path: root/installed-tests/js/testGtk3.js
diff options
authorFlorian Müllner <>2020-04-16 03:15:43 +0200
committerFlorian Müllner <>2020-04-16 19:55:22 +0200
commit0db7f3a1e464e8bbc2b27feb24bc48b8ee49a1ba (patch)
tree11328d7ce1ac6135b5242ec6d08c03b68d9fd052 /installed-tests/js/testGtk3.js
parent4644ea7072ae467b701fcf2e01c805b91b3a303c (diff)
installed-tests: Test both GTK3 and GTK4
The GTK4 tests are a copy of the existing tests with mostly minor changes to adapt to API changes. The notably exception are dropped tests for GdkAtom and container child properties, as those are no longer present in GTK4.
Diffstat (limited to 'installed-tests/js/testGtk3.js')
1 files changed, 242 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/installed-tests/js/testGtk3.js b/installed-tests/js/testGtk3.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..288bdbdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/installed-tests/js/testGtk3.js
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@ = '3.0';
+const ByteArray = imports.byteArray;
+const {GLib, Gio, GObject, Gtk} =;
+const System = imports.system;
+// This is ugly here, but usually it would be in a resource
+function createTemplate(className) {
+ return `
+ <template class="${className}" parent="GtkGrid">
+ <property name="margin_top">10</property>
+ <property name="margin_bottom">10</property>
+ <property name="margin_start">10</property>
+ <property name="margin_end">10</property>
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkLabel" id="label-child">
+ <property name="label">Complex!</property>
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <signal name="grab-focus" handler="templateCallback" swapped="no"/>
+ </object>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkLabel" id="label-child2">
+ <property name="label">Complex as well!</property>
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <signal name="grab-focus" handler="boundCallback" object="label-child" swapped="no"/>
+ </object>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkLabel" id="internal-label-child">
+ <property name="label">Complex and internal!</property>
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ </object>
+ </child>
+ </template>
+const MyComplexGtkSubclass = GObject.registerClass({
+ Template: ByteArray.fromString(createTemplate('Gjs_MyComplexGtkSubclass')),
+ Children: ['label-child', 'label-child2'],
+ InternalChildren: ['internal-label-child'],
+ CssName: 'complex-subclass',
+}, class MyComplexGtkSubclass extends Gtk.Grid {
+ templateCallback(widget) {
+ this.callbackEmittedBy = widget;
+ }
+ boundCallback(widget) {
+ widget.callbackBoundTo = this;
+ }
+// Sadly, putting this in the body of the class will prevent calling
+// get_template_child, since MyComplexGtkSubclass will be bound to the ES6
+// class name without the GObject goodies in it
+MyComplexGtkSubclass.prototype.testChildrenExist = function () {
+ this._internalLabel = this.get_template_child(MyComplexGtkSubclass, 'label-child');
+ expect(this._internalLabel).toEqual(jasmine.anything());
+ expect(this.label_child2).toEqual(jasmine.anything());
+ expect(this._internal_label_child).toEqual(jasmine.anything());
+const MyComplexGtkSubclassFromResource = GObject.registerClass({
+ Template: 'resource:///org/gjs/jsunit/complex3.ui',
+ Children: ['label-child', 'label-child2'],
+ InternalChildren: ['internal-label-child'],
+}, class MyComplexGtkSubclassFromResource extends Gtk.Grid {
+ testChildrenExist() {
+ expect(this.label_child).toEqual(jasmine.anything());
+ expect(this.label_child2).toEqual(jasmine.anything());
+ expect(this._internal_label_child).toEqual(jasmine.anything());
+ }
+ templateCallback(widget) {
+ this.callbackEmittedBy = widget;
+ }
+ boundCallback(widget) {
+ widget.callbackBoundTo = this;
+ }
+const [templateFile, stream] = Gio.File.new_tmp(null);
+const baseStream = stream.get_output_stream();
+const out = new Gio.DataOutputStream({baseStream});
+out.put_string(createTemplate('Gjs_MyComplexGtkSubclassFromFile'), null);
+const MyComplexGtkSubclassFromFile = GObject.registerClass({
+ Template: templateFile.get_uri(),
+ Children: ['label-child', 'label-child2'],
+ InternalChildren: ['internal-label-child'],
+}, class MyComplexGtkSubclassFromFile extends Gtk.Grid {
+ testChildrenExist() {
+ expect(this.label_child).toEqual(jasmine.anything());
+ expect(this.label_child2).toEqual(jasmine.anything());
