path: root/gcc/ada/gnatls.adb
diff options
authorkenner <kenner@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2001-10-02 14:18:40 +0000
committerkenner <kenner@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2001-10-02 14:18:40 +0000
commit83cce46b47d48de4c71b02a20f5bf36296a48568 (patch)
tree6570bc15069492ca4f53a85c5d09a36d099fd63f /gcc/ada/gnatls.adb
parentee6ba406bdc83a0b016ec0099d84035d7fd26fd7 (diff)
New Language: Ada
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/gnatls.adb')
1 files changed, 1157 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/gnatls.adb b/gcc/ada/gnatls.adb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b131ddb572f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/gnatls.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1157 @@
+-- --
+-- --
+-- G N A T L S --
+-- --
+-- B o d y --
+-- --
+-- $Revision: 1.37 $
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 1992-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
+-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
+-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
+-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
+-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
+-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
+-- --
+with ALI; use ALI;
+with ALI.Util; use ALI.Util;
+with Binderr; use Binderr;
+with Butil; use Butil;
+with Csets;
+with Fname; use Fname;
+with Gnatvsn; use Gnatvsn;
+with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
+with Namet; use Namet;
+with Opt; use Opt;
+with Osint; use Osint;
+with Output; use Output;
+with Prj; use Prj;
+with Prj.Pars; use Prj.Pars;
+with Prj.Env;
+with Prj.Ext; use Prj.Ext;
+with Prj.Util; use Prj.Util;
+with Snames; use Snames;
+with Stringt; use Stringt;
+with Types; use Types;
+procedure Gnatls is
+ pragma Ident (Gnat_Version_String);
+ Max_Column : constant := 80;
+ type File_Status is (
+ OK, -- matching timestamp
+ Checksum_OK, -- only matching checksum
+ Not_Found, -- file not found on source PATH
+ Not_Same, -- neither checksum nor timestamp matching
+ Not_First_On_PATH); -- matching file hidden by Not_Same file on path
+ type Dir_Data;
+ type Dir_Ref is access Dir_Data;
+ type Dir_Data is record
+ Value : String_Access;
+ Next : Dir_Ref;
+ end record;
+ First_Source_Dir : Dir_Ref;
+ Last_Source_Dir : Dir_Ref;
+ -- The list of source directories from the command line.
+ -- These directories are added using Osint.Add_Src_Search_Dir
+ -- after those of the GNAT Project File, if any.
+ First_Lib_Dir : Dir_Ref;
+ Last_Lib_Dir : Dir_Ref;
+ -- The list of object directories from the command line.
+ -- These directories are added using Osint.Add_Lib_Search_Dir
+ -- after those of the GNAT Project File, if any.
+ Main_File : File_Name_Type;
+ Ali_File : File_Name_Type;
+ Text : Text_Buffer_Ptr;
+ Id : ALI_Id;
+ Next_Arg : Positive;
+ Too_Long : Boolean := False;
+ -- When True, lines are too long for multi-column output and each
+ -- item of information is on a different line.
+ Project_File : String_Access;
+ Project : Prj.Project_Id;
+ Current_Verbosity : Prj.Verbosity := Prj.Default;
+ Selective_Output : Boolean := False;
+ Print_Usage : Boolean := False;
+ Print_Unit : Boolean := True;
+ Print_Source : Boolean := True;
+ Print_Object : Boolean := True;
+ -- Flags controlling the form of the outpout
+ Dependable : Boolean := False; -- flag -d
+ Also_Predef : Boolean := False;
+ Unit_Start : Integer;
+ Unit_End : Integer;
+ Source_Start : Integer;
+ Source_End : Integer;
+ Object_Start : Integer;
+ Object_End : Integer;
+ -- Various column starts and ends
+ Spaces : constant String (1 .. Max_Column) := (others => ' ');
+ -----------------------
+ -- Local Subprograms --
+ -----------------------
+ procedure Add_Lib_Dir (Dir : String; And_Save : Boolean);
+ -- Add an object directory, using Osint.Add_Lib_Search_Dir
+ -- if And_Save is False or keeping in the list First_Lib_Dir,
+ -- Last_Lib_Dir if And_Save is True.
