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+++ b/app/assets/images/illustrations/welcome/globe.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<svg xmlns="" width="78" height="82" viewBox="0 0 78 82"><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><path fill="#F9F9F9" d="M2.12 42c-.08.99-.12 1.99-.12 3 0 20.435 16.565 37 37 37s37-16.565 37-37c0-1.01-.04-2.01-.12-3C74.353 61.032 58.425 76 39 76 19.575 76 3.647 61.032 2.12 42z"/><path fill="#EEE" fill-rule="nonzero" d="M39 78C17.46 78 0 60.54 0 39S17.46 0 39 0s39 17.46 39 39-17.46 39-39 39zm0-4c19.33 0 35-15.67 35-35S58.33 4 39 4 4 19.67 4 39s15.67 35 35 35z"/><path fill="#E1DBF2" d="M30.24 27.823A14.98 14.98 0 0 0 24 40c0 2.549.636 4.949 1.757 7.051-.297-2.684.644-4.026 2.823-4.026 3.707 0 2.462 5.365 4.473 5.761 2.01.396 4.175.396 4.267 3.29.04 1.257-.265 2.157-.917 2.7a15.095 15.095 0 0 0 8.555-1.006c.035-1.91.303-4.941 2.21-5.61 2.373-.833-.55-1.431.734-3.368 1.17-1.762-3.297-5.2 0-4.832 3.477.388 5.044-.816 6.024-1.456a14.903 14.903 0 0 0-1.373-4.94c-.873.4-2.19.465-3.702-.538-.757-.502-1.084-3.944-2.107-3.944-3.823 0-4.065 3.17-5.994 3.944-1.076.431-4.193 3.773-5.614 3.596-1.126-.14-1.071-4.417-2.45-5.166-1.359-.738-2.174-1.948-2.447-3.633zM39 59c-10.493 0-19-8.507-19-19s8.507-19 19-19 19 8.507 19 19-8.507 19-19 19z"/></g></svg> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/assets/images/illustrations/welcome/lightbulb.svg b/app/assets/images/illustrations/welcome/lightbulb.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fce10312085
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/images/illustrations/welcome/lightbulb.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<svg xmlns="" width="78" height="82" viewBox="0 0 78 82"><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><path fill="#F9F9F9" d="M2.12 42c-.08.99-.12 1.99-.12 3 0 20.435 16.565 37 37 37s37-16.565 37-37c0-1.01-.04-2.01-.12-3C74.353 61.032 58.425 76 39 76S3.647 61.032 2.12 42z"/><path fill="#EEE" fill-rule="nonzero" d="M39 78C17.46 78 0 60.54 0 39S17.46 0 39 0s39 17.46 39 39-17.46 39-39 39zm0-4c19.33 0 35-15.67 35-35S58.33 4 39 4 4 19.67 4 39s15.67 35 35 35z"/><path fill="#6B4FBB" d="M33 52h12a2 2 0 1 1 0 4H33a2 2 0 1 1 0-4zm1 5h10a2 2 0 1 1 0 4H34a2 2 0 1 1 0-4z"/><path fill="#E1DBF2" fill-rule="nonzero" d="M45.542 46.932l.346-2.36a8.004 8.004 0 0 1 1.566-3.705c3.025-3.946 4.485-7.29 4.547-9.96C52.153 24.41 46.843 20 39 20c-7.777 0-13 4.374-13 11 0 2.4 1.462 5.73 4.573 9.846a8.009 8.009 0 0 1 1.536 3.683l.353 2.456 13.08-.054zm-17.038.624L28.15 45.1a3.997 3.997 0 0 0-.768-1.842C23.794 38.51 22 34.424 22 31c0-9.39 7.61-15 17-15s17.218 5.614 17 15c-.085 3.64-1.875 7.74-5.37 12.3a3.99 3.99 0 0 0-.784 1.853l-.346 2.36a4.003 4.003 0 0 1-3.942 3.42l-13.08.053a4 4 0 0 1-3.974-3.43z"/><path fill="#6B4FBB" d="M41 38.732a2 2 0 1 1 2 0V42a1 1 0 0 1-2 0v-3.268zm-6 0a2 2 0 1 1 2 0V42a1 1 0 0 1-2 0v-3.268z"/></g></svg> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/abuse_reports.js b/app/assets/javascripts/abuse_reports.js
index 3de192d56eb..d2d3a257c0d 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/abuse_reports.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/abuse_reports.js
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+import { truncate } from './lib/utils/text_utility';
const MESSAGE_CELL_SELECTOR = '.abuse-reports .message';
@@ -15,7 +17,7 @@ export default class AbuseReports {
if (reportMessage.length > MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH) {
$'original-message', reportMessage);
$'message-truncated', 'true');
- $messageCellElement.text(, MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH));
+ $messageCellElement.text(truncate(reportMessage, MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH));
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/behaviors/copy_to_clipboard.js b/app/assets/javascripts/behaviors/copy_to_clipboard.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cdea625fc8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/behaviors/copy_to_clipboard.js
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+import Clipboard from 'clipboard';
+function showTooltip(target, title) {
+ const $target = $(target);
+ const originalTitle = $'original-title');
+ if (!$'hideTooltip')) {
+ $target
+ .attr('title', title)
+ .tooltip('fixTitle')
+ .tooltip('show')
+ .attr('title', originalTitle)
+ .tooltip('fixTitle');
+ }
+function genericSuccess(e) {
+ showTooltip(e.trigger, 'Copied');
+ // Clear the selection and blur the trigger so it loses its border
+ e.clearSelection();
+ $(e.trigger).blur();
+ * Safari > 10 doesn't support `execCommand`, so instead we inform the user to copy manually.
+ * See
+ */
+function genericError(e) {
+ let key;
+ if (/Mac/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
+ key = '&#8984;'; // Command
+ } else {
+ key = 'Ctrl';
+ }
+ showTooltip(e.trigger, `Press ${key}-C to copy`);
+export default function initCopyToClipboard() {
+ const clipboard = new Clipboard('[data-clipboard-target], [data-clipboard-text]');
+ clipboard.on('success', genericSuccess);
+ clipboard.on('error', genericError);
+ /**
+ * This a workaround around ClipboardJS limitations to allow the context-specific copy/pasting
+ * of plain text or GFM. The Ruby `clipboard_button` helper sneaks a JSON hash with `text` and
+ * `gfm` keys into the `data-clipboard-text` attribute that ClipboardJS reads from.
+ * When ClipboardJS creates a new `textarea` (directly inside `body`, with a `readonly`
+ * attribute`), sets its value to the value of this data attribute, focusses on it, and finally
+ * programmatically issues the 'Copy' command, this code intercepts the copy command/event at
+ * the last minute to deconstruct this JSON hash and set the `text/plain` and `text/x-gfm` copy
+ * data types to the intended values.
+ */
+ $(document).on('copy', 'body > textarea[readonly]', (e) => {
+ const clipboardData = e.originalEvent.clipboardData;
+ if (!clipboardData) return;
+ const text =;
+ let json;
+ try {
+ json = JSON.parse(text);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!json.text || !json.gfm) return;
+ e.preventDefault();
+ clipboardData.setData('text/plain', json.text);
+ clipboardData.setData('text/x-gfm', json.gfm);
+ });
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/behaviors/index.js b/app/assets/javascripts/behaviors/index.js
index 671532394a9..34e905222b4 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/behaviors/index.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/behaviors/index.js
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import './autosize';
import './bind_in_out';
import initCopyAsGFM from './copy_as_gfm';
+import initCopyToClipboard from './copy_to_clipboard';
import './details_behavior';
import installGlEmojiElement from './gl_emoji';
import './quick_submit';
@@ -9,3 +10,4 @@ import './toggler_behavior';
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/blob_edit/blob_bundle.js b/app/assets/javascripts/blob_edit/blob_bundle.js
index b5500ac116f..6b06344f5ba 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/blob_edit/blob_bundle.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/blob_edit/blob_bundle.js
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, prefer-arrow-callback, no-var, quotes, vars-on-top, no-unused-vars, no-new, max-len */
/* global EditBlob */
-/* global NewCommitForm */
+import NewCommitForm from '../new_commit_form';
import EditBlob from './edit_blob';
import BlobFileDropzone from '../blob/blob_file_dropzone';
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/boards/boards_bundle.js b/app/assets/javascripts/boards/boards_bundle.js
index ef4093b59e3..20d23162940 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/boards/boards_bundle.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/boards/boards_bundle.js
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
/* eslint-disable one-var, quote-props, comma-dangle, space-before-function-paren */
-/* global BoardService */
import _ from 'underscore';
import Vue from 'vue';
import VueResource from 'vue-resource';
import Flash from '../flash';
+import { __ } from '../locale';
import FilteredSearchBoards from './filtered_search_boards';
import eventHub from './eventhub';
+import sidebarEventHub from '../sidebar/event_hub';
import './models/issue';
import './models/label';
import './models/list';
@@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ import './models/milestone';
import './models/assignee';
import './stores/boards_store';
import './stores/modal_store';
-import './services/board_service';
+import BoardService from './services/board_service';
import './mixins/modal_mixins';
import './mixins/sortable_default_options';
import './filters/due_date_filters';
@@ -77,11 +78,16 @@ $(() => {
Store.rootPath = this.boardsEndpoint;
- // Listen for updateTokens event
eventHub.$on('updateTokens', this.updateTokens);
+ eventHub.$on('newDetailIssue', this.updateDetailIssue);
+ eventHub.$on('clearDetailIssue', this.clearDetailIssue);
+ sidebarEventHub.$on('toggleSubscription', this.toggleSubscription);
beforeDestroy() {
eventHub.$off('updateTokens', this.updateTokens);
+ eventHub.$off('newDetailIssue', this.updateDetailIssue);
+ eventHub.$off('clearDetailIssue', this.clearDetailIssue);
+ sidebarEventHub.$off('toggleSubscription', this.toggleSubscription);
mounted () {
this.filterManager = new FilteredSearchBoards(Store.filter, true);
@@ -112,6 +118,46 @@ $(() => {
methods: {
updateTokens() {
+ },
+ updateDetailIssue(newIssue) {
+ const sidebarInfoEndpoint = newIssue.sidebarInfoEndpoint;
+ if (sidebarInfoEndpoint && newIssue.subscribed === undefined) {
+ newIssue.setFetchingState('subscriptions', true);
+ BoardService.getIssueInfo(sidebarInfoEndpoint)
+ .then(res => res.json())
+ .then((data) => {
+ newIssue.setFetchingState('subscriptions', false);
+ newIssue.updateData({
+ subscribed: data.subscribed,
+ });
+ })
+ .catch(() => {
+ newIssue.setFetchingState('subscriptions', false);
+ Flash(__('An error occurred while fetching sidebar data'));
+ });
+ }
+ Store.detail.issue = newIssue;
+ },
+ clearDetailIssue() {
+ Store.detail.issue = {};
+ },
+ toggleSubscription(id) {
+ const issue = Store.detail.issue;
+ if ( === id && issue.toggleSubscriptionEndpoint) {
+ issue.setFetchingState('subscriptions', true);
+ BoardService.toggleIssueSubscription(issue.toggleSubscriptionEndpoint)
+ .then(() => {
+ issue.setFetchingState('subscriptions', false);
+ issue.updateData({
+ subscribed: !issue.subscribed,
+ });
+ })
+ .catch(() => {
+ issue.setFetchingState('subscriptions', false);
+ Flash(__('An error occurred when toggling the notification subscription'));
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/boards/components/board_card.js b/app/assets/javascripts/boards/components/board_card.vue
index 079fb6438b9..0b220a56e0b 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/boards/components/board_card.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/boards/components/board_card.vue
@@ -1,25 +1,11 @@
import './issue_card_inner';
+import eventHub from '../eventhub';
const Store = gl.issueBoards.BoardsStore;
export default {
name: 'BoardsIssueCard',
- template: `
- <li class="card"
- :class="{ 'user-can-drag': !disabled &&, 'is-disabled': disabled || !, 'is-active': issueDetailVisible }"
- :index="index"
- :data-issue-id=""
- @mousedown="mouseDown"
- @mousemove="mouseMove"
- @mouseup="showIssue($event)">
- <issue-card-inner
- :list="list"
- :issue="issue"
- :issue-link-base="issueLinkBase"
- :root-path="rootPath"
- :update-filters="true" />
- </li>
- `,
components: {
'issue-card-inner': gl.issueBoards.IssueCardInner,
@@ -56,12 +42,30 @@ export default {
this.showDetail = false;
if (Store.detail.issue && === {
- Store.detail.issue = {};
+ eventHub.$emit('clearDetailIssue');
} else {
- Store.detail.issue = this.issue;
+ eventHub.$emit('newDetailIssue', this.issue);
Store.detail.list = this.list;
+ <li class="card"
+ :class="{ 'user-can-drag': !disabled &&, 'is-disabled': disabled || !, 'is-active': issueDetailVisible }"
+ :index="index"
+ :data-issue-id=""
+ @mousedown="mouseDown"
+ @mousemove="mouseMove"
+ @mouseup="showIssue($event)">
+ <issue-card-inner
+ :list="list"
+ :issue="issue"
+ :issue-link-base="issueLinkBase"
+ :root-path="rootPath"
+ :update-filters="true" />
+ </li>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/boards/components/board_list.js b/app/assets/javascripts/boards/components/board_list.js
index 6159680f1e6..29aeb8e84aa 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/boards/components/board_list.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/boards/components/board_list.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* global Sortable */
import boardNewIssue from './board_new_issue';
-import boardCard from './board_card';
+import boardCard from './board_card.vue';
import eventHub from '../eventhub';
import loadingIcon from '../../vue_shared/components/loading_icon.vue';
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/boards/components/board_sidebar.js b/app/assets/javascripts/boards/components/board_sidebar.js
index 9ae5e270a4b..faa76da964f 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/boards/components/board_sidebar.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/boards/components/board_sidebar.js
@@ -5,12 +5,13 @@
import Vue from 'vue';
import Flash from '../../flash';
import eventHub from '../../sidebar/event_hub';
-import AssigneeTitle from '../../sidebar/components/assignees/assignee_title';
-import Assignees from '../../sidebar/components/assignees/assignees';
+import assigneeTitle from '../../sidebar/components/assignees/assignee_title';
+import assignees from '../../sidebar/components/assignees/assignees';
import DueDateSelectors from '../../due_date_select';
import './sidebar/remove_issue';
import IssuableContext from '../../issuable_context';
import LabelsSelect from '../../labels_select';
+import subscriptions from '../../sidebar/components/subscriptions/subscriptions.vue';
const Store = gl.issueBoards.BoardsStore;
@@ -117,11 +118,11 @@ gl.issueBoards.BoardSidebar = Vue.extend({
new DueDateSelectors();
new LabelsSelect();
new Sidebar();
- gl.Subscription.bindAll('.subscription');
components: {
+ assigneeTitle,
+ assignees,
removeBtn: gl.issueBoards.RemoveIssueBtn,
- 'assignee-title': AssigneeTitle,
- assignees: Assignees,
+ subscriptions,
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/boards/components/modal/footer.js b/app/assets/javascripts/boards/components/modal/footer.js
index de9e44cef35..182957113a2 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/boards/components/modal/footer.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/boards/components/modal/footer.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
import Vue from 'vue';
import Flash from '../../../flash';
import './lists_dropdown';
+import { pluralize } from '../../../lib/utils/text_utility';
const ModalStore = gl.issueBoards.ModalStore;
@@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ gl.issueBoards.ModalFooter = Vue.extend({
submitText() {
const count = ModalStore.selectedCount();
- return `Add ${count > 0 ? count : ''} ${gl.text.pluralize('issue', count)}`;
+ return `Add ${count > 0 ? count : ''} ${pluralize('issue', count)}`;
methods: {
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/boards/models/issue.js b/app/assets/javascripts/boards/models/issue.js
index 407db176446..81edd95bf2b 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/boards/models/issue.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/boards/models/issue.js
@@ -17,6 +17,12 @@ class ListIssue {
this.assignees = [];
this.selected = false;
this.position = obj.relative_position || Infinity;
+ this.isFetching = {
+ subscriptions: true,
+ };
+ this.isLoading = {};
+ this.sidebarInfoEndpoint = obj.issue_sidebar_endpoint;
+ this.toggleSubscriptionEndpoint = obj.toggle_subscription_endpoint;
if (obj.milestone) {
this.milestone = new ListMilestone(obj.milestone);
@@ -73,6 +79,18 @@ class ListIssue {
return gl.issueBoards.BoardsStore.state.lists.filter(list => list.findIssue(;
+ updateData(newData) {
+ Object.assign(this, newData);
+ }
+ setFetchingState(key, value) {
+ this.isFetching[key] = value;
+ }
+ setLoadingState(key, value) {
+ this.isLoading[key] = value;
+ }
update (url) {
const data = {
issue: {
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/boards/services/board_service.js b/app/assets/javascripts/boards/services/board_service.js
index 97e80afa3f8..fa7ddd25e1f 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/boards/services/board_service.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/boards/services/board_service.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import Vue from 'vue';
-class BoardService {
+export default class BoardService {
constructor ({ boardsEndpoint, listsEndpoint, bulkUpdatePath, boardId }) {
this.boards = Vue.resource(`${boardsEndpoint}{/id}.json`, {}, {
issues: {
@@ -88,6 +88,14 @@ class BoardService {
return this.issues.bulkUpdate(data);
+ static getIssueInfo(endpoint) {
+ return Vue.http.get(endpoint);
+ }
+ static toggleIssueSubscription(endpoint) {
+ return;
+ }
window.BoardService = BoardService;
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/clusters/clusters_bundle.js b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters/clusters_bundle.js
index dc443475952..2cfd6179a25 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/clusters/clusters_bundle.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters/clusters_bundle.js
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ export default class Clusters {
this.toggle = this.toggle.bind(this);
this.installApplication = this.installApplication.bind(this);
+ this.showToken = this.showToken.bind(this);
this.toggleButton = document.querySelector('.js-toggle-cluster');
this.toggleInput = document.querySelector('.js-toggle-input');
@@ -56,6 +57,8 @@ export default class Clusters {
this.creatingContainer = document.querySelector('.js-cluster-creating');
this.errorReasonContainer = this.errorContainer.querySelector('.js-error-reason');
this.successApplicationContainer = document.querySelector('.js-cluster-application-notice');
+ this.showTokenButton = document.querySelector('.js-show-cluster-token');
+ this.tokenField = document.querySelector('.js-cluster-token');
@@ -97,11 +100,13 @@ export default class Clusters {
addListeners() {
this.toggleButton.addEventListener('click', this.toggle);
+ if (this.showTokenButton) this.showTokenButton.addEventListener('click', this.showToken);
eventHub.$on('installApplication', this.installApplication);
removeListeners() {
this.toggleButton.removeEventListener('click', this.toggle);
+ if (this.showTokenButton) this.showTokenButton.removeEventListener('click', this.showToken);
eventHub.$off('installApplication', this.installApplication);
@@ -145,8 +150,18 @@ export default class Clusters {
toggle() {
- this.toggleButton.classList.toggle('checked');
- this.toggleInput.setAttribute('value', this.toggleButton.classList.contains('checked').toString());
+ this.toggleButton.classList.toggle('is-checked');
+ this.toggleInput.setAttribute('value', this.toggleButton.classList.contains('is-checked').toString());
+ }
+ showToken() {
+ const type = this.tokenField.getAttribute('type');
+ if (type === 'password') {
+ this.tokenField.setAttribute('type', 'text');
+ } else {
+ this.tokenField.setAttribute('type', 'password');
+ }
hideAll() {
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/clusters/clusters_index.js b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters/clusters_index.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6844d1dbd83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters/clusters_index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+import Flash from '../flash';
+import { s__ } from '../locale';
+import ClustersService from './services/clusters_service';
+ * Toggles loading and disabled classes.
+ * @param {HTMLElement} button
+ */
+const toggleLoadingButton = (button) => {
+ if (button.getAttribute('disabled')) {
+ button.removeAttribute('disabled');
+ } else {
+ button.setAttribute('disabled', true);
+ }
+ button.classList.toggle('is-loading');
+ * Toggles checked class for the given button
+ * @param {HTMLElement} button
+ */
+const toggleValue = (button) => {
+ button.classList.toggle('is-checked');
+ * Handles toggle buttons in the cluster's table.
+ *
+ * When the user clicks the toggle button for each cluster, it:
+ * - toggles the button
+ * - shows a loading and disables button
+ * - Makes a put request to the given endpoint
+ * Once we receive the response, either:
+ * 1) Show updated status in case of successfull response
+ * 2) Show initial status in case of failed response
+ */
+export default function setClusterTableToggles() {
+ document.querySelectorAll('.js-toggle-cluster-list')
+ .forEach(button => button.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
+ const toggleButton = e.currentTarget;
+ const endpoint = toggleButton.getAttribute('data-endpoint');
+ toggleValue(toggleButton);
+ toggleLoadingButton(toggleButton);
+ const value = toggleButton.classList.contains('is-checked');
+ ClustersService.updateCluster(endpoint, { cluster: { enabled: value } })
+ .then(() => {
+ toggleLoadingButton(toggleButton);
+ })
+ .catch(() => {
+ toggleLoadingButton(toggleButton);
+ toggleValue(toggleButton);
+ Flash(s__('ClusterIntegration|Something went wrong on our end.'));
+ });
+ }));
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/clusters/services/clusters_service.js b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters/services/clusters_service.js
index 0ac8e68187d..755c2981c2e 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/clusters/services/clusters_service.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters/services/clusters_service.js
@@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
-import axios from 'axios';
-import setAxiosCsrfToken from '../../lib/utils/axios_utils';
+import axios from '../../lib/utils/axios_utils';
export default class ClusterService {
constructor(options = {}) {
- setAxiosCsrfToken();
this.options = options;
this.appInstallEndpointMap = {
helm: this.options.installHelmEndpoint,
@@ -18,7 +15,10 @@ export default class ClusterService {
installApplication(appId) {
- const endpoint = this.appInstallEndpointMap[appId];
- return;
+ return[appId]);
+ }
+ static updateCluster(endpoint, data) {
+ return axios.put(endpoint, data);
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/commit/image_file.js b/app/assets/javascripts/commit/image_file.js
index e7adf8814b8..50d0cb5c86d 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/commit/image_file.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/commit/image_file.js
@@ -1,217 +1,208 @@
/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, wrap-iife, no-var, no-use-before-define, prefer-arrow-callback, no-else-return, consistent-return, prefer-template, quotes, one-var, one-var-declaration-per-line, no-unused-vars, no-return-assign, comma-dangle, quote-props, no-unused-expressions, no-sequences, object-shorthand, max-len */
import 'vendor/jquery.waitforimages';
-(function() {
- gl.ImageFile = (function() {
- var prepareFrames;
- // Width where images must fits in, for 2-up this gets divided by 2
- ImageFile.availWidth = 900;
- ImageFile.viewModes = ['two-up', 'swipe'];
- function ImageFile(file) {
- this.file = file;
- this.requestImageInfo($('.two-up.view .frame.deleted img', this.file), (function(_this) {
- return function(deletedWidth, deletedHeight) {
- return _this.requestImageInfo($('.two-up.view .frame.added img', _this.file), function(width, height) {
- _this.initViewModes();
- // Load two-up view after images are loaded
- // so that we can display the correct width and height information
- const $images = $('.two-up.view img', _this.file);
- $images.waitForImages(function() {
- _this.initView('two-up');
- });
+// Width where images must fits in, for 2-up this gets divided by 2
+const availWidth = 900;
+const viewModes = ['two-up', 'swipe'];
+export default class ImageFile {
+ constructor(file) {
+ this.file = file;
+ this.requestImageInfo($('.two-up.view .frame.deleted img', this.file), (function(_this) {
+ return function(deletedWidth, deletedHeight) {
+ return _this.requestImageInfo($('.two-up.view .frame.added img', _this.file), function(width, height) {
+ _this.initViewModes();
+ // Load two-up view after images are loaded
+ // so that we can display the correct width and height information
+ const $images = $('.two-up.view img', _this.file);
+ $images.waitForImages(function() {
+ _this.initView('two-up');
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ })(this));
+ }
+ initViewModes() {
+ const viewMode = viewModes[0];
+ $('.view-modes', this.file).removeClass('hide');
+ $('.view-modes-menu', this.file).on('click', 'li', (function(_this) {
+ return function(event) {
+ if (!$(event.currentTarget).hasClass('active')) {
+ return _this.activateViewMode(event.currentTarget.className);
+ }
+ };
+ })(this));
+ return this.activateViewMode(viewMode);
+ }
+ activateViewMode(viewMode) {
+ $('.view-modes-menu li', this.file).removeClass('active').filter("." + viewMode).addClass('active');
+ return $(".view:visible:not(." + viewMode + ")", this.file).fadeOut(200, (function(_this) {
+ return function() {
+ $(".view." + viewMode, _this.file).fadeIn(200);
+ return _this.initView(viewMode);
+ };
+ })(this));
+ }
+ initView(viewMode) {
+ return this.views[viewMode].call(this);
+ }
+ // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
+ initDraggable($el, padding, callback) {
+ var dragging = false;
+ var $body = $('body');
+ var $offsetEl = $el.parent();
+ $'mousedown').on('mousedown', function() {
+ dragging = true;
+ $body.css('user-select', 'none');
+ });
+ $'mouseup').off('mousemove').on('mouseup', function() {
+ dragging = false;
+ $body.css('user-select', '');
+ })
+ .on('mousemove', function(e) {
+ var left;
+ if (!dragging) return;
+ left = e.pageX - ($offsetEl.offset().left + padding);
+ callback(e, left);
+ });
+ }
+ prepareFrames(view) {
+ var maxHeight, maxWidth;
+ maxWidth = 0;
+ maxHeight = 0;
+ $('.frame', view).each((function(_this) {
+ return function(index, frame) {
+ var height, width;
+ width = $(frame).width();
+ height = $(frame).height();
+ maxWidth = width > maxWidth ? width : maxWidth;
+ return maxHeight = height > maxHeight ? height : maxHeight;
+ };
+ })(this)).css({
+ width: maxWidth,
+ height: maxHeight
+ });
+ return [maxWidth, maxHeight];
+ }
+ views = {
+ 'two-up': function() {
+ return $('.two-up.view .wrap', this.file).each((function(_this) {
+ return function(index, wrap) {
+ $('img', wrap).each(function() {
+ var currentWidth;
+ currentWidth = $(this).width();
+ if (currentWidth > availWidth / 2) {
+ return $(this).width(availWidth / 2);
+ }
+ });
+ return _this.requestImageInfo($('img', wrap), function(width, height) {
+ $('.image-info .meta-width', wrap).text(width + "px");
+ $('.image-info .meta-height', wrap).text(height + "px");
+ return $('.image-info', wrap).removeClass('hide');
- }
+ },
+ 'swipe': function() {
+ var maxHeight, maxWidth;
+ maxWidth = 0;
+ maxHeight = 0;
+ return $('.swipe.view', this.file).each((function(_this) {
+ return function(index, view) {
+ var $swipeWrap, $swipeBar, $swipeFrame, wrapPadding, ref;
+ ref = this.prepareFrames(view), maxWidth = ref[0], maxHeight = ref[1];
+ $swipeFrame = $('.swipe-frame', view);
+ $swipeWrap = $('.swipe-wrap', view);
+ $swipeBar = $('.swipe-bar', view);
+ $swipeFrame.css({
+ width: maxWidth + 16,
+ height: maxHeight + 28
+ });
+ $swipeWrap.css({
+ width: maxWidth + 1,
+ height: maxHeight + 2
+ });
+ // Set swipeBar left position to match image frame
+ $swipeBar.css({
+ left: 1
+ });
- ImageFile.prototype.initViewModes = function() {
- var viewMode;
- viewMode = ImageFile.viewModes[0];
- $('.view-modes', this.file).removeClass('hide');
- $('.view-modes-menu', this.file).on('click', 'li', (function(_this) {
- return function(event) {
- if (!$(event.currentTarget).hasClass('active')) {
- return _this.activateViewMode(event.currentTarget.className);
- }
- };
- })(this));
- return this.activateViewMode(viewMode);
- };
- ImageFile.prototype.activateViewMode = function(viewMode) {
- $('.view-modes-menu li', this.file).removeClass('active').filter("." + viewMode).addClass('active');
- return $(".view:visible:not(." + viewMode + ")", this.file).fadeOut(200, (function(_this) {
- return function() {
- $(".view." + viewMode, _this.file).fadeIn(200);
- return _this.initView(viewMode);
+ wrapPadding = parseInt($swipeWrap.css('right').replace('px', ''), 10);
+ _this.initDraggable($swipeBar, wrapPadding, function(e, left) {
+ if (left > 0 && left < $swipeFrame.width() - (wrapPadding * 2)) {
+ $swipeWrap.width((maxWidth + 1) - left);
+ $swipeBar.css('left', left);
+ }
+ });
- };
- ImageFile.prototype.initView = function(viewMode) {
- return this.views[viewMode].call(this);
- };
- ImageFile.prototype.initDraggable = function($el, padding, callback) {
- var dragging = false;
- var $body = $('body');
- var $offsetEl = $el.parent();
- $'mousedown').on('mousedown', function() {
- dragging = true;
- $body.css('user-select', 'none');
- });
- $'mouseup').off('mousemove').on('mouseup', function() {
- dragging = false;
- $body.css('user-select', '');
- })
- .on('mousemove', function(e) {
- var left;
- if (!dragging) return;
+ },
+ 'onion-skin': function() {
+ var dragTrackWidth, maxHeight, maxWidth;
+ maxWidth = 0;
+ maxHeight = 0;
+ dragTrackWidth = $('.drag-track', this.file).width() - $('.dragger', this.file).width();
+ return $('.onion-skin.view', this.file).each((function(_this) {
+ return function(index, view) {
+ var $frame, $track, $dragger, $frameAdded, framePadding, ref, dragging = false;
+ ref = this.prepareFrames(view), maxWidth = ref[0], maxHeight = ref[1];
+ $frame = $('.onion-skin-frame', view);
+ $frameAdded = $('.frame.added', view);
+ $track = $('.drag-track', view);
+ $dragger = $('.dragger', $track);
+ $frame.css({
+ width: maxWidth + 16,
+ height: maxHeight + 28
+ });
+ $('.swipe-wrap', view).css({
+ width: maxWidth + 1,
+ height: maxHeight + 2
+ });
+ $dragger.css({
+ left: dragTrackWidth
+ });
- left = e.pageX - ($offsetEl.offset().left + padding);
+ framePadding = parseInt($frameAdded.css('right').replace('px', ''), 10);
- callback(e, left);
- });
- };
+ _this.initDraggable($dragger, framePadding, function(e, left) {
+ var opacity = left / dragTrackWidth;
- prepareFrames = function(view) {
- var maxHeight, maxWidth;
- maxWidth = 0;
- maxHeight = 0;
- $('.frame', view).each((function(_this) {
- return function(index, frame) {
- var height, width;
- width = $(frame).width();
- height = $(frame).height();
- maxWidth = width > maxWidth ? width : maxWidth;
- return maxHeight = height > maxHeight ? height : maxHeight;
+ if (opacity >= 0 && opacity <= 1) {
+ $dragger.css('left', left);
+ $frameAdded.css('opacity', opacity);
+ }
+ });
- })(this)).css({
- width: maxWidth,
- height: maxHeight
- });
- return [maxWidth, maxHeight];
- };
- ImageFile.prototype.views = {
- 'two-up': function() {
- return $('.two-up.view .wrap', this.file).each((function(_this) {
- return function(index, wrap) {
- $('img', wrap).each(function() {
- var currentWidth;
- currentWidth = $(this).width();
- if (currentWidth > ImageFile.availWidth / 2) {
- return $(this).width(ImageFile.availWidth / 2);
- }
- });
- return _this.requestImageInfo($('img', wrap), function(width, height) {
- $('.image-info .meta-width', wrap).text(width + "px");
- $('.image-info .meta-height', wrap).text(height + "px");
- return $('.image-info', wrap).removeClass('hide');
- });
- };
- })(this));
- },
- 'swipe': function() {
- var maxHeight, maxWidth;
- maxWidth = 0;
- maxHeight = 0;
- return $('.swipe.view', this.file).each((function(_this) {
- return function(index, view) {
- var $swipeWrap, $swipeBar, $swipeFrame, wrapPadding, ref;
- ref = prepareFrames(view), maxWidth = ref[0], maxHeight = ref[1];
- $swipeFrame = $('.swipe-frame', view);
- $swipeWrap = $('.swipe-wrap', view);
- $swipeBar = $('.swipe-bar', view);
- $swipeFrame.css({
- width: maxWidth + 16,
- height: maxHeight + 28
- });
- $swipeWrap.css({
- width: maxWidth + 1,
- height: maxHeight + 2
- });
- // Set swipeBar left position to match image frame
- $swipeBar.css({
- left: 1
- });
- wrapPadding = parseInt($swipeWrap.css('right').replace('px', ''), 10);
- _this.initDraggable($swipeBar, wrapPadding, function(e, left) {
- if (left > 0 && left < $swipeFrame.width() - (wrapPadding * 2)) {
- $swipeWrap.width((maxWidth + 1) - left);
- $swipeBar.css('left', left);
- }
- });
- };
- })(this));
- },
- 'onion-skin': function() {
- var dragTrackWidth, maxHeight, maxWidth;
- maxWidth = 0;
- maxHeight = 0;
- dragTrackWidth = $('.drag-track', this.file).width() - $('.dragger', this.file).width();
- return $('.onion-skin.view', this.file).each((function(_this) {
- return function(index, view) {
- var $frame, $track, $dragger, $frameAdded, framePadding, ref, dragging = false;
- ref = prepareFrames(view), maxWidth = ref[0], maxHeight = ref[1];
- $frame = $('.onion-skin-frame', view);
- $frameAdded = $('.frame.added', view);
- $track = $('.drag-track', view);
- $dragger = $('.dragger', $track);
- $frame.css({
- width: maxWidth + 16,
- height: maxHeight + 28
- });
- $('.swipe-wrap', view).css({
- width: maxWidth + 1,
- height: maxHeight + 2
- });
- $dragger.css({
- left: dragTrackWidth
- });
- framePadding = parseInt($frameAdded.css('right').replace('px', ''), 10);
- _this.initDraggable($dragger, framePadding, function(e, left) {
- var opacity = left / dragTrackWidth;
- if (opacity >= 0 && opacity <= 1) {
- $dragger.css('left', left);
- $frameAdded.css('opacity', opacity);
- }
- });
+ })(this));
+ }
+ }
+ requestImageInfo(img, callback) {
+ const domImg = img.get(0);
+ if (domImg) {
+ if (domImg.complete) {
+ return, domImg.naturalWidth, domImg.naturalHeight);
+ } else {
+ return img.on('load', (function(_this) {
+ return function() {
+ return, domImg.naturalWidth, domImg.naturalHeight);
- };
- ImageFile.prototype.requestImageInfo = function(img, callback) {
- var domImg;
- domImg = img.get(0);
- if (domImg) {
- if (domImg.complete) {
- return, domImg.naturalWidth, domImg.naturalHeight);
- } else {
- return img.on('load', (function(_this) {
- return function() {
- return, domImg.naturalWidth, domImg.naturalHeight);
- };
- })(this));
- }
- }
- };
- return ImageFile;
- })();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/commits.js b/app/assets/javascripts/commits.js
index ae6b8902032..9b952ea7b60 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/commits.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/commits.js
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
prefer-template, object-shorthand, prefer-arrow-callback */
/* global Pager */
+import { pluralize } from './lib/utils/text_utility';
export default (function () {
const CommitsList = {};
@@ -86,7 +88,7 @@ export default (function () {
// Update commits count in the previous commits header.
commitsCount += Number($(processedData).nextUntil('li.js-commit-header').first().find('li.commit').length);
- $commitsHeadersLast.find('span.commits-count').text(`${commitsCount} ${gl.text.pluralize('commit', commitsCount)}`);
+ $commitsHeadersLast.find('span.commits-count').text(`${commitsCount} ${pluralize('commit', commitsCount)}`);
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/commons/index.js b/app/assets/javascripts/commons/index.js
index 768453b28f1..0d2fe2925d8 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/commons/index.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/commons/index.js
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ import './polyfills';
import './jquery';
import './bootstrap';
import './vue';
+import '../lib/utils/axios_utils';
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/commons/polyfills.js b/app/assets/javascripts/commons/polyfills.js
index cb5a9a9f6b5..ff9e4485916 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/commons/polyfills.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/commons/polyfills.js
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import 'core-js/fn/string/from-code-point';
import 'core-js/fn/symbol';
// Browser polyfills
+import 'classlist-polyfill';
import './polyfills/custom_event';
import './polyfills/element';
import './polyfills/event';
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/copy_to_clipboard.js b/app/assets/javascripts/copy_to_clipboard.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f3c7e1772d..00000000000
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/copy_to_clipboard.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, one-var, no-var, one-var-declaration-per-line, prefer-template, quotes, no-unused-vars, prefer-arrow-callback, max-len */
-import Clipboard from 'vendor/clipboard';
-var genericError, genericSuccess, showTooltip;
-genericSuccess = function(e) {
- showTooltip(e.trigger, 'Copied');
- // Clear the selection and blur the trigger so it loses its border
- e.clearSelection();
- return $(e.trigger).blur();
-// Safari doesn't support `execCommand`, so instead we inform the user to
-// copy manually.
-// See
-genericError = function(e) {
- var key;
- if (/Mac/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
- key = '&#8984;'; // Command
- } else {
- key = 'Ctrl';
- }
- return showTooltip(e.trigger, "Press " + key + "-C to copy");
-showTooltip = function(target, title) {
- var $target = $(target);
- var originalTitle = $'original-title');
- if (!$'hideTooltip')) {
- $target
- .attr('title', 'Copied')
- .tooltip('fixTitle')
- .tooltip('show')
- .attr('title', originalTitle)
- .tooltip('fixTitle');
- }
-$(function() {
- const clipboard = new Clipboard('[data-clipboard-target], [data-clipboard-text]');
- clipboard.on('success', genericSuccess);
- clipboard.on('error', genericError);
- // This a workaround around ClipboardJS limitations to allow the context-specific copy/pasting of plain text or GFM.
- // The Ruby `clipboard_button` helper sneaks a JSON hash with `text` and `gfm` keys into the `data-clipboard-text`
- // attribute that ClipboardJS reads from.
- // When ClipboardJS creates a new `textarea` (directly inside `body`, with a `readonly` attribute`), sets its value
- // to the value of this data attribute, focusses on it, and finally programmatically issues the 'Copy' command,
- // this code intercepts the copy command/event at the last minute to deconstruct this JSON hash and set the
- // `text/plain` and `text/x-gfm` copy data types to the intended values.
- $(document).on('copy', 'body > textarea[readonly]', function(e) {
- const clipboardData = e.originalEvent.clipboardData;
- if (!clipboardData) return;
- const text =;
- let json;
- try {
- json = JSON.parse(text);
- } catch (ex) {
- return;
- }
- if (!json.text || !json.gfm) return;
- e.preventDefault();
- clipboardData.setData('text/plain', json.text);
- clipboardData.setData('text/x-gfm', json.gfm);
- });
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/create_label.js b/app/assets/javascripts/create_label.js
index 3bed0678350..9a4c9bfcc80 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/create_label.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/create_label.js
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
/* eslint-disable func-names, prefer-arrow-callback */
import Api from './api';
+import { humanize } from './lib/utils/text_utility';
export default class CreateLabelDropdown {
constructor($el, namespacePath, projectPath) {
@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ export default class CreateLabelDropdown {
errors = label.message;
} else {
errors = Object.keys(label.message).map(key =>
- `${gl.text.humanize(key)} ${label.message[key].join(', ')}`,
+ `${humanize(key)} ${label.message[key].join(', ')}`,
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/create_merge_request_dropdown.js b/app/assets/javascripts/create_merge_request_dropdown.js
index bf40eb3ee11..23425672b16 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/create_merge_request_dropdown.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/create_merge_request_dropdown.js
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import Flash from './flash';
import DropLab from './droplab/drop_lab';
import ISetter from './droplab/plugins/input_setter';
+import { __, sprintf } from './locale';
// Todo: Remove this when fixing issue in input_setter plugin
const InputSetter = Object.assign({}, ISetter);
@@ -12,28 +13,49 @@ const CREATE_BRANCH = 'create-branch';
export default class CreateMergeRequestDropdown {
constructor(wrapperEl) {
this.wrapperEl = wrapperEl;
+ this.availableButton = this.wrapperEl.querySelector('.available');
+ this.branchInput = this.wrapperEl.querySelector('.js-branch-name');
+ this.branchMessage = this.wrapperEl.querySelector('.js-branch-message');
this.createMergeRequestButton = this.wrapperEl.querySelector('.js-create-merge-request');
- this.dropdownToggle = this.wrapperEl.querySelector('.js-dropdown-toggle');
+ this.createTargetButton = this.wrapperEl.querySelector('.js-create-target');
this.dropdownList = this.wrapperEl.querySelector('.dropdown-menu');
- this.availableButton = this.wrapperEl.querySelector('.available');
+ this.dropdownToggle = this.wrapperEl.querySelector('.js-dropdown-toggle');
+ this.refInput = this.wrapperEl.querySelector('.js-ref');
+ this.refMessage = this.wrapperEl.querySelector('.js-ref-message');
this.unavailableButton = this.wrapperEl.querySelector('.unavailable');
this.unavailableButtonArrow = this.unavailableButton.querySelector('.fa');
this.unavailableButtonText = this.unavailableButton.querySelector('.text');
- this.createBranchPath = this.wrapperEl.dataset.createBranchPath;
+ this.branchCreated = false;
+ this.branchIsValid = true;
this.canCreatePath = this.wrapperEl.dataset.canCreatePath;
+ this.createBranchPath = this.wrapperEl.dataset.createBranchPath;
this.createMrPath = this.wrapperEl.dataset.createMrPath;
this.droplabInitialized = false;
+ this.isCreatingBranch = false;
this.isCreatingMergeRequest = false;
+ this.isGettingRef = false;
this.mergeRequestCreated = false;
- this.isCreatingBranch = false;
- this.branchCreated = false;
+ this.refDebounce = _.debounce((value, target) => this.getRef(value, target), 500);
+ this.refIsValid = true;
+ this.refsPath = this.wrapperEl.dataset.refsPath;
+ this.suggestedRef = this.refInput.value;
- this.init();
- }
+ // These regexps are used to replace
+ // a backend generated new branch name and its source (ref)
+ // with user's inputs.
+ this.regexps = {
+ branch: {
+ createBranchPath: new RegExp('(branch_name=)(.+?)(?=&issue)'),
+ createMrPath: new RegExp('(branch_name=)(.+?)(?=&ref)'),
+ },
+ ref: {
+ createBranchPath: new RegExp('(ref=)(.+?)$'),
+ createMrPath: new RegExp('(ref=)(.+?)$'),
+ },
+ };
- init() {
- this.checkAbilityToCreateBranch();
+ this.init();
available() {
@@ -41,41 +63,13 @@ export default class CreateMergeRequestDropdown {
- unavailable() {
- this.availableButton.classList.add('hide');
- this.unavailableButton.classList.remove('hide');
- }
- enable() {
- this.createMergeRequestButton.classList.remove('disabled');
- this.createMergeRequestButton.removeAttribute('disabled');
- this.dropdownToggle.classList.remove('disabled');
- this.dropdownToggle.removeAttribute('disabled');
- }
- disable() {
- this.createMergeRequestButton.classList.add('disabled');
- this.createMergeRequestButton.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
- this.dropdownToggle.classList.add('disabled');
- this.dropdownToggle.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
- }
- hide() {
- this.wrapperEl.classList.add('hide');
- }
- setUnavailableButtonState(isLoading = true) {
- if (isLoading) {
- this.unavailableButtonArrow.classList.add('fa-spinner', 'fa-spin');
- this.unavailableButtonArrow.classList.remove('fa-exclamation-triangle');
- this.unavailableButtonText.textContent = 'Checking branch availability…';
- } else {
- this.unavailableButtonArrow.classList.remove('fa-spinner', 'fa-spin');
- this.unavailableButtonArrow.classList.add('fa-exclamation-triangle');
- this.unavailableButtonText.textContent = 'New branch unavailable';
- }
+ bindEvents() {
+ this.createMergeRequestButton.addEventListener('click', this.onClickCreateMergeRequestButton.bind(this));
+ this.createTargetButton.addEventListener('click', this.onClickCreateMergeRequestButton.bind(this));
+ this.branchInput.addEventListener('keyup', this.onChangeInput.bind(this));
+ this.dropdownToggle.addEventListener('click', this.onClickSetFocusOnBranchNameInput.bind(this));
+ this.refInput.addEventListener('keyup', this.onChangeInput.bind(this));
+ this.refInput.addEventListener('keydown', CreateMergeRequestDropdown.processTab.bind(this));
checkAbilityToCreateBranch() {
@@ -107,49 +101,233 @@ export default class CreateMergeRequestDropdown {
- initDroplab() {
- this.droplab = new DropLab();
+ createBranch() {
+ return $.ajax({
+ method: 'POST',
+ dataType: 'json',
+ url: this.createBranchPath,
+ beforeSend: () => (this.isCreatingBranch = true),
+ })
+ .done((data) => {
+ this.branchCreated = true;
+ window.location.href = data.url;
+ })
+ .fail(() => new Flash('Failed to create a branch for this issue. Please try again.'));
+ }
- this.droplab.init(this.dropdownToggle, this.dropdownList, [InputSetter],
- this.getDroplabConfig());
+ createMergeRequest() {
+ return $.ajax({
+ method: 'POST',
+ dataType: 'json',
+ url: this.createMrPath,
+ beforeSend: () => (this.isCreatingMergeRequest = true),
+ })
+ .done((data) => {
+ this.mergeRequestCreated = true;
+ window.location.href = data.url;
+ })
+ .fail(() => new Flash('Failed to create Merge Request. Please try again.'));
+ }
+ disable() {
+ this.disableCreateAction();
+ this.dropdownToggle.classList.add('disabled');
+ this.dropdownToggle.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
+ }
+ disableCreateAction() {
+ this.createMergeRequestButton.classList.add('disabled');
+ this.createMergeRequestButton.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
+ this.createTargetButton.classList.add('disabled');
+ this.createTargetButton.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
+ }
+ enable() {
+ this.createMergeRequestButton.classList.remove('disabled');
+ this.createMergeRequestButton.removeAttribute('disabled');
+ this.createTargetButton.classList.remove('disabled');
+ this.createTargetButton.removeAttribute('disabled');
+ this.dropdownToggle.classList.remove('disabled');
+ this.dropdownToggle.removeAttribute('disabled');
+ }
+ static findByValue(objects, ref, returnFirstMatch = false) {
+ if (!objects || !objects.length) return false;
+ if (objects.indexOf(ref) > -1) return ref;
+ if (returnFirstMatch) return objects.find(item => new RegExp(`^${ref}`).test(item));
+ return false;
getDroplabConfig() {
return {
- InputSetter: [{
- input: this.createMergeRequestButton,
- valueAttribute: 'data-value',
- inputAttribute: 'data-action',
- }, {
- input: this.createMergeRequestButton,
- valueAttribute: 'data-text',
- }],
+ addActiveClassToDropdownButton: true,
+ InputSetter: [
+ {
+ input: this.createMergeRequestButton,
+ valueAttribute: 'data-value',
+ inputAttribute: 'data-action',
+ },
+ {
+ input: this.createMergeRequestButton,
+ valueAttribute: 'data-text',
+ },
+ {
+ input: this.createTargetButton,
+ valueAttribute: 'data-value',
+ inputAttribute: 'data-action',
+ },
+ {
+ input: this.createTargetButton,
+ valueAttribute: 'data-text',
+ },
+ ],
- bindEvents() {
- this.createMergeRequestButton
- .addEventListener('click', this.onClickCreateMergeRequestButton.bind(this));
+ static getInputSelectedText(input) {
+ const start = input.selectionStart;
+ const end = input.selectionEnd;
+ return input.value.substr(start, end - start);
+ }
+ getRef(ref, target = 'all') {
+ if (!ref) return false;
+ return $.ajax({
+ method: 'GET',
+ dataType: 'json',
+ url: this.refsPath + ref,
+ beforeSend: () => {
+ this.isGettingRef = true;
+ },
+ })
+ .always(() => {
+ this.isGettingRef = false;
+ })
+ .done((data) => {
+ const branches = data[Object.keys(data)[0]];
+ const tags = data[Object.keys(data)[1]];
+ let result;
+ if (target === 'branch') {
+ result = CreateMergeRequestDropdown.findByValue(branches, ref);
+ } else {
+ result = CreateMergeRequestDropdown.findByValue(branches, ref, true) ||
+ CreateMergeRequestDropdown.findByValue(tags, ref, true);
+ this.suggestedRef = result;
+ }
+ return this.updateInputState(target, ref, result);
+ })
+ .fail(() => {
+ this.unavailable();
+ this.disable();
+ new Flash('Failed to get ref.');
+ return false;
+ });
+ }
+ getTargetData(target) {
+ return {
+ input: this[`${target}Input`],
+ message: this[`${target}Message`],
+ };
+ }
+ hide() {
+ this.wrapperEl.classList.add('hide');
+ }
+ init() {
+ this.checkAbilityToCreateBranch();
+ }
+ initDroplab() {
+ this.droplab = new DropLab();
+ this.droplab.init(
+ this.dropdownToggle,
+ this.dropdownList,
+ [InputSetter],
+ this.getDroplabConfig(),
+ );
+ }
+ inputsAreValid() {
+ return this.branchIsValid && this.refIsValid;
isBusy() {
return this.isCreatingMergeRequest ||
this.mergeRequestCreated ||
this.isCreatingBranch ||
- this.branchCreated;
+ this.branchCreated ||
+ this.isGettingRef;
- onClickCreateMergeRequestButton(e) {
+ onChangeInput(event) {
+ let target;
+ let value;
+ if (event.srcElement === this.branchInput) {
+ target = 'branch';
+ value = this.branchInput.value;
+ } else if (event.srcElement === this.refInput) {
+ target = 'ref';
+ value = event.srcElement.value.slice(0, event.srcElement.selectionStart) +
+ event.srcElement.value.slice(event.srcElement.selectionEnd);
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this.isGettingRef) return false;
+ // `ENTER` key submits the data.
+ if (event.keyCode === 13 && this.inputsAreValid()) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ return;
+ }
+ // If the input is empty, use the original value generated by the backend.
+ if (!value) {
+ this.createBranchPath = this.wrapperEl.dataset.createBranchPath;
+ this.createMrPath = this.wrapperEl.dataset.createMrPath;
+ if (target === 'branch') {
+ this.branchIsValid = true;
+ } else {
+ this.refIsValid = true;
+ }
+ this.enable();
+ this.showAvailableMessage(target);
+ return true;
+ }
+ this.showCheckingMessage(target);
+ this.refDebounce(value, target);
+ return true;
+ }
+ onClickCreateMergeRequestButton(event) {
let xhr = null;
- e.preventDefault();
+ event.preventDefault();
if (this.isBusy()) {
xhr = this.createMergeRequest();
- } else if ( === CREATE_BRANCH) {
+ } else if ( === CREATE_BRANCH) {
xhr = this.createBranch();
@@ -163,31 +341,131 @@ export default class CreateMergeRequestDropdown {
- createMergeRequest() {
- return $.ajax({
- method: 'POST',
- dataType: 'json',
- url: this.createMrPath,
- beforeSend: () => (this.isCreatingMergeRequest = true),
- })
- .done((data) => {
- this.mergeRequestCreated = true;
- window.location.href = data.url;
- })
- .fail(() => new Flash('Failed to create Merge Request. Please try again.'));
+ onClickSetFocusOnBranchNameInput() {
+ this.branchInput.focus();
- createBranch() {
- return $.ajax({
- method: 'POST',
- dataType: 'json',
- url: this.createBranchPath,
- beforeSend: () => (this.isCreatingBranch = true),
- })
- .done((data) => {
- this.branchCreated = true;
- window.location.href = data.url;
- })
- .fail(() => new Flash('Failed to create a branch for this issue. Please try again.'));
+ // `TAB` autocompletes the source.
+ static processTab(event) {
+ if (event.keyCode !== 9 || this.isGettingRef) return;
+ const selectedText = CreateMergeRequestDropdown.getInputSelectedText(this.refInput);
+ // if nothing selected, we don't need to autocomplete anything. Do the default TAB action.
+ // If a user manually selected text, don't autocomplete anything. Do the default TAB action.
+ if (!selectedText || this.refInput.dataset.value === this.suggestedRef) return;
+ event.preventDefault();
+ window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();
+ }
+ removeMessage(target) {
+ const { input, message } = this.getTargetData(target);
+ const inputClasses = ['gl-field-error-outline', 'gl-field-success-outline'];
+ const messageClasses = ['gl-field-hint', 'gl-field-error-message', 'gl-field-success-message'];
+ inputClasses.forEach(cssClass => input.classList.remove(cssClass));
+ messageClasses.forEach(cssClass => message.classList.remove(cssClass));
+ = 'none';
+ }
+ setUnavailableButtonState(isLoading = true) {
+ if (isLoading) {
+ this.unavailableButtonArrow.classList.add('fa-spin');
+ this.unavailableButtonArrow.classList.add('fa-spinner');
+ this.unavailableButtonArrow.classList.remove('fa-exclamation-triangle');
+ this.unavailableButtonText.textContent = __('Checking branch availability...');
+ } else {
+ this.unavailableButtonArrow.classList.remove('fa-spin');
+ this.unavailableButtonArrow.classList.remove('fa-spinner');
+ this.unavailableButtonArrow.classList.add('fa-exclamation-triangle');
+ this.unavailableButtonText.textContent = __('New branch unavailable');
+ }
+ }
+ showAvailableMessage(target) {
+ const { input, message } = this.getTargetData(target);
+ const text = target === 'branch' ? __('Branch name') : __('Source');
+ this.removeMessage(target);
+ input.classList.add('gl-field-success-outline');
+ message.classList.add('gl-field-success-message');
+ message.textContent = sprintf(__('%{text} is available'), { text });
+ = 'inline-block';
+ }
+ showCheckingMessage(target) {
+ const { message } = this.getTargetData(target);
+ const text = target === 'branch' ? __('branch name') : __('source');
+ this.removeMessage(target);
+ message.classList.add('gl-field-hint');
+ message.textContent = sprintf(__('Checking %{text} availability…'), { text });
+ = 'inline-block';
+ }
+ showNotAvailableMessage(target) {
+ const { input, message } = this.getTargetData(target);
+ const text = target === 'branch' ? __('Branch is already taken') : __('Source is not available');
+ this.removeMessage(target);
+ input.classList.add('gl-field-error-outline');
+ message.classList.add('gl-field-error-message');
+ message.textContent = text;
+ = 'inline-block';
+ }
+ unavailable() {
+ this.availableButton.classList.add('hide');
+ this.unavailableButton.classList.remove('hide');
+ }
+ updateInputState(target, ref, result) {
+ // target - 'branch' or 'ref' - which the input field we are searching a ref for.
+ // ref - string - what a user typed.
+ // result - string - what has been found on backend.
+ const pathReplacement = `$1${ref}`;
+ // If a found branch equals exact the same text a user typed,
+ // that means a new branch cannot be created as it already exists.
+ if (ref === result) {
+ if (target === 'branch') {
+ this.branchIsValid = false;
+ this.showNotAvailableMessage('branch');
+ } else {
+ this.refIsValid = true;
+ this.refInput.dataset.value = ref;
+ this.showAvailableMessage('ref');
+ this.createBranchPath = this.createBranchPath.replace(this.regexps.ref.createBranchPath,
+ pathReplacement);
+ this.createMrPath = this.createMrPath.replace(this.regexps.ref.createMrPath,
+ pathReplacement);
+ }
+ } else if (target === 'branch') {
+ this.branchIsValid = true;
+ this.showAvailableMessage('branch');
+ this.createBranchPath = this.createBranchPath.replace(this.regexps.branch.createBranchPath,
+ pathReplacement);
+ this.createMrPath = this.createMrPath.replace(this.regexps.branch.createMrPath,
+ pathReplacement);
+ } else {
+ this.refIsValid = false;
+ this.refInput.dataset.value = ref;
+ this.disableCreateAction();
+ this.showNotAvailableMessage('ref');
+ // Show ref hint.
+ if (result) {
+ this.refInput.value = result;
+ this.refInput.setSelectionRange(ref.length, result.length);
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.inputsAreValid()) {
+ this.enable();
+ } else {
+ this.disableCreateAction();
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/cycle_analytics/cycle_analytics_store.js b/app/assets/javascripts/cycle_analytics/cycle_analytics_store.js
index 8bf9ae17de0..a8cd8c20f8f 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/cycle_analytics/cycle_analytics_store.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/cycle_analytics/cycle_analytics_store.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
import { __ } from '../locale';
-import '../lib/utils/text_utility';
+import { dasherize } from '../lib/utils/text_utility';
import DEFAULT_EVENT_OBJECTS from './default_event_objects';
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ export default {
newData.stages.forEach((item) => {
- const stageSlug = gl.text.dasherize(;
+ const stageSlug = dasherize(; = false;
item.isUserAllowed = data.permissions[stageSlug];
item.emptyStageText = EMPTY_STAGE_TEXTS[stageSlug];
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/deploy_keys/components/action_btn.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/deploy_keys/components/action_btn.vue
index 3f993213dd0..f9f2f9bf693 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/deploy_keys/components/action_btn.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/deploy_keys/components/action_btn.vue
@@ -32,7 +32,9 @@
doAction() {
this.isLoading = true;
- eventHub.$emit(`${this.type}.key`, this.deployKey);
+ eventHub.$emit(`${this.type}.key`, this.deployKey, () => {
+ this.isLoading = false;
+ });
computed: {
@@ -50,6 +52,9 @@
{{ text }}
- <loading-icon v-if="isLoading" />
+ <loading-icon
+ v-if="isLoading"
+ :inline="true"
+ />
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/deploy_keys/components/app.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/deploy_keys/components/app.vue
index 54e13b79a4f..fe046449054 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/deploy_keys/components/app.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/deploy_keys/components/app.vue
@@ -47,12 +47,15 @@
.then(() => this.fetchKeys())
.catch(() => new Flash('Error enabling deploy key'));
- disableKey(deployKey) {
+ disableKey(deployKey, callback) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-alert
if (confirm('You are going to remove this deploy key. Are you sure?')) {
.then(() => this.fetchKeys())
+ .then(callback)
.catch(() => new Flash('Error removing deploy key'));
+ } else {
+ callback();
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/diff_notes/diff_notes_bundle.js b/app/assets/javascripts/diff_notes/diff_notes_bundle.js
index 0863c3406bd..e0422057090 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/diff_notes/diff_notes_bundle.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/diff_notes/diff_notes_bundle.js
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ import './components/diff_note_avatars';
import './components/new_issue_for_discussion';
$(() => {
- const projectPath = document.querySelector('.merge-request').dataset.projectPath;
+ const projectPathHolder = document.querySelector('.merge-request') || document.querySelector('.commit-box');
+ const projectPath = projectPathHolder.dataset.projectPath;
const COMPONENT_SELECTOR = 'resolve-btn, resolve-discussion-btn, jump-to-discussion, comment-and-resolve-btn, new-issue-for-discussion-btn'; = || {};
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/diff_notes/services/resolve.js b/app/assets/javascripts/diff_notes/services/resolve.js
index 6eae54f830b..96fe23640af 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/diff_notes/services/resolve.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/diff_notes/services/resolve.js
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class ResolveServiceClass {
- gl.mrWidget.checkStatus();
+ if (gl.mrWidget) gl.mrWidget.checkStatus();
.catch(() => new Flash('An error occurred when trying to resolve a discussion. Please try again.'));
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/dispatcher.js b/app/assets/javascripts/dispatcher.js
index 44606989395..678af8f7b7a 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/dispatcher.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/dispatcher.js
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, no-var, prefer-arrow-callback, wrap-iife, no-shadow, consistent-return, one-var, one-var-declaration-per-line, camelcase, default-case, no-new, quotes, no-duplicate-case, no-case-declarations, no-fallthrough, max-len */
import { s__ } from './locale';
-/* global ProjectSelect */
+import projectSelect from './project_select';
import IssuableIndex from './issuable_index';
-/* global Milestone */
+import Milestone from './milestone';
import IssuableForm from './issuable_form';
import LabelsSelect from './labels_select';
/* global MilestoneSelect */
-/* global NewBranchForm */
+import NewBranchForm from './new_branch_form';
/* global NotificationsForm */
/* global NotificationsDropdown */
import groupAvatar from './group_avatar';
@@ -18,21 +18,19 @@ import groupsSelect from './groups_select';
/* global Search */
/* global Admin */
import NamespaceSelect from './namespace_select';
-/* global NewCommitForm */
-/* global NewBranchForm */
-/* global Project */
-/* global ProjectAvatar */
+import NewCommitForm from './new_commit_form';
+import Project from './project';
+import projectAvatar from './project_avatar';
/* global MergeRequest */
/* global Compare */
/* global CompareAutocomplete */
/* global ProjectFindFile */
-/* global ProjectNew */
-/* global ProjectShow */
-/* global ProjectImport */
+import ProjectNew from './project_new';
+import projectImport from './project_import';
import Labels from './labels';
import LabelManager from './label_manager';
/* global Sidebar */
+import IssuableTemplateSelectors from './templates/issuable_template_selectors';
import Flash from './flash';
import CommitsList from './commits';
import Issue from './issue';
@@ -91,6 +89,8 @@ import Members from './members';
import memberExpirationDate from './member_expiration_date';
import DueDateSelectors from './due_date_select';
import Diff from './diff';
+import ProjectLabelSubscription from './project_label_subscription';
+import ProjectVariables from './project_variables';
(function() {
var Dispatcher;
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ import Diff from './diff';
case 'dashboard:milestones:index':
- new ProjectSelect();
+ projectSelect();
case 'projects:milestones:show':
case 'groups:milestones:show':
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ import Diff from './diff';
case 'dashboard:issues':
case 'dashboard:merge_requests':
- new ProjectSelect();
+ projectSelect();
case 'groups:issues':
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ import Diff from './diff';
const filteredSearchManager = new gl.FilteredSearchManager(page === 'groups:issues' ? 'issues' : 'merge_requests');
- new ProjectSelect();
+ projectSelect();
case 'dashboard:todos:index':
new Todos();
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ import Diff from './diff';
new IssuableForm($('.issue-form'));
new LabelsSelect();
new MilestoneSelect();
- new gl.IssuableTemplateSelectors();
+ new IssuableTemplateSelectors();
case 'projects:merge_requests:creations:new':
const mrNewCompareNode = document.querySelector('.js-merge-request-new-compare');
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ import Diff from './diff';
new IssuableForm($('.merge-request-form'));
new LabelsSelect();
new MilestoneSelect();
- new gl.IssuableTemplateSelectors();
+ new IssuableTemplateSelectors();
new AutoWidthDropdownSelect($('.js-target-branch-select')).init();
case 'projects:tags:new':
@@ -298,18 +298,21 @@ import Diff from './diff';
case 'projects:snippets:show':
+ new ZenMode();
case 'projects:snippets:new':
case 'projects:snippets:edit':
case 'projects:snippets:create':
case 'projects:snippets:update':
new GLForm($('.snippet-form'), true);
+ new ZenMode();
case 'snippets:new':
case 'snippets:edit':
case 'snippets:create':
case 'snippets:update':
new GLForm($('.snippet-form'), false);
+ new ZenMode();
case 'projects:releases:edit':
new ZenMode();
@@ -317,7 +320,6 @@ import Diff from './diff';
case 'projects:merge_requests:show':
new Diff();
- shortcut_handler = new ShortcutsIssuable(true);
new ZenMode();
@@ -327,6 +329,8 @@ import Diff from './diff';
window.mergeRequest = new MergeRequest({
action: mrShowNode.dataset.mrAction,
+ shortcut_handler = new ShortcutsIssuable(true);
case 'dashboard:activity':
new gl.Activities();
@@ -339,7 +343,8 @@ import Diff from './diff';
container: '.js-commit-pipeline-graph',
- initChangesDropdown();
+ const stickyBarPaddingTop = 16;
+ initChangesDropdown(document.querySelector('.navbar-gitlab').offsetHeight - stickyBarPaddingTop);
case 'projects:commit:pipelines':
@@ -378,9 +383,10 @@ import Diff from './diff';
case 'projects:imports:show':
- new ProjectImport();
+ projectImport();
case 'projects:pipelines:new':
+ case 'projects:pipelines:create':
new NewBranchForm($('.js-new-pipeline-form'));
case 'projects:pipelines:builds':
@@ -484,7 +490,7 @@ import Diff from './diff';
if ($el.find('.dropdown-group-label').length) {
new GroupLabelSubscription($el);
} else {
- new gl.ProjectLabelSubscription($el);
+ new ProjectLabelSubscription($el);
@@ -520,7 +526,7 @@ import Diff from './diff';
// Initialize expandable settings panels
case 'groups:settings:ci_cd:show':
- new gl.ProjectVariables();
+ new ProjectVariables();
case 'ci:lints:create':
case 'ci:lints:show':
@@ -536,6 +542,7 @@ import Diff from './diff';
new LineHighlighter();
new BlobViewer();
+ new ZenMode();
case 'import:fogbugz:new_user_map':
new UsersSelect();
@@ -548,7 +555,15 @@ import Diff from './diff';
import(/* webpackChunkName: "clusters" */ './clusters/clusters_bundle')
.then(cluster => new cluster.default()) // eslint-disable-line new-cap
.catch((err) => {
- Flash(s__('ClusterIntegration|Problem setting up the cluster JavaScript'));
+ Flash(s__('ClusterIntegration|Problem setting up the cluster'));
+ throw err;
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'projects:clusters:index':
+ import(/* webpackChunkName: "clusters_index" */ './clusters/clusters_index')
+ .then(clusterIndex => clusterIndex.default())
+ .catch((err) => {
+ Flash(s__('ClusterIntegration|Problem setting up the clusters list'));
throw err;
@@ -604,7 +619,7 @@ import Diff from './diff';
case 'projects':
new Project();
- new ProjectAvatar();
+ projectAvatar();
switch (path[1]) {
case 'compare':
new CompareAutocomplete();
@@ -623,7 +638,6 @@ import Diff from './diff';
case 'show':
new Star();
new ProjectNew();
- new ProjectShow();
new NotificationsDropdown();
case 'wikis':
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/droplab/constants.js b/app/assets/javascripts/droplab/constants.js
index 868d47e91b3..673e9bb4c0f 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/droplab/constants.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/droplab/constants.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ const DATA_DROPDOWN = 'data-dropdown';
const SELECTED_CLASS = 'droplab-item-selected';
const ACTIVE_CLASS = 'droplab-item-active';
const IGNORE_CLASS = 'droplab-item-ignore';
+const IGNORE_HIDING_CLASS = 'droplab-item-ignore-hiding';
// Matches `{{anything}}` and `{{ everything }}`.
const TEMPLATE_REGEX = /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g;
@@ -13,4 +14,5 @@ export {
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/droplab/drop_down.js b/app/assets/javascripts/droplab/drop_down.js
index 3901bb177fe..5eb0a339a1c 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/droplab/drop_down.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/droplab/drop_down.js
@@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
import utils from './utils';
-import { SELECTED_CLASS, IGNORE_CLASS } from './constants';
class DropDown {
- constructor(list) {
+ constructor(list, config = {}) {
this.currentIndex = 0;
this.hidden = true;
this.list = typeof list === 'string' ? document.querySelector(list) : list;
this.items = [];
this.eventWrapper = {};
+ if (config.addActiveClassToDropdownButton) {
+ this.dropdownToggle = this.list.parentNode.querySelector('.js-dropdown-toggle');
+ }
@@ -42,7 +45,7 @@ class DropDown {
- this.hide();
+ if (! this.hide();
const listEvent = new CustomEvent('click.dl', {
detail: {
@@ -67,7 +70,20 @@ class DropDown {
addEvents() {
this.eventWrapper.clickEvent = this.clickEvent.bind(this);
+ this.eventWrapper.closeDropdown = this.closeDropdown.bind(this);
this.list.addEventListener('click', this.eventWrapper.clickEvent);
+ this.list.addEventListener('keyup', this.eventWrapper.closeDropdown);
+ }
+ closeDropdown(event) {
+ // `ESC` key closes the dropdown.
