path: root/tools/inspect/inspect.vala
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/inspect/inspect.vala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 620 deletions
diff --git a/tools/inspect/inspect.vala b/tools/inspect/inspect.vala
deleted file mode 100644
index c4860d76..00000000
--- a/tools/inspect/inspect.vala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,620 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2010 Collabora Ltd.
- * Copyright (C) 2012 Philip Withnall
- *
- * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this library. If not, see <>.
- *
- * Authors:
- * Philip Withnall <>
- */
-using Folks.Inspect.Commands;
-using Folks;
-using Readline;
-using Gee;
-using GLib;
-using Posix;
-/* We have to have a static global instance so that the readline callbacks can
- * access its data, since they don't pass closures around. */
-static Inspect.Client main_client = null;
-public class Folks.Inspect.Client : Object
- public HashMap<string, Command> commands;
- private static bool _is_readline_installed;
- private MainLoop main_loop;
- public IndividualAggregator aggregator { get; private set; }
- public BackendStore backend_store { get; private set; }
- public SignalManager signal_manager { get; private set; }
- /* To page or not to page? */
- private termios _original_termios_p;
- private bool _original_termios_p_valid = false;
- private bool _quit_after_pager_dies = false;
- private static Pid _pager_pid = 0;
- private IOChannel? _stdin_channel = null;
- private static uint _stdin_watch_id = 0;
- private FileStream? _pager_channel = null;
- private uint _pager_child_watch_id = 0;
- public static int main (string[] args)
- {
- int retval = 0;
- Intl.setlocale (LocaleCategory.ALL, "");
- Intl.bindtextdomain (BuildConf.GETTEXT_PACKAGE, BuildConf.LOCALE_DIR);
- Intl.textdomain (BuildConf.GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
- /* Parse command line options. */
- OptionContext context = new OptionContext ("[COMMAND]");
- context.set_summary ("Inspect meta-contact information in libfolks.");
- try
- {
- context.parse (ref args);
- }
- catch (OptionError e1)
- {
- GLib.stderr.printf ("Couldn’t parse command line options: %s\n",
- e1.message);
- return 1;
- }
- /* Create the client. */
- main_client = new Client ();
- /* Set up signal handling. */
-#if VALA_0_40
- Unix.signal_add (Posix.Signal.TERM, () =>
- Unix.signal_add (Posix.SIGTERM, () =>
- {
- /* Propagate the signal to our pager process, if it's running. */
- if (Client._pager_pid != 0)
- {
- main_client._quit_after_pager_dies = true;
-#if VALA_0_40
- kill (Client._pager_pid, Posix.Signal.TERM);
- kill (Client._pager_pid, Posix.SIGTERM);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Quit the client and let that exit the process. */
- main_client.quit ();
- }
- return false;
- });
- /* Run the command. */
- if (args.length == 1)
- {
- main_client.run_interactive.begin ();
- retval = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- GLib.assert (args.length > 1);
- /* Drop the first argument and parse the rest as a command line. If
- * the first argument is ‘--’ then the command was passed after some
- * flags. */
- string command_line;
- if (args[1] == "--")
- {
- command_line = string.joinv (" ", args[2:0]);
- }
- else
- {
- command_line = string.joinv (" ", args[1:0]);
- }
- main_client.run_non_interactive.begin (command_line, (obj, res) =>
- {
- retval = main_client.run_non_interactive.end (res);
- main_client.quit ();
- });
- }
- ();
- return retval;
- }
- public Client ()
- {
- Utils.init ();
- this.commands = new HashMap<string, Command> ();
- /* Register the commands we support */
- /* FIXME: This should be automatic */
- this.commands.set ("quit", new Commands.Quit (this));
- this.commands.set ("help", new Commands.Help (this));
