path: root/gcc/ada/
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1 files changed, 548 insertions, 0 deletions
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+-- --
+-- --
+-- G N A T . R E G P A T --
+-- --
+-- S p e c --
+-- --
+-- $Revision: 1.27 $
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 1986 by University of Toronto. --
+-- Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Ada Core Technologies, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
+-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
+-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
+-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
+-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
+-- --
+-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
+-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
+-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
+-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
+-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
+-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
+-- --
+-- This package implements roughly the same set of regular expressions as
+-- are available in the Perl or Python programming languages.
+-- This is an extension of the original V7 style regular expression library
+-- written in C by Henry Spencer. Apart from the translation to Ada, the
+-- interface has been considerably changed to use the Ada String type
+-- instead of C-style nul-terminated strings.
+-- Summary of Pattern Matching Packages in GNAT Hierarchy --
+-- There are three related packages that perform pattern maching functions.
+-- the following is an outline of these packages, to help you determine
+-- which is best for your needs.
+-- GNAT.Regexp (files
+-- This is a simple package providing Unix-style regular expression
+-- matching with the restriction that it matches entire strings. It
+-- is particularly useful for file name matching, and in particular
+-- it provides "globbing patterns" that are useful in implementing
+-- unix or DOS style wild card matching for file names.
+-- GNAT.Regpat (files
+-- This is a more complete implementation of Unix-style regular
+-- expressions, copied from the Perl regular expression engine,
+-- written originally in C by Henry Spencer. It is functionally the
+-- same as that library.
+-- GNAT.Spitbol.Patterns (files
+-- This is a completely general pattern matching package based on the
+-- pattern language of SNOBOL4, as implemented in SPITBOL. The pattern
+-- language is modeled on context free grammars, with context sensitive
+-- extensions that provide full (type 0) computational capabilities.
+package GNAT.Regpat is
+pragma Preelaborate (Regpat);
+ -- The grammar is the following:
+ -- regexp ::= expr
+ -- ::= ^ expr -- anchor at the beginning of string
+ -- ::= expr $ -- anchor at the end of string
+ -- expr ::= term
+ -- ::= term | term -- alternation (term or term ...)
+ -- term ::= item
+ -- ::= item item ... -- concatenation (item then item)
+ -- item ::= elmt -- match elmt
+ -- ::= elmt * -- zero or more elmt's
+ -- ::= elmt + -- one or more elmt's
+ -- ::= elmt ? -- matches elmt or nothing
+ -- ::= elmt *? -- zero or more times, minimum number
+ -- ::= elmt +? -- one or more times, minimum number
+ -- ::= elmt ?? -- zero or one time, minimum number
+ -- ::= elmt { num } -- matches elmt exactly num times
+ -- ::= elmt { num , } -- matches elmt at least num times
+ -- ::= elmt { num , num2 } -- matches between num and num2 times
+ -- ::= elmt { num }? -- matches elmt exactly num times
+ -- ::= elmt { num , }? -- matches elmt at least num times
+ -- non-greedy version
+ -- ::= elmt { num , num2 }? -- matches between num and num2 times
+ -- non-greedy version
+ -- elmt ::= nchr -- matches given character
+ -- ::= [range range ...] -- matches any character listed
+ -- ::= [^ range range ...] -- matches any character not listed
+ -- ::= . -- matches any single character
+ -- -- except newlines
+ -- ::= ( expr ) -- parens used for grouping
+ -- ::= \ num -- reference to num-th parenthesis
+ -- range ::= char - char -- matches chars in given range
+ -- ::= nchr
+ -- ::= [: posix :] -- any character in the POSIX range
+ -- ::= [:^ posix :] -- not in the POSIX range
+ -- posix ::= alnum -- alphanumeric characters
+ -- ::= alpha -- alphabetic characters
+ -- ::= ascii -- ascii characters (0 .. 127)
+ -- ::= cntrl -- control chars (0..31, 127..159)
+ -- ::= digit -- digits ('0' .. '9')
+ -- ::= graph -- graphic chars (32..126, 160..255)
+ -- ::= lower -- lower case characters
+ -- ::= print -- printable characters (32..127)
+ -- ::= punct -- printable, except alphanumeric
+ -- ::= space -- space characters
+ -- ::= upper -- upper case characters
+ -- ::= word -- alphanumeric characters
+ -- ::= xdigit -- hexadecimal chars (0..9, a..f)
+ -- char ::= any character, including special characters
+ -- ASCII.NUL is not supported.