+ if (event.keyCode === 27) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ return this.toggle();
+ }
+ return true;
setData(data) {
@@ -110,6 +126,8 @@ class DropDown { = 'block';
this.currentIndex = 0;
this.hidden = false;
+ if (this.dropdownToggle) this.dropdownToggle.classList.add('active');
hide() {
@@ -117,6 +135,8 @@ class DropDown { = 'none';
this.currentIndex = 0;
this.hidden = true;
+ if (this.dropdownToggle) this.dropdownToggle.classList.remove('active');
toggle() {
@@ -128,6 +148,7 @@ class DropDown {
destroy() {
this.list.removeEventListener('click', this.eventWrapper.clickEvent);
+ this.list.removeEventListener('keyup', this.eventWrapper.closeDropdown);
static setImagesSrc(template) {
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/droplab/hook.js b/app/assets/javascripts/droplab/hook.js
index cf78165b0d8..8a8dcde9f88 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/droplab/hook.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/droplab/hook.js
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import DropDown from './drop_down';
class Hook {
constructor(trigger, list, plugins, config) {
this.trigger = trigger;
- this.list = new DropDown(list);
+ this.list = new DropDown(list, config);
this.type = 'Hook';
this.event = 'click';
this.plugins = plugins || [];
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/dropzone_input.js b/app/assets/javascripts/dropzone_input.js
index b7747ee3f83..c84be42649a 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/dropzone_input.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/dropzone_input.js
@@ -36,7 +36,10 @@ export default function dropzoneInput(form) {
- if (!uploadsPath) return;
+ if (!uploadsPath) {
+ $formDropzone.addClass('js-invalid-dropzone');
+ return;
+ }
const dropzone = $formDropzone.dropzone({
url: uploadsPath,
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/emoji/support/is_emoji_unicode_supported.js b/app/assets/javascripts/emoji/support/is_emoji_unicode_supported.js
index 3fd23efa9f8..e9defb62cf8 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/emoji/support/is_emoji_unicode_supported.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/emoji/support/is_emoji_unicode_supported.js
@@ -7,6 +7,17 @@ function isFlagEmoji(emojiUnicode) {
return emojiUnicode.length === 4 && cp >= flagACodePoint && cp <= flagZCodePoint;
+// Tested on mac OS 10.12.6 and Windows 10 FCU, it renders as two separate characters
+const baseFlagCodePoint = 127987; // parseInt('1F3F3', 16)
+const rainbowCodePoint = 127752; // parseInt('1F308', 16)
+function isRainbowFlagEmoji(emojiUnicode) {
+ const characters = Array.from(emojiUnicode);
+ // Length 4 because flags are made of 2 characters which are surrogate pairs
+ return emojiUnicode.length === 4 &&
+ characters[0].codePointAt(0) === baseFlagCodePoint &&
+ characters[1].codePointAt(0) === rainbowCodePoint;
// Chrome <57 renders keycaps oddly
// See
// Same issue on Windows also fixed in Chrome 57,
@@ -57,9 +68,11 @@ function isPersonZwjEmoji(emojiUnicode) {
// in `isEmojiUnicodeSupported` logic
function checkFlagEmojiSupport(unicodeSupportMap, emojiUnicode) {
const isFlagResult = isFlagEmoji(emojiUnicode);
+ const isRainbowFlagResult = isRainbowFlagEmoji(emojiUnicode);
return (
(unicodeSupportMap.flag && isFlagResult) ||
- !isFlagResult
+ (unicodeSupportMap.rainbowFlag && isRainbowFlagResult) ||
+ (!isFlagResult && !isRainbowFlagResult)
@@ -113,6 +126,7 @@ function isEmojiUnicodeSupported(unicodeSupportMap = {}, emojiUnicode, unicodeVe
export {
isEmojiUnicodeSupported as default,
+ isRainbowFlagEmoji,
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/emoji/support/unicode_support_map.js b/app/assets/javascripts/emoji/support/unicode_support_map.js
index 755381c2f95..c18d07dad43 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/emoji/support/unicode_support_map.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/emoji/support/unicode_support_map.js
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import AccessorUtilities from '../../lib/utils/accessor';
+const GL_EMOJI_VERSION = '0.2.0';
const unicodeSupportTestMap = {
// man, student (emojione does not have any of these yet),
// occupationZwj: '\u{1F468}\u{200D}\u{1F393}',
@@ -13,6 +15,7 @@ const unicodeSupportTestMap = {
horseRacing: '\u{1F3C7}\u{1F3FF}',
// US flag,
flag: '\u{1F1FA}\u{1F1F8}',
+ rainbowFlag: '\u{1F3F3}\u{1F308}',
skinToneModifier: [
// spy_tone5
@@ -141,23 +144,31 @@ function generateUnicodeSupportMap(testMap) {
export default function getUnicodeSupportMap() {
- let unicodeSupportMap;
- let userAgentFromCache;
const isLocalStorageAvailable = AccessorUtilities.isLocalStorageAccessSafe();
- if (isLocalStorageAvailable) userAgentFromCache = window.localStorage.getItem('gl-emoji-user-agent');
+ let glEmojiVersionFromCache;
+ let userAgentFromCache;
+ if (isLocalStorageAvailable) {
+ glEmojiVersionFromCache = window.localStorage.getItem('gl-emoji-version');
+ userAgentFromCache = window.localStorage.getItem('gl-emoji-user-agent');
+ }
+ let unicodeSupportMap;
try {
unicodeSupportMap = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('gl-emoji-unicode-support-map'));
} catch (err) {
// swallow
- if (!unicodeSupportMap || userAgentFromCache !== navigator.userAgent) {
+ if (
+ !unicodeSupportMap ||
+ glEmojiVersionFromCache !== GL_EMOJI_VERSION ||
+ userAgentFromCache !== navigator.userAgent
+ ) {
unicodeSupportMap = generateUnicodeSupportMap(unicodeSupportTestMap);
if (isLocalStorageAvailable) {
+ window.localStorage.setItem('gl-emoji-version', GL_EMOJI_VERSION);
window.localStorage.setItem('gl-emoji-user-agent', navigator.userAgent);
window.localStorage.setItem('gl-emoji-unicode-support-map', JSON.stringify(unicodeSupportMap));
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/container.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/container.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3236077c3cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/container.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ import loadingIcon from '../../vue_shared/components/loading_icon.vue';
+ import tablePagination from '../../vue_shared/components/table_pagination.vue';
+ import environmentTable from '../components/environments_table.vue';
+ export default {
+ props: {
+ isLoading: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ environments: {
+ type: Array,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ pagination: {
+ type: Object,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ canCreateDeployment: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ canReadEnvironment: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ },
+ components: {
+ environmentTable,
+ loadingIcon,
+ tablePagination,
+ },
+ methods: {
+ onChangePage(page) {
+ this.$emit('onChangePage', page);
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ <div class="environments-container">
+ <loading-icon
+ label="Loading environments"
+ v-if="isLoading"
+ size="3"
+ />
+ <slot name="emptyState"></slot>
+ <div
+ class="table-holder"
+ v-if="!isLoading && environments.length > 0">
+ <environment-table
+ :environments="environments"
+ :can-create-deployment="canCreateDeployment"
+ :can-read-environment="canReadEnvironment"
+ />
+ <table-pagination
+ v-if="pagination && pagination.totalPages > 1"
+ :change="onChangePage"
+ :pageInfo="pagination"
+ />
+ </div>
+ </div>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/empty_state.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/empty_state.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2646f08c8e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/empty_state.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ export default {
+ name: 'environmentsEmptyState',
+ props: {
+ newPath: {
+ type: String,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ canCreateEnvironment: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ helpPath: {
+ type: String,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ <div class="blank-state-row">
+ <div class="blank-state-center">
+ <h2 class="blank-state-title js-blank-state-title">
+ {{s__("Environments|You don't have any environments right now.")}}
+ </h2>
+ <p class="blank-state-text">
+ {{s__("Environments|Environments are places where code gets deployed, such as staging or production.")}}
+ <br />
+ <a :href="helpPath">
+ {{s__("Environments|Read more about environments")}}
+ </a>
+ </p>
+ <a
+ v-if="canCreateEnvironment"
+ :href="newPath"
+ class="btn btn-create js-new-environment-button">
+ {{s__("Environments|New environment")}}
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/environment.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/environment.vue
deleted file mode 100644
index c039ae85cfb..00000000000
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/environment.vue
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-import Visibility from 'visibilityjs';
-import Flash from '../../flash';
-import EnvironmentsService from '../services/environments_service';
-import environmentTable from './environments_table.vue';
-import EnvironmentsStore from '../stores/environments_store';
-import loadingIcon from '../../vue_shared/components/loading_icon.vue';
-import tablePagination from '../../vue_shared/components/table_pagination.vue';
-import { convertPermissionToBoolean, getParameterByName, setParamInURL } from '../../lib/utils/common_utils';
-import eventHub from '../event_hub';
-import Poll from '../../lib/utils/poll';
-import environmentsMixin from '../mixins/environments_mixin';
-export default {
- components: {
- environmentTable,
- tablePagination,
- loadingIcon,
- },
- mixins: [
- environmentsMixin,
- ],
- data() {
- const environmentsData = document.querySelector('#environments-list-view').dataset;
- const store = new EnvironmentsStore();
- return {
- store,
- state: store.state,
- visibility: 'available',
- isLoading: false,
- cssContainerClass: environmentsData.cssClass,
- endpoint: environmentsData.environmentsDataEndpoint,
- canCreateDeployment: environmentsData.canCreateDeployment,
- canReadEnvironment: environmentsData.canReadEnvironment,
- canCreateEnvironment: environmentsData.canCreateEnvironment,
- projectEnvironmentsPath: environmentsData.projectEnvironmentsPath,
- projectStoppedEnvironmentsPath: environmentsData.projectStoppedEnvironmentsPath,
- newEnvironmentPath: environmentsData.newEnvironmentPath,
- helpPagePath: environmentsData.helpPagePath,
- isMakingRequest: false,
- // Pagination Properties,
- paginationInformation: {},
- pageNumber: 1,
- };
- },
- computed: {
- scope() {
- return getParameterByName('scope');
- },
- canReadEnvironmentParsed() {
- return convertPermissionToBoolean(this.canReadEnvironment);
- },
- canCreateDeploymentParsed() {
- return convertPermissionToBoolean(this.canCreateDeployment);
- },
- canCreateEnvironmentParsed() {
- return convertPermissionToBoolean(this.canCreateEnvironment);
- },
- },
- /**
- * Fetches all the environments and stores them.
- * Toggles loading property.
- */
- created() {
- const scope = getParameterByName('scope') || this.visibility;
- const page = getParameterByName('page') || this.pageNumber;
- this.service = new EnvironmentsService(this.endpoint);
- const poll = new Poll({
- resource: this.service,
- method: 'get',
- data: { scope, page },
- successCallback: this.successCallback,
- errorCallback: this.errorCallback,
- notificationCallback: (isMakingRequest) => {
- this.isMakingRequest = isMakingRequest;
- },
- });
- if (!Visibility.hidden()) {
- this.isLoading = true;
- poll.makeRequest();
- }
- Visibility.change(() => {
- if (!Visibility.hidden()) {
- poll.restart();
- } else {
- poll.stop();
- }
- });
- eventHub.$on('toggleFolder', this.toggleFolder);
- eventHub.$on('postAction', this.postAction);
- },
- beforeDestroy() {
- eventHub.$off('toggleFolder');
- eventHub.$off('postAction');
- },
- methods: {
- toggleFolder(folder) {
- if (!folder.isOpen) {
- this.fetchChildEnvironments(folder, true);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Will change the page number and update the URL.
- *
- * @param {Number} pageNumber desired page to go to.
- * @return {String}
- */
- changePage(pageNumber) {
- const param = setParamInURL('page', pageNumber);
- gl.utils.visitUrl(param);
- return param;
- },
- fetchEnvironments() {
- const scope = getParameterByName('scope') || this.visibility;
- const page = getParameterByName('page') || this.pageNumber;
- this.isLoading = true;
- return this.service.get({ scope, page })
- .then(this.successCallback)
- .catch(this.errorCallback);
- },
- fetchChildEnvironments(folder, showLoader = false) {
-, 'isLoadingFolderContent', showLoader);
- this.service.getFolderContent(folder.folder_path)
- .then(resp => resp.json())
- .then(response =>, response.environments))
- .then(() =>, 'isLoadingFolderContent', false))
- .catch(() => {
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-new
- new Flash('An error occurred while fetching the environments.');
-, 'isLoadingFolderContent', false);
- });
- },
- postAction(endpoint) {
- if (!this.isMakingRequest) {
- this.isLoading = true;
- this.service.postAction(endpoint)
- .then(() => this.fetchEnvironments())
- .catch(() => new Flash('An error occurred while making the request.'));
- }
- },
- successCallback(resp) {
- this.saveData(resp);
- // We need to verify if any folder is open to also update it
- const openFolders =;
- if (openFolders.length) {
- openFolders.forEach(folder => this.fetchChildEnvironments(folder));
- }
- },
- errorCallback() {
- this.isLoading = false;
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-new
- new Flash('An error occurred while fetching the environments.');
- },
- },
- <div :class="cssContainerClass">
- <div class="top-area">
- <ul
- v-if="!isLoading"
- class="nav-links">
- <li :class="{ active: scope === null || scope === 'available' }">
- <a :href="projectEnvironmentsPath">
- Available
- <span class="badge js-available-environments-count">
- {{state.availableCounter}}
- </span>
- </a>
- </li>
- <li :class="{ active : scope === 'stopped' }">
- <a :href="projectStoppedEnvironmentsPath">
- Stopped
- <span class="badge js-stopped-environments-count">
- {{state.stoppedCounter}}
- </span>
- </a>
- </li>
- </ul>
- <div
- v-if="canCreateEnvironmentParsed && !isLoading"
- class="nav-controls">
- <a
- :href="newEnvironmentPath"
- class="btn btn-create">
- New environment
- </a>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="environments-container">
- <loading-icon
- label="Loading environments"
- size="3"
- v-if="isLoading"
- />
- <div
- class="blank-state blank-state-no-icon"
- v-if="!isLoading && state.environments.length === 0">
- <h2 class="blank-state-title js-blank-state-title">
- You don't have any environments right now.
- </h2>
- <p class="blank-state-text">
- Environments are places where code gets deployed, such as staging or production.
- <br />
- <a :href="helpPagePath">
- Read more about environments
- </a>
- </p>
- <a
- v-if="canCreateEnvironmentParsed"
- :href="newEnvironmentPath"
- class="btn btn-create js-new-environment-button">
- New environment
- </a>
- </div>
- <div
- class="table-holder"
- v-if="!isLoading && state.environments.length > 0">
- <environment-table
- :environments="state.environments"
- :can-create-deployment="canCreateDeploymentParsed"
- :can-read-environment="canReadEnvironmentParsed"
- />
- </div>
- <table-pagination
- v-if="state.paginationInformation && state.paginationInformation.totalPages > 1"
- :change="changePage"
- :pageInfo="state.paginationInformation" />
- </div>
- </div>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/environment_external_url.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/environment_external_url.vue
index 6b749814ea4..520c3ac8ace 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/environment_external_url.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/environment_external_url.vue
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import tooltip from '../../vue_shared/directives/tooltip';
+import { s__ } from '../../locale';
* Renders the external url link in environments table.
@@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ export default {
computed: {
title() {
- return 'Open';
+ return s__('Environments|Open');
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/environment_item.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/environment_item.vue
index fc0308b81ba..2f0e397aa45 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/environment_item.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/environment_item.vue
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import Timeago from 'timeago.js';
import _ from 'underscore';
import userAvatarLink from '../../vue_shared/components/user_avatar/user_avatar_link.vue';
-import '../../lib/utils/text_utility';
+import { humanize } from '../../lib/utils/text_utility';
import ActionsComponent from './environment_actions.vue';
import ExternalUrlComponent from './environment_external_url.vue';
import StopComponent from './environment_stop.vue';
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ export default {
if (this.hasManualActions) {
return => {
const parsedAction = {
- name: gl.text.humanize(,
+ name: humanize(,
play_path: action.play_path,
playable: action.playable,
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ export default {
- Environment
+ {{s__("Environments|Environment")}}
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ export default {
- Commit
+ {{s__("Environments|Commit")}}
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ export default {
class="commit-title table-mobile-content">
- No deployments yet
+ {{s__("Environments|No deployments yet")}}
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ export default {
- Updated
+ {{s__("Environments|Updated")}}
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/environment_monitoring.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/environment_monitoring.vue
index 1655561cdd3..b45af1a5ebc 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/environment_monitoring.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/environment_monitoring.vue
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ export default {
class="fa fa-area-chart"
- aria-hidden="true" />
+ aria-hidden="true"
+ />
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/environment_rollback.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/environment_rollback.vue
index 49dba38edfb..92a596bfd33 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/environment_rollback.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/environment_rollback.vue
@@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ export default {
<span v-if="isLastDeployment">
- Re-deploy
+ {{s__("Environments|Re-deploy")}}
<span v-else>
- Rollback
+ {{s__("Environments|Rollback")}}
<loading-icon v-if="isLoading" />
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/environments_app.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/environments_app.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2592909734f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/environments_app.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+ import Flash from '../../flash';
+ import { s__ } from '../../locale';
+ import emptyState from './empty_state.vue';
+ import eventHub from '../event_hub';
+ import environmentsMixin from '../mixins/environments_mixin';
+ import CIPaginationMixin from '../../vue_shared/mixins/ci_pagination_api_mixin';
+ export default {
+ props: {
+ endpoint: {
+ type: String,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ canCreateEnvironment: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ canCreateDeployment: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ canReadEnvironment: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ cssContainerClass: {
+ type: String,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ newEnvironmentPath: {
+ type: String,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ helpPagePath: {
+ type: String,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ },
+ components: {
+ emptyState,
+ },
+ mixins: [
+ CIPaginationMixin,
+ environmentsMixin,
+ ],
+ created() {
+ eventHub.$on('toggleFolder', this.toggleFolder);
+ },
+ beforeDestroy() {
+ eventHub.$off('toggleFolder');
+ },
+ methods: {
+ toggleFolder(folder) {
+ if (!folder.isOpen) {
+ this.fetchChildEnvironments(folder, true);
+ }
+ },
+ fetchChildEnvironments(folder, showLoader = false) {
+, 'isLoadingFolderContent', showLoader);
+ this.service.getFolderContent(folder.folder_path)
+ .then(resp => resp.json())
+ .then(response =>, response.environments))
+ .then(() =>, 'isLoadingFolderContent', false))
+ .catch(() => {
+ Flash(s__('Environments|An error occurred while fetching the environments.'));
+, 'isLoadingFolderContent', false);
+ });
+ },
+ successCallback(resp) {
+ this.saveData(resp);
+ // We need to verify if any folder is open to also update it
+ const openFolders =;
+ if (openFolders.length) {
+ openFolders.forEach(folder => this.fetchChildEnvironments(folder));
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ <div :class="cssContainerClass">
+ <div class="top-area">
+ <tabs
+ :tabs="tabs"
+ @onChangeTab="onChangeTab"
+ scope="environments"
+ />
+ <div
+ v-if="canCreateEnvironment && !isLoading"
+ class="nav-controls">
+ <a
+ :href="newEnvironmentPath"
+ class="btn btn-create">
+ {{s__("Environments|New environment")}}
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <container
+ :is-loading="isLoading"
+ :environments="state.environments"
+ :pagination="state.paginationInformation"
+ :can-create-deployment="canCreateDeployment"
+ :can-read-environment="canReadEnvironment"
+ @onChangePage="onChangePage"
+ >
+ <empty-state
+ slot="emptyState"
+ v-if="!isLoading && state.environments.length === 0"
+ :new-path="newEnvironmentPath"
+ :help-path="helpPagePath"
+ :can-create-environment="canCreateEnvironment"
+ />
+ </container>
+ </div>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/environments_table.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/environments_table.vue
index 175cc8f1f72..c04da4b81b7 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/environments_table.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/environments/components/environments_table.vue
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
* Render environments table.
-import EnvironmentTableRowComponent from './environment_item.vue';
+import environmentItem from './environment_item.vue';
import loadingIcon from '../../vue_shared/components/loading_icon.vue';
export default {
components: {
- 'environment-item': EnvironmentTableRowComponent,
+ environmentItem,
@@ -42,19 +42,19 @@ export default {
<div class="ci-table" role="grid">
<div class="gl-responsive-table-row table-row-header" role="row">
<div class="table-section section-10 environments-name" role="columnheader">
- Environment
+ {{s__("Environments|Environment")}}
<div class="table-section section-10 environments-deploy" role="columnheader">
- Deployment
+ {{s__("Environments|Deployment")}}
<div class="table-section section-15 environments-build" role="columnheader">
- Job
+ {{s__("Environments|Job")}}
<div class="table-section section-25 environments-commit" role="columnheader">
- Commit
+ {{s__("Environments|Commit")}}
<div class="table-section section-10 environments-date" role="columnheader">
- Updated
+ {{s__("Environments|Updated")}}
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ export default {
class="btn btn-default">
- Show all
+ {{s__("Environments|Show all")}}
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/environments/environments_bundle.js b/app/assets/javascripts/environments/environments_bundle.js
index c0662125f28..2e0a4001b7c 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/environments/environments_bundle.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/environments/environments_bundle.js
@@ -1,10 +1,39 @@
import Vue from 'vue';
-import EnvironmentsComponent from './components/environment.vue';
+import environmentsComponent from './components/environments_app.vue';
+import { convertPermissionToBoolean } from '../lib/utils/common_utils';
+import Translate from '../vue_shared/translate';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => new Vue({
el: '#environments-list-view',
components: {
- 'environments-table-app': EnvironmentsComponent,
+ environmentsComponent,
+ },
+ data() {
+ const environmentsData = document.querySelector(this.$options.el).dataset;
+ return {
+ endpoint: environmentsData.environmentsDataEndpoint,
+ newEnvironmentPath: environmentsData.newEnvironmentPath,
+ helpPagePath: environmentsData.helpPagePath,
+ cssContainerClass: environmentsData.cssClass,
+ canCreateEnvironment: convertPermissionToBoolean(environmentsData.canCreateEnvironment),
+ canCreateDeployment: convertPermissionToBoolean(environmentsData.canCreateDeployment),
+ canReadEnvironment: convertPermissionToBoolean(environmentsData.canReadEnvironment),
+ };
+ },
+ render(createElement) {
+ return createElement('environments-component', {
+ props: {
+ endpoint: this.endpoint,
+ newEnvironmentPath: this.newEnvironmentPath,
+ helpPagePath: this.helpPagePath,
+ cssContainerClass: this.cssContainerClass,
+ canCreateEnvironment: this.canCreateEnvironment,
+ canCreateDeployment: this.canCreateDeployment,
+ canReadEnvironment: this.canReadEnvironment,
+ },
+ });
- render: createElement => createElement('environments-table-app'),
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/environments/folder/environments_folder_bundle.js b/app/assets/javascripts/environments/folder/environments_folder_bundle.js
index 9add8c3d721..5d2d14c7682 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/environments/folder/environments_folder_bundle.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/environments/folder/environments_folder_bundle.js
@@ -1,10 +1,35 @@
import Vue from 'vue';
-import EnvironmentsFolderComponent from './environments_folder_view.vue';
+import environmentsFolderApp from './environments_folder_view.vue';
+import { convertPermissionToBoolean } from '../../lib/utils/common_utils';
+import Translate from '../../vue_shared/translate';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => new Vue({
el: '#environments-folder-list-view',
components: {
- 'environments-folder-app': EnvironmentsFolderComponent,
+ environmentsFolderApp,
+ },
+ data() {
+ const environmentsData = document.querySelector(this.$options.el).dataset;
+ return {
+ endpoint: environmentsData.endpoint,
+ folderName: environmentsData.folderName,
+ cssContainerClass: environmentsData.cssClass,
+ canCreateDeployment: convertPermissionToBoolean(environmentsData.canCreateDeployment),
+ canReadEnvironment: convertPermissionToBoolean(environmentsData.canReadEnvironment),
+ };
+ },
+ render(createElement) {
+ return createElement('environments-folder-app', {
+ props: {
+ endpoint: this.endpoint,
+ folderName: this.folderName,
+ cssContainerClass: this.cssContainerClass,
+ canCreateDeployment: this.canCreateDeployment,
+ canReadEnvironment: this.canReadEnvironment,
+ },
+ });
- render: createElement => createElement('environments-folder-app'),
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/environments/folder/environments_folder_view.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/environments/folder/environments_folder_view.vue
index b155560df9d..27418bad01a 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/environments/folder/environments_folder_view.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/environments/folder/environments_folder_view.vue
@@ -1,168 +1,40 @@
-import Visibility from 'visibilityjs';
-import Flash from '../../flash';
-import EnvironmentsService from '../services/environments_service';
-import environmentTable from '../components/environments_table.vue';
-import EnvironmentsStore from '../stores/environments_store';
-import loadingIcon from '../../vue_shared/components/loading_icon.vue';
-import tablePagination from '../../vue_shared/components/table_pagination.vue';
-import Poll from '../../lib/utils/poll';
-import eventHub from '../event_hub';
-import environmentsMixin from '../mixins/environments_mixin';
-import { convertPermissionToBoolean, getParameterByName, setParamInURL } from '../../lib/utils/common_utils';
-export default {
- components: {
- environmentTable,
- tablePagination,
- loadingIcon,
- },
- mixins: [
- environmentsMixin,
- ],
- data() {
- const environmentsData = document.querySelector('#environments-folder-list-view').dataset;
- const store = new EnvironmentsStore();
- const pathname = window.location.pathname;
- const endpoint = `${pathname}.json`;
- const folderName = pathname.substr(pathname.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
- return {
- store,
- folderName,
- endpoint,
- state: store.state,
- visibility: 'available',
- isLoading: false,
- cssContainerClass: environmentsData.cssClass,
- canCreateDeployment: environmentsData.canCreateDeployment,
- canReadEnvironment: environmentsData.canReadEnvironment,
- // Pagination Properties,
- paginationInformation: {},
- pageNumber: 1,
- };
- },
- computed: {
- scope() {
- return getParameterByName('scope');
- },
- canReadEnvironmentParsed() {
- return convertPermissionToBoolean(this.canReadEnvironment);
- },
- canCreateDeploymentParsed() {
- return convertPermissionToBoolean(this.canCreateDeployment);
- },
- /**
- * URL to link in the stopped tab.
- *
- * @return {String}
- */
- stoppedPath() {
- return `${window.location.pathname}?scope=stopped`;
- },
- /**
- * URL to link in the available tab.
- *
- * @return {String}
- */
- availablePath() {
- return window.location.pathname;
- },
- },
- /**
- * Fetches all the environments and stores them.
- * Toggles loading property.
- */
- created() {
- const scope = getParameterByName('scope') || this.visibility;
- const page = getParameterByName('page') || this.pageNumber;
- this.service = new EnvironmentsService(this.endpoint);
- const poll = new Poll({
- resource: this.service,
- method: 'get',
- data: { scope, page },
- successCallback: this.successCallback,
- errorCallback: this.errorCallback,
- notificationCallback: (isMakingRequest) => {
- this.isMakingRequest = isMakingRequest;
+ import environmentsMixin from '../mixins/environments_mixin';
+ import CIPaginationMixin from '../../vue_shared/mixins/ci_pagination_api_mixin';
+ export default {
+ props: {
+ endpoint: {
+ type: String,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ folderName: {
+ type: String,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ cssContainerClass: {
+ type: String,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ canCreateDeployment: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ canReadEnvironment: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: true,
- });
- if (!Visibility.hidden()) {
- this.isLoading = true;
- poll.makeRequest();
- }
- Visibility.change(() => {
- if (!Visibility.hidden()) {
- poll.restart();
- } else {
- poll.stop();
- }
- });
- eventHub.$on('postAction', this.postAction);
- },
- beforeDestroyed() {
- eventHub.$off('postAction');
- },
- methods: {
- /**
- * Will change the page number and update the URL.
- *
- * @param {Number} pageNumber desired page to go to.
- */
- changePage(pageNumber) {
- const param = setParamInURL('page', pageNumber);
- gl.utils.visitUrl(param);
- return param;
- },
- fetchEnvironments() {
- const scope = getParameterByName('scope') || this.visibility;
- const page = getParameterByName('page') || this.pageNumber;
- this.isLoading = true;
- return this.service.get({ scope, page })
- .then(this.successCallback)
- .catch(this.errorCallback);
- },
- successCallback(resp) {
- this.saveData(resp);
- },
- errorCallback() {
- this.isLoading = false;
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-new
- new Flash('An error occurred while fetching the environments.');
- postAction(endpoint) {
- if (!this.isMakingRequest) {
- this.isLoading = true;
- this.service.postAction(endpoint)
- .then(() => this.fetchEnvironments())
- .catch(() => new Flash('An error occurred while making the request.'));
- }
+ mixins: [
+ environmentsMixin,
+ CIPaginationMixin,
+ ],
+ methods: {
+ successCallback(resp) {
+ this.saveData(resp);
+ },
- },
+ };
<div :class="cssContainerClass">
@@ -171,56 +43,23 @@ export default {
<h4 class="js-folder-name environments-folder-name">
- Environments / <b>{{folderName}}</b>
+ {{s__("Environments|Environments")}} / <b>{{folderName}}</b>
- <ul class="nav-links">
- <li :class="{ active: scope === null || scope === 'available' }">
- <a
- :href="availablePath"
- class="js-available-environments-folder-tab">
- Available
- <span class="badge js-available-environments-count">
- {{state.availableCounter}}
- </span>
- </a>
- </li>
- <li :class="{ active : scope === 'stopped' }">
- <a
- :href="stoppedPath"
- class="js-stopped-environments-folder-tab">
- Stopped
- <span class="badge js-stopped-environments-count">
- {{state.stoppedCounter}}
- </span>
- </a>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <div class="environments-container">
- <loading-icon
- label="Loading environments"
- v-if="isLoading"
- size="3"
+ <tabs
+ :tabs="tabs"
+ @onChangeTab="onChangeTab"
+ scope="environments"
- <div
- class="table-holder"
- v-if="!isLoading && state.environments.length > 0">
- <environment-table
- :environments="state.environments"
- :can-create-deployment="canCreateDeploymentParsed"
- :can-read-environment="canReadEnvironmentParsed"
- />
- <table-pagination
- v-if="state.paginationInformation && state.paginationInformation.totalPages > 1"
- :change="changePage"
- :pageInfo="state.paginationInformation"/>
- </div>
+ <container
+ :is-loading="isLoading"
+ :environments="state.environments"
+ :pagination="state.paginationInformation"
+ :can-create-deployment="canCreateDeployment"
+ :can-read-environment="canReadEnvironment"
+ @onChangePage="onChangePage"
+ />
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/environments/mixins/environments_mixin.js b/app/assets/javascripts/environments/mixins/environments_mixin.js
index 8f4066e3a6e..7219b076721 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/environments/mixins/environments_mixin.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/environments/mixins/environments_mixin.js
@@ -1,15 +1,174 @@
+ * Common code between environmets app and folder view
+ */
+import Visibility from 'visibilityjs';
+import Poll from '../../lib/utils/poll';
+import {
+ getParameterByName,
+ parseQueryStringIntoObject,
+} from '../../lib/utils/common_utils';
+import { s__ } from '../../locale';
+import Flash from '../../flash';
+import eventHub from '../event_hub';
+import EnvironmentsStore from '../stores/environments_store';
+import EnvironmentsService from '../services/environments_service';
+import loadingIcon from '../../vue_shared/components/loading_icon.vue';
+import tablePagination from '../../vue_shared/components/table_pagination.vue';
+import environmentTable from '../components/environments_table.vue';
+import tabs from '../../vue_shared/components/navigation_tabs.vue';
+import container from '../components/container.vue';
export default {
+ components: {
+ environmentTable,
+ container,
+ loadingIcon,
+ tabs,
+ tablePagination,
+ },
+ data() {
+ const store = new EnvironmentsStore();
+ return {
+ store,
+ state: store.state,
+ isLoading: false,
+ isMakingRequest: false,
+ scope: getParameterByName('scope') || 'available',
+ page: getParameterByName('page') || '1',
+ requestData: {},
+ };
+ },
methods: {
saveData(resp) {
const headers = resp.headers;
return resp.json().then((response) => {
this.isLoading = false;
+ if (_.isEqual(parseQueryStringIntoObject(resp.url.split('?')[1]), this.requestData)) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles URL and query parameter changes.
+ * When the user uses the pagination or the tabs,
+ * - update URL
+ * - Make API request to the server with new parameters
+ * - Update the polling function
+ * - Update the internal state
+ */
+ updateContent(parameters) {
+ this.updateInternalState(parameters);
+ // fetch new data
+ return this.service.get(this.requestData)
+ .then(response => this.successCallback(response))
+ .then(() => {
+ // restart polling
+ this.poll.restart({ data: this.requestData });
+ })
+ .catch(() => {
+ this.errorCallback();
+ // restart polling
+ this.poll.restart();
+ });
+ },
+ errorCallback() {
+ this.isLoading = false;
+ Flash(s__('Environments|An error occurred while fetching the environments.'));
+ },
+ postAction(endpoint) {
+ if (!this.isMakingRequest) {
+ this.isLoading = true;
+ this.service.postAction(endpoint)
+ .then(() => this.fetchEnvironments())
+ .catch(() => {
+ this.isLoading = false;
+ Flash(s__('Environments|An error occurred while making the request.'));
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ fetchEnvironments() {
+ this.isLoading = true;
+ return this.service.get(this.requestData)
+ .then(this.successCallback)
+ .catch(this.errorCallback);
+ },
+ },
+ computed: {
+ tabs() {
+ return [
+ {
+ name: s__('Available'),
+ scope: 'available',
+ count: this.state.availableCounter,
+ isActive: this.scope === 'available',
+ },
+ {
+ name: s__('Stopped'),
+ scope: 'stopped',
+ count: this.state.stoppedCounter,
+ isActive: this.scope === 'stopped',
+ },
+ ];
+ },
+ },
+ /**
+ * Fetches all the environments and stores them.
+ * Toggles loading property.
+ */
+ created() {
+ this.service = new EnvironmentsService(this.endpoint);
+ this.requestData = { page:, scope: this.scope };
+ this.poll = new Poll({
+ resource: this.service,
+ method: 'get',
+ data: this.requestData,
+ successCallback: this.successCallback,
+ errorCallback: this.errorCallback,
+ notificationCallback: (isMakingRequest) => {
+ this.isMakingRequest = isMakingRequest;
+ },
+ });
+ if (!Visibility.hidden()) {
+ this.isLoading = true;
+ this.poll.makeRequest();
+ } else {
+ this.fetchEnvironments();
+ }
+ Visibility.change(() => {
+ if (!Visibility.hidden()) {
+ this.poll.restart();
+ } else {
+ this.poll.stop();
+ }
+ });
+ eventHub.$on('postAction', this.postAction);
+ },
+ beforeDestroyed() {
+ eventHub.$off('postAction');
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/environments/stores/environments_store.js b/app/assets/javascripts/environments/stores/environments_store.js
index aff8227c38c..5f2989ab854 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/environments/stores/environments_store.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/environments/stores/environments_store.js
@@ -36,7 +36,12 @@ export default class EnvironmentsStore {
storeEnvironments(environments = []) {
const filteredEnvironments = => {
const oldEnvironmentState = this.state.environments
- .find(element => === || {};
+ .find((element) => {
+ if (env.latest) {
+ return ===;
+ }
+ return ===;
+ }) || {};
let filtered = {};
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/flash.js b/app/assets/javascripts/flash.js
index 67261c1c9b4..44deab9288e 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/flash.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/flash.js
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ const createFlashEl = (message, type, isInContentWrapper = false) => `
const removeFlashClickListener = (flashEl, fadeTransition) => {
- flashEl.parentNode.addEventListener('click', () => hideFlash(flashEl, fadeTransition));
+ flashEl.addEventListener('click', () => hideFlash(flashEl, fadeTransition));
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/gfm_auto_complete.js b/app/assets/javascripts/gfm_auto_complete.js
index 5c624b79d45..d918d80df8d 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/gfm_auto_complete.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/gfm_auto_complete.js
@@ -287,6 +287,10 @@ class GfmAutoComplete {
setupLabels($input) {
+ const fetchData = this.fetchData.bind(this);
+ const LABEL_COMMAND = { LABEL: '/label', UNLABEL: '/unlabel', RELABEL: '/relabel' };
+ let command = '';
at: '~',
alias: 'labels',
@@ -309,8 +313,45 @@ class GfmAutoComplete {
title: sanitize(m.title),
color: m.color,
search: m.title,
+ set: m.set,
+ matcher(flag, subtext) {
+ const match = GfmAutoComplete.defaultMatcher(flag, subtext,;
+ const subtextNodes = subtext.split(/\n+/g).pop().split(GfmAutoComplete.regexSubtext);
+ // Check if ~ is followed by '/label', '/relabel' or '/unlabel' commands.
+ command = subtextNodes.find((node) => {
+ if (node === LABEL_COMMAND.LABEL ||
+ node === LABEL_COMMAND.UNLABEL) { return node; }
+ return null;
+ });
+ return match && match.length ? match[1] : null;
+ },
+ filter(query, data, searchKey) {
+ if (GfmAutoComplete.isLoading(data)) {
+ fetchData(this.$inputor,;
+ return data;
+ }
+ if (data === GfmAutoComplete.defaultLoadingData) {
+ return $.fn.atwho.default.callbacks.filter(query, data, searchKey);
+ }
+ // The `LABEL_COMMAND.RELABEL` is intentionally skipped
+ // because we want to return all the labels (unfiltered) for that command.
+ if (command === LABEL_COMMAND.LABEL) {
+ // Return labels with set: undefined.
+ return data.filter(label => !label.set);
+ } else if (command === LABEL_COMMAND.UNLABEL) {
+ // Return labels with set: true.
+ return data.filter(label => label.set);
+ }
+ return data;
+ },
@@ -338,27 +379,15 @@ class GfmAutoComplete {
let resultantValue = value;
if (value && !this.setting.skipSpecialCharacterTest) {
const withoutAt = value.substring(1);
- if (withoutAt && /[^\w\d]/.test(withoutAt)) {
+ const regex = value.charAt() === '~' ? /\W|^\d+$/ : /\W/;
+ if (withoutAt && regex.test(withoutAt)) {
resultantValue = `${value.charAt()}"${withoutAt}"`;
return resultantValue;
matcher(flag, subtext) {
- // The below is taken from At.js source
- // Tweaked to commands to start without a space only if char before is a non-word character
- //
- const atSymbolsWithBar = Object.keys('|');
- const atSymbolsWithoutBar = Object.keys('');
- const targetSubtext = subtext.split(/\s+/g).pop();
- const resultantFlag = flag.replace(/[-[\]/{}()*+?.\\^$|]/g, '\\$&');
- const accentAChar = decodeURI('%C3%80');
- const accentYChar = decodeURI('%C3%BF');
- const regexp = new RegExp(`^(?:\\B|[^a-zA-Z0-9_${atSymbolsWithoutBar}]|\\s)${resultantFlag}(?!${atSymbolsWithBar})((?:[A-Za-z${accentAChar}-${accentYChar}0-9_'.+-]|[^\\x00-\\x7a])*)$`, 'gi');
- const match = regexp.exec(targetSubtext);
+ const match = GfmAutoComplete.defaultMatcher(flag, subtext,;
if (match) {
return match[1];
@@ -419,8 +448,27 @@ class GfmAutoComplete {
return dataToInspect &&
(dataToInspect === loadingState || === loadingState);
+ static defaultMatcher(flag, subtext, controllers) {
+ // The below is taken from At.js source
+ // Tweaked to commands to start without a space only if char before is a non-word character
+ //
+ const atSymbolsWithBar = Object.keys(controllers).join('|');
+ const atSymbolsWithoutBar = Object.keys(controllers).join('');
+ const targetSubtext = subtext.split(GfmAutoComplete.regexSubtext).pop();
+ const resultantFlag = flag.replace(/[-[\]/{}()*+?.\\^$|]/g, '\\$&');
+ const accentAChar = decodeURI('%C3%80');
+ const accentYChar = decodeURI('%C3%BF');
+ const regexp = new RegExp(`^(?:\\B|[^a-zA-Z0-9_${atSymbolsWithoutBar}]|\\s)${resultantFlag}(?!${atSymbolsWithBar})((?:[A-Za-z${accentAChar}-${accentYChar}0-9_'.+-]|[^\\x00-\\x7a])*)$`, 'gi');
+ return regexp.exec(targetSubtext);
+ }
+GfmAutoComplete.regexSubtext = new RegExp(/\s+/g);
GfmAutoComplete.defaultLoadingData = ['loading'];
GfmAutoComplete.atTypeMap = {
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/gl_dropdown.js b/app/assets/javascripts/gl_dropdown.js
index c4202f92443..7ca783d3af6 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/gl_dropdown.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/gl_dropdown.js
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ GitLabDropdown = (function() {
if (_this.dropdown.find('.dropdown-toggle-page').length) {
selector = ".dropdown-page-one " + selector;
- return $(selector);
+ return $(selector, this.instance.dropdown);
data: (function(_this) {
@@ -514,10 +514,11 @@ GitLabDropdown = (function() {
const dropdownToggle = this.dropdown.find('.dropdown-menu-toggle');
const hasFilterBulkUpdate = dropdownToggle.hasClass('js-filter-bulk-update');
+ const shouldRefreshOnOpen = dropdownToggle.hasClass('js-gl-dropdown-refresh-on-open');
const hasMultiSelect = dropdownToggle.hasClass('js-multiselect');
// Makes indeterminate items effective
- if (this.fullData && hasFilterBulkUpdate) {
+ if (this.fullData && (shouldRefreshOnOpen || hasFilterBulkUpdate)) {
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/gl_form.js b/app/assets/javascripts/gl_form.js
index 48cd43d3348..d0f9e6af0f8 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/gl_form.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/gl_form.js
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import GfmAutoComplete from './gfm_auto_complete';
import dropzoneInput from './dropzone_input';
+import textUtils from './lib/utils/text_markdown';
export default class GLForm {
constructor(form, enableGFM = false) {
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ export default class GLForm {
// form and textarea event listeners
- gl.text.init(this.form);
+ textUtils.init(this.form);
// hide discard button
@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ export default class GLForm {
clearEventListeners() {'focus');'blur');
- gl.text.removeListeners(this.form);
+ textUtils.removeListeners(this.form);
addEventListeners() {
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/groups/components/group_item.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/groups/components/group_item.vue
index 356a95c05ca..c76ce762b54 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/groups/components/group_item.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/groups/components/group_item.vue
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+import tooltip from '../../vue_shared/directives/tooltip';
import identicon from '../../vue_shared/components/identicon.vue';
import eventHub from '../event_hub';
@@ -8,6 +9,9 @@ import itemStats from './item_stats.vue';
import itemActions from './item_actions.vue';
export default {
+ directives: {
+ tooltip,
+ },
components: {
@@ -112,19 +116,30 @@ export default {
- class="title">
+ class="title namespace-title">
+ v-tooltip
- class="no-expand">{{group.fullName}}</a>
+ :title="group.fullName"
+ class="no-expand"
+ data-placement="top"
+ >{{
+ // ending bracket must be by closing tag to prevent
+ // link hover text-decoration from over-extending
+ }}</a>
- class="access-type"
+ class="user-access-role"
- {{s__('GroupsTreeRole|as')}} {{group.permission}}
+ {{group.permission}}
- class="description">{{group.description}}</div>
+ v-if="group.description"
+ class="description">
+ {{group.description}}
+ </div>
v-if="group.isOpen && hasChildren"
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/groups/components/item_actions.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/groups/components/item_actions.vue
index 7eff19e2e5a..09cb79c1afd 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/groups/components/item_actions.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/groups/components/item_actions.vue
@@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ import tooltip from '../../vue_shared/directives/tooltip';
import PopupDialog from '../../vue_shared/components/popup_dialog.vue';
import eventHub from '../event_hub';
import { COMMON_STR } from '../constants';
+import Icon from '../../vue_shared/components/icon.vue';
export default {
components: {
+ Icon,
directives: {
@@ -63,9 +65,9 @@ export default {
class="edit-group btn no-expand">
- <i
- class="fa fa-cogs"
- aria-hidden="true"/>
+ <icon
+ name="settings">
+ </icon>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/image_diff/helpers/utils_helper.js b/app/assets/javascripts/image_diff/helpers/utils_helper.js
index 96fc735e629..28d9a969143 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/image_diff/helpers/utils_helper.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/image_diff/helpers/utils_helper.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import ImageBadge from '../image_badge';
import ImageDiff from '../image_diff';
import ReplacedImageDiff from '../replaced_image_diff';
-import '../../commit/image_file';
+import ImageFile from '../../commit/image_file';
export function resizeCoordinatesToImageElement(imageEl, meta) {
const { x, y, width, height } = meta;
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ export function initImageDiff(fileEl, canCreateNote, renderCommentBadge) {
// ImageFile needs to be invoked before initImageDiff so that badges
// can mount to the correct location
- new gl.ImageFile(fileEl); // eslint-disable-line no-new
+ new ImageFile(fileEl); // eslint-disable-line no-new
if (fileEl.querySelector('.diff-file .js-single-image')) {
diff = new ImageDiff(fileEl, options);
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/init_issuable_sidebar.js b/app/assets/javascripts/init_issuable_sidebar.js
index 1191e0b895e..ada693afc46 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/init_issuable_sidebar.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/init_issuable_sidebar.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ export default () => {
new LabelsSelect();
new IssuableContext(sidebarOptions.currentUser);
- gl.Subscription.bindAll('.subscription');
new DueDateSelectors();
window.sidebar = new Sidebar();
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/init_legacy_filters.js b/app/assets/javascripts/init_legacy_filters.js
index 1b265721581..2cbb70220d0 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/init_legacy_filters.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/init_legacy_filters.js
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
/* eslint-disable no-new */
import LabelsSelect from './labels_select';
/* global MilestoneSelect */
-/* global SubscriptionSelect */
+import subscriptionSelect from './subscription_select';
import UsersSelect from './users_select';
import issueStatusSelect from './issue_status_select';
@@ -11,5 +10,5 @@ export default () => {
new LabelsSelect();
new MilestoneSelect();
- new SubscriptionSelect();
+ subscriptionSelect();
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/issuable_bulk_update_sidebar.js b/app/assets/javascripts/issuable_bulk_update_sidebar.js
index af6358953cf..ba2b6737988 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/issuable_bulk_update_sidebar.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/issuable_bulk_update_sidebar.js
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
/* eslint-disable class-methods-use-this, no-new */
/* global MilestoneSelect */
-/* global SubscriptionSelect */
import IssuableBulkUpdateActions from './issuable_bulk_update_actions';
import './milestone_select';
import issueStatusSelect from './issue_status_select';
-import './subscription_select';
+import subscriptionSelect from './subscription_select';
import LabelsSelect from './labels_select';
const HIDDEN_CLASS = 'hidden';
@@ -48,7 +47,7 @@ export default class IssuableBulkUpdateSidebar {
new LabelsSelect();
new MilestoneSelect();
- new SubscriptionSelect();
+ subscriptionSelect();
setupBulkUpdateActions() {
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/issuable_index.js b/app/assets/javascripts/issuable_index.js
index 0b123a11a3b..c3e0acdff66 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/issuable_index.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/issuable_index.js
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ export default class IssuableIndex {
url: $('.incoming-email-token-reset').attr('href'),
dataType: 'json',
success(response) {
- $('#issue_email').val(response.new_issue_address).focus();
+ $('#issuable_email').val(response.new_address).focus();
beforeSend() {
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/issue.js b/app/assets/javascripts/issue.js
index acd5730cf3c..7de07e9403d 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/issue.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/issue.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, no-var, prefer-rest-params, wrap-iife, one-var, no-underscore-dangle, one-var-declaration-per-line, object-shorthand, no-unused-vars, no-new, comma-dangle, consistent-return, quotes, dot-notation, quote-props, prefer-arrow-callback, max-len */
import 'vendor/jquery.waitforimages';
-import '~/lib/utils/text_utility';
+import { addDelimiter } from './lib/utils/text_utility';
import Flash from './flash';
import TaskList from './task_list';
import CreateMergeRequestDropdown from './create_merge_request_dropdown';
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ export default class Issue {
let numProjectIssues = Number(projectIssuesCounter.first().text().trim().replace(/[^\d]/, ''));
numProjectIssues = isClosed ? numProjectIssues - 1 : numProjectIssues + 1;
- projectIssuesCounter.text(gl.text.addDelimiter(numProjectIssues));
+ projectIssuesCounter.text(addDelimiter(numProjectIssues));
if (this.createMergeRequestDropdown) {
if (isClosed) {
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/app.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/app.vue
index d1aa83ea57f..5bdc7c99503 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/app.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/app.vue
@@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ export default {
required: true,
type: String,
+ updateEndpoint: {
+ required: true,
+ type: String,
+ },
canUpdate: {
required: true,
type: Boolean,
@@ -29,6 +33,16 @@ export default {
required: false,
default: false,
+ showDeleteButton: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: true,
+ },
+ enableAutocomplete: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: true,
+ },
issuableRef: {
type: String,
required: true,
@@ -92,6 +106,16 @@ export default {
type: String,
required: true,
+ issuableType: {
+ type: String,
+ required: false,
+ default: 'issue',
+ },
+ canAttachFile: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: true,
+ },
data() {
const store = new Store({
@@ -157,21 +181,21 @@ export default {
.catch(() => {
- window.Flash('Error updating issue');
+ window.Flash(`Error updating ${this.issuableType}`);
deleteIssuable() {
.then(res => res.json())
.then((data) => {
- // Stop the poll so we don't get 404's with the issue not existing
+ // Stop the poll so we don't get 404's with the issuable not existing
.catch(() => {
- window.Flash('Error deleting issue');
+ window.Flash(`Error deleting ${this.issuableType}`);
@@ -223,6 +247,9 @@ export default {
+ :show-delete-button="showDeleteButton"
+ :can-attach-file="canAttachFile"
+ :enable-autocomplete="enableAutocomplete"
<div v-else>
@@ -239,6 +266,8 @@ export default {
+ :issuable-type="issuableType"
+ :update-url="updateEndpoint"
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/description.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/description.vue
index 48bad8f1e68..b7559ced946 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/description.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/description.vue
@@ -22,6 +22,16 @@
required: false,
default: '',
+ issuableType: {
+ type: String,
+ required: false,
+ default: 'issue',
+ },
+ updateUrl: {
+ type: String,
+ required: false,
+ default: null,
+ },
data() {
return {
@@ -48,7 +58,7 @@
if (this.canUpdate) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-new
new TaskList({
- dataType: 'issue',
+ dataType: this.issuableType,
fieldName: 'description',
selector: '.detail-page-description',
@@ -95,7 +105,9 @@
class="hidden js-task-list-field"
- v-model="descriptionText">
+ v-model="descriptionText"
+ :data-update-url="updateUrl"
+ >
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/edit_actions.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/edit_actions.vue
index 8c81575fe6f..a539506bce2 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/edit_actions.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/edit_actions.vue
@@ -13,6 +13,11 @@
type: Object,
required: true,
+ showDeleteButton: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: true,
+ },
data() {
return {
@@ -23,6 +28,9 @@
isSubmitEnabled() {
return this.formState.title.trim() !== '';
+ shouldShowDeleteButton() {
+ return this.canDestroy && this.showDeleteButton;
+ },
methods: {
closeForm() {
@@ -62,7 +70,7 @@
- v-if="canDestroy"
+ v-if="shouldShowDeleteButton"
class="btn btn-danger pull-right append-right-default"
:class="{ disabled: deleteLoading }"
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/fields/description.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/fields/description.vue
index 0aa1b2c2e31..52fe4ecd08b 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/fields/description.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/fields/description.vue
@@ -17,6 +17,16 @@
type: String,
required: true,
+ canAttachFile: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: true,
+ },
+ enableAutocomplete: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: true,
+ },
components: {
@@ -36,7 +46,10 @@
- :markdown-docs-path="markdownDocsPath">
+ :markdown-docs-path="markdownDocsPath"
+ :can-attach-file="canAttachFile"
+ :enable-autocomplete="enableAutocomplete"
+ >
class="note-textarea js-gfm-input js-autosize markdown-area"
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/fields/description_template.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/fields/description_template.vue
index 1c40b286513..1ad0e59287e 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/fields/description_template.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/fields/description_template.vue
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+ import IssuableTemplateSelectors from '../../../templates/issuable_template_selectors';
export default {
props: {
formState: {
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@
editor.getValue = () => this.formState.description;
- this.issuableTemplate = new gl.IssuableTemplateSelectors({
+ this.issuableTemplate = new IssuableTemplateSelectors({
$dropdowns: $(this.$refs.toggle),
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/form.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/form.vue
index 28bf6c67ea5..0fa19022336 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/form.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/form.vue
@@ -36,6 +36,21 @@
type: String,
required: true,
+ showDeleteButton: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: true,
+ },
+ canAttachFile: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: true,
+ },
+ enableAutocomplete: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: true,
+ },
components: {
@@ -78,9 +93,13 @@
- :markdown-docs-path="markdownDocsPath" />
+ :markdown-docs-path="markdownDocsPath"
+ :can-attach-file="canAttachFile"
+ :enable-autocomplete="enableAutocomplete"
+ />
- :can-destroy="canDestroy" />
+ :can-destroy="canDestroy"
+ :show-delete-button="showDeleteButton" />
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/title.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/title.vue
index 00002709ac6..a363d06d950 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/title.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/components/title.vue
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
v-if="showInlineEditButton && canUpdate"
- class="btn-blank btn-edit note-action-button"
+ class="btn btn-default btn-edit btn-svg"
title="Edit title and description"
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/index.js b/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/index.js
index aca9dec2a96..a21ce41e65e 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/index.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/issue_show/index.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import '../vue_shared/vue_resource_interceptor';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const initialDataEl = document.getElementById('js-issuable-app-initial-data');
- const initialData = JSON.parse(initialDataEl.innerHTML.replace(/&quot;/g, '"'));
+ const props = JSON.parse(initialDataEl.innerHTML.replace(/&quot;/g, '"'));
$('.issuable-edit').on('click', (e) => {
@@ -18,32 +18,9 @@ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
components: {
- data() {
- return {
- ...initialData,
- };
- },
render(createElement) {
return createElement('issuable-app', {
- props: {
- canUpdate: this.canUpdate,
- canDestroy: this.canDestroy,
- endpoint: this.endpoint,
- issuableRef: this.issuableRef,
- initialTitleHtml: this.initialTitleHtml,
- initialTitleText: this.initialTitleText,
- initialDescriptionHtml: this.initialDescriptionHtml,
- initialDescriptionText: this.initialDescriptionText,
- issuableTemplates: this.issuableTemplates,
- markdownPreviewPath: this.markdownPreviewPath,
- markdownDocsPath: this.markdownDocsPath,
- projectPath: this.projectPath,
- projectNamespace: this.projectNamespace,
- updatedAt: this.updatedAt,
- updatedByName: this.updatedByName,
- updatedByPath: this.updatedByPath,
- initialTaskStatus: this.initialTaskStatus,
- },
+ props,
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/job.js b/app/assets/javascripts/job.js
index c6b5844dff6..85ea6330ee9 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/job.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/job.js
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ export default class Job {
this.state = null;
this.options = options || $('.js-build-options').data();
- this.pageUrl = this.options.pageUrl;
+ this.pagePath = this.options.pagePath;
this.buildStatus = this.options.buildStatus;
this.state = this.options.logState;
this.buildStage = this.options.buildStage;
this.$document = $(document);
+ this.$window = $(window);
this.logBytes = 0;
- this.hasBeenScrolled = false;
this.updateDropdown = this.updateDropdown.bind(this);
this.$buildTrace = $('#build-trace');
@@ -54,23 +54,18 @@ export default class Job {
this.scrollThrottled = _.throttle(this.toggleScroll.bind(this), 100);
- $(window)
+ this.$window
.on('scroll', () => {
- const contentHeight = this.$buildTraceOutput.height();
- if (contentHeight > this.windowSize) {
- // means the user did not scroll, the content was updated.
