path: root/app/models/project_services/hipchat_service.rb
diff options
authorNick Thomas <>2018-10-09 11:33:49 +0100
committerNick Thomas <>2019-02-08 18:20:38 +0000
commita5378665a1dc0b9c8dc3a4fa279a0eb78aac5aac (patch)
tree043e997f3f65d535c6fa0cbb8069aec90b7f440f /app/models/project_services/hipchat_service.rb
parent2d70977aced471c4e602fb9cd3257c93d645f152 (diff)
Remove HipChat integration from GitLab
Diffstat (limited to 'app/models/project_services/hipchat_service.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 311 deletions
diff --git a/app/models/project_services/hipchat_service.rb b/app/models/project_services/hipchat_service.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a69b7b4c4b6..00000000000
--- a/app/models/project_services/hipchat_service.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-class HipchatService < Service
- include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper
- a b i strong em br img pre code
- table th tr td caption colgroup col thead tbody tfoot
- ul ol li dl dt dd
- ].freeze
- prop_accessor :token, :room, :server, :color, :api_version
- boolean_accessor :notify_only_broken_pipelines, :notify
- validates :token, presence: true, if: :activated?
- def initialize_properties
- if properties.nil?
- = {}
- self.notify_only_broken_pipelines = true
- end
- end
- def title
- 'HipChat'
- end
- def description
- 'Private group chat and IM'
- end
- def self.to_param
- 'hipchat'
- end
- def fields
- [
- { type: 'text', name: 'token', placeholder: 'Room token', required: true },
- { type: 'text', name: 'room', placeholder: 'Room name or ID' },
- { type: 'checkbox', name: 'notify' },
- { type: 'select', name: 'color', choices: %w(yellow red green purple gray random) },
- { type: 'text', name: 'api_version',
- placeholder: 'Leave blank for default (v2)' },
- { type: 'text', name: 'server',
- placeholder: 'Leave blank for default.' },
- { type: 'checkbox', name: 'notify_only_broken_pipelines' }
- ]
- end
- def self.supported_events
- %w(push issue confidential_issue merge_request note confidential_note tag_push pipeline)
- end
- def execute(data)
- return unless supported_events.include?(data[:object_kind])
- message = create_message(data)
- return unless message.present?
- gate[room].send('GitLab', message, message_options(data)) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend
- end
- def test(data)
- begin
- result = execute(data)
- rescue StandardError => error
- return { success: false, result: error }
- end
- { success: true, result: result }
- end
- private
- def gate
- options = { api_version: api_version.present? ? api_version : 'v2' }
- options[:server_url] = server unless server.blank?
- @gate ||=, options)
- end
- def message_options(data = nil)
- { notify: notify.present? && Gitlab::Utils.to_boolean(notify), color: message_color(data) }
- end
- def create_message(data)
- object_kind = data[:object_kind]
- case object_kind
- when "push", "tag_push"
- create_push_message(data)
- when "issue"
- create_issue_message(data) unless update?(data)
- when "merge_request"
- create_merge_request_message(data) unless update?(data)
- when "note"
- create_note_message(data)
- when "pipeline"
- create_pipeline_message(data) if should_pipeline_be_notified?(data)
- end
- end
- def render_line(text)
- markdown(text.lines.first.chomp, pipeline: :single_line) if text
- end
- def create_push_message(push)
- ref_type = Gitlab::Git.tag_ref?(push[:ref]) ? 'tag' : 'branch'
- ref = Gitlab::Git.ref_name(push[:ref])
- before = push[:before]
- after = push[:after]
- message = []
- message << "#{push[:user_name]} "
- if Gitlab::Git.blank_ref?(before)
- message << "pushed new #{ref_type} <a href=\""\
- "#{project_url}/commits/#{CGI.escape(ref)}\">#{ref}</a>"\
- " to #{project_link}\n"
- elsif Gitlab::Git.blank_ref?(after)
- message << "removed #{ref_type} <b>#{ref}</b> from <a href=\"#{project.web_url}\">#{project_name}</a> \n"
- else
- message << "pushed to #{ref_type} <a href=\""\
- "#{project.web_url}/commits/#{CGI.escape(ref)}\">#{ref}</a> "
- message << "of <a href=\"#{project.web_url}\">#{project.full_name.gsub!(/\s/, '')}</a> "
- message << "(<a href=\"#{project.web_url}/compare/#{before}...#{after}\">Compare changes</a>)"
- push[:commits].take(MAX_COMMITS).each do |commit|
- message << "<br /> - #{render_line(commit[:message])} (<a href=\"#{commit[:url]}\">#{commit[:id][0..5]}</a>)"
- end
- if push[:commits].count > MAX_COMMITS
- message << "<br />... #{push[:commits].count - MAX_COMMITS} more commits"
- end
- end
- message.join
- end
- def markdown(text, options = {})
- return "" unless text
- context = {
- project: project,
- pipeline: :email
- }
- Banzai.render(text, context)
- context.merge!(options)
- html = Banzai.render_and_post_process(text, context)
- sanitized_html = sanitize(html, tags: HIPCHAT_ALLOWED_TAGS, attributes: %w[href title alt])
- sanitized_html.truncate(200, separator: ' ', omission: '...')
