diff options
authorBassam Tabbara <>2016-09-02 17:23:36 -0700
committerBassam Tabbara <>2016-09-13 12:24:25 -0700
commit7761438c63e18f380979a3bf5647574243708abd (patch)
parent87f0d4395dbfe0ae559e964668b71f85819378a0 (diff)
Add SIMD test helpers
This commit adds a couple of scripts that help test SIMD functionality on different machines through QEMU. tools/ will automatically start qemu, run tests and stop it. it uses the Ubuntu cloud images which are built for x86_64, arm and arm64. tools/ run a number of tests including compiling with different flags, unit tests, and gathering the functions selected in gf_init (and when compiling with DEBUG_FUNCTIONS)
3 files changed, 381 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index f6f097d..22e6fbe 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -74,4 +74,5 @@ tools/gf_poly
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1268f87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+# this scripts has a number of tests for SIMD. It can be invoked
+# on the host or on a QEMU machine.
+script_dir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
+host_cpu=`uname -p`
+# runs unit tests and save the results
+ { ./configure && make clean && make; } || { echo "Compile FAILED" >> ${results}; return 1; }
+ make check || { echo "gf_methods $i FAILED" >> ${results}; ((++failed)); }
+ cat tools/test-suite.log >> ${results} || true
+# build with DEBUG_FUNCTIONS and save all methods selected
+# to a results file
+test_functions() {
+ failed=0
+ { ./configure && make clean && make CFLAGS="-DDEBUG_FUNCTIONS"; } || { echo "Compile FAILED" >> ${results}; return 1; }
+ for i in 128 64 32 16 8 4; do
+ { ${script_dir}/gf_methods $i -ACD -X >> ${results}; } || { echo "gf_methods $i FAILED" >> ${results}; ((++failed)); }
+ done
+ return ${failed}
+compile_arm() {
+ failed=0
+ echo -n "Compiling with NO SIMD support..." >> ${results}
+ { ./configure --disable-neon && make clean && make && echo "SUCCESS" >> ${results}; } || { echo "FAIL" >> ${results}; ((++failed)); }
+ echo -n "Compiling with FULL SIMD support..." >> ${results}
+ { ./configure && make clean && make && echo "SUCCESS" >> ${results}; } || { echo "FAIL" >> ${results}; ((++failed)); }
+ return ${failed}
+compile_intel() {
+ failed=0
+ echo -n "Compiling with NO SIMD support..." >> ${results}
+ { ./configure && make clean && make && echo "SUCCESS" >> ${results}; } || { echo "FAIL" >> ${results}; ((++failed)); }
+ echo -n "Compiling with SSE2 only..." >> ${results}
+ export ax_cv_have_sse_ext=no
+ export ax_cv_have_sse2_ext=yes
+ export ax_cv_have_sse3_ext=no
+ export ax_cv_have_ssse3_ext=no
+ export ax_cv_have_sse41_ext=no
+ export ax_cv_have_sse42_ext=no
+ export ax_cv_have_pclmuldq_ext=no
+ { ./configure && make clean && make && echo "SUCCESS" >> ${results}; } || { echo "FAIL" >> ${results}; ((++failed)); }
+ echo -n "Compiling with SSE2,SSE3 only..." >> ${results}
+ export ax_cv_have_sse_ext=no
+ export ax_cv_have_sse2_ext=yes
+ export ax_cv_have_sse3_ext=yes
+ export ax_cv_have_ssse3_ext=no
+ export ax_cv_have_sse41_ext=no
+ export ax_cv_have_sse42_ext=no
+ export ax_cv_have_pclmuldq_ext=no
+ { ./configure && make clean && make && echo "SUCCESS" >> ${results}; } || { echo "FAIL" >> ${results}; ((++failed)); }
+ echo -n "Compiling with SSE2,SSE3,SSSE3 only..." >> ${results}
+ export ax_cv_have_sse_ext=no
+ export ax_cv_have_sse2_ext=yes
+ export ax_cv_have_sse3_ext=yes
+ export ax_cv_have_ssse3_ext=yes
+ export ax_cv_have_sse41_ext=no
+ export ax_cv_have_sse42_ext=no
+ export ax_cv_have_pclmuldq_ext=no
+ { ./configure && make clean && make && echo "SUCCESS" >> ${results}; } || { echo "FAIL" >> ${results}; ((++failed)); }
+ echo -n "Compiling with SSE2,SSE3,SSSE3,SSE4_1 only..." >> ${results}
+ export ax_cv_have_sse_ext=no
+ export ax_cv_have_sse2_ext=yes
+ export ax_cv_have_sse3_ext=yes
+ export ax_cv_have_ssse3_ext=yes
+ export ax_cv_have_sse41_ext=yes
+ export ax_cv_have_sse42_ext=no
