path: root/gcc/ada/lib-xref-spark_specific.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/lib-xref-spark_specific.adb')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 1249 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/lib-xref-spark_specific.adb b/gcc/ada/lib-xref-spark_specific.adb
index 4d221749907..52958328b1e 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/lib-xref-spark_specific.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/lib-xref-spark_specific.adb
@@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ with Einfo; use Einfo;
with Nmake; use Nmake;
with SPARK_Xrefs; use SPARK_Xrefs;
-with GNAT.HTable;
separate (Lib.Xref)
package body SPARK_Specific is
@@ -59,16 +57,10 @@ package body SPARK_Specific is
's' => True,
others => False);
- type Entity_Hashed_Range is range 0 .. 255;
- -- Size of hash table headers
-- Local Variables --
- Heap : Entity_Id := Empty;
- -- A special entity which denotes the heap object
package Drefs is new Table.Table (
Table_Component_Type => Xref_Entry,
Table_Index_Type => Xref_Entry_Number,
@@ -81,243 +73,13 @@ package body SPARK_Specific is
-- "Heap". These references are added to the regular references when
-- computing SPARK cross-references.
- -----------------------
- -- Local Subprograms --
- -----------------------
- procedure Add_SPARK_File (Uspec, Ubody : Unit_Number_Type; Dspec : Nat);
- -- Add file and corresponding scopes for unit to the tables
- -- SPARK_File_Table and SPARK_Scope_Table. When two units are present
- -- for the same compilation unit, as it happens for library-level
- -- instantiations of generics, then Ubody is the number of the body
- -- unit; otherwise it is No_Unit.
- procedure Add_SPARK_Xrefs;
- -- Filter table Xrefs to add all references used in SPARK to the table
- -- SPARK_Xref_Table.
- function Entity_Hash (E : Entity_Id) return Entity_Hashed_Range;
- -- Hash function for hash table
- --------------------
- -- Add_SPARK_File --
- --------------------
- procedure Add_SPARK_File (Uspec, Ubody : Unit_Number_Type; Dspec : Nat) is
- File : constant Source_File_Index := Source_Index (Uspec);
- From : constant Scope_Index := SPARK_Scope_Table.Last + 1;
- Scope_Id : Pos := 1;
- procedure Add_SPARK_Scope (N : Node_Id);
- -- Add scope N to the table SPARK_Scope_Table
- procedure Detect_And_Add_SPARK_Scope (N : Node_Id);
- -- Call Add_SPARK_Scope on scopes
- ---------------------
- -- Add_SPARK_Scope --
- ---------------------
- procedure Add_SPARK_Scope (N : Node_Id) is
- E : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Entity (N);
- Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (E);
- -- The character describing the kind of scope is chosen to be the
- -- same as the one describing the corresponding entity in cross
- -- references, see Xref_Entity_Letters in
- Typ : Character;
- begin
- -- Ignore scopes without a proper location
- if Sloc (N) = No_Location then
- return;
- end if;
- case Ekind (E) is
- when E_Entry
- | E_Entry_Family
- | E_Generic_Function
- | E_Generic_Package
- | E_Generic_Procedure
- | E_Package
- | E_Protected_Type
- | E_Task_Type
- =>
- Typ := Xref_Entity_Letters (Ekind (E));
- when E_Function
- | E_Procedure
- =>
- -- In SPARK we need to distinguish protected functions and
- -- procedures from ordinary subprograms, but there are no
- -- special Xref letters for them. Since this distiction is
- -- only needed to detect protected calls, we pretend that
- -- such calls are entry calls.
- if Ekind (Scope (E)) = E_Protected_Type then
- Typ := Xref_Entity_Letters (E_Entry);
- else
- Typ := Xref_Entity_Letters (Ekind (E));
- end if;
- when E_Package_Body
- | E_Protected_Body
- | E_Subprogram_Body
- | E_Task_Body
- =>
- Typ := Xref_Entity_Letters (Ekind (Unique_Entity (E)));
- when E_Void =>
- -- Compilation of prj-attr.adb with -gnatn creates a node with
- -- entity E_Void for the package defined at a-charac.ads16:13.
- -- ??? TBD
- return;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- -- File_Num and Scope_Num are filled later. From_Xref and To_Xref
- -- are filled even later, but are initialized to represent an empty
- -- range.