- this.windowSize = contentHeight;
- } else {
- // User scrolled
- this.hasBeenScrolled = true;
+ if (!this.isScrolledToBottom()) {
+ } else if (this.isScrolledToBottom() && !this.isLogComplete) {
+ this.toggleScrollAnimation(true);
- $(window)
+ this.$window
.on('', _.throttle(this.sidebarOnResize.bind(this), 100));
@@ -99,14 +94,14 @@ export default class Job {
// eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
canScroll() {
- return $(document).height() > $(window).height();
+ return this.$document.height() > this.$window.height();
toggleScroll() {
- const currentPosition = $(document).scrollTop();
- const scrollHeight = $(document).height();
+ const currentPosition = this.$document.scrollTop();
+ const scrollHeight = this.$document.height();
- const windowHeight = $(window).height();
+ const windowHeight = this.$window.height();
if (this.canScroll()) {
if (currentPosition > 0 &&
(scrollHeight - currentPosition !== windowHeight)) {
@@ -119,7 +114,7 @@ export default class Job {
this.toggleDisableButton(this.$scrollTopBtn, true);
this.toggleDisableButton(this.$scrollBottomBtn, false);
- } else if (scrollHeight - currentPosition === windowHeight) {
+ } else if (this.isScrolledToBottom()) {
// User is at the bottom of the build log.
this.toggleDisableButton(this.$scrollTopBtn, false);
@@ -131,9 +126,17 @@ export default class Job {
+ isScrolledToBottom() {
+ const currentPosition = this.$document.scrollTop();
+ const scrollHeight = this.$document.height();
+ const windowHeight = this.$window.height();
+ return scrollHeight - currentPosition === windowHeight;
+ }
// eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
scrollDown() {
- $(document).scrollTop($(document).height());
+ this.$document.scrollTop(this.$document.height());
scrollToBottom() {
@@ -143,7 +146,7 @@ export default class Job {
scrollToTop() {
- $(document).scrollTop(0);
+ this.$document.scrollTop(0);
this.hasBeenScrolled = true;
@@ -164,17 +167,17 @@ export default class Job {
getBuildTrace() {
return $.ajax({
- url: `${this.pageUrl}/trace.json`,
+ url: `${this.pagePath}/trace.json`,
data: { state: this.state },
.done((log) => {
- setCiStatusFavicon(`${this.pageUrl}/status.json`);
+ setCiStatusFavicon(`${this.pagePath}/status.json`);
if (log.state) {
this.state = log.state;
- this.windowSize = this.$buildTraceOutput.height();
+ this.isScrollInBottom = this.isScrolledToBottom();
if (log.append) {
@@ -194,14 +197,9 @@ export default class Job {
} else {
+ this.isLogComplete = log.complete;
if (!log.complete) {
- if (!this.hasBeenScrolled) {
- this.toggleScrollAnimation(true);
- } else {
- this.toggleScrollAnimation(false);
- }
this.timeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, 4000);
@@ -211,14 +209,14 @@ export default class Job {
if (log.status !== this.buildStatus) {
- gl.utils.visitUrl(this.pageUrl);
+ gl.utils.visitUrl(this.pagePath);
.fail(() => {
.then(() => {
- if (!this.hasBeenScrolled) {
+ if (this.isScrollInBottom) {
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/jobs/job_details_mediator.js b/app/assets/javascripts/jobs/job_details_mediator.js
index 3e2658f9fc1..5a216f8fae2 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/jobs/job_details_mediator.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/jobs/job_details_mediator.js
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ export default class JobMediator {
this.poll = new Poll({
resource: this.service,
method: 'getJob',
- successCallback: this.successCallback.bind(this),
- errorCallback: this.errorCallback.bind(this),
+ successCallback: response => this.successCallback(response),
+ errorCallback: () => this.errorCallback(),
if (!Visibility.hidden()) {
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ export default class JobMediator {
successCallback(response) {
this.state.isLoading = false;
- return response.json().then(data =>;
+ return;
errorCallback() {
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/jobs/services/job_service.js b/app/assets/javascripts/jobs/services/job_service.js
index eaf1c6e500a..b746489c45c 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/jobs/services/job_service.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/jobs/services/job_service.js
@@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
-import Vue from 'vue';
-import VueResource from 'vue-resource';
+import axios from '../../lib/utils/axios_utils';
export default class JobService {
constructor(endpoint) {
- this.job = Vue.resource(endpoint);
+ this.job = endpoint;
getJob() {
- return this.job.get();
+ return axios.get(this.job);
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/axios_utils.js b/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/axios_utils.js
index 45bff245827..7aeeca3b283 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/axios_utils.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/axios_utils.js
@@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
import axios from 'axios';
import csrf from './csrf';
-export default function setAxiosCsrfToken() {
- axios.defaults.headers.common[csrf.headerKey] = csrf.token;
+axios.defaults.headers.common[csrf.headerKey] = csrf.token;
+// Maintain a global counter for active requests
+// see: spec/support/wait_for_requests.rb
+axios.interceptors.request.use((config) => {
+ window.activeVueResources = window.activeVueResources || 0;
+ window.activeVueResources += 1;
+ return config;
+// Remove the global counter
+axios.interceptors.response.use((config) => {
+ window.activeVueResources -= 1;
+ return config;
+export default axios;
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/common_utils.js b/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/common_utils.js
index 07899777a1e..33cc807912c 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/common_utils.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/common_utils.js
@@ -172,7 +172,6 @@ export const getSelectedFragment = () => {
return documentFragment;
-// TODO: Update this name, there is a gl.text.insertText function.
export const insertText = (target, text) => {
// Firefox doesn't support `document.execCommand('insertText', false, text)` on textareas
const selectionStart = target.selectionStart;
@@ -191,7 +190,7 @@ export const insertText = (target, text) => {
target.selectionStart = target.selectionEnd = selectionStart + insertedText.length;
// Trigger autosave
- $(target).trigger('input');
+ target.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));
// Trigger autosize
const event = document.createEvent('Event');
@@ -271,43 +270,39 @@ export const parseIntPagination = paginationInformation => ({
- * Updates the search parameter of a URL given the parameter and value provided.
+ * Given a string of query parameters creates an object.
- * If no search params are present we'll add it.
- * If param for page is already present, we'll update it
- * If there are params but not for the given one, we'll add it at the end.
- * Returns the new search parameters.
+ * @example
+ * `scope=all&page=2` -> { scope: 'all', page: '2'}
+ * `scope=all` -> { scope: 'all' }
+ * ``-> {}
+ * @param {String} query
+ * @returns {Object}
+ */
+export const parseQueryStringIntoObject = (query = '') => {
+ if (query === '') return {};
+ return query
+ .split('&')
+ .reduce((acc, element) => {
+ const val = element.split('=');
+ Object.assign(acc, {
+ [val[0]]: decodeURIComponent(val[1]),
+ });
+ return acc;
+ }, {});
+export const buildUrlWithCurrentLocation = param => (param ? `${window.location.pathname}${param}` : window.location.pathname);
+ * Based on the current location and the string parameters provided
+ * creates a new entry in the history without reloading the page.
* @param {String} param
- * @param {Number|String|Undefined|Null} value
- * @return {String}
-export const setParamInURL = (param, value) => {
- let search;
- const locationSearch =;
- if (locationSearch.length) {
- const parameters = locationSearch.substring(1, locationSearch.length)
- .split('&')
- .reduce((acc, element) => {
- const val = element.split('=');
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
- acc[val[0]] = decodeURIComponent(val[1]);
- return acc;
- }, {});
- parameters[param] = value;
- const toString = Object.keys(parameters)
- .map(val => `${val}=${encodeURIComponent(parameters[val])}`)
- .join('&');
- search = `?${toString}`;
- } else {
- search = `?${param}=${value}`;
- }
- return search;
+export const historyPushState = (newUrl) => {
+ window.history.pushState({}, document.title, newUrl);
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/datetime_utility.js b/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/datetime_utility.js
index 29fc91733b3..d0578b230b1 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/datetime_utility.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/datetime_utility.js
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import timeago from 'timeago.js';
import dateFormat from 'vendor/date.format';
+import { pluralize } from './text_utility';
import {
@@ -34,8 +35,6 @@ window.dateFormat = dateFormat; = function($timeagoEls, setTimeago = true) {
$timeagoEls.each((i, el) => {
- el.setAttribute('title', el.getAttribute('title'));
if (setTimeago) {
// Recreate with custom template
@@ -143,9 +142,23 @@ export function timeIntervalInWords(intervalInSeconds) {
let text = '';
if (minutes >= 1) {
- text = `${minutes} ${gl.text.pluralize('minute', minutes)} ${seconds} ${gl.text.pluralize('second', seconds)}`;
+ text = `${minutes} ${pluralize('minute', minutes)} ${seconds} ${pluralize('second', seconds)}`;
} else {
- text = `${seconds} ${gl.text.pluralize('second', seconds)}`;
+ text = `${seconds} ${pluralize('second', seconds)}`;
return text;
+export function dateInWords(date, abbreviated = false) {
+ if (!date) return date;
+ const month = date.getMonth();
+ const year = date.getFullYear();
+ const monthNames = [s__('January'), s__('February'), s__('March'), s__('April'), s__('May'), s__('June'), s__('July'), s__('August'), s__('September'), s__('October'), s__('November'), s__('December')];
+ const monthNamesAbbr = [s__('Jan'), s__('Feb'), s__('Mar'), s__('Apr'), s__('May'), s__('Jun'), s__('Jul'), s__('Aug'), s__('Sep'), s__('Oct'), s__('Nov'), s__('Dec')];
+ const monthName = abbreviated ? monthNamesAbbr[month] : monthNames[month];
+ return `${monthName} ${date.getDate()}, ${year}`;
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/number_utils.js b/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/number_utils.js
index 917a45eb06b..a02c79b787e 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/number_utils.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/number_utils.js
@@ -52,3 +52,31 @@ export function bytesToKiB(number) {
export function bytesToMiB(number) {
return number / (BYTES_IN_KIB * BYTES_IN_KIB);
+ * Utility function that calculates GiB of the given bytes.
+ * @param {Number} number
+ * @returns {Number}
+ */
+export function bytesToGiB(number) {
+ return number / (BYTES_IN_KIB * BYTES_IN_KIB * BYTES_IN_KIB);
+ * Port of rails number_to_human_size
+ * Formats the bytes in number into a more understandable
+ * representation (e.g., giving it 1500 yields 1.5 KB).
+ *
+ * @param {Number} size
+ * @returns {String}
+ */
+export function numberToHumanSize(size) {
+ if (size < BYTES_IN_KIB) {
+ return `${size} bytes`;
+ } else if (size < BYTES_IN_KIB * BYTES_IN_KIB) {
+ return `${bytesToKiB(size).toFixed(2)} KiB`;
+ } else if (size < BYTES_IN_KIB * BYTES_IN_KIB * BYTES_IN_KIB) {
+ return `${bytesToMiB(size).toFixed(2)} MiB`;
+ }
+ return `${bytesToGiB(size).toFixed(2)} GiB`;
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/poll.js b/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/poll.js
index 1485e900945..7fca80c2fdb 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/poll.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/poll.js
@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ import { normalizeHeaders } from './common_utils';
* Polling utility for handling realtime updates.
- * Service for vue resouce and method need to be provided as props
+ * Requirements: Promise based HTTP client
+ *
+ * Service for promise based http client and method need to be provided as props
* @example
* new Poll({
@@ -60,7 +62,6 @@ export default class Poll {
checkConditions(response) {
const headers = normalizeHeaders(response.headers);
const pollInterval = parseInt(headers[this.intervalHeader], 10);
if (pollInterval > 0 && response.status === httpStatusCodes.OK && this.canPoll) {
this.timeoutID = setTimeout(() => {
@@ -102,7 +103,12 @@ export default class Poll {
* Restarts polling after it has been stoped
- restart() {
+ restart(options) {
+ // update data
+ if (options && {
+ =;
+ }
this.canPoll = true;
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/text_markdown.js b/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/text_markdown.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2dc9cf0cc29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/text_markdown.js
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export, func-names, space-before-function-paren, wrap-iife, no-var, no-param-reassign, no-cond-assign, quotes, one-var, one-var-declaration-per-line, operator-assignment, no-else-return, prefer-template, prefer-arrow-callback, no-empty, max-len, consistent-return, no-unused-vars, no-return-assign, max-len, vars-on-top */
+const textUtils = {};
+textUtils.selectedText = function(text, textarea) {
+ return text.substring(textarea.selectionStart, textarea.selectionEnd);
+textUtils.lineBefore = function(text, textarea) {
+ var split;
+ split = text.substring(0, textarea.selectionStart).trim().split('\n');
+ return split[split.length - 1];
+textUtils.lineAfter = function(text, textarea) {
+ return text.substring(textarea.selectionEnd).trim().split('\n')[0];
+textUtils.blockTagText = function(text, textArea, blockTag, selected) {
+ var lineAfter, lineBefore;
+ lineBefore = this.lineBefore(text, textArea);
+ lineAfter = this.lineAfter(text, textArea);
+ if (lineBefore === blockTag && lineAfter === blockTag) {
+ // To remove the block tag we have to select the line before & after
+ if (blockTag != null) {
+ textArea.selectionStart = textArea.selectionStart - (blockTag.length + 1);
+ textArea.selectionEnd = textArea.selectionEnd + (blockTag.length + 1);
+ }
+ return selected;
+ } else {
+ return blockTag + "\n" + selected + "\n" + blockTag;
+ }
+textUtils.insertText = function(textArea, text, tag, blockTag, selected, wrap) {
+ var insertText, inserted, selectedSplit, startChar, removedLastNewLine, removedFirstNewLine, currentLineEmpty, lastNewLine;
+ removedLastNewLine = false;
+ removedFirstNewLine = false;
+ currentLineEmpty = false;
+ // Remove the first newline
+ if (selected.indexOf('\n') === 0) {
+ removedFirstNewLine = true;
+ selected = selected.replace(/\n+/, '');
+ }
+ // Remove the last newline
+ if (textArea.selectionEnd - textArea.selectionStart > selected.replace(/\n$/, '').length) {
+ removedLastNewLine = true;
+ selected = selected.replace(/\n$/, '');
+ }
+ selectedSplit = selected.split('\n');
+ if (!wrap) {
+ lastNewLine = textArea.value.substr(0, textArea.selectionStart).lastIndexOf('\n');
+ // Check whether the current line is empty or consists only of spaces(=handle as empty)
+ if (/^\s*$/.test(textArea.value.substring(lastNewLine, textArea.selectionStart))) {
+ currentLineEmpty = true;
+ }
+ }
+ startChar = !wrap && !currentLineEmpty && textArea.selectionStart > 0 ? '\n' : '';
+ if (selectedSplit.length > 1 && (!wrap || (blockTag != null && blockTag !== ''))) {
+ if (blockTag != null && blockTag !== '') {
+ insertText = this.blockTagText(text, textArea, blockTag, selected);
+ } else {
+ insertText = {
+ if (val.indexOf(tag) === 0) {
+ return "" + (val.replace(tag, ''));
+ } else {
+ return "" + tag + val;
+ }
+ }).join('\n');
+ }
+ } else {
+ insertText = "" + startChar + tag + selected + (wrap ? tag : ' ');
+ }
+ if (removedFirstNewLine) {
+ insertText = '\n' + insertText;
+ }
+ if (removedLastNewLine) {
+ insertText += '\n';
+ }
+ if (document.queryCommandSupported('insertText')) {
+ inserted = document.execCommand('insertText', false, insertText);
+ }
+ if (!inserted) {
+ try {
+ document.execCommand("ms-beginUndoUnit");
+ } catch (error) {}
+ textArea.value = this.replaceRange(text, textArea.selectionStart, textArea.selectionEnd, insertText);
+ try {
+ document.execCommand("ms-endUndoUnit");
+ } catch (error) {}
+ }
+ return this.moveCursor(textArea, tag, wrap, removedLastNewLine);
+textUtils.moveCursor = function(textArea, tag, wrapped, removedLastNewLine) {
+ var pos;
+ if (!textArea.setSelectionRange) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (textArea.selectionStart === textArea.selectionEnd) {
+ if (wrapped) {
+ pos = textArea.selectionStart - tag.length;
+ } else {
+ pos = textArea.selectionStart;
+ }
+ if (removedLastNewLine) {
+ pos -= 1;
+ }
+ return textArea.setSelectionRange(pos, pos);
+ }
+textUtils.updateText = function(textArea, tag, blockTag, wrap) {
+ var $textArea, selected, text;
+ $textArea = $(textArea);
+ textArea = $textArea.get(0);
+ text = $textArea.val();
+ selected = this.selectedText(text, textArea);
+ $textArea.focus();
+ return this.insertText(textArea, text, tag, blockTag, selected, wrap);
+textUtils.init = function(form) {
+ var self;
+ self = this;
+ return $('.js-md', form).off('click').on('click', function() {
+ var $this;
+ $this = $(this);
+ return self.updateText($this.closest('.md-area').find('textarea'), $'md-tag'), $'md-block'), !$'md-prepend'));
+ });
+textUtils.removeListeners = function(form) {
+ return $('.js-md', form).off('click');
+textUtils.replaceRange = function(s, start, end, substitute) {
+ return s.substring(0, start) + substitute + s.substring(end);
+export default textUtils;
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/text_utility.js b/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/text_utility.js
index f776829f69c..9280b7f150c 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/text_utility.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/text_utility.js
@@ -1,18 +1,13 @@
-/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export, func-names, space-before-function-paren, wrap-iife, no-var, no-param-reassign, no-cond-assign, quotes, one-var, one-var-declaration-per-line, operator-assignment, no-else-return, prefer-template, prefer-arrow-callback, no-empty, max-len, consistent-return, no-unused-vars, no-return-assign, max-len, vars-on-top */
-import 'vendor/latinise';
-var base;
-var w = window;
-if ( == null) {
- = {};
-if ((base = == null) {
- base.text = {};
-gl.text.addDelimiter = function(text) {
- return text ? text.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",") : text;
+ * Adds a , to a string composed by numbers, at every 3 chars.
+ *
+ * 2333 -> 2,333
+ * 232324 -> 232,324
+ *
+ * @param {String} text
+ * @returns {String}
+ */
+export const addDelimiter = text => (text ? text.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ',') : text);
* Returns '99+' for numbers bigger than 99.
@@ -20,178 +15,52 @@ gl.text.addDelimiter = function(text) {
* @param {Number} count
* @return {Number|String}
-export function highCountTrim(count) {
- return count > 99 ? '99+' : count;
-gl.text.randomString = function() {
- return Math.random().toString(36).substring(7);
-gl.text.replaceRange = function(s, start, end, substitute) {
- return s.substring(0, start) + substitute + s.substring(end);
-gl.text.getTextWidth = function(text, font) {
- /**
- * Uses canvas.measureText to compute and return the width of the given text of given font in pixels.
- *
- * @param {String} text The text to be rendered.
- * @param {String} font The css font descriptor that text is to be rendered with (e.g. "bold 14px verdana").
- *
- * @see
- */
- // re-use canvas object for better performance
- var canvas = gl.text.getTextWidth.canvas || (gl.text.getTextWidth.canvas = document.createElement('canvas'));
- var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
- context.font = font;
- return context.measureText(text).width;
-gl.text.selectedText = function(text, textarea) {
- return text.substring(textarea.selectionStart, textarea.selectionEnd);
-gl.text.lineBefore = function(text, textarea) {
- var split;
- split = text.substring(0, textarea.selectionStart).trim().split('\n');
- return split[split.length - 1];
-gl.text.lineAfter = function(text, textarea) {
- return text.substring(textarea.selectionEnd).trim().split('\n')[0];
-gl.text.blockTagText = function(text, textArea, blockTag, selected) {
- var lineAfter, lineBefore;
- lineBefore = this.lineBefore(text, textArea);
- lineAfter = this.lineAfter(text, textArea);
- if (lineBefore === blockTag && lineAfter === blockTag) {
- // To remove the block tag we have to select the line before & after
- if (blockTag != null) {
- textArea.selectionStart = textArea.selectionStart - (blockTag.length + 1);
- textArea.selectionEnd = textArea.selectionEnd + (blockTag.length + 1);
- }
- return selected;
- } else {
- return blockTag + "\n" + selected + "\n" + blockTag;
- }
-gl.text.insertText = function(textArea, text, tag, blockTag, selected, wrap) {
- var insertText, inserted, selectedSplit, startChar, removedLastNewLine, removedFirstNewLine, currentLineEmpty, lastNewLine;
- removedLastNewLine = false;
- removedFirstNewLine = false;
- currentLineEmpty = false;
- // Remove the first newline
- if (selected.indexOf('\n') === 0) {
- removedFirstNewLine = true;
- selected = selected.replace(/\n+/, '');
- }
- // Remove the last newline
- if (textArea.selectionEnd - textArea.selectionStart > selected.replace(/\n$/, '').length) {
- removedLastNewLine = true;
- selected = selected.replace(/\n$/, '');
- }
- selectedSplit = selected.split('\n');
- if (!wrap) {
- lastNewLine = textArea.value.substr(0, textArea.selectionStart).lastIndexOf('\n');
- // Check whether the current line is empty or consists only of spaces(=handle as empty)
- if (/^\s*$/.test(textArea.value.substring(lastNewLine, textArea.selectionStart))) {
- currentLineEmpty = true;
- }
- }
- startChar = !wrap && !currentLineEmpty && textArea.selectionStart > 0 ? '\n' : '';
+export const highCountTrim = count => (count > 99 ? '99+' : count);
- if (selectedSplit.length > 1 && (!wrap || (blockTag != null && blockTag !== ''))) {
- if (blockTag != null && blockTag !== '') {
- insertText = this.blockTagText(text, textArea, blockTag, selected);
- } else {
- insertText = {
- if (val.indexOf(tag) === 0) {
- return "" + (val.replace(tag, ''));
- } else {
- return "" + tag + val;
- }
- }).join('\n');
- }
- } else {
- insertText = "" + startChar + tag + selected + (wrap ? tag : ' ');
- }
+ * Converts first char to uppercase and replaces undercores with spaces
+ * @param {String} string
+ * @requires {String}
+ */
+export const humanize = string => string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.replace(/_/g, ' ').slice(1);
- if (removedFirstNewLine) {
- insertText = '\n' + insertText;
- }
+ * Adds an 's' to the end of the string when count is bigger than 0
+ * @param {String} str
+ * @param {Number} count
+ * @returns {String}
+ */
+export const pluralize = (str, count) => str + (count > 1 || count === 0 ? 's' : '');
- if (removedLastNewLine) {
- insertText += '\n';
- }
+ * Replaces underscores with dashes
+ * @param {*} str
+ * @returns {String}
+ */
+export const dasherize = str => str.replace(/[_\s]+/g, '-');
- if (document.queryCommandSupported('insertText')) {
- inserted = document.execCommand('insertText', false, insertText);
- }
- if (!inserted) {
- try {
- document.execCommand("ms-beginUndoUnit");
- } catch (error) {}
- textArea.value = this.replaceRange(text, textArea.selectionStart, textArea.selectionEnd, insertText);
- try {
- document.execCommand("ms-endUndoUnit");
- } catch (error) {}
- }
- return this.moveCursor(textArea, tag, wrap, removedLastNewLine);
-gl.text.moveCursor = function(textArea, tag, wrapped, removedLastNewLine) {
- var pos;
- if (!textArea.setSelectionRange) {
- return;
- }
- if (textArea.selectionStart === textArea.selectionEnd) {
- if (wrapped) {
- pos = textArea.selectionStart - tag.length;
- } else {
- pos = textArea.selectionStart;
- }
+ * Removes accents and converts to lower case
+ * @param {String} str
+ * @returns {String}
+ */
+export const slugify = str => str.trim().toLowerCase();
- if (removedLastNewLine) {
- pos -= 1;
- }
+ * Truncates given text
+ *
+ * @param {String} string
+ * @param {Number} maxLength
+ * @returns {String}
+ */
+export const truncate = (string, maxLength) => `${string.substr(0, (maxLength - 3))}...`;
- return textArea.setSelectionRange(pos, pos);
- }
-gl.text.updateText = function(textArea, tag, blockTag, wrap) {
- var $textArea, selected, text;
- $textArea = $(textArea);
- textArea = $textArea.get(0);
- text = $textArea.val();
- selected = this.selectedText(text, textArea);
- $textArea.focus();
- return this.insertText(textArea, text, tag, blockTag, selected, wrap);
-gl.text.init = function(form) {
- var self;
- self = this;
- return $('.js-md', form).off('click').on('click', function() {
- var $this;
- $this = $(this);
- return self.updateText($this.closest('.md-area').find('textarea'), $'md-tag'), $'md-block'), !$'md-prepend'));
- });
-gl.text.removeListeners = function(form) {
- return $('.js-md', form).off('click');
-gl.text.humanize = function(string) {
- return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.replace(/_/g, ' ').slice(1);
-gl.text.pluralize = function(str, count) {
- return str + (count > 1 || count === 0 ? 's' : '');
-gl.text.truncate = function(string, maxLength) {
- return string.substr(0, (maxLength - 3)) + '...';
-gl.text.dasherize = function(str) {
- return str.replace(/[_\s]+/g, '-');
-gl.text.slugify = function(str) {
- return str.trim().toLowerCase().latinise();
+ * Capitalizes first character
+ *
+ * @param {String} text
+ * @return {String}
+ */
+export function capitalizeFirstCharacter(text) {
+ return `${text[0].toUpperCase()}${text.slice(1)}`;
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/url_utility.js b/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/url_utility.js
index 1aa63216baf..17236c91490 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/url_utility.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/url_utility.js
@@ -100,6 +100,10 @@ export function visitUrl(url, external = false) {
+export function redirectTo(url) {
+ return window.location.assign(url);
+ = || {}; = {
...( || {}),
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/main.js b/app/assets/javascripts/main.js
index 31c5cfc5e55..dcc0fa63b63 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/main.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/main.js
@@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ import './commit/image_file';
// lib/utils
import { handleLocationHash } from './lib/utils/common_utils';
import './lib/utils/datetime_utility';
-import './lib/utils/pretty_time';
-import './lib/utils/text_utility';
import './lib/utils/url_utility';
// behaviors
@@ -46,7 +44,6 @@ import './commits';
import './compare';
import './compare_autocomplete';
import './confirm_danger_modal';
-import './copy_to_clipboard';
import Flash, { removeFlashClickListener } from './flash';
import './gl_dropdown';
import './gl_field_error';
@@ -60,36 +57,21 @@ import './line_highlighter';
import initLogoAnimation from './logo';
import './merge_request';
import './merge_request_tabs';
-import './milestone';
import './milestone_select';
-import './namespace_select';
-import './new_branch_form';
-import './new_commit_form';
import './notes';
import './notifications_dropdown';
import './notifications_form';
import './pager';
import './preview_markdown';
-import './project';
-import './project_avatar';
import './project_find_file';
import './project_import';
-import './project_label_subscription';
-import './project_new';
-import './project_select';
-import './project_show';
-import './project_variables';
import './projects_dropdown';
import './projects_list';
import './syntax_highlight';
-import './render_math';
import './render_gfm';
import './right_sidebar';
import './search';
import './search_autocomplete';
-import './smart_interval';
-import './subscription';
-import './subscription_select';
import initBreadcrumbs from './breadcrumb';
import './dispatcher';
@@ -318,6 +300,8 @@ $(function () {
const flashContainer = document.querySelector('.flash-container');
if (flashContainer && flashContainer.children.length) {
- removeFlashClickListener(flashContainer.children[0]);
+ flashContainer.querySelectorAll('.flash-alert, .flash-notice, .flash-success').forEach((flashEl) => {
+ removeFlashClickListener(flashEl);
+ });
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/members.js b/app/assets/javascripts/members.js
index 6264750a4fb..52315e969d1 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/members.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/members.js
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ export default class Members {
addListeners() {
- $('.project_member, .group_member').off('ajax:success').on('ajax:success', this.removeRow);
$('.js-member-update-control').off('change').on('change', this.formSubmit.bind(this));
$('.js-edit-member-form').off('ajax:success').on('ajax:success', this.formSuccess.bind(this));
gl.utils.disableButtonIfEmptyField('#user_ids', 'input[name=commit]', 'change');
@@ -33,17 +32,6 @@ export default class Members {
- // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
- removeRow(e) {
- const $target = $(;
- if ($target.hasClass('btn-remove')) {
- $target.closest('.member')
- .fadeOut(function fadeOutMemberRow() {
- $(this).remove();
- });
- }
- }
formSubmit(e, $el = null) {
const $this = e ? $(e.currentTarget) : $el;
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/merge_request.js b/app/assets/javascripts/merge_request.js
index af0658eb668..a9c08df4f93 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/merge_request.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/merge_request.js
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import 'vendor/jquery.waitforimages';
import TaskList from './task_list';
import './merge_request_tabs';
import IssuablesHelper from './helpers/issuables_helper';
+import { addDelimiter } from './lib/utils/text_utility';
(function() {
this.MergeRequest = (function() {
@@ -124,11 +125,11 @@ import IssuablesHelper from './helpers/issuables_helper';
const $el = $('.nav-links .js-merge-counter');
const count = Math.max((parseInt($el.text().replace(/[^\d]/, ''), 10) - by), 0);
- $el.text(gl.text.addDelimiter(count));
+ $el.text(addDelimiter(count));
MergeRequest.prototype.hideCloseButton = function() {
- const el = document.querySelector('.merge-request .issuable-actions');
+ const el = document.querySelector('.merge-request .js-issuable-actions');
const closeDropdownItem = el.querySelector('li.close-item');
if (closeDropdownItem) {
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/milestone.js b/app/assets/javascripts/milestone.js
index 8f3f1986763..f76a998bf8c 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/milestone.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/milestone.js
@@ -1,54 +1,49 @@
-/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, wrap-iife, no-use-before-define, camelcase, quotes, object-shorthand, no-shadow, no-unused-vars, comma-dangle, no-var, prefer-template, no-underscore-dangle, consistent-return, one-var, one-var-declaration-per-line, default-case, prefer-arrow-callback, max-len */
/* global Sortable */
import Flash from './flash';
-(function() {
- this.Milestone = (function() {
- function Milestone() {
- this.bindTabsSwitching();
+export default class Milestone {
+ constructor() {
+ this.bindTabsSwitching();
- // Load merge request tab if it is active
- // merge request tab is active based on different conditions in the backend
- this.loadTab($('.js-milestone-tabs .active a'));
+ // Load merge request tab if it is active
+ // merge request tab is active based on different conditions in the backend
+ this.loadTab($('.js-milestone-tabs .active a'));
- this.loadInitialTab();
- }
+ this.loadInitialTab();
+ }
+ bindTabsSwitching() {
+ return $('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('', (e) => {
+ const $target = $(;
- Milestone.prototype.bindTabsSwitching = function() {
- return $('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('', (e) => {
- const $target = $(;
+ location.hash = $target.attr('href');
+ this.loadTab($target);
+ });
+ }
+ // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
+ loadInitialTab() {
+ const $target = $(`.js-milestone-tabs a[href="${location.hash}"]`);
- location.hash = $target.attr('href');
- this.loadTab($target);
+ if ($target.length) {
+ $'show');
+ }
+ }
+ // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
+ loadTab($target) {
+ const endpoint = $'endpoint');
+ const tabElId = $target.attr('href');
+ if (endpoint && !$target.hasClass('is-loaded')) {
+ $.ajax({
+ url: endpoint,
+ dataType: 'JSON',
+ })
+ .fail(() => new Flash('Error loading milestone tab'))
+ .done((data) => {
+ $(tabElId).html(data.html);
+ $target.addClass('is-loaded');
- };
- Milestone.prototype.loadInitialTab = function() {
- const $target = $(`.js-milestone-tabs a[href="${location.hash}"]`);
- if ($target.length) {
- $'show');
- }
- };
- Milestone.prototype.loadTab = function($target) {
- const endpoint = $'endpoint');
- const tabElId = $target.attr('href');
- if (endpoint && !$target.hasClass('is-loaded')) {
- $.ajax({
- url: endpoint,
- dataType: 'JSON',
- })
- .fail(() => new Flash('Error loading milestone tab'))
- .done((data) => {
- $(tabElId).html(data.html);
- $target.addClass('is-loaded');
- });
- }
- };
- return Milestone;
- })();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/monitoring/services/monitoring_service.js b/app/assets/javascripts/monitoring/services/monitoring_service.js
index fed884d5c94..e230a06cd8c 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/monitoring/services/monitoring_service.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/monitoring/services/monitoring_service.js
@@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
-import Vue from 'vue';
-import VueResource from 'vue-resource';
+import axios from '../../lib/utils/axios_utils';
import statusCodes from '../../lib/utils/http_status';
import { backOff } from '../../lib/utils/common_utils';
const MAX_REQUESTS = 3;
function backOffRequest(makeRequestCallback) {
@@ -32,8 +29,8 @@ export default class MonitoringService {
getGraphsData() {
- return backOffRequest(() => Vue.http.get(this.metricsEndpoint))
- .then(resp => resp.json())
+ return backOffRequest(() => axios.get(this.metricsEndpoint))
+ .then(resp =>
.then((response) => {
if (!response || ! {
throw new Error('Unexpected metrics data response from prometheus endpoint');
@@ -43,8 +40,8 @@ export default class MonitoringService {
getDeploymentData() {
- return backOffRequest(() => Vue.http.get(this.deploymentEndpoint))
- .then(resp => resp.json())
+ return backOffRequest(() => axios.get(this.deploymentEndpoint))
+ .then(resp =>
.then((response) => {
if (!response || !response.deployments) {
throw new Error('Unexpected deployment data response from prometheus endpoint');
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/new_branch_form.js b/app/assets/javascripts/new_branch_form.js
index 39fb302b644..77733b67c4d 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/new_branch_form.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/new_branch_form.js
@@ -1,97 +1,93 @@
/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, no-var, one-var, prefer-rest-params, max-len, vars-on-top, wrap-iife, consistent-return, comma-dangle, one-var-declaration-per-line, quotes, no-return-assign, prefer-arrow-callback, prefer-template, no-shadow, no-else-return, max-len, object-shorthand */
-import RefSelectDropdown from '~/ref_select_dropdown';
+import RefSelectDropdown from './ref_select_dropdown';
-(function() {
- this.NewBranchForm = (function() {
- function NewBranchForm(form, availableRefs) {
- this.validate = this.validate.bind(this);
- this.branchNameError = form.find('.js-branch-name-error');
- = form.find('.js-branch-name');
- this.ref = form.find('#ref');
- new RefSelectDropdown($('.js-branch-select'), availableRefs); // eslint-disable-line no-new
- this.setupRestrictions();
- this.addBinding();
- this.init();
+export default class NewBranchForm {
+ constructor(form, availableRefs) {
+ this.validate = this.validate.bind(this);
+ this.branchNameError = form.find('.js-branch-name-error');
+ = form.find('.js-branch-name');
+ this.ref = form.find('#ref');
+ new RefSelectDropdown($('.js-branch-select'), availableRefs); // eslint-disable-line no-new
+ this.setupRestrictions();
+ this.addBinding();
+ this.init();
+ }
+ addBinding() {
+ return'blur', this.validate);
+ }
+ init() {
+ if ( && > 0) {
+ return'blur');
+ }
- NewBranchForm.prototype.addBinding = function() {
- return'blur', this.validate);
+ setupRestrictions() {
+ var endsWith, invalid, single, startsWith;
+ startsWith = {
+ pattern: /^(\/|\.)/g,
+ prefix: "can't start with",
+ conjunction: "or"
- NewBranchForm.prototype.init = function() {
- if ( && > 0) {
- return'blur');
- }
+ endsWith = {
+ pattern: /(\/|\.|\.lock)$/g,
+ prefix: "can't end in",
+ conjunction: "or"
- NewBranchForm.prototype.setupRestrictions = function() {
- var endsWith, invalid, single, startsWith;
- startsWith = {
- pattern: /^(\/|\.)/g,
- prefix: "can't start with",
- conjunction: "or"
- };
- endsWith = {
- pattern: /(\/|\.|\.lock)$/g,
- prefix: "can't end in",
- conjunction: "or"
- };
- invalid = {
- pattern: /(\s|~|\^|:|\?|\*|\[|\\|\.\.|@\{|\/{2,}){1}/g,
- prefix: "can't contain",
- conjunction: ", "
- };
- single = {
- pattern: /^@+$/g,
- prefix: "can't be",
- conjunction: "or"
- };
- return this.restrictions = [startsWith, invalid, endsWith, single];
+ invalid = {
+ pattern: /(\s|~|\^|:|\?|\*|\[|\\|\.\.|@\{|\/{2,}){1}/g,
+ prefix: "can't contain",
+ conjunction: ", "
+ };
+ single = {
+ pattern: /^@+$/g,
+ prefix: "can't be",
+ conjunction: "or"
+ return this.restrictions = [startsWith, invalid, endsWith, single];
+ }
- NewBranchForm.prototype.validate = function() {
- var errorMessage, errors, formatter, unique, validator;
- const indexOf = [].indexOf;
+ validate() {
+ var errorMessage, errors, formatter, unique, validator;
+ const indexOf = [].indexOf;
- this.branchNameError.empty();
- unique = function(values, value) {
- if (, value) === -1) {
- values.push(value);
- }
- return values;
- };
- formatter = function(values, restriction) {
- var formatted;
- formatted = {
- switch (false) {
- case !/\s/.test(value):
- return 'spaces';
- case !/\/{2,}/g.test(value):
- return 'consecutive slashes';
- default:
- return "'" + value + "'";
- }
- });
- return restriction.prefix + " " + (formatted.join(restriction.conjunction));
- };
- validator = (function(_this) {
- return function(errors, restriction) {
- var matched;
- matched =;
- if (matched) {
- return errors.concat(formatter(matched.reduce(unique, []), restriction));
- } else {
- return errors;
- }
- };
- })(this);
- errors = this.restrictions.reduce(validator, []);
- if (errors.length > 0) {
- errorMessage = $("<span/>").text(errors.join(', '));
- return this.branchNameError.append(errorMessage);
+ this.branchNameError.empty();
+ unique = function(values, value) {
+ if (, value) === -1) {
+ values.push(value);
+ return values;
- return NewBranchForm;
- })();
+ formatter = function(values, restriction) {
+ var formatted;
+ formatted = {
+ switch (false) {
+ case !/\s/.test(value):
+ return 'spaces';
+ case !/\/{2,}/g.test(value):
+ return 'consecutive slashes';
+ default:
+ return "'" + value + "'";
+ }
+ });
+ return restriction.prefix + " " + (formatted.join(restriction.conjunction));
+ };
+ validator = (function(_this) {
+ return function(errors, restriction) {
+ var matched;
+ matched =;
+ if (matched) {
+ return errors.concat(formatter(matched.reduce(unique, []), restriction));
+ } else {
+ return errors;
+ }
+ };
+ })(this);
+ errors = this.restrictions.reduce(validator, []);
+ if (errors.length > 0) {
+ errorMessage = $("<span/>").text(errors.join(', '));
+ return this.branchNameError.append(errorMessage);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/new_commit_form.js b/app/assets/javascripts/new_commit_form.js
index 04073ef7270..6e152497d20 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/new_commit_form.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/new_commit_form.js
@@ -1,32 +1,28 @@
/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, no-var, prefer-rest-params, wrap-iife, no-return-assign, max-len */
-(function() {
- this.NewCommitForm = (function() {
- function NewCommitForm(form) {
- this.form = form;
- this.renderDestination = this.renderDestination.bind(this);
- this.branchName = form.find('.js-branch-name');
- this.originalBranch = form.find('.js-original-branch');
- this.createMergeRequest = form.find('.js-create-merge-request');
- this.createMergeRequestContainer = form.find('.js-create-merge-request-container');
- this.branchName.keyup(this.renderDestination);
- this.renderDestination();
- }
+export default class NewCommitForm {
+ constructor(form) {
+ this.form = form;
+ this.renderDestination = this.renderDestination.bind(this);
+ this.branchName = form.find('.js-branch-name');
+ this.originalBranch = form.find('.js-original-branch');
+ this.createMergeRequest = form.find('.js-create-merge-request');
+ this.createMergeRequestContainer = form.find('.js-create-merge-request-container');
+ this.branchName.keyup(this.renderDestination);
+ this.renderDestination();
+ }
- NewCommitForm.prototype.renderDestination = function() {
- var different;
- different = this.branchName.val() !== this.originalBranch.val();
- if (different) {
- if (!this.wasDifferent) {
- this.createMergeRequest.prop('checked', true);
- }
- } else {
- this.createMergeRequestContainer.hide();
- this.createMergeRequest.prop('checked', false);
+ renderDestination() {
+ var different;
+ different = this.branchName.val() !== this.originalBranch.val();
+ if (different) {
+ if (!this.wasDifferent) {
+ this.createMergeRequest.prop('checked', true);
- return this.wasDifferent = different;
- };
- return NewCommitForm;
- })();
+ } else {
+ this.createMergeRequestContainer.hide();
+ this.createMergeRequest.prop('checked', false);
+ }
+ return this.wasDifferent = different;
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/discussion_locked_widget.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/discussion_locked_widget.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e6f7ee56ff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/discussion_locked_widget.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ import Icon from '~/vue_shared/components/icon.vue';
+ import Issuable from '~/vue_shared/mixins/issuable';
+ export default {
+ mixins: [
+ Issuable,
+ ],
+ components: {
+ Icon,
+ },
+ };
+ <div class="disabled-comment text-center">
+ <span class="issuable-note-warning inline">
+ <icon
+ name="lock"
+ :size="16"
+ class="icon">
+ </icon>
+ <span>This {{ issuableDisplayName }} is locked. Only <b>project members</b> can comment.</span>
+ </span>
+ </div>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_comment_form.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_comment_form.vue
index db8f85759b2..78986a450c2 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_comment_form.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_comment_form.vue
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
import * as constants from '../constants';
import eventHub from '../event_hub';
import issueWarning from '../../vue_shared/components/issue/issue_warning.vue';
- import issueNoteSignedOutWidget from './issue_note_signed_out_widget.vue';
- import issueDiscussionLockedWidget from './issue_discussion_locked_widget.vue';
+ import noteSignedOutWidget from './note_signed_out_widget.vue';
+ import discussionLockedWidget from './discussion_locked_widget.vue';
import markdownField from '../../vue_shared/components/markdown/field.vue';
import userAvatarLink from '../../vue_shared/components/user_avatar/user_avatar_link.vue';
import issuableStateMixin from '../mixins/issuable_state';
@@ -22,15 +22,15 @@
noteType: constants.COMMENT,
// Can't use mapGetters,
// this needs to be in the data object because it belongs to the state
- issueState: this.$store.getters.getIssueData.state,
+ issueState: this.$store.getters.getNoteableData.state,
isSubmitting: false,
isSubmitButtonDisabled: true,
components: {
- issueNoteSignedOutWidget,
- issueDiscussionLockedWidget,
+ noteSignedOutWidget,
+ discussionLockedWidget,
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
- 'getIssueData',
+ 'getNoteableData',
isLoggedIn() {
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
return this.issueState === constants.OPENED || this.issueState === constants.REOPENED;
canCreateNote() {
- return this.getIssueData.current_user.can_create_note;
+ return this.getNoteableData.current_user.can_create_note;
issueActionButtonTitle() {
if (this.note.length) {
@@ -85,16 +85,16 @@
return this.getNotesData.quickActionsDocsPath;
markdownPreviewPath() {
- return this.getIssueData.preview_note_path;
+ return this.getNoteableData.preview_note_path;
author() {
return this.getUserData;
canUpdateIssue() {
- return this.getIssueData.current_user.can_update;
+ return this.getNoteableData.current_user.can_update;
endpoint() {
- return this.getIssueData.create_note_path;
+ return this.getNoteableData.create_note_path;
methods: {
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
data: {
note: {
noteable_type: constants.NOTEABLE_TYPE,
- noteable_id:,
+ noteable_id:,
note: this.note,
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
initAutoSave() {
if (this.isLoggedIn) {
- this.autosave = new Autosave($(this.$refs.textarea), ['Note', 'Issue',], 'issue');
+ this.autosave = new Autosave($(this.$refs.textarea), ['Note', 'Issue',], 'issue');
initTaskList() {
@@ -240,8 +240,11 @@
- <issue-note-signed-out-widget v-if="!isLoggedIn" />
- <issue-discussion-locked-widget v-else-if="!canCreateNote" />
+ <note-signed-out-widget v-if="!isLoggedIn" />
+ <discussion-locked-widget
+ issuable-type="issue"
+ v-else-if="!canCreateNote"
+ />
class="notes notes-form timeline">
@@ -266,9 +269,9 @@
<div class="error-alert"></div>
- v-if="hasWarning(getIssueData)"
- :is-locked="isLocked(getIssueData)"
- :is-confidential="isConfidential(getIssueData)"
+ v-if="hasWarning(getNoteableData)"
+ :is-locked="isLocked(getNoteableData)"
+ :is-confidential="isConfidential(getNoteableData)"
@@ -357,7 +360,8 @@
- class="btn btn-comment btn-comment-and-close">
+ :disabled="isSubmitting"
+ class="btn btn-comment btn-comment-and-close js-action-button">
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_discussion.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_discussion.vue
index 0f13221b81e..460fde9b62a 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_discussion.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_discussion.vue
@@ -4,10 +4,9 @@
import { SYSTEM_NOTE } from '../constants';
import issueNote from './issue_note.vue';
import userAvatarLink from '../../vue_shared/components/user_avatar/user_avatar_link.vue';
- import issueNoteHeader from './issue_note_header.vue';
- import issueNoteActions from './issue_note_actions.vue';
- import issueNoteSignedOutWidget from './issue_note_signed_out_widget.vue';
- import issueNoteEditedText from './issue_note_edited_text.vue';
+ import noteHeader from './note_header.vue';
+ import noteSignedOutWidget from './note_signed_out_widget.vue';
+ import noteEditedText from './note_edited_text.vue';
import issueNoteForm from './issue_note_form.vue';
import placeholderNote from '../../vue_shared/components/notes/placeholder_note.vue';
import placeholderSystemNote from '../../vue_shared/components/notes/placeholder_system_note.vue';
@@ -28,10 +27,9 @@
components: {
- issueNoteHeader,
- issueNoteActions,
- issueNoteSignedOutWidget,
- issueNoteEditedText,
+ noteHeader,
+ noteSignedOutWidget,
+ noteEditedText,
@@ -41,7 +39,7 @@
computed: {
- 'getIssueData',
+ 'getNoteableData',
discussion() {
return this.note.notes[0];
@@ -50,10 +48,10 @@
canReply() {
- return this.getIssueData.current_user.can_create_note;
+ return this.getNoteableData.current_user.can_create_note;
newNotePath() {
- return this.getIssueData.create_note_path;
+ return this.getNoteableData.create_note_path;
lastUpdatedBy() {
const { notes } = this.note;
@@ -171,7 +169,7 @@
<div class="timeline-content">
<div class="discussion">
<div class="discussion-header">
- <issue-note-header
+ <note-header
@@ -179,8 +177,8 @@
action-text="started a discussion"
- />
- <issue-note-edited-text
+ />
+ <note-edited-text
@@ -220,7 +218,7 @@
- <issue-note-signed-out-widget v-if="!canReply" />
+ <note-signed-out-widget v-if="!canReply" />
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_discussion_locked_widget.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_discussion_locked_widget.vue
deleted file mode 100644
index e73ec2aaf71..00000000000
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_discussion_locked_widget.vue
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- export default {
- computed: {
- lockIcon() {
- return gl.utils.spriteIcon('lock');
- },
- },
- };
- <div class="disabled-comment text-center">
- <span class="issuable-note-warning">
- <span class="icon" v-html="lockIcon"></span>
- <span>This issue is locked. Only <b>project members</b> can comment.</span>
- </span>
- </div>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_note.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_note.vue
index 40318f9a600..8c81c5d6df3 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_note.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_note.vue
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
import { mapGetters, mapActions } from 'vuex';
import Flash from '../../flash';
import userAvatarLink from '../../vue_shared/components/user_avatar/user_avatar_link.vue';
- import issueNoteHeader from './issue_note_header.vue';
- import issueNoteActions from './issue_note_actions.vue';
+ import noteHeader from './note_header.vue';
+ import noteActions from './note_actions.vue';
import issueNoteBody from './issue_note_body.vue';
import eventHub from '../event_hub';
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
components: {
- issueNoteHeader,
- issueNoteActions,
+ noteHeader,
+ noteActions,
computed: {
@@ -155,13 +155,13 @@
<div class="timeline-content">
<div class="note-header">
- <issue-note-header
+ <note-header
- <issue-note-actions
+ <note-actions
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_note_body.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_note_body.vue
index 5f9003bfd87..a16c5f6a785 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_note_body.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_note_body.vue
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- import issueNoteEditedText from './issue_note_edited_text.vue';
- import issueNoteAwardsList from './issue_note_awards_list.vue';
- import issueNoteAttachment from './issue_note_attachment.vue';
+ import noteEditedText from './note_edited_text.vue';
+ import noteAwardsList from './note_awards_list.vue';
+ import noteAttachment from './note_attachment.vue';
import issueNoteForm from './issue_note_form.vue';
import TaskList from '../../task_list';
import autosave from '../mixins/autosave';
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
components: {
- issueNoteEditedText,
- issueNoteAwardsList,
- issueNoteAttachment,
+ noteEditedText,
+ noteAwardsList,
+ noteAttachment,
computed: {
@@ -101,20 +101,20 @@
class="hidden js-task-list-field"></textarea>
- <issue-note-edited-text
+ <note-edited-text
- <issue-note-awards-list
+ <note-awards-list
- <issue-note-attachment
+ <note-attachment
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_note_form.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_note_form.vue
index e2539d6b89d..4d527cb6643 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_note_form.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_note_form.vue
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@
computed: {
- 'getIssueData',
- 'getIssueDataByProp',
+ 'getNoteableData',
+ 'getNoteableDataByProp',
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
return `#note_${this.noteId}`;
markdownPreviewPath() {
- return this.getIssueDataByProp('preview_note_path');
+ return this.getNoteableDataByProp('preview_note_path');
markdownDocsPath() {
return this.getNotesDataByProp('markdownDocsPath');
@@ -129,9 +129,9 @@
class="edit-note common-note-form js-quick-submit gfm-form">
- v-if="hasWarning(getIssueData)"
- :is-locked="isLocked(getIssueData)"
- :is-confidential="isConfidential(getIssueData)"
+ v-if="hasWarning(getNoteableData)"
+ :is-locked="isLocked(getNoteableData)"
+ :is-confidential="isConfidential(getNoteableData)"
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_notes_app.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_notes_app.vue
index 5c9119644e3..4cfcffa2391 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_notes_app.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_notes_app.vue
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
export default {
name: 'issueNotesApp',
props: {
- issueData: {
+ noteableData: {
type: Object,
required: true,
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
actionToggleAward: 'toggleAward',
scrollToNoteIfNeeded: 'scrollToNoteIfNeeded',
setNotesData: 'setNotesData',
- setIssueData: 'setIssueData',
+ setNoteableData: 'setNoteableData',
setUserData: 'setUserData',
setLastFetchedAt: 'setLastFetchedAt',
setTargetNoteHash: 'setTargetNoteHash',
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
created() {
- this.setIssueData(this.issueData);
+ this.setNoteableData(this.noteableData);
mounted() {
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_note_actions.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/note_actions.vue
index feb3e73194b..7fb45ed4d4b 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_note_actions.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/note_actions.vue
@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@
import emojiSmiley from 'icons/_emoji_smiley.svg';
import editSvg from 'icons/_icon_pencil.svg';
import ellipsisSvg from 'icons/_ellipsis_v.svg';
- import loadingIcon from '../../vue_shared/components/loading_icon.vue';
- import tooltip from '../../vue_shared/directives/tooltip';
+ import loadingIcon from '~/vue_shared/components/loading_icon.vue';
+ import tooltip from '~/vue_shared/directives/tooltip';
export default {
- name: 'issueNoteActions',
+ name: 'noteActions',
props: {
authorId: {
type: Number,
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
<div class="note-actions">
- class="note-role note-role-access">{{accessLevel}}</span>
+ class="note-role user-access-role">{{accessLevel}}</span>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_note_attachment.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/note_attachment.vue
index 7134a3eb47e..cd9571a4002 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_note_attachment.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/note_attachment.vue
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
export default {
- name: 'issueNoteAttachment',
+ name: 'noteAttachment',
props: {
attachment: {
type: Object,
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_note_awards_list.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/note_awards_list.vue
index c3a340139e7..c3a340139e7 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_note_awards_list.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/note_awards_list.vue
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_note_edited_text.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/note_edited_text.vue
index 49e09f0ecc5..49e09f0ecc5 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_note_edited_text.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/note_edited_text.vue
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_note_header.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/note_header.vue
index 63aa3d777d0..63aa3d777d0 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_note_header.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/note_header.vue
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_note_signed_out_widget.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/note_signed_out_widget.vue
index 77af3594c1c..45d3c2de355 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/issue_note_signed_out_widget.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/components/note_signed_out_widget.vue
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex';
export default {
- name: 'singInLinksNotes',
computed: {
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/index.js b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/index.js
index e2ea37408cf..a94163a5f87 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/index.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/index.js
@@ -8,10 +8,18 @@ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => new Vue({
data() {
const notesDataset = document.getElementById('js-vue-notes').dataset;
+ const parsedUserData = JSON.parse(notesDataset.currentUserData);
+ const currentUserData = parsedUserData ? {
+ id:,
+ name:,
+ username: parsedUserData.username,
+ avatar_url: parsedUserData.avatar_path || parsedUserData.avatar_url,
+ path: parsedUserData.path,
+ } : {};
return {
- issueData: JSON.parse(notesDataset.issueData),
- currentUserData: JSON.parse(notesDataset.currentUserData),
+ noteableData: JSON.parse(notesDataset.noteableData),
+ currentUserData,
notesData: {
lastFetchedAt: notesDataset.lastFetchedAt,
discussionsPath: notesDataset.discussionsPath,
@@ -26,7 +34,7 @@ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => new Vue({
render(createElement) {
return createElement('issue-notes-app', {
props: {
- issueData: this.issueData,
+ noteableData: this.noteableData,
notesData: this.notesData,
userData: this.currentUserData,
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/services/issue_notes_service.js b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/services/notes_service.js
index b51b0cb2013..b51b0cb2013 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/services/issue_notes_service.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/services/notes_service.js
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/stores/actions.js b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/stores/actions.js
index 6f04aecc9b7..085b18642ba 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/stores/actions.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/stores/actions.js
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import Poll from '../../lib/utils/poll';
import * as types from './mutation_types';
import * as utils from './utils';
import * as constants from '../constants';
-import service from '../services/issue_notes_service';
+import service from '../services/notes_service';
import loadAwardsHandler from '../../awards_handler';
import sidebarTimeTrackingEventHub from '../../sidebar/event_hub';
import { isInViewport, scrollToElement } from '../../lib/utils/common_utils';
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import { isInViewport, scrollToElement } from '../../lib/utils/common_utils';
let eTagPoll;
export const setNotesData = ({ commit }, data) => commit(types.SET_NOTES_DATA, data);
-export const setIssueData = ({ commit }, data) => commit(types.SET_ISSUE_DATA, data);
+export const setNoteableData = ({ commit }, data) => commit(types.SET_NOTEABLE_DATA, data);
export const setUserData = ({ commit }, data) => commit(types.SET_USER_DATA, data);
export const setLastFetchedAt = ({ commit }, data) => commit(types.SET_LAST_FETCHED_AT, data);
export const setInitialNotes = ({ commit }, data) => commit(types.SET_INITIAL_NOTES, data);
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/stores/getters.js b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/stores/getters.js
index 1f0c6af6156..e18b277119e 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/stores/getters.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/stores/getters.js
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ export const targetNoteHash = state => state.targetNoteHash;
export const getNotesData = state => state.notesData;
export const getNotesDataByProp = state => prop => state.notesData[prop];
-export const getIssueData = state => state.issueData;
-export const getIssueDataByProp = state => prop => state.issueData[prop];
+export const getNoteableData = state => state.noteableData;
+export const getNoteableDataByProp = state => prop => state.noteableData[prop];
export const getUserData = state => state.userData || {};
export const getUserDataByProp = state => prop => state.userData && state.userData[prop];
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/stores/index.js b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/stores/index.js
index 8e0c8531bbc..488a9ca38d3 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/stores/index.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/stores/index.js
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ export default new Vuex.Store({
// holds endpoints and permissions provided through haml
notesData: {},
userData: {},
- issueData: {},
+ noteableData: {},
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/stores/mutation_types.js b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/stores/mutation_types.js
index cd71533ba9d..d520c197407 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/stores/mutation_types.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/stores/mutation_types.js
export const DELETE_NOTE = 'DELETE_NOTE';
-export const SET_ISSUE_DATA = 'SET_ISSUE_DATA';
export const SET_USER_DATA = 'SET_USER_DATA';
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/stores/mutations.js b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/stores/mutations.js
index c2a08f3d6fe..20f81a430c2 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/notes/stores/mutations.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/notes/stores/mutations.js
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ export default {
Object.assign(state, { notesData: data });
- [types.SET_ISSUE_DATA](state, data) {
- Object.assign(state, { issueData: data });
+ [types.SET_NOTEABLE_DATA](state, data) {
+ Object.assign(state, { noteableData: data });
[types.SET_USER_DATA](state, data) {
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/pipelines/components/graph/action_component.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/pipelines/components/graph/action_component.vue
index 547140b1a43..19d8e1f49cf 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/pipelines/components/graph/action_component.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/pipelines/components/graph/action_component.vue
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import tooltip from '../../../vue_shared/directives/tooltip';
import icon from '../../../vue_shared/components/icon.vue';
+ import { dasherize } from '../../../lib/utils/text_utility';
* Renders either a cancel, retry or play icon pointing to the given path.
* TODO: Remove UJS from here and use an async request instead.
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
computed: {
cssClass() {
- const actionIconDash = gl.text.dasherize(this.actionIcon);
+ const actionIconDash = dasherize(this.actionIcon);
return `${actionIconDash} js-icon-${actionIconDash}`;
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/pipelines/components/graph/job_component.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/pipelines/components/graph/job_component.vue
index 5dea4555515..08199b4234a 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/pipelines/components/graph/job_component.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/pipelines/components/graph/job_component.vue
@@ -78,11 +78,13 @@
<div class="ci-job-component">
- v-if="job.status.details_path"
+ v-if="job.status.has_details"
- data-container="body">
+ data-container="body"
+ class="js-pipeline-graph-job-link"
+ >
@@ -95,7 +97,8 @@
- data-container="body">
+ data-container="body"
+ >
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/pipelines/components/navigation_tabs.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/pipelines/components/navigation_tabs.vue
deleted file mode 100644
index 73f7e3a0cad..00000000000
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/pipelines/components/navigation_tabs.vue
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
- export default {
- name: 'PipelineNavigationTabs',
- props: {
- scope: {
- type: String,
- required: true,
- },
- count: {
- type: Object,
- required: true,
- },
- paths: {
- type: Object,
- required: true,
- },
- },
- mounted() {
- $(document).trigger('init.scrolling-tabs');
- },
- methods: {
- shouldRenderBadge(count) {
- // 0 is valid in a badge, but evaluates to false, we need to check for undefined
- return count !== undefined;
- },
- },
- <ul class="nav-links scrolling-tabs">
- <li
- class="js-pipelines-tab-all"
- :class="{ active: scope === 'all'}">
- <a :href="paths.allPath">
- All
- <span
- v-if="shouldRenderBadge(count.all)"
- class="badge js-totalbuilds-count">
- {{count.all}}
- </span>
- </a>
- </li>
- <li
- class="js-pipelines-tab-pending"
- :class="{ active: scope === 'pending'}">
- <a :href="paths.pendingPath">
- Pending
- <span
- v-if="shouldRenderBadge(count.pending)"
- class="badge">
- {{count.pending}}
- </span>
- </a>
- </li>
- <li
- class="js-pipelines-tab-running"
- :class="{ active: scope === 'running'}">
- <a :href="paths.runningPath">
- Running
- <span
- v-if="shouldRenderBadge(count.running)"
- class="badge">
- {{count.running}}
- </span>
- </a>
- </li>
- <li
- class="js-pipelines-tab-finished"
- :class="{ active: scope === 'finished'}">
- <a :href="paths.finishedPath">
- Finished
- <span
- v-if="shouldRenderBadge(count.finished)"
- class="badge">
- {{count.finished}}
- </span>
- </a>
- </li>
- <li
- class="js-pipelines-tab-branches"
- :class="{ active: scope === 'branches'}">
- <a :href="paths.branchesPath">Branches</a>
- </li>
- <li
- class="js-pipelines-tab-tags"
- :class="{ active: scope === 'tags'}">
- <a :href="paths.tagsPath">Tags</a>
- </li>
- </ul>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/pipelines/components/pipelines.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/pipelines/components/pipelines.vue
index 3da60e88474..fe1f3b4246a 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/pipelines/components/pipelines.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/pipelines/components/pipelines.vue
@@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
+ import _ from 'underscore';
import PipelinesService from '../services/pipelines_service';
import pipelinesMixin from '../mixins/pipelines';
import tablePagination from '../../vue_shared/components/table_pagination.vue';
- import navigationTabs from './navigation_tabs.vue';
+ import navigationTabs from '../../vue_shared/components/navigation_tabs.vue';
import navigationControls from './nav_controls.vue';
- import { convertPermissionToBoolean, getParameterByName, setParamInURL } from '../../lib/utils/common_utils';
+ import {
+ convertPermissionToBoolean,
+ getParameterByName,
+ parseQueryStringIntoObject,
+ } from '../../lib/utils/common_utils';
+ import CIPaginationMixin from '../../vue_shared/mixins/ci_pagination_api_mixin';
export default {
props: {
@@ -29,6 +35,7 @@
mixins: [
+ CIPaginationMixin,
data() {
const pipelinesData = document.querySelector('#pipelines-list-vue').dataset;
@@ -41,27 +48,18 @@
autoDevopsPath: pipelinesData.helpAutoDevopsPath,
newPipelinePath: pipelinesData.newPipelinePath,
canCreatePipeline: pipelinesData.canCreatePipeline,
- allPath: pipelinesData.allPath,
- pendingPath: pipelinesData.pendingPath,
- runningPath: pipelinesData.runningPath,
- finishedPath: pipelinesData.finishedPath,
- branchesPath: pipelinesData.branchesPath,
- tagsPath: pipelinesData.tagsPath,
hasCi: pipelinesData.hasCi,
ciLintPath: pipelinesData.ciLintPath,
- apiScope: 'all',
- pagenum: 1,
+ scope: getParameterByName('scope') || 'all',
+ page: getParameterByName('page') || '1',
+ requestData: {},
computed: {
canCreatePipelineParsed() {
return convertPermissionToBoolean(this.canCreatePipeline);
- scope() {
- const scope = getParameterByName('scope');
- return scope === null ? 'all' : scope;
- },
* The empty state should only be rendered when the request is made to fetch all pipelines
@@ -106,46 +104,90 @@
hasCiEnabled() {
return this.hasCi !== undefined;
- paths() {
- return {
- allPath: this.allPath,
- pendingPath: this.pendingPath,
- finishedPath: this.finishedPath,
- runningPath: this.runningPath,
- branchesPath: this.branchesPath,
- tagsPath: this.tagsPath,
- };
- },
- pageParameter() {
- return getParameterByName('page') || this.pagenum;
- },
- scopeParameter() {
- return getParameterByName('scope') || this.apiScope;
+ tabs() {
+ const { count } = this.state;
+ return [
+ {
+ name: 'All',
+ scope: 'all',
+ count: count.all,
+ isActive: this.scope === 'all',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Pending',
+ scope: 'pending',
+ count: count.pending,
+ isActive: this.scope === 'pending',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Running',
+ scope: 'running',
+ count: count.running,
+ isActive: this.scope === 'running',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Finished',
+ scope: 'finished',
+ count: count.finished,
+ isActive: this.scope === 'finished',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Branches',
+ scope: 'branches',
+ isActive: this.scope === 'branches',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Tags',
+ scope: 'tags',
+ isActive: this.scope === 'tags',
+ },
+ ];
created() {
this.service = new PipelinesService(this.endpoint);
- this.requestData = { page: this.pageParameter, scope: this.scopeParameter };
+ this.requestData = { page:, scope: this.scope };
methods: {
+ successCallback(resp) {
+ return resp.json().then((response) => {
+ // Because we are polling & the user is interacting verify if the response received
+ // matches the last request made
+ if (_.isEqual(parseQueryStringIntoObject(resp.url.split('?')[1]), this.requestData)) {
+ this.setCommonData(response.pipelines);
+ }
+ });
+ },
- * Will change the page number and update the URL.
