path: root/win32/
diff options
authorChun-wei Fan <>2017-03-13 15:49:22 +0800
committerChun-wei Fan <>2017-03-13 15:49:22 +0800
commitc2ec7a07672cae10fdf3dfe7323b67def0b6320a (patch)
treeaea2aff74bf6dbeff99036d64fb0f4380e50aae8 /win32/
parentcc72a258e683bfc98d557d6f1fb55e82febf8fae (diff)
Visual Studio builds: Record package version in Makefile
This will enable us to generate the .pc file for this package.
Diffstat (limited to 'win32/')
1 files changed, 175 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/win32/ b/win32/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2228f0a24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+# NMake Makefile to generate the
+# complete index.theme file and to
+# install the icons
+!include detectenv-msvc.mak
+!IF "$(SRCROOTDIR)" == ""
+# Python.exe either needs to be in your PATH or you need to pass
+# in PYTHON=<full-path-to-your-Python-executable> for this to work.
+# Either Python 2.7 or 3.x can be used
+!IF "$(PYTHON)" == ""
+# Prefix of your installation. Pass in PREFIX=<your-installation-prefix>
+# if needed. gtk-update-icon-cache need to be found
+# in $(PREFIX)\bin
+!IF "$(PREFIX)" == ""
+# Generate the NMake Makefile modules for the listing of subdirs for each icon size
+!if [@for /f %s in ('dir /b /on $(SRCROOTDIR)\Adwaita') do @if not "%s" == "cursors" (@echo SIZE_%s_dirs = \> %s.mak) & (@for /f %d in ('dir /b $(SRCROOTDIR)\Adwaita\%s') do @echo %s/%d \>> %s.mak) & @echo ^$(NULL) >> %s.mak]
+# We want underscores instead of dashes in the Makefile varnames
+!if [ren scalable-up-to-32.mak scalable-up-to-32.mak.tmp]
+!if [$(PYTHON) --action=replace-str -i=scalable-up-to-32.mak.tmp -o=scalable-up-to-32.mak --instring=SIZE_scalable-up-to-32_dirs --outstring=SIZE_scalable_up_to_32_dirs]
+!if [del scalable-up-to-32.mak.tmp]
+# Include the generated NMake Makefile modules to have the full listing of directories, and then get rid of them...
+!include 8x8.mak
+!include 16x16.mak
+!include 22x22.mak
+!include 24x24.mak
+!include 32x32.mak
+!include 48x48.mak
+!include 64x64.mak
+!include 96x96.mak
+!include 256x256.mak
+!include scalable.mak
+!include scalable-up-to-32.mak
+!if [@for /f %s in ('dir /b /on $(SRCROOTDIR)\Adwaita') do @if not "%s" == "cursors" del %s.mak]
+ $(SIZE_8x8_dirs) \
+ $(SIZE_16x16_dirs) \
+ $(SIZE_22x22_dirs) \
+ $(SIZE_24x24_dirs) \
+ $(SIZE_32x32_dirs) \
+ $(SIZE_48x48_dirs) \
+ $(SIZE_64x64_dirs) \
+ $(SIZE_96x96_dirs)
+CONTEXT_PYTHON_CMD = $(PYTHON) -c "print('Context=' + '%d'['%d'.rfind('/') + 1:].title())"
+SIZE_256 = 256
+SIZE_256_MIN = 56
+all: index.theme
+index.theme: index.theme.tmp
+# From index.theme.tmp, append then to the file the info for each subdir
+# under each icon size
+# The fixed-sized icons...
+ @for %d in ($(FIXED_ICON_DIRS)) do \
+ @(echo [%d])>>$@.tmp & \
+ @($(CONTEXT_PYTHON_CMD))>>$@.tmp & \
+ @($(PYTHON) -c "print('Size=' + '%d'[:'%d'.find('x')])")>>$@.tmp & \
+ @(echo Type=Fixed)>>$@.tmp & \
+ @(echo.)>>$@.tmp
+# The 256x256 icons...
+ @for %d in ($(SIZE_256x256_dirs)) do \
+ @(echo [%d]>>$@.tmp) & \
+ @($(CONTEXT_PYTHON_CMD))>>$@.tmp & \
+ @(echo Size=$(SIZE_256))>>$@.tmp & \
+ @(echo MinSize=$(SIZE_256_MIN))>>$@.tmp & \
+ @(echo MaxSize=$(SIZE_SCALABLE_MAX))>>$@.tmp & \
+ @(echo Type=Scalable)>>$@.tmp & \
+ @(echo.)>>$@.tmp
+# The scalable icons...