+ export ax_cv_have_pclmuldq_ext=no
+ { ./configure && make clean && make && echo "SUCCESS" >> ${results}; } || { echo "FAIL" >> ${results}; ((++failed)); }
+ echo -n "Compiling with SSE2,SSE3,SSSE3,SSE4_2 only..." >> ${results}
+ export ax_cv_have_sse_ext=no
+ export ax_cv_have_sse2_ext=yes
+ export ax_cv_have_sse3_ext=yes
+ export ax_cv_have_ssse3_ext=yes
+ export ax_cv_have_sse41_ext=no
+ export ax_cv_have_sse42_ext=yes
+ export ax_cv_have_pclmuldq_ext=no
+ { ./configure && make clean && make && echo "SUCCESS" >> ${results}; } || { echo "FAIL" >> ${results}; ((++failed)); }
+ echo -n "Compiling with FULL SIMD support..." >> ${results}
+ export ax_cv_have_sse_ext=no
+ export ax_cv_have_sse2_ext=yes
+ export ax_cv_have_sse3_ext=yes
+ export ax_cv_have_ssse3_ext=yes
+ export ax_cv_have_sse41_ext=yes
+ export ax_cv_have_sse42_ext=yes
+ export ax_cv_have_pclmuldq_ext=yes
+ { ./configure && make clean && make && echo "SUCCESS" >> ${results}; } || { echo "FAIL" >> ${results}; ((++failed)); }
+ return ${failed}
+# test that we can compile the source code with different
+# SIMD options. We assume that we are running on processor
+# full SIMD support
+test_compile() {
+ case $host_cpu in
+ aarch64*|arm*) compile_arm ;;
+ i[[3456]]86*|x86_64*|amd64*) compile_intel ;;
+ esac
+cd ${script_dir}/..
+rm -f ${results}
+exit $?
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a270e20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+# This script will use QEMU to test gf-complete especially SIMD support
+# on different architectures and cpus. It will boot a qemu machine
+# and run an Ubuntu cloud image. All testing will happen inside the
+# QEMU machine.
+# The following packages are required:
+# qemu-system-aarch64
+# qemu-system-arm
+# qemu-system-x86_64
+# genisoimage
+script_dir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
+mkdir -p "${qemu_dir}"
+cleanup() {
+ if [[ -n "$(jobs -p)" ]]; then
+ echo killing qemu processes "$(jobs -p)"
+ kill $(jobs -p)
+ fi
+trap cleanup EXIT
+start_qemu() {
+ arch=$1
+ cpu=$2
+ image_version="xenial"
+ image_url_base="${image_version}/current"
+ case $arch in
+ i[[3456]]86*|x86_64*|amd64*)
+ image_kernel="${image_version}-server-cloudimg-amd64-vmlinuz-generic"
+ image_initrd="${image_version}-server-cloudimg-amd64-initrd-generic"
+ image_disk="${image_version}-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img"
+ ;;
+ aarch64*)
+ image_kernel="${image_version}-server-cloudimg-arm64-vmlinuz-generic"
+ image_initrd="${image_version}-server-cloudimg-arm64-initrd-generic"
+ image_disk="${image_version}-server-cloudimg-arm64-disk1.img"
+ ;;
+ arm*)
+ image_kernel="${image_version}-server-cloudimg-armhf-vmlinuz-lpae"
+ image_initrd="${image_version}-server-cloudimg-armhf-initrd-generic-lpae"
+ image_disk="${image_version}-server-cloudimg-armhf-disk1.img"
+ ;;
+ *) die "Unsupported arch" ;;
+ esac
+ [[ -f ${qemu_dir}/${image_kernel} ]] || wget -O ${qemu_dir}/${image_kernel} ${image_url_base}/unpacked/${image_kernel}
+ [[ -f ${qemu_dir}/${image_initrd} ]] || wget -O ${qemu_dir}/${image_initrd} ${image_url_base}/unpacked/${image_initrd}
+ [[ -f ${qemu_dir}/${image_disk} ]] || wget -O ${qemu_dir}/${image_disk} ${image_url_base}/${image_disk}
+ #create a delta disk to keep the original image clean
+ delta_disk="${qemu_dir}/disk.img"
+ rm -f ${delta_disk}
+ qemu-img create -q -f qcow2 -b "${qemu_dir}/${image_disk}" ${delta_disk}
+ # generate an ssh keys
+ [[ -f ${ssh_pubkey_file} ]] || ssh-keygen -q -N "" -f ${ssh_key_file}
+ # create a config disk to set the SSH keys
+ cat > "${qemu_dir}/meta-data" <<EOF
+instance-id: qemu
+local-hostname: qemu
+ cat > "${qemu_dir}/user-data" <<EOF
+hostname: qemu
+manage_etc_hosts: true
+ - name: qemu
+ ssh-authorized-keys:
+ - $(cat "${ssh_pubkey_file}")
+ sudo: ['ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL']
+ groups: sudo
+ shell: /bin/bash
+ genisoimage -quiet -output "${qemu_dir}/cloud.iso" -volid cidata -joliet -rock "${qemu_dir}/user-data" "${qemu_dir}/meta-data"