- SPARK_Scope_Table.Append
- ((Scope_Name => new String'(Unique_Name (E)),
- File_Num => Dspec,
- Scope_Num => Scope_Id,
- Spec_File_Num => 0,
- Spec_Scope_Num => 0,
- Line => Nat (Get_Logical_Line_Number (Loc)),
- Stype => Typ,
- Col => Nat (Get_Column_Number (Loc)),
- From_Xref => 1,
- To_Xref => 0,
- Scope_Entity => E));
- Scope_Id := Scope_Id + 1;
- end Add_SPARK_Scope;
- --------------------------------
- -- Detect_And_Add_SPARK_Scope --
- --------------------------------
- procedure Detect_And_Add_SPARK_Scope (N : Node_Id) is
- begin
- -- Entries
- if Nkind_In (N, N_Entry_Body, N_Entry_Declaration)
- -- Packages
- or else Nkind_In (N, N_Package_Body,
- N_Package_Declaration)
- -- Protected units
- or else Nkind_In (N, N_Protected_Body,
- N_Protected_Type_Declaration)
- -- Subprograms
- or else Nkind_In (N, N_Subprogram_Body,
- N_Subprogram_Declaration)
- -- Task units
- or else Nkind_In (N, N_Task_Body,
- N_Task_Type_Declaration)
- then
- Add_SPARK_Scope (N);
- end if;
- end Detect_And_Add_SPARK_Scope;
- procedure Traverse_Scopes is new
- Traverse_Compilation_Unit (Detect_And_Add_SPARK_Scope);
- -- Local variables
- File_Name : String_Ptr;
- Unit_File_Name : String_Ptr;
- -- Start of processing for Add_SPARK_File
- begin
- -- Source file could be inexistant as a result of an error, if option
- -- gnatQ is used.
- if File <= No_Source_File then
- return;
- end if;
- -- Subunits are traversed as part of the top-level unit to which they
- -- belong.
- if Nkind (Unit (Cunit (Uspec))) = N_Subunit then
- return;
- end if;
- Traverse_Scopes (CU => Cunit (Uspec), Inside_Stubs => True);
- -- When two units are present for the same compilation unit, as it
- -- happens for library-level instantiations of generics, then add all
- -- scopes to the same SPARK file.
- if Ubody /= No_Unit then
- Traverse_Scopes (CU => Cunit (Ubody), Inside_Stubs => True);
- end if;
- -- Make entry for new file in file table
- Get_Name_String (Reference_Name (File));
- File_Name := new String'(Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
- -- For subunits, also retrieve the file name of the unit. Only do so if
- -- unit has an associated compilation unit.
- if Present (Cunit (Unit (File)))
- and then Nkind (Unit (Cunit (Unit (File)))) = N_Subunit
- then
- Get_Name_String (Reference_Name (Main_Source_File));
- Unit_File_Name := new String'(Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
- else
- Unit_File_Name := null;
- end if;
- SPARK_File_Table.Append (
- (File_Name => File_Name,
- Unit_File_Name => Unit_File_Name,
- File_Num => Dspec,
- From_Scope => From,
- To_Scope => SPARK_Scope_Table.Last));
- end Add_SPARK_File;
- ---------------------
- -- Add_SPARK_Xrefs --
- ---------------------
- procedure Add_SPARK_Xrefs is
- function Entity_Of_Scope (S : Scope_Index) return Entity_Id;
- -- Return the entity which maps to the input scope index
- function Get_Entity_Type (E : Entity_Id) return Character;
- -- Return a character representing the type of entity
- function Get_Scope_Num (E : Entity_Id) return Nat;
- -- Return the scope number associated with the entity E
+ -------------------------
+ -- Iterate_SPARK_Xrefs --
+ -------------------------
- function Is_Constant_Object_Without_Variable_Input
- (E : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
- -- Return True if E is known to have no variable input, as defined in
- -- SPARK RM.
+ procedure Iterate_SPARK_Xrefs is
- function Is_Future_Scope_Entity
- (E : Entity_Id;
- S : Scope_Index) return Boolean;
- -- Check whether entity E is in SPARK_Scope_Table at index S or higher
+ procedure Add_SPARK_Xref (Index : Int; Xref : Xref_Entry);
function Is_SPARK_Reference
(E : Entity_Id;
@@ -329,168 +91,29 @@ package body SPARK_Specific is
-- Return whether the entity or reference scope meets requirements for
-- being a SPARK scope.
- function Lt (Op1 : Natural; Op2 : Natural) return Boolean;
- -- Comparison function for Sort call
- procedure Move (From : Natural; To : Natural);
- -- Move procedure for Sort call
- procedure Set_Scope_Num (E : Entity_Id; Num : Nat);
- -- Associate entity E with the scope number Num
- procedure Update_Scope_Range
- (S : Scope_Index;
- From : Xref_Index;
- To : Xref_Index);
- -- Update the scope which maps to S with the new range From .. To
- package Sorting is new GNAT.Heap_Sort_G (Move, Lt);
- No_Scope : constant Nat := 0;
- -- Initial scope counter
- package Scopes is new GNAT.HTable.Simple_HTable
- (Header_Num => Entity_Hashed_Range,
- Element => Nat,
- No_Element => No_Scope,
- Key => Entity_Id,
- Hash => Entity_Hash,
- Equal => "=");
- -- Package used to build a correspondence between entities and scope
- -- numbers used in SPARK cross references.
- Nrefs : Nat := Xrefs.Last;
- -- Number of references in table. This value may get reset (reduced)
- -- when we eliminate duplicate reference entries as well as references
- -- not suitable for local cross-references.
- Nrefs_Add : constant Nat := Drefs.Last;
- -- Number of additional references which correspond to dereferences in
- -- the source code.
- Rnums : array (0 .. Nrefs + Nrefs_Add) of Nat;
- -- This array contains numbers of references in the Xrefs table. This
- -- list is sorted in output order. The extra 0'th entry is convenient
- -- for the call to sort. When we sort the table, we move the indices in
- -- Rnums around, but we do not move the original table entries.