- this.commands.set ("individuals", new Commands.Individuals (this));
- this.commands.set ("linking", new Commands.Linking (this));
- this.commands.set ("personas", new Commands.Personas (this));
- this.commands.set ("backends", new Commands.Backends (this));
- this.commands.set ("persona-stores", new Commands.PersonaStores (this));
- this.commands.set ("set", new Commands.Set (this));
- this.commands.set ("signals", new Commands.Signals (this));
- this.commands.set ("debug", new Commands.Debug (this));
- this.commands.set ("search", new Commands.Search (this));
- /* Create various bits of folks machinery. */
- this.main_loop = new MainLoop ();
- this.signal_manager = new SignalManager ();
- this.backend_store = BackendStore.dup ();
- this.aggregator = IndividualAggregator.dup ();
- }
- public void quit ()
- {
- /* Stop paging. */
- this._stop_paged_output ();
- /* Uninstall readline, if it's installed. */
- if (Client._is_readline_installed)
- {
- this._uninstall_readline_and_stdin ();
- }
- /* Restore the user's original terminal settings, since the pager might've
- * fiddled with them. */
- if (this._original_termios_p_valid)
- {
- tcsetattr (Posix.STDIN_FILENO, Posix.TCSADRAIN,
- this._original_termios_p);
- }
- /* Kill the main loop. */
- this.main_loop.quit ();
- }
- private async void _wait_for_quiescence () throws GLib.Error
- {
- var has_yielded = false;
- var signal_id = this.aggregator.notify["is-quiescent"].connect (
- (obj, pspec) =>
- {
- if (has_yielded == true)
- {
- this._wait_for_quiescence.callback ();
- }
- });
- try
- {
- yield this.aggregator.prepare ();
- if (this.aggregator.is_quiescent == false)
- {
- has_yielded = true;
- yield;
- }
- }
- finally
- {
- this.aggregator.disconnect (signal_id);
- GLib.assert (this.aggregator.is_quiescent == true);
- }
- }
- public async int run_non_interactive (string command_line)
- {
- /* Non-interactive mode: run a single command and output the results.
- * We do this all from the main thread, in a main loop, waiting for
- * quiescence before running the command. */
- /* Check we can parse the command first. */
- string subcommand;
- string command_name;
- var command = Client.parse_command_line (command_line, out command_name,
- out subcommand);
- if (command == null)
- {
- GLib.stdout.printf ("Unrecognised command ‘%s’.\n", command_name);
- return 1;
- }
- /* Wait until we reach quiescence, or the results will probably be
- * useless. */
- try
- {
- yield this._wait_for_quiescence ();
- }
- catch (GLib.Error e1)
- {
- GLib.stderr.printf ("Error preparing aggregator: %s\n", e1.message);
- return 1;
- }
- /* Run the command */
- int retval = yield (subcommand);
- this.quit ();
- return retval;
- }
- public async int run_interactive ()
- {
- /* Interactive mode: have a little shell which allows the data from
- * libfolks to be browsed and edited in real time. We do this by watching
- * stdin in our main loop, and passing character notifications to
- * readline. The main loop also processes all the folks events, thus
- * preventing us having to run a second thread. */
- /* Copy the user's original terminal settings. */
- if (tcgetattr (Posix.STDIN_FILENO, out this._original_termios_p) == 0)
- {
- this._original_termios_p_valid = true;
- }
- /* Handle SIGINT. */
-#if VALA_0_40
- Unix.signal_add (Posix.Signal.INT, () =>
- Unix.signal_add (Posix.SIGINT, () =>
- {
- if (Client._is_readline_installed == false)
- {
- return true;
- }
- /* Tidy up. */
- Readline.free_line_state ();
- Readline.cleanup_after_signal ();
- Readline.reset_after_signal ();
- /* Display a fresh prompt. */
- GLib.stdout.printf ("^C");
- Readline.crlf ();
- Readline.reset_line_state ();
- Readline.replace_line ("", 0);
- Readline.redisplay ();
- return true;
- });
- /* Allow things to be set for folks-inspect in ~/.inputrc, and install our