+ procedure Add_Source_Dir (Dir : String; And_Save : Boolean);
+ -- Add a source directory, using Osint.Add_Src_Search_Dir
+ -- if And_Save is False or keeping in the list First_Source_Dir,
+ -- Last_Source_Dir if And_Save is True.
+ procedure Find_General_Layout;
+ -- Determine the structure of the output (multi columns or not, etc)
+ procedure Find_Status
+ (FS : in out File_Name_Type;
+ Stamp : Time_Stamp_Type;
+ Checksum : Word;
+ Status : out File_Status);
+ -- Determine the file status (Status) of the file represented by FS
+ -- with the expected Stamp and checksum given as argument. FS will be
+ -- updated to the full file name if available.
+ function Corresponding_Sdep_Entry (A : ALI_Id; U : Unit_Id) return Sdep_Id;
+ -- Give the Sdep entry corresponding to the unit U in ali record A.
+ function Index (Char : Character; Str : String) return Natural;
+ -- Returns the first occurence of Char in Str.
+ -- Returns 0 if Char is not in Str.
+ procedure Output_Object (O : File_Name_Type);
+ -- Print out the name of the object when requested
+ procedure Output_Source (Sdep_I : Sdep_Id);
+ -- Print out the name and status of the source corresponding to this
+ -- sdep entry
+ procedure Output_Status (FS : File_Status; Verbose : Boolean);
+ -- Print out FS either in a coded form if verbose is false or in an
+ -- expanded form otherwise.
+ procedure Output_Unit (U_Id : Unit_Id);
+ -- Print out information on the unit when requested
+ procedure Reset_Print;
+ -- Reset Print flags properly when selective output is chosen
+ procedure Scan_Ls_Arg (Argv : String; And_Save : Boolean);
+ -- Scan and process lser specific arguments. Argv is a single argument.
+ procedure Usage;
+ -- Print usage message.
+ -----------------
+ -- Add_Lib_Dir --
+ -----------------
+ procedure Add_Lib_Dir (Dir : String; And_Save : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ if And_Save then
+ if First_Lib_Dir = null then
+ First_Lib_Dir :=
+ new Dir_Data'
+ (Value => new String'(Dir),
+ Next => null);
+ Last_Lib_Dir := First_Lib_Dir;
+ else
+ Last_Lib_Dir.Next :=
+ new Dir_Data'
+ (Value => new String'(Dir),
+ Next => null);
+ Last_Lib_Dir := Last_Lib_Dir.Next;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Add_Lib_Search_Dir (Dir);
+ end if;
+ end Add_Lib_Dir;
+ -- -----------------
+ -- Add_Source_Dir --
+ --------------------
+ procedure Add_Source_Dir (Dir : String; And_Save : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ if And_Save then
+ if First_Source_Dir = null then
+ First_Source_Dir :=
+ new Dir_Data'
+ (Value => new String'(Dir),
+ Next => null);
+ Last_Source_Dir := First_Source_Dir;
+ else
+ Last_Source_Dir.Next :=
+ new Dir_Data'
+ (Value => new String'(Dir),
+ Next => null);
+ Last_Source_Dir := Last_Source_Dir.Next;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Add_Src_Search_Dir (Dir);
+ end if;
+ end Add_Source_Dir;
+ ------------------------------
+ -- Corresponding_Sdep_Entry --
+ ------------------------------
+ function Corresponding_Sdep_Entry
+ (A : ALI_Id;
+ U : Unit_Id)
+ return Sdep_Id
+ is
+ begin
+ for D in ALIs.Table (A).First_Sdep .. ALIs.Table (A).Last_Sdep loop
+ if Sdep.Table (D).Sfile = Units.Table (U).Sfile then
+ return D;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Error_Msg_Name_1 := Units.Table (U).Uname;
+ Error_Msg_Name_2 := ALIs.Table (A).Afile;
+ Write_Eol;
+ Error_Msg ("wrong ALI format, can't find dependancy line for & in %");