- ---------------------
- -- Entity_Of_Scope --
- ---------------------
- function Entity_Of_Scope (S : Scope_Index) return Entity_Id is
- begin
- return SPARK_Scope_Table.Table (S).Scope_Entity;
- end Entity_Of_Scope;
- ---------------------
- -- Get_Entity_Type --
- ---------------------
- function Get_Entity_Type (E : Entity_Id) return Character is
- begin
- case Ekind (E) is
- when E_Out_Parameter => return '<';
- when E_In_Out_Parameter => return '=';
- when E_In_Parameter => return '>';
- when others => return '*';
- end case;
- end Get_Entity_Type;
- -------------------
- -- Get_Scope_Num --
- -------------------
- function Get_Scope_Num (E : Entity_Id) return Nat renames Scopes.Get;
- -----------------------------------------------
- -- Is_Constant_Object_Without_Variable_Input --
- -----------------------------------------------
- function Is_Constant_Object_Without_Variable_Input
- (E : Entity_Id) return Boolean
- is
- begin
- case Ekind (E) is
- -- A constant is known to have no variable input if its
- -- initializing expression is static (a value which is
- -- compile-time-known is not guaranteed to have no variable input
- -- as defined in the SPARK RM). Otherwise, the constant may or not
- -- have variable input.
- when E_Constant =>
- declare
- Decl : Node_Id;
- begin
- if Present (Full_View (E)) then
- Decl := Parent (Full_View (E));
- else
- Decl := Parent (E);
- end if;
- if Is_Imported (E) then
- return False;
- else
- pragma Assert (Present (Expression (Decl)));
- return Is_Static_Expression (Expression (Decl));
- end if;
- end;
- when E_In_Parameter
- | E_Loop_Parameter
- =>
- return True;
- when others =>
- return False;
- end case;
- end Is_Constant_Object_Without_Variable_Input;
- ----------------------------
- -- Is_Future_Scope_Entity --
- ----------------------------
- function Is_Future_Scope_Entity
- (E : Entity_Id;
- S : Scope_Index) return Boolean
- is
- function Is_Past_Scope_Entity return Boolean;
- -- Check whether entity E is in SPARK_Scope_Table at index strictly
- -- lower than S.
- --------------------------
- -- Is_Past_Scope_Entity --
- --------------------------
- function Is_Past_Scope_Entity return Boolean is
- begin
- for Index in SPARK_Scope_Table.First .. S - 1 loop
- if SPARK_Scope_Table.Table (Index).Scope_Entity = E then
- return True;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return False;
- end Is_Past_Scope_Entity;
- -- Start of processing for Is_Future_Scope_Entity
+ --------------------
+ -- Add_SPARK_Xref --
+ --------------------
+ procedure Add_SPARK_Xref (Index : Int; Xref : Xref_Entry) is
+ Ref : Xref_Key renames Xref.Key;
- for Index in S .. SPARK_Scope_Table.Last loop
- if SPARK_Scope_Table.Table (Index).Scope_Entity = E then
- return True;
- end if;
- end loop;
+ -- Eliminate entries not appropriate for SPARK
- -- If this assertion fails, this means that the scope which we are
- -- looking for has been treated already, which reveals a problem in
- -- the order of cross-references.
- pragma Assert (not Is_Past_Scope_Entity);
+ if SPARK_Entities (Ekind (Ref.Ent))
+ and then SPARK_References (Ref.Typ)
+ and then Is_SPARK_Scope (Ref.Ent_Scope)
+ and then Is_SPARK_Scope (Ref.Ref_Scope)
+ and then Is_SPARK_Reference (Ref.Ent, Ref.Typ)
+ then
+ Process
+ (Index,
+ (Entity => Ref.Ent,
+ Ref_Scope => Ref.Ref_Scope,
+ Rtype => Ref.Typ));
+ end if;
- return False;
- end Is_Future_Scope_Entity;
+ end Add_SPARK_Xref;
-- Is_SPARK_Reference --
@@ -528,525 +151,22 @@ package body SPARK_Specific is
return Present (E)
and then not Is_Generic_Unit (E)
- and then (not Can_Be_Renamed or else No (Renamed_Entity (E)))
- and then Get_Scope_Num (E) /= No_Scope;
+ and then (not Can_Be_Renamed or else No (Renamed_Entity (E)));
end Is_SPARK_Scope;
- --------
- -- Lt --
- --------
- function Lt (Op1 : Natural; Op2 : Natural) return Boolean is
- T1 : constant Xref_Entry := Xrefs.Table (Rnums (Nat (Op1)));
- T2 : constant Xref_Entry := Xrefs.Table (Rnums (Nat (Op2)));
- begin
- -- First test: if entity is in different unit, sort by unit. Note:
- -- that we use Ent_Scope_File rather than Eun, as Eun may refer to
- -- the file where the generic scope is defined, which may differ from
- -- the file where the enclosing scope is defined. It is the latter
- -- which matters for a correct order here.
