path: root/doc/
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authorLorry Tar Creator <>2013-12-25 15:59:16 +0000
committer <>2015-02-03 11:29:43 +0000
commit5919c67c0cc46fea1ad0f884c04d7ea8a463fce7 (patch)
tree860f08eda66df9272df23fe4ba0f79e26560ea88 /doc/
Imported from /home/lorry/working-area/delta_gdbm-tarball/gdbm-1.11.tar.gz.HEADgdbm-1.11master
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/')
1 files changed, 3013 insertions, 0 deletions
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+This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.13 from gdbm.texinfo.
+INFO-DIR-SECTION Programming & development tools
+* GDBM: (gdbm). The GNU database manager.
+* gdbm_dump: gdbm_dump(gdbm). Dump the GDBM database into a flat file.
+* gdbm_load: gdbm_load(gdbm). Load the database from a flat file.
+ Published by the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
+Floor Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+ Copyright (C) 1989-1999, 2007-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
+under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or
+any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no
+Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover, and no Back-Cover texts. A copy of
+the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation
+File:, Node: Top, Next: Copying, Up: (dir)
+The GNU database manager.
+GNU `dbm' is a library of functions implementing a hashed database on a
+disk file. This manual documents GNU `dbm' Version 1.11 (`gdbm'). The
+software was originally written by Philip A. Nelson. This document
+was originally written by Pierre Gaumond from texts written by Phil.
+* Menu:
+* Copying:: Your rights.
+* Intro:: Introduction to GNU dbm.
+* List:: List of functions.
+* Open:: Opening the database.
+* Close:: Closing the database.
+* Count:: Counting records in the database.
+* Store:: Inserting and replacing records in the database.
+* Fetch:: Searching records in the database.
+* Delete:: Removing records from the database.
+* Sequential:: Sequential access to records.
+* Reorganization:: Database reorganization.
+* Sync:: Insure all writes to disk have competed.
+* Flat files:: Export and import to Flat file format.
+* Errors:: Convert internal error codes into English.
+* Options:: Setting internal options.
+* Locking:: File locking.
+* Error codes:: Error codes returned by `gdbm' calls.
+* Variables:: Two useful variables.
+* Compatibility:: Compatibility with UNIX dbm and ndbm.
+* gdbmtool:: Examine and modify a GDBM database.
+* gdbm_dump:: Dump the database into a flat file.
+* gdbm_load:: Load the database from a flat file.
+* gdbmexport:: Export a database into a portable format.
+* Exit codes:: Exit codes returned by GDBM utilities.
+Other topics:
+* Bugs:: Problems and bugs.
+* Resources:: Additional resources,
+* GNU Free Documentation License:: Document license.
+* Index:: Index
+File:, Node: Copying, Next: Intro, Prev: Top, Up: Top
+1 Copying Conditions.
+This library is "free"; this means that everyone is free to use it and
+free to redistribute it on a free basis. GNU `dbm' (`gdbm') is not in
+the public domain; it is copyrighted and there are restrictions on its
+distribution, but these restrictions are designed to permit everything
+that a good cooperating citizen would want to do. What is not allowed
+is to try to prevent others from further sharing any version of `gdbm'
+that they might get from you.
+ Specifically, we want to make sure that you have the right to give
+away copies `gdbm', that you receive source code or else can get it if
+you want it, that you can change these functions or use pieces of them
+in new free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
+ To make sure that everyone has such rights, we have to forbid you to
+deprive anyone else of these rights. For example, if you distribute
+copies `gdbm', you must give the recipients all the rights that you
+have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
+code. And you must tell them their rights.
+ Also, for our own protection, we must make certain that everyone
+finds out that there is no warranty for anything in the `gdbm'
+distribution. If these functions are modified by someone else and
+passed on, we want their recipients to know that what they have is not
+what we distributed, so that any problems introduced by others will not
+reflect on our reputation.
+ `Gdbm' is currently distributed under the terms of the GNU General
+Public License, Version 3. (_NOT_ under the GNU General Library Public
+License.) A copy the GNU General Public License is included with the
+distribution of `gdbm'.
+File:, Node: Intro, Next: List, Prev: Copying, Up: Top
+2 Introduction to GNU `dbm'.
+GNU `dbm' (`gdbm') is a library of database functions that use
+extensible hashing and works similar to the standard UNIX `dbm'
+functions. These routines are provided to a programmer needing to
+create and manipulate a hashed database. (`gdbm' is _NOT_ a complete
+database package for an end user.)
+ The basic use of `gdbm' is to store key/data pairs in a data file.
+Each key must be unique and each key is paired with only one data item.
+The keys can not be directly accessed in sorted order. The basic unit
+of data in `gdbm' is the structure:
+ typedef struct {
+ char *dptr;
+ int dsize;
+ } datum;
+ This structure allows for arbitrary sized keys and data items.
+ The key/data pairs are stored in a `gdbm' disk file, called a `gdbm'
+database. An application must open a `gdbm' database to be able
+manipulate the keys and data contained in the database. `gdbm' allows
+an application to have multiple databases open at the same time. When
+an application opens a `gdbm' database, it is designated as a `reader'
+or a `writer'. A `gdbm' database can be opened by at most one writer
+at a time. However, many readers may open the database simultaneously.
+Readers and writers can not open the `gdbm' database at the same time.
+File:, Node: List, Next: Open, Prev: Intro, Up: Top
+3 List of functions.
+The following is a quick list of the functions contained in the `gdbm'
+library. The include file `gdbm.h', that can be included by the user,
+contains a definition of these functions.
+ #include <gdbm.h>
+ GDBM_FILE gdbm_open(name, block_size, flags, mode, fatal_func);
+ void gdbm_close(dbf);
+ int gdbm_store(dbf, key, content, flag);
+ datum gdbm_fetch(dbf, key);
+ int gdbm_delete(dbf, key);
+ datum gdbm_firstkey(dbf);
+ datum gdbm_nextkey(dbf, key);
+ int gdbm_reorganize(dbf);
+ void gdbm_sync(dbf);
+ int gdbm_exists(dbf, key);
+ char *gdbm_strerror(errno);
+ int gdbm_setopt(dbf, option, value, size);
+ int gdbm_fdesc(dbf);
+ int gdbm_export (GDBM_FILE, const char *, int, int);
+ int gdbm_export_to_file (GDBM_FILE dbf, FILE *fp);
+ int gdbm_import (GDBM_FILE, const char *, int);
+ int gdbm_import_from_file (GDBM_FILE dbf, FILE *fp, int flag);
+ int gdbm_count (GDBM_FILE dbf, gdbm_count_t *pcount);
+ int gdbm_version_cmp (int const a[], int const b[]);
+ The `gdbm.h' include file is often in the `/usr/local/include'
+directory. (The actual location of `gdbm.h' depends on your local
+installation of `gdbm'.)
+File:, Node: Open, Next: Close, Prev: List, Up: Top
+4 Opening the database.
+ -- gdbm interface: GDBM_FILE gdbm_open (const char *NAME, int
+ BLOCK_SIZE, int FLAGS, int MODE, void (*fatal_func)(const
+ char *))
+ Initializes `gdbm' system. If the file has a size of zero bytes,
+ a file initialization procedure is performed, setting up the
+ initial structure in the file.
+ The arguments are:
+ The name of the file (the complete name, `gdbm' does not
+ append any characters to this name).
+ It is used during initialization to determine the size of
+ various constructs. It is the size of a single transfer from
+ disk to memory. This parameter is ignored if the file has
+ been previously initialized. The minimum size is 512. If
+ the value is less than 512, the file system block size is
+ used, otherwise the value of BLOCK_SIZE is used.
+ If `flags' is set to `GDBM_READER', the user wants to just
+ read the database and any call to `gdbm_store' or
+ `gdbm_delete' will fail. Many readers can access the
+ database at the same time. If `flags' is set to
+ `GDBM_WRITER', the user wants both read and write access to
+ the database and requires exclusive access. If `flags' is set
+ to `GDBM_WRCREAT', the user wants both read and write access
+ to the database and wants it created if it does not already
+ exist. If `flags' is set to `GDBM_NEWDB', the user want a
+ new database created, regardless of whether one existed, and
+ wants read and write access to the new database.
+ The following may also be logically or'd into the database
+ flags: `GDBM_SYNC', which causes all database operations to be
+ synchronized to the disk, `GDBM_NOLOCK', which prevents the
+ library from performing any locking on the database file, and
+ `GDBM_NOMMAP', which disables the memory mapping mechanism.
+ The option `GDBM_FAST' is now obsolete, since `gdbm' defaults
+ to no-sync mode.
+ If the host `open' call (*note open: (open(2))open.)
+ supports the `O_CLOEXEC' flag, the `GDBM_CLOEXEC' can be or'd
+ into the flags, to enable the close-on-exec flag for the
+ database file descriptor.
+ File mode (see *note change permissions of a file:
+ (chmod(2))chmod, and *note open a file: (open(2))open.),
+ which is used if the file is created).
+ A function for `gdbm' to call if it detects a fatal error.
+ The only parameter of this function is a string. If the
+ value of `NULL' is provided, `gdbm' will use a default
+ function.
+ The return value, is the pointer needed by all other functions to
+ access that `gdbm' file. If the return is the `NULL' pointer,
+ `gdbm_open' was not successful. The errors can be found in
+ `gdbm_errno' variable (*note gdbm_errno: Variables.). Available
+ error codes are discussed in *note Error codes::.
+ In all of the following calls, the parameter DBF refers to the
+ pointer returned from `gdbm_open'.
+File:, Node: Close, Next: Count, Prev: Open, Up: Top
+5 Closing the database.
+It is important that every file opened is also closed. This is needed
+to update the reader/writer count on the file:
+ -- gdbm interface: void gdbm_close (GDBM_FILE DBF)
+ This function closes the `gdbm' file and frees all memory
+ associated with it. The parameter is:
+ The pointer returned by `gdbm_open'.
+File:, Node: Count, Next: Store, Prev: Close, Up: Top
+6 Number of Records
+ -- gdbm interface: int gdbm_count (GDBM_FILE DBF, gdbm_count_t *PCOUNT)
+ Counts number of records in the database DBF. On success, stores
+ it in the memory location pointed to by PCOUNT and return 0. On
+ error, sets `gdbm_errno' (if relevant, also `errno') and returns
+ -1.
+File:, Node: Store, Next: Fetch, Prev: Count, Up: Top
+7 Inserting and replacing records in the database.
+ -- gdbm interface: int gdbm_store (GDBM_FILE DBF, datum KEY, datum
+ The function `gdbm_store' inserts or replaces records in the
+ database.
+ The parameters are:
+ The pointer returned by `gdbm_open'.
+ The search key.
+ The data to be associated with the key.
+ Defines the action to take when the key is already in the
+ database. The value `GDBM_REPLACE' (defined in `gdbm.h')
+ asks that the old data be replaced by the new CONTENT. The
+ value `GDBM_INSERT' asks that an error be returned and no
+ action taken if the KEY already exists.