- *
- * @param {Number} pageNumber desired page to go to.
+ * Handles URL and query parameter changes.
+ * When the user uses the pagination or the tabs,
+ * - update URL
+ * - Make API request to the server with new parameters
+ * - Update the polling function
+ * - Update the internal state
- change(pageNumber) {
- const param = setParamInURL('page', pageNumber);
+ updateContent(parameters) {
+ this.updateInternalState(parameters);
- gl.utils.visitUrl(param);
- return param;
- },
+ // fetch new data
+ return this.service.getPipelines(this.requestData)
+ .then((response) => {
+ this.isLoading = false;
+ this.successCallback(response);
- successCallback(resp) {
- return resp.json().then((response) => {
- this.setCommonData(response.pipelines);
- });
+ // restart polling
+ this.poll.restart({ data: this.requestData });
+ })
+ .catch(() => {
+ this.isLoading = false;
+ this.errorCallback();
+ // restart polling
+ this.poll.restart();
+ });
@@ -154,7 +196,7 @@
<div class="pipelines-container">
class="top-area scrolling-tabs-container inner-page-scroll-tabs"
- v-if="!isLoading && !shouldRenderEmptyState">
+ v-if="!shouldRenderEmptyState">
<div class="fade-left">
class="fa fa-angle-left"
@@ -167,17 +209,18 @@
- :scope="scope"
- :count="state.count"
- :paths="paths"
+ :tabs="tabs"
+ @onChangeTab="onChangeTab"
+ scope="pipelines"
- :ciLintPath="ciLintPath"
+ :ci-lint-path="ciLintPath"
:can-create-pipeline="canCreatePipelineParsed "
@@ -188,6 +231,7 @@
label="Loading Pipelines"
+ class="prepend-top-20"
@@ -202,9 +246,11 @@
- class="blank-state blank-state-no-icon"
+ class="blank-state-row"
- <h2 class="blank-state-title js-blank-state-title">No pipelines to show.</h2>
+ <div class="blank-state-center">
+ <h2 class="blank-state-title js-blank-state-title">No pipelines to show.</h2>
+ </div>
@@ -221,8 +267,8 @@
- :change="change"
- :pageInfo="state.pageInfo"
+ :change="onChangePage"
+ :page-info="state.pageInfo"
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/project.js b/app/assets/javascripts/project.js
index fe6602259e2..3131e71d9d6 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/project.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/project.js
@@ -1,139 +1,132 @@
-/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, wrap-iife, no-var, quotes, consistent-return, no-new, prefer-arrow-callback, no-return-assign, one-var, one-var-declaration-per-line, object-shorthand, comma-dangle, no-else-return, newline-per-chained-call, no-shadow, vars-on-top, prefer-template, max-len */
-/* global ProjectSelect */
+/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, no-var, consistent-return, no-new, prefer-arrow-callback, no-return-assign, one-var, one-var-declaration-per-line, object-shorthand, no-else-return, newline-per-chained-call, no-shadow, vars-on-top, prefer-template, max-len */
import Cookies from 'js-cookie';
+import projectSelect from './project_select';
-(function() {
- this.Project = (function() {
- function Project() {
- const $cloneOptions = $('ul.clone-options-dropdown');
- const $projectCloneField = $('#project_clone');
- const $cloneBtnText = $('a.clone-dropdown-btn span');
+export default class Project {
+ constructor() {
+ const $cloneOptions = $('ul.clone-options-dropdown');
+ const $projectCloneField = $('#project_clone');
+ const $cloneBtnText = $('a.clone-dropdown-btn span');
- const selectedCloneOption = $cloneBtnText.text().trim();
- if (selectedCloneOption.length > 0) {
- $(`a:contains('${selectedCloneOption}')`, $cloneOptions).addClass('is-active');
- }
- $('a', $cloneOptions).on('click', (e) => {
- const $this = $(e.currentTarget);
- const url = $this.attr('href');
- e.preventDefault();
- $('.is-active', $cloneOptions).not($this).removeClass('is-active');
- $this.toggleClass('is-active');
- $projectCloneField.val(url);
- $cloneBtnText.text($this.text());
- return $('.clone').text(url);
- });
- // Ref switcher
- this.initRefSwitcher();
- $('.project-refs-select').on('change', function() {
- return $(this).parents('form').submit();
- });
- $('.hide-no-ssh-message').on('click', function(e) {
- Cookies.set('hide_no_ssh_message', 'false');
- $(this).parents('.no-ssh-key-message').remove();
- return e.preventDefault();
- });
- $('.hide-no-password-message').on('click', function(e) {
- Cookies.set('hide_no_password_message', 'false');
- $(this).parents('.no-password-message').remove();
- return e.preventDefault();
- });
- this.projectSelectDropdown();
+ const selectedCloneOption = $cloneBtnText.text().trim();
+ if (selectedCloneOption.length > 0) {
+ $(`a:contains('${selectedCloneOption}')`, $cloneOptions).addClass('is-active');
- Project.prototype.projectSelectDropdown = function() {
- new ProjectSelect();
- $('.project-item-select').on('click', (function(_this) {
- return function(e) {
- return _this.changeProject($(e.currentTarget).val());
- };
- })(this));
- };
- Project.prototype.changeProject = function(url) {
- return window.location = url;
- };
- Project.prototype.initRefSwitcher = function() {
- var refListItem = document.createElement('li');
- var refLink = document.createElement('a');
- refLink.href = '#';
- return $('.js-project-refs-dropdown').each(function() {
- var $dropdown, selected;
- $dropdown = $(this);
- selected = $'selected');
- return $dropdown.glDropdown({
- data: function(term, callback) {
- return $.ajax({
- url: $'refs-url'),
- data: {
- ref: $'ref'),
- search: term
- },
- dataType: "json"
- }).done(function(refs) {
- return callback(refs);
- });
- },
- selectable: true,
- filterable: true,
- filterRemote: true,
- filterByText: true,
- inputFieldName: $'input-field-name'),
- fieldName: $'field-name'),
- renderRow: function(ref) {
- var li = refListItem.cloneNode(false);
- if (ref.header != null) {
- li.className = 'dropdown-header';
- li.textContent = ref.header;
- } else {
- var link = refLink.cloneNode(false);
- if (ref === selected) {
- link.className = 'is-active';
- }
- link.textContent = ref;
- link.dataset.ref = ref;
- li.appendChild(link);
+ $('a', $cloneOptions).on('click', (e) => {
+ const $this = $(e.currentTarget);
+ const url = $this.attr('href');
+ const activeText = $this.find('.dropdown-menu-inner-title').text();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ $('.is-active', $cloneOptions).not($this).removeClass('is-active');
+ $this.toggleClass('is-active');
+ $projectCloneField.val(url);
+ $cloneBtnText.text(activeText);
+ return $('.clone').text(url);
+ });
+ // Ref switcher
+ Project.initRefSwitcher();
+ $('.project-refs-select').on('change', function() {
+ return $(this).parents('form').submit();
+ });
+ $('.hide-no-ssh-message').on('click', function(e) {
+ Cookies.set('hide_no_ssh_message', 'false');
+ $(this).parents('.no-ssh-key-message').remove();
+ return e.preventDefault();
+ });
+ $('.hide-no-password-message').on('click', function(e) {
+ Cookies.set('hide_no_password_message', 'false');
+ $(this).parents('.no-password-message').remove();
+ return e.preventDefault();
+ });
+ Project.projectSelectDropdown();
+ }
+ static projectSelectDropdown () {
+ projectSelect();
+ $('.project-item-select').on('click', e => Project.changeProject($(e.currentTarget).val()));
+ }
+ static changeProject(url) {
+ return window.location = url;
+ }
+ static initRefSwitcher() {
+ var refListItem = document.createElement('li');
+ var refLink = document.createElement('a');
+ refLink.href = '#';
+ return $('.js-project-refs-dropdown').each(function() {
+ var $dropdown, selected;
+ $dropdown = $(this);
+ selected = $'selected');
+ return $dropdown.glDropdown({
+ data: function(term, callback) {
+ return $.ajax({
+ url: $'refs-url'),
+ data: {
+ ref: $'ref'),
+ search: term,
+ },
+ dataType: 'json',
+ }).done(function(refs) {
+ return callback(refs);
+ });
+ },
+ selectable: true,
+ filterable: true,
+ filterRemote: true,
+ filterByText: true,
+ inputFieldName: $'input-field-name'),
+ fieldName: $'field-name'),
+ renderRow: function(ref) {
+ var li = refListItem.cloneNode(false);
+ if (ref.header != null) {
+ li.className = 'dropdown-header';
+ li.textContent = ref.header;
+ } else {
+ var link = refLink.cloneNode(false);
+ if (ref === selected) {
+ link.className = 'is-active';
- return li;
- },
- id: function(obj, $el) {
- return $el.attr('data-ref');
- },
- toggleLabel: function(obj, $el) {
- return $el.text().trim();
- },
- clicked: function(options) {
- const { e } = options;
- e.preventDefault();
- if ($('input[name="ref"]').length) {
- var $form = $dropdown.closest('form');
- var $visit = $'visit');
- var shouldVisit = $visit ? true : $visit;
- var action = $form.attr('action');
- var divider = action.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&';
- if (shouldVisit) {
- gl.utils.visitUrl(`${action}${divider}${$form.serialize()}`);
- }
+ link.textContent = ref;
+ link.dataset.ref = ref;
+ li.appendChild(link);
+ }
+ return li;
+ },
+ id: function(obj, $el) {
+ return $el.attr('data-ref');
+ },
+ toggleLabel: function(obj, $el) {
+ return $el.text().trim();
+ },
+ clicked: function(options) {
+ const { e } = options;
+ e.preventDefault();
+ if ($('input[name="ref"]').length) {
+ var $form = $dropdown.closest('form');
+ var $visit = $'visit');
+ var shouldVisit = $visit ? true : $visit;
+ var action = $form.attr('action');
+ var divider = action.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&';
+ if (shouldVisit) {
+ gl.utils.visitUrl(`${action}${divider}${$form.serialize()}`);
- });
+ },
- };
- return Project;
- })();
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/project_avatar.js b/app/assets/javascripts/project_avatar.js
index aabdfbf65e2..56627aa155c 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/project_avatar.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/project_avatar.js
@@ -1,20 +1,13 @@
-/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, wrap-iife, no-var, one-var, one-var-declaration-per-line, no-useless-escape, max-len */
-(function() {
- this.ProjectAvatar = (function() {
- function ProjectAvatar() {
- $('.js-choose-project-avatar-button').bind('click', function() {
- var form;
- form = $(this).closest('form');
- return form.find('.js-project-avatar-input').click();
- });
- $('.js-project-avatar-input').bind('change', function() {
- var filename, form;
- form = $(this).closest('form');
- filename = $(this).val().replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '');
- return form.find('.js-avatar-filename').text(filename);
- });
- }
+export default function projectAvatar() {
+ $('.js-choose-project-avatar-button').bind('click', function onClickAvatar() {
+ const form = $(this).closest('form');
+ return form.find('.js-project-avatar-input').click();
+ });
- return ProjectAvatar;
- })();
+ $('.js-project-avatar-input').bind('change', function onClickAvatarInput() {
+ const form = $(this).closest('form');
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
+ const filename = $(this).val().replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '');
+ return form.find('.js-avatar-filename').text(filename);
+ });
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/project_import.js b/app/assets/javascripts/project_import.js
index 08334bf1ec5..d2d26d6f67e 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/project_import.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/project_import.js
@@ -1,13 +1,8 @@
-/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, wrap-iife, prefer-arrow-callback, max-len */
+import { visitUrl } from './lib/utils/url_utility';
-(function() {
- this.ProjectImport = (function() {
- function ProjectImport() {
- setTimeout(function() {
- return gl.utils.visitUrl(location.href);
- }, 5000);
- }
+export default function projectImport() {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ visitUrl(location.href);
+ }, 5000);
- return ProjectImport;
- })();
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/project_label_subscription.js b/app/assets/javascripts/project_label_subscription.js
index 0a811627600..b65521b278f 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/project_label_subscription.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/project_label_subscription.js
@@ -1,55 +1,50 @@
-/* eslint-disable wrap-iife, func-names, space-before-function-paren, object-shorthand, comma-dangle, one-var, one-var-declaration-per-line, no-restricted-syntax, max-len, no-param-reassign */
+export default class ProjectLabelSubscription {
+ constructor(container) {
+ this.$container = $(container);
+ this.$buttons = this.$container.find('.js-subscribe-button');
-(function(global) {
- class ProjectLabelSubscription {
- constructor(container) {
- this.$container = $(container);
- this.$buttons = this.$container.find('.js-subscribe-button');
- this.$buttons.on('click', this.toggleSubscription.bind(this));
- }
+ this.$buttons.on('click', this.toggleSubscription.bind(this));
+ }
- toggleSubscription(event) {
- event.preventDefault();
+ toggleSubscription(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
- const $btn = $(event.currentTarget);
- const $span = $btn.find('span');
- const url = $btn.attr('data-url');
- const oldStatus = $btn.attr('data-status');
+ const $btn = $(event.currentTarget);
+ const $span = $btn.find('span');
+ const url = $btn.attr('data-url');
+ const oldStatus = $btn.attr('data-status');
- $btn.addClass('disabled');
- $span.toggleClass('hidden');
+ $btn.addClass('disabled');
+ $span.toggleClass('hidden');
- $.ajax({
- type: 'POST',
- url: url
- }).done(() => {
- let newStatus, newAction;
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ url,
+ }).done(() => {
+ let newStatus;
+ let newAction;
- if (oldStatus === 'unsubscribed') {
- [newStatus, newAction] = ['subscribed', 'Unsubscribe'];
- } else {
- [newStatus, newAction] = ['unsubscribed', 'Subscribe'];
- }
+ if (oldStatus === 'unsubscribed') {
+ [newStatus, newAction] = ['subscribed', 'Unsubscribe'];
+ } else {
+ [newStatus, newAction] = ['unsubscribed', 'Subscribe'];
+ }
- $span.toggleClass('hidden');
- $btn.removeClass('disabled');
+ $span.toggleClass('hidden');
+ $btn.removeClass('disabled');
- this.$buttons.attr('data-status', newStatus);
- this.$buttons.find('> span').text(newAction);
+ this.$buttons.attr('data-status', newStatus);
+ this.$buttons.find('> span').text(newAction);
- this.$ => {
- const $button = $(button);
+ this.$ => {
+ const $button = $(button);
- if ($button.attr('data-original-title')) {
- $button.tooltip('hide').attr('data-original-title', newAction).tooltip('fixTitle');
- }
+ if ($button.attr('data-original-title')) {
+ $button.tooltip('hide').attr('data-original-title', newAction).tooltip('fixTitle');
+ }
- return button;
- });
+ return button;
- }
+ });
- global.ProjectLabelSubscription = ProjectLabelSubscription;
-})( || ( = {}));
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/project_new.js b/app/assets/javascripts/project_new.js
index fd89a1a85c3..ca548d011b6 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/project_new.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/project_new.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, no-var, prefer-rest-params, wrap-iife, no-unused-vars, one-var, no-underscore-dangle, prefer-template, no-else-return, prefer-arrow-callback, max-len */
+/* eslint-disable func-names, no-var, no-underscore-dangle, prefer-template, prefer-arrow-callback*/
import VisibilitySelect from './visibility_select';
@@ -7,153 +7,145 @@ function highlightChanges($elm) {
setTimeout(() => $elm.removeClass('highlight-changes'), 10);
-(function() {
- this.ProjectNew = (function() {
- function ProjectNew() {
- this.toggleSettings = this.toggleSettings.bind(this);
- this.$selects = $('.features select');
- this.$repoSelects = this.$selects.filter('.js-repo-select');
- this.$projectSelects = this.$selects.not('.js-repo-select');
- $('.project-edit-container').on('ajax:before', (function(_this) {
- return function() {
- $('.project-edit-container').hide();
- return $('.save-project-loader').show();
- };
- })(this));
- this.initVisibilitySelect();
- this.toggleSettings();
- this.toggleSettingsOnclick();
- this.toggleRepoVisibility();
- }
- ProjectNew.prototype.initVisibilitySelect = function() {
- const visibilityContainer = document.querySelector('.js-visibility-select');
- if (!visibilityContainer) return;
- const visibilitySelect = new VisibilitySelect(visibilityContainer);
- visibilitySelect.init();
- const $visibilitySelect = $(visibilityContainer).find('select');
- let projectVisibility = $visibilitySelect.val();
- $visibilitySelect.on('change', () => {
- const newProjectVisibility = $visibilitySelect.val();
- if (projectVisibility !== newProjectVisibility) {
- this.$projectSelects.each((idx, select) => {
- const $select = $(select);
- const $options = $select.find('option');
- const values = $.map($options, e => e.value);
- // if switched to "private", limit visibility options
- if (newProjectVisibility === PROJECT_VISIBILITY_PRIVATE) {
- if ($select.val() !== values[0] && $select.val() !== values[1]) {
- $select.val(values[1]).trigger('change');
- highlightChanges($select);
- }
- $options.slice(2).disable();
+export default class ProjectNew {
+ constructor() {
+ this.toggleSettings = this.toggleSettings.bind(this);
+ this.$selects = $('.features select');
+ this.$repoSelects = this.$selects.filter('.js-repo-select');
+ this.$projectSelects = this.$selects.not('.js-repo-select');
+ $('.project-edit-container').on('ajax:before', () => {
+ $('.project-edit-container').hide();
+ return $('.save-project-loader').show();
+ });
+ this.initVisibilitySelect();
+ this.toggleSettings();
+ this.toggleSettingsOnclick();
+ this.toggleRepoVisibility();
+ }
+ initVisibilitySelect() {
+ const visibilityContainer = document.querySelector('.js-visibility-select');
+ if (!visibilityContainer) return;
+ const visibilitySelect = new VisibilitySelect(visibilityContainer);
+ visibilitySelect.init();
+ const $visibilitySelect = $(visibilityContainer).find('select');
+ let projectVisibility = $visibilitySelect.val();
+ $visibilitySelect.on('change', () => {
+ const newProjectVisibility = $visibilitySelect.val();
+ if (projectVisibility !== newProjectVisibility) {
+ this.$projectSelects.each((idx, select) => {
+ const $select = $(select);
+ const $options = $select.find('option');
+ const values = $.map($options, e => e.value);
+ // if switched to "private", limit visibility options
+ if (newProjectVisibility === PROJECT_VISIBILITY_PRIVATE) {
+ if ($select.val() !== values[0] && $select.val() !== values[1]) {
+ $select.val(values[1]).trigger('change');
+ highlightChanges($select);
+ $options.slice(2).disable();
+ }
- // if switched from "private", increase visibility for non-disabled options
- if (projectVisibility === PROJECT_VISIBILITY_PRIVATE) {
- $options.enable();
- if ($select.val() !== values[0] && $select.val() !== values[values.length - 1]) {
- $select.val(values[values.length - 1]).trigger('change');
- highlightChanges($select);
- }
+ // if switched from "private", increase visibility for non-disabled options
+ if (projectVisibility === PROJECT_VISIBILITY_PRIVATE) {
+ $options.enable();
+ if ($select.val() !== values[0] && $select.val() !== values[values.length - 1]) {
+ $select.val(values[values.length - 1]).trigger('change');
+ highlightChanges($select);
- });
+ }
+ });
- projectVisibility = newProjectVisibility;
- }
- });
- };
- ProjectNew.prototype.toggleSettings = function() {
- var self = this;
- this.$selects.each(function () {
- var $select = $(this);
- var className = $'field')
- .replace(/_/g, '-')
- .replace('access-level', 'feature');
- self._showOrHide($select, '.' + className);
- });
- };
- ProjectNew.prototype.toggleSettingsOnclick = function() {
- this.$selects.on('change', this.toggleSettings);
- };
- ProjectNew.prototype._showOrHide = function(checkElement, container) {
- var $container = $(container);
- if ($(checkElement).val() !== '0') {
- return $;
- } else {
- return $container.hide();
+ projectVisibility = newProjectVisibility;
- };
- ProjectNew.prototype.toggleRepoVisibility = function () {
- var $repoAccessLevel = $('.js-repo-access-level select');
- var $lfsEnabledOption = $('.js-lfs-enabled select');
- var containerRegistry = document.querySelectorAll('.js-container-registry')[0];
- var containerRegistryCheckbox = document.getElementById('project_container_registry_enabled');
- var prevSelectedVal = parseInt($repoAccessLevel.val(), 10);
- this.$repoSelects.find("option[value='" + $repoAccessLevel.val() + "']")
- .nextAll()
- .hide();
- $'change')
- .on('change', function () {
- var selectedVal = parseInt($repoAccessLevel.val(), 10);
- this.$repoSelects.each(function () {
- var $this = $(this);
- var repoSelectVal = parseInt($this.val(), 10);
- $this.find('option').enable();
- if (selectedVal < repoSelectVal || repoSelectVal === prevSelectedVal) {
- $this.val(selectedVal).trigger('change');
- highlightChanges($this);
- }
- $this.find("option[value='" + selectedVal + "']").nextAll().disable();
- });
+ });
+ }
+ toggleSettings() {
+ this.$selects.each(function () {
+ var $select = $(this);
+ var className = $'field')
+ .replace(/_/g, '-')
+ .replace('access-level', 'feature');
+ ProjectNew._showOrHide($select, '.' + className);
+ });
+ }
+ toggleSettingsOnclick() {
+ this.$selects.on('change', this.toggleSettings);
+ }
+ static _showOrHide(checkElement, container) {
+ const $container = $(container);
+ if ($(checkElement).val() !== '0') {
+ return $;
+ }
+ return $container.hide();
+ }
+ toggleRepoVisibility() {
+ var $repoAccessLevel = $('.js-repo-access-level select');
+ var $lfsEnabledOption = $('.js-lfs-enabled select');
+ var containerRegistry = document.querySelectorAll('.js-container-registry')[0];
+ var containerRegistryCheckbox = document.getElementById('project_container_registry_enabled');
+ var prevSelectedVal = parseInt($repoAccessLevel.val(), 10);
+ this.$repoSelects.find("option[value='" + $repoAccessLevel.val() + "']")
+ .nextAll()
+ .hide();
+ $repoAccessLevel
+ .off('change')
+ .on('change', function () {
+ var selectedVal = parseInt($repoAccessLevel.val(), 10);
+ this.$repoSelects.each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this);
+ var repoSelectVal = parseInt($this.val(), 10);
+ $this.find('option').enable();
+ if (selectedVal < repoSelectVal || repoSelectVal === prevSelectedVal) {
+ $this.val(selectedVal).trigger('change');
+ highlightChanges($this);
+ }
- if (selectedVal) {
- this.$repoSelects.removeClass('disabled');
+ $this.find("option[value='" + selectedVal + "']").nextAll().disable();
+ });
- if ($lfsEnabledOption.length) {
- $lfsEnabledOption.removeClass('disabled');
- highlightChanges($lfsEnabledOption);
- }
- if (containerRegistry) {
- = '';
- }
- } else {
- this.$repoSelects.addClass('disabled');
+ if (selectedVal) {
+ this.$repoSelects.removeClass('disabled');
- if ($lfsEnabledOption.length) {
- $lfsEnabledOption.val('false').addClass('disabled');
- highlightChanges($lfsEnabledOption);
- }
- if (containerRegistry) {
- = 'none';
- containerRegistryCheckbox.checked = false;
- }
+ if ($lfsEnabledOption.length) {
+ $lfsEnabledOption.removeClass('disabled');
+ highlightChanges($lfsEnabledOption);
+ }
+ if (containerRegistry) {
+ = '';
+ } else {
+ this.$repoSelects.addClass('disabled');
- prevSelectedVal = selectedVal;
- }.bind(this));
- };
+ if ($lfsEnabledOption.length) {
+ $lfsEnabledOption.val('false').addClass('disabled');
+ highlightChanges($lfsEnabledOption);
+ }
+ if (containerRegistry) {
+ = 'none';
+ containerRegistryCheckbox.checked = false;
+ }
+ }
- return ProjectNew;
- })();
+ prevSelectedVal = selectedVal;
+ }.bind(this));
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/project_select.js b/app/assets/javascripts/project_select.js
index bffc85e6315..07a49d1506c 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/project_select.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/project_select.js
@@ -2,79 +2,73 @@
import Api from './api';
import ProjectSelectComboButton from './project_select_combo_button';
-(function () {
- this.ProjectSelect = (function () {
- function ProjectSelect() {
- $('.ajax-project-select').each(function(i, select) {
- var placeholder;
- const simpleFilter = $(select).data('simple-filter') || false;
- this.groupId = $(select).data('group-id');
- this.includeGroups = $(select).data('include-groups');
- this.allProjects = $(select).data('all-projects') || false;
- this.orderBy = $(select).data('order-by') || 'id';
- this.withIssuesEnabled = $(select).data('with-issues-enabled');
- this.withMergeRequestsEnabled = $(select).data('with-merge-requests-enabled');
+export default function projectSelect() {
+ $('.ajax-project-select').each(function(i, select) {
+ var placeholder;
+ const simpleFilter = $(select).data('simple-filter') || false;
+ this.groupId = $(select).data('group-id');
+ this.includeGroups = $(select).data('include-groups');
+ this.allProjects = $(select).data('all-projects') || false;
+ this.orderBy = $(select).data('order-by') || 'id';
+ this.withIssuesEnabled = $(select).data('with-issues-enabled');
+ this.withMergeRequestsEnabled = $(select).data('with-merge-requests-enabled');
- placeholder = "Search for project";
- if (this.includeGroups) {
- placeholder += " or group";
- }
+ placeholder = "Search for project";
+ if (this.includeGroups) {
+ placeholder += " or group";
+ }
- $(select).select2({
- placeholder: placeholder,
- minimumInputLength: 0,
- query: (function (_this) {
- return function (query) {
- var finalCallback, projectsCallback;
- finalCallback = function (projects) {
+ $(select).select2({
+ placeholder: placeholder,
+ minimumInputLength: 0,
+ query: (function (_this) {
+ return function (query) {
+ var finalCallback, projectsCallback;
+ finalCallback = function (projects) {
+ var data;
+ data = {
+ results: projects
+ };
+ return query.callback(data);
+ };
+ if (_this.includeGroups) {
+ projectsCallback = function (projects) {
+ var groupsCallback;
+ groupsCallback = function (groups) {
var data;
- data = {
- results: projects
- };
- return query.callback(data);
+ data = groups.concat(projects);
+ return finalCallback(data);
- if (_this.includeGroups) {
- projectsCallback = function (projects) {
- var groupsCallback;
- groupsCallback = function (groups) {
- var data;
- data = groups.concat(projects);
- return finalCallback(data);
- };
- return Api.groups(query.term, {}, groupsCallback);
- };
- } else {
- projectsCallback = finalCallback;
- }
- if (_this.groupId) {
- return Api.groupProjects(_this.groupId, query.term, projectsCallback);
- } else {
- return Api.projects(query.term, {
- order_by: _this.orderBy,
- with_issues_enabled: _this.withIssuesEnabled,
- with_merge_requests_enabled: _this.withMergeRequestsEnabled,
- membership: !_this.allProjects,
- }, projectsCallback);
- }
+ return Api.groups(query.term, {}, groupsCallback);
- })(this),
- id: function(project) {
- if (simpleFilter) return;
- return JSON.stringify({
- name:,
- url: project.web_url,
- });
- },
- text: function (project) {
- return project.name_with_namespace ||;
- },
- dropdownCssClass: "ajax-project-dropdown"
+ } else {
+ projectsCallback = finalCallback;
+ }
+ if (_this.groupId) {
+ return Api.groupProjects(_this.groupId, query.term, projectsCallback);
+ } else {
+ return Api.projects(query.term, {
+ order_by: _this.orderBy,
+ with_issues_enabled: _this.withIssuesEnabled,
+ with_merge_requests_enabled: _this.withMergeRequestsEnabled,
+ membership: !_this.allProjects,
+ }, projectsCallback);
+ }
+ };
+ })(this),
+ id: function(project) {
+ if (simpleFilter) return;
+ return JSON.stringify({
+ name:,
+ url: project.web_url,
- if (simpleFilter) return select;
- return new ProjectSelectComboButton(select);
- });
- }
- return ProjectSelect;
- })();
+ },
+ text: function (project) {
+ return project.name_with_namespace ||;
+ },
+ dropdownCssClass: "ajax-project-dropdown"
+ });
+ if (simpleFilter) return select;
+ return new ProjectSelectComboButton(select);
+ });
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/project_show.js b/app/assets/javascripts/project_show.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a51c1f26ac..00000000000
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/project_show.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, wrap-iife */
-(function() {
- this.ProjectShow = (function() {
- function ProjectShow() {}
- return ProjectShow;
- })();
-// I kept class for future
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/project_variables.js b/app/assets/javascripts/project_variables.js
index 4ee2e49306d..567c311f119 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/project_variables.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/project_variables.js
@@ -1,43 +1,39 @@
-(() => {
- const HIDDEN_VALUE_TEXT = '******';
- class ProjectVariables {
- constructor() {
- this.$revealBtn = $('.js-btn-toggle-reveal-values');
- this.$revealBtn.on('click', this.toggleRevealState.bind(this));
- }
+const HIDDEN_VALUE_TEXT = '******';
+export default class ProjectVariables {
+ constructor() {
+ this.$revealBtn = $('.js-btn-toggle-reveal-values');
+ this.$revealBtn.on('click', this.toggleRevealState.bind(this));
+ }
- toggleRevealState(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
+ toggleRevealState(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
- const oldStatus = this.$revealBtn.attr('data-status');
- let newStatus = 'hidden';
- let newAction = 'Reveal Values';
+ const oldStatus = this.$revealBtn.attr('data-status');
+ let newStatus = 'hidden';
+ let newAction = 'Reveal Values';
- if (oldStatus === 'hidden') {
- newStatus = 'revealed';
- newAction = 'Hide Values';
- }
+ if (oldStatus === 'hidden') {
+ newStatus = 'revealed';
+ newAction = 'Hide Values';
+ }
- this.$revealBtn.attr('data-status', newStatus);
+ this.$revealBtn.attr('data-status', newStatus);
- const $variables = $('.variable-value');
+ const $variables = $('.variable-value');
- $variables.each((_, variable) => {
- const $variable = $(variable);
- let newText = HIDDEN_VALUE_TEXT;
+ $variables.each((_, variable) => {
+ const $variable = $(variable);
+ let newText = HIDDEN_VALUE_TEXT;
- if (newStatus === 'revealed') {
- newText = $variable.attr('data-value');
- }
+ if (newStatus === 'revealed') {
+ newText = $variable.attr('data-value');
+ }
- $variable.text(newText);
- });
+ $variable.text(newText);
+ });
- this.$revealBtn.text(newAction);
- }
+ this.$revealBtn.text(newAction);
- = || {};
- = ProjectVariables;
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/projects/permissions/components/project_feature_setting.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/projects/permissions/components/project_feature_setting.vue
index 80c5d39f736..8fce4c63872 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/projects/permissions/components/project_feature_setting.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/projects/permissions/components/project_feature_setting.vue
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-import projectFeatureToggle from './project_feature_toggle.vue';
+import projectFeatureToggle from '../../../vue_shared/components/toggle_button.vue';
export default {
props: {
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/projects/permissions/components/project_feature_toggle.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/projects/permissions/components/project_feature_toggle.vue
deleted file mode 100644
index 2403c60186a..00000000000
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/projects/permissions/components/project_feature_toggle.vue
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-export default {
- props: {
- name: {
- type: String,
- required: false,
- default: '',
- },
- value: {
- type: Boolean,
- required: true,
- },
- disabledInput: {
- type: Boolean,
- required: false,
- default: false,
- },
- },
- model: {
- prop: 'value',
- event: 'change',
- },
- methods: {
- toggleFeature() {
- if (!this.disabledInput) this.$emit('change', !this.value);
- },
- },
- <label class="toggle-wrapper">
- <input
- v-if="name"
- type="hidden"
- :name="name"
- :value="value"
- />
- <button
- type="button"
- aria-label="Toggle"
- class="project-feature-toggle"
- data-enabled-text="Enabled"
- data-disabled-text="Disabled"
- :class="{ checked: value, disabled: disabledInput }"
- @click="toggleFeature"
- />
- </label>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/projects/permissions/components/settings_panel.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/projects/permissions/components/settings_panel.vue
index 326d9105666..639429baf26 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/projects/permissions/components/settings_panel.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/projects/permissions/components/settings_panel.vue
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import projectFeatureSetting from './project_feature_setting.vue';
-import projectFeatureToggle from './project_feature_toggle.vue';
+import projectFeatureToggle from '../../../vue_shared/components/toggle_button.vue';
import projectSettingRow from './project_setting_row.vue';
import { visibilityOptions, visibilityLevelDescriptions } from '../constants';
import { toggleHiddenClassBySelector } from '../external';
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/projects_dropdown/components/projects_list_item.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/projects_dropdown/components/projects_list_item.vue
index fe5179de206..d482a7025de 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/projects_dropdown/components/projects_list_item.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/projects_dropdown/components/projects_list_item.vue
@@ -48,6 +48,27 @@ export default {
return this.projectName;
+ /**
+ * Smartly truncates project namespace by doing two things;
+ * 1. Only include Group names in path by removing project name
+ * 2. Only include first and last group names in the path
+ * when namespace has more than 2 groups present
+ *
+ * First part (removal of project name from namespace) can be
+ * done from backend but doing so involves migration of
+ * existing project namespaces which is not wise thing to do.
+ */
+ truncatedNamespace() {
+ const namespaceArr = this.namespace.split(' / ');
+ namespaceArr.splice(-1, 1);
+ let namespace = namespaceArr.join(' / ');
+ if (namespaceArr.length > 2) {
+ namespace = `${namespaceArr[0]} / ... / ${namespaceArr.pop()}`;
+ }
+ return namespace;
+ },
@@ -87,9 +108,7 @@ export default {
- >
- {{namespace}}
- </div>
+ >{{truncatedNamespace}}</div>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/registry/components/table_registry.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/registry/components/table_registry.vue
index e917279947e..14d43e135fe 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/registry/components/table_registry.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/registry/components/table_registry.vue
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
import tooltip from '../../vue_shared/directives/tooltip';
import timeagoMixin from '../../vue_shared/mixins/timeago';
import { errorMessages, errorMessagesTypes } from '../constants';
+ import { numberToHumanSize } from '../../lib/utils/number_utils';
export default {
props: {
@@ -41,6 +42,10 @@
return item.layers ? n__('%d layer', '%d layers', item.layers) : '';
+ formatSize(size) {
+ return numberToHumanSize(size);
+ },
handleDeleteRegistry(registry) {
.then(() => this.fetchList({ repo: this.repo }))
@@ -97,7 +102,7 @@
- {{item.size}}
+ {{formatSize(item.size)}}
<template v-if="item.size && item.layers">
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/render_gfm.js b/app/assets/javascripts/render_gfm.js
index bcdc0fd67b8..c91a0d9ba41 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/render_gfm.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/render_gfm.js
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, consistent-return, no-var, no-else-return, prefer-arrow-callback, max-len */
+import renderMath from './render_math';
+import renderMermaid from './render_mermaid';
// Render Gitlab flavoured Markdown
-// Delegates to syntax highlight and render math
+// Delegates to syntax highlight and render math & mermaid diagrams.
-(function() {
- $.fn.renderGFM = function() {
- this.find('.js-syntax-highlight').syntaxHighlight();
- this.find('.js-render-math').renderMath();
- return this;
- };
+$.fn.renderGFM = function renderGFM() {
+ this.find('.js-syntax-highlight').syntaxHighlight();
+ renderMath(this.find('.js-render-math'));
+ renderMermaid(this.find('.js-render-mermaid'));
+ return this;
- $(() => $('body').renderGFM());
+$(() => $('body').renderGFM());
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/render_math.js b/app/assets/javascripts/render_math.js
index 8b3fee49cb9..a759992cd54 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/render_math.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/render_math.js
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, consistent-return, no-var, no-else-return, prefer-arrow-callback, max-len, no-console */
/* global katex */
// Renders math using KaTeX in any element with the
@@ -8,49 +7,45 @@
// <code class="js-render-math"></div>
-(function() {
// Only load once
- var katexLoaded = false;
+let katexLoaded = false;
- // Loop over all math elements and render math
- var renderWithKaTeX = function (elements) {
- elements.each(function () {
- var mathNode = $('<span></span>');
- var $this = $(this);
+// Loop over all math elements and render math
+function renderWithKaTeX(elements) {
+ elements.each(function katexElementsLoop() {
+ const mathNode = $('<span></span>');
+ const $this = $(this);
- var display = $this.attr('data-math-style') === 'display';
- try {
- katex.render($this.text(), mathNode.get(0), { displayMode: display });
- mathNode.insertAfter($this);
- $this.remove();
- } catch (err) {
- // What can we do??
- console.log(err.message);
- }
- });
- };
+ const display = $this.attr('data-math-style') === 'display';
+ try {
+ katex.render($this.text(), mathNode.get(0), { displayMode: display });
+ mathNode.insertAfter($this);
+ $this.remove();
+ } catch (err) {
+ throw err;
+ }
+ });
- $.fn.renderMath = function() {
- var $this = this;
- if ($this.length === 0) return;
+export default function renderMath($els) {
+ if (!$els.length) return;
- if (katexLoaded) renderWithKaTeX($this);
- else {
- // Request CSS file so it is in the cache
- $.get(gon.katex_css_url, function() {
- var css = $('<link>',
- { rel: 'stylesheet',
- type: 'text/css',
- href: gon.katex_css_url,
- });
- css.appendTo('head');
+ if (katexLoaded) {
+ renderWithKaTeX($els);
+ } else {
+ $.get(gon.katex_css_url, () => {
+ const css = $('<link>', {
+ rel: 'stylesheet',
+ type: 'text/css',
+ href: gon.katex_css_url,
+ });
+ css.appendTo('head');
- // Load KaTeX js
- $.getScript(gon.katex_js_url, function() {
- katexLoaded = true;
- renderWithKaTeX($this); // Run KaTeX
- });
+ // Load KaTeX js
+ $.getScript(gon.katex_js_url, () => {
+ katexLoaded = true;
+ renderWithKaTeX($els); // Run KaTeX
- }
- };
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/render_mermaid.js b/app/assets/javascripts/render_mermaid.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..41942c04a4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/render_mermaid.js
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// Renders diagrams and flowcharts from text using Mermaid in any element with the
+// `js-render-mermaid` class.
+// Example markup:
+// <pre class="js-render-mermaid">
+// graph TD;
+// A-- > B;
+// A-- > C;
+// B-- > D;
+// C-- > D;
+// </pre>
+import Flash from './flash';
+export default function renderMermaid($els) {
+ if (!$els.length) return;
+ import(/* webpackChunkName: 'mermaid' */ 'blackst0ne-mermaid').then((mermaid) => {
+ mermaid.initialize({
+ loadOnStart: false,
+ theme: 'neutral',
+ });
+ $els.each((i, el) => {
+ mermaid.init(undefined, el);
+ });
+ }).catch((err) => {
+ Flash(`Can't load mermaid module: ${err}`);
+ });
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/commit_sidebar/list.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/commit_sidebar/list.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fb862e7bf01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/commit_sidebar/list.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ import icon from '../../../vue_shared/components/icon.vue';
+ import listItem from './list_item.vue';
+ import listCollapsed from './list_collapsed.vue';
+ export default {
+ components: {
+ icon,
+ listItem,
+ listCollapsed,
+ },
+ props: {
+ title: {
+ type: String,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ fileList: {
+ type: Array,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ collapsed: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ },
+ methods: {
+ toggleCollapsed() {
+ this.$emit('toggleCollapsed');
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ <div class="multi-file-commit-panel-section">
+ <header
+ class="multi-file-commit-panel-header"
+ :class="{
+ 'is-collapsed': collapsed,
+ }"
+ >
+ <icon
+ name="list-bulleted"
+ :size="18"
+ css-classes="append-right-default"
+ />
+ <template v-if="!collapsed">
+ {{ title }}
+ <button
+ type="button"
+ class="btn btn-transparent multi-file-commit-panel-collapse-btn"
+ @click="toggleCollapsed"
+ >
+ <i
+ aria-hidden="true"
+ class="fa fa-angle-double-right"
+ >
+ </i>
+ </button>
+ </template>
+ </header>
+ <div class="multi-file-commit-list">
+ <list-collapsed
+ v-if="collapsed"
+ />
+ <template v-else>
+ <ul
+ v-if="fileList.length"
+ class="list-unstyled append-bottom-0"
+ >
+ <li
+ v-for="file in fileList"
+ :key="file.key"
+ >
+ <list-item
+ :file="file"
+ />
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <div
+ v-else
+ class="help-block prepend-top-0"
+ >
+ No changes
+ </div>
+ </template>
+ </div>
+ </div>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/commit_sidebar/list_collapsed.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/commit_sidebar/list_collapsed.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6a0262f271b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/commit_sidebar/list_collapsed.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ import { mapGetters } from 'vuex';
+ import icon from '../../../vue_shared/components/icon.vue';
+ export default {
+ components: {
+ icon,
+ },
+ computed: {
+ ...mapGetters([
+ 'addedFiles',
+ 'modifiedFiles',
+ ]),
+ },
+ };
+ <div
+ class="multi-file-commit-list-collapsed text-center"
+ >
+ <icon
+ name="file-addition"
+ :size="18"
+ css-classes="multi-file-addition append-bottom-10"
+ />
+ {{ addedFiles.length }}
+ <icon
+ name="file-modified"
+ :size="18"
+ css-classes="multi-file-modified prepend-top-10 append-bottom-10"
+ />
+ {{ modifiedFiles.length }}
+ </div>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/commit_sidebar/list_item.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/commit_sidebar/list_item.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..742f746e02f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/commit_sidebar/list_item.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ import icon from '../../../vue_shared/components/icon.vue';
+ export default {
+ components: {
+ icon,
+ },
+ props: {
+ file: {
+ type: Object,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ },
+ computed: {
+ iconName() {
+ return this.file.tempFile ? 'file-addition' : 'file-modified';
+ },
+ iconClass() {
+ return `multi-file-${this.file.tempFile ? 'addition' : 'modified'} append-right-8`;
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ <div class="multi-file-commit-list-item">
+ <icon
+ :name="iconName"
+ :size="16"
+ :css-classes="iconClass"
+ />
+ <span class="multi-file-commit-list-path">
+ {{ file.path }}
+ </span>
+ </div>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/new_dropdown/index.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/new_dropdown/index.vue
index a5ee4f71281..781404cf8ca 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/new_dropdown/index.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/new_dropdown/index.vue
@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@
import { mapState } from 'vuex';
import newModal from './modal.vue';
import upload from './upload.vue';
+ import icon from '../../../vue_shared/components/icon.vue';
export default {
components: {
+ icon,
@@ -41,11 +43,14 @@
aria-label="Create new file or directory"
- <i
- class="fa fa-plus"
- aria-hidden="true"
- >
- </i>
+ <icon
+ name="plus"
+ css-classes="pull-left"
+ />
+ <icon
+ name="arrow-down"
+ css-classes="pull-left"
+ />
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo.vue
index 98117802016..a00e1e9d809 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo.vue
@@ -40,20 +40,24 @@ export default {
- <div class="repository-view">
- <div class="tree-content-holder" :class="{'tree-content-holder-mini' : isCollapsed}">
- <repo-sidebar/>
- <div
- v-if="isCollapsed"
- class="panel-right"
- >
- <repo-tabs/>
- <component
- :is="currentBlobView"
- />
- <repo-file-buttons/>
- </div>
+ <div
+ class="multi-file"
+ :class="{
+ 'is-collapsed': isCollapsed
+ }"
+ >
+ <repo-sidebar/>
+ <div
+ v-if="isCollapsed"
+ class="multi-file-edit-pane"
+ >
+ <repo-tabs />
+ <component
+ class="multi-file-edit-pane-content"
+ :is="currentBlobView"
+ />
+ <repo-file-buttons />
- <repo-commit-section v-if="changedFiles.length" />
+ <repo-commit-section />
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_commit_section.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_commit_section.vue
index 377e3d65348..d3344d0c8dc 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_commit_section.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_commit_section.vue
@@ -1,11 +1,18 @@
import { mapGetters, mapState, mapActions } from 'vuex';
+import tooltip from '../../vue_shared/directives/tooltip';
+import icon from '../../vue_shared/components/icon.vue';
import PopupDialog from '../../vue_shared/components/popup_dialog.vue';
-import { n__ } from '../../locale';
+import commitFilesList from './commit_sidebar/list.vue';
export default {
components: {
+ icon,
+ commitFilesList,
+ },
+ directives: {
+ tooltip,
data() {
return {
@@ -13,6 +20,7 @@ export default {
submitCommitsLoading: false,
startNewMR: false,
commitMessage: '',
+ collapsed: true,
computed: {
@@ -23,10 +31,10 @@ export default {
commitButtonDisabled() {
- return !this.commitMessage || this.submitCommitsLoading;
+ return this.commitMessage === '' || this.submitCommitsLoading || !this.changedFiles.length;
- commitButtonText() {
- return n__('Commit %d file', 'Commit %d files', this.changedFiles.length);
+ commitMessageCount() {
+ return this.commitMessage.length;
methods: {
@@ -77,12 +85,20 @@ export default {
this.submitCommitsLoading = false;
+ toggleCollapsed() {
+ this.collapsed = !this.collapsed;
+ },
-<div id="commit-area">
+ class="multi-file-commit-panel"
+ :class="{
+ 'is-collapsed': collapsed,
+ }"
:primary-button-label="__('Create new branch')"
@@ -92,78 +108,71 @@ export default {
@toggle="showNewBranchDialog = false"
+ <button
+ v-if="collapsed"
+ type="button"
+ class="btn btn-transparent multi-file-commit-panel-collapse-btn is-collapsed prepend-top-10 append-bottom-10"
+ @click="toggleCollapsed"
+ >
+ <i
+ aria-hidden="true"
+ class="fa fa-angle-double-left"
+ >
+ </i>
+ </button>
+ <commit-files-list
+ title="Staged"
+ :file-list="changedFiles"
+ :collapsed="collapsed"
+ @toggleCollapsed="toggleCollapsed"
+ />
- class="form-horizontal"
- @submit.prevent="tryCommit()">
- <fieldset>
- <div class="form-group">
- <label class="col-md-4 control-label staged-files">
- Staged files ({{changedFiles.length}})
- </label>
- <div class="col-md-6">
- <ul class="list-unstyled changed-files">
- <li
- v-for="(file, index) in changedFiles"
- :key="index">
- <span class="help-block">
- {{ file.path }}
- </span>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="form-group">
- <label
- class="col-md-4 control-label"
- for="commit-message">
- Commit message
- </label>
- <div class="col-md-6">
- <textarea
- id="commit-message"
- class="form-control"
- name="commit-message"
- v-model="commitMessage">
- </textarea>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="form-group target-branch">
- <label
- class="col-md-4 control-label"
- for="target-branch">
- Target branch
- </label>
- <div class="col-md-6">
- <span class="help-block">
- {{currentBranch}}
- </span>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="col-md-offset-4 col-md-6">
- <button
- type="submit"
- :disabled="commitButtonDisabled"
- class="btn btn-success">
- <i
- v-if="submitCommitsLoading"
- class="js-commit-loading-icon fa fa-spinner fa-spin"
- aria-hidden="true"
- aria-label="loading">
- </i>
- <span class="commit-summary">
- {{ commitButtonText }}
- </span>
- </button>
- </div>
- <div class="col-md-offset-4 col-md-6">
- <div class="checkbox">
- <label>
- <input type="checkbox" v-model="startNewMR">
- <span>Start a <strong>new merge request</strong> with these changes</span>
- </label>
- </div>
+ class="form-horizontal multi-file-commit-form"
+ @submit.prevent="tryCommit"
+ v-if="!collapsed"
+ >
+ <div class="multi-file-commit-fieldset">
+ <textarea
+ class="form-control multi-file-commit-message"
+ name="commit-message"
+ v-model="commitMessage"
+ placeholder="Commit message"
+ >
+ </textarea>
+ </div>
+ <div class="multi-file-commit-fieldset">
+ <label
+ v-tooltip
+ title="Create a new merge request with these changes"
+ data-container="body"
+ data-placement="top"
+ >
+ <input
+ type="checkbox"
+ v-model="startNewMR"
+ />
+ Merge Request
+ </label>
+ <button
+ type="submit"
+ :disabled="commitButtonDisabled"
+ class="btn btn-default btn-sm append-right-10 prepend-left-10"
+ >
+ <i
+ v-if="submitCommitsLoading"
+ class="js-commit-loading-icon fa fa-spinner fa-spin"
+ aria-hidden="true"
+ aria-label="loading"
+ >
+ </i>
+ Commit
+ </button>
+ <div
+ class="multi-file-commit-message-count"
+ >
+ {{ commitMessageCount }}
- </fieldset>
+ </div>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_editor.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_editor.vue
index 1c864b176b1..f37cbd1e961 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_editor.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_editor.vue
@@ -3,19 +3,18 @@
import { mapGetters, mapActions } from 'vuex';
import flash from '../../flash';
import monacoLoader from '../monaco_loader';
+import Editor from '../lib/editor';
export default {
- destroyed() {
- if (this.monacoInstance) {
- this.monacoInstance.destroy();
- }
+ beforeDestroy() {
+ this.editor.dispose();
mounted() {
- if (this.monaco) {
+ if (this.editor && monaco) {
} else {
monacoLoader(['vs/editor/editor.main'], () => {
- this.monaco = monaco;
+ this.editor = Editor.create(monaco);
@@ -29,47 +28,25 @@ export default {
initMonaco() {
if (this.shouldHideEditor) return;
- if (this.monacoInstance) {
- this.monacoInstance.setModel(null);
- }
+ this.editor.clearEditor();
.then(() => {
- if (!this.monacoInstance) {
- this.monacoInstance = this.monaco.editor.create(this.$el, {
- model: null,
- readOnly: false,
- contextmenu: true,
- scrollBeyondLastLine: false,
- });
- this.languages = this.monaco.languages.getLanguages();
- this.addMonacoEvents();
- }
- this.setupEditor();
+ this.editor.createInstance(this.$refs.editor);
+ .then(() => this.setupEditor())
.catch(() => flash('Error setting up monaco. Please try again.'));
setupEditor() {
if (!this.activeFile) return;
- const content = this.activeFile.content !== '' ? this.activeFile.content : this.activeFile.raw;
- const foundLang = this.languages.find(lang =>
- lang.extensions && lang.extensions.indexOf(this.activeFileExtension) === 0,
- );
- const newModel = this.monaco.editor.createModel(
- content, foundLang ? : 'plaintext',
- );
+ const model = this.editor.createModel(this.activeFile);
- this.monacoInstance.setModel(newModel);
- },
- addMonacoEvents() {
- this.monacoInstance.onKeyUp(() => {
+ this.editor.attachModel(model);
+ model.onChange((m) => {
file: this.activeFile,
- content: this.monacoInstance.getValue(),
+ content: m.getValue(),
@@ -99,9 +76,14 @@ export default {
class="blob-viewer-container blob-editor-container"
- v-if="shouldHideEditor"
+ v-show="shouldHideEditor"
+ <div
+ v-show="!shouldHideEditor"
+ ref="editor"
+ >
+ </div>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_file.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_file.vue
index 5be47d568e7..75787ad6103 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_file.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_file.vue
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
- class="multi-file-table-col-name"
+ class="multi-file-table-name"
@@ -85,12 +85,11 @@
<template v-if="!isCollapsed && !isSubmodule">
- <td class="hidden-sm hidden-xs">
+ <td class="multi-file-table-col-commit-message hidden-sm hidden-xs">
- class="commit-message"
{{ file.lastCommit.message }}
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_file_buttons.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_file_buttons.vue
index dd948ee84fb..34f0d51819a 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_file_buttons.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_file_buttons.vue
@@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ export default {
- class="repo-file-buttons"
+ class="multi-file-editor-btn-group"
- class="btn btn-default raw"
+ class="btn btn-default btn-sm raw"
rel="noopener noreferrer">
{{ rawDownloadButtonLabel }}
@@ -38,17 +38,17 @@ export default {
aria-label="File actions">
- class="btn btn-default blame">
+ class="btn btn-default btn-sm blame">
- class="btn btn-default history">
+ class="btn btn-default btn-sm history">
- class="btn btn-default permalink">
+ class="btn btn-default btn-sm permalink">
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_preview.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_preview.vue
index d1883299bd9..6ce9267f598 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_preview.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_preview.vue
@@ -32,10 +32,12 @@ export default {
-<div class="blob-viewer-container">
- v-html="activeFile.html">
+ v-html="activeFile.html"
+ class="multi-file-preview-holder"
+ >
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_sidebar.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_sidebar.vue
index 9365b09326f..4ea21913129 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_sidebar.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_sidebar.vue
@@ -44,20 +44,16 @@ export default {
-<div id="sidebar" :class="{'sidebar-mini' : isCollapsed}">
+<div class="ide-file-list">
<table class="table">
- class="repo-file-options title"
- <strong class="clgray">
- {{ projectName }}
- </strong>
<template v-else>
- <th class="name multi-file-table-col-name">
+ <th class="name multi-file-table-name">
<th class="hidden-sm hidden-xs last-commit">
@@ -79,7 +75,7 @@ export default {
- v-for="(file, index) in treeList"
+ v-for="file in treeList"
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_tab.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_tab.vue
index da0714c368c..fb29a60df66 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_tab.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_tab.vue
@@ -36,27 +36,32 @@ export default {
- :class="{ active : }"
- class="close-btn"
+ class="multi-file-tab-close"
@click.stop.prevent="closeFile({ file: tab })"
- :aria-label="closeLabel">
+ :aria-label="closeLabel"
+ :class="{
+ 'modified': tab.changed,
+ }"
+ :disabled="tab.changed"
+ >
- aria-hidden="true">
+ aria-hidden="true"
+ >
- <a
- href="#"
- class="repo-tab"
+ <div
+ class="multi-file-tab"
+ :class="{active : }"
- @click.prevent.stop="setFileActive(tab)">
- {{}}
- </a>
+ >
+ {{ }}
+ </div>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_tabs.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_tabs.vue
index 59beae53e8d..ab0bef4f0ac 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_tabs.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_tabs.vue
@@ -16,14 +16,12 @@
- id="tabs"
- class="list-unstyled"
+ class="multi-file-tabs list-unstyled append-bottom-0"
v-for="tab in openFiles"
- <li class="tabs-divider" />
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/lib/common/disposable.js b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/lib/common/disposable.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..84b29bdb600
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/lib/common/disposable.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+export default class Disposable {
+ constructor() {
+ this.disposers = new Set();
+ }
+ add(...disposers) {
+ disposers.forEach(disposer => this.disposers.add(disposer));
+ }
+ dispose() {
+ this.disposers.forEach(disposer => disposer.dispose());
+ this.disposers.clear();
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/lib/common/model.js b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/lib/common/model.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..23c4811e6c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/lib/common/model.js
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+/* global monaco */
+import Disposable from './disposable';
+export default class Model {
+ constructor(monaco, file) {
+ this.monaco = monaco;
+ this.disposable = new Disposable();
+ this.file = file;
+ this.content = file.content !== '' ? file.content : file.raw;
+ this.disposable.add(
+ this.originalModel = this.monaco.editor.createModel(
+ this.file.raw,
+ undefined,
+ new this.monaco.Uri(null, null, `original/${this.file.path}`),
+ ),
+ this.model = this.monaco.editor.createModel(
+ this.content,
+ undefined,
+ new this.monaco.Uri(null, null, this.file.path),
+ ),
+ );
+ = new Map();
+ }
+ get url() {
+ return this.model.uri.toString();
+ }
+ get path() {
+ return this.file.path;
+ }
+ getModel() {
+ return this.model;
+ }
+ getOriginalModel() {
+ return this.originalModel;
+ }
+ onChange(cb) {
+ this.path,
+ this.disposable.add(
+ this.model.onDidChangeContent(e => cb(this.model, e)),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ dispose() {
+ this.disposable.dispose();
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/lib/common/model_manager.js b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/lib/common/model_manager.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fd462252795
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/lib/common/model_manager.js
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+import Disposable from './disposable';
+import Model from './model';
+export default class ModelManager {
+ constructor(monaco) {
+ this.monaco = monaco;
+ this.disposable = new Disposable();
+ this.models = new Map();
+ }
+ hasCachedModel(path) {
+ return this.models.has(path);
+ }
+ addModel(file) {
+ if (this.hasCachedModel(file.path)) {
+ return this.models.get(file.path);
+ }
+ const model = new Model(this.monaco, file);
+ this.models.set(model.path, model);
+ this.disposable.add(model);
+ return model;
+ }
+ dispose() {
+ // dispose of all the models
+ this.disposable.dispose();
+ this.models.clear();
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/lib/decorations/controller.js b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/lib/decorations/controller.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0954b7973c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/lib/decorations/controller.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+export default class DecorationsController {
+ constructor(editor) {
+ this.editor = editor;
+ this.decorations = new Map();
+ this.editorDecorations = new Map();
+ }
+ getAllDecorationsForModel(model) {
+ if (!this.decorations.has(model.url)) return [];
+ const modelDecorations = this.decorations.get(model.url);
+ const decorations = [];
+ modelDecorations.forEach(val => decorations.push(...val));
+ return decorations;
+ }
+ addDecorations(model, decorationsKey, decorations) {
+ const decorationMap = this.decorations.get(model.url) || new Map();
+ decorationMap.set(decorationsKey, decorations);
+ this.decorations.set(model.url, decorationMap);
+ this.decorate(model);
+ }
+ decorate(model) {
+ const decorations = this.getAllDecorationsForModel(model);
+ const oldDecorations = this.editorDecorations.get(model.url) || [];
+ this.editorDecorations.set(
+ model.url,
+ this.editor.instance.deltaDecorations(oldDecorations, decorations),
+ );
+ }
+ dispose() {
+ this.decorations.clear();
+ this.editorDecorations.clear();
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/lib/diff/controller.js b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/lib/diff/controller.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dc0b1c95e59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/lib/diff/controller.js
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+/* global monaco */
+import { throttle } from 'underscore';
+import DirtyDiffWorker from './diff_worker';
+import Disposable from '../common/disposable';
+export const getDiffChangeType = (change) => {
+ if (change.modified) {
+ return 'modified';
+ } else if (change.added) {
+ return 'added';
+ } else if (change.removed) {
+ return 'removed';
+ }
+ return '';
+export const getDecorator = change => ({
+ range: new monaco.Range(
+ change.lineNumber,
+ 1,
+ change.endLineNumber,
+ 1,
+ ),
+ options: {
+ isWholeLine: true,
+ linesDecorationsClassName: `dirty-diff dirty-diff-${getDiffChangeType(change)}`,
+ },
+export default class DirtyDiffController {
+ constructor(modelManager, decorationsController) {
+ this.disposable = new Disposable();
+ this.editorSimpleWorker = null;
+ this.modelManager = modelManager;
+ this.decorationsController = decorationsController;
+ this.dirtyDiffWorker = new DirtyDiffWorker();
+ this.throttledComputeDiff = throttle(this.computeDiff, 250);
+ this.decorate = this.decorate.bind(this);
+ this.dirtyDiffWorker.addEventListener('message', this.decorate);
+ }
+ attachModel(model) {
+ model.onChange(() => this.throttledComputeDiff(model));
+ }
+ computeDiff(model) {
+ this.dirtyDiffWorker.postMessage({
+ path: model.path,
+ originalContent: model.getOriginalModel().getValue(),
+ newContent: model.getModel().getValue(),
+ });
+ }
+ reDecorate(model) {
+ this.decorationsController.decorate(model);
+ }
+ decorate({ data }) {
+ const decorations = => getDecorator(change));
+ this.decorationsController.addDecorations(data.path, 'dirtyDiff', decorations);
+ }
+ dispose() {
+ this.disposable.dispose();
+ this.dirtyDiffWorker.removeEventListener('message', this.decorate);
+ this.dirtyDiffWorker.terminate();
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/lib/diff/diff.js b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/lib/diff/diff.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0e37f5c4704
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/lib/diff/diff.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import { diffLines } from 'diff';
+// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
+export const computeDiff = (originalContent, newContent) => {
+ const changes = diffLines(originalContent, newContent);
+ let lineNumber = 1;
+ return changes.reduce((acc, change) => {
+ const findOnLine = acc.find(c => c.lineNumber === lineNumber);
+ if (findOnLine) {
+ Object.assign(findOnLine, change, {
+ modified: true,
+ endLineNumber: (lineNumber + change.count) - 1,
+ });
+ } else if ('added' in change || 'removed' in change) {
+ acc.push(Object.assign({}, change, {
+ lineNumber,
+ modified: undefined,
+ endLineNumber: (lineNumber + change.count) - 1,
+ }));
+ }
+ if (!change.removed) {
+ lineNumber += change.count;
+ }
+ return acc;
+ }, []);
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/lib/diff/diff_worker.js b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/lib/diff/diff_worker.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e74c4046330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/lib/diff/diff_worker.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+import { computeDiff } from './diff';
+self.addEventListener('message', (e) => {
+ const data =;
+ self.postMessage({
+ path: data.path,
+ changes: computeDiff(data.originalContent, data.newContent),
+ });
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/lib/editor.js b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/lib/editor.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..db499444402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/lib/editor.js
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+import DecorationsController from './decorations/controller';
+import DirtyDiffController from './diff/controller';
+import Disposable from './common/disposable';
+import ModelManager from './common/model_manager';
+import editorOptions from './editor_options';
+export default class Editor {
+ static create(monaco) {
+ this.editorInstance = new Editor(monaco);
+ return this.editorInstance;
+ }
+ constructor(monaco) {
+ this.monaco = monaco;
+ this.currentModel = null;
+ this.instance = null;
+ this.dirtyDiffController = null;
+ this.disposable = new Disposable();
+ this.disposable.add(
+ this.modelManager = new ModelManager(this.monaco),
+ this.decorationsController = new DecorationsController(this),
+ );
+ }
+ createInstance(domElement) {
+ if (!this.instance) {
+ this.disposable.add(
+ this.instance = this.monaco.editor.create(domElement, {
+ model: null,
+ readOnly: false,
+ contextmenu: true,
+ scrollBeyondLastLine: false,
+ }),
+ this.dirtyDiffController = new DirtyDiffController(
+ this.modelManager, this.decorationsController,
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ createModel(file) {
+ return this.modelManager.addModel(file);
+ }
+ attachModel(model) {
+ this.instance.setModel(model.getModel());
+ this.dirtyDiffController.attachModel(model);
+ this.currentModel = model;
+ this.instance.updateOptions(editorOptions.reduce((acc, obj) => {
+ Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) => {
+ Object.assign(acc, {
+ [key]: obj[key](model),
+ });
+ });
+ return acc;
+ }, {}));
+ this.dirtyDiffController.reDecorate(model);
+ }
+ clearEditor() {
+ if (this.instance) {
+ this.instance.setModel(null);
+ }
+ }
+ dispose() {
+ this.disposable.dispose();
+ // dispose main monaco instance
+ if (this.instance) {
+ this.instance = null;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/lib/editor_options.js b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/lib/editor_options.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..701affc466e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/lib/editor_options.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+export default [{
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/services/index.js b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/services/index.js
index 2fb45dcb03c..994d325e991 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/services/index.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/services/index.js
@@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ export default {
return Promise.resolve(file.content);
+ if (file.raw) {
+ return Promise.resolve(file.raw);
+ }
return Vue.http.get(file.rawPath, { params: { format: 'json' } })
.then(res => res.text());
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/stores/actions.js b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/stores/actions.js
index be290c268b1..120ce96f44d 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/stores/actions.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/stores/actions.js
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import flash from '../../flash';
import service from '../services';
import * as types from './mutation_types';
-export const redirectToUrl = url => gl.utils.visitUrl(url);
+export const redirectToUrl = (_, url) => gl.utils.visitUrl(url);
export const setInitialData = ({ commit }, data) => commit(types.SET_INITIAL_DATA, data);
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ export const commitChanges = ({ commit, state, dispatch, getters }, { payload, n
flash(`Your changes have been committed. Commit ${data.short_id} with ${data.stats.additions} additions, ${data.stats.deletions} deletions.`, 'notice');
if (newMr) {
- redirectToUrl(`${state.endpoints.newMergeRequestUrl}${branch}`);
+ dispatch('redirectToUrl', `${state.endpoints.newMergeRequestUrl}${branch}`);
} else {
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/stores/actions/branch.js b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/stores/actions/branch.js
index b81a70dfd1e..61d9a5af3e3 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/stores/actions/branch.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/stores/actions/branch.js
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ import * as types from '../mutation_types';
import { pushState } from '../utils';
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
-export const createNewBranch = ({ rootState, commit }, branch) => service.createBranch(
+export const createNewBranch = ({ state, commit }, branch) => service.createBranch(
- ref: rootState.currentBranch,
+ ref: state.currentBranch,
).then(res => res.json())
.then((data) => {
const branchName =;
- const url = location.href.replace(rootState.currentBranch, branchName);
+ const url = location.href.replace(state.currentBranch, branchName);
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/stores/getters.js b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/stores/getters.js
index 1ed05ac6e35..5ce9f449905 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/stores/getters.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/stores/getters.js
@@ -34,3 +34,7 @@ export const canEditFile = (state) => {
openedFiles.length &&
(currentActiveFile && !currentActiveFile.renderError && !currentActiveFile.binary);
+export const addedFiles = state => changedFiles(state).filter(f => f.tempFile);
+export const modifiedFiles = state => changedFiles(state).filter(f => !f.tempFile);
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/right_sidebar.js b/app/assets/javascripts/right_sidebar.js
index a41548bd694..fa7f6825d7e 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/right_sidebar.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/right_sidebar.js
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import Cookies from 'js-cookie';
Sidebar.prototype.removeListeners = function () {'click', '.sidebar-collapsed-icon');
- $('.dropdown').off('');
$(document).off('click', '.js-sidebar-toggle');
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import Cookies from 'js-cookie';
const $document = $(document);
this.sidebar.on('click', '.sidebar-collapsed-icon', this, this.sidebarCollapseClicked);
- $('.dropdown').on('', this, this.onSidebarDropdownHidden);
+ this.sidebar.on('', this, this.onSidebarDropdownHidden);
$('.dropdown').on('', this.sidebarDropdownLoading);
$('.dropdown').on('', this.sidebarDropdownLoaded);
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ import Cookies from 'js-cookie';
var $block, sidebar;
sidebar =;
- $block = $(this).closest('.block');
+ $block = $('.block');
return sidebar.sidebarDropdownHidden($block);
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/search_autocomplete.js b/app/assets/javascripts/search_autocomplete.js
index 9dec5d7645a..e40a3596200 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/search_autocomplete.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/search_autocomplete.js
@@ -1,13 +1,20 @@
-/* eslint-disable comma-dangle, no-return-assign, one-var, no-var, no-underscore-dangle, one-var-declaration-per-line, no-unused-vars, no-cond-assign, consistent-return, object-shorthand, prefer-arrow-callback, func-names, space-before-function-paren, prefer-template, quotes, class-methods-use-this, no-unused-expressions, no-sequences, wrap-iife, no-lonely-if, no-else-return, no-param-reassign, vars-on-top, max-len */
+/* eslint-disable no-return-assign, one-var, no-var, no-underscore-dangle, one-var-declaration-per-line, no-unused-vars, no-cond-assign, consistent-return, object-shorthand, prefer-arrow-callback, func-names, space-before-function-paren, prefer-template, quotes, class-methods-use-this, no-sequences, wrap-iife, no-lonely-if, no-else-return, no-param-reassign, vars-on-top, max-len */
import { isInGroupsPage, isInProjectPage, getGroupSlug, getProjectSlug } from './lib/utils/common_utils';
+ * Search input in top navigation bar.