- if T1.Ent_Scope_File /= T2.Ent_Scope_File then
- return Dependency_Num (T1.Ent_Scope_File) <
- Dependency_Num (T2.Ent_Scope_File);
- -- Second test: within same unit, sort by location of the scope of
- -- the entity definition.
- elsif Get_Scope_Num (T1.Key.Ent_Scope) /=
- Get_Scope_Num (T2.Key.Ent_Scope)
- then
- return Get_Scope_Num (T1.Key.Ent_Scope) <
- Get_Scope_Num (T2.Key.Ent_Scope);
- -- Third test: within same unit and scope, sort by location of
- -- entity definition.
- elsif T1.Def /= T2.Def then
- return T1.Def < T2.Def;
- else
- -- Both entities must be equal at this point
- pragma Assert (T1.Key.Ent = T2.Key.Ent);
- pragma Assert (T1.Key.Ent_Scope = T2.Key.Ent_Scope);
- pragma Assert (T1.Ent_Scope_File = T2.Ent_Scope_File);
- -- Fourth test: if reference is in same unit as entity definition,
- -- sort first.
- if T1.Key.Lun /= T2.Key.Lun
- and then T1.Ent_Scope_File = T1.Key.Lun
- then
- return True;
- elsif T1.Key.Lun /= T2.Key.Lun
- and then T2.Ent_Scope_File = T2.Key.Lun
- then
- return False;
- -- Fifth test: if reference is in same unit and same scope as
- -- entity definition, sort first.
- elsif T1.Ent_Scope_File = T1.Key.Lun
- and then T1.Key.Ref_Scope /= T2.Key.Ref_Scope
- and then T1.Key.Ent_Scope = T1.Key.Ref_Scope
- then
- return True;
- elsif T2.Ent_Scope_File = T2.Key.Lun
- and then T1.Key.Ref_Scope /= T2.Key.Ref_Scope
- and then T2.Key.Ent_Scope = T2.Key.Ref_Scope
- then
- return False;
- -- Sixth test: for same entity, sort by reference location unit
- elsif T1.Key.Lun /= T2.Key.Lun then
- return Dependency_Num (T1.Key.Lun) <
- Dependency_Num (T2.Key.Lun);
- -- Seventh test: for same entity, sort by reference location scope
- elsif Get_Scope_Num (T1.Key.Ref_Scope) /=
- Get_Scope_Num (T2.Key.Ref_Scope)
- then
- return Get_Scope_Num (T1.Key.Ref_Scope) <
- Get_Scope_Num (T2.Key.Ref_Scope);
- -- Eighth test: order of location within referencing unit
- elsif T1.Key.Loc /= T2.Key.Loc then
- return T1.Key.Loc < T2.Key.Loc;
- -- Finally, for two locations at the same address prefer the one
- -- that does NOT have the type 'r', so that a modification or
- -- extension takes preference, when there are more than one
- -- reference at the same location. As a result, in the case of
- -- entities that are in-out actuals, the read reference follows
- -- the modify reference.
- else
- return T2.Key.Typ = 'r';
- end if;
- end if;
- end Lt;
- ----------
- -- Move --
- ----------
- procedure Move (From : Natural; To : Natural) is
- begin
- Rnums (Nat (To)) := Rnums (Nat (From));
- end Move;
- -------------------
- -- Set_Scope_Num --
- -------------------
- procedure Set_Scope_Num (E : Entity_Id; Num : Nat) renames Scopes.Set;
- ------------------------
- -- Update_Scope_Range --
- ------------------------
- procedure Update_Scope_Range
- (S : Scope_Index;
- From : Xref_Index;
- To : Xref_Index)
- is
- begin
- SPARK_Scope_Table.Table (S).From_Xref := From;
- SPARK_Scope_Table.Table (S).To_Xref := To;
- end Update_Scope_Range;
- -- Local variables
- Col : Nat;
- From_Index : Xref_Index;
- Line : Nat;
- Prev_Loc : Source_Ptr;
- Prev_Typ : Character;
- Ref_Count : Nat;
- Ref_Id : Entity_Id;
- Ref_Name : String_Ptr;
- Scope_Id : Scope_Index;
-- Start of processing for Add_SPARK_Xrefs
- for Index in SPARK_Scope_Table.First .. SPARK_Scope_Table.Last loop
- declare
- S : SPARK_Scope_Record renames SPARK_Scope_Table.Table (Index);
- begin
- Set_Scope_Num (S.Scope_Entity, S.Scope_Num);
- end;
- end loop;
- declare
- Drefs_Table : Drefs.Table_Type
- renames Drefs.Table (Drefs.First .. Drefs.Last);
- begin
- Xrefs.Append_All (Xrefs.Table_Type (Drefs_Table));
- Nrefs := Nrefs + Drefs_Table'Length;
- end;
- -- Capture the definition Sloc values. As in the case of normal cross
- -- references, we have to wait until now to get the correct value.
- for Index in 1 .. Nrefs loop
- Xrefs.Table (Index).Def := Sloc (Xrefs.Table (Index).Key.Ent);
- end loop;
- -- Eliminate entries not appropriate for SPARK. Done prior to sorting
- -- cross-references, as it discards useless references which do not have
- -- a proper format for the comparison function (like no location).