+ This function can return the following values:
+ -1
+ The item was not stored in the database because the caller
+ was not an official writer or either KEY or CONTENT have a
+ `NULL' `dptr' field.
+ Both KEY and CONTENT must have the `dptr' field be a
+ non-`NULL' value. Since a `NULL' `dptr' field is used by
+ other functions to indicate an error, it cannot be valid data.
+ +1
+ The item was not stored because the argument FLAG was
+ `GDBM_INSERT' and the KEY was already in the database.
+ 0
+ No error. The value of CONTENT is keyed by KEY. The file on
+ disk is updated to reflect the structure of the new database
+ before returning from this function.
+If you store data for a KEY that is already in the data base, `gdbm'
+replaces the old data with the new data if called with `GDBM_REPLACE'.
+You do not get two data items for the same `key' and you do not get an
+error from `gdbm_store'.
+ The size in `gdbm' is not restricted like `dbm' or `ndbm'. Your
+data can be as large as you want.
+File:, Node: Fetch, Next: Delete, Prev: Store, Up: Top
+8 Searching for records in the database.
+ -- gdbm interface: datum gdbm_fetch (GDBM_FILE DBF, datum KEY)
+ Looks up a given KEY and returns the information associated with
+ it. The `dptr' field in the structure that is returned points to a
+ memory block allocated by `malloc'. It is the caller's
+ responsibility to free it when no longer needed.
+ If the `dptr' is `NULL', no data was found.
+ The parameters are:
+ The pointer returned by `gdbm_open'.
+ The search key.
+An example of using this function:
+ content = gdbm_fetch (dbf, key);
+ if (content.dptr == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "key not found\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* do something with content.dptr */
+ }
+ You may also search for a particular key without retrieving it:
+ -- gdbm interface: int gdbm_exists (GDBM_FILE DBF, datum KEY)
+ Returns `true' (`1') if the KEY exists in DBF and `false' (`0')
+ otherwise.
+ The parameters are:
+ The pointer returned by `gdbm_open'.
+ The search key.
+File:, Node: Delete, Next: Sequential, Prev: Fetch, Up: Top
+9 Removing records from the database.
+To remove some data from the database, use the `gdbm_delete' function.
+ -- gdbm interface: int gdbm_delete (GDBM_FILE DBF, datum KEY)
+ Deletes the data associated with the given KEY, if it exists in
+ the database DBF. The file on disk is updated to reflect the
+ structure of the new database before returning from this function.
+ The parameters are:
+ The pointer returned by `gdbm_open'.
+ The search key.
+ The function returns `-1' if the item is not present or the
+ requester is a reader. The return of `0' marks a successful
+ delete.
+File:, Node: Sequential, Next: Reorganization, Prev: Delete, Up: Top
+10 Sequential access to records.
+The next two functions allow for accessing all items in the database.
+This access is not `key' sequential, but it is guaranteed to visit every
+`key' in the database once. The order has to do with the hash values.
+`gdbm_firstkey' starts the visit of all keys in the database.
+`gdbm_nextkey' finds and reads the next entry in the hash structure for
+ -- gdbm interface: datum gdbm_firstkey (GDBM_FILE DBF)
+ Initiate sequential access to the database DBF. The returned
+ value is the first key accessed in the database. If the `dptr'
+ field in the returned datum is `NULL', the database contains no
+ data.
+ Otherwise, `dptr' points to a memory block obtained from `malloc',
+ which holds the key value. The caller is responsible for freeing
+ this memory block when no longer needed.
+ -- gdbm interface: datum gdbm_nextkey (GDBM_FILE DBF, datum PREV)
+ This function continues the iteration over the keys in DBF,
+ initiated by `gdbm_firstkey'. The parameter PREV holds the value
+ returned from a previous call to `gdbm_nextkey' or `gdbm_firstkey'.
+ The function returns next key from the database. If the `dptr'
+ field in the returned datum is `NULL', all keys in the database
+ has been visited.
+ Otherwise, `dptr' points to a memory block obtained from `malloc',
+ which holds the key value. The caller is responsible for freeing
+ this memory block when no longer needed.
+ These functions were intended to visit the database in read-only
+algorithms, for instance, to validate the database or similar
+operations. The usual algorithm for sequential access is:
+ key = gdbm_firstkey (dbf);
+ while (key.dptr)
+ {
+ datum nextkey;
+ /* do something with the key */
+ ...
+ /* Obtain the next key */
+ nextkey = gdbm_nextkey (dbf, key);
+ /* Reclaim the memory used by the key */
+ free (key.dptr);
+ /* Use nextkey in the next iteration. */
+ key = nextkey;
+ }
+ Care should be taken when the `gdbm_delete' function is used in such
+a loop. File visiting is based on a "hash table". The `gdbm_delete'
+function re-arranges the hash table to make sure that any collisions in
+the table do not leave some item "un-findable". The original key order
+is _not_ guaranteed to remain unchanged in all instances. So it is
+possible that some key will not be visited if a loop like the following
+is executed:
+ key = gdbm_firstkey (dbf);
+ while (key.dptr)
+ {
+ datum nextkey;
+ if (some condition)
+ {
+ gdbm_delete (dbf, key);
+ }
+ nextkey = gdbm_nextkey (dbf, key);
+ free (key.dptr);
+ key = nextkey;
+ }
+File:, Node: Reorganization, Next: Sync, Prev: Sequential, Up: Top
+11 Database reorganization.
+The following function should be used very seldom.
+ -- gdbm interface: int gdbm_reorganize (GDBM_FILE DBF)
+ Reorganizes the database.
+ The parameter is:
+ The pointer returned by `gdbm_open'.
+ If you have had a lot of deletions and would like to shrink the space
+used by the `gdbm' file, this function will reorganize the database.
+This results, in particular, in shortening the length of a `gdbm' file
+by removing the space occupied by deleted records.
+ This reorganization requires creating a new file and inserting all
+the elements in the old file DBF into the new file. The new file is
+then renamed to the same name as the old file and DBF is updated to
+contain all the correct information about the new file. If an error is
+detected, the return value is negative. The value zero is returned
+after a successful reorganization.
+File:, Node: Sync, Next: Flat files, Prev: Reorganization, Up: Top
+12 Database Synchronization
+Unless your database was opened with the `GDBM_SYNC' flag, `gdbm' does
+not wait for writes to be flushed to the disk before continuing. This
+allows for faster writing of databases at the risk of having a
+corrupted database if the application terminates in an abnormal
+fashion. The following function allows the programmer to make sure the
+disk version of the database has been completely updated with all
+changes to the current time.
+ -- gdbm interface: void gdbm_sync (GDBM_FILE DBF)
+ Synchronizes the changes in DBF with its disk file. The parameter
+ is a pointer returned by `gdbm_open'.
+ This function would usually be called after a complete set of
+ changes have been made to the database and before some long
+ waiting time. The `gdbm_close' function automatically calls the
+ equivalent of `gdbm_sync' so no call is needed if the database is
+ to be closed immediately after the set of changes have been made.
+File:, Node: Flat files, Next: Errors, Prev: Sync, Up: Top
+13 Export and Import
+`Gdbm' databases can be converted into so-called "flat format" files.
+Such files cannot be used for searching, their sole purpose is to keep
+the data from the database for restoring it when the need arrives.
+There are two flat file formats, which differ in the way they represent
+the data and in the amount of meta-information stored. Both formats
+can be used, for example, to migrate between the different versions of
+`gdbm' databases. Generally speaking, flat files are safe to send over
+the network, and can be used to recreate the database on another
+machine. The recreated database is guaranteed to be a byte-to-byte
+equivalent of the database from which the flat file was created. This
+does not necessarily mean, however, that this file can be used in the
+same way as the original one. For example, if the original database
+contained non-ASCII data (e.g. C structures, integers etc.), the
+recreated database can be of any use only if the target machine has the
+same integer size and byte ordering as the source one and if its C
+compiler uses the same packing conventions as the one which generated C
+which populated the original database. In general, such binary
+databases are not portable between machines, unless you follow some
+stringent rules on what data is written to them and how it is
+ The GDBM version 1.11 supports two flat file formats. The "binary"
+flat file format was first implemented in GDBM version 1.9.1. This
+format stores only key/data pairs, it does not keep information about
+the database file itself. As its name implies, files in this format
+are binary files.
+ The "ascii" flat file format encodes all data in base64 and stores
+not only key/data pairs, but also the original database file metadata,
+such as file name, mode and ownership. Files in this format can be
+sent without additional encapsulation over transmission channels that
+normally allow only ASCII data, such as, e.g. SMTP. Due to additional
+metadata they allow for restoring an exact copy of the database,
+including file ownership and privileges, which is especially important
+if the database in question contained some security-related data.
+ We call a process of creating a flat file from a database
+"exporting" or "dumping" this database. The reverse process, creating
+the database from a flat file is called "importing" or "loading" the
+ -- gdbm interface: int gdbm_dump (GDBM_FILE DBF, const char *FILENAME,
+ int FORMAT, int OPEN_FLAGS, int MODE)
+ Dumps the database file to the named file in requested format.
+ Arguments are:
+ A pointer to the source database, returned by a prior call to
+ `gdbm_open'.
+ Name of the dump file.
+ Output file format. Allowed values are:
+ `GDBM_DUMP_FMT_BINARY' to create a binary dump and
+ `GDBM_DUMP_FMT_ASCII' to create an ASCII dump file.
+ How to create the output file. If FLAG is `GDBM_WRCREAT' the
+ file will be created if it does not exist. If it does exist,
+ the `gdbm_dump' will fail.
+ If FLAG is `GDBM_NEWDB', the function will create a new
+ output file, replacing it if it already exists.
+ The permissions to use when creating the output file. See
+ *note open a file: (open(2))open, for a detailed discussion.
+ -- gdbm interface: int gdbm_load (GDBM_FILE *PDBF, const char
+ *FILENAME, int FLAG, int META_MASK, unsigned long *ERRLINE)
+ Loads data from the dump file FILENAME into the database pointed
+ to by PDBF. The latter can point to `NULL', in which case the
+ function will try to create a new database. If it succeeds, the
+ function will return, in the memory location pointed to by PDBF, a
+ pointer to the newly created database. If the dump file carries no
+ information about the original database file name, the function
+ will set `gdbm_errno' to `GDBM_NO_DBNAME' and return `-1',
+ indicating failure.
+ The FLAG has the same meaning as the FLAG argument to the
+ `gdbm_store' function (*note Store::).
+ The META_MASK argument can be used to disable restoring certain
+ bits of file's meta-data from the information in the input dump
+ file. It is a binary OR of zero or more of the following:
+ Do not restore file mode.
+ Do not restore file owner.
+ The function returns 0 upon successful completion or -1 on fatal
+ errors and 1 on mild (non-fatal) errors.
+ If a fatal error occurs, `gdbm_errno' will be set to one of the
+ following values:
+ Input file (FILENAME) cannot be opened. The `errno' variable
+ can be used to get more detail about the failure.