+ * On click, opens a dropdown
+ * As the user types it filters the results
+ * When the user clicks `x` button it cleans the input and closes the dropdown.
+ */
((global) => {
const KEYCODE = {
ENTER: 13,
UP: 38,
- DOWN: 40
+ DOWN: 40,
class SearchAutocomplete {
@@ -19,6 +26,7 @@ import { isInGroupsPage, isInProjectPage, getGroupSlug, getProjectSlug } from '.
this.projectId = projectId || ('autocomplete-project-id') || '');
this.projectRef = projectRef || ('autocomplete-project-ref') || '');
this.dropdown = this.wrap.find('.dropdown');
+ this.dropdownToggle = this.wrap.find('.js-dropdown-search-toggle');
this.dropdownContent = this.dropdown.find('.dropdown-content');
this.locationBadgeEl = this.getElement('.location-badge');
this.scopeInputEl = this.getElement('#scope');
@@ -29,13 +37,16 @@ import { isInGroupsPage, isInProjectPage, getGroupSlug, getProjectSlug } from '.
this.repositoryInputEl = this.getElement('#repository_ref');
this.clearInput = this.getElement('.js-clear-input');
// Only when user is logged in
if (gon.current_user_id) {
+ this.dropdownToggle.dropdown();
// Finds an element inside wrapper element
@@ -43,7 +54,6 @@ import { isInGroupsPage, isInProjectPage, getGroupSlug, getProjectSlug } from '.
this.onSearchInputBlur = this.onSearchInputBlur.bind(this);
this.onClearInputClick = this.onClearInputClick.bind(this);
this.onSearchInputFocus = this.onSearchInputFocus.bind(this);
- this.onSearchInputClick = this.onSearchInputClick.bind(this);
this.onSearchInputKeyUp = this.onSearchInputKeyUp.bind(this);
this.onSearchInputKeyDown = this.onSearchInputKeyDown.bind(this);
@@ -68,12 +78,12 @@ import { isInGroupsPage, isInProjectPage, getGroupSlug, getProjectSlug } from '.
enterCallback: false,
filterInput: 'input#search',
search: {
- fields: ['text']
+ fields: ['text'],
id: this.getSearchText,
data: this.getData.bind(this),
selectable: true,
- clicked: this.onClick.bind(this)
+ clicked: this.onClick.bind(this),
@@ -82,32 +92,35 @@ import { isInGroupsPage, isInProjectPage, getGroupSlug, getProjectSlug } from '.
getData(term, callback) {
- var _this, contents, jqXHR;
- _this = this;
if (!term) {
- if (contents = this.getCategoryContents()) {
+ const contents = this.getCategoryContents();
+ if (contents) {'glDropdown').filter.options.callback(contents);
// Prevent multiple ajax calls
if (this.loadingSuggestions) {
this.loadingSuggestions = true;
- return jqXHR = $.get(this.autocompletePath, {
+ return $.get(this.autocompletePath, {
project_id: this.projectId,
project_ref: this.projectRef,
- term: term
- }, function(response) {
- var data, firstCategory, i, lastCategory, len, suggestion;
+ term: term,
+ }, (response) => {
+ var firstCategory, i, lastCategory, len, suggestion;
// Hide dropdown menu if no suggestions returns
if (!response.length) {
- _this.disableAutocomplete();
+ this.disableAutocomplete();
- data = [];
+ const data = [];
// List results
firstCategory = true;
for (i = 0, len = response.length; i < len; i += 1) {
@@ -121,7 +134,7 @@ import { isInGroupsPage, isInProjectPage, getGroupSlug, getProjectSlug } from '.
firstCategory = false;
- header: suggestion.category
+ header: suggestion.category,
lastCategory = suggestion.category;
@@ -129,7 +142,7 @@ import { isInGroupsPage, isInProjectPage, getGroupSlug, getProjectSlug } from '.
id: (suggestion.category.toLowerCase()) + "-" +,
category: suggestion.category,
text: suggestion.label,
- url: suggestion.url
+ url: suggestion.url,
// Add option to proceed with the search
@@ -137,20 +150,21 @@ import { isInGroupsPage, isInProjectPage, getGroupSlug, getProjectSlug } from '.
text: "Result name contains \"" + term + "\"",
- url: "/search?search=" + term + "&project_id=" + (_this.projectInputEl.val()) + "&group_id=" + (_this.groupInputEl.val())
+ url: "/search?search=" + term + "&project_id=" + (this.projectInputEl.val()) + "&group_id=" + (this.groupInputEl.val()),
return callback(data);
- }).always(function() {
- return _this.loadingSuggestions = false;
- });
+ })
+ .always(() => { this.loadingSuggestions = false; });
getCategoryContents() {
- var dashboardOptions, groupOptions, issuesPath, items, mrPath, name, options, projectOptions, userId, userName;
- userId = gon.current_user_id;
- userName = gon.current_username;
- projectOptions = gl.projectOptions, groupOptions = gl.groupOptions, dashboardOptions = gl.dashboardOptions;
+ const userId = gon.current_user_id;
+ const userName = gon.current_username;
+ const { projectOptions, groupOptions, dashboardOptions } = gl;
+ // Get options
+ let options;
if (isInGroupsPage() && groupOptions) {
options = groupOptions[getGroupSlug()];
} else if (isInProjectPage() && projectOptions) {
@@ -158,37 +172,42 @@ import { isInGroupsPage, isInProjectPage, getGroupSlug, getProjectSlug } from '.
} else if (dashboardOptions) {
options = dashboardOptions;
- issuesPath = options.issuesPath, mrPath = options.mrPath, name =;
- items = [
- {
- header: "" + name
- }
- ];
+ const { issuesPath, mrPath, name, issuesDisabled } = options;
+ const baseItems = [];
+ if (name) {
+ baseItems.push({
+ header: `${name}`,
+ });
+ }
const issueItems = [
text: 'Issues assigned to me',
- url: issuesPath + "/?assignee_username=" + userName
- }, {
+ url: `${issuesPath}/?assignee_username=${userName}`,
+ },
+ {
text: "Issues I've created",
- url: issuesPath + "/?author_username=" + userName
- }
+ url: `${issuesPath}/?author_username=${userName}`,
+ },
const mergeRequestItems = [
text: 'Merge requests assigned to me',
- url: mrPath + "/?assignee_username=" + userName
- }, {
+ url: `${mrPath}/?assignee_username=${userName}`,
+ },
+ {
text: "Merge requests I've created",
- url: mrPath + "/?author_username=" + userName
- }
+ url: `${mrPath}/?author_username=${userName}`,
+ },
- if (options.issuesDisabled) {
- items = items.concat(mergeRequestItems);
+ let items;
+ if (issuesDisabled) {
+ items = baseItems.concat(mergeRequestItems);
} else {
- items = items.concat(...issueItems, 'separator', ...mergeRequestItems);
- }
- if (!name) {
- items.splice(0, 1);
+ items = baseItems.concat(...issueItems, 'separator', ...mergeRequestItems);
return items;
@@ -202,39 +221,34 @@ import { isInGroupsPage, isInProjectPage, getGroupSlug, getProjectSlug } from '.
repository_ref: this.repositoryInputEl.val(),
scope: this.scopeInputEl.val(),
// Location badge
- _location: this.locationBadgeEl.text()
+ _location: this.locationBadgeEl.text(),
bindEvents() {
this.searchInput.on('keydown', this.onSearchInputKeyDown);
this.searchInput.on('keyup', this.onSearchInputKeyUp);
- this.searchInput.on('click', this.onSearchInputClick);
this.searchInput.on('focus', this.onSearchInputFocus);
this.searchInput.on('blur', this.onSearchInputBlur);
this.clearInput.on('click', this.onClearInputClick);
- return this.locationBadgeEl.on('click', (function(_this) {
- return function() {
- return _this.searchInput.focus();
- };
- })(this));
+ this.locationBadgeEl.on('click', () => this.searchInput.focus());
enableAutocomplete() {
- var _this;
// No need to enable anything if user is not logged in
if (!gon.current_user_id) {
+ // If the dropdown is closed, we'll open it
if (!this.dropdown.hasClass('open')) {
- _this = this;
this.loadingSuggestions = false;
- this.dropdown.addClass('open').trigger('');
+ this.dropdownToggle.dropdown('toggle');
return this.searchInput.removeClass('disabled');
- // Saves last length of the entered text
+ // Saves last length of the entered text
onSearchInputKeyDown() {
return this.saveTextLength();
@@ -279,11 +293,6 @@ import { isInGroupsPage, isInProjectPage, getGroupSlug, getProjectSlug } from '.
this.wrap.toggleClass('has-value', !!;
- // Avoid falsy value to be returned
- onSearchInputClick(e) {
- return e.stopImmediatePropagation();
- }
onSearchInputFocus() {
this.isFocused = true;
@@ -335,7 +344,7 @@ import { isInGroupsPage, isInProjectPage, getGroupSlug, getProjectSlug } from '.
return this.locationBadgeEl.hide();
} else {
return this.addLocationBadge({
- value: this.originalState._location
+ value: this.originalState._location,
@@ -387,13 +396,13 @@ import { isInGroupsPage, isInProjectPage, getGroupSlug, getProjectSlug } from '.
if (item.category === 'Projects') {
- value: 'This project'
+ value: 'This project',
if (item.category === 'Groups') {
- value: 'This group'
+ value: 'This group',
@@ -420,7 +429,7 @@ import { isInGroupsPage, isInProjectPage, getGroupSlug, getProjectSlug } from '.
name: $'name'),
issuesPath: $'issues-path'),
issuesDisabled: $'issues-disabled'),
- mrPath: $'mr-path')
+ mrPath: $'mr-path'),
@@ -432,14 +441,14 @@ import { isInGroupsPage, isInProjectPage, getGroupSlug, getProjectSlug } from '.
gl.groupOptions[groupPath] = {
name: $'name'),
issuesPath: $'issues-path'),
- mrPath: $'mr-path')
+ mrPath: $'mr-path'),
if ($dashboardOptionsDataEl.length) {
gl.dashboardOptions = {
issuesPath: $'issues-path'),
- mrPath: $'mr-path')
+ mrPath: $'mr-path'),
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/confidential/confidential_issue_sidebar.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/confidential/confidential_issue_sidebar.vue
index 22a9a34dda3..6ee4d487c0b 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/confidential/confidential_issue_sidebar.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/confidential/confidential_issue_sidebar.vue
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
import Flash from '../../../flash';
import editForm from './edit_form.vue';
+import Icon from '../../../vue_shared/components/icon.vue';
export default {
components: {
+ Icon,
props: {
isConfidential: {
@@ -26,11 +28,8 @@ export default {
computed: {
- faEye() {
- const eye = this.isConfidential ? 'fa-eye-slash' : 'fa-eye';
- return {
- [eye]: true,
- };
+ confidentialityIcon() {
+ return this.isConfidential ? 'eye-slash' : 'eye';
methods: {
@@ -49,7 +48,11 @@ export default {
<div class="block issuable-sidebar-item confidentiality">
<div class="sidebar-collapsed-icon">
- <i class="fa" :class="faEye" aria-hidden="true"></i>
+ <icon
+ :name="confidentialityIcon"
+ :size="16"
+ aria-hidden="true">
+ </icon>
<div class="title hide-collapsed">
@@ -70,11 +73,21 @@ export default {
<div v-if="!isConfidential" class="no-value sidebar-item-value">
- <i class="fa fa-eye sidebar-item-icon"></i>
+ <icon
+ name="eye"
+ :size="16"
+ aria-hidden="true"
+ class="sidebar-item-icon inline">
+ </icon>
Not confidential
<div v-else class="value sidebar-item-value hide-collapsed">
- <i aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-eye-slash sidebar-item-icon is-active"></i>
+ <icon
+ name="eye-slash"
+ :size="16"
+ aria-hidden="true"
+ class="sidebar-item-icon inline is-active">
+ </icon>
This issue is confidential
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/lock/edit_form.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/lock/edit_form.vue
index c7a6edc7c70..242e826d471 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/lock/edit_form.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/lock/edit_form.vue
@@ -18,11 +18,6 @@ export default {
required: true,
type: Function,
- issuableType: {
- required: true,
- type: String,
- },
mixins: [
@@ -39,13 +34,13 @@ export default {
<div class="dropdown open">
<div class="dropdown-menu sidebar-item-warning-message">
<p class="text" v-if="isLocked">
- Unlock this {{ issuableDisplayName(issuableType) }}?
+ Unlock this {{ issuableDisplayName }}?
will be able to comment.
<p class="text" v-else>
- Lock this {{ issuableDisplayName(issuableType) }}?
+ Lock this {{ issuableDisplayName }}?
<strong>project members</strong>
will be able to comment.
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/lock/lock_issue_sidebar.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/lock/lock_issue_sidebar.vue
index c4b2900e020..04c3a96bf74 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/lock/lock_issue_sidebar.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/lock/lock_issue_sidebar.vue
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
/* global Flash */
import editForm from './edit_form.vue';
import issuableMixin from '../../../vue_shared/mixins/issuable';
+import Icon from '../../../vue_shared/components/icon.vue';
export default {
props: {
@@ -22,11 +23,6 @@ export default {
return mediatorObject.service && mediatorObject.service.update &&;
- issuableType: {
- required: true,
- type: String,
- },
mixins: [
@@ -35,11 +31,12 @@ export default {
components: {
+ Icon,
computed: {
- lockIconClass() {
- return this.isLocked ? 'fa-lock' : 'fa-unlock';
+ lockIcon() {
+ return this.isLocked ? 'lock' : 'lock-open';
isLockDialogOpen() {
@@ -57,7 +54,7 @@ export default {
discussion_locked: locked,
.then(() => location.reload())
- .catch(() => Flash(this.__(`Something went wrong trying to change the locked state of this ${this.issuableDisplayName(this.issuableType)}`)));
+ .catch(() => Flash(this.__(`Something went wrong trying to change the locked state of this ${this.issuableDisplayName}`)));
@@ -66,15 +63,16 @@ export default {
<div class="block issuable-sidebar-item lock">
<div class="sidebar-collapsed-icon">
- <i
- class="fa"
- :class="lockIconClass"
+ <icon
+ :name="lockIcon"
+ :size="16"
- ></i>
+ class="sidebar-item-icon is-active">
+ </icon>
<div class="title hide-collapsed">
- Lock {{issuableDisplayName(issuableType) }}
+ Lock {{ issuableDisplayName }}
class="pull-right lock-edit btn btn-blank"
@@ -98,10 +96,12 @@ export default {
class="value sidebar-item-value"
- <i
+ <icon
+ name="lock"
+ :size="16"
- class="fa fa-lock sidebar-item-icon is-active"
- ></i>
+ class="sidebar-item-icon inline is-active">
+ </icon>
{{ __('Locked') }}
@@ -109,10 +109,12 @@ export default {
class="no-value sidebar-item-value hide-collapsed"
- <i
+ <icon
+ name="lock-open"
+ :size="16"
- class="fa fa-unlock sidebar-item-icon"
- ></i>
+ class="sidebar-item-icon inline">
+ </icon>
{{ __('Unlocked') }}
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/subscriptions/sidebar_subscriptions.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/subscriptions/sidebar_subscriptions.vue
index 4ad3d469f25..25acc099699 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/subscriptions/sidebar_subscriptions.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/subscriptions/sidebar_subscriptions.vue
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import Store from '../../stores/sidebar_store';
import Mediator from '../../sidebar_mediator';
import eventHub from '../../event_hub';
import Flash from '../../../flash';
+import { __ } from '../../../locale';
import subscriptions from './subscriptions.vue';
export default {
@@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ export default {
onToggleSubscription() {
.catch(() => {
- Flash('Error occurred when toggling the notification subscription');
+ Flash(__('Error occurred when toggling the notification subscription'));
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/subscriptions/subscriptions.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/subscriptions/subscriptions.vue
index a3a8213d63a..940e1764f3d 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/subscriptions/subscriptions.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/subscriptions/subscriptions.vue
@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ export default {
type: Boolean,
required: false,
+ id: {
+ type: Number,
+ required: false,
+ },
components: {
@@ -32,7 +36,7 @@ export default {
methods: {
toggleSubscription() {
- eventHub.$emit('toggleSubscription');
+ eventHub.$emit('toggleSubscription',;
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/mount_sidebar.js b/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/mount_sidebar.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4032f156b15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/mount_sidebar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+import Vue from 'vue';
+import SidebarTimeTracking from './components/time_tracking/sidebar_time_tracking';
+import SidebarAssignees from './components/assignees/sidebar_assignees';
+import ConfidentialIssueSidebar from './components/confidential/confidential_issue_sidebar.vue';
+import SidebarMoveIssue from './lib/sidebar_move_issue';
+import LockIssueSidebar from './components/lock/lock_issue_sidebar.vue';
+import sidebarParticipants from './components/participants/sidebar_participants.vue';
+import sidebarSubscriptions from './components/subscriptions/sidebar_subscriptions.vue';
+import Translate from '../vue_shared/translate';
+function mountConfidentialComponent(mediator) {
+ const el = document.getElementById('js-confidential-entry-point');
+ if (!el) return;
+ const dataNode = document.getElementById('js-confidential-issue-data');
+ const initialData = JSON.parse(dataNode.innerHTML);
+ const ConfidentialComp = Vue.extend(ConfidentialIssueSidebar);
+ new ConfidentialComp({
+ propsData: {
+ isConfidential: initialData.is_confidential,
+ isEditable: initialData.is_editable,
+ service: mediator.service,
+ },
+ }).$mount(el);
+function mountLockComponent(mediator) {
+ const el = document.getElementById('js-lock-entry-point');
+ if (!el) return;
+ const dataNode = document.getElementById('js-lock-issue-data');
+ const initialData = JSON.parse(dataNode.innerHTML);
+ const LockComp = Vue.extend(LockIssueSidebar);
+ new LockComp({
+ propsData: {
+ isLocked: initialData.is_locked,
+ isEditable: initialData.is_editable,
+ mediator,
+ issuableType: gl.utils.isInIssuePage() ? 'issue' : 'merge_request',
+ },
+ }).$mount(el);
+function mountParticipantsComponent() {
+ const el = document.querySelector('.js-sidebar-participants-entry-point');
+ if (!el) return;
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-new
+ new Vue({
+ el,
+ components: {
+ sidebarParticipants,
+ },
+ render: createElement => createElement('sidebar-participants', {}),
+ });
+function mountSubscriptionsComponent() {
+ const el = document.querySelector('.js-sidebar-subscriptions-entry-point');
+ if (!el) return;
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-new
+ new Vue({
+ el,
+ components: {
+ sidebarSubscriptions,
+ },
+ render: createElement => createElement('sidebar-subscriptions', {}),
+ });
+function mount(mediator) {
+ const sidebarAssigneesEl = document.getElementById('js-vue-sidebar-assignees');
+ // Only create the sidebarAssignees vue app if it is found in the DOM
+ // We currently do not use sidebarAssignees for the MR page
+ if (sidebarAssigneesEl) {
+ new Vue(SidebarAssignees).$mount(sidebarAssigneesEl);
+ }
+ mountConfidentialComponent(mediator);
+ mountLockComponent(mediator);
+ mountParticipantsComponent();
+ mountSubscriptionsComponent();
+ new SidebarMoveIssue(
+ mediator,
+ $('.js-move-issue'),
+ $('.js-move-issue-confirmation-button'),
+ ).init();
+ new Vue(SidebarTimeTracking).$mount('#issuable-time-tracker');
+export default mount;
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/sidebar_bundle.js b/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/sidebar_bundle.js
index 2650bb725d4..f78287e504b 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/sidebar_bundle.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/sidebar_bundle.js
@@ -1,110 +1,12 @@
-import Vue from 'vue';
-import SidebarTimeTracking from './components/time_tracking/sidebar_time_tracking';
-import SidebarAssignees from './components/assignees/sidebar_assignees';
-import ConfidentialIssueSidebar from './components/confidential/confidential_issue_sidebar.vue';
-import SidebarMoveIssue from './lib/sidebar_move_issue';
-import LockIssueSidebar from './components/lock/lock_issue_sidebar.vue';
-import sidebarParticipants from './components/participants/sidebar_participants.vue';
-import sidebarSubscriptions from './components/subscriptions/sidebar_subscriptions.vue';
-import Translate from '../vue_shared/translate';
import Mediator from './sidebar_mediator';
-function mountConfidentialComponent(mediator) {
- const el = document.getElementById('js-confidential-entry-point');
- if (!el) return;
- const dataNode = document.getElementById('js-confidential-issue-data');
- const initialData = JSON.parse(dataNode.innerHTML);
- const ConfidentialComp = Vue.extend(ConfidentialIssueSidebar);
- new ConfidentialComp({
- propsData: {
- isConfidential: initialData.is_confidential,
- isEditable: initialData.is_editable,
- service: mediator.service,
- },
- }).$mount(el);
-function mountLockComponent(mediator) {
- const el = document.getElementById('js-lock-entry-point');
- if (!el) return;
- const dataNode = document.getElementById('js-lock-issue-data');
- const initialData = JSON.parse(dataNode.innerHTML);
- const LockComp = Vue.extend(LockIssueSidebar);
- new LockComp({
- propsData: {
- isLocked: initialData.is_locked,
- isEditable: initialData.is_editable,
- mediator,
- issuableType: gl.utils.isInIssuePage() ? 'issue' : 'merge_request',
- },
- }).$mount(el);
-function mountParticipantsComponent() {
- const el = document.querySelector('.js-sidebar-participants-entry-point');
- if (!el) return;
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-new
- new Vue({
- el,
- components: {
- sidebarParticipants,
- },
- render: createElement => createElement('sidebar-participants', {}),
- });
-function mountSubscriptionsComponent() {
- const el = document.querySelector('.js-sidebar-subscriptions-entry-point');
- if (!el) return;
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-new
- new Vue({
- el,
- components: {
- sidebarSubscriptions,
- },
- render: createElement => createElement('sidebar-subscriptions', {}),
- });
+import mountSidebar from './mount_sidebar';
function domContentLoaded() {
const sidebarOptions = JSON.parse(document.querySelector('.js-sidebar-options').innerHTML);
const mediator = new Mediator(sidebarOptions);
- const sidebarAssigneesEl = document.getElementById('js-vue-sidebar-assignees');
- // Only create the sidebarAssignees vue app if it is found in the DOM
- // We currently do not use sidebarAssignees for the MR page
- if (sidebarAssigneesEl) {
- new Vue(SidebarAssignees).$mount(sidebarAssigneesEl);
- }
- mountConfidentialComponent(mediator);
- mountLockComponent(mediator);
- mountParticipantsComponent();
- mountSubscriptionsComponent();
- new SidebarMoveIssue(
- mediator,
- $('.js-move-issue'),
- $('.js-move-issue-confirmation-button'),
- ).init();
- new Vue(SidebarTimeTracking).$mount('#issuable-time-tracker');
+ mountSidebar(mediator);
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', domContentLoaded);
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/sidebar_mediator.js b/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/sidebar_mediator.js
index 2bda5a47791..d4c07a188b3 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/sidebar_mediator.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/sidebar_mediator.js
@@ -5,19 +5,23 @@ import Store from './stores/sidebar_store';
export default class SidebarMediator {
constructor(options) {
if (!SidebarMediator.singleton) {
- = new Store(options);
- this.service = new Service({
- endpoint: options.endpoint,
- toggleSubscriptionEndpoint: options.toggleSubscriptionEndpoint,
- moveIssueEndpoint: options.moveIssueEndpoint,
- projectsAutocompleteEndpoint: options.projectsAutocompleteEndpoint,
- });
- SidebarMediator.singleton = this;
+ this.initSingleton(options);
return SidebarMediator.singleton;
+ initSingleton(options) {
+ = new Store(options);
+ this.service = new Service({
+ endpoint: options.endpoint,
+ toggleSubscriptionEndpoint: options.toggleSubscriptionEndpoint,
+ moveIssueEndpoint: options.moveIssueEndpoint,
+ projectsAutocompleteEndpoint: options.projectsAutocompleteEndpoint,
+ });
+ SidebarMediator.singleton = this;
+ }
assignYourself() {;
@@ -35,17 +39,21 @@ export default class SidebarMediator {
fetch() {
- this.service.get()
+ return this.service.get()
.then(response => response.json())
.then((data) => {
+ this.processFetchedData(data);
.catch(() => new Flash('Error occurred when fetching sidebar data'));
+ processFetchedData(data) {
+ }
toggleSubscription() {'subscriptions', true);
return this.service.toggleSubscription()
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/stores/sidebar_store.js b/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/stores/sidebar_store.js
index 3150221b685..73eb25e2333 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/stores/sidebar_store.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/stores/sidebar_store.js
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ export default class SidebarStore {
participants: true,
subscriptions: true,
+ this.isLoading = {};
this.autocompleteProjects = [];
this.moveToProjectId = 0;
this.isLockDialogOpen = false;
@@ -55,6 +56,10 @@ export default class SidebarStore {
this.isFetching[key] = value;
+ setLoadingState(key, value) {
+ this.isLoading[key] = value;
+ }
addAssignee(assignee) {
if (!this.findAssignee(assignee)) {
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/star.js b/app/assets/javascripts/star.js
index 1a8dc085772..d5606e153f6 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/star.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/star.js
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import Flash from './flash';
import { __, s__ } from './locale';
+import { spriteIcon } from './lib/utils/common_utils';
export default class Star {
constructor() {
@@ -7,16 +8,18 @@ export default class Star {
.on('ajax:success', function handleSuccess(e, data) {
const $this = $(this);
const $starSpan = $this.find('span');
- const $starIcon = $this.find('i');
+ const $startIcon = $this.find('svg');
function toggleStar(isStarred) {
if (isStarred) {
- $starIcon.removeClass('fa-star').addClass('fa-star-o');
+ $startIcon.remove();
+ $this.prepend(spriteIcon('star-o'));
} else {
- $starIcon.removeClass('fa-star-o').addClass('fa-star');
+ $startIcon.remove();
+ $this.prepend(spriteIcon('star'));
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/subscription.js b/app/assets/javascripts/subscription.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bb4d68fcd49..00000000000
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/subscription.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-class Subscription {
- constructor(containerElm) {
- this.containerElm = containerElm;
- const subscribeButton = containerElm.querySelector('.js-subscribe-button');
- if (subscribeButton) {
- // remove class so we don't bind twice
- subscribeButton.classList.remove('js-subscribe-button');
- subscribeButton.addEventListener('click', this.toggleSubscription.bind(this));
- }
- }
- toggleSubscription(event) {
- const button = event.currentTarget;
- const buttonSpan = button.querySelector('span');
- if (!buttonSpan || button.classList.contains('disabled')) {
- return;
- }
- button.classList.add('disabled');
- const isSubscribed = buttonSpan.innerHTML.trim().toLowerCase() !== 'subscribe';
- const toggleActionUrl = this.containerElm.dataset.url;
- $.post(toggleActionUrl, () => {
- button.classList.remove('disabled');
- // hack to allow this to work with the issue boards Vue object
- if (document.querySelector('html').classList.contains('issue-boards-page')) {
- gl.issueBoards.boardStoreIssueSet(
- 'subscribed',
- !gl.issueBoards.BoardsStore.detail.issue.subscribed,
- );
- } else {
- buttonSpan.innerHTML = isSubscribed ? 'Subscribe' : 'Unsubscribe';
- }
- });
- }
- static bindAll(selector) {
- [], elm => new Subscription(elm));
- }
- = || {}; = Subscription;
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/subscription_select.js b/app/assets/javascripts/subscription_select.js
index 37e39ce5477..1ab4c2229ca 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/subscription_select.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/subscription_select.js
@@ -1,33 +1,24 @@
-/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, wrap-iife, no-var, quotes, object-shorthand, no-unused-vars, no-shadow, one-var, one-var-declaration-per-line, comma-dangle, max-len */
+export default function subscriptionSelect() {
+ $('.js-subscription-event').each((i, element) => {
+ const fieldName = $(element).data('field-name');
-class SubscriptionSelect {
- constructor() {
- $('.js-subscription-event').each(function(i, el) {
- var fieldName;
- fieldName = $(el).data("field-name");
- return $(el).glDropdown({
- selectable: true,
- fieldName: fieldName,
- toggleLabel: (function(_this) {
- return function(selected, el, instance) {
- var $item, label;
- label = 'Subscription';
- $item = instance.dropdown.find('.is-active');
- if ($item.length) {
- label = $item.text();
- }
- return label;
- };
- })(this),
- clicked: function(options) {
- return options.e.preventDefault();
- },
- id: function(obj, el) {
- return $(el).data("id");
+ return $(element).glDropdown({
+ selectable: true,
+ fieldName,
+ toggleLabel(selected, el, instance) {
+ let label = 'Subscription';
+ const $item = instance.dropdown.find('.is-active');
+ if ($item.length) {
+ label = $item.text();
- });
+ return label;
+ },
+ clicked(options) {
+ return options.e.preventDefault();
+ },
+ id(obj, el) {
+ return $(el).data('id');
+ },
- }
+ });
-window.SubscriptionSelect = SubscriptionSelect;
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/templates/issuable_template_selector.js b/app/assets/javascripts/templates/issuable_template_selector.js
index 9dd14488f22..8e167f5bf08 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/templates/issuable_template_selector.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/templates/issuable_template_selector.js
@@ -1,60 +1,56 @@
-/* eslint-disable comma-dangle, max-len, no-useless-return, no-param-reassign, max-len */
-import Api from '../api';
+/* eslint-disable no-useless-return, max-len */
+import Api from '../api';
import TemplateSelector from '../blob/template_selector';
-((global) => {
- class IssuableTemplateSelector extends TemplateSelector {
- constructor(...args) {
- super(...args);
- this.projectPath ='project-path');
- this.namespacePath ='namespace-path');
- this.issuableType = this.$'issuable-type');
- this.titleInput = $(`#${this.issuableType}_title`);
- const initialQuery = {
- name:'selected')
- };
- if ( this.requestFile(initialQuery);
- $('.reset-template', this.dropdown.parent()).on('click', () => {
- this.setInputValueToTemplateContent();
- });
- $('.no-template', this.dropdown.parent()).on('click', () => {
- this.currentTemplate.content = '';
- this.setInputValueToTemplateContent();
- $('.dropdown-toggle-text', this.dropdown).text('Choose a template');
- });
- }
+export default class IssuableTemplateSelector extends TemplateSelector {
+ constructor(...args) {
+ super(...args);
+ this.projectPath ='project-path');
+ this.namespacePath ='namespace-path');
+ this.issuableType = this.$'issuable-type');
+ this.titleInput = $(`#${this.issuableType}_title`);
+ const initialQuery = {
+ name:'selected'),
+ };
+ if ( this.requestFile(initialQuery);
+ $('.reset-template', this.dropdown.parent()).on('click', () => {
+ this.setInputValueToTemplateContent();
+ });
+ $('.no-template', this.dropdown.parent()).on('click', () => {
+ this.currentTemplate.content = '';
+ this.setInputValueToTemplateContent();
+ $('.dropdown-toggle-text', this.dropdown).text('Choose a template');
+ });
+ }
- requestFile(query) {
- this.startLoadingSpinner();
- Api.issueTemplate(this.namespacePath, this.projectPath,, this.issuableType, (err, currentTemplate) => {
- this.currentTemplate = currentTemplate;
- if (err) return; // Error handled by global AJAX error handler
- this.stopLoadingSpinner();
- this.setInputValueToTemplateContent();
- });
- return;
- }
+ requestFile(query) {
+ this.startLoadingSpinner();
+ Api.issueTemplate(this.namespacePath, this.projectPath,, this.issuableType, (err, currentTemplate) => {
+ this.currentTemplate = currentTemplate;
+ if (err) return; // Error handled by global AJAX error handler
+ this.stopLoadingSpinner();
+ this.setInputValueToTemplateContent();
+ });
+ return;
+ }
- setInputValueToTemplateContent() {
- // `this.setEditorContent` sets the value of the description input field
- // to the content of the template selected.
- if (this.titleInput.val() === '') {
- // If the title has not yet been set, focus the title input and
- // skip focusing the description input by setting `true` as the
- // `skipFocus` option to `setEditorContent`.
- this.setEditorContent(this.currentTemplate, { skipFocus: true });
- this.titleInput.focus();
- } else {
- this.setEditorContent(this.currentTemplate, { skipFocus: false });
- }
- return;
+ setInputValueToTemplateContent() {
+ // `this.setEditorContent` sets the value of the description input field
+ // to the content of the template selected.
+ if (this.titleInput.val() === '') {
+ // If the title has not yet been set, focus the title input and
+ // skip focusing the description input by setting `true` as the
+ // `skipFocus` option to `setEditorContent`.
+ this.setEditorContent(this.currentTemplate, { skipFocus: true });
+ this.titleInput.focus();
+ } else {
+ this.setEditorContent(this.currentTemplate, { skipFocus: false });
+ return;
- global.IssuableTemplateSelector = IssuableTemplateSelector;
-})( || ( = {}));
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/templates/issuable_template_selectors.js b/app/assets/javascripts/templates/issuable_template_selectors.js
index 97f6d37364d..66d868c5839 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/templates/issuable_template_selectors.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/templates/issuable_template_selectors.js
@@ -1,31 +1,28 @@
-/* eslint-disable no-new, comma-dangle, class-methods-use-this, no-param-reassign */
+/* eslint-disable no-new, class-methods-use-this */
+import IssuableTemplateSelector from './issuable_template_selector';
-((global) => {
- class IssuableTemplateSelectors {
- constructor({ $dropdowns, editor } = {}) {
- this.$dropdowns = $dropdowns || $('.js-issuable-selector');
- this.editor = editor || this.initEditor();
+export default class IssuableTemplateSelectors {
+ constructor({ $dropdowns, editor } = {}) {
+ this.$dropdowns = $dropdowns || $('.js-issuable-selector');
+ this.editor = editor || this.initEditor();
- this.$dropdowns.each((i, dropdown) => {
- const $dropdown = $(dropdown);
- new gl.IssuableTemplateSelector({
- pattern: /(\.md)/,
- data: $'data'),
- wrapper: $dropdown.closest('.js-issuable-selector-wrap'),
- dropdown: $dropdown,
- editor: this.editor
- });
+ this.$dropdowns.each((i, dropdown) => {
+ const $dropdown = $(dropdown);
+ new IssuableTemplateSelector({
+ pattern: /(\.md)/,
+ data: $'data'),
+ wrapper: $dropdown.closest('.js-issuable-selector-wrap'),
+ dropdown: $dropdown,
+ editor: this.editor,
- }
- initEditor() {
- const editor = $('.markdown-area');
- // Proxy ace-editor's .setValue to jQuery's .val
- editor.setValue = editor.val;
- editor.getValue = editor.val;
- return editor;
- }
+ });
- global.IssuableTemplateSelectors = IssuableTemplateSelectors;
-})( || ( = {}));
+ initEditor() {
+ const editor = $('.markdown-area');
+ // Proxy ace-editor's .setValue to jQuery's .val
+ editor.setValue = editor.val;
+ editor.getValue = editor.val;
+ return editor;
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_merge_request_widget/components/mr_widget_header.js b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_merge_request_widget/components/mr_widget_header.js
index 219ff94924e..13e4cb5717e 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_merge_request_widget/components/mr_widget_header.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_merge_request_widget/components/mr_widget_header.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import tooltip from '../../vue_shared/directives/tooltip';
-import '../../lib/utils/text_utility';
+import { pluralize } from '../../lib/utils/text_utility';
export default {
name: 'MRWidgetHeader',
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export default {
return > 0;
commitsText() {
- return gl.text.pluralize('commit',;
+ return pluralize('commit',;
branchNameClipboardData() {
// This supports code in app/assets/javascripts/copy_to_clipboard.js that
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_merge_request_widget/components/mr_widget_pipeline.js b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_merge_request_widget/components/mr_widget_pipeline.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 029832bdd27..00000000000
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_merge_request_widget/components/mr_widget_pipeline.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-import PipelineStage from '../../pipelines/components/stage.vue';
-import ciIcon from '../../vue_shared/components/ci_icon.vue';
-import icon from '../../vue_shared/components/icon.vue';
-export default {
- name: 'MRWidgetPipeline',
- props: {
- mr: { type: Object, required: true },
- },
- components: {
- 'pipeline-stage': PipelineStage,
- ciIcon,
- icon,
- },
- computed: {
- hasPipeline() {
- return && Object.keys( > 0;
- },
- hasCIError() {
- const { hasCI, ciStatus } =;
- return hasCI && !ciStatus;
- },
- stageText() {
- return > 1 ? 'stages' : 'stage';
- },
- status() {
- return || {};
- },
- },
- template: `
- <div
- v-if="hasPipeline || hasCIError"
- class="mr-widget-heading">
- <div class="ci-widget media">
- <template v-if="hasCIError">
- <div class="ci-status-icon ci-status-icon-failed ci-error js-ci-error append-right-10">
- <span
- aria-hidden="true">
- <icon
- name="status_failed"/>
- </span>
- </div>
- <div class="media-body">
- Could not connect to the CI server. Please check your settings and try again
- </div>
- </template>
- <template v-else-if="hasPipeline">
- <div class="ci-status-icon append-right-10">
- <a
- class="icon-link"
- :href="this.status.details_path">
- <ci-icon :status="status" />
- </a>
- </div>
- <div class="media-body">
- <span>
- Pipeline
- <a
- :href="mr.pipeline.path"
- class="pipeline-id">#{{}}</a>
- </span>
- <span class="mr-widget-pipeline-graph">
- <span class="stage-cell">
- <div
- v-if="mr.pipeline.details.stages.length > 0"
- v-for="stage in mr.pipeline.details.stages"
- class="stage-container dropdown js-mini-pipeline-graph">
- <pipeline-stage :stage="stage" />
- </div>
- </span>
- </span>
- <span>
- {{mr.pipeline.details.status.label}} for
- <a
- :href="mr.pipeline.commit.commit_path"
- class="commit-sha js-commit-link">
- {{mr.pipeline.commit.short_id}}</a>.
- </span>
- <span
- v-if="mr.pipeline.coverage"
- class="js-mr-coverage">
- Coverage {{mr.pipeline.coverage}}%
- </span>
- </div>
- </template>
- </div>
- </div>
- `,
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_merge_request_widget/components/mr_widget_pipeline.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_merge_request_widget/components/mr_widget_pipeline.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dbc65462377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_merge_request_widget/components/mr_widget_pipeline.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ import pipelineStage from '../../pipelines/components/stage.vue';
+ import ciIcon from '../../vue_shared/components/ci_icon.vue';
+ import icon from '../../vue_shared/components/icon.vue';
+ export default {
+ name: 'MRWidgetPipeline',
+ props: {
+ pipeline: {
+ type: Object,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ // This prop needs to be camelCase, html attributes are case insensive
+ //
+ hasCi: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ },
+ ciStatus: {
+ type: String,
+ required: false,
+ },
+ },
+ components: {
+ pipelineStage,
+ ciIcon,
+ icon,
+ },
+ computed: {
+ hasPipeline() {
+ return this.pipeline && Object.keys(this.pipeline).length > 0;
+ },
+ hasCIError() {
+ return this.hasCi && !this.ciStatus;
+ },
+ status() {
+ return this.pipeline.details &&
+ this.pipeline.details.status ? this.pipeline.details.status : {};
+ },
+ hasStages() {
+ return this.pipeline.details &&
+ this.pipeline.details.stages &&
+ this.pipeline.details.stages.length;
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ <div
+ v-if="hasPipeline || hasCIError"
+ class="mr-widget-heading">
+ <div class="ci-widget media">
+ <template v-if="hasCIError">
+ <div class="ci-status-icon ci-status-icon-failed ci-error js-ci-error append-right-10">
+ <icon name="status_failed" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="media-body">
+ Could not connect to the CI server. Please check your settings and try again
+ </div>
+ </template>
+ <template v-else-if="hasPipeline">
+ <a
+ class="append-right-10"
+ :href="this.status.details_path">
+ <ci-icon :status="status" />
+ </a>
+ <div class="media-body">
+ Pipeline
+ <a
+ :href="pipeline.path"
+ class="pipeline-id">
+ #{{}}
+ </a>
+ {{pipeline.details.status.label}} for
+ <a
+ :href="pipeline.commit.commit_path"
+ class="commit-sha js-commit-link">
+ {{pipeline.commit.short_id}}</a>.
+ <span class="mr-widget-pipeline-graph">
+ <span class="stage-cell">
+ <div
+ v-if="hasStages"
+ v-for="(stage, i) in pipeline.details.stages"
+ :key="i"
+ class="stage-container dropdown js-mini-pipeline-graph">
+ <pipeline-stage :stage="stage" />
+ </div>
+ </span>
+ </span>
+ <template v-if="pipeline.coverage">
+ Coverage {{pipeline.coverage}}%
+ </template>
+ </div>
+ </template>
+ </div>
+ </div>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_merge_request_widget/components/mr_widget_status_icon.js b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_merge_request_widget/components/mr_widget_status_icon.js
index 4998a47b691..eeb990908f6 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_merge_request_widget/components/mr_widget_status_icon.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_merge_request_widget/components/mr_widget_status_icon.js
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export default {
statusObj() {
return {
group: this.status,
- icon: `icon_status_${this.status}`,
+ icon: `status_${this.status}`,
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_merge_request_widget/dependencies.js b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_merge_request_widget/dependencies.js
index 49340c232c8..5bd8b99420a 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_merge_request_widget/dependencies.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_merge_request_widget/dependencies.js
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export { default as Vue } from 'vue';
export { default as SmartInterval } from '~/smart_interval';
export { default as WidgetHeader } from './components/mr_widget_header';
export { default as WidgetMergeHelp } from './components/mr_widget_merge_help';
-export { default as WidgetPipeline } from './components/mr_widget_pipeline';
+export { default as WidgetPipeline } from './components/mr_widget_pipeline.vue';
export { default as WidgetDeployment } from './components/mr_widget_deployment';
export { default as WidgetRelatedLinks } from './components/mr_widget_related_links';
export { default as MergedState } from './components/states/mr_widget_merged';
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_merge_request_widget/mr_widget_options.js b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_merge_request_widget/mr_widget_options.js
index aaff9ee6518..9cb3edead86 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_merge_request_widget/mr_widget_options.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_merge_request_widget/mr_widget_options.js
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import Project from '~/project';
import SmartInterval from '~/smart_interval';
import Flash from '../flash';
import {
@@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ export default {
shouldRenderRelatedLinks() {
- return;
+ return !!;
shouldRenderDeployments() {
@@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ export default {
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.innerHTML = res.body;
+ Project.initRefSwitcher();
.catch(() => {
@@ -236,7 +238,10 @@ export default {
<mr-widget-header :mr="mr" />
- :mr="mr" />
+ :pipeline="mr.pipeline"
+ :ci-status="mr.ciStatus"
+ :has-ci="mr.hasCI"
+ />
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/icon.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/icon.vue
index 2e5f9f1088f..4216660da8c 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/icon.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/icon.vue
@@ -6,13 +6,15 @@
Sample configuration:
- :img-src="userAvatarSrc"
- :img-alt="tooltipText"
- :tooltip-text="tooltipText"
- tooltip-placement="top"
+ name="retry"
+ :size="32"
+ css-classes="top"
+ // only allow classes in images.scss e.g. s12
+ const validSizes = [8, 12, 16, 18, 24, 32, 48, 72];
export default {
props: {
name: {
@@ -23,7 +25,10 @@
size: {
type: Number,
required: false,
- default: 0,
+ default: 16,
+ validator(value) {
+ return validSizes.includes(value);
+ },
cssClasses: {
@@ -43,10 +48,11 @@
:class="[iconSizeClass, cssClasses]">
- <use
+ <use
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/issue/issue_warning.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/issue/issue_warning.vue
index 16c0a8efcd2..564fc5029af 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/issue/issue_warning.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/issue/issue_warning.vue
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+ import Icon from '../../../vue_shared/components/icon.vue';
export default {
props: {
isLocked: {
@@ -14,12 +16,16 @@
+ components: {
+ Icon,
+ },
computed: {
- iconClass() {
- return {
- 'fa-eye-slash': this.isConfidential,
- 'fa-lock': this.isLocked,
- };
+ warningIcon() {
+ if (this.isConfidential) return 'eye-slash';
+ if (this.isLocked) return 'lock';
+ return '';
isLockedAndConfidential() {
@@ -30,12 +36,13 @@
<div class="issuable-note-warning">
- <i
- aria-hidden="true"
- class="fa icon"
- :class="iconClass"
- v-if="!isLockedAndConfidential"
- ></i>
+ <icon
+ :name="warningIcon"
+ :size="16"
+ class="icon inline"
+ aria-hidden="true"
+ v-if="!isLockedAndConfidential">
+ </icon>
<span v-if="isLockedAndConfidential">
{{ __('This issue is confidential and locked.') }}
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/loading_button.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/loading_button.vue
index 0cc2653761c..247943f83e6 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/loading_button.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/loading_button.vue
@@ -35,6 +35,11 @@ export default {
type: String,
required: false,
+ containerClass: {
+ type: String,
+ required: false,
+ default: 'btn btn-align-content',
+ },
components: {
@@ -49,9 +54,9 @@ export default {
- class="btn btn-align-content"
+ :class="containerClass"
:disabled="loading || disabled"
<transition name="fade">
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/markdown/field.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/markdown/field.vue
index a873e00d0f3..15e3d713448 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/markdown/field.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/markdown/field.vue
@@ -25,6 +25,16 @@
type: String,
required: false,
+ canAttachFile: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: true,
+ },
+ enableAutocomplete: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: true,
+ },
data() {
return {
@@ -92,7 +102,7 @@
GLForm class handles all the toolbar buttons
- return new GLForm($(this.$refs['gl-form']), true);
+ return new GLForm($(this.$refs['gl-form']), this.enableAutocomplete);
beforeDestroy() {
const glForm = $(this.$refs['gl-form']).data('gl-form');
@@ -129,6 +139,7 @@
+ :can-attach-file="canAttachFile"
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/markdown/header.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/markdown/header.vue
index 70f5fc1d664..6c575d8eb49 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/markdown/header.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/markdown/header.vue
@@ -50,7 +50,9 @@
<div class="md-header">
<ul class="nav-links clearfix">
- <li :class="{ active: !previewMarkdown }">
+ <li
+ class="md-header-tab"
+ :class="{ active: !previewMarkdown }">
@@ -59,7 +61,9 @@
- <li :class="{ active: previewMarkdown }">
+ <li
+ class="md-header-tab"
+ :class="{ active: previewMarkdown }">
@@ -68,56 +72,52 @@
- <li class="pull-right">
- <div class="toolbar-group">
- <toolbar-button
- tag="**"
- button-title="Add bold text"
- icon="bold" />
- <toolbar-button
- tag="*"
- button-title="Add italic text"
- icon="italic" />
- <toolbar-button
- tag="> "
- :prepend="true"
- button-title="Insert a quote"
- icon="quote" />
- <toolbar-button
- tag="`"
- tag-block="```"
- button-title="Insert code"
- icon="code" />
- <toolbar-button
- tag="* "
- :prepend="true"
- button-title="Add a bullet list"
- icon="list-bulleted" />
- <toolbar-button
- tag="1. "
- :prepend="true"
- button-title="Add a numbered list"
- icon="list-numbered" />
- <toolbar-button
- tag="* [ ] "
- :prepend="true"
- button-title="Add a task list"
- icon="task-done" />
- </div>
- <div class="toolbar-group">
- <button
- v-tooltip
- aria-label="Go full screen"
- class="toolbar-btn js-zen-enter"
- data-container="body"
- tabindex="-1"
- title="Go full screen"
- type="button">
- <icon
- name="screen-full">
- </icon>
- </button>
- </div>
+ <li class="md-header-toolbar">
+ <toolbar-button
+ tag="**"
+ button-title="Add bold text"
+ icon="bold" />
+ <toolbar-button
+ tag="*"
+ button-title="Add italic text"
+ icon="italic" />
+ <toolbar-button
+ tag="> "
+ :prepend="true"
+ button-title="Insert a quote"
+ icon="quote" />
+ <toolbar-button
+ tag="`"
+ tag-block="```"
+ button-title="Insert code"
+ icon="code" />
+ <toolbar-button
+ tag="* "
+ :prepend="true"
+ button-title="Add a bullet list"
+ icon="list-bulleted" />
+ <toolbar-button
+ tag="1. "
+ :prepend="true"
+ button-title="Add a numbered list"
+ icon="list-numbered" />
+ <toolbar-button
+ tag="* [ ] "
+ :prepend="true"
+ button-title="Add a task list"
+ icon="task-done" />
+ <button
+ v-tooltip
+ aria-label="Go full screen"
+ class="toolbar-btn toolbar-fullscreen-btn js-zen-enter"
+ data-container="body"
+ tabindex="-1"
+ title="Go full screen"
+ type="button">
+ <icon
+ name="screen-full">
+ </icon>
+ </button>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/markdown/toolbar.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/markdown/toolbar.vue
index 65fe7bbd94e..ea2509d2839 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/markdown/toolbar.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/markdown/toolbar.vue
@@ -9,6 +9,11 @@
type: String,
required: false,
+ canAttachFile: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: true,
+ },
@@ -41,7 +46,10 @@
are supported
- <span class="uploading-container">
+ <span
+ v-if="canAttachFile"
+ class="uploading-container"
+ >
<span class="uploading-progress-container hide">
class="fa fa-file-image-o toolbar-button-icon"
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/markdown/toolbar_button.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/markdown/toolbar_button.vue
index b930fb116a3..e3e41f8f0ca 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/markdown/toolbar_button.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/markdown/toolbar_button.vue
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
- class="toolbar-btn js-md hidden-xs"
+ class="toolbar-btn js-md"
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/navigation_tabs.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/navigation_tabs.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a2ddd565170
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/navigation_tabs.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ /**
+ * Given an array of tabs, renders non linked bootstrap tabs.
+ * When a tab is clicked it will trigger an event and provide the clicked scope.
+ *
+ * This component is used in apps that handle the API call.
+ * If you only need to change the URL this component should not be used.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * <navigation-tabs
+ * :tabs="[
+ * {
+ * name: String,
+ * scope: String,
+ * count: Number || Undefined,
+ * isActive: Boolean,
+ * },
+ * ]"
+ * @onChangeTab="onChangeTab"
+ * />
+ */
+ export default {
+ name: 'NavigationTabs',
+ props: {
+ tabs: {
+ type: Array,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ scope: {
+ type: String,
+ required: false,
+ default: '',
+ },
+ },
+ mounted() {
+ $(document).trigger('init.scrolling-tabs');
+ },
+ methods: {
+ shouldRenderBadge(count) {
+ // 0 is valid in a badge, but evaluates to false, we need to check for undefined
+ return count !== undefined;
+ },
+ onTabClick(tab) {
+ this.$emit('onChangeTab', tab.scope);
+ },
+ },
+ <ul class="nav-links scrolling-tabs">
+ <li
+ v-for="(tab, i) in tabs"
+ :key="i"
+ :class="{
+ active: tab.isActive,
+ }"
+ >
+ <a
+ role="button"
+ @click="onTabClick(tab)"
+ :class="`js-${scope}-tab-${tab.scope}`"
+ >
+ {{ }}
+ <span
+ v-if="shouldRenderBadge(tab.count)"
+ class="badge"
+ >
+ {{tab.count}}
+ </span>
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/notes/system_note.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/notes/system_note.vue
index 98f8f32557d..2248699c399 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/notes/system_note.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/notes/system_note.vue
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
* />
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex';
- import issueNoteHeader from '../../../notes/components/issue_note_header.vue';
+ import noteHeader from '~/notes/components/note_header.vue';
import { spriteIcon } from '../../../lib/utils/common_utils';
export default {
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
components: {
- issueNoteHeader,
+ noteHeader,
computed: {
@@ -60,12 +60,12 @@
<div class="timeline-content">
<div class="note-header">
- <issue-note-header
+ <note-header
- />
+ />
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/pikaday.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/pikaday.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d8d974a2ff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/pikaday.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ import Pikaday from 'pikaday';
+ import { parsePikadayDate, pikadayToString } from '../../lib/utils/datefix';
+ export default {
+ name: 'datePicker',
+ props: {
+ label: {
+ type: String,
+ required: false,
+ default: 'Date picker',
+ },
+ selectedDate: {
+ type: Date,
+ required: false,
+ },
+ minDate: {
+ type: Date,
+ required: false,
+ },
+ maxDate: {
+ type: Date,
+ required: false,
+ },
+ },
+ methods: {
+ selected(dateText) {
+ this.$emit('newDateSelected', this.calendar.toString(dateText));
+ },
+ toggled() {
+ this.$emit('hidePicker');
+ },
+ },
+ mounted() {
+ this.calendar = new Pikaday({
+ field: this.$el.querySelector('.dropdown-menu-toggle'),
+ theme: 'gitlab-theme animate-picker',
+ format: 'yyyy-mm-dd',
+ container: this.$el,
+ defaultDate: this.selectedDate,
+ setDefaultDate: !!this.selectedDate,
+ minDate: this.minDate,
+ maxDate: this.maxDate,
+ parse: dateString => parsePikadayDate(dateString),
+ toString: date => pikadayToString(date),
+ onSelect: this.selected.bind(this),
+ onClose: this.toggled.bind(this),
+ });
+ this.$el.append(this.calendar.el);
+ },
+ beforeDestroy() {
+ this.calendar.destroy();
+ },
+ };
+ <div class="pikaday-container">
+ <div class="dropdown open">
+ <button
+ type="button"
+ class="dropdown-menu-toggle"
+ data-toggle="dropdown"
+ @click="toggled"
+ >
+ <span class="dropdown-toggle-text">
+ {{label}}
+ </span>
+ <i
+ class="fa fa-chevron-down"
+ aria-hidden="true"
+ >
+ </i>
+ </button>
+ </div>
+ </div>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/sidebar/collapsed_calendar_icon.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/sidebar/collapsed_calendar_icon.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a88e1310131
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/sidebar/collapsed_calendar_icon.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ export default {
+ name: 'collapsedCalendarIcon',
+ props: {
+ containerClass: {
+ type: String,
+ required: false,
+ default: '',
+ },
+ text: {
+ type: String,
+ required: false,
+ default: '',
+ },
+ showIcon: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: true,
+ },
+ },
+ methods: {
+ click() {
+ this.$emit('click');
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ <div
+ :class="containerClass"
+ @click="click"
+ >
+ <i
+ v-if="showIcon"
+ class="fa fa-calendar"
+ aria-hidden="true"
+ >
+ </i>
+ <slot>
+ <span>
+ {{ text }}
+ </span>
+ </slot>
+ </div>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/sidebar/collapsed_grouped_date_picker.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/sidebar/collapsed_grouped_date_picker.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9ede5553bc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/sidebar/collapsed_grouped_date_picker.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+ import { dateInWords } from '../../../lib/utils/datetime_utility';
+ import toggleSidebar from './toggle_sidebar.vue';
+ import collapsedCalendarIcon from './collapsed_calendar_icon.vue';
+ export default {
+ name: 'sidebarCollapsedGroupedDatePicker',
+ props: {
+ collapsed: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: true,
+ },
+ showToggleSidebar: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: false,
+ },
+ minDate: {
+ type: Date,
+ required: false,
+ },
+ maxDate: {
+ type: Date,
+ required: false,
+ },
+ disableClickableIcons: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: false,
+ },
+ },
+ components: {
+ toggleSidebar,
+ collapsedCalendarIcon,
+ },
+ computed: {
+ hasMinAndMaxDates() {
+ return this.minDate && this.maxDate;
+ },
+ hasNoMinAndMaxDates() {
+ return !this.minDate && !this.maxDate;
+ },
+ showMinDateBlock() {
+ return this.minDate || this.hasNoMinAndMaxDates;
+ },
+ showFromText() {
+ return !this.maxDate && this.minDate;
+ },
+ iconClass() {
+ const disabledClass = this.disableClickableIcons ? 'disabled' : '';
+ return `block sidebar-collapsed-icon calendar-icon ${disabledClass}`;
+ },
+ },
+ methods: {
+ toggleSidebar() {
+ this.$emit('toggleCollapse');
+ },
+ dateText(dateType = 'min') {
+ const date = this[`${dateType}Date`];
+ const dateWords = dateInWords(date, true);
+ const parsedDateWords = dateWords ? dateWords.replace(',', '') : dateWords;
+ return date ? parsedDateWords : 'None';
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ <div class="block sidebar-grouped-item">
+ <div
+ v-if="showToggleSidebar"
+ class="issuable-sidebar-header"
+ >
+ <toggle-sidebar
+ :collapsed="collapsed"
+ @toggle="toggleSidebar"
+ />
+ </div>
+ <collapsed-calendar-icon
+ v-if="showMinDateBlock"
+ :container-class="iconClass"
+ @click="toggleSidebar"
+ >
+ <span class="sidebar-collapsed-value">
+ <span v-if="showFromText">From</span>
+ <span>{{ dateText('min') }}</span>
+ </span>
+ </collapsed-calendar-icon>
+ <div
+ v-if="hasMinAndMaxDates"
+ class="text-center sidebar-collapsed-divider"
+ >
+ -
+ </div>
+ <collapsed-calendar-icon
+ v-if="maxDate"
+ :container-class="iconClass"
+ :show-icon="!minDate"
+ @click="toggleSidebar"
+ >
+ <span class="sidebar-collapsed-value">
+ <span v-if="!minDate">Until</span>
+ <span>{{ dateText('max') }}</span>
+ </span>
+ </collapsed-calendar-icon>
+ </div>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/sidebar/date_picker.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/sidebar/date_picker.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9c3413377a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/sidebar/date_picker.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+ import datePicker from '../pikaday.vue';
+ import loadingIcon from '../loading_icon.vue';
+ import toggleSidebar from './toggle_sidebar.vue';
+ import collapsedCalendarIcon from './collapsed_calendar_icon.vue';
+ import { dateInWords } from '../../../lib/utils/datetime_utility';
+ export default {
+ name: 'sidebarDatePicker',
+ props: {
+ collapsed: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: true,
+ },
+ showToggleSidebar: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: false,
+ },
+ isLoading: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: false,
+ },
+ editable: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: false,
+ },
+ label: {
+ type: String,
+ required: false,
+ default: 'Date picker',
+ },
+ selectedDate: {
+ type: Date,
+ required: false,
+ },
+ minDate: {
+ type: Date,
+ required: false,
+ },
+ maxDate: {
+ type: Date,
+ required: false,
+ },
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ editing: false,
+ };
+ },
+ components: {
+ datePicker,
+ toggleSidebar,
+ loadingIcon,
+ collapsedCalendarIcon,
+ },
+ computed: {
+ selectedAndEditable() {
+ return this.selectedDate && this.editable;
+ },
+ selectedDateWords() {
+ return dateInWords(this.selectedDate, true);
+ },
+ collapsedText() {
+ return this.selectedDateWords ? this.selectedDateWords : 'None';
+ },
+ },
+ methods: {
+ stopEditing() {
+ this.editing = false;
+ },
+ toggleDatePicker() {
+ this.editing = !this.editing;
+ },
+ newDateSelected(date = null) {
+ = date;
+ this.editing = false;
+ this.$emit('saveDate', date);
+ },
+ toggleSidebar() {
+ this.$emit('toggleCollapse');
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ <div class="block">
+ <div class="issuable-sidebar-header">
+ <toggle-sidebar
+ :collapsed="collapsed"
+ @toggle="toggleSidebar"
+ />
+ </div>
+ <collapsed-calendar-icon
+ class="sidebar-collapsed-icon"
+ :text="collapsedText"
+ />
+ <div class="title">
+ {{ label }}
+ <loading-icon
+ v-if="isLoading"
+ :inline="true"
+ />
+ <div class="pull-right">
+ <button
+ v-if="editable && !editing"
+ type="button"
+ class="btn-blank btn-link btn-primary-hover-link btn-sidebar-action"
+ @click="toggleDatePicker"
+ >
+ Edit
+ </button>
+ <toggle-sidebar
+ v-if="showToggleSidebar"
+ :collapsed="collapsed"
+ @toggle="toggleSidebar"
+ />
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="value">
+ <date-picker
+ v-if="editing"
+ :selected-date="selectedDate"
+ :min-date="minDate"
+ :max-date="maxDate"
+ :label="label"
+ @newDateSelected="newDateSelected"
+ @hidePicker="stopEditing"
+ />
+ <span
+ v-else
+ class="value-content"
+ >
+ <template v-if="selectedDate">
+ <strong>{{ selectedDateWords }}</strong>
+ <span
+ v-if="selectedAndEditable"
+ class="no-value"
+ >
+ -
+ <button
+ type="button"
+ class="btn-blank btn-link btn-secondary-hover-link"
+ @click="newDateSelected(null)"
+ >
+ remove
+ </button>
+ </span>
+ </template>
+ <span
+ v-else
+ class="no-value"
+ >
+ None
+ </span>
+ </span>
+ </div>
+ </div>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/sidebar/toggle_sidebar.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/sidebar/toggle_sidebar.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5ae76adad71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/sidebar/toggle_sidebar.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ export default {
+ name: 'toggleSidebar',
+ props: {
+ collapsed: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ },
+ methods: {
+ toggle() {
+ this.$emit('toggle');
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ <button
+ type="button"
+ class="btn btn-blank gutter-toggle btn-sidebar-action"
+ @click="toggle"
+ >
+ <i
+ aria-label="toggle collapse"
+ class="fa"
+ :class="{ 'fa-angle-double-right': !collapsed, 'fa-angle-double-left': collapsed }"
+ ></i>
+ </button>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/toggle_button.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/toggle_button.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ddc9ddbc3a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/toggle_button.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ import loadingIcon from './loading_icon.vue';
+ export default {
+ props: {
+ name: {
+ type: String,
+ required: false,
+ default: '',
+ },
+ value: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ disabledInput: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: false,
+ },
+ isLoading: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: false,
+ },
+ enabledText: {
+ type: String,
+ required: false,
+ default: 'Enabled',
+ },
+ disabledText: {
+ type: String,
+ required: false,
+ default: 'Disabled',
+ },
+ },
+ components: {
+ loadingIcon,
+ },
+ model: {
+ prop: 'value',
+ event: 'change',
+ },
+ methods: {
+ toggleFeature() {
+ if (!this.disabledInput) this.$emit('change', !this.value);
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ <label class="toggle-wrapper">
+ <input
+ type="hidden"
+ :name="name"
+ :value="value"
+ />
+ <button
+ type="button"
+ aria-label="Toggle"
+ class="project-feature-toggle"
+ :data-enabled-text="enabledText"
+ :data-disabled-text="disabledText"
+ :class="{
+ 'is-checked': value,
+ 'is-disabled': disabledInput,
+ 'is-loading': isLoading
+ }"
+ @click="toggleFeature"
+ >
+ <loadingIcon class="loading-icon" />
+ </button>
+ </label>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/mixins/ci_pagination_api_mixin.js b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/mixins/ci_pagination_api_mixin.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f94cc670edf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/mixins/ci_pagination_api_mixin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * API callbacks for pagination and tabs
+ * shared between Pipelines and Environments table.