- Ref_Count := Nrefs;
- Nrefs := 0;
+ -- Expose cross-references from private frontend tables to the backend
- for Index in 1 .. Ref_Count loop
- declare
- Ref : Xref_Key renames Xrefs.Table (Index).Key;
- begin
- if SPARK_Entities (Ekind (Ref.Ent))
- and then SPARK_References (Ref.Typ)
- and then Is_SPARK_Scope (Ref.Ent_Scope)
- and then Is_SPARK_Scope (Ref.Ref_Scope)
- and then Is_SPARK_Reference (Ref.Ent, Ref.Typ)
- -- Discard references from unknown scopes, e.g. generic scopes
- and then Get_Scope_Num (Ref.Ent_Scope) /= No_Scope
- and then Get_Scope_Num (Ref.Ref_Scope) /= No_Scope
- -- Discard references to loop parameters introduced within
- -- expression functions, as they give two references: one from
- -- the analysis of the expression function itself and one from
- -- the analysis of the expanded body. We don't lose any globals
- -- by discarding them, because such loop parameters can only be
- -- accessed locally from within the expression function body.
- and then not
- (Ekind (Ref.Ent) = E_Loop_Parameter
- and then Scope_Within
- (Ref.Ent, Unique_Entity (Ref.Ref_Scope))
- and then Is_Expression_Function (Ref.Ref_Scope))
- then
- Nrefs := Nrefs + 1;
- Rnums (Nrefs) := Index;
- end if;
- end;
+ for Index in Drefs.First .. Drefs.Last loop
+ Add_SPARK_Xref (Index, Drefs.Table (Index));
end loop;
- -- Sort the references
- Sorting.Sort (Integer (Nrefs));
- -- Eliminate duplicate entries
- -- We need this test for Ref_Count because if we force ALI file
- -- generation in case of errors detected, it may be the case that
- -- Nrefs is 0, so we should not reset it here.
- if Nrefs >= 2 then
- Ref_Count := Nrefs;
- Nrefs := 1;
- for Index in 2 .. Ref_Count loop
- if Xrefs.Table (Rnums (Index)) /= Xrefs.Table (Rnums (Nrefs)) then
- Nrefs := Nrefs + 1;
- Rnums (Nrefs) := Rnums (Index);
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- -- Eliminate the reference if it is at the same location as the previous
- -- one, unless it is a read-reference indicating that the entity is an
- -- in-out actual in a call.
- Ref_Count := Nrefs;
- Nrefs := 0;
- Prev_Loc := No_Location;
- Prev_Typ := 'm';
- for Index in 1 .. Ref_Count loop
- declare
- Ref : Xref_Key renames Xrefs.Table (Rnums (Index)).Key;
- begin
- if Ref.Loc /= Prev_Loc
- or else (Prev_Typ = 'm' and then Ref.Typ = 'r')
- then
- Prev_Loc := Ref.Loc;
- Prev_Typ := Ref.Typ;
- Nrefs := Nrefs + 1;
- Rnums (Nrefs) := Rnums (Index);
- end if;
- end;
+ for Index in Xrefs.First .. Xrefs.Last loop
+ Add_SPARK_Xref (-Index, Xrefs.Table (Index));
end loop;
- -- The two steps have eliminated all references, nothing to do
- if SPARK_Scope_Table.Last = 0 then
- return;
- end if;
- Ref_Id := Empty;
- Scope_Id := 1;
- From_Index := 1;
- -- Loop to output references
- for Refno in 1 .. Nrefs loop
- declare
- Ref_Entry : Xref_Entry renames Xrefs.Table (Rnums (Refno));
- Ref : Xref_Key renames Ref_Entry.Key;
- Typ : Character;
- begin
- -- If this assertion fails, the scope which we are looking for is
- -- not in SPARK scope table, which reveals either a problem in the
- -- construction of the scope table, or an erroneous scope for the
- -- current cross-reference.
- pragma Assert (Is_Future_Scope_Entity (Ref.Ent_Scope, Scope_Id));
- -- Update the range of cross references to which the current scope
- -- refers to. This may be the empty range only for the first scope
- -- considered.
- if Ref.Ent_Scope /= Entity_Of_Scope (Scope_Id) then
- Update_Scope_Range
- (S => Scope_Id,
- From => From_Index,
- To => SPARK_Xref_Table.Last);
- From_Index := SPARK_Xref_Table.Last + 1;
- end if;
- while Ref.Ent_Scope /= Entity_Of_Scope (Scope_Id) loop
- Scope_Id := Scope_Id + 1;
- pragma Assert (Scope_Id <= SPARK_Scope_Table.Last);
- end loop;
- if Ref.Ent /= Ref_Id then
- Ref_Name := new String'(Unique_Name (Ref.Ent));
- end if;
- if Ref.Ent = Heap then
- Line := 0;
- Col := 0;
- else
- Line := Nat (Get_Logical_Line_Number (Ref_Entry.Def));
- Col := Nat (Get_Column_Number (Ref_Entry.Def));
- end if;
- -- References to constant objects without variable inputs (see
- -- SPARK RM 3.3.1) are considered specially in SPARK section,
- -- because these will be translated as constants in the
- -- intermediate language for formal verification, and should
- -- therefore never appear in frame conditions. Other constants may
- -- later be treated the same, up to GNATprove to decide based on
- -- its flow analysis.
