diff options
authorMarek Suchánek <>2023-02-14 16:10:48 +0000
committerPetr Kovář <>2023-03-07 16:29:04 +0000
commite29256f4e91eae35739c01663b98fd3cc63de6bf (patch)
parent3c97a2259c418dfe96d162918404ec8d923e1768 (diff)
Synchronize the single-application mode with RHEL
1 files changed, 95 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/system-admin-guide/C/ b/system-admin-guide/C/
index 39920dce..ce387881 100644
--- a/system-admin-guide/C/
+++ b/system-admin-guide/C/
@@ -31,6 +31,11 @@
+ <credit type="author">
+ <name>Marek Suchánek</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <years>2023</years>
+ </credit>
<include href="legal.xml" xmlns=""/>
@@ -65,55 +70,114 @@
<p>See <link xref="login-automatic" /> for more information.</p>
- <p>Create a new user with a name, which follows typical naming conventions
- (no space or special characters, do not start with a digit or a dash).
- Also, make sure the user name matches with the related names, such as when
- referring to a session. A good example is <em>kiosk-user</em>.</p>
+ <p>Create the following files with the listed content:</p>
+ <terms>
+ <item>
+ <title>
+ <file>/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Kiosk.Script.desktop</file>
+ </title>
+[Desktop Entry]
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <title>
+ <file>/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Kiosk.WindowManager.desktop</file>
+ </title>
+[Desktop Entry]
+Comment=Window manager
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <title>
+ <file>/usr/share/gnome-session/sessions/gnome-kiosk.session</file>
+ </title>
+[GNOME Session]
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <title>
+ <file>/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-gnome-kiosk.conf</file>
+ </title>
+Section "ServerFlags"
+ Option "DontVTSwitch" "on"
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <title>
+ <file>/usr/share/xsessions/org.gnome.Kiosk.desktop</file>
+ </title>
+[Desktop Entry]
+Comment=Kiosk mode
+Exec=/usr/bin/gnome-session --session=gnome-kiosk
+ </item>
+ </terms>
- <p>Create a session with a name matching the user name (for example, for
- the <em>kiosk-user</em> mentioned above, <em>kiosk</em> is a good match).
- To do so, create a <file>/usr/share/xsessions/<var>kiosk</var>.desktop</file>
- file and set the <code>Exec</code> line as follows:</p>
+ <p>As the user that will open the single-application session,
+ create the <file>/home/<var>user</var>/.local/bin/gnome-kiosk</file> file:</p>
-Exec=gnome-session --session kiosk
+[<var>user</var>]$ mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
+[<var>user</var>]$ touch ~/.local/bin/gnome-kiosk
- <p>Set the default session for <em>kiosk-user</em> by adding the following
- line to the <file>/var/lib/AccountsService/users/<var>kiosk-user</var>
- </file> file:</p>
+ <p>Edit the <file>/home/<var>user</var>/.local/bin/gnome-kiosk</file> file and enter
+ the executable name of the application that you want to launch in single-application mode.</p>
+ <p>For example, to launch the Firefox browser in single-application mode,
+ enter the following content:</p>
+while true; do
+ firefox --kiosk
+ <p>The <code>while true</code> loop ensures that the application restarts
+ if it terminates for any reason.</p>
- <p>Define the <em>kiosk</em> session by writing a custom session
- definition, containing the following line:</p>
+ <p>Make the file executable:</p>
+[<var>user</var>]$ chmod +x ~/.local/bin/gnome-kiosk
- <p>This creates a session that runs three programs: <sys>kiosk-app</sys>
- (a sample application), <sys>gnome-settings-daemon</sys> (a standard
- component in the GNOME session), and <sys>kiosk-shell</sys> (which is a
- customized version of GNOME Shell).</p>
- <p>Create a desktop file for <sys>kiosk-shell</sys> in
- <file>/usr/share/applications/kiosk-shell.desktop</file>, containing the
- following lines:</p>
+ <p>If you created the file or its containing directories as a different
+ user than the single-application user, such as root, ensure that the file
+ has the correct permissions:</p>
-[Desktop Entry]
-Exec=gnome-shell --mode=kiosk
+# chown -R <var>user</var>:<var>group</var> ~<var>user</var>/.local
- <p>Create a mode definition <file>/usr/share/gnome-shell/modes/kiosk.json</file>.
- This is a simple json file defining the available <sys>gnome-shell</sys>
- user interface.</p>
- <p>As the starting point, look at <file>/usr/share/gnome-shell/modes/classic.json</file>
- and <file>/usr/share/gnome-shell/modes/initial-setup.json</file> for
- examples.</p>
+ <p>At the GNOME login screen, select the Kiosk session from the cogwheel
+ button menu and log in as the single-application user.</p>