+ *
+ * Components need to have `scope`, `page` and `requestData`
+ */
+import {
+ historyPushState,
+ buildUrlWithCurrentLocation,
+} from '../../lib/utils/common_utils';
+export default {
+ methods: {
+ onChangeTab(scope) {
+ this.updateContent({ scope, page: '1' });
+ },
+ onChangePage(page) {
+ /* URLS parameters are strings, we need to parse to match types */
+ this.updateContent({ scope: this.scope, page: Number(page).toString() });
+ },
+ updateInternalState(parameters) {
+ // stop polling
+ this.poll.stop();
+ const queryString = Object.keys(parameters).map((parameter) => {
+ const value = parameters[parameter];
+ // update internal state for UI
+ this[parameter] = value;
+ return `${parameter}=${encodeURIComponent(value)}`;
+ }).join('&');
+ // update polling parameters
+ this.requestData = parameters;
+ historyPushState(buildUrlWithCurrentLocation(`?${queryString}`));
+ this.isLoading = true;
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/mixins/issuable.js b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/mixins/issuable.js
index 263361587e0..fab0919d96e 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/mixins/issuable.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/mixins/issuable.js
@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
export default {
- methods: {
- issuableDisplayName(issuableType) {
- const displayName = issuableType.replace(/_/, ' ');
+ props: {
+ issuableType: {
+ required: true,
+ type: String,
+ },
+ },
- return this.__ ? this.__(displayName) : displayName;
+ computed: {
+ issuableDisplayName() {
+ return this.issuableType.replace(/_/g, ' ');
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/wikis.js b/app/assets/javascripts/wikis.js
index a0025ddb598..7a865587444 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/wikis.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/wikis.js
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import bp from './breakpoints';
+import { slugify } from './lib/utils/text_utility';
export default class Wikis {
constructor() {
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ export default class Wikis {
if (!this.newWikiForm) return;
const slugInput = this.newWikiForm.querySelector('#new_wiki_path');
- const slug = gl.text.slugify(slugInput.value);
+ const slug = slugify(slugInput.value);
if (slug.length > 0) {
const wikisPath = slugInput.getAttribute('data-wikis-path');
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/zen_mode.js b/app/assets/javascripts/zen_mode.js
index cba7b9227cd..06a86f3b94a 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/zen_mode.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/zen_mode.js
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export default class ZenMode {
this.active_textarea = this.active_backdrop.find('textarea');
// Prevent a user-resized textarea from persisting to fullscreen
- return this.active_textarea.focus();
+ this.active_textarea.focus();
exit() {
@@ -81,7 +81,11 @@ export default class ZenMode {
this.active_textarea = null;
this.active_backdrop = null;
- return Dropzone.forElement('.div-dropzone').enable();
+ const $dropzone = $('.div-dropzone');
+ if ($dropzone && !$dropzone.hasClass('js-invalid-dropzone')) {
+ Dropzone.forElement('.div-dropzone').enable();
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework.scss
index c334f39f416..43b16d3cf7d 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework.scss
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
@import "framework/modal";
@import "framework/pagination";
@import "framework/panels";
+@import "framework/popup";
@import "framework/secondary-navigation-elements";
@import "framework/selects";
@import "framework/sidebar";
@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@
@import "framework/tabs";
@import "framework/timeline";
@import "framework/tooltips";
+@import "framework/toggle";
@import "framework/typography";
@import "framework/zen";
@import "framework/blank";
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/animations.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/animations.scss
index 374988bb590..728f9a27aca 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/animations.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/animations.scss
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
@include transition(border-color);
-.note-action-button .link-highlight,
.dropdown-toggle-caret {
@include transition(color);
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/blank.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/blank.scss
index 6bb096fc5bd..9982a5779af 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/blank.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/blank.scss
@@ -7,29 +7,76 @@
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
padding-bottom: 25px;
- border: 1px solid $border-color;
border-radius: $border-radius-default;
-.blank-state {
- padding-top: 20px;
- padding-bottom: 20px;
+.blank-state-row {
+ display: flex;
+ flex-wrap: wrap;
+ justify-content: space-around;
+ height: 100%;
+.blank-state-welcome {
text-align: center;
+ padding: 20px 0 40px;
+ .blank-state-welcome-title {
+ font-size: 24px;
+ }
+ .blank-state-text {
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ }
+.blank-state-link {
+ display: block;
+ color: $gl-text-color;
+ flex: 0 0 100%;
+ margin-bottom: 15px;
- &.blank-state-welcome {
- .blank-state-welcome-title {
- font-size: 24px;
+ @media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) {
+ flex: 0 0 49%;
+ &:nth-child(odd) {
+ margin-right: 5px;
- .blank-state-text {
- margin-bottom: 0;
+ &:nth-child(even) {
+ margin-left: 5px;
- .blank-state-icon {
- padding-bottom: 20px;
+ &:hover {
+ background-color: $gray-light;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ color: $gl-text-color;
+ }
+.blank-state-center {
+ padding-top: 20px;
+ padding-bottom: 20px;
+ text-align: center;
+.blank-state {
+ padding: 20px;
+ border: 1px solid $border-color;
+ border-radius: $border-radius-default;
+ @media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ padding: 50px 30px;
+ }
+.blank-state-center {
+ .blank-state-icon {
svg {
display: block;
margin: auto;
@@ -38,13 +85,17 @@
.blank-state-title {
margin-top: 0;
- margin-bottom: 10px;
font-size: 18px;
- .blank-state-text {
- max-width: $container-text-max-width;
- margin: 0 auto $gl-padding;
- font-size: 14px;
+ .blank-state-body {
+ @media (max-width: $screen-xs-max) {
+ text-align: center;
+ margin-top: 20px;
+ }
+ @media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) {
+ padding-left: 20px;
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/blocks.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/blocks.scss
index 9c1439dfad5..91976ca1f56 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/blocks.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/blocks.scss
@@ -353,3 +353,7 @@
display: -webkit-flex;
display: flex;
+.flex-right {
+ margin-left: auto;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/buttons.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/buttons.scss
index b2f26cf7159..3f630f82e29 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/buttons.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/buttons.scss
@@ -88,17 +88,6 @@
border-color: $border-dark;
color: $color;
- svg {
- path {
- fill: $color;
- }
- use {
- stroke: $color;
- }
- }
@mixin btn-green {
@@ -142,6 +131,13 @@
+@mixin btn-svg {
+ height: $gl-padding;
+ width: $gl-padding;
+ top: 0;
+ vertical-align: text-top;
.btn {
@include btn-default;
@include btn-white;
@@ -243,6 +239,16 @@
+ &.dot-highlight::after {
+ content: '';
+ background-color: $blue-500;
+ width: $gl-padding * 0.5;
+ height: $gl-padding * 0.5;
+ display: inline-block;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ margin-left: 3px;
+ }
svg {
height: 15px;
width: 15px;
@@ -408,6 +414,7 @@
padding: 0;
background: transparent;
border: 0;
+ border-radius: 0;
@@ -417,3 +424,29 @@
box-shadow: none;
+.btn-link.btn-secondary-hover-link {
+ color: $gl-text-color-secondary;
+ &:hover,
+ &:active,
+ &:focus {
+ color: $gl-link-color;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ }
+.btn-link.btn-primary-hover-link {
+ color: inherit;
+ &:hover,
+ &:active,
+ &:focus {
+ color: $gl-link-color;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ }
+.btn-svg svg {
+ @include btn-svg;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/common.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/common.scss
index 5f5b5657a2f..73524d5cf60 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/common.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/common.scss
@@ -4,11 +4,41 @@
.cred { color: $common-red; }
.cgreen { color: $common-green; }
.cdark { color: $common-gray-dark; }
+.text-plain:hover {
+ color: $gl-text-color;
.text-secondary {
color: $gl-text-color-secondary;
-.underlined-link { text-decoration: underline; }
+.text-primary:hover {
+ color: $brand-primary;
+.text-success:hover {
+ color: $brand-success;
+.text-danger:hover {
+ color: $brand-danger;
+.text-warning:hover {
+ color: $brand-warning;
+.text-info:hover {
+ color: $brand-info;
.hint { font-style: italic; color: $hint-color; }
.light { color: $common-gray; }
@@ -207,19 +237,6 @@ li.note {
-.browser-alert {
- padding: 10px;
- text-align: center;
- background: $error-bg;
- color: $white-light;
- font-weight: $gl-font-weight-bold;
- a {
- color: $white-light;
- text-decoration: underline;
- }
.warning_message {
border-left: 4px solid $warning-message-border;
color: $warning-message-color;
@@ -428,6 +445,7 @@ img.emoji {
.prepend-top-0 { margin-top: 0; }
.prepend-top-5 { margin-top: 5px; }
+.prepend-top-8 { margin-top: $grid-size; }
.prepend-top-10 { margin-top: 10px; }
.prepend-top-15 { margin-top: 15px; }
.prepend-top-default { margin-top: $gl-padding !important; }
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/contextual-sidebar.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/contextual-sidebar.scss
index 320f458630a..b73932eb7e1 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/contextual-sidebar.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/contextual-sidebar.scss
@@ -40,12 +40,6 @@
a:hover {
background-color: $link-hover-background;
color: $gl-text-color;
- .settings-avatar {
- svg {
- fill: $gl-text-color;
- }
- }
.avatar-container {
@@ -138,10 +132,6 @@
color: $gl-text-color-secondary;
- svg {
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diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/dropdowns.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/dropdowns.scss
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--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/dropdowns.scss
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@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@
.dropdown-content {
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overflow-y: auto;
@@ -1002,6 +1002,7 @@ header.header-content .dropdown-menu.projects-dropdown-menu {
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text-overflow: ellipsis;
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&:hover {
@@ -1029,3 +1030,28 @@ header.header-content .dropdown-menu.projects-dropdown-menu {
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+ content: '';
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+ opacity: 0;
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diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/emoji-sprites.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/emoji-sprites.scss
index 925415f84b1..0174e17b660 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/emoji-sprites.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/emoji-sprites.scss
@@ -765,1031 +765,1033 @@
.emoji-full_moon { background-position: -160px -540px; }
.emoji-full_moon_with_face { background-position: -180px -540px; }
.emoji-game_die { background-position: -200px -540px; }
-.emoji-gear { background-position: -220px -540px; }
-.emoji-gem { background-position: -240px -540px; }
-.emoji-gemini { background-position: -260px -540px; }
-.emoji-ghost { background-position: -280px -540px; }
-.emoji-gift { background-position: -300px -540px; }
-.emoji-gift_heart { background-position: -320px -540px; }
-.emoji-girl { background-position: -340px -540px; }
-.emoji-girl_tone1 { background-position: -360px -540px; }
-.emoji-girl_tone2 { background-position: -380px -540px; }
-.emoji-girl_tone3 { background-position: -400px -540px; }
-.emoji-girl_tone4 { background-position: -420px -540px; }
-.emoji-girl_tone5 { background-position: -440px -540px; }
-.emoji-globe_with_meridians { background-position: -460px -540px; }
-.emoji-goal { background-position: -480px -540px; }
-.emoji-goat { background-position: -500px -540px; }
-.emoji-golf { background-position: -520px -540px; }
-.emoji-golfer { background-position: -540px -540px; }
-.emoji-gorilla { background-position: -560px 0; }
-.emoji-grapes { background-position: -560px -20px; }
-.emoji-green_apple { background-position: -560px -40px; }
-.emoji-green_book { background-position: -560px -60px; }
-.emoji-green_heart { background-position: -560px -80px; }
-.emoji-grey_exclamation { background-position: -560px -100px; }
-.emoji-grey_question { background-position: -560px -120px; }
-.emoji-grimacing { background-position: -560px -140px; }
-.emoji-grin { background-position: -560px -160px; }
-.emoji-grinning { background-position: -560px -180px; }
-.emoji-guardsman { background-position: -560px -200px; }
-.emoji-guardsman_tone1 { background-position: -560px -220px; }
-.emoji-guardsman_tone2 { background-position: -560px -240px; }
-.emoji-guardsman_tone3 { background-position: -560px -260px; }
-.emoji-guardsman_tone4 { background-position: -560px -280px; }
-.emoji-guardsman_tone5 { background-position: -560px -300px; }
-.emoji-guitar { background-position: -560px -320px; }
-.emoji-gun { background-position: -560px -340px; }
-.emoji-haircut { background-position: -560px -360px; }
-.emoji-haircut_tone1 { background-position: -560px -380px; }
-.emoji-haircut_tone2 { background-position: -560px -400px; }
-.emoji-haircut_tone3 { background-position: -560px -420px; }
-.emoji-haircut_tone4 { background-position: -560px -440px; }
-.emoji-haircut_tone5 { background-position: -560px -460px; }
-.emoji-hamburger { background-position: -560px -480px; }
-.emoji-hammer { background-position: -560px -500px; }
-.emoji-hammer_pick { background-position: -560px -520px; }
-.emoji-hamster { background-position: -560px -540px; }
-.emoji-hand_splayed { background-position: 0 -560px; }
-.emoji-hand_splayed_tone1 { background-position: -20px -560px; }
-.emoji-hand_splayed_tone2 { background-position: -40px -560px; }
-.emoji-hand_splayed_tone3 { background-position: -60px -560px; }
-.emoji-hand_splayed_tone4 { background-position: -80px -560px; }
-.emoji-hand_splayed_tone5 { background-position: -100px -560px; }
-.emoji-handbag { background-position: -120px -560px; }
-.emoji-handball { background-position: -140px -560px; }
-.emoji-handball_tone1 { background-position: -160px -560px; }
-.emoji-handball_tone2 { background-position: -180px -560px; }
-.emoji-handball_tone3 { background-position: -200px -560px; }
-.emoji-handball_tone4 { background-position: -220px -560px; }
-.emoji-handball_tone5 { background-position: -240px -560px; }
-.emoji-handshake { background-position: -260px -560px; }
-.emoji-handshake_tone1 { background-position: -280px -560px; }
-.emoji-handshake_tone2 { background-position: -300px -560px; }
-.emoji-handshake_tone3 { background-position: -320px -560px; }
-.emoji-handshake_tone4 { background-position: -340px -560px; }
-.emoji-handshake_tone5 { background-position: -360px -560px; }
-.emoji-hash { background-position: -380px -560px; }
-.emoji-hatched_chick { background-position: -400px -560px; }
-.emoji-hatching_chick { background-position: -420px -560px; }
-.emoji-head_bandage { background-position: -440px -560px; }
-.emoji-headphones { background-position: -460px -560px; }
-.emoji-hear_no_evil { background-position: -480px -560px; }
-.emoji-heart { background-position: -500px -560px; }
-.emoji-heart_decoration { background-position: -520px -560px; }
-.emoji-heart_exclamation { background-position: -540px -560px; }
-.emoji-heart_eyes { background-position: -560px -560px; }
-.emoji-heart_eyes_cat { background-position: -580px 0; }
-.emoji-heartbeat { background-position: -580px -20px; }
-.emoji-heartpulse { background-position: -580px -40px; }
-.emoji-hearts { background-position: -580px -60px; }
-.emoji-heavy_check_mark { background-position: -580px -80px; }
-.emoji-heavy_division_sign { background-position: -580px -100px; }
-.emoji-heavy_dollar_sign { background-position: -580px -120px; }
-.emoji-heavy_minus_sign { background-position: -580px -140px; }
-.emoji-heavy_multiplication_x { background-position: -580px -160px; }
-.emoji-heavy_plus_sign { background-position: -580px -180px; }
-.emoji-helicopter { background-position: -580px -200px; }
-.emoji-helmet_with_cross { background-position: -580px -220px; }
-.emoji-herb { background-position: -580px -240px; }
-.emoji-hibiscus { background-position: -580px -260px; }
-.emoji-high_brightness { background-position: -580px -280px; }
-.emoji-high_heel { background-position: -580px -300px; }
-.emoji-hockey { background-position: -580px -320px; }
-.emoji-hole { background-position: -580px -340px; }
-.emoji-homes { background-position: -580px -360px; }
-.emoji-honey_pot { background-position: -580px -380px; }
-.emoji-horse { background-position: -580px -400px; }
-.emoji-horse_racing { background-position: -580px -420px; }
-.emoji-horse_racing_tone1 { background-position: -580px -440px; }
-.emoji-horse_racing_tone2 { background-position: -580px -460px; }
-.emoji-horse_racing_tone3 { background-position: -580px -480px; }
-.emoji-horse_racing_tone4 { background-position: -580px -500px; }
-.emoji-horse_racing_tone5 { background-position: -580px -520px; }
-.emoji-hospital { background-position: -580px -540px; }
-.emoji-hot_pepper { background-position: -580px -560px; }
-.emoji-hotdog { background-position: 0 -580px; }
-.emoji-hotel { background-position: -20px -580px; }
-.emoji-hotsprings { background-position: -40px -580px; }
-.emoji-hourglass { background-position: -60px -580px; }
-.emoji-hourglass_flowing_sand { background-position: -80px -580px; }
-.emoji-house { background-position: -100px -580px; }
-.emoji-house_abandoned { background-position: -120px -580px; }
-.emoji-house_with_garden { background-position: -140px -580px; }
-.emoji-hugging { background-position: -160px -580px; }
-.emoji-hushed { background-position: -180px -580px; }
-.emoji-ice_cream { background-position: -200px -580px; }
-.emoji-ice_skate { background-position: -220px -580px; }
-.emoji-icecream { background-position: -240px -580px; }
-.emoji-id { background-position: -260px -580px; }
-.emoji-ideograph_advantage { background-position: -280px -580px; }
-.emoji-imp { background-position: -300px -580px; }
-.emoji-inbox_tray { background-position: -320px -580px; }
-.emoji-incoming_envelope { background-position: -340px -580px; }
-.emoji-information_desk_person { background-position: -360px -580px; }
-.emoji-information_desk_person_tone1 { background-position: -380px -580px; }
-.emoji-information_desk_person_tone2 { background-position: -400px -580px; }
-.emoji-information_desk_person_tone3 { background-position: -420px -580px; }
-.emoji-information_desk_person_tone4 { background-position: -440px -580px; }
-.emoji-information_desk_person_tone5 { background-position: -460px -580px; }
-.emoji-information_source { background-position: -480px -580px; }
-.emoji-innocent { background-position: -500px -580px; }
-.emoji-interrobang { background-position: -520px -580px; }
-.emoji-iphone { background-position: -540px -580px; }
-.emoji-island { background-position: -560px -580px; }
-.emoji-izakaya_lantern { background-position: -580px -580px; }
-.emoji-jack_o_lantern { background-position: -600px 0; }
-.emoji-japan { background-position: -600px -20px; }
-.emoji-japanese_castle { background-position: -600px -40px; }
-.emoji-japanese_goblin { background-position: -600px -60px; }
-.emoji-japanese_ogre { background-position: -600px -80px; }
-.emoji-jeans { background-position: -600px -100px; }
-.emoji-joy { background-position: -600px -120px; }
-.emoji-joy_cat { background-position: -600px -140px; }
-.emoji-joystick { background-position: -600px -160px; }
-.emoji-juggling { background-position: -600px -180px; }
-.emoji-juggling_tone1 { background-position: -600px -200px; }
-.emoji-juggling_tone2 { background-position: -600px -220px; }
-.emoji-juggling_tone3 { background-position: -600px -240px; }
-.emoji-juggling_tone4 { background-position: -600px -260px; }
-.emoji-juggling_tone5 { background-position: -600px -280px; }
-.emoji-kaaba { background-position: -600px -300px; }
-.emoji-key { background-position: -600px -320px; }
-.emoji-key2 { background-position: -600px -340px; }
-.emoji-keyboard { background-position: -600px -360px; }
-.emoji-kimono { background-position: -600px -380px; }
-.emoji-kiss { background-position: -600px -400px; }
-.emoji-kiss_mm { background-position: -600px -420px; }
-.emoji-kiss_ww { background-position: -600px -440px; }
-.emoji-kissing { background-position: -600px -460px; }
-.emoji-kissing_cat { background-position: -600px -480px; }
-.emoji-kissing_closed_eyes { background-position: -600px -500px; }
-.emoji-kissing_heart { background-position: -600px -520px; }
-.emoji-kissing_smiling_eyes { background-position: -600px -540px; }
-.emoji-kiwi { background-position: -600px -560px; }
-.emoji-knife { background-position: -600px -580px; }
-.emoji-koala { background-position: 0 -600px; }
-.emoji-koko { background-position: -20px -600px; }
-.emoji-label { background-position: -40px -600px; }
-.emoji-large_blue_circle { background-position: -60px -600px; }
-.emoji-large_blue_diamond { background-position: -80px -600px; }
-.emoji-large_orange_diamond { background-position: -100px -600px; }
-.emoji-last_quarter_moon { background-position: -120px -600px; }
-.emoji-last_quarter_moon_with_face { background-position: -140px -600px; }
-.emoji-laughing { background-position: -160px -600px; }
-.emoji-leaves { background-position: -180px -600px; }
-.emoji-ledger { background-position: -200px -600px; }
-.emoji-left_facing_fist { background-position: -220px -600px; }
-.emoji-left_facing_fist_tone1 { background-position: -240px -600px; }
-.emoji-left_facing_fist_tone2 { background-position: -260px -600px; }
-.emoji-left_facing_fist_tone3 { background-position: -280px -600px; }
-.emoji-left_facing_fist_tone4 { background-position: -300px -600px; }
-.emoji-left_facing_fist_tone5 { background-position: -320px -600px; }
-.emoji-left_luggage { background-position: -340px -600px; }
-.emoji-left_right_arrow { background-position: -360px -600px; }
-.emoji-leftwards_arrow_with_hook { background-position: -380px -600px; }
-.emoji-lemon { background-position: -400px -600px; }
-.emoji-leo { background-position: -420px -600px; }
-.emoji-leopard { background-position: -440px -600px; }
-.emoji-level_slider { background-position: -460px -600px; }
-.emoji-levitate { background-position: -480px -600px; }
-.emoji-libra { background-position: -500px -600px; }
-.emoji-lifter { background-position: -520px -600px; }
-.emoji-lifter_tone1 { background-position: -540px -600px; }
-.emoji-lifter_tone2 { background-position: -560px -600px; }
-.emoji-lifter_tone3 { background-position: -580px -600px; }
-.emoji-lifter_tone4 { background-position: -600px -600px; }
-.emoji-lifter_tone5 { background-position: -620px 0; }
-.emoji-light_rail { background-position: -620px -20px; }
-.emoji-link { background-position: -620px -40px; }
-.emoji-lion_face { background-position: -620px -60px; }
-.emoji-lips { background-position: -620px -80px; }
-.emoji-lipstick { background-position: -620px -100px; }
-.emoji-lizard { background-position: -620px -120px; }
-.emoji-lock { background-position: -620px -140px; }
-.emoji-lock_with_ink_pen { background-position: -620px -160px; }
-.emoji-lollipop { background-position: -620px -180px; }
-.emoji-loop { background-position: -620px -200px; }
-.emoji-loud_sound { background-position: -620px -220px; }
-.emoji-loudspeaker { background-position: -620px -240px; }
-.emoji-love_hotel { background-position: -620px -260px; }
-.emoji-love_letter { background-position: -620px -280px; }
-.emoji-low_brightness { background-position: -620px -300px; }
-.emoji-lying_face { background-position: -620px -320px; }
-.emoji-m { background-position: -620px -340px; }
-.emoji-mag { background-position: -620px -360px; }
-.emoji-mag_right { background-position: -620px -380px; }
-.emoji-mahjong { background-position: -620px -400px; }
-.emoji-mailbox { background-position: -620px -420px; }
-.emoji-mailbox_closed { background-position: -620px -440px; }
-.emoji-mailbox_with_mail { background-position: -620px -460px; }
-.emoji-mailbox_with_no_mail { background-position: -620px -480px; }
-.emoji-man { background-position: -620px -500px; }
-.emoji-man_dancing { background-position: -620px -520px; }
-.emoji-man_dancing_tone1 { background-position: -620px -540px; }
-.emoji-man_dancing_tone2 { background-position: -620px -560px; }
-.emoji-man_dancing_tone3 { background-position: -620px -580px; }
-.emoji-man_dancing_tone4 { background-position: -620px -600px; }
-.emoji-man_dancing_tone5 { background-position: 0 -620px; }
-.emoji-man_in_tuxedo { background-position: -20px -620px; }
-.emoji-man_in_tuxedo_tone1 { background-position: -40px -620px; }
-.emoji-man_in_tuxedo_tone2 { background-position: -60px -620px; }
-.emoji-man_in_tuxedo_tone3 { background-position: -80px -620px; }
-.emoji-man_in_tuxedo_tone4 { background-position: -100px -620px; }
-.emoji-man_in_tuxedo_tone5 { background-position: -120px -620px; }
-.emoji-man_tone1 { background-position: -140px -620px; }
-.emoji-man_tone2 { background-position: -160px -620px; }
-.emoji-man_tone3 { background-position: -180px -620px; }
-.emoji-man_tone4 { background-position: -200px -620px; }
-.emoji-man_tone5 { background-position: -220px -620px; }
-.emoji-man_with_gua_pi_mao { background-position: -240px -620px; }
-.emoji-man_with_gua_pi_mao_tone1 { background-position: -260px -620px; }
-.emoji-man_with_gua_pi_mao_tone2 { background-position: -280px -620px; }
-.emoji-man_with_gua_pi_mao_tone3 { background-position: -300px -620px; }
-.emoji-man_with_gua_pi_mao_tone4 { background-position: -320px -620px; }
-.emoji-man_with_gua_pi_mao_tone5 { background-position: -340px -620px; }
-.emoji-man_with_turban { background-position: -360px -620px; }
-.emoji-man_with_turban_tone1 { background-position: -380px -620px; }
-.emoji-man_with_turban_tone2 { background-position: -400px -620px; }
-.emoji-man_with_turban_tone3 { background-position: -420px -620px; }
-.emoji-man_with_turban_tone4 { background-position: -440px -620px; }
-.emoji-man_with_turban_tone5 { background-position: -460px -620px; }
-.emoji-mans_shoe { background-position: -480px -620px; }
-.emoji-map { background-position: -500px -620px; }
-.emoji-maple_leaf { background-position: -520px -620px; }
-.emoji-martial_arts_uniform { background-position: -540px -620px; }
-.emoji-mask { background-position: -560px -620px; }
-.emoji-massage { background-position: -580px -620px; }
-.emoji-massage_tone1 { background-position: -600px -620px; }
-.emoji-massage_tone2 { background-position: -620px -620px; }
-.emoji-massage_tone3 { background-position: -640px 0; }
-.emoji-massage_tone4 { background-position: -640px -20px; }
-.emoji-massage_tone5 { background-position: -640px -40px; }
-.emoji-meat_on_bone { background-position: -640px -60px; }
-.emoji-medal { background-position: -640px -80px; }
-.emoji-mega { background-position: -640px -100px; }
-.emoji-melon { background-position: -640px -120px; }
-.emoji-menorah { background-position: -640px -140px; }
-.emoji-mens { background-position: -640px -160px; }
-.emoji-metal { background-position: -640px -180px; }
-.emoji-metal_tone1 { background-position: -640px -200px; }
-.emoji-metal_tone2 { background-position: -640px -220px; }
-.emoji-metal_tone3 { background-position: -640px -240px; }
-.emoji-metal_tone4 { background-position: -640px -260px; }
-.emoji-metal_tone5 { background-position: -640px -280px; }
-.emoji-metro { background-position: -640px -300px; }
-.emoji-microphone { background-position: -640px -320px; }
-.emoji-microphone2 { background-position: -640px -340px; }
-.emoji-microscope { background-position: -640px -360px; }
-.emoji-middle_finger { background-position: -640px -380px; }
-.emoji-middle_finger_tone1 { background-position: -640px -400px; }
-.emoji-middle_finger_tone2 { background-position: -640px -420px; }
-.emoji-middle_finger_tone3 { background-position: -640px -440px; }
-.emoji-middle_finger_tone4 { background-position: -640px -460px; }
-.emoji-middle_finger_tone5 { background-position: -640px -480px; }
-.emoji-military_medal { background-position: -640px -500px; }
-.emoji-milk { background-position: -640px -520px; }
-.emoji-milky_way { background-position: -640px -540px; }
-.emoji-minibus { background-position: -640px -560px; }
-.emoji-minidisc { background-position: -640px -580px; }
-.emoji-mobile_phone_off { background-position: -640px -600px; }
-.emoji-money_mouth { background-position: -640px -620px; }
-.emoji-money_with_wings { background-position: 0 -640px; }
-.emoji-moneybag { background-position: -20px -640px; }
-.emoji-monkey { background-position: -40px -640px; }
-.emoji-monkey_face { background-position: -60px -640px; }
-.emoji-monorail { background-position: -80px -640px; }
-.emoji-mortar_board { background-position: -100px -640px; }
-.emoji-mosque { background-position: -120px -640px; }
-.emoji-motor_scooter { background-position: -140px -640px; }
-.emoji-motorboat { background-position: -160px -640px; }
-.emoji-motorcycle { background-position: -180px -640px; }
-.emoji-motorway { background-position: -200px -640px; }
-.emoji-mount_fuji { background-position: -220px -640px; }
-.emoji-mountain { background-position: -240px -640px; }
-.emoji-mountain_bicyclist { background-position: -260px -640px; }
-.emoji-mountain_bicyclist_tone1 { background-position: -280px -640px; }
-.emoji-mountain_bicyclist_tone2 { background-position: -300px -640px; }
-.emoji-mountain_bicyclist_tone3 { background-position: -320px -640px; }
-.emoji-mountain_bicyclist_tone4 { background-position: -340px -640px; }
-.emoji-mountain_bicyclist_tone5 { background-position: -360px -640px; }
-.emoji-mountain_cableway { background-position: -380px -640px; }
-.emoji-mountain_railway { background-position: -400px -640px; }
-.emoji-mountain_snow { background-position: -420px -640px; }
-.emoji-mouse { background-position: -440px -640px; }
-.emoji-mouse2 { background-position: -460px -640px; }
-.emoji-mouse_three_button { background-position: -480px -640px; }
-.emoji-movie_camera { background-position: -500px -640px; }
-.emoji-moyai { background-position: -520px -640px; }
-.emoji-mrs_claus { background-position: -540px -640px; }
-.emoji-mrs_claus_tone1 { background-position: -560px -640px; }
-.emoji-mrs_claus_tone2 { background-position: -580px -640px; }
-.emoji-mrs_claus_tone3 { background-position: -600px -640px; }
-.emoji-mrs_claus_tone4 { background-position: -620px -640px; }
-.emoji-mrs_claus_tone5 { background-position: -640px -640px; }
-.emoji-muscle { background-position: -660px 0; }
-.emoji-muscle_tone1 { background-position: -660px -20px; }
-.emoji-muscle_tone2 { background-position: -660px -40px; }
-.emoji-muscle_tone3 { background-position: -660px -60px; }
-.emoji-muscle_tone4 { background-position: -660px -80px; }
-.emoji-muscle_tone5 { background-position: -660px -100px; }
-.emoji-mushroom { background-position: -660px -120px; }
-.emoji-musical_keyboard { background-position: -660px -140px; }
-.emoji-musical_note { background-position: -660px -160px; }
-.emoji-musical_score { background-position: -660px -180px; }
-.emoji-mute { background-position: -660px -200px; }
-.emoji-nail_care { background-position: -660px -220px; }
-.emoji-nail_care_tone1 { background-position: -660px -240px; }
-.emoji-nail_care_tone2 { background-position: -660px -260px; }
-.emoji-nail_care_tone3 { background-position: -660px -280px; }
-.emoji-nail_care_tone4 { background-position: -660px -300px; }
-.emoji-nail_care_tone5 { background-position: -660px -320px; }
-.emoji-name_badge { background-position: -660px -340px; }
-.emoji-nauseated_face { background-position: -660px -360px; }
-.emoji-necktie { background-position: -660px -380px; }
-.emoji-negative_squared_cross_mark { background-position: -660px -400px; }
-.emoji-nerd { background-position: -660px -420px; }
-.emoji-neutral_face { background-position: -660px -440px; }
-.emoji-new { background-position: -660px -460px; }
-.emoji-new_moon { background-position: -660px -480px; }
-.emoji-new_moon_with_face { background-position: -660px -500px; }
-.emoji-newspaper { background-position: -660px -520px; }
-.emoji-newspaper2 { background-position: -660px -540px; }
-.emoji-ng { background-position: -660px -560px; }
-.emoji-night_with_stars { background-position: -660px -580px; }
-.emoji-nine { background-position: -660px -600px; }
-.emoji-no_bell { background-position: -660px -620px; }
-.emoji-no_bicycles { background-position: -660px -640px; }
-.emoji-no_entry { background-position: 0 -660px; }
-.emoji-no_entry_sign { background-position: -20px -660px; }
-.emoji-no_good { background-position: -40px -660px; }
-.emoji-no_good_tone1 { background-position: -60px -660px; }
-.emoji-no_good_tone2 { background-position: -80px -660px; }
-.emoji-no_good_tone3 { background-position: -100px -660px; }
-.emoji-no_good_tone4 { background-position: -120px -660px; }
-.emoji-no_good_tone5 { background-position: -140px -660px; }
-.emoji-no_mobile_phones { background-position: -160px -660px; }
-.emoji-no_mouth { background-position: -180px -660px; }
-.emoji-no_pedestrians { background-position: -200px -660px; }
-.emoji-no_smoking { background-position: -220px -660px; }
-.emoji-non-potable_water { background-position: -240px -660px; }
-.emoji-nose { background-position: -260px -660px; }
-.emoji-nose_tone1 { background-position: -280px -660px; }
-.emoji-nose_tone2 { background-position: -300px -660px; }
-.emoji-nose_tone3 { background-position: -320px -660px; }
-.emoji-nose_tone4 { background-position: -340px -660px; }
-.emoji-nose_tone5 { background-position: -360px -660px; }
-.emoji-notebook { background-position: -380px -660px; }
-.emoji-notebook_with_decorative_cover { background-position: -400px -660px; }
-.emoji-notepad_spiral { background-position: -420px -660px; }
-.emoji-notes { background-position: -440px -660px; }
-.emoji-nut_and_bolt { background-position: -460px -660px; }
-.emoji-o { background-position: -480px -660px; }
-.emoji-o2 { background-position: -500px -660px; }
-.emoji-ocean { background-position: -520px -660px; }
-.emoji-octagonal_sign { background-position: -540px -660px; }
-.emoji-octopus { background-position: -560px -660px; }
-.emoji-oden { background-position: -580px -660px; }
-.emoji-office { background-position: -600px -660px; }
-.emoji-oil { background-position: -620px -660px; }
-.emoji-ok { background-position: -640px -660px; }
-.emoji-ok_hand { background-position: -660px -660px; }
-.emoji-ok_hand_tone1 { background-position: -680px 0; }
-.emoji-ok_hand_tone2 { background-position: -680px -20px; }
-.emoji-ok_hand_tone3 { background-position: -680px -40px; }
-.emoji-ok_hand_tone4 { background-position: -680px -60px; }
-.emoji-ok_hand_tone5 { background-position: -680px -80px; }
-.emoji-ok_woman { background-position: -680px -100px; }
-.emoji-ok_woman_tone1 { background-position: -680px -120px; }
-.emoji-ok_woman_tone2 { background-position: -680px -140px; }
-.emoji-ok_woman_tone3 { background-position: -680px -160px; }
-.emoji-ok_woman_tone4 { background-position: -680px -180px; }
-.emoji-ok_woman_tone5 { background-position: -680px -200px; }
-.emoji-older_man { background-position: -680px -220px; }
-.emoji-older_man_tone1 { background-position: -680px -240px; }
-.emoji-older_man_tone2 { background-position: -680px -260px; }
-.emoji-older_man_tone3 { background-position: -680px -280px; }
-.emoji-older_man_tone4 { background-position: -680px -300px; }
-.emoji-older_man_tone5 { background-position: -680px -320px; }
-.emoji-older_woman { background-position: -680px -340px; }
-.emoji-older_woman_tone1 { background-position: -680px -360px; }
-.emoji-older_woman_tone2 { background-position: -680px -380px; }
-.emoji-older_woman_tone3 { background-position: -680px -400px; }
-.emoji-older_woman_tone4 { background-position: -680px -420px; }
-.emoji-older_woman_tone5 { background-position: -680px -440px; }
-.emoji-om_symbol { background-position: -680px -460px; }
-.emoji-on { background-position: -680px -480px; }
-.emoji-oncoming_automobile { background-position: -680px -500px; }
-.emoji-oncoming_bus { background-position: -680px -520px; }
-.emoji-oncoming_police_car { background-position: -680px -540px; }
-.emoji-oncoming_taxi { background-position: -680px -560px; }
-.emoji-one { background-position: -680px -580px; }
-.emoji-open_file_folder { background-position: -680px -600px; }
-.emoji-open_hands { background-position: -680px -620px; }
-.emoji-open_hands_tone1 { background-position: -680px -640px; }
-.emoji-open_hands_tone2 { background-position: -680px -660px; }
-.emoji-open_hands_tone3 { background-position: 0 -680px; }
-.emoji-open_hands_tone4 { background-position: -20px -680px; }
-.emoji-open_hands_tone5 { background-position: -40px -680px; }
-.emoji-open_mouth { background-position: -60px -680px; }
-.emoji-ophiuchus { background-position: -80px -680px; }
-.emoji-orange_book { background-position: -100px -680px; }
-.emoji-orthodox_cross { background-position: -120px -680px; }
-.emoji-outbox_tray { background-position: -140px -680px; }
-.emoji-owl { background-position: -160px -680px; }
-.emoji-ox { background-position: -180px -680px; }
-.emoji-package { background-position: -200px -680px; }
-.emoji-page_facing_up { background-position: -220px -680px; }
-.emoji-page_with_curl { background-position: -240px -680px; }
-.emoji-pager { background-position: -260px -680px; }
-.emoji-paintbrush { background-position: -280px -680px; }
-.emoji-palm_tree { background-position: -300px -680px; }
-.emoji-pancakes { background-position: -320px -680px; }
-.emoji-panda_face { background-position: -340px -680px; }
-.emoji-paperclip { background-position: -360px -680px; }
-.emoji-paperclips { background-position: -380px -680px; }
-.emoji-park { background-position: -400px -680px; }
-.emoji-parking { background-position: -420px -680px; }
-.emoji-part_alternation_mark { background-position: -440px -680px; }
-.emoji-partly_sunny { background-position: -460px -680px; }
-.emoji-passport_control { background-position: -480px -680px; }
-.emoji-pause_button { background-position: -500px -680px; }
-.emoji-peace { background-position: -520px -680px; }
-.emoji-peach { background-position: -540px -680px; }
-.emoji-peanuts { background-position: -560px -680px; }
-.emoji-pear { background-position: -580px -680px; }
-.emoji-pen_ballpoint { background-position: -600px -680px; }
-.emoji-pen_fountain { background-position: -620px -680px; }
-.emoji-pencil { background-position: -640px -680px; }
-.emoji-pencil2 { background-position: -660px -680px; }
-.emoji-penguin { background-position: -680px -680px; }
-.emoji-pensive { background-position: -700px 0; }
-.emoji-performing_arts { background-position: -700px -20px; }
-.emoji-persevere { background-position: -700px -40px; }
-.emoji-person_frowning { background-position: -700px -60px; }
-.emoji-person_frowning_tone1 { background-position: -700px -80px; }
-.emoji-person_frowning_tone2 { background-position: -700px -100px; }
-.emoji-person_frowning_tone3 { background-position: -700px -120px; }
-.emoji-person_frowning_tone4 { background-position: -700px -140px; }
-.emoji-person_frowning_tone5 { background-position: -700px -160px; }
-.emoji-person_with_blond_hair { background-position: -700px -180px; }
-.emoji-person_with_blond_hair_tone1 { background-position: -700px -200px; }
-.emoji-person_with_blond_hair_tone2 { background-position: -700px -220px; }
-.emoji-person_with_blond_hair_tone3 { background-position: -700px -240px; }
-.emoji-person_with_blond_hair_tone4 { background-position: -700px -260px; }
-.emoji-person_with_blond_hair_tone5 { background-position: -700px -280px; }
-.emoji-person_with_pouting_face { background-position: -700px -300px; }
-.emoji-person_with_pouting_face_tone1 { background-position: -700px -320px; }
-.emoji-person_with_pouting_face_tone2 { background-position: -700px -340px; }
-.emoji-person_with_pouting_face_tone3 { background-position: -700px -360px; }
-.emoji-person_with_pouting_face_tone4 { background-position: -700px -380px; }
-.emoji-person_with_pouting_face_tone5 { background-position: -700px -400px; }
-.emoji-pick { background-position: -700px -420px; }
-.emoji-pig { background-position: -700px -440px; }
-.emoji-pig2 { background-position: -700px -460px; }
-.emoji-pig_nose { background-position: -700px -480px; }
-.emoji-pill { background-position: -700px -500px; }
-.emoji-pineapple { background-position: -700px -520px; }
-.emoji-ping_pong { background-position: -700px -540px; }
-.emoji-pisces { background-position: -700px -560px; }
-.emoji-pizza { background-position: -700px -580px; }
-.emoji-place_of_worship { background-position: -700px -600px; }
-.emoji-play_pause { background-position: -700px -620px; }
-.emoji-point_down { background-position: -700px -640px; }
-.emoji-point_down_tone1 { background-position: -700px -660px; }
-.emoji-point_down_tone2 { background-position: -700px -680px; }
-.emoji-point_down_tone3 { background-position: 0 -700px; }
-.emoji-point_down_tone4 { background-position: -20px -700px; }
-.emoji-point_down_tone5 { background-position: -40px -700px; }
-.emoji-point_left { background-position: -60px -700px; }
-.emoji-point_left_tone1 { background-position: -80px -700px; }
-.emoji-point_left_tone2 { background-position: -100px -700px; }
-.emoji-point_left_tone3 { background-position: -120px -700px; }
-.emoji-point_left_tone4 { background-position: -140px -700px; }
-.emoji-point_left_tone5 { background-position: -160px -700px; }
-.emoji-point_right { background-position: -180px -700px; }
-.emoji-point_right_tone1 { background-position: -200px -700px; }
-.emoji-point_right_tone2 { background-position: -220px -700px; }
-.emoji-point_right_tone3 { background-position: -240px -700px; }
-.emoji-point_right_tone4 { background-position: -260px -700px; }
-.emoji-point_right_tone5 { background-position: -280px -700px; }
-.emoji-point_up { background-position: -300px -700px; }
-.emoji-point_up_2 { background-position: -320px -700px; }
-.emoji-point_up_2_tone1 { background-position: -340px -700px; }
-.emoji-point_up_2_tone2 { background-position: -360px -700px; }
-.emoji-point_up_2_tone3 { background-position: -380px -700px; }
-.emoji-point_up_2_tone4 { background-position: -400px -700px; }
-.emoji-point_up_2_tone5 { background-position: -420px -700px; }
-.emoji-point_up_tone1 { background-position: -440px -700px; }
-.emoji-point_up_tone2 { background-position: -460px -700px; }
-.emoji-point_up_tone3 { background-position: -480px -700px; }
-.emoji-point_up_tone4 { background-position: -500px -700px; }
-.emoji-point_up_tone5 { background-position: -520px -700px; }
-.emoji-police_car { background-position: -540px -700px; }
-.emoji-poodle { background-position: -560px -700px; }
-.emoji-poop { background-position: -580px -700px; }
-.emoji-popcorn { background-position: -600px -700px; }
-.emoji-post_office { background-position: -620px -700px; }
-.emoji-postal_horn { background-position: -640px -700px; }
-.emoji-postbox { background-position: -660px -700px; }
-.emoji-potable_water { background-position: -680px -700px; }
-.emoji-potato { background-position: -700px -700px; }
-.emoji-pouch { background-position: -720px 0; }
-.emoji-poultry_leg { background-position: -720px -20px; }
-.emoji-pound { background-position: -720px -40px; }
-.emoji-pouting_cat { background-position: -720px -60px; }
-.emoji-pray { background-position: -720px -80px; }
-.emoji-pray_tone1 { background-position: -720px -100px; }
-.emoji-pray_tone2 { background-position: -720px -120px; }
-.emoji-pray_tone3 { background-position: -720px -140px; }
-.emoji-pray_tone4 { background-position: -720px -160px; }
-.emoji-pray_tone5 { background-position: -720px -180px; }
-.emoji-prayer_beads { background-position: -720px -200px; }
-.emoji-pregnant_woman { background-position: -720px -220px; }
-.emoji-pregnant_woman_tone1 { background-position: -720px -240px; }
-.emoji-pregnant_woman_tone2 { background-position: -720px -260px; }
-.emoji-pregnant_woman_tone3 { background-position: -720px -280px; }
-.emoji-pregnant_woman_tone4 { background-position: -720px -300px; }
-.emoji-pregnant_woman_tone5 { background-position: -720px -320px; }
-.emoji-prince { background-position: -720px -340px; }
-.emoji-prince_tone1 { background-position: -720px -360px; }
-.emoji-prince_tone2 { background-position: -720px -380px; }
-.emoji-prince_tone3 { background-position: -720px -400px; }
-.emoji-prince_tone4 { background-position: -720px -420px; }
-.emoji-prince_tone5 { background-position: -720px -440px; }
-.emoji-princess { background-position: -720px -460px; }
-.emoji-princess_tone1 { background-position: -720px -480px; }
-.emoji-princess_tone2 { background-position: -720px -500px; }
-.emoji-princess_tone3 { background-position: -720px -520px; }
-.emoji-princess_tone4 { background-position: -720px -540px; }
-.emoji-princess_tone5 { background-position: -720px -560px; }
-.emoji-printer { background-position: -720px -580px; }
-.emoji-projector { background-position: -720px -600px; }
-.emoji-punch { background-position: -720px -620px; }
-.emoji-punch_tone1 { background-position: -720px -640px; }
-.emoji-punch_tone2 { background-position: -720px -660px; }
-.emoji-punch_tone3 { background-position: -720px -680px; }
-.emoji-punch_tone4 { background-position: -720px -700px; }
-.emoji-punch_tone5 { background-position: 0 -720px; }
-.emoji-purple_heart { background-position: -20px -720px; }
-.emoji-purse { background-position: -40px -720px; }
-.emoji-pushpin { background-position: -60px -720px; }
-.emoji-put_litter_in_its_place { background-position: -80px -720px; }
-.emoji-question { background-position: -100px -720px; }
-.emoji-rabbit { background-position: -120px -720px; }
-.emoji-rabbit2 { background-position: -140px -720px; }
-.emoji-race_car { background-position: -160px -720px; }
-.emoji-racehorse { background-position: -180px -720px; }
-.emoji-radio { background-position: -200px -720px; }
-.emoji-radio_button { background-position: -220px -720px; }
-.emoji-radioactive { background-position: -240px -720px; }
-.emoji-rage { background-position: -260px -720px; }
-.emoji-railway_car { background-position: -280px -720px; }
-.emoji-railway_track { background-position: -300px -720px; }
-.emoji-rainbow { background-position: -320px -720px; }
-.emoji-raised_back_of_hand { background-position: -340px -720px; }
-.emoji-raised_back_of_hand_tone1 { background-position: -360px -720px; }
-.emoji-raised_back_of_hand_tone2 { background-position: -380px -720px; }
-.emoji-raised_back_of_hand_tone3 { background-position: -400px -720px; }
-.emoji-raised_back_of_hand_tone4 { background-position: -420px -720px; }
-.emoji-raised_back_of_hand_tone5 { background-position: -440px -720px; }
-.emoji-raised_hand { background-position: -460px -720px; }
-.emoji-raised_hand_tone1 { background-position: -480px -720px; }
-.emoji-raised_hand_tone2 { background-position: -500px -720px; }
-.emoji-raised_hand_tone3 { background-position: -520px -720px; }
-.emoji-raised_hand_tone4 { background-position: -540px -720px; }
-.emoji-raised_hand_tone5 { background-position: -560px -720px; }
-.emoji-raised_hands { background-position: -580px -720px; }
-.emoji-raised_hands_tone1 { background-position: -600px -720px; }
-.emoji-raised_hands_tone2 { background-position: -620px -720px; }
-.emoji-raised_hands_tone3 { background-position: -640px -720px; }
-.emoji-raised_hands_tone4 { background-position: -660px -720px; }
-.emoji-raised_hands_tone5 { background-position: -680px -720px; }
-.emoji-raising_hand { background-position: -700px -720px; }
-.emoji-raising_hand_tone1 { background-position: -720px -720px; }
-.emoji-raising_hand_tone2 { background-position: -740px 0; }
-.emoji-raising_hand_tone3 { background-position: -740px -20px; }
-.emoji-raising_hand_tone4 { background-position: -740px -40px; }
-.emoji-raising_hand_tone5 { background-position: -740px -60px; }
-.emoji-ram { background-position: -740px -80px; }
-.emoji-ramen { background-position: -740px -100px; }
-.emoji-rat { background-position: -740px -120px; }
-.emoji-record_button { background-position: -740px -140px; }
-.emoji-recycle { background-position: -740px -160px; }
-.emoji-red_car { background-position: -740px -180px; }
-.emoji-red_circle { background-position: -740px -200px; }
-.emoji-registered { background-position: -740px -220px; }
-.emoji-relaxed { background-position: -740px -240px; }
-.emoji-relieved { background-position: -740px -260px; }
-.emoji-reminder_ribbon { background-position: -740px -280px; }
-.emoji-repeat { background-position: -740px -300px; }
-.emoji-repeat_one { background-position: -740px -320px; }
-.emoji-restroom { background-position: -740px -340px; }
-.emoji-revolving_hearts { background-position: -740px -360px; }
-.emoji-rewind { background-position: -740px -380px; }
-.emoji-rhino { background-position: -740px -400px; }
-.emoji-ribbon { background-position: -740px -420px; }
-.emoji-rice { background-position: -740px -440px; }
-.emoji-rice_ball { background-position: -740px -460px; }
-.emoji-rice_cracker { background-position: -740px -480px; }
-.emoji-rice_scene { background-position: -740px -500px; }
-.emoji-right_facing_fist { background-position: -740px -520px; }
-.emoji-right_facing_fist_tone1 { background-position: -740px -540px; }
-.emoji-right_facing_fist_tone2 { background-position: -740px -560px; }
-.emoji-right_facing_fist_tone3 { background-position: -740px -580px; }
-.emoji-right_facing_fist_tone4 { background-position: -740px -600px; }
-.emoji-right_facing_fist_tone5 { background-position: -740px -620px; }
-.emoji-ring { background-position: -740px -640px; }
-.emoji-robot { background-position: -740px -660px; }
-.emoji-rocket { background-position: -740px -680px; }
-.emoji-rofl { background-position: -740px -700px; }
-.emoji-roller_coaster { background-position: -740px -720px; }
-.emoji-rolling_eyes { background-position: 0 -740px; }
-.emoji-rooster { background-position: -20px -740px; }
-.emoji-rose { background-position: -40px -740px; }
-.emoji-rosette { background-position: -60px -740px; }
-.emoji-rotating_light { background-position: -80px -740px; }
-.emoji-round_pushpin { background-position: -100px -740px; }
-.emoji-rowboat { background-position: -120px -740px; }
-.emoji-rowboat_tone1 { background-position: -140px -740px; }
-.emoji-rowboat_tone2 { background-position: -160px -740px; }
-.emoji-rowboat_tone3 { background-position: -180px -740px; }
-.emoji-rowboat_tone4 { background-position: -200px -740px; }
-.emoji-rowboat_tone5 { background-position: -220px -740px; }
-.emoji-rugby_football { background-position: -240px -740px; }
-.emoji-runner { background-position: -260px -740px; }
-.emoji-runner_tone1 { background-position: -280px -740px; }
-.emoji-runner_tone2 { background-position: -300px -740px; }
-.emoji-runner_tone3 { background-position: -320px -740px; }
-.emoji-runner_tone4 { background-position: -340px -740px; }
-.emoji-runner_tone5 { background-position: -360px -740px; }
-.emoji-running_shirt_with_sash { background-position: -380px -740px; }
-.emoji-sa { background-position: -400px -740px; }
-.emoji-sagittarius { background-position: -420px -740px; }
-.emoji-sailboat { background-position: -440px -740px; }
-.emoji-sake { background-position: -460px -740px; }
-.emoji-salad { background-position: -480px -740px; }
-.emoji-sandal { background-position: -500px -740px; }
-.emoji-santa { background-position: -520px -740px; }
-.emoji-santa_tone1 { background-position: -540px -740px; }
-.emoji-santa_tone2 { background-position: -560px -740px; }
-.emoji-santa_tone3 { background-position: -580px -740px; }
-.emoji-santa_tone4 { background-position: -600px -740px; }
-.emoji-santa_tone5 { background-position: -620px -740px; }
-.emoji-satellite { background-position: -640px -740px; }
-.emoji-satellite_orbital { background-position: -660px -740px; }
-.emoji-saxophone { background-position: -680px -740px; }
-.emoji-scales { background-position: -700px -740px; }
-.emoji-school { background-position: -720px -740px; }
-.emoji-school_satchel { background-position: -740px -740px; }
-.emoji-scissors { background-position: -760px 0; }
-.emoji-scooter { background-position: -760px -20px; }
-.emoji-scorpion { background-position: -760px -40px; }
-.emoji-scorpius { background-position: -760px -60px; }
-.emoji-scream { background-position: -760px -80px; }
-.emoji-scream_cat { background-position: -760px -100px; }
-.emoji-scroll { background-position: -760px -120px; }
-.emoji-seat { background-position: -760px -140px; }
-.emoji-second_place { background-position: -760px -160px; }
-.emoji-secret { background-position: -760px -180px; }
-.emoji-see_no_evil { background-position: -760px -200px; }
-.emoji-seedling { background-position: -760px -220px; }
-.emoji-selfie { background-position: -760px -240px; }
-.emoji-selfie_tone1 { background-position: -760px -260px; }
-.emoji-selfie_tone2 { background-position: -760px -280px; }
-.emoji-selfie_tone3 { background-position: -760px -300px; }
-.emoji-selfie_tone4 { background-position: -760px -320px; }
-.emoji-selfie_tone5 { background-position: -760px -340px; }
-.emoji-seven { background-position: -760px -360px; }
-.emoji-shallow_pan_of_food { background-position: -760px -380px; }
-.emoji-shamrock { background-position: -760px -400px; }
-.emoji-shark { background-position: -760px -420px; }
-.emoji-shaved_ice { background-position: -760px -440px; }
-.emoji-sheep { background-position: -760px -460px; }
-.emoji-shell { background-position: -760px -480px; }
-.emoji-shield { background-position: -760px -500px; }
-.emoji-shinto_shrine { background-position: -760px -520px; }
-.emoji-ship { background-position: -760px -540px; }
-.emoji-shirt { background-position: -760px -560px; }
-.emoji-shopping_bags { background-position: -760px -580px; }
-.emoji-shopping_cart { background-position: -760px -600px; }
-.emoji-shower { background-position: -760px -620px; }
-.emoji-shrimp { background-position: -760px -640px; }
-.emoji-shrug { background-position: -760px -660px; }
-.emoji-shrug_tone1 { background-position: -760px -680px; }
-.emoji-shrug_tone2 { background-position: -760px -700px; }
-.emoji-shrug_tone3 { background-position: -760px -720px; }
-.emoji-shrug_tone4 { background-position: -760px -740px; }
-.emoji-shrug_tone5 { background-position: 0 -760px; }
-.emoji-signal_strength { background-position: -20px -760px; }
-.emoji-six { background-position: -40px -760px; }
-.emoji-six_pointed_star { background-position: -60px -760px; }
-.emoji-ski { background-position: -80px -760px; }
-.emoji-skier { background-position: -100px -760px; }
-.emoji-skull { background-position: -120px -760px; }
-.emoji-skull_crossbones { background-position: -140px -760px; }
-.emoji-sleeping { background-position: -160px -760px; }
-.emoji-sleeping_accommodation { background-position: -180px -760px; }
-.emoji-sleepy { background-position: -200px -760px; }
-.emoji-slight_frown { background-position: -220px -760px; }
-.emoji-slight_smile { background-position: -240px -760px; }
-.emoji-slot_machine { background-position: -260px -760px; }
-.emoji-small_blue_diamond { background-position: -280px -760px; }
-.emoji-small_orange_diamond { background-position: -300px -760px; }
-.emoji-small_red_triangle { background-position: -320px -760px; }
-.emoji-small_red_triangle_down { background-position: -340px -760px; }
-.emoji-smile { background-position: -360px -760px; }
-.emoji-smile_cat { background-position: -380px -760px; }
-.emoji-smiley { background-position: -400px -760px; }
-.emoji-smiley_cat { background-position: -420px -760px; }
-.emoji-smiling_imp { background-position: -440px -760px; }
-.emoji-smirk { background-position: -460px -760px; }
-.emoji-smirk_cat { background-position: -480px -760px; }
-.emoji-smoking { background-position: -500px -760px; }
-.emoji-snail { background-position: -520px -760px; }
-.emoji-snake { background-position: -540px -760px; }
-.emoji-sneezing_face { background-position: -560px -760px; }
-.emoji-snowboarder { background-position: -580px -760px; }
-.emoji-snowflake { background-position: -600px -760px; }
-.emoji-snowman { background-position: -620px -760px; }
-.emoji-snowman2 { background-position: -640px -760px; }
-.emoji-sob { background-position: -660px -760px; }
-.emoji-soccer { background-position: -680px -760px; }
-.emoji-soon { background-position: -700px -760px; }
-.emoji-sos { background-position: -720px -760px; }
-.emoji-sound { background-position: -740px -760px; }
-.emoji-space_invader { background-position: -760px -760px; }
-.emoji-spades { background-position: -780px 0; }
-.emoji-spaghetti { background-position: -780px -20px; }
-.emoji-sparkle { background-position: -780px -40px; }
-.emoji-sparkler { background-position: -780px -60px; }
-.emoji-sparkles { background-position: -780px -80px; }
-.emoji-sparkling_heart { background-position: -780px -100px; }
-.emoji-speak_no_evil { background-position: -780px -120px; }
-.emoji-speaker { background-position: -780px -140px; }
-.emoji-speaking_head { background-position: -780px -160px; }
-.emoji-speech_balloon { background-position: -780px -180px; }
-.emoji-speedboat { background-position: -780px -200px; }
-.emoji-spider { background-position: -780px -220px; }
-.emoji-spider_web { background-position: -780px -240px; }
-.emoji-spoon { background-position: -780px -260px; }
-.emoji-spy { background-position: -780px -280px; }
-.emoji-spy_tone1 { background-position: -780px -300px; }
-.emoji-spy_tone2 { background-position: -780px -320px; }
-.emoji-spy_tone3 { background-position: -780px -340px; }
-.emoji-spy_tone4 { background-position: -780px -360px; }
-.emoji-spy_tone5 { background-position: -780px -380px; }
-.emoji-squid { background-position: -780px -400px; }
-.emoji-stadium { background-position: -780px -420px; }
-.emoji-star { background-position: -780px -440px; }
-.emoji-star2 { background-position: -780px -460px; }
-.emoji-star_and_crescent { background-position: -780px -480px; }
-.emoji-star_of_david { background-position: -780px -500px; }
-.emoji-stars { background-position: -780px -520px; }
-.emoji-station { background-position: -780px -540px; }
-.emoji-statue_of_liberty { background-position: -780px -560px; }
-.emoji-steam_locomotive { background-position: -780px -580px; }
-.emoji-stew { background-position: -780px -600px; }
-.emoji-stop_button { background-position: -780px -620px; }
-.emoji-stopwatch { background-position: -780px -640px; }
-.emoji-straight_ruler { background-position: -780px -660px; }
-.emoji-strawberry { background-position: -780px -680px; }
-.emoji-stuck_out_tongue { background-position: -780px -700px; }
-.emoji-stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes { background-position: -780px -720px; }
-.emoji-stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye { background-position: -780px -740px; }
-.emoji-stuffed_flatbread { background-position: -780px -760px; }
-.emoji-sun_with_face { background-position: 0 -780px; }
-.emoji-sunflower { background-position: -20px -780px; }
-.emoji-sunglasses { background-position: -40px -780px; }
-.emoji-sunny { background-position: -60px -780px; }
-.emoji-sunrise { background-position: -80px -780px; }
-.emoji-sunrise_over_mountains { background-position: -100px -780px; }
-.emoji-surfer { background-position: -120px -780px; }
-.emoji-surfer_tone1 { background-position: -140px -780px; }
-.emoji-surfer_tone2 { background-position: -160px -780px; }
-.emoji-surfer_tone3 { background-position: -180px -780px; }
-.emoji-surfer_tone4 { background-position: -200px -780px; }
-.emoji-surfer_tone5 { background-position: -220px -780px; }
-.emoji-sushi { background-position: -240px -780px; }
-.emoji-suspension_railway { background-position: -260px -780px; }
-.emoji-sweat { background-position: -280px -780px; }
-.emoji-sweat_drops { background-position: -300px -780px; }
-.emoji-sweat_smile { background-position: -320px -780px; }
-.emoji-sweet_potato { background-position: -340px -780px; }
-.emoji-swimmer { background-position: -360px -780px; }
-.emoji-swimmer_tone1 { background-position: -380px -780px; }
-.emoji-swimmer_tone2 { background-position: -400px -780px; }
-.emoji-swimmer_tone3 { background-position: -420px -780px; }
-.emoji-swimmer_tone4 { background-position: -440px -780px; }
-.emoji-swimmer_tone5 { background-position: -460px -780px; }
-.emoji-symbols { background-position: -480px -780px; }
-.emoji-synagogue { background-position: -500px -780px; }
-.emoji-syringe { background-position: -520px -780px; }
-.emoji-taco { background-position: -540px -780px; }
-.emoji-tada { background-position: -560px -780px; }