+ Not enough memory to load data.
+ Reading from FILENAME failed. The `errno' variable can be
+ used to get more detail about the failure.
+ Input contained some illegal data.
+ This error can occur only when the input file is in ASCII
+ format. It indicates that the data part of the record about
+ to be read lacked length specification. Application
+ developers are advised to treat this error equally as
+ Mild errors mean that the function was able to successfully load
+ and restore the data, but was unable to change database file
+ metadata afterward. The table below lists possible values for
+ `gdbm_errno' in this case. To get more detail, inspect the system
+ `errno' variable.
+ The function was unable to restore database file owner.
+ The function was unable to restore database file mode
+ (permission bits).
+ If an error occurs while loading data from an input file in ASCII
+ format, the number of line in which the error occurred will be
+ stored in the location pointed to by the ERRLINE parameter, unless
+ it is `NULL'.
+ If the line information is not available or applicable, ERRLINE
+ will be set to `0'.
+ -- gdbm interface: int gdbm_dump_to_file (GDBM_FILE DBF, FILE *FP, int
+ This is an alternative entry point to `gdbm_dump' (which see).
+ Arguments are:
+ A pointer to the source database, returned by a call to
+ `gdbm_open'.
+ FP
+ File to write the data to.
+ Format of the dump file. See the FORMAT argument to the
+ `gdbm_dump' function.
+ -- gdbm interface: int gdbm_load_from_file (GDBM_FILE *PDBF, FILE *FP,
+ int REPLACE, int META_MASK, unsigned long *LINE)
+ This is an alternative entry point to `gdbm_dump'. It writes the
+ output to FP which must be a file open for writing. The rest of
+ arguments is the same as for `gdbm_load' (excepting of course
+ FLAG, which is not needed in this case).
+ -- gdbm interface: int gdbm_export (GDBM_FILE DBF, const char
+ This function is retained for compatibility with GDBM 1.10 and
+ earlier. It dumps the database to a file in binary dump format and
+ is entirely equivalent to
+ -- gdbm interface: int gdbm_export_to_file (GDBM_FILE DBF, FILE *FP)
+ This is an alternative entry point to `gdbm_export'. This
+ function writes to file FP a binary dump of the database DBF.
+ -- gdbm interface: int gdbm_import (GDBM_FILE DBF, const char
+ This function is retained for compatibility with GDBM 1.10 and
+ earlier. It loads the file IMPORTFILE, which must be a binary
+ flat file, into the database DBF and is equivalent to the
+ following construct:
+ DBF = gdbm_open (IMPORTFILE, 0,
+ 0600, NULL);
+ gdbm_load (&DBF, EXPORTFILE, 0, FLAG, NULL)
+ -- gdbm interface: int gdbm_import_from_file (GDBM_FILE DBF, FILE *FP,
+ int FLAG)
+ An alternative entry point to `gdbm_import'. Reads the binary
+ dump from the file FP and stores the key/value pairs to DBF.
+ *Note Store::, for a description of FLAG.
+ This function is equivalent to:
+ DBF = gdbm_open (IMPORTFILE, 0,
+ 0600, NULL);
+ gdbm_load_from_file (DBF, FP, FLAG, 0, NULL);
+File:, Node: Errors, Next: Options, Prev: Flat files, Up: Top
+14 Error strings.
+To convert a `gdbm' error code into English text, use this routine:
+ -- gdbm interface: const char * gdbm_strerror (gdbm_error ERRNO)
+ Converts ERRNO (which is an integer value) into a human-readable
+ descriptive text. Returns a pointer to a static string. The
+ caller must not alter or free the returned pointer.
+ The ERRNO argument is usually the value of the global variable
+ `gdbm_errno'. *Note gdbm_errno: Variables.
+File:, Node: Options, Next: Locking, Prev: Errors, Up: Top
+15 Setting options
+`Gdbm' supports the ability to set certain options on an already open
+ -- gdbm interface: int gdbm_setopt (GDBM_FILE DBF, int OPTION, void
+ *VALUE, int SIZE)
+ Sets an option on the database or returns the value of an option.
+ The parameters are:
+ The pointer returned by `gdbm_open'.
+ The option to be set or retrieved.
+ A pointer to the value to which OPTION will be set or where to
+ place the option value (depending on the option).
+ The length of the data pointed to by VALUE.
+ The valid options are:
+ Set the size of the internal bucket cache. This option may only be
+ set once on each GDBM_FILE descriptor, and is set automatically to
+ 100 upon the first access to the database. The VALUE should point
+ to a `size_t' holding the desired cache size.
+ The `GDBM_CACHESIZE' option is provided for compatibility with
+ earlier versions.
+ Return the size of the internal bucket cache. The VALUE should
+ point to a `size_t' variable, where the size will be stored.
+ Return the flags describing the state of the database. The VALUE
+ should point to a `int' variable where to store the flags. The
+ return is the same as the flags used when opening the database
+ (*note gdbm_open: Open.), except that it reflects the current
+ state (which may have been altered by another calls to
+ `gdbm_setopt'.
+ Enable or disable the "fast writes mode", i.e. writes without
+ subsequent synchronization. The VALUE should point to an integer:
+ `TRUE' to enable fast mode, and `FALSE' to disable it.
+ This option is retained for compatibility with previous versions of
+ `gdbm'. Its effect is the reverse of `GDBM_SETSYNCMODE' (see
+ below).
+ Turn on or off file system synchronization operations. This
+ setting defaults to off. The VALUE should point to an integer:
+ `TRUE' to turn synchronization on, and `FALSE' to turn it off.
+ Note, that this option is a reverse of `GDBM_FASTMODE', i.e.
+ calling `GDBM_SETSYNCMODE' with `TRUE' has the same effect as
+ calling `GDBM_FASTMODE' with `FALSE'.
+ The `GDBM_SYNCMODE' option is provided for compatibility with
+ earlier versions.
+ Return the current synchronization status. The VALUE should point
+ to an `int' where the status will be stored.
+ _NOTICE: This feature is still under study._
+ Set central free block pool to either on or off. The default is
+ off, which is how previous versions of `gdbm' handled free blocks.
+ If set, this option causes all subsequent free blocks to be placed
+ in the _global_ pool, allowing (in theory) more file space to be
+ reused more quickly. The VALUE should point to an integer: `TRUE'
+ to turn central block pool on, and `FALSE' to turn it off.
+ The `GDBM_CENTFREE' option is provided for compatibility with
+ earlier versions.
+ _NOTICE: This feature is still under study._
+ Set free block merging to either on or off. The default is off,
+ which is how previous versions of `gdbm' handled free blocks. If
+ set, this option causes adjacent free blocks to be merged. This
+ can become a CPU expensive process with time, though, especially if
+ used in conjunction with GDBM_CENTFREE. The VALUE should point to
+ an integer: `TRUE' to turn free block merging on, and `FALSE' to
+ turn it off.
+ Return the current status of free block merging. The VALUE should
+ point to an `int' where the status will be stored.
+ Sets maximum size of a memory mapped region. The VALUE should
+ point to a value of type `size_t', `unsigned long' or `unsigned'.
+ The actual value is rounded to the nearest page boundary (the page
+ size is obtained from `sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE)').
+ Return the maximum size of a memory mapped region. The VALUE
+ should point to a value of type `size_t' where to return the data.
+ Enable or disable memory mapping mode. The VALUE should point to
+ an integer: `TRUE' to enable memory mapping or `FALSE' to disable
+ it.
+ Check whether memory mapping is enabled. The VALUE should point
+ to an integer where to return the status.
+ Return the name of the database disk file. The VALUE should point
+ to a variable of type `char**'. A pointer to the newly allocated
+ copy of the file name will be placed there. The caller is
+ responsible for freeing this memory when no longer needed. For
+ example:
+ char *name;
+ if (gdbm_setopt (dbf, GDBM_GETDBNAME, &name, sizeof (name)))
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "gdbm_setopt failed: %s\n",
+ gdbm_strerror (gdbm_errno));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf ("database name: %s\n", name);
+ free (name);
+ }
+ The return value will be `-1' upon failure, or `0' upon success.
+The global variable `gdbm_errno' will be set upon failure.
+ For instance, to set a database to use a cache of 10, after opening
+it with `gdbm_open', but prior to accessing it in any way, the following
+code could be used:
+ int value = 10;
+ ret = gdbm_setopt (dbf, GDBM_CACHESIZE, &value, sizeof (int));
+File:, Node: Locking, Next: Error codes, Prev: Options, Up: Top
+16 File Locking.
+With locking disabled (if `gdbm_open' was called with `GDBM_NOLOCK'),
+the user may want to perform their own file locking on the database file
+in order to prevent multiple writers operating on the same file
+ In order to support this, the `gdbm_fdesc' routine is provided.
+ -- gdbm interface: int gdbm_fdesc (GDBM_FILE DBF)
+ Returns the file descriptor of the database DBF. This value can
+ be used as an argument to `flock', `lockf' or similar calls.
+File:, Node: Variables, Next: Compatibility, Prev: Error codes, Up: Top
+17 Useful global variables.
+The following global variables and constants are available:
+ -- Variable: gdbm_error gdbm_errno
+ This variable contains error code from the last failed `gdbm'
+ call. *Note Error codes::, for a list of available error codes and
+ their descriptions.
+ Use `gdbm_strerror' (*note Errors::) to convert it to a
+ descriptive text.
+ -- Variable: const char * gdbm_errlist[]
+ This variable is an array of error descriptions, which is used by
+ `gdbm_strerror' to convert error codes to human-readable text
+ (*note Errors::). You can access it directly, if you wish so. It
+ contains `_GDBM_MAX_ERRNO + 1' elements and can be directly
+ indexed by the error code to obtain a corresponding descriptive
+ text.
+ -- Constant: _GDBM_MIN_ERRNO
+ The minimum error code used by `gdbm'.
+ -- Constant: _GDBM_MAX_ERRNO
+ The maximum error code used by `gdbm'.
+ -- Variable: const char * gdbm_version
+ A string containing the version information.
+ -- Variable: int const gdbm_version_number[3]
+ This variable contains the `gdbm' version numbers:
+ Index Meaning
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ 0 Major number
+ 1 Minor number
+ 2 Patchlevel number
+ Additionally, the following constants are defined in the `gdbm.h'
+ file:
+ Major number.
+ Minor number.
+ Patchlevel number.
+ These can be used to verify whether the header file matches the
+ library.
+ To compare two split-out version numbers, use the following function:
+ -- gdbm interface: int gdbm_version_cmp (int const A[3], int const
+ B[3])
+ Compare two version numbers. Return `-1' if A is less than B, `1'
+ if A is greater than B and `0' if they are equal.
