path: root/utils/bin2obj.pp
diff options
authorfpc <fpc@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2005-05-16 18:37:41 +0000
committerfpc <fpc@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2005-05-16 18:37:41 +0000
commitf206a9c2b1ae1d8727ca27a96d448b61fdb4c766 (patch)
treef28256ff9964c1fc7c0f7fb00891268a117b745d /utils/bin2obj.pp
initial import
git-svn-id: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/bin2obj.pp')
1 files changed, 259 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/bin2obj.pp b/utils/bin2obj.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88ed74e3fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/bin2obj.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+program bin2obj;
+ $Id: bin2obj.pp,v 1.5 2002/09/07 15:40:30 peter Exp $
+ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by Michael Van Canneyt, member of the
+ Free Pascal development team
+ Binary file to include file converter.
+ See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
+ for details about the copyright.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ **********************************************************************}
+{$mode objfpc}
+uses classes,getopts, iostream,zstream,idea,sysutils,dos;
+ ConstName,
+ OutFileName,
+ UnitName : String;
+ WriteAsciiData,
+ CompressData,
+ EnCodeData,
+ CompileUnit : Boolean;
+ Cryptkey : IDEAcryptKey;
+ InStream,
+ MemStream,
+ CryptStream,
+ CompStream : TStream;
+Procedure Usage;
+ Writeln ('Usage: bin2obj [options] -c constname [infile] ');
+ Writeln ('Where options is a combination of : ');
+ Writeln (' -a write asciii data instead of bytes');
+ Writeln (' -z compress data.');
+ Writeln (' -e key encrypt data with key (must have 8 characters)');
+ Writeln (' -o output filename');
+ Writeln (' -u [name] make a unit instead of an include file (unit name is outfile)');
+ Writeln (' -U [name] same as -u, and compile the unit. (requires outfile)');
+ Halt(1);
+Procedure ProcessCommandLine;
+Var C : Char;
+ I : longint;
+ NeedUnitName : Boolean;
+ OptErr:=False;
+ ConstName:='';
+ CompressData:=False;
+ EncodeData:=False;
+ CompileUnit:=False;
+ UnitName:='';
+ NeedUnitName:=False;
+ WriteAsciiData:=False;
+ Repeat
+ c:=GetOpt('ac:e:o:zhu::U::');
+ Case C of
+ 'a' : WriteAsciiData:=True;
+ 'c' : ConstName:=OptArg;
+ 'h','?' : usage;
+ 'z' : CompressData := True;
+ 'e' : begin
+ EncodeData:=True;
+ If Length(OptArg)<8 then
+ Usage;
+ For I:=0 to 7 do
+ CryptKey[i]:=Ord(OptArg[I+1]);
+ end;
+ 'o' : OutFileName:=optArg;
+ 'u','U':
+ begin
+ UnitName:=OptArg;
+ If Length(UnitName)=0 then
+ NeedUnitName:=True;
+ If C='U' then
+ CompileUnit:=True;
+ end;
+ end;
+ until C=EndOfOptions;
+ if ConstName='' then
+ usage;
+ If NeedUnitName then
+ If Length (OutFileName)=0 then
+ begin
+ Writeln ('Error : cannot determine unitname from filename');
+ Usage;
+ end
+ else
+ UnitName:=ExtractFileName(OutFileName);
+ if CompileUnit and (Length(OutFileName)=0) then
+ usage;
+Function SetupInput : TStream;
+ if OptInd=ParamCount then
+ InStream:=TFileStream.Create(Paramstr(Optind),fmOpenRead)
+ else
+ InStream:=TIOStream(iosInput);
+ Result:=InStream;
+Function SetupOutput : TStream;
+Var Key : ideaKey;
+ MemStream:=TMemoryStream.Create;
+ Result:=MemStream;
+ If ComPressData then
+ begin
+ CompStream:=TCompressionStream.Create(cldefault,Result);
+ Result:=CompStream;
+ end;
+ if EncodeData Then
+ begin
+ EnKeyIdea(CryptKey,Key);
+ CryptStream:=TIDEAEncryptStream.Create(Key,Result);
+ Result:=CryptStream;
+ end;
+Procedure CopyStreams (Ins,Outs : TStream);
+Const BufSize = 1024;
+Var Buffer : Array[1..BufSize] of byte;
+ Count : longint;
+ repeat
+ Count:=Ins.Read(Buffer,SizeOf(Buffer));
+ If Count>0 then
+ Outs.Write(Buffer,Count);
+ until Count<SizeOf(Buffer);
+ {
+ freeing these streams will flush their buffers.
+ Order is important !!!
+ }
+ CryptStream.Free;
+ CompStream.Free;
+ // Now Out stream has all data.
+Procedure WriteMemStream;
+Var OutStream : TStream;
+ Procedure WriteStr(Const St : String);
+ begin
+ OutStream.Write(St[1],Length(St));
+ end;
+ Procedure WriteStrLn(Const St : String);
+ Const
+ {$ifdef unix}
+ Eoln : String = #10;
+ {$else}
+ Eoln : String = #13#10;
+ {$endif}
+ begin
+ OutStream.Write(St[1],Length(St));
+ OutStream.Write(Eoln[1],Length(Eoln));
+ end;
+Const Prefix = ' ';
+ MaxLineLength = 72;
+Var I,Count : longint;
+ b : byte;
+ Line,ToAdd : String;
+ If Length(OutFileName)=0 Then
+ OutStream:=TIOStream.Create(iosOutput)
+ else
+ OutStream:=TFileStream.Create(OutFileName,fmCreate);
+ If UnitName<>'' then
+ begin
+ WriteStrLn(Format('Unit %s;',[UnitName]));
+ WriteStrLn('');
+ WriteStrLn('Interface');
+ WriteStrLn('');
+ end;
+ WriteStrLn('');
+ WriteStrLn('Const');
+ MemStream.Seek(0,soFromBeginning);
+ Count:=MemStream.Size;
+ If WriteAsciidata then
+ WriteStrLn(Format(' %s : Array[0..%d] of char = (',[ConstName,Count-1]))
+ else
+ WriteStrLn(Format(' %s : Array[0..%d] of byte = (',[ConstName,Count-1]));
+ Line:=Prefix;
+ For I:=1 to Count do
+ begin
+ MemStream.Read(B,1);
+ If Not WriteAsciiData then
+ ToAdd:=Format('%3d',[b])
+ else
+ If (B in [32..127]) and not (B in [10,13,39]) then
+ ToAdd:=''''+Chr(b)+''''
+ else
+// ToAdd:=Format('''%s''',[Chr(b)]);
+ ToAdd:=Format('#%d',[B]);
+ If I<Count then
+ ToAdd:=ToAdd+',';
+ Line:=Line+ToAdd;
+ If Length(Line)>=MaxLineLength Then
+ begin
+ WriteStrLn(Line);
+ Line:=PreFix;
+ end;
+ end;
+ WriteStrln(Line+');');
+ If Length(UnitName)<>0 then
+ begin
+ WriteStrLn('');
+ WriteStrLn('Implementation');
+ WriteStrln('');
+ WriteStrLn('end.')
+ end;
+ MemStream.Free;
+Procedure CompileTheUNit;
+ Exec('ppc386',' -Un '+UnitName);
+ ProcessCommandline;
+ CopyStreams(SetupInput,SetupOutPut);
+ WriteMemStream;
+ If CompileUNit then
+ CompileTheUnit;
+ $Log: bin2obj.pp,v $
+ Revision 1.5 2002/09/07 15:40:30 peter
+ * old logs removed and tabs fixed