+ Exit_Program (E_Fatal);
+ -- Not needed since we exit the program but avoids compiler warning
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end Corresponding_Sdep_Entry;
+ -------------------------
+ -- Find_General_Layout --
+ -------------------------
+ procedure Find_General_Layout is
+ Max_Unit_Length : Integer := 11;
+ Max_Src_Length : Integer := 11;
+ Max_Obj_Length : Integer := 11;
+ Len : Integer;
+ FS : File_Name_Type;
+ begin
+ -- Compute maximum of each column
+ for Id in ALIs.First .. ALIs.Last loop
+ Get_Name_String (Units.Table (ALIs.Table (Id).First_Unit).Uname);
+ if Also_Predef or else not Is_Internal_Unit then
+ if Print_Unit then
+ Len := Name_Len - 1;
+ Max_Unit_Length := Integer'Max (Max_Unit_Length, Len);
+ end if;
+ if Print_Source then
+ FS := Full_Source_Name (ALIs.Table (Id).Sfile);
+ if FS = No_File then
+ Get_Name_String (ALIs.Table (Id).Sfile);
+ Name_Len := Name_Len + 13;
+ else
+ Get_Name_String (FS);
+ end if;
+ Max_Src_Length := Integer'Max (Max_Src_Length, Name_Len + 1);
+ end if;
+ if Print_Object then
+ Get_Name_String (ALIs.Table (Id).Ofile_Full_Name);
+ Max_Obj_Length := Integer'Max (Max_Obj_Length, Name_Len + 1);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- Verify is output is not wider than maximum number of columns
+ Too_Long := Verbose_Mode or else
+ (Max_Unit_Length + Max_Src_Length + Max_Obj_Length) > Max_Column;
+ -- Set start and end of columns.
+ Object_Start := 1;
+ Object_End := Object_Start - 1;
+ if Print_Object then
+ Object_End := Object_Start + Max_Obj_Length;
+ end if;
+ Unit_Start := Object_End + 1;
+ Unit_End := Unit_Start - 1;
+ if Print_Unit then
+ Unit_End := Unit_Start + Max_Unit_Length;
+ end if;
+ Source_Start := Unit_End + 1;
+ if Source_Start > Spaces'Last then
+ Source_Start := Spaces'Last;
+ end if;
+ Source_End := Source_Start - 1;
+ if Print_Source then
+ Source_End := Source_Start + Max_Src_Length;
+ end if;
+ end Find_General_Layout;
+ -----------------
+ -- Find_Status --
+ -----------------
+ procedure Find_Status
+ (FS : in out File_Name_Type;
+ Stamp : Time_Stamp_Type;
+ Checksum : Word;
+ Status : out File_Status)
+ is
+ Tmp1 : File_Name_Type;
+ Tmp2 : File_Name_Type;
+ begin
+ Tmp1 := Full_Source_Name (FS);
+ if Tmp1 = No_File then
+ Status := Not_Found;
+ elsif File_Stamp (Tmp1) = Stamp then
+ FS := Tmp1;
+ Status := OK;
+ elsif Get_File_Checksum (FS) = Checksum then
+ FS := Tmp1;
+ Status := Checksum_OK;
+ else
+ Tmp2 := Matching_Full_Source_Name (FS, Stamp);
+ if Tmp2 = No_File then
+ Status := Not_Same;
+ FS := Tmp1;
+ else
+ Status := Not_First_On_PATH;
+ FS := Tmp2;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Find_Status;
+ -----------
+ -- Index --
+ -----------
+ function Index (Char : Character; Str : String) return Natural is
+ begin
+ for Index in Str'Range loop
+ if Str (Index) = Char then
+ return Index;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return 0;
+ end Index;
+ -------------------
+ -- Output_Object --
+ -------------------
+ procedure Output_Object (O : File_Name_Type) is
+ Object_Name : String_Access;
+ begin
+ if Print_Object then
+ Get_Name_String (O);
+ Object_Name := To_Host_File_Spec (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+ Write_Str (Object_Name.all);
+ if Print_Source or else Print_Unit then
+ if Too_Long then
+ Write_Eol;
+ Write_Str (" ");
+ else
+ Write_Str (Spaces