- if Is_Constant_Object_Without_Variable_Input (Ref.Ent) then
- Typ := 'c';
- else
- Typ := Ref.Typ;
- end if;
- SPARK_Xref_Table.Append (
- (Entity_Name => Ref_Name,
- Entity_Line => Line,
- Etype => Get_Entity_Type (Ref.Ent),
- Entity_Col => Col,
- File_Num => Dependency_Num (Ref.Lun),
- Scope_Num => Get_Scope_Num (Ref.Ref_Scope),
- Line => Nat (Get_Logical_Line_Number (Ref.Loc)),
- Rtype => Typ,
- Col => Nat (Get_Column_Number (Ref.Loc))));
- end;
- end loop;
- -- Update the range of cross references to which the scope refers to
- Update_Scope_Range
- (S => Scope_Id,
- From => From_Index,
- To => SPARK_Xref_Table.Last);
- end Add_SPARK_Xrefs;
- -------------------------
- -- Collect_SPARK_Xrefs --
- -------------------------
- procedure Collect_SPARK_Xrefs
- (Sdep_Table : Unit_Ref_Table;
- Num_Sdep : Nat)
- is
- Sdep : Pos;
- Sdep_Next : Pos;
- -- Index of the current and next source dependency
- Sdep_File : Pos;
- -- Index of the file to which the scopes need to be assigned; for
- -- library-level instances of generic units this points to the unit
- -- of the body, because this is where references are assigned to.
- Ubody : Unit_Number_Type;
- Uspec : Unit_Number_Type;
- -- Unit numbers for the dependency spec and possibly its body (only in
- -- the case of library-level instance of a generic package).
- begin
- -- Cross-references should have been computed first
- pragma Assert (Xrefs.Last /= 0);
- Initialize_SPARK_Tables;
- -- Generate file and scope SPARK cross-reference information
- Sdep := 1;
- while Sdep <= Num_Sdep loop
- -- Skip dependencies with no entity node, e.g. configuration files
- -- with pragmas (.adc) or target description (.atp), since they
- -- present no interest for SPARK cross references.
- if No (Cunit_Entity (Sdep_Table (Sdep))) then
- Sdep_Next := Sdep + 1;
- -- For library-level instantiation of a generic, two consecutive
- -- units refer to the same compilation unit node and entity (one to
- -- body, one to spec). In that case, treat them as a single unit for
- -- the sake of SPARK cross references by passing to Add_SPARK_File.
- else
- if Sdep < Num_Sdep
- and then Cunit_Entity (Sdep_Table (Sdep)) =
- Cunit_Entity (Sdep_Table (Sdep + 1))
- then
- declare
- Cunit1 : Node_Id renames Cunit (Sdep_Table (Sdep));
- Cunit2 : Node_Id renames Cunit (Sdep_Table (Sdep + 1));
- begin
- -- Both Cunits point to compilation unit nodes
- pragma Assert
- (Nkind (Cunit1) = N_Compilation_Unit
- and then Nkind (Cunit2) = N_Compilation_Unit);
- -- Do not depend on the sorting order, which is based on
- -- Unit_Name, and for library-level instances of nested
- -- generic packages they are equal.
- -- If declaration comes before the body
- if Nkind (Unit (Cunit1)) = N_Package_Declaration
- and then Nkind (Unit (Cunit2)) = N_Package_Body
- then
- Uspec := Sdep_Table (Sdep);
- Ubody := Sdep_Table (Sdep + 1);
- Sdep_File := Sdep + 1;
- -- If body comes before declaration
- elsif Nkind (Unit (Cunit1)) = N_Package_Body
- and then Nkind (Unit (Cunit2)) = N_Package_Declaration
- then
- Uspec := Sdep_Table (Sdep + 1);
- Ubody := Sdep_Table (Sdep);
- Sdep_File := Sdep;
- -- Otherwise it is an error
- else
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Sdep_Next := Sdep + 2;
- end;
- -- ??? otherwise?
