64(b[2])<<40 | uint64(b[1])<<48 | uint64(b[0])<<56, b[8:]
+// ParseTracebacks parses a set of tracebacks and returns a newly
+// populated profile. It will accept any text file and generate a
+// Profile out of it with any hex addresses it can identify, including
+// a process map if it can recognize one. Each sample will include a
+// tag "source" with the addresses recognized in string format.
+func ParseTracebacks(b []byte) (*Profile, error) {
+ r := bytes.NewBuffer(b)
+ p := &Profile{
+ PeriodType: &ValueType{Type: "trace", Unit: "count"},
+ Period: 1,
+ SampleType: []*ValueType{
+ {Type: "trace", Unit: "count"},
+ },
+ }
+ var sources []string
+ var sloc []*Location
+ locs := make(map[uint64]*Location)
+ for {
+ l, err := r.ReadString('\n')
+ if err != nil {
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if l == "" {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if sectionTrigger(l) == memoryMapSection {
+ break
+ }
+ if s, addrs := extractHexAddresses(l); len(s) > 0 {
+ for _, addr := range addrs {
+ // Addresses from stack traces point to the next instruction after
+ // each call. Adjust by -1 to land somewhere on the actual call.
+ addr--
+ loc := locs[addr]
+ if locs[addr] == nil {
+ loc = &Location{
+ Address: addr,
+ }
+ p.Location = append(p.Location, loc)
+ locs[addr] = loc
+ }
+ sloc = append(sloc, loc)
+ }
+ sources = append(sources, s...)
+ } else {
+ if len(sources) > 0 || len(sloc) > 0 {
+ addTracebackSample(sloc, sources, p)
+ sloc, sources = nil, nil
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Add final sample to save any leftover data.
+ if len(sources) > 0 || len(sloc) > 0 {
+ addTracebackSample(sloc, sources, p)
+ }
+ if err := p.ParseMemoryMap(r); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return p, nil
+func addTracebackSample(l []*Location, s []string, p *Profile) {
+ p.Sample = append(p.Sample,
+ &Sample{
+ Value: []int64{1},
+ Location: l,
+ Label: map[string][]string{"source": s},
+ })
+// parseCPU parses a profilez legacy profile and returns a newly
+// populated Profile.
+// The general format for profilez samples is a sequence of words in
+// binary format. The first words are a header with the following data:
+// 1st word -- 0
+// 2nd word -- 3
+// 3rd word -- 0 if a c++ application, 1 if a java application.
+// 4th word -- Sampling period (in microseconds).
+// 5th word -- Padding.
+func parseCPU(b []byte) (*Profile, error) {
+ var parse func([]byte) (uint64, []byte)
+ var n1, n2, n3, n4, n5 uint64
+ for _, parse = range cpuInts {
+ var tmp []byte
+ n1, tmp = parse(b)
+ n2, tmp = parse(tmp)
+ n3, tmp = parse(tmp)
+ n4, tmp = parse(tmp)
+ n5, tmp = parse(tmp)
+ if tmp != nil && n1 == 0 && n2 == 3 && n3 == 0 && n4 > 0 && n5 == 0 {
+ b = tmp
+ return cpuProfile(b, int64(n4), parse)
+ }
+ }
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+// cpuProfile returns a new Profile from C++ profilez data.
+// b is the profile bytes after the header, period is the profiling
+// period, and parse is a function to parse 8-byte chunks from the
+// profile in its native endianness.
+func cpuProfile(b []byte, period int64, parse func(b []byte) (uint64, []byte)) (*Profile, error) {
+ p := &Profile{
+ Period: period * 1000,
+ PeriodType: &ValueType{Type: "cpu", Unit: "nanoseconds"},
+ SampleType: []*ValueType{
+ {Type: "samples", Unit: "count"},
+ {Type: "cpu", Unit: "nanoseconds"},
+ },
+ }
+ var err error
+ if b, _, err = parseCPUSamples(b, parse, true, p); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ // If all samples have the same second-to-the-bottom frame, it
+ // strongly suggests that it is an uninteresting artifact of
+ // measurement -- a stack frame pushed by the signal handler. The
+ // bottom frame is always correct as it is picked up from the signal
+ // structure, not the stack. Check if this is the case and if so,
+ // remove.
+ if len(p.Sample) > 1 && len(p.Sample[0].Location) > 1 {
+ allSame := true
+ id1 := p.Sample[0].Location[1].Address
+ for _, s := range p.Sample {
+ if len(s.Location) < 2 || id1 != s.Location[1].Address {
+ allSame = false
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if allSame {
+ for _, s := range p.Sample {
+ s.Location = append(s.Location[:1], s.Location[2:]...)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if err := p.ParseMemoryMap(bytes.NewBuffer(b)); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return p, nil
+// parseCPUSamples parses a collection of profilez samples from a
+// profile.
+// profilez samples are a repeated sequence of stack frames of the
+// form:
+// 1st word -- The number of times this stack was encountered.
+// 2nd word -- The size of the stack (StackSize).
+// 3rd word -- The first address on the stack.
+// ...
+// StackSize + 2 -- The last address on the stack
+// The last stack trace is of the form:
+// 1st word -- 0
+// 2nd word -- 1
+// 3rd word -- 0
+// Addresses from stack traces may point to the next instruction after
+// each call. Optionally adjust by -1 to land somewhere on the actual
+// call (except for the leaf, which is not a call).
+func parseCPUSamples(b []byte, parse func(b []byte) (uint64, []byte), adjust bool, p *Profile) ([]byte, map[uint64]*Location, error) {
+ locs := make(map[uint64]*Location)
+ for len(b) > 0 {
+ var count, nstk uint64
+ count, b = parse(b)
+ nstk, b = parse(b)
+ if b == nil || nstk > uint64(len(b)/4) {
+ return nil, nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ var sloc []*Location
+ addrs := make([]uint64, nstk)
+ for i := 0; i < int(nstk); i++ {
+ addrs[i], b = parse(b)
+ }
+ if count == 0 && nstk == 1 && addrs[0] == 0 {
+ // End of data marker
+ break
+ }
+ for i, addr := range addrs {
+ if adjust && i > 0 {
+ addr--
+ }
+ loc := locs[addr]
+ if loc == nil {
+ loc = &Location{
+ Address: addr,
+ }
+ locs[addr] = loc
+ p.Location = append(p.Location, loc)
+ }
+ sloc = append(sloc, loc)
+ }
+ p.Sample = append(p.Sample,
+ &Sample{
+ Value: []int64{int64(count), int64(count) * p.Period},
+ Location: sloc,
+ })
+ }
+ // Reached the end without finding the EOD marker.
+ return b, locs, nil
+// parseHeap parses a heapz legacy or a growthz profile and
+// returns a newly populated Profile.
+func parseHeap(b []byte) (p *Profile, err error) {
+ r := bytes.NewBuffer(b)
+ l, err := r.ReadString('\n')
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ sampling := ""
+ if header := heapHeaderRE.FindStringSubmatch(l); header != nil {
+ p = &Profile{
+ SampleType: []*ValueType{
+ {Type: "objects", Unit: "count"},
+ {Type: "space", Unit: "bytes"},
+ },
+ PeriodType: &ValueType{Type: "objects", Unit: "bytes"},
+ }
+ var period int64
+ if len(header[6]) > 0 {
+ if period, err = strconv.ParseInt(header[6], 10, 64); err != nil {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ }
+ switch header[5] {
+ case "heapz_v2", "heap_v2":
+ sampling, p.Period = "v2", period
+ case "heapprofile":
+ sampling, p.Period = "", 1
+ case "heap":
+ sampling, p.Period = "v2", period/2
+ default:
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ } else if header = growthHeaderRE.FindStringSubmatch(l); header != nil {
+ p = &Profile{
+ SampleType: []*ValueType{
+ {Type: "objects", Unit: "count"},
+ {Type: "space", Unit: "bytes"},
+ },
+ PeriodType: &ValueType{Type: "heapgrowth", Unit: "count"},
+ Period: 1,
+ }
+ } else if header = fragmentationHeaderRE.FindStringSubmatch(l); header != nil {
+ p = &Profile{
+ SampleType: []*ValueType{
+ {Type: "objects", Unit: "count"},
+ {Type: "space", Unit: "bytes"},
+ },
+ PeriodType: &ValueType{Type: "allocations", Unit: "count"},
+ Period: 1,
+ }
+ } else {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ if LegacyHeapAllocated {
+ for _, st := range p.SampleType {
+ st.Type = "alloc_" + st.Type
+ }
+ } else {
+ for _, st := range p.SampleType {
+ st.Type = "inuse_" + st.Type
+ }
+ }
+ locs := make(map[uint64]*Location)
+ for {
+ l, err = r.ReadString('\n')
+ if err != nil {
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if l == "" {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if isSpaceOrComment(l) {
+ continue
+ }
+ l = strings.TrimSpace(l)
+ if sectionTrigger(l) != unrecognizedSection {
+ break
+ }
+ value, blocksize, addrs, err := parseHeapSample(l, p.Period, sampling)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ var sloc []*Location
+ for _, addr := range addrs {
+ // Addresses from stack traces point to the next instruction after
+ // each call. Adjust by -1 to land somewhere on the actual call.