+ (Object_Start + Object_Name'Length .. Object_End));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Output_Object;
+ -------------------
+ -- Output_Source --
+ -------------------
+ procedure Output_Source (Sdep_I : Sdep_Id) is
+ Stamp : constant Time_Stamp_Type := Sdep.Table (Sdep_I).Stamp;
+ Checksum : constant Word := Sdep.Table (Sdep_I).Checksum;
+ FS : File_Name_Type := Sdep.Table (Sdep_I).Sfile;
+ Status : File_Status;
+ Object_Name : String_Access;
+ begin
+ if Print_Source then
+ Find_Status (FS, Stamp, Checksum, Status);
+ Get_Name_String (FS);
+ Object_Name := To_Host_File_Spec (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+ if Verbose_Mode then
+ Write_Str (" Source => ");
+ Write_Str (Object_Name.all);
+ if not Too_Long then
+ Write_Str
+ (Spaces (Source_Start + Object_Name'Length .. Source_End));
+ end if;
+ Output_Status (Status, Verbose => True);
+ Write_Eol;
+ Write_Str (" ");
+ else
+ if not Selective_Output then
+ Output_Status (Status, Verbose => False);
+ end if;
+ Write_Str (Object_Name.all);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Output_Source;
+ -------------------
+ -- Output_Status --
+ -------------------
+ procedure Output_Status (FS : File_Status; Verbose : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ if Verbose then
+ case FS is
+ when OK =>
+ Write_Str (" unchanged");
+ when Checksum_OK =>
+ Write_Str (" slightly modified");
+ when Not_Found =>
+ Write_Str (" file not found");
+ when Not_Same =>
+ Write_Str (" modified");
+ when Not_First_On_PATH =>
+ Write_Str (" unchanged version not first on PATH");
+ end case;
+ else
+ case FS is
+ when OK =>
+ Write_Str (" OK ");
+ when Checksum_OK =>
+ Write_Str (" MOK ");
+ when Not_Found =>
+ Write_Str (" ??? ");
+ when Not_Same =>
+ Write_Str (" DIF ");
+ when Not_First_On_PATH =>
+ Write_Str (" HID ");
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end Output_Status;
+ -----------------
+ -- Output_Unit --
+ -----------------
+ procedure Output_Unit (U_Id : Unit_Id) is
+ Kind : Character;
+ U : Unit_Record renames Units.Table (U_Id);
+ begin
+ if Print_Unit then
+ Get_Name_String (U.Uname);
+ Kind := Name_Buffer (Name_Len);
+ Name_Len := Name_Len - 2;
+ if not Verbose_Mode then
+ Write_Str (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+ else
+ Write_Str ("Unit => ");
+ Write_Eol; Write_Str (" Name => ");
+ Write_Str (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+ Write_Eol; Write_Str (" Kind => ");
+ if Units.Table (U_Id).Unit_Kind = 'p' then
+ Write_Str ("package ");
+ else
+ Write_Str ("subprogram ");
+ end if;
+ if Kind = 's' then
+ Write_Str ("spec");
+ else
+ Write_Str ("body");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Verbose_Mode then
+ if U.Preelab or
+ U.No_Elab or
+ U.Pure or
+ U.Elaborate_Body or
+ U.Remote_Types or
+ U.Shared_Passive or
+ U.RCI or
+ U.Predefined
+ then
+ Write_Eol; Write_Str (" Flags =>");
+ if U.Preelab then
+ Write_Str (" Preelaborable");
+ end if;
+ if U.No_Elab then
+ Write_Str (" No_Elab_Code");
+ end if;
+ if U.Pure then
+ Write_Str (" Pure");
+ end if;
+ if U.Elaborate_Body then
+ Write_Str (" Elaborate Body");
+ end if;
+ if U.Remote_Types then
+ Write_Str (" Remote_Types");
+ end if;
+ if U.Shared_Passive then
+ Write_Str (" Shared_Passive");
+ end if;
+ if U.Predefined then
+ Write_Str (" Predefined");
+ end if;
+ if U.RCI then
+ Write_Str (" Remote_Call_Interface");