-.emoji-tanabata_tree { background-position: -580px -780px; }
-.emoji-tangerine { background-position: -600px -780px; }
-.emoji-taurus { background-position: -620px -780px; }
-.emoji-taxi { background-position: -640px -780px; }
-.emoji-tea { background-position: -660px -780px; }
-.emoji-telephone { background-position: -680px -780px; }
-.emoji-telephone_receiver { background-position: -700px -780px; }
-.emoji-telescope { background-position: -720px -780px; }
-.emoji-ten { background-position: -740px -780px; }
-.emoji-tennis { background-position: -760px -780px; }
-.emoji-tent { background-position: -780px -780px; }
-.emoji-thermometer { background-position: -800px 0; }
-.emoji-thermometer_face { background-position: -800px -20px; }
-.emoji-thinking { background-position: -800px -40px; }
-.emoji-third_place { background-position: -800px -60px; }
-.emoji-thought_balloon { background-position: -800px -80px; }
-.emoji-three { background-position: -800px -100px; }
-.emoji-thumbsdown { background-position: -800px -120px; }
-.emoji-thumbsdown_tone1 { background-position: -800px -140px; }
-.emoji-thumbsdown_tone2 { background-position: -800px -160px; }
-.emoji-thumbsdown_tone3 { background-position: -800px -180px; }
-.emoji-thumbsdown_tone4 { background-position: -800px -200px; }
-.emoji-thumbsdown_tone5 { background-position: -800px -220px; }
-.emoji-thumbsup { background-position: -800px -240px; }
-.emoji-thumbsup_tone1 { background-position: -800px -260px; }
-.emoji-thumbsup_tone2 { background-position: -800px -280px; }
-.emoji-thumbsup_tone3 { background-position: -800px -300px; }
-.emoji-thumbsup_tone4 { background-position: -800px -320px; }
-.emoji-thumbsup_tone5 { background-position: -800px -340px; }
-.emoji-thunder_cloud_rain { background-position: -800px -360px; }
-.emoji-ticket { background-position: -800px -380px; }
-.emoji-tickets { background-position: -800px -400px; }
-.emoji-tiger { background-position: -800px -420px; }
-.emoji-tiger2 { background-position: -800px -440px; }
-.emoji-timer { background-position: -800px -460px; }
-.emoji-tired_face { background-position: -800px -480px; }
-.emoji-tm { background-position: -800px -500px; }
-.emoji-toilet { background-position: -800px -520px; }
-.emoji-tokyo_tower { background-position: -800px -540px; }
-.emoji-tomato { background-position: -800px -560px; }
-.emoji-tone1 { background-position: -800px -580px; }
-.emoji-tone2 { background-position: -800px -600px; }
-.emoji-tone3 { background-position: -800px -620px; }
-.emoji-tone4 { background-position: -800px -640px; }
-.emoji-tone5 { background-position: -800px -660px; }
-.emoji-tongue { background-position: -800px -680px; }
-.emoji-tools { background-position: -800px -700px; }
-.emoji-top { background-position: -800px -720px; }
-.emoji-tophat { background-position: -800px -740px; }
-.emoji-track_next { background-position: -800px -760px; }
-.emoji-track_previous { background-position: -800px -780px; }
-.emoji-trackball { background-position: 0 -800px; }
-.emoji-tractor { background-position: -20px -800px; }
-.emoji-traffic_light { background-position: -40px -800px; }
-.emoji-train { background-position: -60px -800px; }
-.emoji-train2 { background-position: -80px -800px; }
-.emoji-tram { background-position: -100px -800px; }
-.emoji-triangular_flag_on_post { background-position: -120px -800px; }
-.emoji-triangular_ruler { background-position: -140px -800px; }
-.emoji-trident { background-position: -160px -800px; }
-.emoji-triumph { background-position: -180px -800px; }
-.emoji-trolleybus { background-position: -200px -800px; }
-.emoji-trophy { background-position: -220px -800px; }
-.emoji-tropical_drink { background-position: -240px -800px; }
-.emoji-tropical_fish { background-position: -260px -800px; }
-.emoji-truck { background-position: -280px -800px; }
-.emoji-trumpet { background-position: -300px -800px; }
-.emoji-tulip { background-position: -320px -800px; }
-.emoji-tumbler_glass { background-position: -340px -800px; }
-.emoji-turkey { background-position: -360px -800px; }
-.emoji-turtle { background-position: -380px -800px; }
-.emoji-tv { background-position: -400px -800px; }
-.emoji-twisted_rightwards_arrows { background-position: -420px -800px; }
-.emoji-two { background-position: -440px -800px; }
-.emoji-two_hearts { background-position: -460px -800px; }
-.emoji-two_men_holding_hands { background-position: -480px -800px; }
-.emoji-two_women_holding_hands { background-position: -500px -800px; }
-.emoji-u5272 { background-position: -520px -800px; }
-.emoji-u5408 { background-position: -540px -800px; }
-.emoji-u55b6 { background-position: -560px -800px; }
-.emoji-u6307 { background-position: -580px -800px; }
-.emoji-u6708 { background-position: -600px -800px; }
-.emoji-u6709 { background-position: -620px -800px; }
-.emoji-u6e80 { background-position: -640px -800px; }
-.emoji-u7121 { background-position: -660px -800px; }
-.emoji-u7533 { background-position: -680px -800px; }
-.emoji-u7981 { background-position: -700px -800px; }
-.emoji-u7a7a { background-position: -720px -800px; }
-.emoji-umbrella { background-position: -740px -800px; }
-.emoji-umbrella2 { background-position: -760px -800px; }
-.emoji-unamused { background-position: -780px -800px; }
-.emoji-underage { background-position: -800px -800px; }
-.emoji-unicorn { background-position: -820px 0; }
-.emoji-unlock { background-position: -820px -20px; }
-.emoji-up { background-position: -820px -40px; }
-.emoji-upside_down { background-position: -820px -60px; }
-.emoji-urn { background-position: -820px -80px; }
-.emoji-v { background-position: -820px -100px; }
-.emoji-v_tone1 { background-position: -820px -120px; }
-.emoji-v_tone2 { background-position: -820px -140px; }
-.emoji-v_tone3 { background-position: -820px -160px; }
-.emoji-v_tone4 { background-position: -820px -180px; }
-.emoji-v_tone5 { background-position: -820px -200px; }
-.emoji-vertical_traffic_light { background-position: -820px -220px; }
-.emoji-vhs { background-position: -820px -240px; }
-.emoji-vibration_mode { background-position: -820px -260px; }
-.emoji-video_camera { background-position: -820px -280px; }
-.emoji-video_game { background-position: -820px -300px; }
-.emoji-violin { background-position: -820px -320px; }
-.emoji-virgo { background-position: -820px -340px; }
-.emoji-volcano { background-position: -820px -360px; }
-.emoji-volleyball { background-position: -820px -380px; }
-.emoji-vs { background-position: -820px -400px; }
-.emoji-vulcan { background-position: -820px -420px; }
-.emoji-vulcan_tone1 { background-position: -820px -440px; }
-.emoji-vulcan_tone2 { background-position: -820px -460px; }
-.emoji-vulcan_tone3 { background-position: -820px -480px; }
-.emoji-vulcan_tone4 { background-position: -820px -500px; }
-.emoji-vulcan_tone5 { background-position: -820px -520px; }
-.emoji-walking { background-position: -820px -540px; }
-.emoji-walking_tone1 { background-position: -820px -560px; }
-.emoji-walking_tone2 { background-position: -820px -580px; }
-.emoji-walking_tone3 { background-position: -820px -600px; }
-.emoji-walking_tone4 { background-position: -820px -620px; }
-.emoji-walking_tone5 { background-position: -820px -640px; }
-.emoji-waning_crescent_moon { background-position: -820px -660px; }
-.emoji-waning_gibbous_moon { background-position: -820px -680px; }
-.emoji-warning { background-position: -820px -700px; }
-.emoji-wastebasket { background-position: -820px -720px; }
-.emoji-watch { background-position: -820px -740px; }
-.emoji-water_buffalo { background-position: -820px -760px; }
-.emoji-water_polo { background-position: -820px -780px; }
-.emoji-water_polo_tone1 { background-position: -820px -800px; }
-.emoji-water_polo_tone2 { background-position: 0 -820px; }
-.emoji-water_polo_tone3 { background-position: -20px -820px; }
-.emoji-water_polo_tone4 { background-position: -40px -820px; }
-.emoji-water_polo_tone5 { background-position: -60px -820px; }
-.emoji-watermelon { background-position: -80px -820px; }
-.emoji-wave { background-position: -100px -820px; }
-.emoji-wave_tone1 { background-position: -120px -820px; }
-.emoji-wave_tone2 { background-position: -140px -820px; }
-.emoji-wave_tone3 { background-position: -160px -820px; }
-.emoji-wave_tone4 { background-position: -180px -820px; }
-.emoji-wave_tone5 { background-position: -200px -820px; }
-.emoji-wavy_dash { background-position: -220px -820px; }
-.emoji-waxing_crescent_moon { background-position: -240px -820px; }
-.emoji-waxing_gibbous_moon { background-position: -260px -820px; }
-.emoji-wc { background-position: -280px -820px; }
-.emoji-weary { background-position: -300px -820px; }
-.emoji-wedding { background-position: -320px -820px; }
-.emoji-whale { background-position: -340px -820px; }
-.emoji-whale2 { background-position: -360px -820px; }
-.emoji-wheel_of_dharma { background-position: -380px -820px; }
-.emoji-wheelchair { background-position: -400px -820px; }
-.emoji-white_check_mark { background-position: -420px -820px; }
-.emoji-white_circle { background-position: -440px -820px; }
-.emoji-white_flower { background-position: -460px -820px; }
-.emoji-white_large_square { background-position: -480px -820px; }
-.emoji-white_medium_small_square { background-position: -500px -820px; }
-.emoji-white_medium_square { background-position: -520px -820px; }
-.emoji-white_small_square { background-position: -540px -820px; }
-.emoji-white_square_button { background-position: -560px -820px; }
-.emoji-white_sun_cloud { background-position: -580px -820px; }
-.emoji-white_sun_rain_cloud { background-position: -600px -820px; }
-.emoji-white_sun_small_cloud { background-position: -620px -820px; }
-.emoji-wilted_rose { background-position: -640px -820px; }
-.emoji-wind_blowing_face { background-position: -660px -820px; }
-.emoji-wind_chime { background-position: -680px -820px; }
-.emoji-wine_glass { background-position: -700px -820px; }
-.emoji-wink { background-position: -720px -820px; }
-.emoji-wolf { background-position: -740px -820px; }
-.emoji-woman { background-position: -760px -820px; }
-.emoji-woman_tone1 { background-position: -780px -820px; }
-.emoji-woman_tone2 { background-position: -800px -820px; }
-.emoji-woman_tone3 { background-position: -820px -820px; }
-.emoji-woman_tone4 { background-position: -840px 0; }
-.emoji-woman_tone5 { background-position: -840px -20px; }
-.emoji-womans_clothes { background-position: -840px -40px; }
-.emoji-womans_hat { background-position: -840px -60px; }
-.emoji-womens { background-position: -840px -80px; }
-.emoji-worried { background-position: -840px -100px; }
-.emoji-wrench { background-position: -840px -120px; }
-.emoji-wrestlers { background-position: -840px -140px; }
-.emoji-wrestlers_tone1 { background-position: -840px -160px; }
-.emoji-wrestlers_tone2 { background-position: -840px -180px; }
-.emoji-wrestlers_tone3 { background-position: -840px -200px; }
-.emoji-wrestlers_tone4 { background-position: -840px -220px; }
-.emoji-wrestlers_tone5 { background-position: -840px -240px; }
-.emoji-writing_hand { background-position: -840px -260px; }
-.emoji-writing_hand_tone1 { background-position: -840px -280px; }
-.emoji-writing_hand_tone2 { background-position: -840px -300px; }
-.emoji-writing_hand_tone3 { background-position: -840px -320px; }
-.emoji-writing_hand_tone4 { background-position: -840px -340px; }
-.emoji-writing_hand_tone5 { background-position: -840px -360px; }
-.emoji-x { background-position: -840px -380px; }
-.emoji-yellow_heart { background-position: -840px -400px; }
-.emoji-yen { background-position: -840px -420px; }
-.emoji-yin_yang { background-position: -840px -440px; }
-.emoji-yum { background-position: -840px -460px; }
-.emoji-zap { background-position: -840px -480px; }
-.emoji-zero { background-position: -840px -500px; }
-.emoji-zipper_mouth { background-position: -840px -520px; }
-.emoji-100 { background-position: -840px -540px; }
+.emoji-gay_pride_flag { background-position: -220px -540px; }
+.emoji-gear { background-position: -240px -540px; }
+.emoji-gem { background-position: -260px -540px; }
+.emoji-gemini { background-position: -280px -540px; }
+.emoji-ghost { background-position: -300px -540px; }
+.emoji-gift { background-position: -320px -540px; }
+.emoji-gift_heart { background-position: -340px -540px; }
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+.emoji-girl_tone2 { background-position: -400px -540px; }
+.emoji-girl_tone3 { background-position: -420px -540px; }
+.emoji-girl_tone4 { background-position: -440px -540px; }
+.emoji-girl_tone5 { background-position: -460px -540px; }
+.emoji-globe_with_meridians { background-position: -480px -540px; }
+.emoji-goal { background-position: -500px -540px; }
+.emoji-goat { background-position: -520px -540px; }
+.emoji-golf { background-position: -540px -540px; }
+.emoji-golfer { background-position: -560px 0; }
+.emoji-gorilla { background-position: -560px -20px; }
+.emoji-grapes { background-position: -560px -40px; }
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+.emoji-green_book { background-position: -560px -80px; }
+.emoji-green_heart { background-position: -560px -100px; }
+.emoji-grey_exclamation { background-position: -560px -120px; }
+.emoji-grey_question { background-position: -560px -140px; }
+.emoji-grimacing { background-position: -560px -160px; }
+.emoji-grin { background-position: -560px -180px; }
+.emoji-grinning { background-position: -560px -200px; }
+.emoji-guardsman { background-position: -560px -220px; }
+.emoji-guardsman_tone1 { background-position: -560px -240px; }
+.emoji-guardsman_tone2 { background-position: -560px -260px; }
+.emoji-guardsman_tone3 { background-position: -560px -280px; }
+.emoji-guardsman_tone4 { background-position: -560px -300px; }
+.emoji-guardsman_tone5 { background-position: -560px -320px; }
+.emoji-guitar { background-position: -560px -340px; }
+.emoji-gun { background-position: -560px -360px; }
+.emoji-haircut { background-position: -560px -380px; }
+.emoji-haircut_tone1 { background-position: -560px -400px; }
+.emoji-haircut_tone2 { background-position: -560px -420px; }
+.emoji-haircut_tone3 { background-position: -560px -440px; }
+.emoji-haircut_tone4 { background-position: -560px -460px; }
+.emoji-haircut_tone5 { background-position: -560px -480px; }
+.emoji-hamburger { background-position: -560px -500px; }
+.emoji-hammer { background-position: -560px -520px; }
+.emoji-hammer_pick { background-position: -560px -540px; }
+.emoji-hamster { background-position: 0 -560px; }
+.emoji-hand_splayed { background-position: -20px -560px; }
+.emoji-hand_splayed_tone1 { background-position: -40px -560px; }
+.emoji-hand_splayed_tone2 { background-position: -60px -560px; }
+.emoji-hand_splayed_tone3 { background-position: -80px -560px; }
+.emoji-hand_splayed_tone4 { background-position: -100px -560px; }
+.emoji-hand_splayed_tone5 { background-position: -120px -560px; }
+.emoji-handbag { background-position: -140px -560px; }
+.emoji-handball { background-position: -160px -560px; }
+.emoji-handball_tone1 { background-position: -180px -560px; }
+.emoji-handball_tone2 { background-position: -200px -560px; }
+.emoji-handball_tone3 { background-position: -220px -560px; }
+.emoji-handball_tone4 { background-position: -240px -560px; }
+.emoji-handball_tone5 { background-position: -260px -560px; }
+.emoji-handshake { background-position: -280px -560px; }
+.emoji-handshake_tone1 { background-position: -300px -560px; }
+.emoji-handshake_tone2 { background-position: -320px -560px; }
+.emoji-handshake_tone3 { background-position: -340px -560px; }
+.emoji-handshake_tone4 { background-position: -360px -560px; }
+.emoji-handshake_tone5 { background-position: -380px -560px; }
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+.emoji-hatched_chick { background-position: -420px -560px; }
+.emoji-hatching_chick { background-position: -440px -560px; }
+.emoji-head_bandage { background-position: -460px -560px; }
+.emoji-headphones { background-position: -480px -560px; }
+.emoji-hear_no_evil { background-position: -500px -560px; }
+.emoji-heart { background-position: -520px -560px; }
+.emoji-heart_decoration { background-position: -540px -560px; }
+.emoji-heart_exclamation { background-position: -560px -560px; }
+.emoji-heart_eyes { background-position: -580px 0; }
+.emoji-heart_eyes_cat { background-position: -580px -20px; }
+.emoji-heartbeat { background-position: -580px -40px; }
+.emoji-heartpulse { background-position: -580px -60px; }
+.emoji-hearts { background-position: -580px -80px; }
+.emoji-heavy_check_mark { background-position: -580px -100px; }
+.emoji-heavy_division_sign { background-position: -580px -120px; }
+.emoji-heavy_dollar_sign { background-position: -580px -140px; }
+.emoji-heavy_minus_sign { background-position: -580px -160px; }
+.emoji-heavy_multiplication_x { background-position: -580px -180px; }
+.emoji-heavy_plus_sign { background-position: -580px -200px; }
+.emoji-helicopter { background-position: -580px -220px; }
+.emoji-helmet_with_cross { background-position: -580px -240px; }
+.emoji-herb { background-position: -580px -260px; }
+.emoji-hibiscus { background-position: -580px -280px; }
+.emoji-high_brightness { background-position: -580px -300px; }
+.emoji-high_heel { background-position: -580px -320px; }
+.emoji-hockey { background-position: -580px -340px; }
+.emoji-hole { background-position: -580px -360px; }
+.emoji-homes { background-position: -580px -380px; }
+.emoji-honey_pot { background-position: -580px -400px; }
+.emoji-horse { background-position: -580px -420px; }
+.emoji-horse_racing { background-position: -580px -440px; }
+.emoji-horse_racing_tone1 { background-position: -580px -460px; }
+.emoji-horse_racing_tone2 { background-position: -580px -480px; }
+.emoji-horse_racing_tone3 { background-position: -580px -500px; }
+.emoji-horse_racing_tone4 { background-position: -580px -520px; }
+.emoji-horse_racing_tone5 { background-position: -580px -540px; }
+.emoji-hospital { background-position: -580px -560px; }
+.emoji-hot_pepper { background-position: 0 -580px; }
+.emoji-hotdog { background-position: -20px -580px; }
+.emoji-hotel { background-position: -40px -580px; }
+.emoji-hotsprings { background-position: -60px -580px; }
+.emoji-hourglass { background-position: -80px -580px; }
+.emoji-hourglass_flowing_sand { background-position: -100px -580px; }
+.emoji-house { background-position: -120px -580px; }
+.emoji-house_abandoned { background-position: -140px -580px; }
+.emoji-house_with_garden { background-position: -160px -580px; }
+.emoji-hugging { background-position: -180px -580px; }
+.emoji-hushed { background-position: -200px -580px; }
+.emoji-ice_cream { background-position: -220px -580px; }
+.emoji-ice_skate { background-position: -240px -580px; }
+.emoji-icecream { background-position: -260px -580px; }
+.emoji-id { background-position: -280px -580px; }
+.emoji-ideograph_advantage { background-position: -300px -580px; }
+.emoji-imp { background-position: -320px -580px; }
+.emoji-inbox_tray { background-position: -340px -580px; }
+.emoji-incoming_envelope { background-position: -360px -580px; }
+.emoji-information_desk_person { background-position: -380px -580px; }
+.emoji-information_desk_person_tone1 { background-position: -400px -580px; }
+.emoji-information_desk_person_tone2 { background-position: -420px -580px; }
+.emoji-information_desk_person_tone3 { background-position: -440px -580px; }
+.emoji-information_desk_person_tone4 { background-position: -460px -580px; }
+.emoji-information_desk_person_tone5 { background-position: -480px -580px; }
+.emoji-information_source { background-position: -500px -580px; }
+.emoji-innocent { background-position: -520px -580px; }
+.emoji-interrobang { background-position: -540px -580px; }
+.emoji-iphone { background-position: -560px -580px; }
+.emoji-island { background-position: -580px -580px; }
+.emoji-izakaya_lantern { background-position: -600px 0; }
+.emoji-jack_o_lantern { background-position: -600px -20px; }
+.emoji-japan { background-position: -600px -40px; }
+.emoji-japanese_castle { background-position: -600px -60px; }
+.emoji-japanese_goblin { background-position: -600px -80px; }
+.emoji-japanese_ogre { background-position: -600px -100px; }
+.emoji-jeans { background-position: -600px -120px; }
+.emoji-joy { background-position: -600px -140px; }
+.emoji-joy_cat { background-position: -600px -160px; }
+.emoji-joystick { background-position: -600px -180px; }
+.emoji-juggling { background-position: -600px -200px; }
+.emoji-juggling_tone1 { background-position: -600px -220px; }
+.emoji-juggling_tone2 { background-position: -600px -240px; }
+.emoji-juggling_tone3 { background-position: -600px -260px; }
+.emoji-juggling_tone4 { background-position: -600px -280px; }
+.emoji-juggling_tone5 { background-position: -600px -300px; }
+.emoji-kaaba { background-position: -600px -320px; }
+.emoji-key { background-position: -600px -340px; }
+.emoji-key2 { background-position: -600px -360px; }
+.emoji-keyboard { background-position: -600px -380px; }
+.emoji-kimono { background-position: -600px -400px; }
+.emoji-kiss { background-position: -600px -420px; }
+.emoji-kiss_mm { background-position: -600px -440px; }
+.emoji-kiss_ww { background-position: -600px -460px; }
+.emoji-kissing { background-position: -600px -480px; }
+.emoji-kissing_cat { background-position: -600px -500px; }
+.emoji-kissing_closed_eyes { background-position: -600px -520px; }
+.emoji-kissing_heart { background-position: -600px -540px; }
+.emoji-kissing_smiling_eyes { background-position: -600px -560px; }
+.emoji-kiwi { background-position: -600px -580px; }
+.emoji-knife { background-position: 0 -600px; }
+.emoji-koala { background-position: -20px -600px; }
+.emoji-koko { background-position: -40px -600px; }
+.emoji-label { background-position: -60px -600px; }
+.emoji-large_blue_circle { background-position: -80px -600px; }
+.emoji-large_blue_diamond { background-position: -100px -600px; }
+.emoji-large_orange_diamond { background-position: -120px -600px; }
+.emoji-last_quarter_moon { background-position: -140px -600px; }
+.emoji-last_quarter_moon_with_face { background-position: -160px -600px; }
+.emoji-laughing { background-position: -180px -600px; }
+.emoji-leaves { background-position: -200px -600px; }
+.emoji-ledger { background-position: -220px -600px; }
+.emoji-left_facing_fist { background-position: -240px -600px; }
+.emoji-left_facing_fist_tone1 { background-position: -260px -600px; }
+.emoji-left_facing_fist_tone2 { background-position: -280px -600px; }
+.emoji-left_facing_fist_tone3 { background-position: -300px -600px; }
+.emoji-left_facing_fist_tone4 { background-position: -320px -600px; }
+.emoji-left_facing_fist_tone5 { background-position: -340px -600px; }
+.emoji-left_luggage { background-position: -360px -600px; }
+.emoji-left_right_arrow { background-position: -380px -600px; }
+.emoji-leftwards_arrow_with_hook { background-position: -400px -600px; }
+.emoji-lemon { background-position: -420px -600px; }
+.emoji-leo { background-position: -440px -600px; }
+.emoji-leopard { background-position: -460px -600px; }
+.emoji-level_slider { background-position: -480px -600px; }
+.emoji-levitate { background-position: -500px -600px; }
+.emoji-libra { background-position: -520px -600px; }
+.emoji-lifter { background-position: -540px -600px; }
+.emoji-lifter_tone1 { background-position: -560px -600px; }
+.emoji-lifter_tone2 { background-position: -580px -600px; }
+.emoji-lifter_tone3 { background-position: -600px -600px; }
+.emoji-lifter_tone4 { background-position: -620px 0; }
+.emoji-lifter_tone5 { background-position: -620px -20px; }
+.emoji-light_rail { background-position: -620px -40px; }
+.emoji-link { background-position: -620px -60px; }
+.emoji-lion_face { background-position: -620px -80px; }
+.emoji-lips { background-position: -620px -100px; }
+.emoji-lipstick { background-position: -620px -120px; }
+.emoji-lizard { background-position: -620px -140px; }
+.emoji-lock { background-position: -620px -160px; }
+.emoji-lock_with_ink_pen { background-position: -620px -180px; }
+.emoji-lollipop { background-position: -620px -200px; }
+.emoji-loop { background-position: -620px -220px; }
+.emoji-loud_sound { background-position: -620px -240px; }
+.emoji-loudspeaker { background-position: -620px -260px; }
+.emoji-love_hotel { background-position: -620px -280px; }
+.emoji-love_letter { background-position: -620px -300px; }
+.emoji-low_brightness { background-position: -620px -320px; }
+.emoji-lying_face { background-position: -620px -340px; }
+.emoji-m { background-position: -620px -360px; }
+.emoji-mag { background-position: -620px -380px; }
+.emoji-mag_right { background-position: -620px -400px; }
+.emoji-mahjong { background-position: -620px -420px; }
+.emoji-mailbox { background-position: -620px -440px; }
+.emoji-mailbox_closed { background-position: -620px -460px; }
+.emoji-mailbox_with_mail { background-position: -620px -480px; }
+.emoji-mailbox_with_no_mail { background-position: -620px -500px; }
+.emoji-man { background-position: -620px -520px; }
+.emoji-man_dancing { background-position: -620px -540px; }
+.emoji-man_dancing_tone1 { background-position: -620px -560px; }
+.emoji-man_dancing_tone2 { background-position: -620px -580px; }
+.emoji-man_dancing_tone3 { background-position: -620px -600px; }
+.emoji-man_dancing_tone4 { background-position: 0 -620px; }
+.emoji-man_dancing_tone5 { background-position: -20px -620px; }
+.emoji-man_in_tuxedo { background-position: -40px -620px; }
+.emoji-man_in_tuxedo_tone1 { background-position: -60px -620px; }
+.emoji-man_in_tuxedo_tone2 { background-position: -80px -620px; }
+.emoji-man_in_tuxedo_tone3 { background-position: -100px -620px; }
+.emoji-man_in_tuxedo_tone4 { background-position: -120px -620px; }
+.emoji-man_in_tuxedo_tone5 { background-position: -140px -620px; }
+.emoji-man_tone1 { background-position: -160px -620px; }
+.emoji-man_tone2 { background-position: -180px -620px; }
+.emoji-man_tone3 { background-position: -200px -620px; }
+.emoji-man_tone4 { background-position: -220px -620px; }
+.emoji-man_tone5 { background-position: -240px -620px; }
+.emoji-man_with_gua_pi_mao { background-position: -260px -620px; }
+.emoji-man_with_gua_pi_mao_tone1 { background-position: -280px -620px; }
+.emoji-man_with_gua_pi_mao_tone2 { background-position: -300px -620px; }
+.emoji-man_with_gua_pi_mao_tone3 { background-position: -320px -620px; }
+.emoji-man_with_gua_pi_mao_tone4 { background-position: -340px -620px; }
+.emoji-man_with_gua_pi_mao_tone5 { background-position: -360px -620px; }
+.emoji-man_with_turban { background-position: -380px -620px; }
+.emoji-man_with_turban_tone1 { background-position: -400px -620px; }
+.emoji-man_with_turban_tone2 { background-position: -420px -620px; }
+.emoji-man_with_turban_tone3 { background-position: -440px -620px; }
+.emoji-man_with_turban_tone4 { background-position: -460px -620px; }
+.emoji-man_with_turban_tone5 { background-position: -480px -620px; }
+.emoji-mans_shoe { background-position: -500px -620px; }
+.emoji-map { background-position: -520px -620px; }
+.emoji-maple_leaf { background-position: -540px -620px; }
+.emoji-martial_arts_uniform { background-position: -560px -620px; }
+.emoji-mask { background-position: -580px -620px; }
+.emoji-massage { background-position: -600px -620px; }
+.emoji-massage_tone1 { background-position: -620px -620px; }
+.emoji-massage_tone2 { background-position: -640px 0; }
+.emoji-massage_tone3 { background-position: -640px -20px; }
+.emoji-massage_tone4 { background-position: -640px -40px; }
+.emoji-massage_tone5 { background-position: -640px -60px; }
+.emoji-meat_on_bone { background-position: -640px -80px; }
+.emoji-medal { background-position: -640px -100px; }
+.emoji-mega { background-position: -640px -120px; }
+.emoji-melon { background-position: -640px -140px; }
+.emoji-menorah { background-position: -640px -160px; }
+.emoji-mens { background-position: -640px -180px; }
+.emoji-metal { background-position: -640px -200px; }
+.emoji-metal_tone1 { background-position: -640px -220px; }
+.emoji-metal_tone2 { background-position: -640px -240px; }
+.emoji-metal_tone3 { background-position: -640px -260px; }
+.emoji-metal_tone4 { background-position: -640px -280px; }
+.emoji-metal_tone5 { background-position: -640px -300px; }
+.emoji-metro { background-position: -640px -320px; }
+.emoji-microphone { background-position: -640px -340px; }
+.emoji-microphone2 { background-position: -640px -360px; }
+.emoji-microscope { background-position: -640px -380px; }
+.emoji-middle_finger { background-position: -640px -400px; }
+.emoji-middle_finger_tone1 { background-position: -640px -420px; }
+.emoji-middle_finger_tone2 { background-position: -640px -440px; }
+.emoji-middle_finger_tone3 { background-position: -640px -460px; }
+.emoji-middle_finger_tone4 { background-position: -640px -480px; }
+.emoji-middle_finger_tone5 { background-position: -640px -500px; }
+.emoji-military_medal { background-position: -640px -520px; }
+.emoji-milk { background-position: -640px -540px; }
+.emoji-milky_way { background-position: -640px -560px; }
+.emoji-minibus { background-position: -640px -580px; }
+.emoji-minidisc { background-position: -640px -600px; }
+.emoji-mobile_phone_off { background-position: -640px -620px; }
+.emoji-money_mouth { background-position: 0 -640px; }
+.emoji-money_with_wings { background-position: -20px -640px; }
+.emoji-moneybag { background-position: -40px -640px; }
+.emoji-monkey { background-position: -60px -640px; }
+.emoji-monkey_face { background-position: -80px -640px; }
+.emoji-monorail { background-position: -100px -640px; }
+.emoji-mortar_board { background-position: -120px -640px; }
+.emoji-mosque { background-position: -140px -640px; }
+.emoji-motor_scooter { background-position: -160px -640px; }
+.emoji-motorboat { background-position: -180px -640px; }
+.emoji-motorcycle { background-position: -200px -640px; }
+.emoji-motorway { background-position: -220px -640px; }
+.emoji-mount_fuji { background-position: -240px -640px; }
+.emoji-mountain { background-position: -260px -640px; }
+.emoji-mountain_bicyclist { background-position: -280px -640px; }
+.emoji-mountain_bicyclist_tone1 { background-position: -300px -640px; }
+.emoji-mountain_bicyclist_tone2 { background-position: -320px -640px; }
+.emoji-mountain_bicyclist_tone3 { background-position: -340px -640px; }
+.emoji-mountain_bicyclist_tone4 { background-position: -360px -640px; }
+.emoji-mountain_bicyclist_tone5 { background-position: -380px -640px; }
+.emoji-mountain_cableway { background-position: -400px -640px; }
+.emoji-mountain_railway { background-position: -420px -640px; }
+.emoji-mountain_snow { background-position: -440px -640px; }
+.emoji-mouse { background-position: -460px -640px; }
+.emoji-mouse2 { background-position: -480px -640px; }
+.emoji-mouse_three_button { background-position: -500px -640px; }
+.emoji-movie_camera { background-position: -520px -640px; }
+.emoji-moyai { background-position: -540px -640px; }
+.emoji-mrs_claus { background-position: -560px -640px; }
+.emoji-mrs_claus_tone1 { background-position: -580px -640px; }
+.emoji-mrs_claus_tone2 { background-position: -600px -640px; }
+.emoji-mrs_claus_tone3 { background-position: -620px -640px; }
+.emoji-mrs_claus_tone4 { background-position: -640px -640px; }
+.emoji-mrs_claus_tone5 { background-position: -660px 0; }
+.emoji-muscle { background-position: -660px -20px; }
+.emoji-muscle_tone1 { background-position: -660px -40px; }
+.emoji-muscle_tone2 { background-position: -660px -60px; }
+.emoji-muscle_tone3 { background-position: -660px -80px; }
+.emoji-muscle_tone4 { background-position: -660px -100px; }
+.emoji-muscle_tone5 { background-position: -660px -120px; }
+.emoji-mushroom { background-position: -660px -140px; }
+.emoji-musical_keyboard { background-position: -660px -160px; }
+.emoji-musical_note { background-position: -660px -180px; }
+.emoji-musical_score { background-position: -660px -200px; }
+.emoji-mute { background-position: -660px -220px; }
+.emoji-nail_care { background-position: -660px -240px; }
+.emoji-nail_care_tone1 { background-position: -660px -260px; }
+.emoji-nail_care_tone2 { background-position: -660px -280px; }
+.emoji-nail_care_tone3 { background-position: -660px -300px; }
+.emoji-nail_care_tone4 { background-position: -660px -320px; }
+.emoji-nail_care_tone5 { background-position: -660px -340px; }
+.emoji-name_badge { background-position: -660px -360px; }
+.emoji-nauseated_face { background-position: -660px -380px; }
+.emoji-necktie { background-position: -660px -400px; }
+.emoji-negative_squared_cross_mark { background-position: -660px -420px; }
+.emoji-nerd { background-position: -660px -440px; }
+.emoji-neutral_face { background-position: -660px -460px; }
+.emoji-new { background-position: -660px -480px; }
+.emoji-new_moon { background-position: -660px -500px; }
+.emoji-new_moon_with_face { background-position: -660px -520px; }
+.emoji-newspaper { background-position: -660px -540px; }
+.emoji-newspaper2 { background-position: -660px -560px; }
+.emoji-ng { background-position: -660px -580px; }
+.emoji-night_with_stars { background-position: -660px -600px; }
+.emoji-nine { background-position: -660px -620px; }
+.emoji-no_bell { background-position: -660px -640px; }
+.emoji-no_bicycles { background-position: 0 -660px; }
+.emoji-no_entry { background-position: -20px -660px; }
+.emoji-no_entry_sign { background-position: -40px -660px; }
+.emoji-no_good { background-position: -60px -660px; }
+.emoji-no_good_tone1 { background-position: -80px -660px; }
+.emoji-no_good_tone2 { background-position: -100px -660px; }
+.emoji-no_good_tone3 { background-position: -120px -660px; }
+.emoji-no_good_tone4 { background-position: -140px -660px; }
+.emoji-no_good_tone5 { background-position: -160px -660px; }
+.emoji-no_mobile_phones { background-position: -180px -660px; }
+.emoji-no_mouth { background-position: -200px -660px; }
+.emoji-no_pedestrians { background-position: -220px -660px; }
+.emoji-no_smoking { background-position: -240px -660px; }
+.emoji-non-potable_water { background-position: -260px -660px; }
+.emoji-nose { background-position: -280px -660px; }
+.emoji-nose_tone1 { background-position: -300px -660px; }
+.emoji-nose_tone2 { background-position: -320px -660px; }
+.emoji-nose_tone3 { background-position: -340px -660px; }
+.emoji-nose_tone4 { background-position: -360px -660px; }
+.emoji-nose_tone5 { background-position: -380px -660px; }
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+.emoji-notebook_with_decorative_cover { background-position: -420px -660px; }
+.emoji-notepad_spiral { background-position: -440px -660px; }
+.emoji-notes { background-position: -460px -660px; }
+.emoji-nut_and_bolt { background-position: -480px -660px; }
+.emoji-o { background-position: -500px -660px; }
+.emoji-o2 { background-position: -520px -660px; }
+.emoji-ocean { background-position: -540px -660px; }
+.emoji-octagonal_sign { background-position: -560px -660px; }
+.emoji-octopus { background-position: -580px -660px; }
+.emoji-oden { background-position: -600px -660px; }
+.emoji-office { background-position: -620px -660px; }
+.emoji-oil { background-position: -640px -660px; }
+.emoji-ok { background-position: -660px -660px; }
+.emoji-ok_hand { background-position: -680px 0; }
+.emoji-ok_hand_tone1 { background-position: -680px -20px; }
+.emoji-ok_hand_tone2 { background-position: -680px -40px; }
+.emoji-ok_hand_tone3 { background-position: -680px -60px; }
+.emoji-ok_hand_tone4 { background-position: -680px -80px; }
+.emoji-ok_hand_tone5 { background-position: -680px -100px; }
+.emoji-ok_woman { background-position: -680px -120px; }
+.emoji-ok_woman_tone1 { background-position: -680px -140px; }
+.emoji-ok_woman_tone2 { background-position: -680px -160px; }
+.emoji-ok_woman_tone3 { background-position: -680px -180px; }
+.emoji-ok_woman_tone4 { background-position: -680px -200px; }
+.emoji-ok_woman_tone5 { background-position: -680px -220px; }
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+.emoji-older_man_tone1 { background-position: -680px -260px; }
+.emoji-older_man_tone2 { background-position: -680px -280px; }
+.emoji-older_man_tone3 { background-position: -680px -300px; }
+.emoji-older_man_tone4 { background-position: -680px -320px; }
+.emoji-older_man_tone5 { background-position: -680px -340px; }
+.emoji-older_woman { background-position: -680px -360px; }
+.emoji-older_woman_tone1 { background-position: -680px -380px; }
+.emoji-older_woman_tone2 { background-position: -680px -400px; }
+.emoji-older_woman_tone3 { background-position: -680px -420px; }
+.emoji-older_woman_tone4 { background-position: -680px -440px; }
+.emoji-older_woman_tone5 { background-position: -680px -460px; }
+.emoji-om_symbol { background-position: -680px -480px; }
+.emoji-on { background-position: -680px -500px; }
+.emoji-oncoming_automobile { background-position: -680px -520px; }
+.emoji-oncoming_bus { background-position: -680px -540px; }
+.emoji-oncoming_police_car { background-position: -680px -560px; }
+.emoji-oncoming_taxi { background-position: -680px -580px; }
+.emoji-one { background-position: -680px -600px; }
+.emoji-open_file_folder { background-position: -680px -620px; }
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+.emoji-open_hands_tone1 { background-position: -680px -660px; }
+.emoji-open_hands_tone2 { background-position: 0 -680px; }
+.emoji-open_hands_tone3 { background-position: -20px -680px; }
+.emoji-open_hands_tone4 { background-position: -40px -680px; }
+.emoji-open_hands_tone5 { background-position: -60px -680px; }
+.emoji-open_mouth { background-position: -80px -680px; }
+.emoji-ophiuchus { background-position: -100px -680px; }
+.emoji-orange_book { background-position: -120px -680px; }
+.emoji-orthodox_cross { background-position: -140px -680px; }
+.emoji-outbox_tray { background-position: -160px -680px; }
+.emoji-owl { background-position: -180px -680px; }
+.emoji-ox { background-position: -200px -680px; }
+.emoji-package { background-position: -220px -680px; }
+.emoji-page_facing_up { background-position: -240px -680px; }
+.emoji-page_with_curl { background-position: -260px -680px; }
+.emoji-pager { background-position: -280px -680px; }
+.emoji-paintbrush { background-position: -300px -680px; }
+.emoji-palm_tree { background-position: -320px -680px; }
+.emoji-pancakes { background-position: -340px -680px; }
+.emoji-panda_face { background-position: -360px -680px; }
+.emoji-paperclip { background-position: -380px -680px; }
+.emoji-paperclips { background-position: -400px -680px; }
+.emoji-park { background-position: -420px -680px; }
+.emoji-parking { background-position: -440px -680px; }
+.emoji-part_alternation_mark { background-position: -460px -680px; }
+.emoji-partly_sunny { background-position: -480px -680px; }
+.emoji-passport_control { background-position: -500px -680px; }
+.emoji-pause_button { background-position: -520px -680px; }
+.emoji-peace { background-position: -540px -680px; }
+.emoji-peach { background-position: -560px -680px; }
+.emoji-peanuts { background-position: -580px -680px; }
+.emoji-pear { background-position: -600px -680px; }
+.emoji-pen_ballpoint { background-position: -620px -680px; }
+.emoji-pen_fountain { background-position: -640px -680px; }
+.emoji-pencil { background-position: -660px -680px; }
+.emoji-pencil2 { background-position: -680px -680px; }
+.emoji-penguin { background-position: -700px 0; }
+.emoji-pensive { background-position: -700px -20px; }
+.emoji-performing_arts { background-position: -700px -40px; }
+.emoji-persevere { background-position: -700px -60px; }
+.emoji-person_frowning { background-position: -700px -80px; }
+.emoji-person_frowning_tone1 { background-position: -700px -100px; }
+.emoji-person_frowning_tone2 { background-position: -700px -120px; }
+.emoji-person_frowning_tone3 { background-position: -700px -140px; }
+.emoji-person_frowning_tone4 { background-position: -700px -160px; }
+.emoji-person_frowning_tone5 { background-position: -700px -180px; }
+.emoji-person_with_blond_hair { background-position: -700px -200px; }
+.emoji-person_with_blond_hair_tone1 { background-position: -700px -220px; }
+.emoji-person_with_blond_hair_tone2 { background-position: -700px -240px; }
+.emoji-person_with_blond_hair_tone3 { background-position: -700px -260px; }
+.emoji-person_with_blond_hair_tone4 { background-position: -700px -280px; }
+.emoji-person_with_blond_hair_tone5 { background-position: -700px -300px; }
+.emoji-person_with_pouting_face { background-position: -700px -320px; }
+.emoji-person_with_pouting_face_tone1 { background-position: -700px -340px; }
+.emoji-person_with_pouting_face_tone2 { background-position: -700px -360px; }
+.emoji-person_with_pouting_face_tone3 { background-position: -700px -380px; }
+.emoji-person_with_pouting_face_tone4 { background-position: -700px -400px; }
+.emoji-person_with_pouting_face_tone5 { background-position: -700px -420px; }
+.emoji-pick { background-position: -700px -440px; }
+.emoji-pig { background-position: -700px -460px; }
+.emoji-pig2 { background-position: -700px -480px; }
+.emoji-pig_nose { background-position: -700px -500px; }
+.emoji-pill { background-position: -700px -520px; }
+.emoji-pineapple { background-position: -700px -540px; }
+.emoji-ping_pong { background-position: -700px -560px; }
+.emoji-pisces { background-position: -700px -580px; }
+.emoji-pizza { background-position: -700px -600px; }
+.emoji-place_of_worship { background-position: -700px -620px; }
+.emoji-play_pause { background-position: -700px -640px; }
+.emoji-point_down { background-position: -700px -660px; }
+.emoji-point_down_tone1 { background-position: -700px -680px; }
+.emoji-point_down_tone2 { background-position: 0 -700px; }
+.emoji-point_down_tone3 { background-position: -20px -700px; }
+.emoji-point_down_tone4 { background-position: -40px -700px; }
+.emoji-point_down_tone5 { background-position: -60px -700px; }
+.emoji-point_left { background-position: -80px -700px; }
+.emoji-point_left_tone1 { background-position: -100px -700px; }
+.emoji-point_left_tone2 { background-position: -120px -700px; }
+.emoji-point_left_tone3 { background-position: -140px -700px; }
+.emoji-point_left_tone4 { background-position: -160px -700px; }
+.emoji-point_left_tone5 { background-position: -180px -700px; }
+.emoji-point_right { background-position: -200px -700px; }
+.emoji-point_right_tone1 { background-position: -220px -700px; }
+.emoji-point_right_tone2 { background-position: -240px -700px; }
+.emoji-point_right_tone3 { background-position: -260px -700px; }
+.emoji-point_right_tone4 { background-position: -280px -700px; }
+.emoji-point_right_tone5 { background-position: -300px -700px; }
+.emoji-point_up { background-position: -320px -700px; }
+.emoji-point_up_2 { background-position: -340px -700px; }
+.emoji-point_up_2_tone1 { background-position: -360px -700px; }
+.emoji-point_up_2_tone2 { background-position: -380px -700px; }
+.emoji-point_up_2_tone3 { background-position: -400px -700px; }
+.emoji-point_up_2_tone4 { background-position: -420px -700px; }
+.emoji-point_up_2_tone5 { background-position: -440px -700px; }
+.emoji-point_up_tone1 { background-position: -460px -700px; }
+.emoji-point_up_tone2 { background-position: -480px -700px; }
+.emoji-point_up_tone3 { background-position: -500px -700px; }
+.emoji-point_up_tone4 { background-position: -520px -700px; }
+.emoji-point_up_tone5 { background-position: -540px -700px; }
+.emoji-police_car { background-position: -560px -700px; }
+.emoji-poodle { background-position: -580px -700px; }
+.emoji-poop { background-position: -600px -700px; }
+.emoji-popcorn { background-position: -620px -700px; }
+.emoji-post_office { background-position: -640px -700px; }
+.emoji-postal_horn { background-position: -660px -700px; }
+.emoji-postbox { background-position: -680px -700px; }
+.emoji-potable_water { background-position: -700px -700px; }
+.emoji-potato { background-position: -720px 0; }
+.emoji-pouch { background-position: -720px -20px; }
+.emoji-poultry_leg { background-position: -720px -40px; }
+.emoji-pound { background-position: -720px -60px; }
+.emoji-pouting_cat { background-position: -720px -80px; }
+.emoji-pray { background-position: -720px -100px; }
+.emoji-pray_tone1 { background-position: -720px -120px; }
+.emoji-pray_tone2 { background-position: -720px -140px; }
+.emoji-pray_tone3 { background-position: -720px -160px; }
+.emoji-pray_tone4 { background-position: -720px -180px; }
+.emoji-pray_tone5 { background-position: -720px -200px; }
+.emoji-prayer_beads { background-position: -720px -220px; }
+.emoji-pregnant_woman { background-position: -720px -240px; }
+.emoji-pregnant_woman_tone1 { background-position: -720px -260px; }
+.emoji-pregnant_woman_tone2 { background-position: -720px -280px; }
+.emoji-pregnant_woman_tone3 { background-position: -720px -300px; }
+.emoji-pregnant_woman_tone4 { background-position: -720px -320px; }
+.emoji-pregnant_woman_tone5 { background-position: -720px -340px; }
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+.emoji-prince_tone1 { background-position: -720px -380px; }
+.emoji-prince_tone2 { background-position: -720px -400px; }
+.emoji-prince_tone3 { background-position: -720px -420px; }
+.emoji-prince_tone4 { background-position: -720px -440px; }
+.emoji-prince_tone5 { background-position: -720px -460px; }
+.emoji-princess { background-position: -720px -480px; }
+.emoji-princess_tone1 { background-position: -720px -500px; }
+.emoji-princess_tone2 { background-position: -720px -520px; }
+.emoji-princess_tone3 { background-position: -720px -540px; }
+.emoji-princess_tone4 { background-position: -720px -560px; }
+.emoji-princess_tone5 { background-position: -720px -580px; }
+.emoji-printer { background-position: -720px -600px; }
+.emoji-projector { background-position: -720px -620px; }
+.emoji-punch { background-position: -720px -640px; }
+.emoji-punch_tone1 { background-position: -720px -660px; }
+.emoji-punch_tone2 { background-position: -720px -680px; }
+.emoji-punch_tone3 { background-position: -720px -700px; }
+.emoji-punch_tone4 { background-position: 0 -720px; }
+.emoji-punch_tone5 { background-position: -20px -720px; }
+.emoji-purple_heart { background-position: -40px -720px; }
+.emoji-purse { background-position: -60px -720px; }
+.emoji-pushpin { background-position: -80px -720px; }
+.emoji-put_litter_in_its_place { background-position: -100px -720px; }
+.emoji-question { background-position: -120px -720px; }
+.emoji-rabbit { background-position: -140px -720px; }
+.emoji-rabbit2 { background-position: -160px -720px; }
+.emoji-race_car { background-position: -180px -720px; }
+.emoji-racehorse { background-position: -200px -720px; }
+.emoji-radio { background-position: -220px -720px; }
+.emoji-radio_button { background-position: -240px -720px; }
+.emoji-radioactive { background-position: -260px -720px; }
+.emoji-rage { background-position: -280px -720px; }
+.emoji-railway_car { background-position: -300px -720px; }
+.emoji-railway_track { background-position: -320px -720px; }
+.emoji-rainbow { background-position: -340px -720px; }
+.emoji-raised_back_of_hand { background-position: -360px -720px; }
+.emoji-raised_back_of_hand_tone1 { background-position: -380px -720px; }
+.emoji-raised_back_of_hand_tone2 { background-position: -400px -720px; }
+.emoji-raised_back_of_hand_tone3 { background-position: -420px -720px; }
+.emoji-raised_back_of_hand_tone4 { background-position: -440px -720px; }
+.emoji-raised_back_of_hand_tone5 { background-position: -460px -720px; }
+.emoji-raised_hand { background-position: -480px -720px; }
+.emoji-raised_hand_tone1 { background-position: -500px -720px; }
+.emoji-raised_hand_tone2 { background-position: -520px -720px; }
+.emoji-raised_hand_tone3 { background-position: -540px -720px; }
+.emoji-raised_hand_tone4 { background-position: -560px -720px; }
+.emoji-raised_hand_tone5 { background-position: -580px -720px; }
+.emoji-raised_hands { background-position: -600px -720px; }
+.emoji-raised_hands_tone1 { background-position: -620px -720px; }
+.emoji-raised_hands_tone2 { background-position: -640px -720px; }
+.emoji-raised_hands_tone3 { background-position: -660px -720px; }
+.emoji-raised_hands_tone4 { background-position: -680px -720px; }
+.emoji-raised_hands_tone5 { background-position: -700px -720px; }
+.emoji-raising_hand { background-position: -720px -720px; }
+.emoji-raising_hand_tone1 { background-position: -740px 0; }
+.emoji-raising_hand_tone2 { background-position: -740px -20px; }
+.emoji-raising_hand_tone3 { background-position: -740px -40px; }
+.emoji-raising_hand_tone4 { background-position: -740px -60px; }
+.emoji-raising_hand_tone5 { background-position: -740px -80px; }
+.emoji-ram { background-position: -740px -100px; }
+.emoji-ramen { background-position: -740px -120px; }
+.emoji-rat { background-position: -740px -140px; }
+.emoji-record_button { background-position: -740px -160px; }
+.emoji-recycle { background-position: -740px -180px; }
+.emoji-red_car { background-position: -740px -200px; }
+.emoji-red_circle { background-position: -740px -220px; }
+.emoji-registered { background-position: -740px -240px; }
+.emoji-relaxed { background-position: -740px -260px; }
+.emoji-relieved { background-position: -740px -280px; }
+.emoji-reminder_ribbon { background-position: -740px -300px; }
+.emoji-repeat { background-position: -740px -320px; }
+.emoji-repeat_one { background-position: -740px -340px; }
+.emoji-restroom { background-position: -740px -360px; }
+.emoji-revolving_hearts { background-position: -740px -380px; }
+.emoji-rewind { background-position: -740px -400px; }
+.emoji-rhino { background-position: -740px -420px; }
+.emoji-ribbon { background-position: -740px -440px; }
+.emoji-rice { background-position: -740px -460px; }
+.emoji-rice_ball { background-position: -740px -480px; }
+.emoji-rice_cracker { background-position: -740px -500px; }
+.emoji-rice_scene { background-position: -740px -520px; }
+.emoji-right_facing_fist { background-position: -740px -540px; }
+.emoji-right_facing_fist_tone1 { background-position: -740px -560px; }
+.emoji-right_facing_fist_tone2 { background-position: -740px -580px; }
+.emoji-right_facing_fist_tone3 { background-position: -740px -600px; }
+.emoji-right_facing_fist_tone4 { background-position: -740px -620px; }
+.emoji-right_facing_fist_tone5 { background-position: -740px -640px; }
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+.emoji-robot { background-position: -740px -680px; }
+.emoji-rocket { background-position: -740px -700px; }
+.emoji-rofl { background-position: -740px -720px; }
+.emoji-roller_coaster { background-position: 0 -740px; }
+.emoji-rolling_eyes { background-position: -20px -740px; }
+.emoji-rooster { background-position: -40px -740px; }
+.emoji-rose { background-position: -60px -740px; }
+.emoji-rosette { background-position: -80px -740px; }
+.emoji-rotating_light { background-position: -100px -740px; }
+.emoji-round_pushpin { background-position: -120px -740px; }
+.emoji-rowboat { background-position: -140px -740px; }
+.emoji-rowboat_tone1 { background-position: -160px -740px; }
+.emoji-rowboat_tone2 { background-position: -180px -740px; }
+.emoji-rowboat_tone3 { background-position: -200px -740px; }
+.emoji-rowboat_tone4 { background-position: -220px -740px; }
+.emoji-rowboat_tone5 { background-position: -240px -740px; }
+.emoji-rugby_football { background-position: -260px -740px; }
+.emoji-runner { background-position: -280px -740px; }
+.emoji-runner_tone1 { background-position: -300px -740px; }
+.emoji-runner_tone2 { background-position: -320px -740px; }
+.emoji-runner_tone3 { background-position: -340px -740px; }
+.emoji-runner_tone4 { background-position: -360px -740px; }
+.emoji-runner_tone5 { background-position: -380px -740px; }
+.emoji-running_shirt_with_sash { background-position: -400px -740px; }
+.emoji-sa { background-position: -420px -740px; }
+.emoji-sagittarius { background-position: -440px -740px; }
+.emoji-sailboat { background-position: -460px -740px; }
+.emoji-sake { background-position: -480px -740px; }
+.emoji-salad { background-position: -500px -740px; }
+.emoji-sandal { background-position: -520px -740px; }
+.emoji-santa { background-position: -540px -740px; }
+.emoji-santa_tone1 { background-position: -560px -740px; }
+.emoji-santa_tone2 { background-position: -580px -740px; }
+.emoji-santa_tone3 { background-position: -600px -740px; }
+.emoji-santa_tone4 { background-position: -620px -740px; }
+.emoji-santa_tone5 { background-position: -640px -740px; }
+.emoji-satellite { background-position: -660px -740px; }
+.emoji-satellite_orbital { background-position: -680px -740px; }
+.emoji-saxophone { background-position: -700px -740px; }
+.emoji-scales { background-position: -720px -740px; }
+.emoji-school { background-position: -740px -740px; }
+.emoji-school_satchel { background-position: -760px 0; }
+.emoji-scissors { background-position: -760px -20px; }
+.emoji-scooter { background-position: -760px -40px; }
+.emoji-scorpion { background-position: -760px -60px; }
+.emoji-scorpius { background-position: -760px -80px; }
+.emoji-scream { background-position: -760px -100px; }
+.emoji-scream_cat { background-position: -760px -120px; }
+.emoji-scroll { background-position: -760px -140px; }
+.emoji-seat { background-position: -760px -160px; }
+.emoji-second_place { background-position: -760px -180px; }
+.emoji-secret { background-position: -760px -200px; }
+.emoji-see_no_evil { background-position: -760px -220px; }
+.emoji-seedling { background-position: -760px -240px; }
+.emoji-selfie { background-position: -760px -260px; }
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+.emoji-selfie_tone2 { background-position: -760px -300px; }
+.emoji-selfie_tone3 { background-position: -760px -320px; }
+.emoji-selfie_tone4 { background-position: -760px -340px; }
+.emoji-selfie_tone5 { background-position: -760px -360px; }
+.emoji-seven { background-position: -760px -380px; }
+.emoji-shallow_pan_of_food { background-position: -760px -400px; }
+.emoji-shamrock { background-position: -760px -420px; }
+.emoji-shark { background-position: -760px -440px; }
+.emoji-shaved_ice { background-position: -760px -460px; }
+.emoji-sheep { background-position: -760px -480px; }
+.emoji-shell { background-position: -760px -500px; }
+.emoji-shield { background-position: -760px -520px; }
+.emoji-shinto_shrine { background-position: -760px -540px; }
+.emoji-ship { background-position: -760px -560px; }
+.emoji-shirt { background-position: -760px -580px; }
+.emoji-shopping_bags { background-position: -760px -600px; }
+.emoji-shopping_cart { background-position: -760px -620px; }
+.emoji-shower { background-position: -760px -640px; }
+.emoji-shrimp { background-position: -760px -660px; }
+.emoji-shrug { background-position: -760px -680px; }
+.emoji-shrug_tone1 { background-position: -760px -700px; }
+.emoji-shrug_tone2 { background-position: -760px -720px; }
+.emoji-shrug_tone3 { background-position: -760px -740px; }
+.emoji-shrug_tone4 { background-position: 0 -760px; }
+.emoji-shrug_tone5 { background-position: -20px -760px; }
+.emoji-signal_strength { background-position: -40px -760px; }
+.emoji-six { background-position: -60px -760px; }
+.emoji-six_pointed_star { background-position: -80px -760px; }
+.emoji-ski { background-position: -100px -760px; }
+.emoji-skier { background-position: -120px -760px; }
+.emoji-skull { background-position: -140px -760px; }
+.emoji-skull_crossbones { background-position: -160px -760px; }
+.emoji-sleeping { background-position: -180px -760px; }
+.emoji-sleeping_accommodation { background-position: -200px -760px; }
+.emoji-sleepy { background-position: -220px -760px; }
+.emoji-slight_frown { background-position: -240px -760px; }
+.emoji-slight_smile { background-position: -260px -760px; }
+.emoji-slot_machine { background-position: -280px -760px; }
+.emoji-small_blue_diamond { background-position: -300px -760px; }
+.emoji-small_orange_diamond { background-position: -320px -760px; }
+.emoji-small_red_triangle { background-position: -340px -760px; }
+.emoji-small_red_triangle_down { background-position: -360px -760px; }
+.emoji-smile { background-position: -380px -760px; }
+.emoji-smile_cat { background-position: -400px -760px; }
+.emoji-smiley { background-position: -420px -760px; }
+.emoji-smiley_cat { background-position: -440px -760px; }
+.emoji-smiling_imp { background-position: -460px -760px; }
+.emoji-smirk { background-position: -480px -760px; }
+.emoji-smirk_cat { background-position: -500px -760px; }
+.emoji-smoking { background-position: -520px -760px; }
+.emoji-snail { background-position: -540px -760px; }
+.emoji-snake { background-position: -560px -760px; }
+.emoji-sneezing_face { background-position: -580px -760px; }
+.emoji-snowboarder { background-position: -600px -760px; }
+.emoji-snowflake { background-position: -620px -760px; }
+.emoji-snowman { background-position: -640px -760px; }
+.emoji-snowman2 { background-position: -660px -760px; }
+.emoji-sob { background-position: -680px -760px; }
+.emoji-soccer { background-position: -700px -760px; }
+.emoji-soon { background-position: -720px -760px; }
+.emoji-sos { background-position: -740px -760px; }
+.emoji-sound { background-position: -760px -760px; }
+.emoji-space_invader { background-position: -780px 0; }
+.emoji-spades { background-position: -780px -20px; }
+.emoji-spaghetti { background-position: -780px -40px; }
+.emoji-sparkle { background-position: -780px -60px; }
+.emoji-sparkler { background-position: -780px -80px; }
+.emoji-sparkles { background-position: -780px -100px; }
+.emoji-sparkling_heart { background-position: -780px -120px; }
+.emoji-speak_no_evil { background-position: -780px -140px; }
+.emoji-speaker { background-position: -780px -160px; }
+.emoji-speaking_head { background-position: -780px -180px; }
+.emoji-speech_balloon { background-position: -780px -200px; }
+.emoji-speech_left { background-position: -780px -220px; }
+.emoji-speedboat { background-position: -780px -240px; }
+.emoji-spider { background-position: -780px -260px; }
+.emoji-spider_web { background-position: -780px -280px; }
+.emoji-spoon { background-position: -780px -300px; }
+.emoji-spy { background-position: -780px -320px; }
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+.emoji-spy_tone2 { background-position: -780px -360px; }
+.emoji-spy_tone3 { background-position: -780px -380px; }
+.emoji-spy_tone4 { background-position: -780px -400px; }
+.emoji-spy_tone5 { background-position: -780px -420px; }
+.emoji-squid { background-position: -780px -440px; }
+.emoji-stadium { background-position: -780px -460px; }
+.emoji-star { background-position: -780px -480px; }
+.emoji-star2 { background-position: -780px -500px; }
+.emoji-star_and_crescent { background-position: -780px -520px; }
+.emoji-star_of_david { background-position: -780px -540px; }
+.emoji-stars { background-position: -780px -560px; }
+.emoji-station { background-position: -780px -580px; }
+.emoji-statue_of_liberty { background-position: -780px -600px; }
+.emoji-steam_locomotive { background-position: -780px -620px; }
+.emoji-stew { background-position: -780px -640px; }
+.emoji-stop_button { background-position: -780px -660px; }
+.emoji-stopwatch { background-position: -780px -680px; }
+.emoji-straight_ruler { background-position: -780px -700px; }
+.emoji-strawberry { background-position: -780px -720px; }
+.emoji-stuck_out_tongue { background-position: -780px -740px; }
+.emoji-stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes { background-position: -780px -760px; }
+.emoji-stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye { background-position: 0 -780px; }
+.emoji-stuffed_flatbread { background-position: -20px -780px; }
+.emoji-sun_with_face { background-position: -40px -780px; }
+.emoji-sunflower { background-position: -60px -780px; }
+.emoji-sunglasses { background-position: -80px -780px; }
+.emoji-sunny { background-position: -100px -780px; }
+.emoji-sunrise { background-position: -120px -780px; }
+.emoji-sunrise_over_mountains { background-position: -140px -780px; }
+.emoji-surfer { background-position: -160px -780px; }
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+.emoji-surfer_tone2 { background-position: -200px -780px; }
+.emoji-surfer_tone3 { background-position: -220px -780px; }
+.emoji-surfer_tone4 { background-position: -240px -780px; }
+.emoji-surfer_tone5 { background-position: -260px -780px; }
+.emoji-sushi { background-position: -280px -780px; }
+.emoji-suspension_railway { background-position: -300px -780px; }
+.emoji-sweat { background-position: -320px -780px; }
+.emoji-sweat_drops { background-position: -340px -780px; }
+.emoji-sweat_smile { background-position: -360px -780px; }
+.emoji-sweet_potato { background-position: -380px -780px; }
+.emoji-swimmer { background-position: -400px -780px; }
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+.emoji-swimmer_tone2 { background-position: -440px -780px; }
+.emoji-swimmer_tone3 { background-position: -460px -780px; }
+.emoji-swimmer_tone4 { background-position: -480px -780px; }
+.emoji-swimmer_tone5 { background-position: -500px -780px; }
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+.emoji-synagogue { background-position: -540px -780px; }
+.emoji-syringe { background-position: -560px -780px; }
+.emoji-taco { background-position: -580px -780px; }
+.emoji-tada { background-position: -600px -780px; }