+ common_args=( \
+ -name "qemu" \
+ -m 1024 \
+ -nodefaults \
+ -nographic \
+ -kernel ${qemu_dir}/${image_kernel} \
+ -initrd ${qemu_dir}/${image_initrd} \
+ -cdrom ${qemu_dir}/cloud.iso \
+ -serial file:${qemu_dir}/console.log
+ )
+ case $arch in
+ i[[3456]]86*|x86_64*|amd64*)
+ qemu-system-x86_64 \
+ "${common_args[@]}" \
+ -machine accel=kvm -cpu $cpu \
+ -append "console=ttyS0 root=/dev/sda1" \
+ -hda "${delta_disk}" \
+ -net nic,vlan=0,model=virtio \
+ -net user,vlan=0,hostfwd=tcp::"${ssh_port}"-:22,hostname="${vm_name}" \
+ &
+ ;;
+ aarch64*|arm*)
+ qemu-system-$arch \
+ "${common_args[@]}" \
+ -machine virt -cpu $cpu -machine type=virt -smp 1 \
+ -drive if=none,file="${delta_disk}",id=hd0 \
+ -device virtio-blk-device,drive=hd0 \
+ -append "console=ttyAMA0 root=/dev/vda1" \
+ -netdev user,id=eth0,hostfwd=tcp::"${ssh_port}"-:22,hostname="${vm_name}" \
+ -device virtio-net-device,netdev=eth0 \
+ &
+ ;;
+ *) die "Unsupported arch" ;;
+ esac
+ wait_for_ssh
+stop_qemu() {
+ run_ssh "sudo shutdown now" || true
+ wait $(jobs -p)
+ -i ${ssh_key_file}
+ -F /dev/null
+ -o BatchMode=yes
+ -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
+ -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
+ -o IdentitiesOnly=yes
+ ${shared_args[*]}
+ -p ${ssh_port}
+wait_for_ssh() {
+ retries=0
+ retry_count=50
+ echo "waiting for machine to come up."
+ echo "tail -F ${qemu_dir}/console.log for progress."
+ while true; do
+ set +e
+ ssh -q ${ssh_args[*]} -o ConnectTimeout=1 qemu@localhost "echo done"
+ error=$?
+ set -e
+ if [[ $error == 0 ]]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ if [[ ${retries} == ${retry_count} ]]; then
+ echo "timeout"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ echo -n "."
+ ((++retries))
+ sleep 10
+ done
+run_ssh() {
+ ssh -q ${ssh_args[*]} qemu@localhost "$@"
+run_scp() {
+ scp -q ${shared_args[*]} -P ${ssh_port} "$@"
+ --exclude '.qemu'
+ --exclude '.git'
+run_rsync() {
+ rsync -avz -e "ssh ${ssh_args[*]}" ${rsync_args[*]} "$@"
+init_machine() {
+ run_ssh "sudo apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends make gcc autoconf libtool automake"
+init_machine_and_copy_source() {
+ init_machine
+ run_ssh "rm -fr ~/gf-complete; mkdir -p ~/gf-complete"
+ run_rsync ${script_dir}/.. qemu@localhost:gf-complete
+ run_ssh "cd ~/gf-complete && ./"
+run_test() {
+ arch=$1; shift
+ cpu=$1; shift
+ test=$1; shift
+ run_ssh "~/gf-complete/tools/ ${test}"
+ run_scp qemu@localhost:gf-complete/tools/test_simd.results ${script_dir}/test_simd_${test}_${arch}_${cpu}.results
+# this test run the unit tests on the machine using "make check"
+run_test_simd_basic() {
+ arch=$1; shift
+ cpu=$1; shift
+ failed=0
+ echo "=====starting qemu machine $arch $cpu"
+ start_qemu $arch $cpu
+ init_machine_and_copy_source
+ echo "=====running compile test"
+ { run_test $arch $cpu "compile" && echo "SUCCESS"; } || { echo "FAILED"; ((++failed)); }
+ echo "=====running unit test"
+ { run_test $arch $cpu "unit" && echo "SUCCESS"; } || { echo "FAILED"; ((++failed)); }
+ echo "=====running functions test"
+ { run_test $arch $cpu "functions" && echo "SUCCESS"; } || { echo "FAILED"; ((++failed)); }
+ stop_qemu
+ return ${failed}
+run_all_tests() {
+ failed=0
+ echo ============================
+ echo =====running x86_64 tests
+ # NOTE: Broadwell has all the supported SIMD instructions
+ { run_test_simd_basic "x86_64" "Broadwell" && echo "SUCCESS"; } || { echo "FAILED"; ((++failed)); }
+ echo ============================
+ echo =====running aarch64 tests
+ # NOTE: cortex-a57 has ASIMD support
+ { run_test_simd_basic "aarch64" "cortex-a57" && echo "SUCCESS"; } || { echo "FAILED"; ((++failed)); }
+ echo ============================
+ echo =====running arm tests
+ # NOTE: cortex-a15 has NEON support
+ { run_test_simd_basic "arm" "cortex-a15" && echo "SUCCESS"; } || { echo "FAILED"; ((++failed)); }
+ return ${failed}
+exit $?