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Print_Source then
+ if Too_Long then
+ Write_Eol; Write_Str (" ");
+ else
+ Write_Str (Spaces (Unit_Start + Name_Len + 1 .. Unit_End));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Output_Unit;
+ -----------------
+ -- Reset_Print --
+ -----------------
+ procedure Reset_Print is
+ begin
+ if not Selective_Output then
+ Selective_Output := True;
+ Print_Source := False;
+ Print_Object := False;
+ Print_Unit := False;
+ end if;
+ end Reset_Print;
+ -------------------
+ -- Scan_Ls_Arg --
+ -------------------
+ procedure Scan_Ls_Arg (Argv : String; And_Save : Boolean) is
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (Argv'First = 1);
+ if Argv'Length = 0 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Argv (1) = Switch_Character or else Argv (1) = '-' then
+ if Argv'Length = 1 then
+ Fail ("switch character cannot be followed by a blank");
+ -- -I-
+ elsif Argv (2 .. Argv'Last) = "I-" then
+ Opt.Look_In_Primary_Dir := False;
+ -- Forbid -?- or -??- where ? is any character
+ elsif (Argv'Length = 3 and then Argv (3) = '-')
+ or else (Argv'Length = 4 and then Argv (4) = '-')
+ then
+ Fail ("Trailing ""-"" at the end of ", Argv, " forbidden.");
+ -- -Idir
+ elsif Argv (2) = 'I' then
+ Add_Source_Dir (Argv (3 .. Argv'Last), And_Save);
+ Add_Lib_Dir (Argv (3 .. Argv'Last), And_Save);
+ -- -aIdir (to gcc this is like a -I switch)
+ elsif Argv'Length >= 3 and then Argv (2 .. 3) = "aI" then
+ Add_Source_Dir (Argv (4 .. Argv'Last), And_Save);
+ -- -aOdir
+ elsif Argv'Length >= 3 and then Argv (2 .. 3) = "aO" then
+ Add_Lib_Dir (Argv (4 .. Argv'Last), And_Save);
+ -- -aLdir (to gnatbind this is like a -aO switch)
+ elsif Argv'Length >= 3 and then Argv (2 .. 3) = "aL" then
+ Add_Lib_Dir (Argv (4 .. Argv'Last), And_Save);
+ -- -vPx
+ elsif Argv'Length = 4 and then Argv (2 .. 3) = "vP" then
+ case Argv (4) is
+ when '0' =>
+ Current_Verbosity := Prj.Default;
+ when '1' =>
+ Current_Verbosity := Prj.Medium;
+ when '2' =>
+ Current_Verbosity := Prj.High;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ -- -Pproject_file
+ elsif Argv'Length >= 3 and then Argv (2) = 'P' then
+ if Project_File /= null then
+ Fail (Argv & ": second project file forbidden (first is """ &
+ Project_File.all & """)");
+ else
+ Project_File := new String'(Argv (3 .. Argv'Last));
+ end if;
+ -- -Xexternal=value
+ elsif Argv'Length >= 5 and then Argv (2) = 'X' then
+ declare
+ Equal_Pos : constant Natural :=
+ Index ('=', Argv (3 .. Argv'Last));
+ begin
+ if Equal_Pos >= 4 and then
+ Equal_Pos /= Argv'Last then
+ Add (External_Name => Argv (3 .. Equal_Pos - 1),
+ Value => Argv (Equal_Pos + 1 .. Argv'Last));
+ else
+ Fail (Argv & " is not a valid external assignment.");
+ end if;
+ end;
+ elsif Argv (2 .. Argv'Last) = "nostdinc" then
+ Opt.No_Stdinc := True;
+ elsif Argv'Length = 2 then
+ case Argv (2) is
+ when 'a' => Also_Predef := True;
+ when 'h' => Print_Usage := True;
+ when 'u' => Reset_Print; Print_Unit := True;
+ when 's' => Reset_Print; Print_Source := True;
+ when 'o' => Reset_Print; Print_Object := True;
+ when 'v' => Verbose_Mode := True;
+ when 'd' => Dependable := True;
+ when others => null;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ -- If not a switch it must be a file name
+ else
+ Set_Main_File_Name (Argv);
+ end if;
+ end Scan_Ls_Arg;
+ -----------
+ -- Usage --
+ -----------
+ procedure Usage is
