path: root/rtl/objpas
diff options
authorhajny <hajny@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2020-11-23 01:08:39 +0000
committerhajny <hajny@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2020-11-23 01:08:39 +0000
commit04b07c10a39b9a7306c0e4557acc43043d7b90ef (patch)
treecf90c4d3762ac0ab7004bde1465be3e2697313db /rtl/objpas
parent5eec9ad8672e76e1d43818cf5b6138fd308a1eab (diff)
+ added TZ variable based offset calculation
git-svn-id: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
Diffstat (limited to 'rtl/objpas')
1 files changed, 916 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rtl/objpas/sysutils/ b/rtl/objpas/sysutils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a61047e9d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rtl/objpas/sysutils/
@@ -0,0 +1,916 @@
+ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
+ Copyright (c) 2020 by Tomas Hajny,
+ member of the Free Pascal development team.
+ Support routines for calculation of local timezone and DST time
+ offset based on information provided in the environment variable TZ.
+ See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
+ for details about the copyright.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ **********************************************************************}
+ DSTSpecType = (DSTMonthWeekDay, DSTMonthDay, DSTJulian, DSTJulianX);
+ TZEnvName = 'TZ';
+ EMXTZEnvName = 'EMXTZ';
+ MaxSecond = 86399;
+(* The following values differing from the defaults *)
+(* below are not used at the moment. *)
+ USDSTStartMonth = 3;
+ USDSTStartWeek = 2;
+ USDSTEndMonth = 11;
+ USDSTEndWeek = 1;
+ EUDSTStartMonth = 3;
+ EUDSTStartWeek = -1;
+(* Initialized to default values, updated after a call to InitTZ *)
+ TZName: string = '';
+ TZDSTName: string = '';
+ TZOffset: longint = 0;
+ TZOffsetMin: longint = 0;
+ DSTOffset: longint = 0;
+ DSTOffsetMin: longint = 0;
+ DSTStartMonth: byte = 4;
+ DSTStartWeek: shortint = 1;
+ DSTStartDay: word = 0;
+ DSTStartSec: cardinal = 7200;
+ DSTEndMonth: byte = 10;
+ DSTEndWeek: shortint = -1;
+ DSTEndDay: word = 0;
+ DSTEndSec: cardinal = 10800;
+ DSTStartSpecType: DSTSpecType = DSTMonthWeekDay;
+ DSTEndSpecType: DSTSpecType = DSTMonthWeekDay;
+(* The following variables are initialized after a call to InitTZ. *)
+ RealDSTStartMonth, RealDSTStartDay, RealDSTEndMonth, RealDSTEndDay: byte;
+ MonthEnds: array [1..12] of word =
+ (31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365);
+function LeapDay (Year: word): byte; inline;
+ if IsLeapYear (Year) then
+ LeapDay := 1
+ else
+ LeapDay := 0;
+function FirstDay (MM: byte; Y: word; Mo: word; D: word; WD: word): byte;
+ inline;
+ DD: longint;
+ if MM < Mo then
+ begin
+ DD := D + MonthEnds [Pred (Mo)];
+ if MM > 1 then
+ Dec (DD, MonthEnds [Pred (MM)]);
+ if (MM <= 2) and (Mo > 2) then
+ Inc (DD, LeapDay (Y));
+ end
+ else
+ if MM > Mo then
+ begin
+ DD := - MonthDays [false, Mo] + D - MonthEnds [Pred (MM)]
+ + MonthEnds [Mo];