+ -- nchr ::= any character except \()[].*+?^ or \char to match char
+ -- \n means a newline (ASCII.LF)
+ -- \t means a tab (ASCII.HT)
+ -- \r means a return (ASCII.CR)
+ -- \b matches the empty string at the beginning or end of a
+ -- word. A word is defined as a set of alphanumerical
+ -- characters (see \w below).
+ -- \B matches the empty string only when *not* at the
+ -- beginning or end of a word.
+ -- \d matches any digit character ([0-9])
+ -- \D matches any non digit character ([^0-9])
+ -- \s matches any white space character. This is equivalent
+ -- to [ \t\n\r\f\v] (tab, form-feed, vertical-tab,...
+ -- \S matches any non-white space character.
+ -- \w matches any alphanumeric character or underscore.
+ -- This include accented letters, as defined in the
+ -- package Ada.Characters.Handling.
+ -- \W matches any non-alphanumeric character.
+ -- \A match the empty string only at the beginning of the
+ -- string, whatever flags are used for Compile (the
+ -- behavior of ^ can change, see Regexp_Flags below).
+ -- \G match the empty string only at the end of the
+ -- string, whatever flags are used for Compile (the
+ -- behavior of $ can change, see Regexp_Flags below).
+ -- ... ::= is used to indication repetition (one or more terms)
+ -- Embedded newlines are not matched by the ^ operator.
+ -- It is possible to retrieve the substring matched a parenthesis
+ -- expression. Although the depth of parenthesis is not limited in the
+ -- regexp, only the first 9 substrings can be retrieved.
+ -- The highest value possible for the arguments to the curly operator ({})
+ -- are given by the constant Max_Curly_Repeat below.
+ -- The operators '*', '+', '?' and '{}' always match the longest possible
+ -- substring. They all have a non-greedy version (with an extra ? after the
+ -- operator), which matches the shortest possible substring.
+ -- For instance:
+ -- regexp="<.*>" string="<h1>title</h1>" matches="<h1>title</h1>"
+ -- regexp="<.*?>" string="<h1>title</h1>" matches="<h1>"
+ --
+ -- '{' and '}' are only considered as special characters if they appear
+ -- in a substring that looks exactly like '{n}', '{n,m}' or '{n,}', where
+ -- n and m are digits. No space is allowed. In other contexts, the curly
+ -- braces will simply be treated as normal characters.
+ -- Compiling Regular Expressions
+ -- =============================
+ -- To use this package, you first need to compile the regular expression
+ -- (a string) into a byte-code program, in a Pattern_Matcher structure.
+ -- This first step checks that the regexp is valid, and optimizes the
+ -- matching algorithms of the second step.
+ -- Two versions of the Compile subprogram are given: one in which this
+ -- package will compute itself the best possible size to allocate for the
+ -- byte code; the other where you must allocate enough memory yourself. An
+ -- exception is raised if there is not enough memory.
+ -- declare
+ -- Regexp : String := "a|b";
+ -- Matcher : Pattern_Matcher := Compile (Regexp);
+ -- -- The size for matcher is automatically allocated
+ -- Matcher2 : Pattern_Matcher (1000);
+ -- -- Some space is allocated directly.
+ -- begin
+ -- Compile (Matcher2, Regexp);
+ -- ...
+ -- end;
+ -- Note that the second version is significantly faster, since with the
+ -- first version the regular expression has in fact to be compiled twice
+ -- (first to compute the size, then to generate the byte code).
+ -- Note also that you can not use the function version of Compile if you
+ -- specify the size of the Pattern_Matcher, since the discriminants will
+ -- most probably be different and you will get a Constraint_Error
+ -- Matching Strings
+ -- ================
+ -- Once the regular expression has been compiled, you can use it as often
+ -- as needed to match strings.