+ addr--
+ loc := locs[addr]
+ if locs[addr] == nil {
+ loc = &Location{
+ Address: addr,
+ }
+ p.Location = append(p.Location, loc)
+ locs[addr] = loc
+ }
+ sloc = append(sloc, loc)
+ }
+ p.Sample = append(p.Sample, &Sample{
+ Value: value,
+ Location: sloc,
+ NumLabel: map[string][]int64{"bytes": {blocksize}},
+ })
+ }
+ if err = parseAdditionalSections(l, r, p); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return p, nil
+// parseHeapSample parses a single row from a heap profile into a new Sample.
+func parseHeapSample(line string, rate int64, sampling string) (value []int64, blocksize int64, addrs []uint64, err error) {
+ sampleData := heapSampleRE.FindStringSubmatch(line)
+ if len(sampleData) != 6 {
+ return value, blocksize, addrs, fmt.Errorf("unexpected number of sample values: got %d, want 6", len(sampleData))
+ }
+ // Use first two values by default; tcmalloc sampling generates the
+ // same value for both, only the older heap-profile collect separate
+ // stats for in-use and allocated objects.
+ valueIndex := 1
+ if LegacyHeapAllocated {
+ valueIndex = 3
+ }
+ var v1, v2 int64
+ if v1, err = strconv.ParseInt(sampleData[valueIndex], 10, 64); err != nil {
+ return value, blocksize, addrs, fmt.Errorf("malformed sample: %s: %v", line, err)
+ }
+ if v2, err = strconv.ParseInt(sampleData[valueIndex+1], 10, 64); err != nil {
+ return value, blocksize, addrs, fmt.Errorf("malformed sample: %s: %v", line, err)
+ }
+ if v1 == 0 {
+ if v2 != 0 {
+ return value, blocksize, addrs, fmt.Errorf("allocation count was 0 but allocation bytes was %d", v2)
+ }
+ } else {
+ blocksize = v2 / v1
+ if sampling == "v2" {
+ v1, v2 = scaleHeapSample(v1, v2, rate)
+ }
+ }
+ value = []int64{v1, v2}
+ addrs = parseHexAddresses(sampleData[5])
+ return value, blocksize, addrs, nil
+// extractHexAddresses extracts hex numbers from a string and returns
+// them, together with their numeric value, in a slice.
+func extractHexAddresses(s string) ([]string, []uint64) {
+ hexStrings := hexNumberRE.FindAllString(s, -1)
+ var ids []uint64
+ for _, s := range hexStrings {
+ if id, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 0, 64); err == nil {
+ ids = append(ids, id)
+ } else {
+ // Do not expect any parsing failures due to the regexp matching.
+ panic("failed to parse hex value:" + s)
+ }
+ }
+ return hexStrings, ids
+// parseHexAddresses parses hex numbers from a string and returns them
+// in a slice.
+func parseHexAddresses(s string) []uint64 {
+ _, ids := extractHexAddresses(s)
+ return ids
+// scaleHeapSample adjusts the data from a heapz Sample to
+// account for its probability of appearing in the collected
+// data. heapz profiles are a sampling of the memory allocations
+// requests in a program. We estimate the unsampled value by dividing
+// each collected sample by its probability of appearing in the
+// profile. heapz v2 profiles rely on a poisson process to determine
+// which samples to collect, based on the desired average collection
+// rate R. The probability of a sample of size S to appear in that
+// profile is 1-exp(-S/R).
+func scaleHeapSample(count, size, rate int64) (int64, int64) {
+ if count == 0 || size == 0 {
+ return 0, 0
+ }
+ if rate <= 1 {
+ // if rate==1 all samples were collected so no adjustment is needed.
+ // if rate<1 treat as unknown and skip scaling.
+ return count, size
+ }
+ avgSize := float64(size) / float64(count)
+ scale := 1 / (1 - math.Exp(-avgSize/float64(rate)))
+ return int64(float64(count) * scale), int64(float64(size) * scale)
+// parseContention parses a mutex or contention profile. There are 2 cases:
+// "--- contentionz " for legacy C++ profiles (and backwards compatibility)
+// "--- mutex:" or "--- contention:" for profiles generated by the Go runtime.
+// This code converts the text output from runtime into a *Profile. (In the future
+// the runtime might write a serialized Profile directly making this unnecessary.)
+func parseContention(b []byte) (*Profile, error) {
+ r := bytes.NewBuffer(b)
+ var l string
+ var err error
+ for {
+ // Skip past comments and empty lines seeking a real header.
+ l, err = r.ReadString('\n')
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if !isSpaceOrComment(l) {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if strings.HasPrefix(l, "--- contentionz ") {
+ return parseCppContention(r)
+ } else if strings.HasPrefix(l, "--- mutex:") {
+ return parseCppContention(r)
+ } else if strings.HasPrefix(l, "--- contention:") {
+ return parseCppContention(r)
+ }
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+// parseCppContention parses the output from
+// for backward compatibility, and the compatible (non-debug) block profile
+// output from the Go runtime.
+func parseCppContention(r *bytes.Buffer) (*Profile, error) {
+ p := &Profile{
+ PeriodType: &ValueType{Type: "contentions", Unit: "count"},
+ Period: 1,
+ SampleType: []*ValueType{
+ {Type: "contentions", Unit: "count"},
+ {Type: "delay", Unit: "nanoseconds"},
+ },
+ }
+ var cpuHz int64
+ var l string
+ var err error
+ // Parse text of the form "attribute = value" before the samples.
+ const delimiter = "="
+ for {
+ l, err = r.ReadString('\n')
+ if err != nil {
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if l == "" {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if isSpaceOrComment(l) {
+ continue
+ }
+ if l = strings.TrimSpace(l); l == "" {
+ continue
+ }
+ if strings.HasPrefix(l, "---") {
+ break
+ }
+ attr := strings.SplitN(l, delimiter, 2)
+ if len(attr) != 2 {
+ break
+ }
+ key, val := strings.TrimSpace(attr[0]), strings.TrimSpace(attr[1])
+ var err error
+ switch key {
+ case "cycles/second":
+ if cpuHz, err = strconv.ParseInt(val, 0, 64); err != nil {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ case "sampling period":
+ if p.Period, err = strconv.ParseInt(val, 0, 64); err != nil {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ case "ms since reset":
+ ms, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 0, 64)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ p.DurationNanos = ms * 1000 * 1000
+ case "format":
+ // CPP contentionz profiles don't have format.
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ case "resolution":
+ // CPP contentionz profiles don't have resolution.
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ case "discarded samples":
+ default:
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ }
+ locs := make(map[uint64]*Location)
+ for {
+ if !isSpaceOrComment(l) {
+ if l = strings.TrimSpace(l); strings.HasPrefix(l, "---") {
+ break
+ }
+ value, addrs, err := parseContentionSample(l, p.Period, cpuHz)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ var sloc []*Location
+ for _, addr := range addrs {
+ // Addresses from stack traces point to the next instruction after
+ // each call. Adjust by -1 to land somewhere on the actual call.
+ addr--
+ loc := locs[addr]
+ if locs[addr] == nil {
+ loc = &Location{
+ Address: addr,
+ }
+ p.Location = append(p.Location, loc)
+ locs[addr] = loc
+ }
+ sloc = append(sloc, loc)
+ }
+ p.Sample = append(p.Sample, &Sample{
+ Value: value,
+ Location: sloc,
+ })
+ }
+ if l, err = r.ReadString('\n'); err != nil {
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if l == "" {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if err = parseAdditionalSections(l, r, p); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return p, nil
+// parseContentionSample parses a single row from a contention profile
+// into a new Sample.
+func parseContentionSample(line string, period, cpuHz int64) (value []int64, addrs []uint64, err error) {
+ sampleData := contentionSampleRE.FindStringSubmatch(line)
+ if sampleData == nil {
+ return value, addrs, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ v1, err := strconv.ParseInt(sampleData[1], 10, 64)
+ if err != nil {
+ return value, addrs, fmt.Errorf("malformed sample: %s: %v", line, err)
+ }
+ v2, err := strconv.ParseInt(sampleData[2], 10, 64)
+ if err != nil {
+ return value, addrs, fmt.Errorf("malformed sample: %s: %v", line, err)
+ }
+ // Unsample values if period and cpuHz are available.
+ // - Delays are scaled to cycles and then to nanoseconds.
+ // - Contentions are scaled to cycles.
+ if period > 0 {
+ if cpuHz > 0 {
+ cpuGHz := float64(cpuHz) / 1e9
+ v1 = int64(float64(v1) * float64(period) / cpuGHz)
+ }
+ v2 = v2 * period
+ }
+ value = []int64{v2, v1}
+ addrs = parseHexAddresses(sampleData[3])
+ return value, addrs, nil
+// parseThread parses a Threadz profile and returns a new Profile.
+func parseThread(b []byte) (*Profile, error) {
+ r := bytes.NewBuffer(b)
+ var line string
+ var err error
+ for {
+ // Skip past comments and empty lines seeking a real header.
+ line, err = r.ReadString('\n')
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if !isSpaceOrComment(line) {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if m := threadzStartRE.FindStringSubmatch(line); m != nil {
+ // Advance over initial comments until first stack trace.