- * own completion function. */
- Readline.readline_name = "folks-inspect";
- Readline.attempted_completion_function = Client.completion_cb;
- Readline.catch_signals = 0; /* go away, readline */
- /* Install readline and the stdin handler. */
- this._stdin_channel = new IOChannel.unix_new (GLib.stdin.fileno ());
- this._install_readline_and_stdin ();
- /* Run the aggregator and the main loop. */
- this.aggregator.prepare.begin ();
- return 0;
- }
- private void _install_readline_and_stdin ()
- {
- /* stdin handler. */
- Client._stdin_watch_id = this._stdin_channel.add_watch (IOCondition.IN,
- this._stdin_handler_cb);
- /* Callback for each character appearing on stdin. */
- Readline.callback_handler_install ("> ", Client._readline_handler_cb);
- Client._is_readline_installed = true;
- }
- private void _uninstall_readline_and_stdin ()
- {
- Readline.callback_handler_remove ();
- Client._is_readline_installed = false;
- Source.remove (Client._stdin_watch_id);
- Client._stdin_watch_id = 0;
- }
- /* This should only ever be called while readline is installed. */
- private bool _stdin_handler_cb (IOChannel source, IOCondition cond)
- {
- /* At least a single character is available on stdin, so let readline
- * consume it. */
- if ((cond & IOCondition.IN) != 0)
- {
- Readline.callback_read_char ();
- return true;
- }
- assert_not_reached ();
- }
- private static void _readline_handler_cb (string? _command_line)
- {
- if (_command_line == null)
- {
- /* EOF. If we've entered some text, don't do anything. Otherwise,
- * quit. */
- if (Readline.line_buffer != "")
- {
- Readline.ding ();
- return;
- }
- /* Quit. */
- main_client.quit ();
- return;
- }
- var command_line = (!) _command_line;
- command_line = command_line.strip ();
- if (command_line == "")
- {
- /* If the user's entered a blank line, just display a new prompt
- * without doing anything else. */
- return;
- }
- string subcommand;
- string command_name;
- Command command = Client.parse_command_line (command_line,
- out command_name, out subcommand);
- /* Run the command */
- if (command != null)
- {
- if (command_name != "quit")
- {
- /* Start paging output. This is stopped when the pager dies. */
- main_client._start_paged_output ();
- }
- (subcommand, (obj, res) =>
- {
- (res);
- if (main_client._pager_channel != null)
- {
- /* Close the stream to the pager so it knows it's
- * reached EOF. */
- main_client._pager_channel = null;
- Utils.output_filestream = GLib.stdout;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Failed to start the pager in the first place. */
- Readline.reset_line_state ();
- Readline.replace_line ("", 0);
- Readline.redisplay ();
- }
- });
- }
- else
- {
- GLib.stdout.printf ("Unrecognised command ‘%s’.\n", command_name);
- }
- /* Store the command in the history, even if it failed */
- Readline.History.add (command_line);
- }
- private void _start_paged_output ()
- {
- /* If the output is not a TTY (because it's a pipe or a file or a
- * toaster) we don't page. */
- if (!isatty (1))
- {
- return;
- }
- var pager = Environment.get_variable ("PAGER");
- if (pager != null && pager == "")
- {
- return;
- }
- if (pager == null)
- {
- pager = "less -FRSX";
- }
- /* Convert command to null terminated array */
- string[] args;
- try
- {
- GLib.Shell.parse_argv (pager, out args);
- }
- catch (GLib.ShellError e)
- {
- warning ("Error parsing pager arguments: %s", e.message);
- return;
- }
- /* Remove the readline and stdin handlers while the pager is running. */
- this._uninstall_readline_and_stdin ();
- /* Store the readline terminal state so that we can restore them
- * after the pager has exited. */
- Readline.prep_terminal (1);
- /* Spawn the pager. */
- int pager_fd = 0;
- try
- {
- GLib.Process.spawn_async_with_pipes (null,
- args,
- null,