+ Comparison is done from left to right, so that:
+ a = { 1, 8, 3 };
+ b = { 1, 8, 3 };
+ gdbm_version_cmp (a, b) => 0
+ a = { 1, 8, 3 };
+ b = { 1, 8, 2 };
+ gdbm_version_cmp (a, b) => 1
+ a = { 1, 8, 3 };
+ b = { 1, 9. 0 };
+ gdbm_version_cmp (a, b) => -1
+File:, Node: Error codes, Next: Variables, Prev: Locking, Up: Top
+18 Error codes
+This chapter summarizes error codes which can be set by the functions
+in `gdbm' library.
+ No error occurred.
+ Memory allocation failed. Not enough memory.
+ This error is set by the `gdbm_open' function (*note Open::), if
+ the value of its BLOCK_SIZE argument is incorrect.
+ The library was not able to open a disk file. This can be set by
+ `gdbm_open' (*note Open::), `gdbm_export' and `gdbm_import'
+ functions (*note Flat files::).
+ Inspect the value of the system `errno' variable to get more
+ detailed diagnostics.
+ Writing to a disk file failed. This can be set by `gdbm_open'
+ (*note Open::), `gdbm_export' and `gdbm_import' functions.
+ Inspect the value of the system `errno' variable to get more
+ detailed diagnostics.
+ Positioning in a disk file failed. This can be set by `gdbm_open'
+ (*note Open::) function.
+ Inspect the value of the system `errno' variable to get a more
+ detailed diagnostics.
+ Reading from a disk file failed. This can be set by `gdbm_open'
+ (*note Open::), `gdbm_export' and `gdbm_import' functions.
+ Inspect the value of the system `errno' variable to get a more
+ detailed diagnostics.
+ The file given as argument to `gdbm_open' function is not a valid
+ `gdbm' file: it has a wrong magic number.
+ The file given as argument to `gdbm_open' function is not a valid
+ `gdbm' file: it has zero length.
+ This error code is set by the `gdbm_open' function if it is not
+ able to lock file when called in `GDBM_READER' mode (*note
+ GDBM_READER: Open.).
+ This error code is set by the `gdbm_open' function if it is not
+ able to lock file when called in writer mode (*note Open::).
+ Set by the `gdbm_delete' (*note Delete::) if it attempted to
+ operate on a database that is open in read-only mode (*note
+ GDBM_READER: Open.).
+ Set by the `gdbm_store' (*note Store::) if it attempted to operate
+ on a database that is open in read-only mode (*note GDBM_READER:
+ Open.).
+ Set by the `gdbm_reorganize' (*note Reorganization::) if it
+ attempted to operate on a database that is open in read-only mode
+ (*note GDBM_READER: Open.).
+ Currently unused. Reserved for future uses.
+ Requested item was not found. This error is set by `gdbm_delete'
+ (*note Delete::) and `gdbm_fetch' (*note Fetch::) when the
+ requested KEY value is not found in the database.
+ The `gdbm_reorganize' function is not able to create a temporary
+ database. *Note Reorganization::.
+ Cannot replace existing item. This error is set by the
+ `gdbm_store' if the requested KEY value is found in the database
+ and the FLAG parameter is not `GDBM_REPLACE'. *Note Store::, for
+ a detailed discussion.
+ Either KEY or CONTENT parameter was wrong in a call to to
+ `gdbm_store' (*note Store::).
+ Requested option can be set only once and was already set. This
+ error is returned by the `gdbm_setopt' function. *Note
+ The OPTION argument is not valid or the VALUE argument points to
+ an invalid value in a call to `gdbm_setopt' function. *Note
+ Options::.
+ The `gdbm_open' function (*note Open::) attempts to open a
+ database which is created on a machine with different byte
+ ordering.
+ The `gdbm_open' function (*note Open::) sets this error code if
+ the file it tries to open has a wrong magic number.
+ Set by the `gdbm_export' function if supplied an invalid FLAGS
+ argument. *Note Flat files::.
+ Getting information about a disk file failed. The system `errno'
+ will give more details about the error.
+ This error can be set by the following functions: `gdbm_open',
+ `gdbm_reorganize'.
+ End of file was encountered where more data was expected to be
+ present. This error can occur when fetching data from the database
+ and usually means that the database is truncated or otherwise
+ corrupted.
+ This error can be set by any GDBM function that does I/O. Some of
+ these functions are: `gdbm_delete', `gdbm_exists', `gdbm_fetch',
+ `gdbm_export', `gdbm_import', `gdbm_reorganize', `gdbm_firstkey',
+ `gdbm_nextkey', `gdbm_store'.
+ Output database name is not specified. This error code is set by
+ `gdbm_load' (*note gdbm_load: gdbm_load function.) if the first
+ argument points to `NULL' and the input file does not specify the
+ database name.
+ This error code is set by `gdbm_load' if it is unable to restore
+ database file owner. It is a mild error condition, meaning that
+ the data have been restored successfully, only changing the target
+ file owner failed. Inspect the system `errno' variable to get a
+ more detailed diagnostics.
+ This error code is set by `gdbm_load' if it is unable to restore
+ database file mode. It is a mild error condition, meaning that
+ the data have been restored successfully, only changing the target
+ file owner failed. Inspect the system `errno' variable to get a
+ more detailed diagnostics.
+File:, Node: Compatibility, Next: gdbmtool, Prev: Variables, Up: Top
+19 Compatibility with standard `dbm' and `ndbm'.
+`Gdbm' includes a compatibility layer, which provides traditional
+`ndbm' and older `dbm' functions. The layer is compiled and installed
+if the `--enable-libgdbm-compat' option is used when configuring the
+ The compatibility layer consists of two header files: `ndbm.h' and
+`dbm.h' and the `libgdbm_compat' library.
+ Older programs using `ndbm' or `dbm' interfaces can use
+`libgdbm_compat' without any changes. To link a program with the
+compatibility library, add the following two options to the `cc'
+invocation: `-lgdbm -lgdbm_compat'. The `-L' option may also be
+required, depending on where `gdbm' is installed, e.g.:
+ cc ... -L/usr/local/lib -lgdbm -lgdbm_compat
+ Databases created and manipulated by the compatibility interfaces
+consist of two different files: `FILE.dir' and `FILE.pag'. This is
+required by the POSIX specification and corresponds to the traditional
+usage. Note, however, that despite the similarity of the naming
+convention, actual data stored in these files has not the same format as
+in the databases created by other `dbm' or `ndbm' libraries. In other
+words, you cannot access a standard UNIX `dbm' file with GNU `dbm'!
+ GNU `dbm' files are not `sparse'. You can copy them with the usual
+`cp' command and they will not expand in the copying process.
+* Menu:
+* ndbm:: NDBM interface functions.
+* dbm:: DBM interface functions.
+File:, Node: ndbm, Next: dbm, Up: Compatibility
+19.1 NDBM interface functions.
+The functions below implement the POSIX `ndbm' interface:
+ -- ndbm: DBM * dbm_open (char *FILE, int FLAGS, int MODE)
+ Opens a database. The FILE argument is the full name of the
+ database file to be opened. The function opens two files:
+ `FILE.pag' and `FILE.dir'. The FLAGS and MODE arguments have the
+ same meaning as the second and third arguments of `open' (*note
+ open a file: (open(2))open.), except that a database opened for
+ write-only access opens the files for read and write access and
+ the behavior of the `O_APPEND' flag is unspecified.
+ The function returns a pointer to the `DBM' structure describing
+ the database. This pointer is used to refer to this database in
+ all operations described below.
+ Any error detected will cause a return value of `NULL' and an
+ appropriate value will be stored in `gdbm_errno' (*note
+ Variables::).
+ -- ndbm: void dbm_close (DBM *DBF)
+ Closes the database. The DBF argument must be a pointer returned
+ by an earlier call to `dbm_open'.
+ -- ndbm: datum dbm_fetch (DBM *DBF, datum KEY)
+ Reads a record from the database with the matching key. The KEY
+ argument supplies the key that is being looked for.
+ If no matching record is found, the `dptr' member of the returned
+ datum is `NULL'. Otherwise, the `dptr' member of the returned
+ datum points to the memory managed by the compatibility library.
+ The application should never free it.
+ -- ndbm: int dbm_store (DBM *DBF, datum KEY, datum CONTENT, int MODE)
+ Writes a key/value pair to the database. The argument DBF is a
+ pointer to the `DBM' structure returned from a call to `dbm_open'.
+ The KEY and CONTENT provide the values for the record key and
+ content. The MODE argument controls the behavior of `dbm_store'
+ in case a matching record already exists in the database. It can
+ have one of the following two values:
+ Replace existing record with the new one.
+ The existing record is left unchanged, and the function
+ returns `1'.
+ If no matching record exists in the database, new record will be
+ inserted no matter what the value of the MODE is.
+ -- ndbm: int dbm_delete (DBM *DBF, datum KEY)
+ Deletes the record with the matching key from the database. If the
+ function succeeds, `0' is returned. Otherwise, if no matching
+ record is found or if an error occurs, `-1' is returned.
+ -- ndbm: datum dbm_firstkey (DBM *DBF)
+ Initializes iteration over the keys from the database and returns
+ the first key. Note, that the word `first' does not imply any
+ specific ordering of the keys.
+ If there are no records in the database, the `dptr' member of the
+ returned datum is `NULL'. Otherwise, the `dptr' member of the
+ returned datum points to the memory managed by the compatibility
+ library. The application should never free it.
+ -- ndbm: datum dbm_nextkey (DBM *DBF)
+ Continues the iteration started by `dbm_firstkey'. Returns the
+ next key in the database. If the iteration covered all keys in the
+ database, the `dptr' member of the returned datum is `NULL'.
+ Otherwise, the `dptr' member of the returned datum points to the
+ memory managed by the compatibility library. The application
+ should never free it.
+ The usual way of iterating over all the records in the database is:
+ for (key = dbm_firstkey (dbf);
+ key.ptr;
+ key = dbm_nextkey (dbf))
+ {
+ /* do something with the key */
+ }
+ The loop above should not try to delete any records from the
+ database, otherwise the iteration is not guaranteed to cover all
+ the keys. *Note Sequential::, for a detailed discussion of this.
+ -- ndbm: int dbm_error (DBM *DBF)
+ Returns the error condition of the database: `0' if no errors
+ occurred so far while manipulating the database, and a non-zero
+ value otherwise.
+ -- ndbm: void dbm_clearerr (DBM *DBF)
+ Clears the error condition of the database.
+ -- ndbm: int dbm_dirfno (DBM *DBF)
+ Returns the file descriptor of the `dir' file of the database. It
+ is guaranteed to be different from the descriptor returned by the
+ `dbm_pagfno' function (see below).
+ The application can lock this descriptor to serialize accesses to
+ the database.
+ -- ndbm: int dbm_pagfno (DBM *DBF)
+ Returns the file descriptor of the `pag' file of the database.
+ See also `dbm_dirfno'.
+ -- ndbm: int dbm_rdonly (DBM *DBF)
+ Returns `1' if the database DBF is open in a read-only mode and
+ `0' otherwise.