+ expect(this._internal_label_child).toEqual(jasmine.anything());
+ }
+ templateCallback(widget) {
+ this.callbackEmittedBy = widget;
+ }
+ boundCallback(widget) {
+ widget.callbackBoundTo = this;
+ }
+const SubclassSubclass = GObject.registerClass(
+ class SubclassSubclass extends MyComplexGtkSubclass {});
+function validateTemplate(description, ClassName, pending = false) {
+ let suite = pending ? xdescribe : describe;
+ suite(description, function () {
+ let win, content;
+ beforeEach(function () {
+ win = new Gtk.Window({type: Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL});
+ content = new ClassName();
+ content.label_child.emit('grab-focus');
+ content.label_child2.emit('grab-focus');
+ win.add(content);
+ });
+ it('sets up internal and public template children', function () {
+ content.testChildrenExist();
+ });
+ it('sets up public template children with the correct widgets', function () {
+ expect(content.label_child.get_label()).toEqual('Complex!');
+ expect(content.label_child2.get_label()).toEqual('Complex as well!');
+ });
+ it('sets up internal template children with the correct widgets', function () {
+ expect(content._internal_label_child.get_label())
+ .toEqual('Complex and internal!');
+ });
+ it('connects template callbacks to the correct handler', function () {
+ expect(content.callbackEmittedBy).toBe(content.label_child);
+ });
+ it('binds template callbacks to the correct object', function () {
+ expect(content.label_child2.callbackBoundTo).toBe(content.label_child);
+ });
+ afterEach(function () {
+ win.destroy();
+ });
+ });
+describe('Gtk overrides', function () {
+ beforeAll(function () {
+ Gtk.init(null);
+ });
+ afterAll(function () {
+ templateFile.delete(null);
+ });
+ validateTemplate('UI template', MyComplexGtkSubclass);
+ validateTemplate('UI template from resource', MyComplexGtkSubclassFromResource);
+ validateTemplate('UI template from file', MyComplexGtkSubclassFromFile);
+ validateTemplate('Class inheriting from template class', SubclassSubclass, true);
+ it('sets CSS names on classes', function () {
+ expect('complex-subclass');
+ });
+ it('avoid crashing when GTK vfuncs are called in garbage collection', function () {
+ GLib.test_expect_message('Gjs', GLib.LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_CRITICAL,
+ '*during garbage collection*');
+ GLib.test_expect_message('Gjs', GLib.LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_CRITICAL,
+ '*destroy*');
+ let BadLabel = GObject.registerClass(class BadLabel extends Gtk.Label {
+ vfunc_destroy() {}
+ });
+ let w = new Gtk.Window();
+ w.add(new BadLabel());
+ w.destroy();
+ System.gc();
+ GLib.test_assert_expected_messages_internal('Gjs', 'testGtk3.js', 0,
+ 'Gtk overrides avoid crashing and print a stack trace');
+ });
+ it('accepts string in place of GdkAtom', function () {
+ expect(() => Gtk.Clipboard.get(1)).toThrow();
+ expect(() => Gtk.Clipboard.get(true)).toThrow();
+ expect(() => Gtk.Clipboard.get(() => undefined)).toThrow();
+ const clipboard = Gtk.Clipboard.get('CLIPBOARD');
+ const primary = Gtk.Clipboard.get('PRIMARY');
+ const anotherClipboard = Gtk.Clipboard.get('CLIPBOARD');
+ expect(clipboard).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(primary).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(clipboard).not.toBe(primary);
+ expect(clipboard).toBe(anotherClipboard);
+ });
+ it('accepts null in place of GdkAtom as GDK_NONE', function () {
+ /**
+ * When you pass GDK_NONE (an atom, interned from the 'NONE' string)
+ * to Gtk.Clipboard.get(), it throws an error, mentioning null in
+ * its message.
+ */
+ expect(() => Gtk.Clipboard.get('NONE')).toThrowError(/null/);
+ /**
+ * Null is converted to GDK_NONE, so you get the same message. If you
+ * know an API function that accepts GDK_NONE without throwing, and
+ * returns something different when passed another atom, consider
+ * adding a less confusing example here.
+ */
+ expect(() => Gtk.Clipboard.get(null)).toThrowError(/null/);
+ });
+ it('uses the correct GType for null child properties', function () {
+ let s = new Gtk.Stack();
+ let p = new Gtk.Box();
+ s.add_named(p, 'foo');
+ expect(s.get_child_by_name('foo')).toBe(p);
+ s.child_set_property(p, 'name', null);
+ expect(s.get_child_by_name('foo')).toBeNull();
+ });
+ it('can create a Gtk.TreeIter with accessible stamp field', function () {
+ const iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();
+ iter.stamp = 42;
+ expect(iter.stamp).toEqual(42);
+ });