+ if (Mo <= 2) and (MM > 2) then
+ Dec (DD, LeapDay (Y));
+ end
+ else
+(* M = MM *)
+ DD := D;
+ DD := WD - DD mod 7 + 1;
+ if DD < 0 then
+ FirstDay := DD + 7
+ else
+ FirstDay := DD mod 7;
+procedure UpdateTimeWithOffset (var SystemTime: TSystemTime; Offset: longint);
+ inline;
+ Y: longint;
+ Mo: longint;
+ D: longint;
+ WD: word;
+ H: longint;
+ Mi: longint;
+ with SystemTime do
+ begin
+ Y := Year;
+ Mo := Month;
+ D := Day;
+ WD := DayOfWeek;
+ H := Hour;
+ Mi := Minute;
+ end;
+ Mi := Mi + (Offset mod 60);
+ H := H + (Offset div 60);
+ if Mi < 0 then
+ begin
+ Inc (Mi, 60);
+ Dec (H);
+ end;
+ if H < 0 then
+ begin
+ Inc (H, 24);
+ if WD = 0 then
+ WD := 6
+ else
+ Dec (WD);
+ if D = 1 then
+ begin
+ if Mo = 1 then
+ begin
+ Dec (Y);
+ Mo := 12;
+ end
+ else
+ Dec (Mo);
+ D := MonthDays [IsLeapYear (Y), Mo];
+ end
+ else
+ Dec (D);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if Mi > 59 then
+ begin
+ Dec (Mi, 60);
+ Inc (H);
+ end;
+ if H > 23 then
+ begin
+ Dec (H, 24);
+ if WD = 6 then
+ WD := 0
+ else
+ Inc (WD);
+ if D = MonthDays [IsLeapYear (Y), Mo] then
+ begin
+ D := 1;
+ if Mo = 12 then
+ begin
+ Inc (Y);
+ Mo := 1;
+ end
+ else
+ Inc (Mo);
+ end
+ else
+ Inc (D);
+ end;
+ end;
+ with SystemTime do
+ begin
+ Year := Y;
+ Month := Mo;
+ Day := D;
+ DayOfWeek := WD;
+ Hour := H;
+ Minute := Mi;
+ end;
+function InDST (const Time: TSystemTime; const InputIsUTC: boolean): boolean;
+ AfterDSTStart, BeforeDSTEnd: boolean;
+ Y: longint;
+ Mo: longint;
+ D: longint;
+ WD: longint;
+ Second: longint;
+ InDST := false;
+ if DSTOffset <> TZOffset then
+ begin
+ Second := longint (Time.Hour) * 3600 + Time.Minute * 60 + Time.Second;
+ Y := Time.Year;
+ Mo := Time.Month;
+ D := Time.Day;
+ if InputIsUTC and (TZOffset <> 0) then
+ begin
+ Second := Second - TZOffset;
+ if Second < 0 then
+ begin
+ Second := Second + MaxSecond + 1;
+ if D = 1 then
+ begin
+ if Mo = 1 then
+ begin
+ Dec (Y);
+ Mo := 12;
+ end
+ else
+ Dec (Mo);
+ D := MonthDays [IsLeapYear (Y), Mo];
+ end
+ else
+ Dec (D);
+ end
+ else
+ if Second > MaxSecond then
+ begin
+ Second := Second - MaxSecond - 1;
+ if D = MonthDays [IsLeapYear (Y), Mo] then
+ begin
+ D := 1;
+ if Mo = 12 then
+ begin
+ Inc (Y);
+ Mo := 1;
+ end
+ else
+ Inc (Mo);
+ end
+ else
+ Inc (D);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Mo < RealDSTStartMonth then
+ AfterDSTStart := false
+ else
+ if Mo > RealDSTStartMonth then
+ AfterDSTStart := true
+ else
+ if D < RealDSTStartDay then
+ AfterDSTStart := false
+ else
+ if D > RealDSTStartDay then
+ AfterDSTStart := true
+ else
+ AfterDSTStart := Second > DSTStartSec;
+ if Mo > RealDSTEndMonth then
+ BeforeDSTEnd := false
+ else
+ if Mo < RealDSTEndMonth then
+ BeforeDSTEnd := true
+ else
+ if D > RealDSTEndDay then
+ BeforeDSTEnd := false
+ else
+ if D < RealDSTEndDay then
+ BeforeDSTEnd := true
+ else
+ BeforeDSTEnd := Second < DSTEndSec;
+ InDST := AfterDSTStart and BeforeDSTEnd;
+ end;
+function InDST: boolean; inline;
+ SystemTime: TSystemTime;