+File:, Node: dbm, Prev: ndbm, Up: Compatibility
+19.2 DBM interface functions.
+The functions below are provided for compatibility with the old UNIX
+`DBM' interface. Only one database at a time can be manipulated using
+ -- dbm: int dbminit (char *FILE)
+ Opens a database. The FILE argument is the full name of the
+ database file to be opened. The function opens two files:
+ `FILE.pag' and `FILE.dir'. If any of them does not exist, the
+ function fails. It never attempts to create the files.
+ The database is opened in the read-write mode, if its disk
+ permissions permit.
+ The application must ensure that the functions described below in
+ this section are called only after a successful call to `dbminit'.
+ -- dbm: int dbmclose (void)
+ Closes the database opened by an earlier call to `dbminit'.
+ -- dbm: datum fetch (datum KEY)
+ Reads a record from the database with the matching key. The KEY
+ argument supplies the key that is being looked for.
+ If no matching record is found, the `dptr' member of the returned
+ datum is `NULL'. Otherwise, the `dptr' member of the returned
+ datum points to the memory managed by the compatibility library.
+ The application should never free it.
+ -- dbm: int store (datum KEY, datum CONTENT)
+ Stores the key/value pair in the database. If a record with the
+ matching key already exists, its content will be replaced with the
+ new one.
+ Returns `0' on success and `-1' on error.
+ -- dbm: int delete (datum KEY)
+ Deletes a record with the matching key.
+ If the function succeeds, `0' is returned. Otherwise, if no
+ matching record is found or if an error occurs, `-1' is returned.
+ -- dbm: datum firstkey (void)
+ Initializes iteration over the keys from the database and returns
+ the first key. Note, that the word `first' does not imply any
+ specific ordering of the keys.
+ If there are no records in the database, the `dptr' member of the
+ returned datum is `NULL'. Otherwise, the `dptr' member of the
+ returned datum points to the memory managed by the compatibility
+ library. The application should never free it.
+ -- dbm: datum nextkey (datum KEY)
+ Continues the iteration started by a call to `firstkey'. Returns
+ the next key in the database. If the iteration covered all keys
+ in the database, the `dptr' member of the returned datum is `NULL'.
+ Otherwise, the `dptr' member of the returned datum points to the
+ memory managed by the compatibility library. The application
+ should never free it.
+File:, Node: gdbmtool, Next: gdbm_dump, Prev: Compatibility, Up: Top
+20 Examine and modify a GDBM database.
+The `gdbmtool' utility allows you to view and modify an existing GDBM
+database or to create a new one.
+ When invoked without arguments, it tries to open a database file
+called `junk.gdbm', located in the current working directory. You can
+change this default by supplying the name of the database to use as an
+argument to the program, e.g.:
+ $ gdbmtool file.db
+ The database will be opened in read-write mode, unless the `-r'
+(`--read-only') option is specified, in which case it will be opened
+only for reading.
+ If the database does not exist, `gdbmtool' will create it. There is
+a special option `-n' (`--newdb', which instructs the utility to create
+a new database. If it is used and if the database already exists, it
+will be deleted, so use it sparingly.
+* Menu:
+* invocation::
+* shell::
+File:, Node: invocation, Next: shell, Up: gdbmtool
+20.1 gdbmtool invocation
+The following table summarizes all `gdbmtool' command line options:
+`-b SIZE'
+ Set block size.
+`-c SIZE'
+ Set cache size.
+`-f FILE'
+`--file FILE'
+ Read commands from FILE, instead of the standard input.
+ Print a concise help summary.
+ Don't read startup files (*note startup files::).
+ Create the database.
+ Disable file locking.
+ Disable mmap.
+ Don't print the usual welcome banner at startup. This is the same
+ as setting the variable `quiet' in the startup file. *Note
+ quiet::.
+ Open the database in read-only mode.
+ Synchronize to the disk after each write.
+ Print program version and licensing information and exit.
+ Print a terse invocation syntax summary along with a list of
+ available command line options.
+File:, Node: shell, Prev: invocation, Up: gdbmtool
+20.2 gdbmtool interactive mode
+After successful startup, `gdbmtool' starts a loop, in which it reads
+commands from the standard input, executes them and prints the results
+on the standard output. If the standard input is attached to a
+console, `gdbmtool' runs in interactive mode, which is indicated by its
+ gdbmtool> _
+ The utility finishes when it reads the `quit' command (see below) or
+detects end-of-file on its standard input, whichever occurs first.
+ A `gdbmtool' command consists of a "command verb", optionally
+followed by "arguments", separated by any amount of white space. A
+command verb can be entered either in full or in an abbreviated form,
+as long as that abbreviation does not match any other verb. For
+example, `co' can be used instead of `count' and `ca' instead of
+ Any sequence of non-whitespace characters appearing after the command
+verb forms an argument. If the argument contains whitespace or
+unprintable characters it must be enclosed in double quotes. Within
+double quotes the usual "escape sequences" are understood, as shown in
+the table below:
+Sequence Replaced with
+\a Audible bell character (ASCII 7)
+\b Backspace character (ASCII 8)
+\f Form-feed character (ASCII 12)
+\n Newline character (ASCII 10)
+\r Carriage return character (ASCII 13)
+\t Horizontal tabulation character
+ (ASCII 9)
+\v Vertical tabulation character
+ (ASCII 11)
+\\ Single slash
+\" Double quote
+Table 20.1: Backslash escapes
+ In addition, a backslash immediately followed by the end-of-line
+character effectively removes that character, allowing to split long
+arguments over several input lines.
+ Command parameters may be optional or mandatory. If the number of
+actual arguments is less than the number of mandatory parameters,
+`gdbmtool' will prompt you to supply missing arguments. For example,
+the `store' command takes two mandatory parameters, so if you invoked
+it with no arguments, you would be prompted twice to supply the
+necessary data, as shown in example below:
+ gdbmtool> store
+ key? three
+ data? 3
+ However, such prompting is possible only in interactive mode. In
+non-interactive mode (e.g. when running a script), all arguments must
+be supplied with each command, otherwise `gdbmtool' will report an
+error and exit immediately.
+* Menu:
+* variables:: shell variables.
+* commands:: shell commands.
+* definitions:: how to define structured data.
+* startup files::
+File:, Node: variables, Next: commands, Up: shell
+20.2.1 Shell Variables
+A number of `gdbmtool' parameters is kept in its internal variables.
+ -- gdbmtool variable: bool confirm
+ Whether to ask for confirmation before certain destructive
+ operations, such as truncating the existing database.
+ Default is `true'.
+ -- gdbmtool variable: string ps1
+ Primary prompt string. Its value can contain "conversion
+ specifiers", consisting of the `%' character followed by another
+ character. These specifiers are expanded in the resulting prompt
+ as follows:
+ Sequence Expansion
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ %f name of the current database file
+ %p program invocation name
+ %P package name (`GDBM')
+ %v program version
+ %_ single space character
+ %% %
+ The default value is `%p>%_', i.e. the program name, followed by a
+ "greater than" sign, followed by a single space.
+ -- gdbmtool variable: string ps2
+ Secondary prompt. See `ps1' for a description of its value. This
+ prompt is displayed before reading the second and subsequent lines
+ of a multi-line command.
+ The default value is `%_>%_'.
+ -- gdbmtool variable: string delim1
+ A string used to delimit fields of a structured datum on output
+ (*note definitions::).
+ Default is `,' (a comma). This variable cannot be unset.
+ -- gdbmtool variable: string delim2
+ A string used to delimit array items when printing a structured
+ datum (*note definitions::).
+ Default is `,' (a comma). This variable cannot be unset.
+ -- gdbmtool variable: string pager
+ The name and command line of the pager program to pipe output to.
+ This program is used in interactive mode when the estimated number
+ of output lines is greater then the number of lines on your screen.
+ The default value is inherited from the environment variable
+ `PAGER'. Unsetting this variable disables paging.
+ -- gdbmtool variable: bool quiet
+ Whether to display a welcome banner at startup. This variable
+ should be set in a startup script file (*note startup files::).
+ *Note -q option::.
+ The following variables control how the database is opened:
+ -- gdbmtool variable: numeric blocksize
+ Sets the block size. *Note block_size: Open. Unset by default.
+ -- gdbmtool variable: numeric cachesize
+ Sets the cache size. *Note GDBM_SETCACHESIZE: Options. By
+ default this variable is not set.
+ -- gdbmtool variable: string open
+ Open mode. The following values are allowed:
+ newdb
+ Truncate the database if it exists or create a new one. Open
+ it in read-write mode.
+ Technically, this sets the `GDBM_NEWDB' flag in call to
+ `gdbm_open'. *Note GDBM_NEWDB: Open.
+ wrcreat
+ rw
+ Open the database in read-write mode. Create it if it does
+ not exist. This is the default.
+ Technically speaking, it sets the `GDBM_WRCREAT' flag in call
+ to `gdbm_open'. *Note GDBM_WRCREAT: Open.
+ reader
+ readonly
+ Open the database in read-only mode. Signal an error if it
+ does not exist.
+ This sets the `GDBM_READER' flag (*note GDBM_READER: Open.).
+ Attempting to set any other value or to unset this variable
+ produces an error.
+ -- gdbmtool variable: number filemode
+ File mode (in octal) for creating new database files and database
+ dumps.
+ -- gdbmtool variable: bool lock
+ Lock the database. This is the default.
+ Setting this variable to false or unsetting it results in passing
+ `GDBM_NOLOCK' flag to `gdbm_open' (*note GDBM_NOLOCK: Open.).
+ -- gdbmtool variable: bool mmap
+ Use memory mapping. This is the default.
+ Setting this variable to false or unsetting it results in passing
+ `GDBM_NOMMAP' flag to `gdbm_open' (*note GDBM_NOMMAP: Open.).
+ -- gdbmtool variable: bool sync
+ Flush all database writes on disk immediately. Default is false.
+ *Note GDBM_SYNC: Open.
+ The following commands are used to list or modify the variables:
+ -- command verb: set [ASSIGNMENTS]
+ When used without arguments, lists all variables and their values.
+ Unset variables are shown after a comment sign (`#'). For string
+ and numeric variables, values are shown after an equals sign. For
+ boolean variables, only the variable name is displayed if the
+ variable is `true'. If it is `false', its name is prefixed with
+ `no'.
+ For example:
+ ps1="%p>%_"
+ ps2="%_>%_"
+ delim1=","
+ delim2=","
+ confirm
+ # cachesize is unset
+ # blocksize is unset
+ open="wrcreat"
+ lock
+ mmap
+ nosync
+ pager="less"
+ # quiet is unset
+ If used with arguments, the `set' command alters the specified
+ variables. In this case, arguments are variable assignments in the
+ form `NAME=VALUE'. For boolean variables, the VALUE is
+ interpreted as follows: if it is numeric, `0' stands for `false',
+ any non-zero value stands for `true'. Otherwise, the values `on',
+ `true', and `yes' denote `true', and `off', `false', `no' stand for
+ `false'. Alternatively, only the name of a boolean variable can be
+ supplied to set it to `true', and its name prefixed with `no' can
+ be used to set it to false. For example, the following command
+ sets the `delim2' variable to `;' and the `confirm' variable to
+ `false':
+ set delim2=";" noconfirm
+ -- command verb: unset VARIABLES
+ Unsets the listed variables. The effect of unsetting depends on
+ the variable. Unless explicitly described in the discussion of the
+ variables above, unsetting a boolean variable is equivalent to
+ setting it to `false'. Unsetting a string variable is equivalent
+ to assigning it an empty string.