+.emoji-tanabata_tree { background-position: -620px -780px; }
+.emoji-tangerine { background-position: -640px -780px; }
+.emoji-taurus { background-position: -660px -780px; }
+.emoji-taxi { background-position: -680px -780px; }
+.emoji-tea { background-position: -700px -780px; }
+.emoji-telephone { background-position: -720px -780px; }
+.emoji-telephone_receiver { background-position: -740px -780px; }
+.emoji-telescope { background-position: -760px -780px; }
+.emoji-ten { background-position: -780px -780px; }
+.emoji-tennis { background-position: -800px 0; }
+.emoji-tent { background-position: -800px -20px; }
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+.emoji-thermometer_face { background-position: -800px -60px; }
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+.emoji-third_place { background-position: -800px -100px; }
+.emoji-thought_balloon { background-position: -800px -120px; }
+.emoji-three { background-position: -800px -140px; }
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+.emoji-thumbsdown_tone2 { background-position: -800px -200px; }
+.emoji-thumbsdown_tone3 { background-position: -800px -220px; }
+.emoji-thumbsdown_tone4 { background-position: -800px -240px; }
+.emoji-thumbsdown_tone5 { background-position: -800px -260px; }
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+.emoji-thumbsup_tone1 { background-position: -800px -300px; }
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+.emoji-thumbsup_tone3 { background-position: -800px -340px; }
+.emoji-thumbsup_tone4 { background-position: -800px -360px; }
+.emoji-thumbsup_tone5 { background-position: -800px -380px; }
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+.emoji-tickets { background-position: -800px -440px; }
+.emoji-tiger { background-position: -800px -460px; }
+.emoji-tiger2 { background-position: -800px -480px; }
+.emoji-timer { background-position: -800px -500px; }
+.emoji-tired_face { background-position: -800px -520px; }
+.emoji-tm { background-position: -800px -540px; }
+.emoji-toilet { background-position: -800px -560px; }
+.emoji-tokyo_tower { background-position: -800px -580px; }
+.emoji-tomato { background-position: -800px -600px; }
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+.emoji-tone2 { background-position: -800px -640px; }
+.emoji-tone3 { background-position: -800px -660px; }
+.emoji-tone4 { background-position: -800px -680px; }
+.emoji-tone5 { background-position: -800px -700px; }
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+.emoji-tools { background-position: -800px -740px; }
+.emoji-top { background-position: -800px -760px; }
+.emoji-tophat { background-position: -800px -780px; }
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+.emoji-track_previous { background-position: -20px -800px; }
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+.emoji-tractor { background-position: -60px -800px; }
+.emoji-traffic_light { background-position: -80px -800px; }
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+.emoji-train2 { background-position: -120px -800px; }
+.emoji-tram { background-position: -140px -800px; }
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+.emoji-triangular_ruler { background-position: -180px -800px; }
+.emoji-trident { background-position: -200px -800px; }
+.emoji-triumph { background-position: -220px -800px; }
+.emoji-trolleybus { background-position: -240px -800px; }
+.emoji-trophy { background-position: -260px -800px; }
+.emoji-tropical_drink { background-position: -280px -800px; }
+.emoji-tropical_fish { background-position: -300px -800px; }
+.emoji-truck { background-position: -320px -800px; }
+.emoji-trumpet { background-position: -340px -800px; }
+.emoji-tulip { background-position: -360px -800px; }
+.emoji-tumbler_glass { background-position: -380px -800px; }
+.emoji-turkey { background-position: -400px -800px; }
+.emoji-turtle { background-position: -420px -800px; }
+.emoji-tv { background-position: -440px -800px; }
+.emoji-twisted_rightwards_arrows { background-position: -460px -800px; }
+.emoji-two { background-position: -480px -800px; }
+.emoji-two_hearts { background-position: -500px -800px; }
+.emoji-two_men_holding_hands { background-position: -520px -800px; }
+.emoji-two_women_holding_hands { background-position: -540px -800px; }
+.emoji-u5272 { background-position: -560px -800px; }
+.emoji-u5408 { background-position: -580px -800px; }
+.emoji-u55b6 { background-position: -600px -800px; }
+.emoji-u6307 { background-position: -620px -800px; }
+.emoji-u6708 { background-position: -640px -800px; }
+.emoji-u6709 { background-position: -660px -800px; }
+.emoji-u6e80 { background-position: -680px -800px; }
+.emoji-u7121 { background-position: -700px -800px; }
+.emoji-u7533 { background-position: -720px -800px; }
+.emoji-u7981 { background-position: -740px -800px; }
+.emoji-u7a7a { background-position: -760px -800px; }
+.emoji-umbrella { background-position: -780px -800px; }
+.emoji-umbrella2 { background-position: -800px -800px; }
+.emoji-unamused { background-position: -820px 0; }
+.emoji-underage { background-position: -820px -20px; }
+.emoji-unicorn { background-position: -820px -40px; }
+.emoji-unlock { background-position: -820px -60px; }
+.emoji-up { background-position: -820px -80px; }
+.emoji-upside_down { background-position: -820px -100px; }
+.emoji-urn { background-position: -820px -120px; }
+.emoji-v { background-position: -820px -140px; }
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+.emoji-v_tone2 { background-position: -820px -180px; }
+.emoji-v_tone3 { background-position: -820px -200px; }
+.emoji-v_tone4 { background-position: -820px -220px; }
+.emoji-v_tone5 { background-position: -820px -240px; }
+.emoji-vertical_traffic_light { background-position: -820px -260px; }
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+.emoji-vibration_mode { background-position: -820px -300px; }
+.emoji-video_camera { background-position: -820px -320px; }
+.emoji-video_game { background-position: -820px -340px; }
+.emoji-violin { background-position: -820px -360px; }
+.emoji-virgo { background-position: -820px -380px; }
+.emoji-volcano { background-position: -820px -400px; }
+.emoji-volleyball { background-position: -820px -420px; }
+.emoji-vs { background-position: -820px -440px; }
+.emoji-vulcan { background-position: -820px -460px; }
+.emoji-vulcan_tone1 { background-position: -820px -480px; }
+.emoji-vulcan_tone2 { background-position: -820px -500px; }
+.emoji-vulcan_tone3 { background-position: -820px -520px; }
+.emoji-vulcan_tone4 { background-position: -820px -540px; }
+.emoji-vulcan_tone5 { background-position: -820px -560px; }
+.emoji-walking { background-position: -820px -580px; }
+.emoji-walking_tone1 { background-position: -820px -600px; }
+.emoji-walking_tone2 { background-position: -820px -620px; }
+.emoji-walking_tone3 { background-position: -820px -640px; }
+.emoji-walking_tone4 { background-position: -820px -660px; }
+.emoji-walking_tone5 { background-position: -820px -680px; }
+.emoji-waning_crescent_moon { background-position: -820px -700px; }
+.emoji-waning_gibbous_moon { background-position: -820px -720px; }
+.emoji-warning { background-position: -820px -740px; }
+.emoji-wastebasket { background-position: -820px -760px; }
+.emoji-watch { background-position: -820px -780px; }
+.emoji-water_buffalo { background-position: -820px -800px; }
+.emoji-water_polo { background-position: 0 -820px; }
+.emoji-water_polo_tone1 { background-position: -20px -820px; }
+.emoji-water_polo_tone2 { background-position: -40px -820px; }
+.emoji-water_polo_tone3 { background-position: -60px -820px; }
+.emoji-water_polo_tone4 { background-position: -80px -820px; }
+.emoji-water_polo_tone5 { background-position: -100px -820px; }
+.emoji-watermelon { background-position: -120px -820px; }
+.emoji-wave { background-position: -140px -820px; }
+.emoji-wave_tone1 { background-position: -160px -820px; }
+.emoji-wave_tone2 { background-position: -180px -820px; }
+.emoji-wave_tone3 { background-position: -200px -820px; }
+.emoji-wave_tone4 { background-position: -220px -820px; }
+.emoji-wave_tone5 { background-position: -240px -820px; }
+.emoji-wavy_dash { background-position: -260px -820px; }
+.emoji-waxing_crescent_moon { background-position: -280px -820px; }
+.emoji-waxing_gibbous_moon { background-position: -300px -820px; }
+.emoji-wc { background-position: -320px -820px; }
+.emoji-weary { background-position: -340px -820px; }
+.emoji-wedding { background-position: -360px -820px; }
+.emoji-whale { background-position: -380px -820px; }
+.emoji-whale2 { background-position: -400px -820px; }
+.emoji-wheel_of_dharma { background-position: -420px -820px; }
+.emoji-wheelchair { background-position: -440px -820px; }
+.emoji-white_check_mark { background-position: -460px -820px; }
+.emoji-white_circle { background-position: -480px -820px; }
+.emoji-white_flower { background-position: -500px -820px; }
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+.emoji-white_medium_small_square { background-position: -540px -820px; }
+.emoji-white_medium_square { background-position: -560px -820px; }
+.emoji-white_small_square { background-position: -580px -820px; }
+.emoji-white_square_button { background-position: -600px -820px; }
+.emoji-white_sun_cloud { background-position: -620px -820px; }
+.emoji-white_sun_rain_cloud { background-position: -640px -820px; }
+.emoji-white_sun_small_cloud { background-position: -660px -820px; }
+.emoji-wilted_rose { background-position: -680px -820px; }
+.emoji-wind_blowing_face { background-position: -700px -820px; }
+.emoji-wind_chime { background-position: -720px -820px; }
+.emoji-wine_glass { background-position: -740px -820px; }
+.emoji-wink { background-position: -760px -820px; }
+.emoji-wolf { background-position: -780px -820px; }
+.emoji-woman { background-position: -800px -820px; }
+.emoji-woman_tone1 { background-position: -820px -820px; }
+.emoji-woman_tone2 { background-position: -840px 0; }
+.emoji-woman_tone3 { background-position: -840px -20px; }
+.emoji-woman_tone4 { background-position: -840px -40px; }
+.emoji-woman_tone5 { background-position: -840px -60px; }
+.emoji-womans_clothes { background-position: -840px -80px; }
+.emoji-womans_hat { background-position: -840px -100px; }
+.emoji-womens { background-position: -840px -120px; }
+.emoji-worried { background-position: -840px -140px; }
+.emoji-wrench { background-position: -840px -160px; }
+.emoji-wrestlers { background-position: -840px -180px; }
+.emoji-wrestlers_tone1 { background-position: -840px -200px; }
+.emoji-wrestlers_tone2 { background-position: -840px -220px; }
+.emoji-wrestlers_tone3 { background-position: -840px -240px; }
+.emoji-wrestlers_tone4 { background-position: -840px -260px; }
+.emoji-wrestlers_tone5 { background-position: -840px -280px; }
+.emoji-writing_hand { background-position: -840px -300px; }
+.emoji-writing_hand_tone1 { background-position: -840px -320px; }
+.emoji-writing_hand_tone2 { background-position: -840px -340px; }
+.emoji-writing_hand_tone3 { background-position: -840px -360px; }
+.emoji-writing_hand_tone4 { background-position: -840px -380px; }
+.emoji-writing_hand_tone5 { background-position: -840px -400px; }
+.emoji-x { background-position: -840px -420px; }
+.emoji-yellow_heart { background-position: -840px -440px; }
+.emoji-yen { background-position: -840px -460px; }
+.emoji-yin_yang { background-position: -840px -480px; }
+.emoji-yum { background-position: -840px -500px; }
+.emoji-zap { background-position: -840px -520px; }
+.emoji-zero { background-position: -840px -540px; }
+.emoji-zipper_mouth { background-position: -840px -560px; }
+.emoji-100 { background-position: -840px -580px; }
.emoji-icon {
background-image: image-url('emoji.png');
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/files.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/files.scss
index 1247e5e4876..609f33582e1 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/files.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/files.scss
@@ -101,13 +101,13 @@
@for $i from 0 through 5 {
.legend-box-#{$i} {
- background-color: mix($blame-cyan, $blame-blue, $i / 5.0 * 100%);
+ background-color: mix($blame-cyan, $blame-blue, $i / 5 * 100%);
@for $i from 1 through 4 {
.legend-box-#{$i + 5} {
- background-color: mix($blame-gray, $blame-cyan, $i / 4.0 * 100%);
+ background-color: mix($blame-gray, $blame-cyan, $i / 4 * 100%);
@@ -200,13 +200,13 @@
@for $i from 0 through 5 {
td.blame-commit-age-#{$i} {
- border-left-color: mix($blame-cyan, $blame-blue, $i / 5.0 * 100%);
+ border-left-color: mix($blame-cyan, $blame-blue, $i / 5 * 100%);
@for $i from 1 through 4 {
td.blame-commit-age-#{$i + 5} {
- border-left-color: mix($blame-gray, $blame-cyan, $i / 4.0 * 100%);
+ border-left-color: mix($blame-gray, $blame-cyan, $i / 4 * 100%);
@@ -364,6 +364,18 @@ span.idiff {
float: none;
+ @media (max-width: $screen-xs-max) {
+ display: block;
+ .file-actions {
+ white-space: normal;
+ .btn-group {
+ padding-top: 5px;
+ }
+ }
+ }
.is-stl-loading {
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/filters.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/filters.scss
index 74b6b31b07e..cec38eea464 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/filters.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/filters.scss
@@ -305,16 +305,11 @@
color: $gl-text-color;
border-color: $dropdown-input-focus-border;
outline: none;
- svg {
- fill: $gl-text-color;
- }
svg {
height: 14px;
width: 14px;
- fill: $gl-text-color-secondary;
vertical-align: middle;
@@ -437,6 +432,7 @@
border-width: 1px;
width: 17px;
height: 17px;
+ top: 0;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/flash.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/flash.scss
index e1b086ebb2b..88ce119ee3a 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/flash.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/flash.scss
@@ -34,8 +34,15 @@
+ .flash-success {
+ @extend .alert;
+ @extend .alert-success;
+ margin: 0;
+ }
- .flash-alert {
+ .flash-alert,
+ .flash-success {
border-radius: $border-radius-default;
@@ -48,7 +55,8 @@
margin-bottom: 0;
- .flash-alert {
+ .flash-alert,
+ .flash-success {
border-radius: 0;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/gfm.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/gfm.scss
index 34a35734acc..5621505996d 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/gfm.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/gfm.scss
@@ -14,6 +14,5 @@
&:hover {
background-color: $user-mention-bg-hover;
- text-decoration: none;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/gitlab-theme.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/gitlab-theme.scss
index dc591c06c88..db36e27fa74 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/gitlab-theme.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/gitlab-theme.scss
@@ -30,10 +30,6 @@
& > a {
color: $color-900;
background-color: $color-alternate;
- svg {
- fill: currentColor;
- }
&.line-separator {
@@ -51,10 +47,6 @@
color: $color-200;
> a {
- svg {
- fill: $color-200;
- }
&.header-user-dropdown-toggle {
.header-user-avatar {
border-color: $color-200;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/header.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/header.scss
index 1cdfa904374..f985a3aea5c 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/header.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/header.scss
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
margin: 5px 2px 5px -8px;
border-radius: $border-radius-default;
- svg {
+ .tanuki-logo {
@media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) {
margin-right: 8px;
@@ -235,10 +235,6 @@
opacity: 1;
color: $white-light;
- svg {
- fill: currentColor;
- }
&.header-user-dropdown-toggle .header-user-avatar {
border-color: $white-light;
@@ -269,14 +265,6 @@
font-size: 20px;
- &.active > a,
- & > a {
- svg {
- fill: currentColor;
- }
- }
@@ -289,10 +277,6 @@
text-decoration: none;
outline: 0;
color: $white-light;
- svg {
- fill: currentColor;
- }
> a {
@@ -307,10 +291,6 @@
border-radius: $border-radius-default;
height: 32px;
font-weight: $gl-font-weight-bold;
- svg {
- fill: currentColor;
- }
&.line-separator {
@@ -401,10 +381,13 @@
.breadcrumbs-list {
display: -webkit-flex;
display: flex;
- flex-wrap: wrap;
margin-bottom: 0;
line-height: 16px;
+ @media (max-width: $screen-xs-max) {
+ flex-wrap: wrap;
+ }
> li {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
@@ -412,24 +395,35 @@
padding: 2px 0;
&:not(:last-child) {
- margin-right: 20px;
+ padding-right: 20px;
+ &:not(.dropdown) {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ }
> a {
font-size: 12px;
color: currentColor;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+ flex: 0 1 auto;
.breadcrumb-item-text {
- @include str-truncated(128px);
text-decoration: inherit;
+ @media (max-width: $screen-xs-max) {
+ @include str-truncated(128px);
+ }
.breadcrumbs-list-angle {
position: absolute;
- right: -12px;
+ right: 7px;
top: 50%;
color: $gl-text-color-tertiary;
transform: translateY(-50%);
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/icons.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/icons.scss
index ef864e8f6a9..e2084e8f85f 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/icons.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/icons.scss
@@ -1,15 +1,11 @@
.ci-status-icon-passed {
- color: $green-500;
svg {
fill: $green-500;
.ci-status-icon-failed {
- color: $gl-danger;
svg {
fill: $gl-danger;
@@ -18,16 +14,12 @@
.ci-status-icon-success_with_warnings {
- color: $orange-500;
svg {
fill: $orange-500;
.ci-status-icon-running {
- color: $blue-400;
svg {
fill: $blue-400;
@@ -36,8 +28,6 @@
.ci-status-icon-not-found {
- color: $gl-text-color;
svg {
fill: $gl-text-color;
@@ -45,16 +35,12 @@
.ci-status-icon-skipped {
- color: $gray-darkest;
svg {
fill: $gray-darkest;
.ci-status-icon-manual {
- color: $gl-text-color;
svg {
fill: $gl-text-color;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/images.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/images.scss
index 6819fd88b7f..78a8e57ddbb 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/images.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/images.scss
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
svg {
+ fill: currentColor;
&.s8 { @include svg-size(8px); }
&.s12 { @include svg-size(12px); }
&.s16 { @include svg-size(16px); }
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/lists.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/lists.scss
index ad3bb0e35d1..e6e6c4c3963 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/lists.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/lists.scss
@@ -449,15 +449,19 @@ ul.indent-list {
+.namespace-title {
+ .tooltip-inner {
+ max-width: 350px;
+ }
+ { {
- &.has-description {
- .title {
- line-height: inherit;
- }
+ &.has-description .title {
+ line-height: inherit;
- .title {
+ &:not(.has-description) .title {
line-height: $list-text-height;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/markdown_area.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/markdown_area.scss
index cd6f94fb354..5389eb0a5f2 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/markdown_area.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/markdown_area.scss
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
.md-header {
.nav-links {
a {
+ width: 100%;
padding-top: 0;
line-height: 19px;
@@ -72,6 +73,28 @@
} {
+ @media(max-width: $screen-xs-max) {
+ flex: 1;
+ width: 100%;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid $border-color;
+ text-align: center;
+ }
+ {
+ margin-left: auto;
+ @media(max-width: $screen-xs-max) {
+ flex: none;
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: center;
+ width: 100%;
+ padding-top: $gl-padding-top;
+ padding-bottom: $gl-padding-top;
+ }
.referenced-users {
color: $gl-text-color;
padding-top: 10px;
@@ -126,16 +149,6 @@
-.toolbar-group {
- float: left;
- margin-right: -5px;
- margin-left: $gl-padding;
- &:first-child {
- margin-left: 0;
- }
.toolbar-btn {
float: left;
padding: 0 7px;
@@ -158,6 +171,16 @@
+.toolbar-fullscreen-btn {
+ margin-left: $gl-padding;
+ margin-right: -5px;
+ @media(max-width: $screen-xs-max) {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: 0;
+ }
.atwho-view {
overflow-y: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/mixins.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/mixins.scss
index 16d5edde61e..e12b5aab381 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/mixins.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/mixins.scss
@@ -130,14 +130,6 @@
background-color: $color-light;
color: $color-dark;
border-color: $color-dark;
- svg {
- fill: $color-dark;
- }
- }
- svg {
- fill: $color-main;
@@ -180,3 +172,31 @@
display: none;
+@mixin triangle($color, $border-color, $size, $border-size) {
+ &::before,
+ &::after {
+ bottom: 100%;
+ left: 50%;
+ border: solid transparent;
+ content: '';
+ height: 0;
+ width: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ pointer-events: none;
+ }
+ &::before {
+ border-color: transparent;
+ border-bottom-color: $border-color;
+ border-width: ($size + $border-size);
+ margin-left: -($size + $border-size);
+ }
+ &::after {
+ border-color: transparent;
+ border-bottom-color: $color;
+ border-width: $size;
+ margin-left: -$size;
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/new-nav.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/new-nav.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d..00000000000
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/new-nav.scss
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/popup.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/popup.scss
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5c76205095f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/popup.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+.popup {
+ @include triangle(
+ $gray-lighter,
+ $gray-darker,
+ $popup-triangle-size,
+ $popup-triangle-border-size
+ );
+ padding: $gl-padding;
+ background-color: $gray-lighter;
+ border: 1px solid $gray-darker;
+ border-radius: $border-radius-default;
+ box-shadow: 0 5px 8px $popup-box-shadow-color;
+ position: relative;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/selects.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/selects.scss
index bb70b270299..dbee7073975 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/selects.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/selects.scss
@@ -134,19 +134,22 @@
.select2-search {
- padding: 15px 15px 5px;
+ padding: $grid-size;
.select2-drop-auto-width & {
- padding: 15px 15px 5px;
+ padding: $grid-size;
input {
- padding: 2px 25px 2px 5px;
+ padding: $grid-size;
background: $white-light image-url('select2.png');
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-origin: content-box;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
- background-position: right 0 bottom 6px;
+ background-position: right 0 bottom 0 !important;
border: 1px solid $input-border;
border-radius: $border-radius-default;
+ line-height: 16px;
transition: border-color ease-in-out 0.15s, box-shadow ease-in-out 0.15s;
&:focus {
@@ -156,11 +159,16 @@
&.select2-active {
background-color: $white-light;
background-image: image-url('select2-spinner.gif') !important;
+ background-origin: content-box;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
- background-position: right 5px center !important;
+ background-position: right 6px center !important;
background-size: 16px 16px !important;
+ + .select2-results {
+ padding-top: 0;
+ }
.select2-results {
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/sidebar.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/sidebar.scss
index 1a19b7320a0..792981fdc48 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/sidebar.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/sidebar.scss
@@ -43,11 +43,13 @@
.sidebar-collapsed-icon {
- cursor: pointer;
.btn {
background-color: $gray-light;
+ &:not(.disabled) {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ }
@@ -55,6 +57,10 @@
padding-right: 0;
z-index: 300;
+ .btn-sidebar-action {
+ display: inline-flex;
+ }
@media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) and (max-width: $screen-sm-max) {
&:not(.wiki-sidebar):not(.build-sidebar):not(.issuable-bulk-update-sidebar) .content-wrapper {
padding-right: $gutter_collapsed_width;
@@ -136,3 +142,18 @@
.issuable-sidebar {
@include new-style-dropdown;
+.pikaday-container {
+ .pika-single {
+ margin-top: 2px;
+ width: 250px;
+ }
+ .dropdown-menu-toggle {
+ line-height: 20px;
+ }
+.sidebar-collapsed-icon .sidebar-collapsed-value {
+ font-size: 12px;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/toggle.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/toggle.scss
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..71765da3908
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/toggle.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+* Toggle button
+* @usage
+* ### Active and Inactive text should be provided as data attributes:
+* <button type="button" class="project-feature-toggle" data-enabled-text="Enabled" data-disabled-text="Disabled">
+* <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin loading-icon hidden"></i>
+* </button>
+* ### Checked should have `is-checked` class
+* <button type="button" class="project-feature-toggle is-checked" data-enabled-text="Enabled" data-disabled-text="Disabled">
+* <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin loading-icon hidden"></i>
+* </button>
+* ### Disabled should have `is-disabled` class
+* <button type="button" class="project-feature-toggle is-disabled" data-enabled-text="Enabled" data-disabled-text="Disabled" disabled="true">
+* <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin loading-icon hidden"></i>
+* </button>
+* ### Loading should have `is-loading` and an icon with `loading-icon` class
+* <button type="button" class="project-feature-toggle is-loading" data-enabled-text="Enabled" data-disabled-text="Disabled">
+* <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin loading-icon"></i>
+* </button>
+.project-feature-toggle {
+ position: relative;
+ border: 0;
+ outline: 0;
+ display: block;
+ width: 100px;
+ height: 24px;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ user-select: none;
+ background: $feature-toggle-color-disabled;
+ border-radius: 12px;
+ padding: 3px;
+ transition: all .4s ease;
+ &::selection,
+ &::before::selection,
+ &::after::selection {
+ background: none;
+ }
+ &::before {
+ color: $feature-toggle-text-color;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ line-height: 24px;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 25px;
+ right: 5px;
+ text-align: center;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+ animation: animate-disabled .2s ease-in;
+ content: attr(data-disabled-text);
+ }
+ &::after {
+ position: relative;
+ display: block;
+ content: "";
+ width: 22px;
+ height: 18px;
+ left: 0;
+ border-radius: 9px;
+ background: $feature-toggle-color;
+ transition: all .2s ease;
+ }
+ .loading-icon {
+ display: none;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ color: $white-light;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 50%;
+ left: 50%;
+ transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
+ }
+ &.is-loading {
+ &::before {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ .loading-icon {
+ display: block;
+ &::before {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 50%;
+ left: 50%;
+ transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ &.is-checked {
+ background: $feature-toggle-color-enabled;
+ &::before {
+ left: 5px;
+ right: 25px;
+ animation: animate-enabled .2s ease-in;
+ content: attr(data-enabled-text);
+ }
+ &::after {
+ left: calc(100% - 22px);
+ }
+ }
+ &.is-disabled {
+ opacity: 0.4;
+ cursor: not-allowed;
+ }
+ @media (max-width: $screen-xs-min) {
+ width: 50px;
+ &::before,
+ &.is-checked::before {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ }
+ @keyframes animate-enabled {
+ 0%, 35% { opacity: 0; }
+ 100% { opacity: 1; }
+ }
+ @keyframes animate-disabled {
+ 0%, 35% { opacity: 0; }
+ 100% { opacity: 1; }
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/tw_bootstrap.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/tw_bootstrap.scss
index d5c6ddbb4a5..1c6e2bf3074 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/tw_bootstrap.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/tw_bootstrap.scss
@@ -195,33 +195,6 @@ summary {
-// Typography =================================================================
-.text-primary:hover {
- color: $brand-primary;
-.text-success:hover {
- color: $brand-success;
-.text-danger:hover {
- color: $brand-danger;
-.text-warning:hover {
- color: $brand-warning;
-.text-info:hover {
- color: $brand-info;
// Prevent datetimes on tooltips to break into two lines
.local-timeago {
white-space: nowrap;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/variables.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/variables.scss
index 8ab48e4844f..4f99c27eff1 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/variables.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/variables.scss
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ $gl-text-color: #2e2e2e;
$gl-text-color-secondary: #707070;
$gl-text-color-tertiary: #949494;
$gl-text-color-quaternary: #d6d6d6;
-$gl-text-color-inverted: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0);
+$gl-text-color-inverted: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);
$gl-text-color-secondary-inverted: rgba(255, 255, 255, .85);
$gl-text-green: $green-600;
$gl-text-green-hover: $green-700;
@@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ $regular_font: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-San
* Dropdowns
$dropdown-width: 300px;
+$dropdown-max-height: 215px;
$dropdown-vertical-offset: 4px;
$dropdown-link-color: #555;
$dropdown-link-hover-bg: $row-hover;
@@ -353,6 +354,7 @@ $dropdown-loading-bg: rgba(#fff, .6);
$dropdown-chevron-size: 10px;
$dropdown-toggle-active-border-color: darken($border-color, 14%);
$dropdown-item-hover-bg: $gray-darker;
+$dropdown-fade-mask-height: 32px;
* Filtered Search
@@ -406,7 +408,6 @@ $location-icon-color: #e7e9ed;
* Notes
$notes-light-color: $gl-text-color-secondary;
-$notes-role-color: $gl-text-color-secondary;
$note-disabled-comment-color: #b2b2b2;
$note-targe3-outside: #fffff0;
$note-targe3-inside: #ffffd3;
@@ -486,8 +487,8 @@ $callout-success-color: $green-700;
* Commit Page
-$commit-max-width-marker-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0);
-$commit-message-text-area-bg: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0);
+$commit-max-width-marker-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+$commit-message-text-area-bg: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
* Common
@@ -555,6 +556,7 @@ $jq-ui-default-color: #777;
* Label
+$label-padding: 7px;
$label-gray-bg: #f8fafc;
$label-inverse-bg: #333;
$label-remove-border: rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
@@ -564,6 +566,8 @@ $label-border-radius: 100px;
* Animation
$fade-in-duration: 200ms;
+$fade-mask-transition-duration: .1s;
+$fade-mask-transition-curve: ease-in-out;
* Lint
@@ -719,3 +723,10 @@ Image Commenting cursor
$image-comment-cursor-left-offset: 12;
$image-comment-cursor-top-offset: 30;
+$popup-triangle-size: 15px;
+$popup-triangle-border-size: 1px;
+$popup-box-shadow-color: rgba(90, 90, 90, 0.05);
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/wells.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/wells.scss
index 68824ff8418..735fc4babd7 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/wells.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/wells.scss
@@ -20,6 +20,11 @@
.ref-name {
font-size: 12px;
+ &:hover {
+ text-decoration: underline;
+ color: $gl-text-color;
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/zen.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/zen.scss
index 5a4d3ba0ee9..dbd3144b9b4 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/zen.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/framework/zen.scss
@@ -57,15 +57,7 @@
padding: 5px;
font-size: 36px;
- svg {
- fill: $gl-text-color;
- }
&:hover {
color: $black;
- svg {
- fill: $black;
- }
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/builds.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/builds.scss
index 27b10b536a2..f139f4ab650 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/builds.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/builds.scss
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
font-size: 12px;
border-radius: 0;
border: 0;
+ padding: $grid-size;
.bash {
display: block;
@@ -57,14 +58,13 @@
.top-bar {
height: 35px;
- display: flex;
- justify-content: flex-end;
background: $gray-light;
border: 1px solid $border-color;
color: $gl-text-color;
position: sticky;
position: -webkit-sticky;
top: $header-height;
+ padding: $grid-size;
&.affix {
top: $header-height;
@@ -90,9 +90,6 @@
.truncated-info {
- margin: 0 auto;
- align-self: center;
.truncated-info-size {
margin: 0 5px;
@@ -118,7 +115,11 @@
.controllers-buttons {
color: $gl-text-color;
- margin: 0 10px;
+ margin: 0 $grid-size;
+ &:last-child {
+ margin-right: 0;
+ }
.btn-scroll.animate {
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/clusters.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/clusters.scss
index e5b9e1f2de6..c303f016ff9 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/clusters.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/clusters.scss
@@ -8,3 +8,23 @@
// Wait for the Vue to kick-in and render the applications block
min-height: 302px;
+.clusters-dropdown-menu {
+ max-width: 100%;
+@include new-style-dropdown('.clusters-dropdown ');
+.clusters-container {
+ .nav-bar-right {
+ padding: $gl-padding-top $gl-padding;
+ }
+ .empty-state .svg-content img {
+ width: 145px;
+ }
+ .top-area .nav-controls > .btn.btn-add-cluster {
+ margin-right: 0;
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/commits.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/commits.scss
index b1850be8a5f..0cba223c6a6 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/commits.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/commits.scss
@@ -189,6 +189,7 @@
.commit-content {
padding-right: 10px;
+ white-space: normal;
.commit-actions {
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/detail_page.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/detail_page.scss
index 538e50ee306..52e4d904b9b 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/detail_page.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/detail_page.scss
@@ -13,6 +13,41 @@
.author_link {
white-space: nowrap;
+ @media (max-width: $screen-xs-max) {
+ display: block;
+ }
+.detail-page-header-body {
+ position: relative;
+ line-height: 35px;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-grow: 1;
+ @media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 0;
+ }
+.detail-page-header-actions {
+ @include new-style-dropdown;
+ align-self: center;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ flex: 0 0 auto;
+ @media (max-width: $screen-xs-max) {
+ width: 100%;
+ margin-top: 10px;
+ > .issue-btn-group {
+ > .btn {
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+ }
+ }
.detail-page-description {
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/diff.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/diff.scss
index bce94e09367..848d7f144dc 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/diff.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/diff.scss
@@ -628,21 +628,46 @@
.diff-file-changes {
- width: 450px;
+ max-width: 560px;
+ width: 100%;
z-index: 150;
@media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) {
left: $gl-padding;
- a {
+ .diff-changed-file {
+ display: flex;
padding-top: 8px;
padding-bottom: 8px;
+ min-width: 0;
- .diff-changed-file {
+ .diff-file-changed-icon {
+ margin-top: 2px;
+ }
+ .diff-changed-file-content {
display: flex;
- align-items: center;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ min-width: 0;
+ }
+ .diff-changed-file-name,
+ .diff-changed-file-path {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ }
+ .diff-changed-file-path {
+ direction: rtl;
+ color: $gl-text-color-tertiary;
+ }
+ .diff-changed-stats {
+ margin-left: auto;
+ white-space: nowrap;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/environments.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/environments.scss
index 26c5f093c6b..b0795353ec1 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/environments.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/environments.scss
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
.prometheus-graph-overlay {
fill: none;
- opacity: 0.0;
+ opacity: 0;
pointer-events: all;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/groups.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/groups.scss
index 9b7dda9b648..f9a761e85fe 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/groups.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/groups.scss
@@ -212,3 +212,15 @@
height: 50px;
+.user-access-role {
+ display: inline-block;
+ color: $gl-text-color-secondary;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ line-height: 20px;
+ margin: -5px 3px;
+ padding: 0 $label-padding;
+ border: 1px solid $border-color;
+ border-radius: $label-border-radius;
+ font-weight: $gl-font-weight-normal;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/help.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/help.scss
index dae8ccdef6c..9cc9e11bcd1 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/help.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/help.scss
@@ -1,23 +1,3 @@
-.documentation-index {
- h1 {
- margin: 0;
- }
- h2 {
- font-size: 20px;
- }
- li {
- line-height: 24px;
- color: $document-index-color;
- a {
- margin-right: 3px;
- }
- }
.shortcut-mappings {
font-size: 12px;
color: $help-shortcut-mapping-color;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/issuable.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/issuable.scss
index 760c7c80aff..11ee1232bfe 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/issuable.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/issuable.scss
@@ -6,28 +6,20 @@
.issuable-warning-icon {
- color: $orange-600;
background-color: $orange-100;
border-radius: $border-radius-default;
- padding: 5px;
margin: 0 $btn-side-margin 0 0;
width: $issuable-warning-size;
height: $issuable-warning-size;
text-align: center;
- &:first-of-type {
- margin-right: $issuable-warning-icon-margin;
+ .icon {
+ fill: $orange-600;
+ vertical-align: text-bottom;
-.sidebar-item-icon {
- border-radius: $border-radius-default;
- padding: 5px;
- margin: 0 3px 0 -4px;
- &.is-active {
- color: $orange-600;
- background-color: $orange-50;
+ &:first-of-type {
+ margin-right: $issuable-warning-icon-margin;
@@ -78,14 +70,13 @@
.title {
padding: 0;
- margin-bottom: 16px;
+ margin-bottom: $gl-padding;
border-bottom: 0;
.btn-edit {
margin-left: auto;
- // Set height to match title height
- height: 2em;
+ height: $gl-padding * 2;
// Border around images in issue and MR descriptions.
@@ -119,6 +110,10 @@
padding: 6px 10px;
border-radius: $label-border-radius;
+ &:hover .color-label {
+ text-decoration: underline;
+ }
&.has-labels {
@@ -183,6 +178,14 @@
color: $gray-darkest;
+ &.assignee {
+ .author_link:hover {
+ .author {
+ text-decoration: underline;
+ }
+ }
+ }
.block-first {
@@ -284,10 +287,15 @@
font-weight: $gl-font-weight-normal;
- .no-value {
+ .no-value,
+ .btn-secondary-hover-link {
color: $gl-text-color-secondary;
+ .btn-secondary-hover-link:hover {
+ color: $gl-link-color;
+ }
.sidebar-collapsed-icon {
display: none;
@@ -295,6 +303,8 @@
.gutter-toggle {
margin-top: 7px;
border-left: 1px solid $border-gray-normal;
+ padding-left: 0;
+ text-align: center;
.title .gutter-toggle {
@@ -367,7 +377,7 @@
fill: $issuable-sidebar-color;
- &:hover,
+ &:hover:not(.disabled),
&:hover .todo-undone {
color: $gl-text-color;
@@ -470,7 +480,6 @@
a:not(.btn-retry) {
&:hover {
color: $md-link-color;
- text-decoration: none;
.avatar {
border-color: rgba($avatar-border, .2);
@@ -615,50 +624,16 @@
margin-top: 0;
height: auto;
align-self: center;
- @media (max-width: $screen-xs-max) {
- position: absolute;
- top: 0;
- left: 0;
- }
-.issuable-header {
- position: relative;
- padding-left: 45px;
- padding-right: 45px;
- line-height: 35px;
- display: flex;
- flex-grow: 1;
- @media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) {
- float: left;
- padding-left: 0;
- padding-right: 0;
- }
-.issuable-actions {
- @include new-style-dropdown;
- align-self: center;
- flex-shrink: 0;
- flex: 0 0 auto;
- @media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) {
- float: right;
- }
.issuable-gutter-toggle {
@media (max-width: $screen-sm-max) {
- position: absolute;
- top: 0;
- right: 0;
+ margin-left: $btn-side-margin;
.issuable-meta {
+ flex: 1;
display: inline-block;
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 24px;
@@ -908,3 +883,21 @@
margin: 0 3px;
+.right-sidebar-collapsed {
+ .sidebar-grouped-item {
+ .sidebar-collapsed-icon {
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ }
+ .sidebar-collapsed-divider {
+ line-height: 5px;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ color: $theme-gray-700;
+ + .sidebar-collapsed-icon {
+ padding-top: 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/issues.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/issues.scss
index 8bb68ad2425..af1df8b8802 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/issues.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/issues.scss
@@ -134,26 +134,11 @@ ul.related-merge-requests > li {
@media (max-width: $screen-xs-max) {
- .detail-page-header,
- .issuable-header {
- display: block;
+ .detail-page-header {
.issuable-meta {
line-height: 18px;
- .issuable-actions {
- margin-top: 10px;
- .issue-btn-group {
- width: 100%;
- .btn {
- width: 100%;
- }
- }
- }
.issue-form {
@@ -164,12 +149,7 @@ ul.related-merge-requests > li {
-.issues-footer {
- padding-top: $gl-padding;
- padding-bottom: 37px;
-.issue-email-modal-btn {
+.issuable-email-modal-btn {
padding: 0;
color: $gl-link-color;
background-color: transparent;
@@ -203,7 +183,24 @@ ul.related-merge-requests > li {
.create-mr-dropdown-wrap {
- @include new-style-dropdown;
+ .branch-message,
+ .ref-message {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ .ref::selection {
+ color: $placeholder-text-color;
+ }
+ .dropdown {
+ .dropdown-menu-toggle {
+ min-width: 285px;
+ }
+ .dropdown-select {
+ width: 285px;
+ }
+ }
.btn-group:not(.hide) {
display: flex;
@@ -214,15 +211,16 @@ ul.related-merge-requests > li {
flex-shrink: 0;
- .dropdown-menu {
+ .create-merge-request-dropdown-menu {
width: 300px;
opacity: 1;
visibility: visible;
transform: translateY(0);
display: none;
+ margin-top: 4px;
- .dropdown-toggle {
+ .create-merge-request-dropdown-toggle {
.fa-caret-down {
pointer-events: none;
color: inherit;
@@ -230,18 +228,50 @@ ul.related-merge-requests > li {
+ .droplab-item-ignore {
+ pointer-events: auto;
+ }
+ .create-item {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ margin: 0 1px;
+ &:hover,
+ &:focus {
+ background-color: $dropdown-item-hover-bg;
+ color: $gl-text-color;
+ }
+ }
+ li.divider {
+ margin: 8px 10px;
+ }
li:not(.divider) {
+ padding: 8px 9px;
+ &:last-child {
+ padding-bottom: 8px;
+ }
&.droplab-item-selected {
.icon-container {
i {
visibility: visible;
+ .description {
+ display: block;
+ }
+ }
+ &.droplab-item-ignore {
+ padding-top: 8px;
.icon-container {
float: left;
- padding-left: 6px;
i {
visibility: hidden;
@@ -249,13 +279,12 @@ ul.related-merge-requests > li {
.description {
- padding-left: 30px;
- font-size: 13px;
+ padding-left: 22px;
+ }
- strong {
- display: block;
- font-weight: $gl-font-weight-bold;
- }
+ input,
+ span {
+ margin: 4px 0 0;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/labels.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/labels.scss
index 443f5500684..92abe82df4c 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/labels.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/labels.scss
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
.color-label {
- padding: 3px 7px;
+ padding: 3px $label-padding;
border-radius: $label-border-radius;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/login.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/login.scss
index b7985c4dea5..b2250a1ce2f 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/login.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/login.scss
@@ -252,6 +252,10 @@
background: $white-light;
+ .login-page-broadcast {
+ margin-top: 50px;
+ }
.navless-container {
padding: 65px 15px; // height of footer + bottom padding of email confirmation link
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/merge_requests.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/merge_requests.scss
index 5832cf4637f..2afb17334e3 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/merge_requests.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/merge_requests.scss
@@ -384,6 +384,12 @@
+.nothing-here-block {
+ img {
+ width: 230px;
+ }
.mr-list {
.merge-request {
padding: 10px 0 10px 15px;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/note_form.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/note_form.scss
index 14514b2f193..ebb5d121433 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/note_form.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/note_form.scss
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
.diff-file .diff-content {
tr.line_holder:hover > td .line_note_link {
- opacity: 1.0;
+ opacity: 1;
filter: alpha(opacity = 100);
@@ -113,6 +113,8 @@
.icon {
margin-right: $issuable-warning-icon-margin;
+ vertical-align: text-bottom;
+ fill: $orange-600;
+ .md-area {
@@ -137,9 +139,21 @@
-.sidebar-item-value {
- .fa {
- background-color: inherit;
+.sidebar-item-icon {
+ border-radius: $border-radius-default;
+ margin: 0 5px 0 0;
+ vertical-align: text-bottom;
+ &.is-active {
+ fill: $orange-600;
+ }
+ .sidebar-collapsed-icon & {
+ margin: 0;
+ }
+ .sidebar-item-value & {
+ fill: $theme-gray-700;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/notes.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/notes.scss
index 9537eeeee97..4d5613c292b 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/notes.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/notes.scss
@@ -208,7 +208,6 @@ ul.notes {
a {
color: $gl-link-color;
- text-decoration: none;
p {
@@ -395,6 +394,10 @@ ul.notes {
&:hover {
text-decoration: none;
+ .note-header-author-name {
+ text-decoration: underline;
+ }
@@ -461,6 +464,10 @@ ul.notes {
.system-note-message {
white-space: normal;
+ a:hover {
+ text-decoration: underline;
+ }
@@ -543,14 +550,7 @@ ul.notes {
svg {
- height: 16px;
- width: 16px;
- top: 0;
- vertical-align: text-top;
- path {
- fill: currentColor;
- }
+ @include btn-svg;
@@ -570,10 +570,6 @@ ul.notes {
.link-highlight {
color: $gl-link-color;
fill: $gl-link-color;
- svg {
- fill: $gl-link-color;
- }
.award-control-icon-neutral {
@@ -623,26 +619,17 @@ ul.notes {
.note-role {
+ margin: 0 3px;
+.note-role-special {
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
- color: $notes-role-color;
+ color: $gl-text-color-secondary;
font-size: 12px;
- line-height: 20px;
- margin: 0 3px;
- &.note-role-access {
- padding: 0 7px;
- border: 1px solid $border-color;
- border-radius: $label-border-radius;
- }
- &.note-role-special {
- text-shadow: 0 0 15px $gl-text-color-inverted;
- }
+ text-shadow: 0 0 15px $gl-text-color-inverted;
* Line note button on the side of diffs
@@ -788,12 +775,6 @@ ul.notes {
- svg {
- fill: currentColor;
- height: 16px;
- width: 16px;
- }
.loading {
margin: 0;
height: auto;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/profile.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/profile.scss
index 28dc71dc641..ac745019319 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/profile.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/profile.scss
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
.profile-link-holder {
display: inline;
- a {
+ a:not(.text-link) {
text-decoration: none;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/projects.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/projects.scss
index aaad6dbba8e..674588752d2 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/projects.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/projects.scss
@@ -126,93 +126,6 @@
-.project-feature-toggle {
- position: relative;
- border: 0;
- outline: 0;
- display: block;
- width: 100px;
- height: 24px;
- cursor: pointer;
- user-select: none;
- background: $feature-toggle-color-disabled;
- border-radius: 12px;
- padding: 3px;
- transition: all .4s ease;
- &::selection,
- &::before::selection,
- &::after::selection {
- background: none;
- }
- &::before {
- color: $feature-toggle-text-color;
- font-size: 12px;
- line-height: 24px;
- position: absolute;
- top: 0;
- left: 25px;
- right: 5px;
- text-align: center;
- overflow: hidden;
- text-overflow: ellipsis;
- animation: animate-disabled .2s ease-in;
- content: attr(data-disabled-text);
- }
- &::after {
- position: relative;
- display: block;
- content: "";
- width: 22px;
- height: 18px;
- left: 0;
- border-radius: 9px;
- background: $feature-toggle-color;
- transition: all .2s ease;
- }
- &.checked {
- background: $feature-toggle-color-enabled;
- &::before {
- left: 5px;
- right: 25px;
- animation: animate-enabled .2s ease-in;
- content: attr(data-enabled-text);
- }
- &::after {
- left: calc(100% - 22px);
- }
- }
- &.disabled {
- opacity: 0.4;
- cursor: not-allowed;
- }
- @media (max-width: $screen-xs-min) {
- width: 50px;
- &::before,
- &.checked::before {
- display: none;
- }
- }
- @keyframes animate-enabled {
- 0%, 35% { opacity: 0; }
- 100% { opacity: 1; }
- }
- @keyframes animate-disabled {
- 0%, 35% { opacity: 0; }
- 100% { opacity: 1; }
- }
.group-home-panel {
padding-top: 24px;
@@ -291,14 +204,7 @@
svg {
- path {
- fill: $layout-link-gray;
- }
- use {
- stroke: $layout-link-gray;
- }
+ fill: $layout-link-gray;
.fa-caret-down {
@@ -402,6 +308,18 @@
+ .clone-dropdown-btn {
+ background-color: $white-light;
+ }
+ .clone-options-dropdown {
+ min-width: 240px;
+ .dropdown-menu-inner-content {
+ min-width: 320px;
+ }
+ }
.project-repo-buttons {
@@ -806,6 +724,7 @@ a.deploy-project-label {
&:focus {
color: $gl-text-color;
+ text-decoration: underline;
@@ -886,10 +805,6 @@ pre.light-well {
font-size: $gl-font-size;
- a {
- color: $gl-text-color;
- }
.controls {
flex: 0 0 auto;
@@ -1208,3 +1123,8 @@ pre.light-well {
border-color: $border-color;
+.issuable-footer {
+ padding-top: $gl-padding;
+ padding-bottom: 37px;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/repo.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/repo.scss
index d93c51d5448..402412eae71 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/repo.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/repo.scss
@@ -35,270 +35,276 @@
-.repository-view {
- border: 1px solid $border-color;
- border-radius: $border-radius-default;
- color: $almost-black;
+.multi-file {
+ display: flex;
+ height: calc(100vh - 145px);
+ border-top: 1px solid $white-dark;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid $white-dark;
+ &.is-collapsed {
+ .ide-file-list {
+ max-width: 250px;
+ }
+ }
- .code.white pre .hll {
- background-color: $well-light-border !important;
+.ide-file-list {
+ flex: 1;
+ overflow: scroll;
+ .file {
+ cursor: pointer;
- .tree-content-holder {
- display: -webkit-flex;
- display: flex;
- min-height: 300px;
+ a {
+ color: $gl-text-color;
- .tree-content-holder-mini {
- height: 100vh;
+ th {
+ position: sticky;
+ top: 0;
- .panel-right {
- display: -webkit-flex;
- display: flex;
- -webkit-flex-direction: column;
- flex-direction: column;
- width: 80%;
- height: 100%;
+.multi-file-table-col-commit-message {
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+ max-width: 0;
- .monaco-editor.vs {
- .current-line {
- border: 0;
- background: $well-light-border;
- }
+.multi-file-table-name {
+ width: 350px;
- .line-numbers {
- cursor: pointer;
+.multi-file-table-col-commit-message {
+ width: 50%;
- &:hover {
- text-decoration: underline;
- }
- }
- }
+.multi-file-edit-pane {
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ flex: 1;
+ border-left: 1px solid $white-dark;
+ overflow: hidden;
- .blob-no-preview {
- .vertical-center {
- justify-content: center;
- width: 100%;
- }
- }
+.multi-file-tabs {
+ display: flex;
+ overflow: scroll;
+ background-color: $white-normal;
+ box-shadow: inset 0 -1px $white-dark;
- &.blob-editor-container {
- overflow: hidden;
- }
+ > li {
+ position: relative;
+ }
- .blob-viewer-container {
- -webkit-flex: 1;
- flex: 1;
- overflow: auto;
- > div,
- .file-content:not(.wiki) {
- display: flex;
- }
- > div,
- .file-content,
- .blob-viewer,
- .line-number,
- .blob-content,
- .code {
- min-height: 100%;
- width: 100%;
- }
- .line-numbers {
- min-width: 44px;
- }
- .blob-content {
- flex: 1;
- overflow-x: auto;
- }
- }
+.multi-file-tab {
+ @include str-truncated(150px);
+ padding: ($gl-padding / 2) ($gl-padding + 12) ($gl-padding / 2) $gl-padding;
+ background-color: $gray-normal;
+ border-right: 1px solid $white-dark;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid $white-dark;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ &.active {
+ background-color: $white-light;
+ border-bottom-color: $white-light;
+ }
- #tabs {
- position: relative;
- flex-shrink: 0;
- display: flex;
- width: 100%;
- padding-left: 0;
- margin-bottom: 0;
- white-space: nowrap;
- overflow-y: hidden;
- overflow-x: auto;
- li {
- position: relative;
- background: $gray-normal;
- padding: #{$gl-padding / 2} $gl-padding;
- border-right: 1px solid $white-dark;
- border-bottom: 1px solid $white-dark;
- cursor: pointer;
- &.active {
- background: $white-light;
- border-bottom: 0;
- }
- a {
- @include str-truncated(100px);
- color: $gl-text-color;
- vertical-align: middle;
- text-decoration: none;
- margin-right: 12px;
- &:focus {
- outline: none;
- }
- }
- .close-btn {
- position: absolute;
- right: 8px;
- top: 50%;
- padding: 0;
- background: none;
- border: 0;
- font-size: $gl-font-size;
- transform: translateY(-50%);
- }
- .close-icon:hover {
- color: $hint-color;
- }
- .close-icon,
- .unsaved-icon {
- color: $gray-darkest;
- }
- .unsaved-icon {
- color: $brand-success;
- }
- &.tabs-divider {
- width: 100%;
- background-color: $white-light;
- border-right: 0;
- border-top-right-radius: 2px;
- }
- }
- }
+.multi-file-tab-close {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 8px;
+ top: 50%;
+ padding: 0;
+ background: none;
+ border: 0;
+ font-size: $gl-font-size;
+ color: $gray-darkest;
+ transform: translateY(-50%);
+ &:not(.modified):hover,
+ &:not(.modified):focus {
+ color: $hint-color;
+ }
- .repo-file-buttons {
- background-color: $white-light;
- padding: 5px 10px;
- border-top: 1px solid $white-normal;
- }
+ &.modified {
+ color: $indigo-700;
+ }
- #binary-viewer {
- height: 80vh;
- overflow: auto;
- margin: 0;
- .blob-viewer {
- padding-top: 20px;
- padding-left: 20px;
- }
- .binary-unknown {
- text-align: center;
- padding-top: 100px;
- background: $gray-light;
- height: 100%;
- font-size: 17px;
- span {
- display: block;
- }
- }
- }
+.multi-file-edit-pane-content {
+ flex: 1;
+ height: 0;
+.multi-file-editor-btn-group {
+ padding: $grid-size;
+ border-top: 1px solid $white-dark;
+// Not great, but this is to deal with our current output
+.multi-file-preview-holder {
+ height: 100%;
+ overflow: scroll;
+ .blob-viewer {
+ height: 100%;
- #commit-area {
- background: $gray-light;
- padding: 20px;
+ .file-content.code {
+ display: flex;
- .help-block {
- padding-top: 7px;
- margin-top: 0;
+ i {
+ margin-left: -10px;
- #view-toggler {
- height: 41px;
- position: relative;
- display: block;
- border-bottom: 1px solid $white-normal;
- background: $white-light;
- margin-top: -5px;
+ .line-numbers {
+ min-width: 50px;
- #binary-viewer {
- img {
- max-width: 100%;
- }
+ .file-content,
+ .line-numbers,
+ .blob-content,
+ .code {
+ min-height: 100%;
- #sidebar {
- flex: 1;
- height: 100%;
+.multi-file-commit-panel {
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ height: 100%;
+ width: 290px;
+ padding: $gl-padding;
+ background-color: $gray-light;
+ border-left: 1px solid $white-dark;
+ &.is-collapsed {
+ width: 60px;
+ padding: 0;
+ }
- &.sidebar-mini {
- width: 20%;
- border-right: 1px solid $white-normal;
- overflow: auto;
- }
+.multi-file-commit-panel-section {
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ flex: 1;
- .table {
- margin-bottom: 0;
- }
+.multi-file-commit-panel-header {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ padding: 0 0 12px;
+ margin-bottom: 12px;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid $white-dark;
- tr {
- .repo-file-options {
- padding: 2px 16px;
- width: 100%;
- }
- .title {
- font-size: 10px;
- text-transform: uppercase;
- white-space: nowrap;
- overflow: hidden;
- text-overflow: ellipsis;
- vertical-align: middle;
- }
- .file-icon {
- margin-right: 5px;
- }
- td {
- white-space: nowrap;
- }
- }
+ &.is-collapsed {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid $white-dark;
- .file {
- cursor: pointer;
+ svg {
+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: auto;
+ }
- a {
- @include str-truncated(250px);
- color: $almost-black;
- }
+.multi-file-commit-panel-collapse-btn {
+ padding-top: 0;
+ padding-bottom: 0;
+ margin-left: auto;
+ font-size: 20px;
+ &.is-collapsed {
+ margin-right: auto;
+ }
+.multi-file-commit-list {
+ flex: 1;
+ overflow: scroll;
+.multi-file-commit-list-item {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+.multi-file-addition {
+ fill: $green-500;
+.multi-file-modified {
+ fill: $orange-500;
+.multi-file-commit-list-collapsed {
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ > svg {
+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: auto;
-.render-error {
- min-height: calc(100vh - 62px);
+.multi-file-commit-list-path {
+ @include str-truncated(100%);
+.multi-file-commit-form {
+ padding-top: 12px;
+ border-top: 1px solid $white-dark;
+.multi-file-commit-fieldset {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ padding-bottom: 12px;
- p {
- width: 100%;
+ .btn {
+ flex: 1;
-.multi-file-table-col-name {
- width: 350px;
+.multi-file-commit-message.form-control {
+ height: 80px;
+ resize: none;
+.dirty-diff {
+ // !important need to override monaco inline style
+ width: 4px !important;
+ left: 0 !important;
+ &-modified {
+ background-color: $blue-500;
+ }
+ &-added {
+ background-color: $green-600;
+ }
+ &-removed {
+ height: 0 !important;
+ width: 0 !important;
+ bottom: -2px;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 5px;
+ border-color: transparent transparent transparent $red-500;
+ &::before {
+ content: '';
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 100px;
+ height: 1px;
+ background-color: rgba($red-500, .5);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/settings.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/settings.scss
index 8b9b47a41bc..5d630c7d61e 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/settings.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/settings.scss
@@ -249,3 +249,22 @@
+.doorkeeper-app-form {
+ .scope-description {
+ color: $theme-gray-700;
+ }
+.modal-doorkeepr-auth {
+ .modal-body {
+ padding: $gl-padding;
+ }
+.doorkeeper-app-form {
+ .scope-description {
+ margin: 0 0 5px 17px;
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/status.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/status.scss
index 25c80e1f950..ade5ddd147b 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/status.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/status.scss
@@ -55,10 +55,6 @@
&:not(span):hover {
background-color: rgba($gl-text-color-secondary, .07);
- svg {
- fill: $gl-text-color-secondary;
- }
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/tree.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/tree.scss
index 50f0ef4414a..5d14323e4bc 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/tree.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/tree.scss
@@ -4,6 +4,11 @@
.nav-block {
margin: 10px 0;
+ .btn .fa,
+ .btn svg {
+ color: $gl-text-color-secondary;
+ }
@media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) {
display: flex;
@@ -91,8 +96,12 @@
.add-to-tree {
- vertical-align: middle;
- padding: 6px 10px;
+ vertical-align: top;
+ padding: 8px;
+ svg {
+ top: 0;
+ }
.tree-table {
@@ -125,7 +134,7 @@
color: $white-normal;
- &:hover {
+ &:hover:not(.tree-truncated-warning) {
td {
background-color: $row-hover;
border-top: 1px solid $row-hover-border;
@@ -198,6 +207,11 @@
+ .tree-truncated-warning {
+ color: $orange-600;
+ background-color: $orange-100;
+ }
.tree-time-ago {
min-width: 135px;
color: $gl-text-color-secondary;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/wiki.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/wiki.scss
index e150f96f3fa..d8fec583121 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/wiki.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/wiki.scss
@@ -124,7 +124,11 @@
&.active {
- color: $black;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ span {
+ text-decoration: underline;
+ }