+ InDST := false;
+ if DSTOffset <> TZOffset then
+ begin
+ GetLocalTime (SystemTime);
+ InDST := InDST (SystemTime, false);
+ end;
+procedure InitTZ0; inline;
+ TZ, S: string;
+ I, J: byte;
+ Err: longint;
+ GnuFmt: boolean;
+ ADSTStartMonth: byte;
+ ADSTStartWeek: shortint;
+ ADSTStartDay: word;
+ ADSTStartSec: cardinal;
+ ADSTEndMonth: byte;
+ ADSTEndWeek: shortint;
+ ADSTEndDay: word;
+ ADSTEndSec: cardinal;
+ ADSTStartSpecType: DSTSpecType;
+ ADSTEndSpecType: DSTSpecType;
+ ADSTChangeSec: cardinal;
+ function ParseOffset (OffStr: string): longint;
+ (* Parse time offset given as [-|+]HH[:MI[:SS]] and return in seconds *)
+ var
+ TZShiftHH, TZShiftDir: shortint;
+ TZShiftMI, TZShiftSS: byte;
+ N1, N2: byte;
+ begin
+ TZShiftHH := 0;
+ TZShiftMI := 0;
+ TZShiftSS := 0;
+ TZShiftDir := 1;
+ N1 := 1;
+ while (N1 <= Length (OffStr)) and (OffStr [N1] <> ':') do
+ Inc (N1);
+ Val (Copy (OffStr, 1, Pred (N1)), TZShiftHH, Err);
+ if (Err = 0) and (TZShiftHH >= -24) and (TZShiftHH <= 23) then
+ begin
+(* Normalize the hour offset to -12..11 if necessary *)
+ if TZShiftHH > 11 then
+ Dec (TZShiftHH, 24) else
+ if TZShiftHH < -12 then
+ Inc (TZShiftHH, 24);
+ if TZShiftHH < 0 then
+ TZShiftDir := -1;
+ if (N1 <= Length (OffStr)) then
+ begin
+ N2 := Succ (N1);
+ while (N2 <= Length (OffStr)) and (OffStr [N2] <> ':') do
+ Inc (N2);
+ Val (Copy (OffStr, Succ (N1), N2 - N1), TZShiftMI, Err);
+ if (Err = 0) and (TZShiftMI <= 59) then
+ begin
+ if (N2 <= Length (OffStr)) then
+ begin
+ Val (Copy (OffStr, Succ (N2), Length (OffStr) - N2), TZShiftSS, Err);
+ if (Err <> 0) or (TZShiftSS > 59) then
+ TZShiftSS := 0;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ TZShiftMI := 0;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ TZShiftHH := 0;
+ ParseOffset := longint (TZShiftHH) * 3600 +
+ TZShiftDir * (longint (TZShiftMI) * 60 + TZShiftSS);
+ end;
+ TZ := GetEnvironmentVariable (TZEnvName);
+ if TZ = '' then
+ TZ := GetEnvironmentVariable (EMXTZEnvName);
+ if TZ <> '' then
+ begin
+ TZ := Upcase (TZ);
+(* Timezone name *)
+ I := 1;
+ while (I <= Length (TZ)) and (TZ [I] in ['A'..'Z']) do
+ Inc (I);
+ TZName := Copy (TZ, 1, Pred (I));
+ if I <= Length (TZ) then
+ begin
+(* Timezone shift *)
+ J := Succ (I);
+ while (J <= Length (TZ)) and not (TZ [J] in ['A'..'Z']) do
+ Inc (J);
+ TZOffset := ParseOffset (Copy (TZ, I, J - I));
+(* DST timezone name *)
+ I := J;
+ while (J <= Length (TZ)) and (TZ [J] in ['A'..'Z']) do
+ Inc (J);
+ if J > I then
+ begin
+ TZDSTName := Copy (TZ, I, J - I);
+(* DST timezone name provided; if equal to the standard timezone *)
+(* name then DSTOffset is set to be equal to TZOffset by default, *)
+(* otherwise it is set to TZOffset - 3600 seconds. *)
+ if TZDSTName <> TZName then
+ DSTOffset := -3600 + TZOffset
+ else
+ DSTOffset := TZOffset;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ TZDSTName := TZName;
+(* No DST timezone name provided => DSTOffset is equal to TZOffset *)
+ DSTOffset := TZOffset;
+ end;