+File:, Node: commands, Next: definitions, Prev: variables, Up: shell
+20.2.2 Gdbmtool Commands
+ -- command verb: avail
+ Print the "avail list".
+ -- command verb: bucket NUM
+ Print the bucket number NUM and set it as the current one.
+ -- command verb: cache
+ Print the bucket cache.
+ -- command verb: close
+ Close the currently open database.
+ -- command verb: count
+ Print the number of entries in the database.
+ -- command verb: current
+ Print the current bucket.
+ -- command verb: delete KEY
+ Delete record with the given KEY
+ -- command verb: dir
+ Print hash directory.
+ -- command verb: export FILE-NAME [truncate] [binary|ascii]
+ Export the database to the flat file FILE-NAME. *Note Flat
+ files::, for a description of the flat file format and its
+ purposes. This command will not overwrite an existing file,
+ unless the `truncate' parameter is also given. Another optional
+ argument determines the type of the dump (*note Flat files::). By
+ default, ASCII dump is created.
+ The global variable `filemode' specifies the permissions to use
+ for the created output file.
+ See also *note gdbmexport::.
+ -- command verb: fetch KEY
+ Fetch and display the record with the given KEY.
+ -- command verb: first
+ Fetch and display the first record in the database. Subsequent
+ records can be fetched using the `next' command (see below).
+ *Note Sequential::, for more information on sequential access.
+ -- command verb: hash KEY
+ Compute and display the hash value for the given KEY.
+ -- command verb: header
+ Print file header.
+ -- command verb: help
+ -- command verb: ?
+ Print a concise command summary, showing each command verb with
+ its parameters and a short description of what it does. Optional
+ arguments are enclosed in square brackets.
+ -- command verb: import FILE-NAME [replace] [nometa]
+ Import data from a flat dump file FILE-NAME (*note Flat files::).
+ If the word `replace' is given as an argument, any records with
+ the same keys as the already existing ones will replace them. The
+ word `nometa' turns off restoring meta-information from the dump
+ file.
+ -- command verb: list
+ List the contents of the database.
+ -- command verb: next [KEY]
+ Sequential access: fetch and display the next record. If the KEY
+ is given, the record following the one with this key will be
+ fetched.
+ See also `first', above.
+ *Note Sequential::, for more information on sequential access.
+ -- command verb: open FILENAME
+ Open the database file FILENAME. If successful, any previously
+ open database is closed. Otherwise, if the operation fails, the
+ currently opened database remains unchanged.
+ This command takes additional information from the following
+ variables:
+ `open'
+ The database access mode. *Note The OPEN variable: openvar,
+ for a list of its values.
+ `lock'
+ Whether or not to lock the database. Default is `on'.
+ `mmap'
+ Use the memory mapping. Default is `on'.
+ `sync'
+ Synchronize after each write. Default is `off'.
+ `filemode'
+ Specifies the permissions to use in case a new file is
+ created.
+ *Note open parameters::, for a detailed description of these
+ variables.
+ -- command verb: quit
+ Close the database and quit the utility.
+ -- command verb: reorganize
+ Reorganize the database (*note Reorganization::).
+ -- command verb: source FILENAME
+ Read `gdbmtool' commands from the file FILENAME.
+ -- command verb: status
+ Print current program status. The following example shows the
+ information displayed:
+ Database file: junk.gdbm
+ Database is open
+ define key string
+ define content string
+ The two `define' strings show the defined formats for key and
+ content data. *Note definitions::, for a detailed discussion of
+ their meaning.
+ -- command verb: store KEY DATA
+ Store the DATA with KEY in the database. If KEY already exists,
+ its data will be replaced.
+ -- command verb: version
+ Print the version of `gdbm'.
+File:, Node: definitions, Next: startup files, Prev: commands, Up: shell
+20.2.3 Data Definitions
+GDBM databases are able to keep data of any type, both in the key and
+in the content part of a record. Quite often these data are
+structured, i.e. they consist of several fields of various types.
+`Gdbmtool' provides a mechanism for handling such kind of records.
+ The `define' command defines a record structure. The general syntax
+where WHAT is `key' to defining the structure of key data and `content'
+to define the structure of the content records.
+ The DEFINITION can be of two distinct formats. In the simplest case
+it is a single data type. For example,
+ define content int
+defines content records consisting of a single integer field.
+Supported data types are:
+ Single byte (signed).
+ Signed short integer.
+ Unsigned short integer.
+ Signed integer.
+ Unsigned integer.
+ Signed long integer.
+ Unsigned long integer.
+ Signed long long integer.
+ Unsigned long long integer.
+ A floating point number.
+ Double-precision floating point number.
+ Array of bytes.
+ Null-terminated string, trailing null being part of the string.
+ All numeric data types (integer as well as floating point) have the
+same respective widths as in C language on the host where the database
+file resides.
+ The `string' and `stringz' are special. Both define a string of
+bytes, similar to `char x[]' in C. The former defines an array of
+bytes, the latter - a null-terminated string. This makes a difference,
+in particular, when the string is the only part of datum. Consider the
+following two definitions:
+ 1. `define key string'
+ 2. `define key stringz'
+Now, suppose we want to store the string "ab" in the key. Using the
+definition (1), the `dptr' member of GDBM `datum' will contain two
+bytes: `a', and `b'. Consequently, the `dsize' member will have the
+value 2. Using the definition (2), the `dptr' member will contain
+three bytes: `a', `b', and ASCII 0. The `dsize' member will have the
+value 3.
+ The definition (1) is the default for both key and content.
+ The second form of the `define' statement is similar to the C
+`struct' statement and allows for defining structural data. In this
+form, the DEFINITION part is a comma-separated list of data types and
+variables enclosed in curly braces. In contrast to the rest of `gdbm'
+commands, this command is inherently multiline and is terminated with
+the closing curly brace. For example:
+ define content {
+ int status,
+ pad 8,
+ char id[3],
+ string name
+ }
+This defines a structure consisting of three members: an integer
+`status', an array of 8 bytes `id', and a null-terminated string
+`name'. Notice the `pad' statement: it allows to introduce padding
+between structure members. Another useful statement is `offset': it
+specifies that the member following it begins at the given offset in
+the structure. Assuming the size of `int' is 8 bytes, the above
+definition can also be written as
+ define content {
+ int status,
+ offset 16,
+ char id[3],
+ string name
+ }
+ _NOTE_: The `string' type can reasonably be used only if it is the
+last or the only member of the data structure. That's because it
+provides no information about the number of elements in the array, so
+it is interpreted to contain all bytes up to the end of the datum.
+ When displaying the structured data, `gdbmtool' precedes each value
+with the corresponding field name and delimits parts of the structure
+with the string defined in the `delim1' variable (*note variables::).
+Array elements are delimited using the string from `delim2'. For
+ gdbmtool> fetch foo
+ status=2,id={ a, u, x },name="quux"
+ To supply a structured datum as an argument to a `gdbmtool' command,
+use the same notation, but without field names, e.g.:
+ gdbmtool> hash { 2, {a,u,x}, "quux" }
+ hash value = 13089969.
+File:, Node: startup files, Prev: definitions, Up: shell
+20.2.4 Startup Files
+Upon startup `gdbmtool' looks for a file named `.gdbmtoolrc' first in
+the current working directory and, if not found, in the home directory
+of the user who started the command.
+ If found, this file is read and interpreted as a list of `gdbmtool'
+commands. This allows you to customize the program behavior.
+ Following is an example startup file which disables the welcome
+banner, sets command line prompt to contain the name of the database
+file in parentheses and defines the structure of the database content
+ set quiet
+ set ps1="(%f) "
+ define key stringz
+ define content {
+ int time,
+ pad 4,
+ int status
+ }
+File:, Node: gdbm_dump, Next: gdbm_load, Prev: gdbmtool, Up: Top
+21 The `gdbm_dump' utility
+The `gdbm_dump' utility creates a flat file dump of a GDBM database
+(*note Flat files::). It takes one mandatory argument: the name of the
+source database file. The second argument, if given, specifies the
+name of the output file. If not given, `gdbm_dump' will produce the
+dump on the standard output.
+ For example, the following invocation creates a dump of the database
+`file.db' in the file `file.dump':
+ $ gdbm_dump file.db file.dump
+ By default the utility creates dumps in ASCII format (*note ASCII:
+Flat files.). Another format can be requested using the `--format'
+(`-H') option.
+ The `gdbm_dump' utility understands the following command line
+`-H FMT'
+ Select output format. Valid values for FMT are: `binary' or `0'
+ to select binary dump format, and `ascii' or `1' to select ASCII
+ format.
+ Print a concise help summary.
+ Print program version and licensing information and exit.
+ Print a terse invocation syntax summary along with a list of
+ available command line options.
+File:, Node: gdbm_load, Next: gdbmexport, Prev: gdbm_dump, Up: Top
+22 The `gdbm_load' utility
+The `gdbm_load' utility restores a GDBM database from a flat file. The
+utility requires at least one argument: the name of the input flat
+file. If it is `-', the standard input will be read. The format of
+the input file is detected automatically.
+ By default the utility attempts to restore the database under its
+original name, as stored in the input file. It will fail to do so if
+the input is in binary format. In that case, the name of the database
+must be given as the second argument.
+ In general, if two arguments are given the second one is treated as
+the name of the database to create, overriding the file name specified
+in the flat file.
+ The utility understands the following command line arguments:
+`-b NUM'
+ Sets block size. *Note block_size: Open.
+`-c NUM'
+ Sets cache size. *Note GDBM_SETCACHESIZE: Options.
+ Use memory mapping.
+`-m MODE'
+ Sets the file mode. The argument is the desired file mode in
+ octal.
+ Do not restore file meta-data (ownership and mode) from the flat
+ file.
+ Replace existing keys.
+`-u USER[:GROUP]'
+ Set file owner. The USER can be either a valid user name or UID.
+ Similarly, the GROUP is either a valid group name or GID. If
+ GROUP is not given, the main group of USER is used.
+ User and group parts can be separated by a dot, instead of the
+ colon.
+ Print a concise help summary.
+ Print program version and licensing information and exit.
+ Print a terse invocation syntax summary along with a list of
+ available command line options.
+File:, Node: gdbmexport, Next: Exit codes, Prev: gdbm_load, Up: Top
+23 Export a database into a portable format.
+The `gdbmexport' utility converts the database of an older GDBM version
+into a binary flat format.