- GLib.SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH |
- GLib.SpawnFlags.DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD /* we use a ChildWatch */,
- null,
- out Client._pager_pid,
- out pager_fd, // Std input
- null, // Std out
- null); // Std error
- }
- catch (SpawnError e2)
- {
- warning ("Error spawning pager: %s", e2.message);
- /* Reinstall the readline handler and stdin handler. */
- this._install_readline_and_stdin ();
- return;
- }
- /* Redirect our output to the pager. */
- this._pager_channel = FileStream.fdopen (pager_fd, "w");
- Utils.output_filestream = this._pager_channel;
- /* Watch for when the pager exits. */
- this._pager_child_watch_id = ChildWatch.add (Client._pager_pid,
- (pid, status) =>
- {
- /* $PAGER died or was killed. */
- this._stop_paged_output ();
- /* Reset the readline state ready to display a new prompt. If the
- * pager exited as the result of a signal, it probably didn't
- * tidy up after itself (e.g. ``less`` leaves a colon prompt
- * behind on the current line), so move to a new line. Doing this
- * normally just looks a bit weird. */
- if (Process.if_signaled (status))
- {
- Readline.crlf ();
- }
- Readline.reset_line_state ();
- Readline.replace_line ("", 0);
- /* Are we supposed to quit (e.g. due to receiving a SIGTERM)? */
- if (this._quit_after_pager_dies)
- {
- main_client.quit ();
- return;
- }
- /* Reinstall the readline handler and stdin handler. */
- this._install_readline_and_stdin ();
- });
- }
- private void _stop_paged_output ()
- {
- if (Client._pager_pid == 0)
- {
- return;
- }
- Process.close_pid (Client._pager_pid);
- Source.remove (this._pager_child_watch_id);
- this._pager_channel = null;
- Utils.output_filestream = GLib.stdout;
- Client._pager_pid = 0;
- this._pager_child_watch_id = 0;
- /* Reset the terminal state (e.g. ECHO, which can get left turned
- * off if the pager was killed uncleanly). */
- Readline.deprep_terminal ();
- Readline.free_line_state ();
- Readline.cleanup_after_signal ();
- Readline.reset_after_signal ();
- }
- private static Command? parse_command_line (string command_line,
- out string command_name,
- out string? subcommand)
- {
- /* Default output */
- command_name = "";
- subcommand = null;
- string[] parts = command_line.split (" ", 2);
- if (parts.length < 1)
- return null;
- command_name = parts[0];
- if (parts.length == 2 && parts[1] != "")
- subcommand = parts[1];
- else
- subcommand = null;
- /* Extract the first part of the command and see if it matches anything in
- * this.commands */
- return main_client.commands.get (parts[0]);
- }
- [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
- private static string[]? completion_cb (string word,
- int start,
- int end)
- {
- /* word is the word to complete, and start and end are its bounds inside
- * Readline.line_buffer, which contains the entire current line. */
- /* Command name completion */
- if (start == 0)
- {
- return Readline.completion_matches (word,
- Utils.command_name_completion_cb);
- }
- /* Command parameter completion is passed off to the Command objects */
- string command_name;
- string subcommand;
- Command command = Client.parse_command_line (Readline.line_buffer,
- out command_name,
- out subcommand);
- if (command != null)
- {
- if (subcommand == null)
- subcommand = "";
- return command.complete_subcommand (subcommand);
- }
- return null;
- }
-public abstract class Folks.Inspect.Command
- protected Client client;
- protected Command (Client client)
- {
- this.client = client;
- }
- public abstract string name { get; }
- public abstract string description { get; }
- public abstract string help { get; }
- public abstract async int run (string? command_string);
- public virtual string[]? complete_subcommand (string subcommand)
- {
- /* Default implementation */
- return null;
- }