+ if J <= Length (TZ) then
+ begin
+(* Check if DST offset is specified here; *)
+(* if not, default value set above is used. *)
+ if TZ [J] <> ',' then
+ begin
+ I := J;
+ Inc (J);
+ while (J <= Length (TZ)) and (TZ [J] <> ',') do
+ Inc (J);
+ DSTOffset := ParseOffset (Copy (TZ, I, J - I));
+ end;
+ if J < Length (TZ) then
+ begin
+ Inc (J);
+(* DST switching details *)
+ case TZ [J] of
+ 'M':
+ begin
+(* Mmonth.week.dayofweek[/StartHour] *)
+ ADSTStartSpecType := DSTMonthWeekDay;
+ if J >= Length (TZ) then
+ Exit;
+ Inc (J);
+ I := J;
+ while (J <= Length (TZ)) and not (TZ [J] in ['.', ',', '/']) do
+ Inc (J);
+ if (J >= Length (TZ)) or (TZ [J] <> '.') then
+ Exit;
+ Val (Copy (TZ, I, J - I), ADSTStartMonth, Err);
+ if (Err > 0) or (ADSTStartMonth > 12) then
+ Exit;
+ Inc (J);
+ I := J;
+ while (J <= Length (TZ)) and not (TZ [J] in ['.', ',', '/']) do
+ Inc (J);
+ if (J >= Length (TZ)) or (TZ [J] <> '.') then
+ Exit;
+ Val (Copy (TZ, I, J - I), ADSTStartWeek, Err);
+ if (Err > 0) or (ADSTStartWeek < 1) or (ADSTStartWeek > 5) then
+ Exit;
+ Inc (J);
+ I := J;
+ while (J <= Length (TZ)) and not (TZ [J] in [',', '/']) do
+ Inc (J);
+ Val (Copy (TZ, I, J - I), ADSTStartDay, Err);
+ if (Err > 0) or (ADSTStartDay > 6) or (J >= Length (TZ)) then
+ Exit;
+ if TZ [J] = '/' then
+ begin
+ Inc (J);
+ I := J;
+ while (J <= Length (TZ)) and (TZ [J] <> ',') do
+ Inc (J);
+ Val (Copy (TZ, I, J - I), ADSTStartSec, Err);
+ if (Err > 0) or (ADSTStartSec > MaxSecond) or (J >= Length (TZ))
+ then
+ Exit
+ else
+ ADSTStartSec := ADSTStartSec * 3600;
+ end
+ else
+ (* Use the preset default *)
+ ADSTStartSec := DSTStartSec;
+ Inc (J);
+ end;
+ 'J':
+ begin
+(* Jjulianday[/StartHour] *)
+ ADSTStartSpecType := DSTJulianX;
+ if J >= Length (TZ) then
+ Exit;
+ Inc (J);
+ I := J;
+ while (J <= Length (TZ)) and not (TZ [J] in [',', '/']) do
+ Inc (J);
+ Val (Copy (TZ, I, J - I), ADSTStartDay, Err);
+ if (Err > 0) or (ADSTStartDay = 0) or (ADSTStartDay > 365)
+ or (J >= Length (TZ)) then
+ Exit;
+ if TZ [J] = '/' then
+ begin
+ Inc (J);
+ I := J;
+ while (J <= Length (TZ)) and (TZ [J] <> ',') do
+ Inc (J);
+ Val (Copy (TZ, I, J - I), ADSTStartSec, Err);
+ if (Err > 0) or (ADSTStartSec > MaxSecond) or (J >= Length (TZ))
+ then
+ Exit
+ else
+ ADSTStartSec := ADSTStartSec * 3600;
+ end
+ else
+ (* Use the preset default *)
+ ADSTStartSec := DSTStartSec;
+ Inc (J);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+(* Check the used format first - GNU libc / GCC / EMX expect *)
+(* "NameOffsetDstname[Dstoffset],Start[/StartHour],End[/EndHour]"; *)
+(* if more than one comma (',') is found, the following format is assumed: *)
+(* "NameOffsetDstname[Dstoffset],StartMonth,StartWeek,StartDay,StartSecond, *)
+(* EndMonth,EndWeek,EndDay,EndSecond,DSTDifference". *)
+ I := J;
+ while (J <= Length (TZ)) and (TZ [J] <> ',') do
+ Inc (J);
+ S := Copy (TZ, I, J - I);
+ if J < Length (TZ) then
+ begin
+ Inc (J);
+ I := J;
+ while (J <= Length (TZ)) and (TZ [J] <> ',') do