+ The utility takes two mandatory arguments: the name of the database
+file to convert and the output file name, e.g.:
+ $ gdbmexport junk.gdbm junk.flat
+ In addition the following two options are understood:
+ Display short usage summary and exit.
+ Display program version and licensing information, and exit.
+File:, Node: Exit codes, Next: Bugs, Prev: gdbmexport, Up: Top
+24 Exit codes
+All GDBM utilities return uniform exit codes. These are summarized in
+the table below:
+Code Meaning
+0 Successful termination.
+1 A fatal error occurred.
+2 Program was unable to restore file ownership or
+ mode.
+3 Command line usage error.
+File:, Node: Bugs, Next: Resources, Prev: Exit codes, Up: Top
+25 Problems and bugs.
+If you have problems with GNU `dbm' or think you've found a bug, please
+report it. Before reporting a bug, make sure you've actually found a
+real bug. Carefully reread the documentation and see if it really says
+you can do what you're trying to do. If it's not clear whether you
+should be able to do something or not, report that too; it's a bug in
+the documentation!
+ Before reporting a bug or trying to fix it yourself, try to isolate
+it to the smallest possible input file that reproduces the problem.
+Then send us the input file and the exact results `gdbm' gave you. Also
+say what you expected to occur; this will help us decide whether the
+problem was really in the documentation.
+ Once you've got a precise problem, send e-mail to <>.
+ Please include the version number of GNU `dbm' you are using. You
+can get this information by printing the variable `gdbm_version' (*note
+ Non-bug suggestions are always welcome as well. If you have
+questions about things that are unclear in the documentation or are
+just obscure features, please report them too.
+ You may contact the authors and maintainers by e-mail:
+ <>, <>, <>
+File:, Node: Resources, Next: GNU Free Documentation License, Prev: Bugs, Up: Top
+26 Additional resources
+For the latest updates and pointers to additional resources, visit
+ In particular, a copy of `gdbm' documentation in various formats is
+available online at `'.
+ Latest versions of `gdbm' can be downloaded from anonymous FTP:
+`', or via HTTP from
+`', or from any GNU mirror worldwide. See
+`', for a list of mirrors.
+ To track `gdbm' development, visit
+File:, Node: GNU Free Documentation License, Next: Index, Prev: Resources, Up: Top
+Appendix A GNU Free Documentation License
+ Version 1.3, 3 November 2008
+ Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008, 2011 Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc.
+ `'
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other
+ functional and useful document "free" in the sense of freedom: to
+ assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it,
+ with or without modifying it, either commercially or
+ noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the
+ author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not
+ being considered responsible for modifications made by others.
+ This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative
+ works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense.
+ It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft
+ license designed for free software.
+ We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for
+ free software, because free software needs free documentation: a
+ free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms
+ that the software does. But this License is not limited to
+ software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless
+ of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book.
+ We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is
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+ and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new
+ authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on
+ the Title Page. If there is no section Entitled "History" in
+ the Document, create one stating the title, year, authors,
+ and publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page,
+ then add an item describing the Modified Version as stated in
+ the previous sentence.
+ J. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document
+ for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and
+ likewise the network locations given in the Document for
+ previous versions it was based on. These may be placed in
+ the "History" section. You may omit a network location for a
+ work that was published at least four years before the
+ Document itself, or if the original publisher of the version
+ it refers to gives permission.
+ K. For any section Entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications",
+ Preserve the Title of the section, and preserve in the
+ section all the substance and tone of each of the contributor
+ acknowledgements and/or dedications given therein.
+ L. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document,
+ unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers
+ or the equivalent are not considered part of the section
+ titles.
+ M. Delete any section Entitled "Endorsements". Such a section
+ may not be included in the Modified Version.
+ N. Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled
+ "Endorsements" or to conflict in title with any Invariant
+ Section.
+ O. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers.
+ If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or
+ appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no
+ material copied from the Document, you may at your option
+ designate some or all of these sections as invariant. To do this,
+ add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified
+ Version's license notice. These titles must be distinct from any
+ other section titles.
+ You may add a section Entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains
+ nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various
+ parties--for example, statements of peer review or that the text
+ has been approved by an organization as the authoritative
+ definition of a standard.
+ You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text,
+ and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end
+ of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one
+ passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be
+ added by (or through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the
+ Document already includes a cover text for the same cover,
+ previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity
+ you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may
+ replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous
+ publisher that added the old one.
+ The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this
+ License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to
+ assert or imply endorsement of any Modified Version.
+ You may combine the Document with other documents released under
+ this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for
+ modified versions, provided that you include in the combination
+ all of the Invariant Sections of all of the original documents,
+ unmodified, and list them all as Invariant Sections of your
+ combined work in its license notice, and that you preserve all
+ their Warranty Disclaimers.
+ The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and
+ multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single
+ copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name
+ but different contents, make the title of each such section unique
+ by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the
+ original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a
+ unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles in
+ the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the
+ combined work.
+ In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled
+ "History" in the various original documents, forming one section
+ Entitled "History"; likewise combine any sections Entitled
+ "Acknowledgements", and any sections Entitled "Dedications". You
+ must delete all sections Entitled "Endorsements."
+ You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other
+ documents released under this License, and replace the individual
+ copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy
+ that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the
+ rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of the
+ documents in all other respects.
+ You may extract a single document from such a collection, and
+ distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert
+ a copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow
+ this License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of
+ that document.
+ A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other
+ separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of
+ a storage or distribution medium, is called an "aggregate" if the
+ copyright resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the
+ legal rights of the compilation's users beyond what the individual
+ works permit. When the Document is included in an aggregate, this
+ License does not apply to the other works in the aggregate which
+ are not themselves derivative works of the Document.
+ If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these
+ copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half
+ of the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed
+ on covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the
+ electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic
+ form. Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket
+ the whole aggregate.
+ Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may
+ distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section
+ 4. Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special
+ permission from their copyright holders, but you may include
+ translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the
+ original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a
+ translation of this License, and all the license notices in the
+ Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also
+ include the original English version of this License and the
+ original versions of those notices and disclaimers. In case of a
+ disagreement between the translation and the original version of
+ this License or a notice or disclaimer, the original version will
+ prevail.
+ If a section in the Document is Entitled "Acknowledgements",
+ "Dedications", or "History", the requirement (section 4) to
+ Preserve its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the
+ actual title.
+ You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document
+ except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+ otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute it is void,
+ and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+ However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
+ license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
+ provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly
+ and finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the
+ copyright holder fails to notify you of the violation by some
+ reasonable means prior to 60 days after the cessation.
+ Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
+ reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
+ violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
+ received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from
+ that copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days
+ after your receipt of the notice.
+ Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate
+ the licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from
+ you under this License. If your rights have been terminated and
+ not permanently reinstated, receipt of a copy of some or all of
+ the same material does not give you any rights to use it.
+ The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of
+ the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new
+ versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
+ differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See
+ `'.
+ Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version
+ number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered
+ version of this License "or any later version" applies to it, you
+ have the option of following the terms and conditions either of
+ that specified version or of any later version that has been
+ published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If
+ the Document does not specify a version number of this License,
+ you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the
+ Free Software Foundation. If the Document specifies that a proxy
+ can decide which future versions of this License can be used, that
+ proxy's public statement of acceptance of a version permanently
+ authorizes you to choose that version for the Document.
+ "Massive Multiauthor Collaboration Site" (or "MMC Site") means any
+ World Wide Web server that publishes copyrightable works and also
+ provides prominent facilities for anybody to edit those works. A
+ public wiki that anybody can edit is an example of such a server.
+ A "Massive Multiauthor Collaboration" (or "MMC") contained in the
+ site means any set of copyrightable works thus published on the MMC
+ site.
+ "CC-BY-SA" means the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
+ license published by Creative Commons Corporation, a not-for-profit
+ corporation with a principal place of business in San Francisco,
+ California, as well as future copyleft versions of that license
+ published by that same organization.
+ "Incorporate" means to publish or republish a Document, in whole or
+ in part, as part of another Document.
+ An MMC is "eligible for relicensing" if it is licensed under this
+ License, and if all works that were first published under this
+ License somewhere other than this MMC, and subsequently
+ incorporated in whole or in part into the MMC, (1) had no cover
+ texts or invariant sections, and (2) were thus incorporated prior
+ to November 1, 2008.
+ The operator of an MMC Site may republish an MMC contained in the
+ site under CC-BY-SA on the same site at any time before August 1,
+ 2009, provided the MMC is eligible for relicensing.
+ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents
+To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of
+the License in the document and put the following copyright and license
+notices just after the title page:
+ Copyright (C) YEAR YOUR NAME.
+ Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
+ under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3
+ or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
+ Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU
+ Free Documentation License''.
+ If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover
+Texts, replace the "with...Texts." line with this:
+ with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with
+ the Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts
+ being LIST.
+ If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other
+combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the
+ If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we
+recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of
+free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to
+permit their use in free software.