+ procedure Write_Switch_Char;
+ -- Write two spaces followed by appropriate switch character
+ procedure Write_Switch_Char is
+ begin
+ Write_Str (" ");
+ Write_Char (Switch_Character);
+ end Write_Switch_Char;
+ -- Start of processing for Usage
+ begin
+ -- Usage line
+ Write_Str ("Usage: ");
+ Osint.Write_Program_Name;
+ Write_Str (" switches [list of object files]");
+ Write_Eol;
+ Write_Eol;
+ -- GNATLS switches
+ Write_Str ("switches:");
+ Write_Eol;
+ -- Line for -a
+ Write_Switch_Char;
+ Write_Str ("a also output relevant predefined units");
+ Write_Eol;
+ -- Line for -u
+ Write_Switch_Char;
+ Write_Str ("u output only relevant unit names");
+ Write_Eol;
+ -- Line for -h
+ Write_Switch_Char;
+ Write_Str ("h output this help message");
+ Write_Eol;
+ -- Line for -s
+ Write_Switch_Char;
+ Write_Str ("s output only relevant source names");
+ Write_Eol;
+ -- Line for -o
+ Write_Switch_Char;
+ Write_Str ("o output only relevant object names");
+ Write_Eol;
+ -- Line for -d
+ Write_Switch_Char;
+ Write_Str ("d output sources on which specified units depend");
+ Write_Eol;
+ -- Line for -v
+ Write_Switch_Char;
+ Write_Str ("v verbose output, full path and unit information");
+ Write_Eol;
+ Write_Eol;
+ -- Line for -aI switch
+ Write_Switch_Char;
+ Write_Str ("aIdir specify source files search path");
+ Write_Eol;
+ -- Line for -aO switch
+ Write_Switch_Char;
+ Write_Str ("aOdir specify object files search path");
+ Write_Eol;
+ -- Line for -I switch
+ Write_Switch_Char;
+ Write_Str ("Idir like -aIdir -aOdir");
+ Write_Eol;
+ -- Line for -I- switch
+ Write_Switch_Char;
+ Write_Str ("I- do not look for sources & object files");
+ Write_Str (" in the default directory");
+ Write_Eol;
+ -- Line for -vPx
+ Write_Switch_Char;
+ Write_Str ("vPx verbosity for project file (0, 1 or 2)");
+ Write_Eol;
+ -- Line for -Pproject_file
+ Write_Switch_Char;
+ Write_Str ("Pprj use a project file prj");
+ Write_Eol;
+ -- Line for -Xexternal=value
+ Write_Switch_Char;
+ Write_Str ("Xext=val specify an external value.");
+ Write_Eol;
+ -- Line for -nostdinc
+ Write_Switch_Char;
+ Write_Str ("nostdinc do not look for source files");
+ Write_Str (" in the system default directory");
+ Write_Eol;
+ -- File Status explanation
+ Write_Eol;
+ Write_Str (" file status can be:");
+ Write_Eol;
+ for ST in File_Status loop
+ Write_Str (" ");
+ Output_Status (ST, Verbose => False);
+ Write_Str (" ==> ");
+ Output_Status (ST, Verbose => True);
+ Write_Eol;
+ end loop;
+ end Usage;
+ -- Start of processing for Gnatls
+ Osint.Initialize (Binder);
+ Namet.Initialize;
+ Csets.Initialize;
+ Snames.Initialize;
+ Prj.Initialize;
+ -- Use low level argument routines to avoid dragging in the secondary stack
+ Next_Arg := 1;
+ Scan_Args : while Next_Arg < Arg_Count loop
+ declare
+ Next_Argv : String (1 .. Len_Arg (Next_Arg));
+ begin
+ Fill_Arg (Next_Argv'Address, Next_Arg);
+ Scan_Ls_Arg (Next_Argv, And_Save => True);
+ end;
+ Next_Arg := Next_Arg + 1;
+ end loop Scan_Args;
+ -- If a switch -P is used, parse the project file
+ if Project_File /= null then
+ Prj.Pars.Set_Verbosity (To => Current_Verbosity);
+ Prj.Pars.Parse
+ (Project => Project,
+ Project_File_Name => Project_File.all);
+ if Project = Prj.No_Project then
+ Fail ("""" & Project_File.all & """ processing failed");
+ end if;
+ -- Add the source directories and the object directories
+ -- to the searched directories.