+ Inc (J);
+ GnuFmt := J > Length (TZ);
+ end
+ else
+ Exit;
+ if GnuFmt then
+ begin
+ ADSTStartSpecType := DSTJulian;
+ J := Pos ('/', S);
+ if J = 0 then
+ begin
+ Val (S, ADSTStartDay, Err);
+ if (Err > 0) or (ADSTStartDay > 365) then
+ Exit;
+ (* Use the preset default *)
+ ADSTStartSec := DSTStartSec;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if J = Length (S) then
+ Exit;
+ Val (Copy (S, 1, Pred (J)), ADSTStartDay, Err);
+ if (Err > 0) or (ADSTStartDay > 365) then
+ Exit;
+ Val (Copy (S, Succ (J), Length (S) - J), ADSTStartSec, Err);
+ if (Err > 0) or (ADSTStartSec > MaxSecond) then
+ Exit
+ else
+ ADSTStartSec := ADSTStartSec * 3600;
+ end;
+ J := I;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Val (S, ADSTStartMonth, Err);
+ if (Err > 0) or (ADSTStartMonth > 12) then
+ Exit;
+ Val (Copy (TZ, I, J - I), ADSTStartWeek, Err);
+ if (Err > 0) or (ADSTStartWeek < -1) or (ADSTStartWeek > 5) or
+ (J >= Length (TZ)) then
+ Exit;
+ Inc (J);
+ I := J;
+ while (J <= Length (TZ)) and (TZ [J] <> ',') do
+ Inc (J);
+ Val (Copy (TZ, I, J - I), ADSTStartDay, Err);
+ if (DSTStartWeek = 0) then
+ begin
+ if (Err > 0) or (ADSTStartDay < 1) or (ADSTStartDay > 31)
+ or (ADSTStartDay > 30) and (ADSTStartMonth in [4, 6, 9, 11])
+ or (ADSTStartMonth = 2) and (ADSTStartDay > 29) then
+ Exit;
+ ADSTStartSpecType := DSTMonthDay;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (Err > 0) or (ADSTStartDay > 6) then
+ Exit;
+ ADSTStartSpecType := DSTMonthWeekDay;
+ end;
+ if J >= Length (TZ) then
+ Exit;
+ Inc (J);
+ I := J;
+ while (J <= Length (TZ)) and (TZ [J] <> ',') do
+ Inc (J);
+ Val (Copy (TZ, I, J - I), ADSTStartSec, Err);
+ if (Err > 0) or (ADSTStartSec > MaxSecond) or
+ (J >= Length (TZ)) then
+ Exit;
+ Inc (J);
+ I := J;
+ while (J <= Length (TZ)) and (TZ [J] <> ',') do
+ Inc (J);
+ Val (Copy (TZ, I, J - I), ADSTEndMonth, Err);
+ if (Err > 0) or (ADSTEndMonth > 12) or (J >= Length (TZ)) then
+ Exit;
+ Inc (J);
+ I := J;
+ while (J <= Length (TZ)) and (TZ [J] <> ',') do
+ Inc (J);
+ Val (Copy (TZ, I, J - I), ADSTEndWeek, Err);
+ if (Err > 0) or (ADSTEndWeek < -1) or (ADSTEndWeek > 5)
+ or (J >= Length (TZ)) then
+ Exit;
+ Inc (J);
+ I := J;
+ while (J <= Length (TZ)) and (TZ [J] <> ',') do
+ Inc (J);
+ Val (Copy (TZ, I, J - I), ADSTEndDay, Err);
+ if (DSTEndWeek = 0) then
+ begin
+ if (Err > 0) or (ADSTEndDay < 1) or (ADSTEndDay > 31)
+ or (ADSTEndDay > 30) and (ADSTEndMonth in [4, 6, 9, 11])
+ or (ADSTEndMonth = 2) and (ADSTEndDay > 29) then
+ Exit;
+ ADSTEndSpecType := DSTMonthDay;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (Err > 0) or (ADSTEndDay > 6) then
+ Exit;
+ ADSTEndSpecType := DSTMonthWeekDay;
+ end;
+ if J >= Length (TZ) then
+ Exit;
+ Inc (J);
+ I := J;
+ while (J <= Length (TZ)) and (TZ [J] <> ',') do
+ Inc (J);
+ Val (Copy (TZ, I, J - I), ADSTEndSec, Err);
+ if (Err > 0) or (ADSTEndSec > MaxSecond) or
+ (J >= Length (TZ)) then
+ Exit;
+ Val (Copy (TZ, Succ (J), Length (TZ) - J), ADSTChangeSec, Err);