- else
- Uspec := Sdep_Table (Sdep);
- Ubody := No_Unit;
- Sdep_File := Sdep;
- Sdep_Next := Sdep + 1;
- end if;
- Add_SPARK_File
- (Uspec => Uspec,
- Ubody => Ubody,
- Dspec => Sdep_File);
- end if;
- Sdep := Sdep_Next;
- end loop;
- -- Fill in the spec information when relevant
- declare
- package Entity_Hash_Table is new
- GNAT.HTable.Simple_HTable
- (Header_Num => Entity_Hashed_Range,
- Element => Scope_Index,
- No_Element => 0,
- Key => Entity_Id,
- Hash => Entity_Hash,
- Equal => "=");
- begin
- -- Fill in the hash-table
- for S in SPARK_Scope_Table.First .. SPARK_Scope_Table.Last loop
- declare
- Srec : SPARK_Scope_Record renames SPARK_Scope_Table.Table (S);
- begin
- Entity_Hash_Table.Set (Srec.Scope_Entity, S);
- end;
- end loop;
- -- Use the hash-table to locate spec entities
- for S in SPARK_Scope_Table.First .. SPARK_Scope_Table.Last loop
- declare
- Srec : SPARK_Scope_Record renames SPARK_Scope_Table.Table (S);
- Spec_Entity : constant Entity_Id :=
- Unique_Entity (Srec.Scope_Entity);
- Spec_Scope : constant Scope_Index :=
- Entity_Hash_Table.Get (Spec_Entity);
- begin
- -- Generic spec may be missing in which case Spec_Scope is zero
- if Spec_Entity /= Srec.Scope_Entity
- and then Spec_Scope /= 0
- then
- Srec.Spec_File_Num :=
- SPARK_Scope_Table.Table (Spec_Scope).File_Num;
- Srec.Spec_Scope_Num :=
- SPARK_Scope_Table.Table (Spec_Scope).Scope_Num;
- end if;
- end;
- end loop;
- end;
- -- Generate SPARK cross-reference information
- Add_SPARK_Xrefs;
- end Collect_SPARK_Xrefs;
+ end Iterate_SPARK_Xrefs;
-- Enclosing_Subprogram_Or_Package --
@@ -1143,16 +263,6 @@ package body SPARK_Specific is
return Context;
end Enclosing_Subprogram_Or_Library_Package;
- -----------------
- -- Entity_Hash --
- -----------------
- function Entity_Hash (E : Entity_Id) return Entity_Hashed_Range is
- begin
- return
- Entity_Hashed_Range (E mod (Entity_Id (Entity_Hashed_Range'Last) + 1));
- end Entity_Hash;
-- Generate_Dereference --
@@ -1221,332 +331,4 @@ package body SPARK_Specific is
end if;
end Generate_Dereference;
- -------------------------------
- -- Traverse_Compilation_Unit --
- -------------------------------
- procedure Traverse_Compilation_Unit
- (CU : Node_Id;
- Inside_Stubs : Boolean)
- is
- procedure Traverse_Block (N : Node_Id);
- procedure Traverse_Declaration_Or_Statement (N : Node_Id);
- procedure Traverse_Declarations_And_HSS (N : Node_Id);
- procedure Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements (L : List_Id);
- procedure Traverse_Handled_Statement_Sequence (N : Node_Id);
- procedure Traverse_Package_Body (N : Node_Id);
- procedure Traverse_Visible_And_Private_Parts (N : Node_Id);
- procedure Traverse_Protected_Body (N : Node_Id);
- procedure Traverse_Subprogram_Body (N : Node_Id);
- procedure Traverse_Task_Body (N : Node_Id);
- -- Traverse corresponding construct, calling Process on all declarations
- --------------------
- -- Traverse_Block --
- --------------------
- procedure Traverse_Block (N : Node_Id) renames
- Traverse_Declarations_And_HSS;
- ---------------------------------------
- -- Traverse_Declaration_Or_Statement --
- ---------------------------------------
- procedure Traverse_Declaration_Or_Statement (N : Node_Id) is
- function Traverse_Stub (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;
- -- Returns True iff stub N should be traversed
- function Traverse_Stub (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
- begin
- pragma Assert (Nkind_In (N, N_Package_Body_Stub,
- N_Protected_Body_Stub,
- N_Subprogram_Body_Stub,
- N_Task_Body_Stub));
- return Inside_Stubs and then Present (Library_Unit (N));
- end Traverse_Stub;
- -- Start of processing for Traverse_Declaration_Or_Statement
- begin
- case Nkind (N) is
- when N_Package_Declaration =>
- Traverse_Visible_And_Private_Parts (Specification (N));
- when N_Package_Body =>
- Traverse_Package_Body (N);
- when N_Package_Body_Stub =>
- if Traverse_Stub (N) then
- Traverse_Package_Body (Get_Body_From_Stub (N));
- end if;
- when N_Subprogram_Body =>
- Traverse_Subprogram_Body (N);
- when N_Entry_Body =>
- Traverse_Subprogram_Body (N);
- when N_Subprogram_Body_Stub =>
- if Traverse_Stub (N) then
- Traverse_Subprogram_Body (Get_Body_From_Stub (N));
- end if;
- when N_Protected_Body =>
- Traverse_Protected_Body (N);
- when N_Protected_Body_Stub =>
- if Traverse_Stub (N) then
- Traverse_Protected_Body (Get_Body_From_Stub (N));
- end if;
- when N_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
- Traverse_Visible_And_Private_Parts (Protected_Definition (N));
- when N_Task_Type_Declaration =>
- -- Task type definition is optional (unlike protected type
- -- definition, which is mandatory).