+ -- Several versions of the Match subprogram are provided, with different
+ -- parameters and return results.
+ -- See the description under each of these subprograms.
+ -- Here is a short example showing how to get the substring matched by
+ -- the first parenthesis pair.
+ -- declare
+ -- Matches : Match_Array;
+ -- Regexp : String := "a(b|c)d";
+ -- Str : String := "gacdg";
+ -- begin
+ -- Match (Compile (Regexp), Str, Matches);
+ -- return Str (Matches (1).First .. Matches (1).Last);
+ -- -- returns 'c'
+ -- end;
+ -- String Substitution
+ -- ===================
+ -- No subprogram is currently provided for string substitution.
+ -- However, this is easy to simulate with the parenthesis groups, as
+ -- shown below.
+ -- This example swaps the first two words of the string:
+ -- declare
+ -- Regexp : String := "([a-z]+) +([a-z]+)";
+ -- Str : String := " first second third ";
+ -- Matches : Match_Array;
+ -- begin
+ -- Match (Compile (Regexp), Str, Matches);
+ -- return Str (Str'First .. Matches (1).First - 1)
+ -- & Str (Matches (2).First .. Matches (2).Last)
+ -- & " "
+ -- & Str (Matches (1).First .. Matches (1).Last)
+ -- & Str (Matches (2).Last + 1 .. Str'Last);
+ -- -- returns " second first third "
+ -- end;
+ ---------------
+ -- Constants --
+ ---------------
+ Expression_Error : exception;
+ -- This exception is raised when trying to compile an invalid
+ -- regular expression. All subprograms taking an expression
+ -- as parameter may raise Expression_Error.
+ Max_Paren_Count : constant := 255;
+ -- Maximum number of parenthesis in a regular expression.
+ -- This is limited by the size of a Character, as found in the
+ -- byte-compiled version of regular expressions.
+ Max_Program_Size : constant := 2**15 - 1;
+ -- Maximum size that can be allocated for a program.
+ Max_Curly_Repeat : constant := 32767;
+ -- Maximum number of repetition for the curly operator.
+ -- The digits in the {n}, {n,} and {n,m } operators can not be higher
+ -- than this constant, since they have to fit on two characters in the
+ -- byte-compiled version of regular expressions.
+ type Program_Size is range 0 .. Max_Program_Size;
+ for Program_Size'Size use 16;
+ -- Number of bytes allocated for the byte-compiled version of a regular
+ -- expression.
+ type Regexp_Flags is mod 256;
+ for Regexp_Flags'Size use 8;
+ -- Flags that can be given at compile time to specify default
+ -- properties for the regular expression.
+ No_Flags : constant Regexp_Flags;
+ Case_Insensitive : constant Regexp_Flags;
+ -- The automaton is optimized so that the matching is done in a case
+ -- insensitive manner (upper case characters and lower case characters
+ -- are all treated the same way).
+ Single_Line : constant Regexp_Flags;
+ -- Treat the Data we are matching as a single line. This means that
+ -- ^ and $ will ignore \n (unless Multiple_Lines is also specified),
+ -- and that '.' will match \n.
+ Multiple_Lines : constant Regexp_Flags;
+ -- Treat the Data as multiple lines. This means that ^ and $ will also
+ -- match on internal newlines (ASCII.LF), in addition to the beginning
+ -- and end of the string.
+ --
+ -- This can be combined with Single_Line.
+ -----------------
+ -- Match_Array --
+ -----------------
+ subtype Match_Count is Natural range 0 .. Max_Paren_Count;
+ type Match_Location is record
+ First : Natural := 0;
+ Last : Natural := 0;
+ end record;
+ type Match_Array is array (Match_Count range <>) of Match_Location;
+ -- The substring matching a given pair of parenthesis.
+ -- Index 0 is the whole substring that matched the full regular
+ -- expression.
+ --
+ -- For instance, if your regular expression is something like:
+ -- "a(b*)(c+)", then Match_Array(1) will be the indexes of the
+ -- substring that matched "b*" and Match_Array(2) will be the substring
+ -- that matched "c+".