+ if (Err = 0) and (ADSTChangeSec < 86400) then
+ begin
+(* Format complete, all checks successful => accept the parsed values. *)
+ DSTStartMonth := ADSTStartMonth;
+ DSTStartWeek := ADSTStartWeek;
+ DSTStartDay := ADSTStartDay;
+ DSTStartSec := ADSTStartSec;
+ DSTEndMonth := ADSTEndMonth;
+ DSTEndWeek := ADSTEndWeek;
+ DSTEndDay := ADSTEndDay;
+ DSTEndSec := ADSTEndSec;
+ DSTStartSpecType := ADSTStartSpecType;
+ DSTEndSpecType := ADSTEndSpecType;
+ DSTOffset := TZOffset - ADSTChangeSec;
+ end;
+(* Parsing finished *)
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+(* GnuFmt - DST end specification *)
+ if TZ [J] = 'M' then
+ begin
+(* Mmonth.week.dayofweek *)
+ ADSTEndSpecType := DSTMonthWeekDay;
+ if J >= Length (TZ) then
+ Exit;
+ Inc (J);
+ I := J;
+ while (J <= Length (TZ)) and not (TZ [J] in ['.', ',', '/']) do
+ Inc (J);
+ if (J >= Length (TZ)) or (TZ [J] <> '.') then
+ Exit;
+ Val (Copy (TZ, I, J - I), ADSTEndMonth, Err);
+ if (Err > 0) or (ADSTEndMonth > 12) then
+ Exit;
+ Inc (J);
+ I := J;
+ while (J <= Length (TZ)) and not (TZ [J] in ['.', ',', '/']) do
+ Inc (J);
+ if (J >= Length (TZ)) or (TZ [J] <> '.') then
+ Exit;
+ Val (Copy (TZ, I, J - I), ADSTEndWeek, Err);
+ if (Err > 0) or (ADSTEndWeek < 1) or (ADSTEndWeek > 5) then
+ Exit;
+ Inc (J);
+ I := J;
+ while (J <= Length (TZ)) and (TZ [J] <> '/') do
+ Inc (J);
+ Val (Copy (TZ, I, J - I), ADSTEndDay, Err);
+ if (Err > 0) or (ADSTEndDay > 6) then
+ Exit;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if TZ [J] = 'J' then
+ begin
+(* Jjulianday *)
+ if J = Length (TZ) then
+ Exit;
+ Inc (J);
+ ADSTEndSpecType := DSTJulianX
+ end
+ else
+ ADSTEndSpecType := DSTJulian;
+ if J >= Length (TZ) then
+ Exit;
+ Inc (J);
+ I := J;
+ while (J <= Length (TZ)) and (TZ [J] <> '/') do
+ Inc (J);
+ Val (Copy (TZ, I, J - I), ADSTEndDay, Err);
+ if (Err > 0) or (ADSTEndDay = 0) and (ADSTEndSpecType = DSTJulianX)
+ or (ADSTEndDay > 365) then
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ if (J <= Length (TZ)) and (TZ [J] = '/') then
+ begin
+ if J = Length (TZ) then
+ Exit;
+ Val (Copy (TZ, Succ (J), Length (TZ) - J), ADSTEndSec, Err);
+ if (Err > 0) or (ADSTEndSec > MaxSecond) then
+ Exit
+ else
+ ADSTEndSec := ADSTEndSec * 3600;
+ end
+ else
+ (* Use the preset default *)
+ ADSTEndSec := DSTEndSec;
+(* Format complete, all checks successful => accept the parsed values. *)
+ if ADSTStartSpecType = DSTMonthWeekDay then
+ begin
+ DSTStartMonth := ADSTStartMonth;
+ DSTStartWeek := ADSTStartWeek;
+ end;
+ DSTStartDay := ADSTStartDay;
+ DSTStartSec := ADSTStartSec;
+ if ADSTStartSpecType = DSTMonthWeekDay then
+ begin
+ DSTEndMonth := ADSTEndMonth;
+ DSTEndWeek := ADSTEndWeek;
+ end;
+ DSTEndDay := ADSTEndDay;
+ DSTEndSec := ADSTEndSec;
+ DSTStartSpecType := ADSTStartSpecType;
+ DSTEndSpecType := ADSTEndSpecType;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ DSTOffset := -3600 + TZOffset;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure InitTZ;
+ L: longint;