+ declare
+ procedure Register_Source_Dirs is new
+ Prj.Env.For_All_Source_Dirs (Add_Src_Search_Dir);
+ procedure Register_Object_Dirs is new
+ Prj.Env.For_All_Object_Dirs (Add_Lib_Search_Dir);
+ begin
+ Register_Source_Dirs (Project);
+ Register_Object_Dirs (Project);
+ end;
+ -- Check if a package gnatls is in the project file and if there is
+ -- there is one, get the switches, if any, and scan them.
+ declare
+ Data : Prj.Project_Data := Prj.Projects.Table (Project);
+ Pkg : Prj.Package_Id :=
+ Prj.Util.Value_Of
+ (Name => Name_Gnatls,
+ In_Packages => Data.Decl.Packages);
+ Element : Package_Element;
+ Switches : Prj.Variable_Value;
+ Current : Prj.String_List_Id;
+ The_String : String_Element;
+ begin
+ if Pkg /= No_Package then
+ Element := Packages.Table (Pkg);
+ Switches :=
+ Prj.Util.Value_Of
+ (Variable_Name => Name_Switches,
+ In_Variables => Element.Decl.Attributes);
+ case Switches.Kind is
+ when Prj.Undefined =>
+ null;
+ when Prj.Single =>
+ if String_Length (Switches.Value) > 0 then
+ String_To_Name_Buffer (Switches.Value);
+ Scan_Ls_Arg
+ (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len),
+ And_Save => False);
+ end if;
+ when Prj.List =>
+ Current := Switches.Values;
+ while Current /= Prj.Nil_String loop
+ The_String := String_Elements.Table (Current);
+ if String_Length (The_String.Value) > 0 then
+ String_To_Name_Buffer (The_String.Value);
+ Scan_Ls_Arg
+ (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len),
+ And_Save => False);
+ end if;
+ Current := The_String.Next;
+ end loop;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ -- Add the source and object directories specified on the
+ -- command line, if any, to the searched directories.
+ while First_Source_Dir /= null loop
+ Add_Src_Search_Dir (First_Source_Dir.Value.all);
+ First_Source_Dir := First_Source_Dir.Next;
+ end loop;
+ while First_Lib_Dir /= null loop
+ Add_Lib_Search_Dir (First_Lib_Dir.Value.all);
+ First_Lib_Dir := First_Lib_Dir.Next;
+ end loop;
+ -- Finally, add the default directories.
+ Osint.Add_Default_Search_Dirs;
+ if Verbose_Mode then
+ -- WARNING: the output of gnatls -v is used during the compilation
+ -- and installation of GLADE to recreate sdefault.adb and locate
+ -- the libgnat.a to use. Any change in the output of gnatls -v must
+ -- be synchronized with the GLADE Dist/config.sdefault shell script.