+ for {
+ line, err = r.ReadString('\n')
+ if err != nil {
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if line == "" {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if sectionTrigger(line) != unrecognizedSection || line[0] == '-' {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ } else if t := threadStartRE.FindStringSubmatch(line); len(t) != 4 {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ p := &Profile{
+ SampleType: []*ValueType{{Type: "thread", Unit: "count"}},
+ PeriodType: &ValueType{Type: "thread", Unit: "count"},
+ Period: 1,
+ }
+ locs := make(map[uint64]*Location)
+ // Recognize each thread and populate profile samples.
+ for sectionTrigger(line) == unrecognizedSection {
+ if strings.HasPrefix(line, "---- no stack trace for") {
+ line = ""
+ break
+ }
+ if t := threadStartRE.FindStringSubmatch(line); len(t) != 4 {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ var addrs []uint64
+ line, addrs, err = parseThreadSample(r)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ if len(addrs) == 0 {
+ // We got a --same as previous threads--. Bump counters.
+ if len(p.Sample) > 0 {
+ s := p.Sample[len(p.Sample)-1]
+ s.Value[0]++
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ var sloc []*Location
+ for _, addr := range addrs {
+ // Addresses from stack traces point to the next instruction after
+ // each call. Adjust by -1 to land somewhere on the actual call.
+ addr--
+ loc := locs[addr]
+ if locs[addr] == nil {
+ loc = &Location{
+ Address: addr,
+ }
+ p.Location = append(p.Location, loc)
+ locs[addr] = loc
+ }
+ sloc = append(sloc, loc)
+ }
+ p.Sample = append(p.Sample, &Sample{
+ Value: []int64{1},
+ Location: sloc,
+ })
+ }
+ if err = parseAdditionalSections(line, r, p); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return p, nil
+// parseThreadSample parses a symbolized or unsymbolized stack trace.
+// Returns the first line after the traceback, the sample (or nil if
+// it hits a 'same-as-previous' marker) and an error.
+func parseThreadSample(b *bytes.Buffer) (nextl string, addrs []uint64, err error) {
+ var l string
+ sameAsPrevious := false
+ for {
+ if l, err = b.ReadString('\n'); err != nil {
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ return "", nil, err
+ }
+ if l == "" {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if l = strings.TrimSpace(l); l == "" {
+ continue
+ }
+ if strings.HasPrefix(l, "---") {
+ break
+ }
+ if strings.Contains(l, "same as previous thread") {
+ sameAsPrevious = true
+ continue
+ }
+ addrs = append(addrs, parseHexAddresses(l)...)
+ }
+ if sameAsPrevious {
+ return l, nil, nil
+ }
+ return l, addrs, nil
+// parseAdditionalSections parses any additional sections in the
+// profile, ignoring any unrecognized sections.
+func parseAdditionalSections(l string, b *bytes.Buffer, p *Profile) (err error) {
+ for {
+ if sectionTrigger(l) == memoryMapSection {
+ break
+ }
+ // Ignore any unrecognized sections.
+ if l, err := b.ReadString('\n'); err != nil {
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ return err
+ }
+ if l == "" {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return p.ParseMemoryMap(b)
+// ParseMemoryMap parses a memory map in the format of
+// /proc/self/maps, and overrides the mappings in the current profile.
+// It renumbers the samples and locations in the profile correspondingly.
+func (p *Profile) ParseMemoryMap(rd io.Reader) error {
+ b := bufio.NewReader(rd)
+ var attrs []string
+ var r *strings.Replacer
+ const delimiter = "="
+ for {
+ l, err := b.ReadString('\n')
+ if err != nil {
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ return err
+ }
+ if l == "" {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if l = strings.TrimSpace(l); l == "" {
+ continue
+ }
+ if r != nil {
+ l = r.Replace(l)
+ }
+ m, err := parseMappingEntry(l)
+ if err != nil {
+ if err == errUnrecognized {
+ // Recognize assignments of the form: attr=value, and replace
+ // $attr with value on subsequent mappings.
+ if attr := strings.SplitN(l, delimiter, 2); len(attr) == 2 {
+ attrs = append(attrs, "$"+strings.TrimSpace(attr[0]), strings.TrimSpace(attr[1]))
+ r = strings.NewReplacer(attrs...)
+ }
+ // Ignore any unrecognized entries
+ continue
+ }
+ return err
+ }
+ if m == nil || (m.File == "" && len(p.Mapping) != 0) {
+ // In some cases the first entry may include the address range
+ // but not the name of the file. It should be followed by
+ // another entry with the name.
+ continue
+ }
+ if len(p.Mapping) == 1 && p.Mapping[0].File == "" {
+ // Update the name if this is the entry following that empty one.
+ p.Mapping[0].File = m.File
+ continue
+ }
+ p.Mapping = append(p.Mapping, m)
+ }
+ p.remapLocationIDs()
+ p.remapFunctionIDs()
+ p.remapMappingIDs()
+ return nil
+func parseMappingEntry(l string) (*Mapping, error) {
+ mapping := &Mapping{}
+ var err error
+ if me := procMapsRE.FindStringSubmatch(l); len(me) == 9 {
+ if !strings.Contains(me[3], "x") {
+ // Skip non-executable entries.
+ return nil, nil
+ }
+ if mapping.Start, err = strconv.ParseUint(me[1], 16, 64); err != nil {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ if mapping.Limit, err = strconv.ParseUint(me[2], 16, 64); err != nil {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ if me[4] != "" {
+ if mapping.Offset, err = strconv.ParseUint(me[4], 16, 64); err != nil {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ }
+ mapping.File = me[8]
+ return mapping, nil
+ }
+ if me := briefMapsRE.FindStringSubmatch(l); len(me) == 6 {
+ if mapping.Start, err = strconv.ParseUint(me[1], 16, 64); err != nil {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ if mapping.Limit, err = strconv.ParseUint(me[2], 16, 64); err != nil {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ mapping.File = me[3]
+ if me[5] != "" {
+ if mapping.Offset, err = strconv.ParseUint(me[5], 16, 64); err != nil {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ }
+ return mapping, nil
+ }
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+type sectionType int
+const (
+ unrecognizedSection sectionType = iota
+ memoryMapSection
+var memoryMapTriggers = []string{
+ "--- Memory map: ---",
+func sectionTrigger(line string) sectionType {
+ for _, trigger := range memoryMapTriggers {
+ if strings.Contains(line, trigger) {
+ return memoryMapSection
+ }
+ }
+ return unrecognizedSection
+func (p *Profile) addLegacyFrameInfo() {
+ switch {
+ case isProfileType(p, heapzSampleTypes) ||
+ isProfileType(p, heapzInUseSampleTypes) ||
+ isProfileType(p, heapzAllocSampleTypes):
+ p.DropFrames, p.KeepFrames = allocRxStr, allocSkipRxStr
+ case isProfileType(p, contentionzSampleTypes):
+ p.DropFrames, p.KeepFrames = lockRxStr, ""
+ default:
+ p.DropFrames, p.KeepFrames = cpuProfilerRxStr, ""
+ }
+var heapzSampleTypes = []string{"allocations", "size"} // early Go pprof profiles
+var heapzInUseSampleTypes = []string{"inuse_objects", "inuse_space"}
+var heapzAllocSampleTypes = []string{"alloc_objects", "alloc_space"}
+var contentionzSampleTypes = []string{"contentions", "delay"}
+func isProfileType(p *Profile, t []string) bool {
+ st := p.SampleType
+ if len(st) != len(t) {
+ return false
+ }
+ for i := range st {
+ if st[i].Type != t[i] {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+var allocRxStr = strings.Join([]string{
+ // POSIX entry points.
+ `calloc`,
+ `cfree`,
+ `malloc`,
+ `free`,
+ `memalign`,
+ `do_memalign`,
+ `(__)?posix_memalign`,
+ `pvalloc`,
+ `valloc`,
+ `realloc`,
+ // TC malloc.
+ `tcmalloc::.*`,
+ `tc_calloc`,
+ `tc_cfree`,
+ `tc_malloc`,
+ `tc_free`,
+ `tc_memalign`,
+ `tc_posix_memalign`,
+ `tc_pvalloc`,
+ `tc_valloc`,
+ `tc_realloc`,
+ `tc_new`,
+ `tc_delete`,
+ `tc_newarray`,
+ `tc_deletearray`,
+ `tc_new_nothrow`,
+ `tc_newarray_nothrow`,
+ // Memory-allocation routines on OS X.
+ `malloc_zone_malloc`,
+ `malloc_zone_calloc`,
+ `malloc_zone_valloc`,
+ `malloc_zone_realloc`,
+ `malloc_zone_memalign`,
+ `malloc_zone_free`,
+ // Go runtime
+ `runtime\..*`,
+ // Other misc. memory allocation routines
+ `BaseArena::.*`,
+ `(::)?do_malloc_no_errno`,
+ `(::)?do_malloc_pages`,
+ `(::)?do_malloc`,
+ `DoSampledAllocation`,
+ `MallocedMemBlock::MallocedMemBlock`,
+ `_M_allocate`,
+ `__builtin_(vec_)?delete`,
+ `__builtin_(vec_)?new`,
+ `__gnu_cxx::new_allocator::allocate`,
+ `__libc_malloc`,
+ `__malloc_alloc_template::allocate`,
+ `allocate`,
+ `cpp_alloc`,
+ `operator new(\[\])?`,
+ `simple_alloc::allocate`,
+}, `|`)
+var allocSkipRxStr = strings.Join([]string{
+ // Preserve Go runtime frames that appear in the middle/bottom of
+ // the stack.