+ --
+ -- The number of parenthesis groups that can be retrieved is unlimited,
+ -- and all the Match subprograms below can use a Match_Array of any size.
+ -- Indexes that do not have any matching parenthesis are set to
+ -- No_Match.
+ No_Match : constant Match_Location := (First => 0, Last => 0);
+ -- The No_Match constant is (0, 0) to differentiate between
+ -- matching a null string at position 1, which uses (1, 0)
+ -- and no match at all.
+ ------------------------------
+ -- Pattern_Matcher Creation --
+ ------------------------------
+ type Pattern_Matcher (Size : Program_Size) is private;
+ -- Type used to represent a regular expression compiled into byte code
+ Never_Match : constant Pattern_Matcher;
+ -- A regular expression that never matches anything
+ function Compile
+ (Expression : String;
+ Flags : Regexp_Flags := No_Flags)
+ return Pattern_Matcher;
+ -- Compile a regular expression into internal code.
+ -- Raises Expression_Error if Expression is not a legal regular expression.
+ -- The appropriate size is calculated automatically, but this means that
+ -- the regular expression has to be compiled twice (the first time to
+ -- calculate the size, the second time to actually generate the byte code).
+ --
+ -- Flags is the default value to use to set properties for Expression (case
+ -- sensitivity,...).
+ procedure Compile
+ (Matcher : out Pattern_Matcher;
+ Expression : String;
+ Final_Code_Size : out Program_Size;
+ Flags : Regexp_Flags := No_Flags);
+ -- Compile a regular expression into into internal code
+ -- This procedure is significantly faster than the function
+ -- Compile, as there is a known maximum size for the matcher.
+ -- This function raises Storage_Error if Matcher is too small
+ -- to hold the resulting code, or Expression_Error is Expression
+ -- is not a legal regular expression.
+ --
+ -- Flags is the default value to use to set properties for Expression (case
+ -- sensitivity,...).
+ procedure Compile
+ (Matcher : out Pattern_Matcher;
+ Expression : String;
+ Flags : Regexp_Flags := No_Flags);
+ -- Same procedure as above, expect it does not return the final
+ -- program size.
+ function Paren_Count (Regexp : Pattern_Matcher) return Match_Count;
+ pragma Inline (Paren_Count);
+ -- Return the number of parenthesis pairs in Regexp.
+ -- This is the maximum index that will be filled if a Match_Array is
+ -- used as an argument to Match.
+ --
+ -- Thus, if you want to be sure to get all the parenthesis, you should
+ -- do something like:
+ --
+ -- declare
+ -- Regexp : Pattern_Matcher := Compile ("a(b*)(c+)");
+ -- Matched : Match_Array (0 .. Paren_Count (Regexp));
+ -- begin
+ -- Match (Regexp, "a string", Matched);
+ -- end;
+ -------------
+ -- Quoting --
+ -------------
+ function Quote (Str : String) return String;
+ -- Return a version of Str so that every special character is quoted.
+ -- The resulting string can be used in a regular expression to match
+ -- exactly Str, whatever character was present in Str.
+ --------------
+ -- Matching --
+ --------------
+ procedure Match
+ (Expression : String;
+ Data : String;
+ Matches : out Match_Array;
+ Size : Program_Size := 0);
+ -- Match Expression against Data and store result in Matches.
+ -- Function raises Storage_Error if Size is too small for Expression,
+ -- or Expression_Error if Expression is not a legal regular expression.
+ -- If Size is 0, then the appropriate size is automatically calculated
+ -- by this package, but this is slightly slower.
+ --
+ -- At most Matches'Length parenthesis are returned.
+ function Match
+ (Expression : String;
+ Data : String;
+ Size : Program_Size := 0)
+ return Natural;
+ -- Return the position where Data matches, or (Data'First - 1) if there is
+ -- no match.
+ -- Function raises Storage_Error if Size is too small for Expression
+ -- or Expression_Error if Expression is not a legal regular expression
+ -- If Size is 0, then the appropriate size is automatically calculated
+ -- by this package, but this is slightly slower.