+ Write_Eol;
+ Write_Str ("GNATLS ");
+ Write_Str (Gnat_Version_String);
+ Write_Str (" Copyright 1997-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.");
+ Write_Eol;
+ Write_Eol;
+ Write_Str ("Source Search Path:");
+ Write_Eol;
+ for J in 1 .. Nb_Dir_In_Src_Search_Path loop
+ Write_Str (" ");
+ if Dir_In_Src_Search_Path (J)'Length = 0 then
+ Write_Str ("<Current_Directory>");
+ else
+ Write_Str (To_Host_Dir_Spec
+ (Dir_In_Src_Search_Path (J).all, True).all);
+ end if;
+ Write_Eol;
+ end loop;
+ Write_Eol;
+ Write_Eol;
+ Write_Str ("Object Search Path:");
+ Write_Eol;
+ for J in 1 .. Nb_Dir_In_Obj_Search_Path loop
+ Write_Str (" ");
+ if Dir_In_Obj_Search_Path (J)'Length = 0 then
+ Write_Str ("<Current_Directory>");
+ else
+ Write_Str (To_Host_Dir_Spec
+ (Dir_In_Obj_Search_Path (J).all, True).all);
+ end if;
+ Write_Eol;
+ end loop;
+ Write_Eol;
+ end if;
+ -- Output usage information when requested
+ if Print_Usage then
+ Usage;
+ end if;
+ if not More_Lib_Files then
+ if not Print_Usage and then not Verbose_Mode then
+ Usage;
+ end if;
+ Exit_Program (E_Fatal);
+ end if;
+ Initialize_ALI;
+ Initialize_ALI_Source;
+ -- Print out all library for which no ALI files can be located
+ while More_Lib_Files loop
+ Main_File := Next_Main_Lib_File;
+ Ali_File := Full_Lib_File_Name (Lib_File_Name (Main_File));
+ if Ali_File = No_File then
+ Write_Str ("Can't find library info for ");
+ Get_Decoded_Name_String (Main_File);
+ Write_Char ('"');
+ Write_Str (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+ Write_Char ('"');
+ Write_Eol;
+ else
+ Ali_File := Strip_Directory (Ali_File);
+ if Get_Name_Table_Info (Ali_File) = 0 then
+ Text := Read_Library_Info (Ali_File, True);
+ Id :=
+ Scan_ALI
+ (Ali_File, Text, Ignore_ED => False, Err => False);
+ Free (Text);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Find_General_Layout;
+ for Id in ALIs.First .. ALIs.Last loop
+ declare
+ Last_U : Unit_Id;
+ begin
+ Get_Name_String (Units.Table (ALIs.Table (Id).First_Unit).Uname);
+ if Also_Predef or else not Is_Internal_Unit then
+ Output_Object (ALIs.Table (Id).Ofile_Full_Name);
+ -- In verbose mode print all main units in the ALI file, otherwise
+ -- just print the first one to ease columnwise printout
+ if Verbose_Mode then
+ Last_U := ALIs.Table (Id).Last_Unit;
+ else
+ Last_U := ALIs.Table (Id).First_Unit;
+ end if;
+ for U in ALIs.Table (Id).First_Unit .. Last_U loop
+ if U /= ALIs.Table (Id).First_Unit
+ and then Selective_Output
+ and then Print_Unit
+ then
+ Write_Eol;
+ end if;
+ Output_Unit (U);
+ -- Output source now, unless if it will be done as part of
+ -- outputing dependancies.
+ if not (Dependable and then Print_Source) then
+ Output_Source (Corresponding_Sdep_Entry (Id, U));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- Print out list of dependable units
+ if Dependable and then Print_Source then
+ if Verbose_Mode then
+ Write_Str ("depends upon");
+ Write_Eol;
+ Write_Str (" ");
+ else
+ Write_Eol;
+ end if;
+ for D in
+ ALIs.Table (Id).First_Sdep .. ALIs.Table (Id).Last_Sdep
+ loop
+ if Also_Predef
+ or else not Is_Internal_File_Name (Sdep.Table (D).Sfile)
+ then
+ if Verbose_Mode then
+ Write_Str (" ");
+ Output_Source (D);
+ elsif Too_Long then
+ Write_Str (" ");
+ Output_Source (D);
+ Write_Eol;
+ else
+ Write_Str (Spaces (1 .. Source_Start - 2));
+ Output_Source (D);
+ Write_Eol;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ Write_Eol;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ -- All done. Set proper exit status.
+ Namet.Finalize;
+ Exit_Program (E_Success);
+end Gnatls;