+ `runtime\.panic`,
+ `runtime\.reflectcall`,
+ `runtime\.call[0-9]*`,
+}, `|`)
+var cpuProfilerRxStr = strings.Join([]string{
+ `ProfileData::Add`,
+ `ProfileData::prof_handler`,
+ `CpuProfiler::prof_handler`,
+ `__pthread_sighandler`,
+ `__restore`,
+}, `|`)
+var lockRxStr = strings.Join([]string{
+ `RecordLockProfileData`,
+ `(base::)?RecordLockProfileData.*`,
+ `(base::)?SubmitMutexProfileData.*`,
+ `(base::)?SubmitSpinLockProfileData.*`,
+ `(Mutex::)?AwaitCommon.*`,
+ `(Mutex::)?Unlock.*`,
+ `(Mutex::)?UnlockSlow.*`,
+ `(Mutex::)?ReaderUnlock.*`,
+ `(MutexLock::)?~MutexLock.*`,
+ `(SpinLock::)?Unlock.*`,
+ `(SpinLock::)?SlowUnlock.*`,
+ `(SpinLockHolder::)?~SpinLockHolder.*`,
+}, `|`)
diff --git a/src/internal/profile/merge.go b/src/internal/profile/merge.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ea7d4cf42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/internal/profile/merge.go
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package profile
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "sort"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+// Merge merges all the profiles in profs into a single Profile.
+// Returns a new profile independent of the input profiles. The merged
+// profile is compacted to eliminate unused samples, locations,
+// functions and mappings. Profiles must have identical profile sample
+// and period types or the merge will fail. profile.Period of the
+// resulting profile will be the maximum of all profiles, and
+// profile.TimeNanos will be the earliest nonzero one.
+func Merge(srcs []*Profile) (*Profile, error) {
+ if len(srcs) == 0 {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("no profiles to merge")
+ }
+ p, err := combineHeaders(srcs)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ pm := &profileMerger{
+ p: p,
+ samples: make(map[sampleKey]*Sample, len(srcs[0].Sample)),
+ locations: make(map[locationKey]*Location, len(srcs[0].Location)),
+ functions: make(map[functionKey]*Function, len(srcs[0].Function)),
+ mappings: make(map[mappingKey]*Mapping, len(srcs[0].Mapping)),
+ }
+ for _, src := range srcs {
+ // Clear the profile-specific hash tables
+ pm.locationsByID = make(map[uint64]*Location, len(src.Location))
+ pm.functionsByID = make(map[uint64]*Function, len(src.Function))
+ pm.mappingsByID = make(map[uint64]mapInfo, len(src.Mapping))
+ if len(pm.mappings) == 0 && len(src.Mapping) > 0 {
+ // The Mapping list has the property that the first mapping
+ // represents the main binary. Take the first Mapping we see,
+ // otherwise the operations below will add mappings in an
+ // arbitrary order.
+ pm.mapMapping(src.Mapping[0])
+ }
+ for _, s := range src.Sample {
+ if !isZeroSample(s) {
+ pm.mapSample(s)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for _, s := range p.Sample {
+ if isZeroSample(s) {
+ // If there are any zero samples, re-merge the profile to GC
+ // them.
+ return Merge([]*Profile{p})
+ }
+ }
+ return p, nil
+// Normalize normalizes the source profile by multiplying each value in profile by the
+// ratio of the sum of the base profile's values of that sample type to the sum of the
+// source profile's value of that sample type.
+func (p *Profile) Normalize(pb *Profile) error {
+ if err := p.compatible(pb); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ baseVals := make([]int64, len(p.SampleType))
+ for _, s := range pb.Sample {
+ for i, v := range s.Value {
+ baseVals[i] += v
+ }
+ }
+ srcVals := make([]int64, len(p.SampleType))
+ for _, s := range p.Sample {
+ for i, v := range s.Value {
+ srcVals[i] += v
+ }
+ }
+ normScale := make([]float64, len(baseVals))
+ for i := range baseVals {
+ if srcVals[i] == 0 {
+ normScale[i] = 0.0
+ } else {
+ normScale[i] = float64(baseVals[i]) / float64(srcVals[i])
+ }
+ }
+ p.ScaleN(normScale)
+ return nil
+func isZeroSample(s *Sample) bool {
+ for _, v := range s.Value {
+ if v != 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+type profileMerger struct {
+ p *Profile
+ // Memoization tables within a profile.
+ locationsByID map[uint64]*Location
+ functionsByID map[uint64]*Function
+ mappingsByID map[uint64]mapInfo
+ // Memoization tables for profile entities.
+ samples map[sampleKey]*Sample
+ locations map[locationKey]*Location
+ functions map[functionKey]*Function
+ mappings map[mappingKey]*Mapping
+type mapInfo struct {
+ m *Mapping
+ offset int64
+func (pm *profileMerger) mapSample(src *Sample) *Sample {
+ s := &Sample{
+ Location: make([]*Location, len(src.Location)),
+ Value: make([]int64, len(src.Value)),
+ Label: make(map[string][]string, len(src.Label)),
+ NumLabel: make(map[string][]int64, len(src.NumLabel)),
+ NumUnit: make(map[string][]string, len(src.NumLabel)),
+ }
+ for i, l := range src.Location {
+ s.Location[i] = pm.mapLocation(l)
+ }
+ for k, v := range src.Label {
+ vv := make([]string, len(v))
+ copy(vv, v)
+ s.Label[k] = vv
+ }
+ for k, v := range src.NumLabel {
+ u := src.NumUnit[k]
+ vv := make([]int64, len(v))
+ uu := make([]string, len(u))
+ copy(vv, v)
+ copy(uu, u)
+ s.NumLabel[k] = vv
+ s.NumUnit[k] = uu
+ }
+ // Check memoization table. Must be done on the remapped location to
+ // account for the remapped mapping. Add current values to the
+ // existing sample.
+ k := s.key()
+ if ss, ok := pm.samples[k]; ok {
+ for i, v := range src.Value {
+ ss.Value[i] += v
+ }
+ return ss
+ }
+ copy(s.Value, src.Value)
+ pm.samples[k] = s
+ pm.p.Sample = append(pm.p.Sample, s)
+ return s
+// key generates sampleKey to be used as a key for maps.
+func (sample *Sample) key() sampleKey {
+ ids := make([]string, len(sample.Location))
+ for i, l := range sample.Location {
+ ids[i] = strconv.FormatUint(l.ID, 16)
+ }
+ labels := make([]string, 0, len(sample.Label))
+ for k, v := range sample.Label {
+ labels = append(labels, fmt.Sprintf("%q%q", k, v))
+ }
+ sort.Strings(labels)
+ numlabels := make([]string, 0, len(sample.NumLabel))
+ for k, v := range sample.NumLabel {
+ numlabels = append(numlabels, fmt.Sprintf("%q%x%x", k, v, sample.NumUnit[k]))
+ }
+ sort.Strings(numlabels)
+ return sampleKey{
+ strings.Join(ids, "|"),
+ strings.Join(labels, ""),
+ strings.Join(numlabels, ""),
+ }
+type sampleKey struct {
+ locations string
+ labels string
+ numlabels string
+func (pm *profileMerger) mapLocation(src *Location) *Location {
+ if src == nil {
+ return nil
+ }
+ if l, ok := pm.locationsByID[src.ID]; ok {
+ pm.locationsByID[src.ID] = l
+ return l
+ }
+ mi := pm.mapMapping(src.Mapping)
+ l := &Location{
+ ID: uint64(len(pm.p.Location) + 1),
+ Mapping: mi.m,
+ Address: uint64(int64(src.Address) + mi.offset),
+ Line: make([]Line, len(src.Line)),
+ IsFolded: src.IsFolded,
+ }
+ for i, ln := range src.Line {
+ l.Line[i] = pm.mapLine(ln)
+ }
+ // Check memoization table. Must be done on the remapped location to
+ // account for the remapped mapping ID.
+ k := l.key()
+ if ll, ok := pm.locations[k]; ok {
+ pm.locationsByID[src.ID] = ll
+ return ll
+ }
+ pm.locationsByID[src.ID] = l
+ pm.locations[k] = l
+ pm.p.Location = append(pm.p.Location, l)
+ return l
+// key generates locationKey to be used as a key for maps.
+func (l *Location) key() locationKey {
+ key := locationKey{
+ addr: l.Address,
+ isFolded: l.IsFolded,
+ }
+ if l.Mapping != nil {
+ // Normalizes address to handle address space randomization.
+ key.addr -= l.Mapping.Start
+ key.mappingID = l.Mapping.ID
+ }
+ lines := make([]string, len(l.Line)*2)
+ for i, line := range l.Line {
+ if line.Function != nil {
+ lines[i*2] = strconv.FormatUint(line.Function.ID, 16)
+ }
+ lines[i*2+1] = strconv.FormatInt(line.Line, 16)
+ }
+ key.lines = strings.Join(lines, "|")
+ return key
+type locationKey struct {
+ addr, mappingID uint64
+ lines string
+ isFolded bool
+func (pm *profileMerger) mapMapping(src *Mapping) mapInfo {
+ if src == nil {
+ return mapInfo{}
+ }
+ if mi, ok := pm.mappingsByID[src.ID]; ok {
+ return mi
+ }
+ // Check memoization tables.