- declare
- Task_Def : constant Node_Id := Task_Definition (N);
- begin
- if Present (Task_Def) then
- Traverse_Visible_And_Private_Parts (Task_Def);
- end if;
- end;
- when N_Task_Body =>
- Traverse_Task_Body (N);
- when N_Task_Body_Stub =>
- if Traverse_Stub (N) then
- Traverse_Task_Body (Get_Body_From_Stub (N));
- end if;
- when N_Block_Statement =>
- Traverse_Block (N);
- when N_If_Statement =>
- -- Traverse the statements in the THEN part
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements (Then_Statements (N));
- -- Loop through ELSIF parts if present
- if Present (Elsif_Parts (N)) then
- declare
- Elif : Node_Id := First (Elsif_Parts (N));
- begin
- while Present (Elif) loop
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements
- (Then_Statements (Elif));
- Next (Elif);
- end loop;
- end;
- end if;
- -- Finally traverse the ELSE statements if present
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements (Else_Statements (N));
- when N_Case_Statement =>
- -- Process case branches
- declare
- Alt : Node_Id := First (Alternatives (N));
- begin
- loop
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements (Statements (Alt));
- Next (Alt);
- exit when No (Alt);
- end loop;
- end;
- when N_Extended_Return_Statement =>
- Traverse_Handled_Statement_Sequence
- (Handled_Statement_Sequence (N));
- when N_Loop_Statement =>
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements (Statements (N));
- -- Generic declarations are ignored
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- end Traverse_Declaration_Or_Statement;
- -----------------------------------
- -- Traverse_Declarations_And_HSS --
- -----------------------------------
- procedure Traverse_Declarations_And_HSS (N : Node_Id) is
- begin
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements (Declarations (N));
- Traverse_Handled_Statement_Sequence (Handled_Statement_Sequence (N));
- end Traverse_Declarations_And_HSS;
- -----------------------------------------
- -- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements --
- -----------------------------------------
- procedure Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements (L : List_Id) is
- N : Node_Id;
- begin
- -- Loop through statements or declarations
- N := First (L);
- while Present (N) loop
- -- Call Process on all declarations
- if Nkind (N) in N_Declaration
- or else Nkind (N) in N_Later_Decl_Item
- or else Nkind (N) = N_Entry_Body
- then
- if Nkind (N) in N_Body_Stub then
- Process (Get_Body_From_Stub (N));
- else
- Process (N);
- end if;
- end if;
- Traverse_Declaration_Or_Statement (N);
- Next (N);
- end loop;
- end Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements;
- -----------------------------------------
- -- Traverse_Handled_Statement_Sequence --
- -----------------------------------------
- procedure Traverse_Handled_Statement_Sequence (N : Node_Id) is
- Handler : Node_Id;
- begin
- if Present (N) then
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements (Statements (N));
- if Present (Exception_Handlers (N)) then
- Handler := First (Exception_Handlers (N));
- while Present (Handler) loop
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements (Statements (Handler));
- Next (Handler);
- end loop;
- end if;
- end if;
- end Traverse_Handled_Statement_Sequence;
- ---------------------------
- -- Traverse_Package_Body --
- ---------------------------
- procedure Traverse_Package_Body (N : Node_Id) is
- Spec_E : constant Entity_Id := Unique_Defining_Entity (N);
- begin
- case Ekind (Spec_E) is
- when E_Package =>
- Traverse_Declarations_And_HSS (N);
- when E_Generic_Package =>
- null;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Traverse_Package_Body;
- -----------------------------
- -- Traverse_Protected_Body --
- -----------------------------
- procedure Traverse_Protected_Body (N : Node_Id) is
- begin
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements (Declarations (N));
- end Traverse_Protected_Body;
- ------------------------------
- -- Traverse_Subprogram_Body --
- ------------------------------
- procedure Traverse_Subprogram_Body (N : Node_Id) is
- Spec_E : constant Entity_Id := Unique_Defining_Entity (N);
- begin
- case Ekind (Spec_E) is
- when Entry_Kind
- | E_Function
- | E_Procedure
- =>
- Traverse_Declarations_And_HSS (N);
- when Generic_Subprogram_Kind =>
- null;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Traverse_Subprogram_Body;
- ------------------------
- -- Traverse_Task_Body --
- ------------------------
- procedure Traverse_Task_Body (N : Node_Id) renames
- Traverse_Declarations_And_HSS;
- ----------------------------------------
- -- Traverse_Visible_And_Private_Parts --
- ----------------------------------------
- procedure Traverse_Visible_And_Private_Parts (N : Node_Id) is
- begin
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements (Visible_Declarations (N));
- Traverse_Declarations_Or_Statements (Private_Declarations (N));
- end Traverse_Visible_And_Private_Parts;
- -- Local variables
- Lu : Node_Id;
- -- Start of processing for Traverse_Compilation_Unit
- begin
- -- Get Unit (checking case of subunit)
- Lu := Unit (CU);
- if Nkind (Lu) = N_Subunit then
- Lu := Proper_Body (Lu);
- end if;
- -- Do not add scopes for generic units
- if Nkind (Lu) = N_Package_Body
- and then Ekind (Corresponding_Spec (Lu)) in Generic_Unit_Kind
- then
- return;
- end if;
- -- Call Process on all declarations
- if Nkind (Lu) in N_Declaration
- or else Nkind (Lu) in N_Later_Decl_Item
- then
- Process (Lu);
- end if;
- -- Traverse the unit
- Traverse_Declaration_Or_Statement (Lu);
- end Traverse_Compilation_Unit;
end SPARK_Specific;