+File:, Node: Index, Prev: GNU Free Documentation License, Up: Top
+* Menu:
+* --newdb, gdbmtool option: gdbmtool. (line 20)
+* --read-only, gdbmtool option: gdbmtool. (line 16)
+* -n, gdbmtool option: gdbmtool. (line 20)
+* -r, gdbmtool option: gdbmtool. (line 16)
+* .gdbmtoolrc: startup files. (line 6)
+* ?: commands. (line 59)
+* _GDBM_MAX_ERRNO: Variables. (line 28)
+* _GDBM_MIN_ERRNO: Variables. (line 25)
+* avail: commands. (line 7)
+* blocksize: variables. (line 67)
+* bucket: commands. (line 10)
+* cache: commands. (line 13)
+* cachesize: variables. (line 70)
+* close: commands. (line 16)
+* close-on-exec: Open. (line 48)
+* closing database: Close. (line 6)
+* command line options, gdbmtool: invocation. (line 6)
+* compatibility layer: Compatibility. (line 6)
+* confirm: variables. (line 9)
+* count: commands. (line 19)
+* creating a database, gdbmtool: gdbmtool. (line 20)
+* current: commands. (line 22)
+* database options: Options. (line 6)
+* database reorganization: Reorganization. (line 6)
+* database synchronization: Sync. (line 6)
+* database, closing: Close. (line 6)
+* database, opening or creating: Open. (line 6)
+* DBM functions: dbm. (line 6)
+* dbm.h: Compatibility. (line 11)
+* dbm_clearerr: ndbm. (line 98)
+* dbm_close: ndbm. (line 26)
+* dbm_delete: ndbm. (line 57)
+* dbm_dirfno: ndbm. (line 101)
+* dbm_error: ndbm. (line 93)
+* dbm_fetch: ndbm. (line 30)
+* dbm_firstkey: ndbm. (line 62)
+* DBM_INSERT: ndbm. (line 49)
+* dbm_nextkey: ndbm. (line 72)
+* dbm_open: ndbm. (line 9)
+* dbm_pagfno: ndbm. (line 109)
+* dbm_rdonly: ndbm. (line 113)
+* DBM_REPLACE: ndbm. (line 46)
+* dbm_store: ndbm. (line 39)
+* dbmclose: dbm. (line 23)
+* dbminit: dbm. (line 11)
+* default database, gdbmtool: gdbmtool. (line 9)
+* delete <1>: commands. (line 25)
+* delete: dbm. (line 42)
+* deleting records: Delete. (line 6)
+* deletion in iteration loops: Sequential. (line 56)
+* delim1: variables. (line 40)
+* delim2: variables. (line 46)
+* dir: commands. (line 28)
+* dir file: Compatibility. (line 22)
+* error codes: Error codes. (line 6)
+* error strings: Errors. (line 6)
+* exit code: Exit codes. (line 6)
+* export <1>: commands. (line 31)
+* export: Flat files. (line 6)
+* fetch <1>: commands. (line 44)
+* fetch: dbm. (line 26)
+* fetching records: Fetch. (line 6)
+* filemode: variables. (line 102)
+* first: commands. (line 47)
+* firstkey: dbm. (line 48)
+* Flat file format: Flat files. (line 6)
+* GDBM_BAD_FILE_OFFSET: Error codes. (line 117)
+* GDBM_BAD_MAGIC_NUMBER: Error codes. (line 48)
+* GDBM_BAD_OPEN_FLAGS: Error codes. (line 121)
+* GDBM_BLOCK_SIZE_ERROR: Error codes. (line 15)
+* GDBM_BYTE_SWAPPED: Error codes. (line 112)
+* GDBM_CACHESIZE: Options. (line 30)
+* GDBM_CANNOT_REPLACE: Error codes. (line 92)
+* GDBM_CANT_BE_READER: Error codes. (line 56)
+* GDBM_CANT_BE_WRITER: Error codes. (line 61)
+* GDBM_CENTFREE: Options. (line 78)
+* GDBM_CLOEXEC: Open. (line 48)
+* gdbm_close: Close. (line 10)
+* GDBM_COALESCEBLKS: Options. (line 92)
+* gdbm_count: Count. (line 7)
+* gdbm_delete: Delete. (line 9)
+* gdbm_delete and sequential access: Sequential. (line 56)
+* gdbm_dump <1>: gdbm_dump. (line 6)
+* gdbm_dump: Flat files. (line 49)
+* gdbm_dump_to_file: Flat files. (line 150)
+* GDBM_EMPTY_DATABASE: Error codes. (line 52)
+* GDBM_ERR_FILE_MODE <1>: Error codes. (line 156)
+* GDBM_ERR_FILE_MODE: Flat files. (line 136)
+* GDBM_ERR_FILE_OWNER <1>: Error codes. (line 149)
+* GDBM_ERR_FILE_OWNER: Flat files. (line 133)
+* gdbm_errlist: Variables. (line 17)
+* gdbm_errno: Variables. (line 9)
+* gdbm_exists: Fetch. (line 37)
+* gdbm_export: Flat files. (line 173)
+* gdbm_export_to_file: Flat files. (line 182)
+* GDBM_FASTMODE: Options. (line 52)
+* gdbm_fdesc: Locking. (line 14)
+* gdbm_fetch: Fetch. (line 7)
+* GDBM_FILE_EOF: Error codes. (line 132)
+* GDBM_FILE_OPEN_ERROR: Error codes. (line 19)
+* GDBM_FILE_READ_ERROR: Error codes. (line 41)
+* GDBM_FILE_SEEK_ERROR: Error codes. (line 34)
+* GDBM_FILE_STAT_ERROR: Error codes. (line 125)
+* GDBM_FILE_WRITE_ERROR: Error codes. (line 27)
+* gdbm_firstkey: Sequential. (line 14)
+* GDBM_GETCACHESIZE: Options. (line 40)
+* GDBM_GETCOALESCEBLKS: Options. (line 104)
+* GDBM_GETDBNAME: Options. (line 127)
+* GDBM_GETFLAGS: Options. (line 44)
+* GDBM_GETMAXMAPSIZE: Options. (line 114)
+* GDBM_GETMMAP: Options. (line 123)
+* GDBM_GETSYNCMODE: Options. (line 74)
+* GDBM_ILLEGAL_DATA: Error codes. (line 98)
+* gdbm_import: Flat files. (line 187)
+* gdbm_import_from_file: Flat files. (line 200)
+* GDBM_INSERT: Store. (line 23)
+* GDBM_ITEM_NOT_FOUND: Error codes. (line 83)
+* gdbm_load <1>: gdbm_load. (line 6)
+* gdbm_load: Flat files. (line 78)
+* gdbm_load_from_file: Flat files. (line 166)
+* GDBM_MALLOC_ERROR: Error codes. (line 12)
+* GDBM_NEWDB: Open. (line 28)
+* gdbm_nextkey: Sequential. (line 24)
+* GDBM_NO_DBNAME: Error codes. (line 143)
+* GDBM_NO_ERROR: Error codes. (line 9)
+* GDBM_NOLOCK <1>: Locking. (line 6)
+* GDBM_NOLOCK: Open. (line 40)
+* GDBM_NOMMAP: Open. (line 40)
+* gdbm_open: Open. (line 9)
+* GDBM_OPT_ALREADY_SET: Error codes. (line 102)
+* GDBM_OPT_ILLEGAL: Error codes. (line 107)
+* GDBM_READER: Open. (line 28)
+* GDBM_READER_CANT_DELETE: Error codes. (line 65)
+* GDBM_READER_CANT_REORGANIZE: Error codes. (line 75)
+* GDBM_READER_CANT_STORE: Error codes. (line 70)
+* gdbm_reorganize: Reorganization. (line 9)
+* GDBM_REORGANIZE_FAILED: Error codes. (line 88)
+* GDBM_REPLACE: Store. (line 23)
+* GDBM_SETCACHESIZE: Options. (line 30)
+* GDBM_SETCENTFREE: Options. (line 78)
+* GDBM_SETCOALESCEBLKS: Options. (line 92)
+* GDBM_SETMAXMAPSIZE: Options. (line 108)
+* GDBM_SETMMAP: Options. (line 118)
+* gdbm_setopt: Options. (line 11)
+* GDBM_SETSYNCMODE: Options. (line 61)
+* gdbm_store: Store. (line 8)
+* gdbm_strerror: Errors. (line 9)
+* gdbm_sync: Sync. (line 15)
+* GDBM_SYNC <1>: Sync. (line 6)
+* GDBM_SYNC: Open. (line 40)
+* GDBM_SYNCMODE: Options. (line 61)
+* GDBM_UNKNOWN_UPDATE: Error codes. (line 80)
+* gdbm_version: Variables. (line 31)
+* gdbm_version_cmp: Variables. (line 61)
+* GDBM_VERSION_MAJOR: Variables. (line 45)
+* GDBM_VERSION_MINOR: Variables. (line 48)
+* gdbm_version_number: Variables. (line 34)
+* GDBM_VERSION_PATCH: Variables. (line 51)
+* GDBM_WRCREAT: Open. (line 28)
+* GDBM_WRITER: Open. (line 28)
+* gdbmexport: gdbmexport. (line 6)
+* gdbmtool: gdbmtool. (line 6)
+* hash: commands. (line 52)
+* header: commands. (line 55)
+* help: commands. (line 58)
+* import <1>: commands. (line 64)
+* import: Flat files. (line 6)
+* init file, gdbmtool: startup files. (line 6)
+* interactive mode, gdbmtool: shell. (line 6)
+* iterating over records: Sequential. (line 6)
+* iteration and gdbm_delete: Sequential. (line 56)
+* iteration loop: Sequential. (line 36)
+* iteration loop, using NDBM: ndbm. (line 79)
+* junk.gdbm: gdbmtool. (line 9)
+* libgdbm_compat: Compatibility. (line 11)
+* list: commands. (line 71)
+* lock: variables. (line 106)
+* locking: Locking. (line 6)
+* looking up records: Fetch. (line 6)
+* mmap: variables. (line 112)
+* NDBM functions: ndbm. (line 6)
+* ndbm.h: Compatibility. (line 11)
+* next: commands. (line 74)
+* nextkey: dbm. (line 58)
+* number of records: Count. (line 6)
+* open <1>: commands. (line 83)
+* open: variables. (line 74)
+* opening the database: Open. (line 6)
+* options, database: Options. (line 6)
+* pag file: Compatibility. (line 22)
+* pager: variables. (line 52)
+* ps1: variables. (line 15)
+* ps2: variables. (line 33)
+* quiet: variables. (line 60)
+* quit: commands. (line 111)
+* read-only mode, gdbmtool: gdbmtool. (line 16)
+* record, deleting: Delete. (line 6)
+* record, fetching: Fetch. (line 6)
+* records, iterating over: Sequential. (line 6)
+* records, storing: Store. (line 6)
+* records, testing existence: Fetch. (line 34)
+* reorganization, database: Reorganization. (line 6)
+* reorganize: commands. (line 114)
+* sequential access: Sequential. (line 6)
+* sequential access, using NDBM: ndbm. (line 79)
+* set: variables. (line 124)
+* source: commands. (line 117)
+* startup file, gdbmtool: startup files. (line 6)
+* status: commands. (line 120)
+* store <1>: commands. (line 133)
+* store: dbm. (line 35)
+* storing records: Store. (line 6)
+* sync: variables. (line 118)
+* synchronization, database: Sync. (line 6)
+* unset: variables. (line 162)
+* variables, gdbmtool: variables. (line 6)
+* version: commands. (line 137)
+* version number: Variables. (line 30)
+Tag Table:
+Node: Top905
+Node: Copying3070
+Node: Intro4853
+Node: List6273
+Node: Open7574
+Node: Close10888
+Node: Count11342
+Node: Store11748
+Node: Fetch13724
+Node: Delete14946
+Node: Sequential15712
+Node: Reorganization18705
+Node: Sync19714
+Node: Flat files20804
+Ref: gdbm_load function24322
+Node: Errors29758
+Node: Options30322
+Node: Locking36056
+Node: Variables36652
+Node: Error codes39083
+Node: Compatibility44928
+Node: ndbm46506
+Node: dbm51344
+Node: gdbmtool54004
+Node: invocation54983
+Ref: -q option55605
+Node: shell56098
+Ref: backslash-interpretation57312
+Node: variables58897
+Ref: quiet61106
+Ref: open parameters61302
+Ref: openvar61624
+Ref: filemode62484
+Node: commands65062
+Ref: gdbmtool export65717
+Ref: gdbmtool import66972
+Node: definitions69328
+Node: startup files73533
+Node: gdbm_dump74335
+Node: gdbm_load75576
+Node: gdbmexport77456
+Node: Exit codes78070
+Node: Bugs78619
+Node: Resources79971
+Node: GNU Free Documentation License80690
+Node: Index105862
+End Tag Table