+ mk := src.key()
+ if m, ok := pm.mappings[mk]; ok {
+ mi := mapInfo{m, int64(m.Start) - int64(src.Start)}
+ pm.mappingsByID[src.ID] = mi
+ return mi
+ }
+ m := &Mapping{
+ ID: uint64(len(pm.p.Mapping) + 1),
+ Start: src.Start,
+ Limit: src.Limit,
+ Offset: src.Offset,
+ File: src.File,
+ BuildID: src.BuildID,
+ HasFunctions: src.HasFunctions,
+ HasFilenames: src.HasFilenames,
+ HasLineNumbers: src.HasLineNumbers,
+ HasInlineFrames: src.HasInlineFrames,
+ }
+ pm.p.Mapping = append(pm.p.Mapping, m)
+ // Update memoization tables.
+ pm.mappings[mk] = m
+ mi := mapInfo{m, 0}
+ pm.mappingsByID[src.ID] = mi
+ return mi
+// key generates encoded strings of Mapping to be used as a key for
+// maps.
+func (m *Mapping) key() mappingKey {
+ // Normalize addresses to handle address space randomization.
+ // Round up to next 4K boundary to avoid minor discrepancies.
+ const mapsizeRounding = 0x1000
+ size := m.Limit - m.Start
+ size = size + mapsizeRounding - 1
+ size = size - (size % mapsizeRounding)
+ key := mappingKey{
+ size: size,
+ offset: m.Offset,
+ }
+ switch {
+ case m.BuildID != "":
+ key.buildIDOrFile = m.BuildID
+ case m.File != "":
+ key.buildIDOrFile = m.File
+ default:
+ // A mapping containing neither build ID nor file name is a fake mapping. A
+ // key with empty buildIDOrFile is used for fake mappings so that they are
+ // treated as the same mapping during merging.
+ }
+ return key
+type mappingKey struct {
+ size, offset uint64
+ buildIDOrFile string
+func (pm *profileMerger) mapLine(src Line) Line {
+ ln := Line{
+ Function: pm.mapFunction(src.Function),
+ Line: src.Line,
+ }
+ return ln
+func (pm *profileMerger) mapFunction(src *Function) *Function {
+ if src == nil {
+ return nil
+ }
+ if f, ok := pm.functionsByID[src.ID]; ok {
+ return f
+ }
+ k := src.key()
+ if f, ok := pm.functions[k]; ok {
+ pm.functionsByID[src.ID] = f
+ return f
+ }
+ f := &Function{
+ ID: uint64(len(pm.p.Function) + 1),
+ Name: src.Name,
+ SystemName: src.SystemName,
+ Filename: src.Filename,
+ StartLine: src.StartLine,
+ }
+ pm.functions[k] = f
+ pm.functionsByID[src.ID] = f
+ pm.p.Function = append(pm.p.Function, f)
+ return f
+// key generates a struct to be used as a key for maps.
+func (f *Function) key() functionKey {
+ return functionKey{
+ f.StartLine,
+ f.Name,
+ f.SystemName,
+ f.Filename,
+ }
+type functionKey struct {
+ startLine int64
+ name, systemName, fileName string
+// combineHeaders checks that all profiles can be merged and returns
+// their combined profile.
+func combineHeaders(srcs []*Profile) (*Profile, error) {
+ for _, s := range srcs[1:] {
+ if err := srcs[0].compatible(s); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ }
+ var timeNanos, durationNanos, period int64
+ var comments []string
+ seenComments := map[string]bool{}
+ var defaultSampleType string
+ for _, s := range srcs {
+ if timeNanos == 0 || s.TimeNanos < timeNanos {
+ timeNanos = s.TimeNanos
+ }
+ durationNanos += s.DurationNanos
+ if period == 0 || period < s.Period {
+ period = s.Period
+ }
+ for _, c := range s.Comments {
+ if seen := seenComments[c]; !seen {
+ comments = append(comments, c)
+ seenComments[c] = true
+ }
+ }
+ if defaultSampleType == "" {
+ defaultSampleType = s.DefaultSampleType
+ }
+ }
+ p := &Profile{
+ SampleType: make([]*ValueType, len(srcs[0].SampleType)),
+ DropFrames: srcs[0].DropFrames,
+ KeepFrames: srcs[0].KeepFrames,
+ TimeNanos: timeNanos,
+ DurationNanos: durationNanos,
+ PeriodType: srcs[0].PeriodType,
+ Period: period,
+ Comments: comments,
+ DefaultSampleType: defaultSampleType,
+ }
+ copy(p.SampleType, srcs[0].SampleType)
+ return p, nil
+// compatible determines if two profiles can be compared/merged.
+// returns nil if the profiles are compatible; otherwise an error with
+// details on the incompatibility.
+func (p *Profile) compatible(pb *Profile) error {
+ if !equalValueType(p.PeriodType, pb.PeriodType) {
+ return fmt.Errorf("incompatible period types %v and %v", p.PeriodType, pb.PeriodType)
+ }
+ if len(p.SampleType) != len(pb.SampleType) {
+ return fmt.Errorf("incompatible sample types %v and %v", p.SampleType, pb.SampleType)
+ }
+ for i := range p.SampleType {
+ if !equalValueType(p.SampleType[i], pb.SampleType[i]) {
+ return fmt.Errorf("incompatible sample types %v and %v", p.SampleType, pb.SampleType)
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// equalValueType returns true if the two value types are semantically
+// equal. It ignores the internal fields used during encode/decode.
+func equalValueType(st1, st2 *ValueType) bool {
+ return st1.Type == st2.Type && st1.Unit == st2.Unit
diff --git a/src/internal/profile/profile.go b/src/internal/profile/profile.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6275bc6de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/internal/profile/profile.go
@@ -0,0 +1,614 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package profile provides a representation of
+// and
+// methods to encode/decode/merge profiles in this format.
+package profile
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "compress/gzip"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "regexp"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+// Profile is an in-memory representation of profile.proto.
+type Profile struct {
+ SampleType []*ValueType
+ DefaultSampleType string
+ Sample []*Sample
+ Mapping []*Mapping
+ Location []*Location
+ Function []*Function
+ Comments []string
+ DropFrames string
+ KeepFrames string
+ TimeNanos int64
+ DurationNanos int64
+ PeriodType *ValueType
+ Period int64
+ commentX []int64
+ dropFramesX int64
+ keepFramesX int64
+ stringTable []string
+ defaultSampleTypeX int64
+// ValueType corresponds to Profile.ValueType
+type ValueType struct {
+ Type string // cpu, wall, inuse_space, etc
+ Unit string // seconds, nanoseconds, bytes, etc
+ typeX int64
+ unitX int64
+// Sample corresponds to Profile.Sample
+type Sample struct {
+ Location []*Location
+ Value []int64
+ Label map[string][]string
+ NumLabel map[string][]int64
+ NumUnit map[string][]string
+ locationIDX []uint64
+ labelX []Label
+// Label corresponds to Profile.Label
+type Label struct {
+ keyX int64
+ // Exactly one of the two following values must be set
+ strX int64
+ numX int64 // Integer value for this label
+// Mapping corresponds to Profile.Mapping
+type Mapping struct {
+ ID uint64
+ Start uint64
+ Limit uint64
+ Offset uint64
+ File string
+ BuildID string
+ HasFunctions bool
+ HasFilenames bool
+ HasLineNumbers bool
+ HasInlineFrames bool
+ fileX int64
+ buildIDX int64
+// Location corresponds to Profile.Location
+type Location struct {
+ ID uint64
+ Mapping *Mapping
+ Address uint64
+ Line []Line
+ IsFolded bool
+ mappingIDX uint64
+// Line corresponds to Profile.Line
+type Line struct {
+ Function *Function
+ Line int64
+ functionIDX uint64
+// Function corresponds to Profile.Function
+type Function struct {
+ ID uint64
+ Name string
+ SystemName string
+ Filename string
+ StartLine int64
+ nameX int64
+ systemNameX int64
+ filenameX int64
+// Parse parses a profile and checks for its validity. The input
+// may be a gzip-compressed encoded protobuf or one of many legacy
+// profile formats which may be unsupported in the future.
+func Parse(r io.Reader) (*Profile, error) {
+ orig, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ var p *Profile
+ if len(orig) >= 2 && orig[0] == 0x1f && orig[1] == 0x8b {
+ gz, err := gzip.NewReader(bytes.NewBuffer(orig))
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("decompressing profile: %v", err)
+ }
+ data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(gz)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("decompressing profile: %v", err)
+ }
+ orig = data
+ }
+ if p, err = parseUncompressed(orig); err != nil {
+ if p, err = parseLegacy(orig); err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing profile: %v", err)
+ }
+ }
+ if err := p.CheckValid(); err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("malformed profile: %v", err)
+ }
+ return p, nil
+var errUnrecognized = fmt.Errorf("unrecognized profile format")
+var errMalformed = fmt.Errorf("malformed profile format")
+func parseLegacy(data []byte) (*Profile, error) {
+ parsers := []func([]byte) (*Profile, error){
+ parseCPU,
+ parseHeap,
+ parseGoCount, // goroutine, threadcreate
+ parseThread,
+ parseContention,
+ }
+ for _, parser := range parsers {
+ p, err := parser(data)
+ if err == nil {
+ p.setMain()
+ p.addLegacyFrameInfo()
+ return p, nil
+ }
+ if err != errUnrecognized {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ }
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+func parseUncompressed(data []byte) (*Profile, error) {
+ p := &Profile{}
+ if err := unmarshal(data, p); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if err := p.postDecode(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return p, nil
+var libRx = regexp.MustCompile(`([.]so$|[.]so[._][0-9]+)`)
+// setMain scans Mapping entries and guesses which entry is main
+// because legacy profiles don't obey the convention of putting main
+// first.