- end
- def create_issue_message(data)
- user_name = data[:user][:name]
- obj_attr = data[:object_attributes]
- obj_attr =
- title = render_line(obj_attr[:title])
- state = obj_attr[:state]
- issue_iid = obj_attr[:iid]
- issue_url = obj_attr[:url]
- description = obj_attr[:description]
- issue_link = "<a href=\"#{issue_url}\">issue ##{issue_iid}</a>"
- message = ["#{user_name} #{state} #{issue_link} in #{project_link}: <b>#{title}</b>"]
- message << "<pre>#{markdown(description)}</pre>"
- message.join
- end
- def create_merge_request_message(data)
- user_name = data[:user][:name]
- obj_attr = data[:object_attributes]
- obj_attr =
- merge_request_id = obj_attr[:iid]
- state = obj_attr[:state]
- description = obj_attr[:description]
- title = render_line(obj_attr[:title])
- merge_request_url = "#{project_url}/merge_requests/#{merge_request_id}"
- merge_request_link = "<a href=\"#{merge_request_url}\">merge request !#{merge_request_id}</a>"
- message = ["#{user_name} #{state} #{merge_request_link} in " \
- "#{project_link}: <b>#{title}</b>"]
- message << "<pre>#{markdown(description)}</pre>"
- message.join
- end
- def format_title(title)
- "<b>#{render_line(title)}</b>"
- end
- def create_note_message(data)
- data =
- user_name = data[:user][:name]
- obj_attr =[:object_attributes])
- note = obj_attr[:note]
- note_url = obj_attr[:url]
- noteable_type = obj_attr[:noteable_type]
- commit_id = nil
- case noteable_type
- when "Commit"
- commit_attr =[:commit])
- commit_id = commit_attr[:id]
- subject_desc = commit_id
- subject_desc = Commit.truncate_sha(subject_desc)
- subject_type = "commit"
- title = format_title(commit_attr[:message])
- when "Issue"
- subj_attr =[:issue])
- subject_id = subj_attr[:iid]
- subject_desc = "##{subject_id}"
- subject_type = "issue"
- title = format_title(subj_attr[:title])
- when "MergeRequest"
- subj_attr =[:merge_request])
- subject_id = subj_attr[:iid]
- subject_desc = "!#{subject_id}"
- subject_type = "merge request"
- title = format_title(subj_attr[:title])
- when "Snippet"
- subj_attr =[:snippet])
- subject_id = subj_attr[:id]
- subject_desc = "##{subject_id}"
- subject_type = "snippet"
- title = format_title(subj_attr[:title])
- end
- subject_html = "<a href=\"#{note_url}\">#{subject_type} #{subject_desc}</a>"
- message = ["#{user_name} commented on #{subject_html} in #{project_link}: "]
- message << title
- message << "<pre>#{markdown(note, ref: commit_id)}</pre>"
- message.join
- end
- def create_pipeline_message(data)
- pipeline_attributes = data[:object_attributes]
- pipeline_id = pipeline_attributes[:id]
- ref_type = pipeline_attributes[:tag] ? 'tag' : 'branch'
- ref = pipeline_attributes[:ref]
- user_name = (data[:user] && data[:user][:name]) || 'API'
- status = pipeline_attributes[:status]
- duration = pipeline_attributes[:duration]
- branch_link = "<a href=\"#{project_url}/commits/#{CGI.escape(ref)}\">#{ref}</a>"
- pipeline_url = "<a href=\"#{project_url}/pipelines/#{pipeline_id}\">##{pipeline_id}</a>"
- "#{project_link}: Pipeline #{pipeline_url} of #{branch_link} #{ref_type} by #{user_name} #{humanized_status(status)} in #{duration} second(s)"
- end
- def message_color(data)
- pipeline_status_color(data) || color || 'yellow'
- end
- def pipeline_status_color(data)
- return unless data && data[:object_kind] == 'pipeline'
- case data[:object_attributes][:status]
- when 'success'
- 'green'
- else
- 'red'
- end
- end
- def project_name
- project.full_name.gsub(/\s/, '')
- end
- def project_url
- project.web_url
- end
- def project_link
- "<a href=\"#{project_url}\">#{project_name}</a>"
- end
- def update?(data)
- data[:object_attributes][:action] == 'update'
- end
- def humanized_status(status)
- case status
- when 'success'
- 'passed'
- else
- status
- end
- end
- def should_pipeline_be_notified?(data)
- case data[:object_attributes][:status]
- when 'success'
- !notify_only_broken_pipelines?
- when 'failed'
- true
- else
- false
- end
- end