path: root/src/contacts-contact-pane.vala
diff options
authorErick Pérez Castellanos <>2014-08-09 14:17:08 -0400
committerErick Pérez Castellanos <>2014-08-11 08:55:33 -0400
commitd4ccb9e1d220e167b3017cc88778d09dc0ef2c8a (patch)
tree1340be8ac3fb14b31b31e5cdde0da201cfd8c1a4 /src/contacts-contact-pane.vala
parent3a94c2132f7ee0716c2fe5ebeb48a1ebb59908d7 (diff)
ContactPane: move internal widgets to ContactEditor
Diffstat (limited to 'src/contacts-contact-pane.vala')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/src/contacts-contact-pane.vala b/src/contacts-contact-pane.vala
index 8dd633e..161761c 100644
--- a/src/contacts-contact-pane.vala
+++ b/src/contacts-contact-pane.vala
@@ -72,8 +72,6 @@ public class Contacts.ContactPane : Notebook {
/* third page */
private ContactEditor editor;
- private Button linked_button;
- private Button remove_button;
private SimpleActionGroup edit_contact_actions;
private const GLib.ActionEntry[] action_entries = {
@@ -218,20 +216,11 @@ public class Contacts.ContactPane : Notebook {
update_sheet ();
- bool can_remove = false;
- bool has_links = false;
if (contact != null) {
contact.personas_changed.connect (update_sheet);
contact.changed.connect (update_sheet);
- can_remove = contact.can_remove_personas ();
- has_links = contact.individual.personas.size > 1;
- remove_button.set_sensitive (can_remove);
- linked_button.set_sensitive (has_links);
if (contact == null)
show_none_selected_view ();
@@ -276,68 +265,11 @@ public class Contacts.ContactPane : Notebook {
suggestion_grid = null;
/* edit mode widgetry, third page */
- var top_grid = new Grid ();
- top_grid.set_orientation (Orientation.VERTICAL);
- main_sw = new ScrolledWindow (null, null);
- top_grid.add (main_sw);
- main_sw.set_shadow_type (ShadowType.NONE);
- main_sw.set_hexpand (true);
- main_sw.set_vexpand (true);
- main_sw.set_policy (PolicyType.NEVER, PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);
- hcenter = new Center ();
- hcenter.max_width = 600;
- hcenter.xalign = 0.0;
- editor = new ContactEditor ();
- hcenter.add (editor);
- editor.margin = 36;
- editor.set_margin_bottom (24);
- main_sw.add (hcenter);
- editor.set_focus_vadjustment (main_sw.get_vadjustment ());
- main_sw.get_child ().get_style_context ().add_class ("contacts-main-view");
- main_sw.get_child ().get_style_context ().add_class ("view");
on_edit_mode = false;
- var edit_toolbar = new ActionBar ();
- var builder = load_ui ("app-menu.ui");
- var gmenu = builder.get_object ("edit-contact") as MenuModel;
- var add_detail_button = new Gtk.MenuButton ();
- add_detail_button.use_popover = true;
- add_detail_button.set_menu_model (gmenu);
- add_detail_button.set_direction (ArrowType.UP);
- add_detail_button.get_popover ().insert_action_group ("edit", this.edit_contact_actions);
- var box = new Box (Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 6);
- box.add (new Label (_("New Detail")));
- box.add (new Image.from_icon_name ("go-down-symbolic", IconSize.BUTTON));
- add_detail_button.add (box);
- edit_toolbar.pack_start (add_detail_button);
- linked_button = new Button.with_label (_("Linked Accounts"));
- linked_button.clicked.connect (linked_accounts);
- edit_toolbar.pack_start (linked_button);
- remove_button = new Button.with_label (_("Remove Contact"));
- remove_button.clicked.connect (delete_contact);
- edit_toolbar.pack_end (remove_button);
- edit_toolbar.show_all ();
- top_grid.add (edit_toolbar);
- editor.set_vexpand (true);
- editor.set_hexpand (true);
- editor.show_all ();
- ();
- top_grid.show_all ();
- insert_page (top_grid, null, 2);
+ editor = new ContactEditor (this.edit_contact_actions);
+ editor.linked_button.clicked.connect (linked_accounts);
+ editor.remove_button.clicked.connect (delete_contact);
+ insert_page (editor, null, 2);
/* enable/disable actions*/
var birthday_action = this.edit_contact_actions.lookup_action ("add.birthday") as SimpleAction;
@@ -359,7 +291,6 @@ public class Contacts.ContactPane : Notebook {
BindingFlags.DEFAULT |
BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE |
void on_add_detail (GLib.SimpleAction action, GLib.Variant? parameter) {