path: root/app/workers/irker_worker.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/workers/irker_worker.rb')
1 files changed, 169 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/workers/irker_worker.rb b/app/workers/irker_worker.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..613bae351d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/workers/irker_worker.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+require 'json'
+require 'socket'
+class IrkerWorker
+ include Sidekiq::Worker
+ def perform(project_id, chans, colors, push_data, settings)
+ project = Project.find(project_id)
+ # Get config parameters
+ return false unless init_perform settings, chans, colors
+ repo_name = push_data['repository']['name']
+ committer = push_data['user_name']
+ branch = push_data['ref'].gsub(%r'refs/[^/]*/', '')
+ if @colors
+ repo_name = "\x0304#{repo_name}\x0f"
+ branch = "\x0305#{branch}\x0f"
+ end
+ # Firsts messages are for branch creation/deletion
+ send_branch_updates push_data, project, repo_name, committer, branch
+ # Next messages are for commits
+ send_commits push_data, project, repo_name, committer, branch
+ close_connection
+ true
+ end
+ private
+ def init_perform(set, chans, colors)
+ @colors = colors
+ @channels = chans
+ start_connection set['server_ip'], set['server_port']
+ end
+ def start_connection(irker_server, irker_port)
+ begin
+ @socket = irker_server, irker_port
+ rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e
+ logger.fatal "Can't connect to Irker daemon: #{e}"
+ return false
+ end
+ true
+ end
+ def sendtoirker(privmsg)
+ to_send = { to: @channels, privmsg: privmsg }
+ @socket.puts JSON.dump(to_send)
+ end
+ def close_connection
+ @socket.close
+ end
+ def send_branch_updates(push_data, project, repo_name, committer, branch)
+ if push_data['before'] =~ /^000000/
+ send_new_branch project, repo_name, committer, branch
+ elsif push_data['after'] =~ /^000000/
+ send_del_branch repo_name, committer, branch
+ end
+ end
+ def send_new_branch(project, repo_name, committer, branch)
+ repo_path = project.path_with_namespace
+ newbranch = "#{Gitlab.config.gitlab.url}/#{repo_path}/branches"
+ newbranch = "\x0302\x1f#{newbranch}\x0f" if @colors
+ privmsg = "[#{repo_name}] #{committer} has created a new branch "
+ privmsg += "#{branch}: #{newbranch}"
+ sendtoirker privmsg
+ end
+ def send_del_branch(repo_name, committer, branch)
+ privmsg = "[#{repo_name}] #{committer} has deleted the branch #{branch}"
+ sendtoirker privmsg
+ end
+ def send_commits(push_data, project, repo_name, committer, branch)
+ return if push_data['total_commits_count'] == 0
+ # Next message is for number of commit pushed, if any
+ if push_data['before'] =~ /^000000/
+ # Tweak on push_data["before"] in order to have a nice compare URL
+ push_data['before'] = before_on_new_branch push_data, project
+ end
+ send_commits_count(push_data, project, repo_name, committer, branch)
+ # One message per commit, limited by 3 messages (same limit as the
+ # github irc hook)
+ commits = push_data['commits'].first(3)
+ commits.each do |hook_attrs|
+ send_one_commit project, hook_attrs, repo_name, branch
+ end
+ end
+ def before_on_new_branch(push_data, project)
+ commit = commit_from_id project, push_data['commits'][0]['id']
+ parents = commit.parents
+ # Return old value if there's no new one
+ return push_data['before'] if parents.empty?
+ # Or return the first parent-commit
+ parents[0].id
+ end
+ def send_commits_count(data, project, repo, committer, branch)
+ url = compare_url data, project.path_with_namespace
+ commits = colorize_commits data['total_commits_count']
+ new_commits = 'new commit'
+ new_commits += 's' if data['total_commits_count'] > 1
+ sendtoirker "[#{repo}] #{committer} pushed #{commits} #{new_commits} " \
+ "to #{branch}: #{url}"
+ end
+ def compare_url(data, repo_path)
+ sha1 = Commit::truncate_sha(data['before'])
+ sha2 = Commit::truncate_sha(data['after'])
+ compare_url = "#{Gitlab.config.gitlab.url}/#{repo_path}/compare"
+ compare_url += "/#{sha1}...#{sha2}"
+ colorize_url compare_url
+ end
+ def send_one_commit(project, hook_attrs, repo_name, branch)
+ commit = commit_from_id project, hook_attrs['id']
+ sha = colorize_sha Commit::truncate_sha(hook_attrs['id'])
+ author = hook_attrs['author']['name']
+ files = colorize_nb_files(files_count commit)
+ title = commit.title
+ sendtoirker "#{repo_name}/#{branch} #{sha} #{author} (#{files}): #{title}"
+ end
+ def commit_from_id(project, id)
+ commit = Gitlab::Git::Commit.find(project.repository, id)
+ end
+ def files_count(commit)
+ files = "#{commit.diffs.count} file"
+ files += 's' if commit.diffs.count > 1
+ files
+ end
+ def colorize_sha(sha)
+ sha = "\x0314#{sha}\x0f" if @colors
+ sha
+ end
+ def colorize_nb_files(nb_files)
+ nb_files = "\x0312#{nb_files}\x0f" if @colors
+ nb_files
+ end
+ def colorize_url(url)
+ url = "\x0302\x1f#{url}\x0f" if @colors
+ url
+ end
+ def colorize_commits(commits)
+ commits = "\x02#{commits}\x0f" if @colors
+ commits
+ end