path: root/libstdc++-v3/include/parallel/par_loop.h
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1 files changed, 79 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/parallel/par_loop.h b/libstdc++-v3/include/parallel/par_loop.h
index c842364a6fd..1e21d3ad042 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/parallel/par_loop.h
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/parallel/par_loop.h
@@ -40,94 +40,92 @@
namespace __gnu_parallel
-/** @brief Embarrassingly parallel algorithm for random access
- * iterators, using hand-crafted parallelization by equal splitting
- * the work.
- *
- * @param __begin Begin iterator of element sequence.
- * @param __end End iterator of element sequence.
- * @param __o User-supplied functor (comparator, predicate, adding
- * functor, ...)
- * @param __f Functor to "process" an element with __op (depends on
- * desired functionality, e. g. for std::for_each(), ...).
- * @param __r Functor to "add" a single __result to the already
- * processed elements (depends on functionality).
- * @param __base Base value for reduction.
- * @param __output Pointer to position where final result is written to
- * @param __bound Maximum number of elements processed (e. g. for
- * std::count_n()).
- * @return User-supplied functor (that may contain a part of the result).
- */
-template<typename _RAIter,
- typename _Op,
- typename _Fu,
- typename _Red,
- typename _Result>
- _Op
- __for_each_template_random_access_ed(
- _RAIter __begin, _RAIter __end, _Op __o, _Fu& __f, _Red __r,
- _Result __base, _Result& __output,
- typename std::iterator_traits<_RAIter>::difference_type __bound)
- {
- typedef std::iterator_traits<_RAIter> _TraitsType;
- typedef typename _TraitsType::difference_type _DifferenceType;
- const _DifferenceType __length = __end - __begin;
- _Result *__thread_results;
- bool* __constructed;
- _ThreadIndex __num_threads =
- __gnu_parallel::min<_DifferenceType>(__get_max_threads(), __length);
-# pragma omp parallel num_threads(__num_threads)
+ /** @brief Embarrassingly parallel algorithm for random access
+ * iterators, using hand-crafted parallelization by equal splitting
+ * the work.
+ *
+ * @param __begin Begin iterator of element sequence.
+ * @param __end End iterator of element sequence.
+ * @param __o User-supplied functor (comparator, predicate, adding
+ * functor, ...)
+ * @param __f Functor to "process" an element with __op (depends on
+ * desired functionality, e. g. for std::for_each(), ...).
+ * @param __r Functor to "add" a single __result to the already
+ * processed elements (depends on functionality).
+ * @param __base Base value for reduction.
+ * @param __output Pointer to position where final result is written to
+ * @param __bound Maximum number of elements processed (e. g. for
+ * std::count_n()).
+ * @return User-supplied functor (that may contain a part of the result).
+ */
+ template<typename _RAIter,
+ typename _Op,
+ typename _Fu,
+ typename _Red,
+ typename _Result>
+ _Op
+ __for_each_template_random_access_ed(_RAIter __begin, _RAIter __end,
+ _Op __o, _Fu& __f, _Red __r,
+ _Result __base, _Result& __output,
+ typename std::iterator_traits<_RAIter>::difference_type __bound)
+ {
+ typedef std::iterator_traits<_RAIter> _TraitsType;
+ typedef typename _TraitsType::difference_type _DifferenceType;
+ const _DifferenceType __length = __end - __begin;
+ _Result *__thread_results;
+ bool* __constructed;
+ _ThreadIndex __num_threads = __gnu_parallel::min<_DifferenceType>
+ (__get_max_threads(), __length);
+# pragma omp parallel num_threads(__num_threads)
# pragma omp single
- {
- __num_threads = omp_get_num_threads();
- __thread_results =
- static_cast<_Result*>(
- ::operator new(__num_threads * sizeof(_Result)));
- __constructed = new bool[__num_threads];
- }
- _ThreadIndex __iam = omp_get_thread_num();
- // Neutral element.
- _Result* __reduct =
- static_cast<_Result*>(::operator new(sizeof(_Result)));
- _DifferenceType
- __start = equally_split_point(__length, __num_threads, __iam),
- __stop = equally_split_point(__length, __num_threads, __iam + 1);
- if (__start < __stop)
- {
- new(__reduct) _Result(__f(__o, __begin + __start));
- ++__start;
- __constructed[__iam] = true;
- }
- else
- __constructed[__iam] = false;
- for (; __start < __stop; ++__start)
- *__reduct = __r(*__reduct, __f(__o, __begin + __start));
- __thread_results[__iam] = *__reduct;
+ {
+ __num_threads = omp_get_num_threads();
+ __thread_results = static_cast<_Result*>
+ (::operator new(__num_threads * sizeof(_Result)));
+ __constructed = new bool[__num_threads];
+ }
+ _ThreadIndex __iam = omp_get_thread_num();
+ // Neutral element.
+ _Result* __reduct = static_cast<_Result*>
+ (::operator new(sizeof(_Result)));
+ _DifferenceType
+ __start = equally_split_point(__length, __num_threads, __iam),
+ __stop = equally_split_point(__length, __num_threads, __iam + 1);
+ if (__start < __stop)
+ {
+ new(__reduct) _Result(__f(__o, __begin + __start));
+ ++__start;
+ __constructed[__iam] = true;
+ }
+ else
+ __constructed[__iam] = false;
+ for (; __start < __stop; ++__start)
+ *__reduct = __r(*__reduct, __f(__o, __begin + __start));
+ __thread_results[__iam] = *__reduct;
} //parallel
- for (_ThreadIndex __i = 0; __i < __num_threads; ++__i)
- if (__constructed[__i])
- __output = __r(__output, __thread_results[__i]);
+ for (_ThreadIndex __i = 0; __i < __num_threads; ++__i)
+ if (__constructed[__i])
+ __output = __r(__output, __thread_results[__i]);
- // Points to last element processed (needed as return value for
- // some algorithms like transform).
- __f._M_finish_iterator = __begin + __length;
+ // Points to last element processed (needed as return value for
+ // some algorithms like transform).
+ __f._M_finish_iterator = __begin + __length;
- delete[] __thread_results;
- delete[] __constructed;
+ delete[] __thread_results;
+ delete[] __constructed;
- return __o;
- }
+ return __o;
+ }
} // end namespace