+func (p *Profile) setMain() {
+ for i := 0; i < len(p.Mapping); i++ {
+ file := strings.TrimSpace(strings.ReplaceAll(p.Mapping[i].File, "(deleted)", ""))
+ if len(file) == 0 {
+ continue
+ }
+ if len(libRx.FindStringSubmatch(file)) > 0 {
+ continue
+ }
+ if strings.HasPrefix(file, "[") {
+ continue
+ }
+ // Swap what we guess is main to position 0.
+ p.Mapping[i], p.Mapping[0] = p.Mapping[0], p.Mapping[i]
+ break
+ }
+// Write writes the profile as a gzip-compressed marshaled protobuf.
+func (p *Profile) Write(w io.Writer) error {
+ p.preEncode()
+ b := marshal(p)
+ zw := gzip.NewWriter(w)
+ defer zw.Close()
+ _, err := zw.Write(b)
+ return err
+// CheckValid tests whether the profile is valid. Checks include, but are
+// not limited to:
+// - len(Profile.Sample[n].value) == len(Profile.value_unit)
+// - has a corresponding Profile.Location
+func (p *Profile) CheckValid() error {
+ // Check that sample values are consistent
+ sampleLen := len(p.SampleType)
+ if sampleLen == 0 && len(p.Sample) != 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("missing sample type information")
+ }
+ for _, s := range p.Sample {
+ if len(s.Value) != sampleLen {
+ return fmt.Errorf("mismatch: sample has: %d values vs. %d types", len(s.Value), len(p.SampleType))
+ }
+ }
+ // Check that all mappings/locations/functions are in the tables
+ // Check that there are no duplicate ids
+ mappings := make(map[uint64]*Mapping, len(p.Mapping))
+ for _, m := range p.Mapping {
+ if m.ID == 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("found mapping with reserved ID=0")
+ }
+ if mappings[m.ID] != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("multiple mappings with same id: %d", m.ID)
+ }
+ mappings[m.ID] = m
+ }
+ functions := make(map[uint64]*Function, len(p.Function))
+ for _, f := range p.Function {
+ if f.ID == 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("found function with reserved ID=0")
+ }
+ if functions[f.ID] != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("multiple functions with same id: %d", f.ID)
+ }
+ functions[f.ID] = f
+ }
+ locations := make(map[uint64]*Location, len(p.Location))
+ for _, l := range p.Location {
+ if l.ID == 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("found location with reserved id=0")
+ }
+ if locations[l.ID] != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("multiple locations with same id: %d", l.ID)
+ }
+ locations[l.ID] = l
+ if m := l.Mapping; m != nil {
+ if m.ID == 0 || mappings[m.ID] != m {
+ return fmt.Errorf("inconsistent mapping %p: %d", m, m.ID)
+ }
+ }
+ for _, ln := range l.Line {
+ if f := ln.Function; f != nil {
+ if f.ID == 0 || functions[f.ID] != f {
+ return fmt.Errorf("inconsistent function %p: %d", f, f.ID)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// Aggregate merges the locations in the profile into equivalence
+// classes preserving the request attributes. It also updates the
+// samples to point to the merged locations.
+func (p *Profile) Aggregate(inlineFrame, function, filename, linenumber, address bool) error {
+ for _, m := range p.Mapping {
+ m.HasInlineFrames = m.HasInlineFrames && inlineFrame
+ m.HasFunctions = m.HasFunctions && function
+ m.HasFilenames = m.HasFilenames && filename
+ m.HasLineNumbers = m.HasLineNumbers && linenumber
+ }
+ // Aggregate functions
+ if !function || !filename {
+ for _, f := range p.Function {
+ if !function {
+ f.Name = ""
+ f.SystemName = ""
+ }
+ if !filename {
+ f.Filename = ""
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Aggregate locations
+ if !inlineFrame || !address || !linenumber {
+ for _, l := range p.Location {
+ if !inlineFrame && len(l.Line) > 1 {
+ l.Line = l.Line[len(l.Line)-1:]
+ }
+ if !linenumber {
+ for i := range l.Line {
+ l.Line[i].Line = 0
+ }
+ }
+ if !address {
+ l.Address = 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return p.CheckValid()
+// Print dumps a text representation of a profile. Intended mainly
+// for debugging purposes.
+func (p *Profile) String() string {
+ ss := make([]string, 0, len(p.Sample)+len(p.Mapping)+len(p.Location))
+ if pt := p.PeriodType; pt != nil {
+ ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprintf("PeriodType: %s %s", pt.Type, pt.Unit))
+ }
+ ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprintf("Period: %d", p.Period))
+ if p.TimeNanos != 0 {
+ ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprintf("Time: %v", time.Unix(0, p.TimeNanos)))
+ }
+ if p.DurationNanos != 0 {
+ ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprintf("Duration: %v", time.Duration(p.DurationNanos)))
+ }
+ ss = append(ss, "Samples:")
+ var sh1 string
+ for _, s := range p.SampleType {
+ sh1 = sh1 + fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s ", s.Type, s.Unit)
+ }
+ ss = append(ss, strings.TrimSpace(sh1))
+ for _, s := range p.Sample {
+ var sv string
+ for _, v := range s.Value {
+ sv = fmt.Sprintf("%s %10d", sv, v)
+ }
+ sv = sv + ": "
+ for _, l := range s.Location {
+ sv = sv + fmt.Sprintf("%d ", l.ID)
+ }
+ ss = append(ss, sv)
+ const labelHeader = " "
+ if len(s.Label) > 0 {
+ ls := labelHeader
+ for k, v := range s.Label {
+ ls = ls + fmt.Sprintf("%s:%v ", k, v)
+ }
+ ss = append(ss, ls)
+ }
+ if len(s.NumLabel) > 0 {
+ ls := labelHeader
+ for k, v := range s.NumLabel {
+ ls = ls + fmt.Sprintf("%s:%v ", k, v)
+ }
+ ss = append(ss, ls)
+ }
+ }
+ ss = append(ss, "Locations")
+ for _, l := range p.Location {
+ locStr := fmt.Sprintf("%6d: %#x ", l.ID, l.Address)
+ if m := l.Mapping; m != nil {
+ locStr = locStr + fmt.Sprintf("M=%d ", m.ID)
+ }
+ if len(l.Line) == 0 {
+ ss = append(ss, locStr)
+ }
+ for li := range l.Line {
+ lnStr := "??"
+ if fn := l.Line[li].Function; fn != nil {
+ lnStr = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s:%d s=%d",
+ fn.Name,
+ fn.Filename,
+ l.Line[li].Line,
+ fn.StartLine)
+ if fn.Name != fn.SystemName {
+ lnStr = lnStr + "(" + fn.SystemName + ")"
+ }
+ }
+ ss = append(ss, locStr+lnStr)
+ // Do not print location details past the first line
+ locStr = " "
+ }
+ }
+ ss = append(ss, "Mappings")
+ for _, m := range p.Mapping {
+ bits := ""
+ if m.HasFunctions {
+ bits += "[FN]"
+ }
+ if m.HasFilenames {
+ bits += "[FL]"
+ }
+ if m.HasLineNumbers {
+ bits += "[LN]"
+ }
+ if m.HasInlineFrames {
+ bits += "[IN]"
+ }
+ ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprintf("%d: %#x/%#x/%#x %s %s %s",
+ m.ID,
+ m.Start, m.Limit, m.Offset,
+ m.File,
+ m.BuildID,
+ bits))
+ }
+ return strings.Join(ss, "\n") + "\n"
+// Merge adds profile p adjusted by ratio r into profile p. Profiles
+// must be compatible (same Type and SampleType).
+// TODO(rsilvera): consider normalizing the profiles based on the
+// total samples collected.
+func (p *Profile) Merge(pb *Profile, r float64) error {
+ if err := p.Compatible(pb); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ pb = pb.Copy()
+ // Keep the largest of the two periods.
+ if pb.Period > p.Period {
+ p.Period = pb.Period
+ }
+ p.DurationNanos += pb.DurationNanos
+ p.Mapping = append(p.Mapping, pb.Mapping...)
+ for i, m := range p.Mapping {
+ m.ID = uint64(i + 1)
+ }
+ p.Location = append(p.Location, pb.Location...)
+ for i, l := range p.Location {
+ l.ID = uint64(i + 1)
+ }
+ p.Function = append(p.Function, pb.Function...)
+ for i, f := range p.Function {
+ f.ID = uint64(i + 1)
+ }
+ if r != 1.0 {
+ for _, s := range pb.Sample {
+ for i, v := range s.Value {
+ s.Value[i] = int64((float64(v) * r))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ p.Sample = append(p.Sample, pb.Sample...)
+ return p.CheckValid()
+// Compatible determines if two profiles can be compared/merged.
+// returns nil if the profiles are compatible; otherwise an error with
+// details on the incompatibility.