+ @for %d in ($(SIZE_scalable_dirs)) do \
+ @(echo [%d]>>$@.tmp) & \
+ @($(CONTEXT_PYTHON_CMD))>>$@.tmp & \
+ @(echo Size=$(SIZE_SCALABLE))>>$@.tmp & \
+ @(echo MinSize=$(SIZE_SCALABLE_MIN))>>$@.tmp & \
+ @(echo MaxSize=$(SIZE_SCALABLE_MAX))>>$@.tmp & \
+ @(echo Type=Scalable)>>$@.tmp & \
+ @(echo.)>>$@.tmp
+# The scalable-up-to-32 icons...
+ @for %d in ($(SIZE_scalable_up_to_32_dirs)) do \
+ @(echo [%d]>>$@.tmp) & \
+ @($(CONTEXT_PYTHON_CMD))>>$@.tmp & \
+ @(echo Size=$(SIZE_SCALABLE))>>$@.tmp & \
+ @(echo MinSize=$(SIZE_SCALABLE_32_MIN))>>$@.tmp & \
+ @(echo MaxSize=$(SIZE_SCALABLE_32_MAX))>>$@.tmp & \
+ @(echo Type=Scalable)>>$@.tmp & \
+ @(echo.)>>$@.tmp
+ @$(PYTHON) -i=$@.tmp -o=$@.tmp1 --action=replace-str --instring=App --outstring=Application
+ @$(PYTHON) -i=$@.tmp1 -o=$@ --action=replace-str --instring=Mimetype --outstring=MimeType
+ @del $@.tmp1
+index.theme.tmp: $(SRCROOTDIR)\
+# First generate a temporary index.theme.tmp that has @THEME_DIRS@ replaced appropriately
+ @echo Generating index.theme...
+ @$(PYTHON) -i=$(SRCROOTDIR)\$(@B).in -o=$@
+# Generate a Python list of subdirs under Adwaita/ for the icons
+ @echo icon_dirs = [>$@
+ @for %d in ($(FIXED_ICON_DIRS) $(SIZE_256x256_dirs) $(SIZE_scalable_dirs) $(SIZE_scalable_up_to_32_dirs)) do @echo '%d',>>$@
+ @echo ]>>$@
+.SUFFIXES: .svg .png
+# Copy the icon and cursor files, and convert the SVG symbolic icons if:
+# -The gtk-encode-symbolic-svg tool is found in $(PREFIX)\bin -AND-
+# -The SVG GDK-Pixbuf loader can be found in $(PREFIX)\lib\gdk-pixbuf-2.0\2.10.0\loaders
+install: index.theme
+ @-mkdir $(PREFIX)\$(ICON_SUBDIR)
+ copy index.theme $(PREFIX)\$(ICON_SUBDIR)
+ for /f %d in ('dir /b $(SRCROOTDIR)\Adwaita') do \
+ @(echo Copying files for %d...) & \
+ @(mkdir $(PREFIX)\$(ICON_SUBDIR)\%d) & \
+ @(if not "%d" == "cursors" \
+ (for /f %f in ('dir /b /on $(SRCROOTDIR)\Adwaita\%d') do \
+ (mkdir $(PREFIX)\$(ICON_SUBDIR)\%d\%f) & \
+ (copy /b $(SRCROOTDIR)\Adwaita\%d\%f\* $(PREFIX)\$(ICON_SUBDIR)\%d\%f)) \
+ else (copy /b $(SRCROOTDIR)\Adwaita\%d\* $(PREFIX)\$(ICON_SUBDIR)\%d))
+ @if exist $(PREFIX)\bin\gtk-encode-symbolic-svg.exe \
+ if exist $(PREFIX)\lib\gdk-pixbuf-2.0\$(GDK_PIXBUF_MOD_VERSION)\loaders\libpixbufloader-svg.dll \
+ if exist $(PREFIX)\lib\gdk-pixbuf-2.0\$(GDK_PIXBUF_MOD_VERSION)\loaders.cache \
+ @(echo Converting symbolic SVG icons to PNG...) & \
+ @(for %z in (16x16 24x24 32x32 48x48 64x64 96x96) do \
+ @(echo Converting symbolic SVG icons to %z PNG...) & \
+ @(for /f %d in ('dir /b /on $(SRCROOTDIR)\Adwaita\scalable') do \
+ @(for /f %f in ('dir /b /on $(SRCROOTDIR)\Adwaita\scalable\%d') do \
+ @($(PREFIX)\bin\gtk-encode-symbolic-svg $(SRCROOTDIR)\Adwaita\scalable\%d\%f \
+ %z -o $(PREFIX)\$(ICON_SUBDIR)\%z\%d))))
+ @if exist $(PREFIX)\bin\gtk-update-icon-cache.exe \
+ @(echo Update icon cache...) & \
+ @($(PREFIX)\bin\gtk-update-icon-cache -q $(PREFIX)\$(ICON_SUBDIR))
+ @echo Adwaita icon theme install complete.
+ @-del index.theme
+ @-del index.theme.tmp
+ @-del
+ @-for %a in (*.pyc) do @del *.pyc
+ @-if exist __pycache__ rmdir /s /q __pycache__