+ function Match
+ (Expression : String;
+ Data : String;
+ Size : Program_Size := 0)
+ return Boolean;
+ -- Return True if Data matches Expression. Match raises Storage_Error
+ -- if Size is too small for Expression, or Expression_Error if Expression
+ -- is not a legal regular expression.
+ --
+ -- If Size is 0, then the appropriate size is automatically calculated
+ -- by this package, but this is slightly slower.
+ ------------------------------------------------
+ -- Matching a pre-compiled regular expression --
+ ------------------------------------------------
+ -- The following functions are significantly faster if you need to reuse
+ -- the same regular expression multiple times, since you only have to
+ -- compile it once.
+ function Match
+ (Self : Pattern_Matcher;
+ Data : String)
+ return Natural;
+ -- Return the position where Data matches, or (Data'First - 1) if there is
+ -- no match. Raises Expression_Error if Expression is not a legal regular
+ -- expression.
+ pragma Inline (Match);
+ -- All except the last one below.
+ procedure Match
+ (Self : Pattern_Matcher;
+ Data : String;
+ Matches : out Match_Array);
+ -- Match Data using the given pattern matcher and store result in Matches.
+ -- Raises Expression_Error if Expression is not a legal regular expression.
+ -- The expression matches if Matches (0) /= No_Match.
+ --
+ -- At most Matches'Length parenthesis are returned.
+ -----------
+ -- Debug --
+ -----------
+ procedure Dump (Self : Pattern_Matcher);
+ -- Dump the compiled version of the regular expression matched by Self.
+-- Private Declarations --
+ subtype Pointer is Program_Size;
+ -- The Pointer type is used to point into Program_Data
+ -- Note that the pointer type is not necessarily 2 bytes
+ -- although it is stored in the program using 2 bytes
+ type Program_Data is array (Pointer range <>) of Character;
+ Program_First : constant := 1;
+ -- The "internal use only" fields in regexp are present to pass
+ -- info from compile to execute that permits the execute phase
+ -- to run lots faster on simple cases. They are:
+ -- First character that must begin a match or ASCII.Nul
+ -- Anchored true iff match must start at beginning of line
+ -- Must_Have pointer to string that match must include or null
+ -- Must_Have_Length length of Must_Have string
+ -- First and Anchored permit very fast decisions on suitable
+ -- starting points for a match, cutting down the work a lot.
+ -- Must_Have permits fast rejection of lines that cannot possibly
+ -- match.
+ -- The Must_Have tests are costly enough that Optimize
+ -- supplies a Must_Have only if the r.e. contains something potentially
+ -- expensive (at present, the only such thing detected is * or +
+ -- at the start of the r.e., which can involve a lot of backup).
+ -- The length is supplied because the test in Execute needs it
+ -- and Optimize is computing it anyway.
+ -- The initialization is meant to fail-safe in case the user of this
+ -- package tries to use an uninitialized matcher. This takes advantage
+ -- of the knowledge that ASCII.Nul translates to the end-of-program (EOP)
+ -- instruction code of the state machine.
+ No_Flags : constant Regexp_Flags := 0;
+ Case_Insensitive : constant Regexp_Flags := 1;
+ Single_Line : constant Regexp_Flags := 2;
+ Multiple_Lines : constant Regexp_Flags := 4;
+ type Pattern_Matcher (Size : Pointer) is record
+ First : Character := ASCII.NUL; -- internal use only
+ Anchored : Boolean := False; -- internal use only
+ Must_Have : Pointer := 0; -- internal use only
+ Must_Have_Length : Natural := 0; -- internal use only
+ Paren_Count : Natural := 0; -- # paren groups
+ Flags : Regexp_Flags := No_Flags;
+ Program : Program_Data (Program_First .. Size) :=
+ (others => ASCII.NUL);
+ end record;
+ Never_Match : constant Pattern_Matcher :=
+ (0, ASCII.NUL, False, 0, 0, 0, No_Flags, (others => ASCII.NUL));
+end GNAT.Regpat;