+func (p *Profile) Compatible(pb *Profile) error {
+ if !compatibleValueTypes(p.PeriodType, pb.PeriodType) {
+ return fmt.Errorf("incompatible period types %v and %v", p.PeriodType, pb.PeriodType)
+ }
+ if len(p.SampleType) != len(pb.SampleType) {
+ return fmt.Errorf("incompatible sample types %v and %v", p.SampleType, pb.SampleType)
+ }
+ for i := range p.SampleType {
+ if !compatibleValueTypes(p.SampleType[i], pb.SampleType[i]) {
+ return fmt.Errorf("incompatible sample types %v and %v", p.SampleType, pb.SampleType)
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// HasFunctions determines if all locations in this profile have
+// symbolized function information.
+func (p *Profile) HasFunctions() bool {
+ for _, l := range p.Location {
+ if l.Mapping == nil || !l.Mapping.HasFunctions {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+// HasFileLines determines if all locations in this profile have
+// symbolized file and line number information.
+func (p *Profile) HasFileLines() bool {
+ for _, l := range p.Location {
+ if l.Mapping == nil || (!l.Mapping.HasFilenames || !l.Mapping.HasLineNumbers) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+func compatibleValueTypes(v1, v2 *ValueType) bool {
+ if v1 == nil || v2 == nil {
+ return true // No grounds to disqualify.
+ }
+ return v1.Type == v2.Type && v1.Unit == v2.Unit
+// Copy makes a fully independent copy of a profile.
+func (p *Profile) Copy() *Profile {
+ p.preEncode()
+ b := marshal(p)
+ pp := &Profile{}
+ if err := unmarshal(b, pp); err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ if err := pp.postDecode(); err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ return pp
+// Demangler maps symbol names to a human-readable form. This may
+// include C++ demangling and additional simplification. Names that
+// are not demangled may be missing from the resulting map.
+type Demangler func(name []string) (map[string]string, error)
+// Demangle attempts to demangle and optionally simplify any function
+// names referenced in the profile. It works on a best-effort basis:
+// it will silently preserve the original names in case of any errors.
+func (p *Profile) Demangle(d Demangler) error {
+ // Collect names to demangle.
+ var names []string
+ for _, fn := range p.Function {
+ names = append(names, fn.SystemName)
+ }
+ // Update profile with demangled names.
+ demangled, err := d(names)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ for _, fn := range p.Function {
+ if dd, ok := demangled[fn.SystemName]; ok {
+ fn.Name = dd
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// Empty reports whether the profile contains no samples.
+func (p *Profile) Empty() bool {
+ return len(p.Sample) == 0
+// Scale multiplies all sample values in a profile by a constant.
+func (p *Profile) Scale(ratio float64) {
+ if ratio == 1 {
+ return
+ }
+ ratios := make([]float64, len(p.SampleType))
+ for i := range p.SampleType {
+ ratios[i] = ratio
+ }
+ p.ScaleN(ratios)
+// ScaleN multiplies each sample values in a sample by a different amount.
+func (p *Profile) ScaleN(ratios []float64) error {
+ if len(p.SampleType) != len(ratios) {
+ return fmt.Errorf("mismatched scale ratios, got %d, want %d", len(ratios), len(p.SampleType))
+ }
+ allOnes := true
+ for _, r := range ratios {
+ if r != 1 {
+ allOnes = false
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if allOnes {
+ return nil
+ }
+ for _, s := range p.Sample {
+ for i, v := range s.Value {
+ if ratios[i] != 1 {
+ s.Value[i] = int64(float64(v) * ratios[i])
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
diff --git a/src/internal/profile/profile_test.go b/src/internal/profile/profile_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e1963f3351
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/internal/profile/profile_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package profile
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "testing"
+func TestEmptyProfile(t *testing.T) {
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ p, err := Parse(&buf)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Error("Want no error, got", err)
+ }
+ if p == nil {
+ t.Fatal("Want a valid profile, got <nil>")
+ }
+ if !p.Empty() {
+ t.Errorf("Profile should be empty, got %#v", p)
+ }
+func TestParseContention(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ name string
+ in string
+ wantErr bool
+ }{
+ {
+ name: "valid",
+ in: `--- mutex:
+sampling period=1
+43227965305 1659640 @ 0x45e851 0x45f764 0x4a2be1 0x44ea31
+34035731690 15760 @ 0x45e851 0x45f764 0x4a2b17 0x44ea31
+ },
+ {
+ name: "valid with comment",
+ in: `--- mutex:
+sampling period=1
+43227965305 1659640 @ 0x45e851 0x45f764 0x4a2be1 0x44ea31
+# 0x45e850 sync.(*Mutex).Unlock+0x80 /go/src/sync/mutex.go:126
+# 0x45f763 sync.(*RWMutex).Unlock+0x83 /go/src/sync/rwmutex.go:125
+# 0x4a2be0 main.main.func3+0x70 /go/src/internal/pprof/profile/a_binary.go:58
+34035731690 15760 @ 0x45e851 0x45f764 0x4a2b17 0x44ea31
+# 0x45e850 sync.(*Mutex).Unlock+0x80 /go/src/sync/mutex.go:126
+# 0x45f763 sync.(*RWMutex).Unlock+0x83 /go/src/sync/rwmutex.go:125
+# 0x4a2b16 main.main.func2+0xd6 /go/src/internal/pprof/profile/a_binary.go:48
+ },
+ {
+ name: "empty",
+ in: `--- mutex:`,
+ wantErr: true,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "invalid header",
+ in: `--- channel:
+43227965305 1659640 @ 0x45e851 0x45f764 0x4a2be1 0x44ea31`,
+ wantErr: true,
+ },
+ }
+ for _, tc := range tests {
+ _, err := parseContention([]byte(
+ if tc.wantErr && err == nil {
+ t.Errorf("parseContention(%q) succeeded unexpectedly",
+ }
+ if !tc.wantErr && err != nil {
+ t.Errorf("parseContention(%q) failed unexpectedly: %v",, err)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/internal/profile/proto.go b/src/internal/profile/proto.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..52cf1ef2b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/internal/profile/proto.go
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// This file is a simple protocol buffer encoder and decoder.
+// A protocol message must implement the message interface:
+// decoder() []decoder
+// encode(*buffer)
+// The decode method returns a slice indexed by field number that gives the
+// function to decode that field.
+// The encode method encodes its receiver into the given buffer.
+// The two methods are simple enough to be implemented by hand rather than
+// by using a protocol compiler.
+// See profile.go for examples of messages implementing this interface.
+// There is no support for groups, message sets, or "has" bits.
+package profile
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+type buffer struct {
+ field int
+ typ int
+ u64 uint64
+ data []byte
+ tmp [16]byte
+type decoder func(*buffer, message) error
+type message interface {
+ decoder() []decoder
+ encode(*buffer)
+func marshal(m message) []byte {
+ var b buffer
+ m.encode(&b)
+ return
+func encodeVarint(b *buffer, x uint64) {
+ for x >= 128 {
+ = append(, byte(x)|0x80)
+ x >>= 7
+ }
+ = append(, byte(x))
+func encodeLength(b *buffer, tag int, len int) {
+ encodeVarint(b, uint64(tag)<<3|2)
+ encodeVarint(b, uint64(len))
+func encodeUint64(b *buffer, tag int, x uint64) {
+ // append varint to
+ encodeVarint(b, uint64(tag)<<3|0)
+ encodeVarint(b, x)
+func encodeUint64s(b *buffer, tag int, x []uint64) {
+ if len(x) > 2 {
+ // Use packed encoding
+ n1 := len(
+ for _, u := range x {
+ encodeVarint(b, u)
+ }
+ n2 := len(
+ encodeLength(b, tag, n2-n1)
+ n3 := len(
+ copy(b.tmp[:],[n2:n3])
+ copy([n1+(n3-n2):],[n1:n2])
+ copy([n1:], b.tmp[:n3-n2])
+ return
+ }
+ for _, u := range x {
+ encodeUint64(b, tag, u)
+ }
+func encodeUint64Opt(b *buffer, tag int, x uint64) {
+ if x == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ encodeUint64(b, tag, x)
+func encodeInt64(b *buffer, tag int, x int64) {
+ u := uint64(x)
+ encodeUint64(b, tag, u)
+func encodeInt64Opt(b *buffer, tag int, x int64) {
+ if x == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ encodeInt64(b, tag, x)
+func encodeInt64s(b *buffer, tag int, x []int64) {
+ if len(x) > 2 {
+ // Use packed encoding
+ n1 := len(
+ for _, u := range x {
+ encodeVarint(b, uint64(u))
+ }
+ n2 := len(
+ encodeLength(b, tag, n2-n1)
+ n3 := len(
+ copy(b.tmp[:],[n2:n3])
+ copy([n1+(n3-n2):],[n1:n2])
+ copy([n1:], b.tmp[:n3-n2])
+ return
+ }
+ for _, u := range x {
+ encodeInt64(b, tag, u)
+ }
+func encodeString(b *buffer, tag int, x string) {
+ encodeLength(b, tag, len(x))
+ = append(, x...)
+func encodeStrings(b *buffer, tag int, x []string) {
+ for _, s := range x {
+ encodeString(b, tag, s)
+ }
+func encodeStringOpt(b *buffer, tag int, x string) {
+ if x == "" {
+ return
+ }
+ encodeString(b, tag, x)
+func encodeBool(b *buffer, tag int, x bool) {
+ if x {
+ encodeUint64(b, tag, 1)
+ } else {
+ encodeUint64(b, tag, 0)
+ }
+func encodeBoolOpt(b *buffer, tag int, x bool) {
+ if x == false {
+ return
+ }
+ encodeBool(b, tag, x)
+func encodeMessage(b *buffer, tag int, m message) {
+ n1 := len(
+ m.encode(b)
+ n2 := len(
+ encodeLength(b, tag, n2-n1)
+ n3 := len(
+ copy(b.tmp[:],[n2:n3])
+ copy([n1+(n3-n2):],[n1:n2])
+ copy([n1:], b.tmp[:n3-n2])
+func unmarshal(data []byte, m message) (err error) {
+ b := buffer{data: data, typ: 2}
+ return decodeMessage(&b, m)
+func le64(p []byte) uint64 {
+ return uint64(p[0]) | uint64(p[1])<<8 | uint64(p[2])<<16 | uint64(p[3])<<24 | uint64(p[4])<<32 | uint64(p[5])<<40 | uint64(p[6])<<48 | uint64(p[7])<<56
+func le32(p []byte) uint32 {
+ return uint32(p[0]) | uint32(p[1])<<8 | uint32(p[2])<<16 | uint32(p[3])<<24
+func decodeVarint(data []byte) (uint64, []byte, error) {
+ var i int
+ var u uint64
+ for i = 0; ; i++ {
+ if i >= 10 || i >= len(data) {
+ return 0, nil, errors.New("bad varint")
+ }
+ u |= uint64(data[i]&0x7F) << uint(7*i)
+ if data[i]&0x80 == 0 {
+ return u, data[i+1:], nil
+ }
+ }
+func decodeField(b *buffer, data []byte) ([]byte, error) {
+ x, data, err := decodeVarint(data)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ b.field = int(x >> 3)
+ b.typ = int(x & 7)
+ = nil
+ b.u64 = 0
+ switch b.typ {
+ case 0:
+ b.u64, data, err = decodeVarint(data)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ case 1:
+ if len(data) < 8 {
+ return nil, errors.New("not enough data")
+ }
+ b.u64 = le64(data[:8])
+ data = data[8:]
+ case 2:
+ var n uint64
+ n, data, err = decodeVarint(data)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if n > uint64(len(data)) {
+ return nil, errors.New("too much data")
+ }
+ = data[:n]
+ data = data[n:]
+ case 5:
+ if len(data) < 4 {
+ return nil, errors.New("not enough data")
+ }
+ b.u64 = uint64(le32(data[:4]))
+ data = data[4:]
+ default:
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown wire type: %d", b.typ)
+ }
+ return data, nil
+func checkType(b *buffer, typ int) error {
+ if b.typ != typ {
+ return errors.New("type mismatch")
+ }
+ return nil
+func decodeMessage(b *buffer, m message) error {
+ if err := checkType(b, 2); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ dec := m.decoder()
+ data :=
+ for len(data) > 0 {
+ // pull varint field# + type
+ var err error
+ data, err = decodeField(b, data)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if b.field >= len(dec) || dec[b.field] == nil {
+ continue
+ }
+ if err := dec[b.field](b, m); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+func decodeInt64(b *buffer, x *int64) error {
+ if err := checkType(b, 0); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ *x = int64(b.u64)
+ return nil
+func decodeInt64s(b *buffer, x *[]int64) error {
+ if b.typ == 2 {
+ // Packed encoding
+ data :=
+ for len(data) > 0 {
+ var u uint64
+ var err error
+ if u, data, err = decodeVarint(data); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ *x = append(*x, int64(u))
+ }
+ return nil
+ }
+ var i int64
+ if err := decodeInt64(b, &i); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ *x = append(*x, i)
+ return nil
+func decodeUint64(b *buffer, x *uint64) error {
+ if err := checkType(b, 0); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ *x = b.u64
+ return nil
+func decodeUint64s(b *buffer, x *[]uint64) error {
+ if b.typ == 2 {
+ data :=
+ // Packed encoding
+ for len(data) > 0 {
+ var u uint64
+ var err error
+ if u, data, err = decodeVarint(data); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ *x = append(*x, u)
+ }
+ return nil
+ }
+ var u uint64
+ if err := decodeUint64(b, &u); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ *x = append(*x, u)
+ return nil
+func decodeString(b *buffer, x *string) error {
+ if err := checkType(b, 2); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ *x = string(
+ return nil
+func decodeStrings(b *buffer, x *[]string) error {
+ var s string
+ if err := decodeString(b, &s); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ *x = append(*x, s)
+ return nil
+func decodeBool(b *buffer, x *bool) error {
+ if err := checkType(b, 0); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if int64(b.u64) == 0 {
+ *x = false
+ } else {
+ *x = true
+ }
+ return nil
diff --git a/src/internal/profile/proto_test.go b/src/internal/profile/proto_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c2613fc375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/internal/profile/proto_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+package profile
+import (
+ "reflect"
+ "testing"
+func TestPackedEncoding(t *testing.T) {
+ type testcase struct {
+ uint64s []uint64
+ int64s []int64
+ encoded []byte
+ }
+ for i, tc := range []testcase{
+ {
+ []uint64{0, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000},
+ []int64{1000, 0, 1000},
+ []byte{10, 8, 0, 1, 10, 100, 232, 7, 144, 78, 18, 5, 232, 7, 0, 232, 7},
+ },
+ {
+ []uint64{10000},
+ nil,
+ []byte{8, 144, 78},
+ },
+ {
+ nil,
+ []int64{-10000},
+ []byte{16, 240, 177, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 1},
+ },
+ } {
+ source := &packedInts{tc.uint64s, tc.int64s}
+ if got, want := marshal(source), tc.encoded; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
+ t.Errorf("failed encode %d, got %v, want %v", i, got, want)
+ }
+ dest := new(packedInts)
+ if err := unmarshal(tc.encoded, dest); err != nil {
+ t.Errorf("failed decode %d: %v", i, err)
+ continue
+ }
+ if got, want := dest.uint64s, tc.uint64s; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
+ t.Errorf("failed decode uint64s %d, got %v, want %v", i, got, want)
+ }
+ if got, want := dest.int64s, tc.int64s; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
+ t.Errorf("failed decode int64s %d, got %v, want %v", i, got, want)
+ }
+ }
+type packedInts struct {
+ uint64s []uint64
+ int64s []int64
+func (u *packedInts) decoder() []decoder {
+ return []decoder{
+ nil,
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeUint64s(b, &m.(*packedInts).uint64s) },
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64s(b, &m.(*packedInts).int64s) },
+ }
+func (u *packedInts) encode(b *buffer) {
+ encodeUint64s(b, 1, u.uint64s)
+ encodeInt64s(b, 2, u.int64s)
diff --git a/src/internal/profile/prune.go b/src/internal/profile/prune.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1924fada7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/internal/profile/prune.go
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Implements methods to remove frames from profiles.
+package profile
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "regexp"
+// Prune removes all nodes beneath a node matching dropRx, and not
+// matching keepRx. If the root node of a Sample matches, the sample
+// will have an empty stack.
+func (p *Profile) Prune(dropRx, keepRx *regexp.Regexp) {
+ prune := make(map[uint64]bool)
+ pruneBeneath := make(map[uint64]bool)
+ for _, loc := range p.Location {
+ var i int
+ for i = len(loc.Line) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ if fn := loc.Line[i].Function; fn != nil && fn.Name != "" {
+ funcName := fn.Name
+ // Account for leading '.' on the PPC ELF v1 ABI.
+ if funcName[0] == '.' {
+ funcName = funcName[1:]
+ }
+ if dropRx.MatchString(funcName) {
+ if keepRx == nil || !keepRx.MatchString(funcName) {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if i >= 0 {
+ // Found matching entry to prune.
+ pruneBeneath[loc.ID] = true
+ // Remove the matching location.
+ if i == len(loc.Line)-1 {
+ // Matched the top entry: prune the whole location.
+ prune[loc.ID] = true
+ } else {
+ loc.Line = loc.Line[i+1:]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Prune locs from each Sample
+ for _, sample := range p.Sample {
+ // Scan from the root to the leaves to find the prune location.
+ // Do not prune frames before the first user frame, to avoid
+ // pruning everything.
+ foundUser := false
+ for i := len(sample.Location) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ id := sample.Location[i].ID
+ if !prune[id] && !pruneBeneath[id] {
+ foundUser = true
+ continue
+ }
+ if !foundUser {
+ continue
+ }
+ if prune[id] {
+ sample.Location = sample.Location[i+1:]
+ break
+ }
+ if pruneBeneath[id] {
+ sample.Location = sample.Location[i:]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// RemoveUninteresting prunes and elides profiles using built-in
+// tables of uninteresting function names.
+func (p *Profile) RemoveUninteresting() error {
+ var keep, drop *regexp.Regexp
+ var err error
+ if p.DropFrames != "" {
+ if drop, err = regexp.Compile("^(" + p.DropFrames + ")$"); err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("failed to compile regexp %s: %v", p.DropFrames, err)
+ }
+ if p.KeepFrames != "" {
+ if keep, err = regexp.Compile("^(" + p.KeepFrames + ")$"); err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("failed to compile regexp %s: %v", p.KeepFrames, err)
+ }
+ }
+ p.Prune(drop, keep)
+ }
+ return nil