+ SystemTime: TSystemTime;
+ Y: word absolute SystemTime.Year;
+ Mo: word absolute SystemTime.Month;
+ D: word absolute SystemTime.Day;
+ WD: word absolute SystemTime.DayOfWeek;
+ InitTZ0;
+ TZOffsetMin := TZOffset div 60;
+ DSTOffsetMin := DSTOffset div 60;
+ if DSTOffset <> TZOffset then
+ begin
+ GetLocalTime (SystemTime);
+ if (DSTStartSpecType = DSTMonthWeekDay) or (DSTStartSpecType = DSTMonthDay)
+ then
+ begin
+ RealDSTStartMonth := DSTStartMonth;
+ if DSTStartSpecType = DSTMonthDay then
+ RealDSTStartDay := DSTStartDay
+ else
+ begin
+ RealDSTStartDay := FirstDay (DSTStartMonth, Y, Mo, D, WD);
+ if (DSTStartWeek >= 1) and (DSTStartWeek <= 4) then
+ if DSTStartDay < RealDSTStartDay then
+ RealDSTStartDay := DSTStartWeek * 7 + DSTStartDay - RealDSTStartDay
+ + 1
+ else
+ RealDSTStartDay := Pred (DSTStartWeek) * 7 + DSTStartDay
+ - RealDSTStartDay + 1
+ else
+(* Last week in month *)
+ begin
+ RealDSTStartDay := RealDSTStartDay
+ + MonthDays [false, RealDSTStartMonth] - 1;
+ if RealDSTStartMonth = 2 then
+ Inc (RealDSTStartDay, LeapDay (Y));
+ RealDSTStartDay := RealDSTStartDay mod 7;
+ if RealDSTStartDay < DSTStartDay then
+ RealDSTStartDay := RealDSTStartDay + 7 - DSTStartDay
+ else
+ RealDSTStartDay := RealDSTStartDay - DSTStartDay;
+ RealDSTStartDay := MonthDays [false, RealDSTStartMonth]
+ - RealDSTStartDay;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+(* Julian day *)
+ L := DSTStartDay;
+ if (DSTStartSpecType = DSTJulian) then
+(* 0-based *)
+ if (L + LeapDay (Y) <= 59) then
+ Inc (L)
+ else
+ L := L + 1 - LeapDay (Y);
+ if L <= 31 then
+ begin
+ RealDSTStartMonth := 1;
+ RealDSTStartDay := L;
+ end
+ else
+ if (L <= 59) or
+ (DSTStartSpecType = DSTJulian) and (L - LeapDay (Y) <= 59) then
+ begin
+ RealDSTStartMonth := 2;
+ RealDSTStartDay := DSTStartDay - 31;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ RealDSTStartMonth := 3;
+ while (RealDSTStartMonth < 12) and (MonthEnds [RealDSTStartMonth] > L)
+ do
+ Inc (RealDSTStartMonth);
+ RealDSTStartDay := L - MonthEnds [Pred (RealDSTStartMonth)];
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (DSTEndSpecType = DSTMonthWeekDay) or (DSTEndSpecType = DSTMonthDay) then
+ begin
+ RealDSTEndMonth := DSTEndMonth;
+ if DSTEndSpecType = DSTMonthDay then
+ RealDSTEndDay := DSTEndDay
+ else
+ begin
+ RealDSTEndDay := FirstDay (DSTEndMonth, Y, Mo, D, WD);
+ if (DSTEndWeek >= 1) and (DSTEndWeek <= 4) then
+ if DSTEndDay < RealDSTEndDay then
+ RealDSTEndDay := DSTEndWeek * 7 + DSTEndDay - RealDSTEndDay + 1
+ else
+ RealDSTEndDay := Pred (DSTEndWeek) * 7 + DSTEndDay - RealDSTEndDay
+ + 1
+ else
+(* Last week in month *)
+ begin
+ RealDSTEndDay := RealDSTEndDay + MonthDays [false, RealDSTEndMonth]
+ - 1;
+ if RealDSTEndMonth = 2 then
+ Inc (RealDSTEndDay, LeapDay (Y));
+ RealDSTEndDay := RealDSTEndDay mod 7;
+ if RealDSTEndDay < DSTEndDay then
+ RealDSTEndDay := RealDSTEndDay + 7 - DSTEndDay
+ else
+ RealDSTEndDay := RealDSTEndDay - DSTEndDay;
+ RealDSTEndDay := MonthDays [false, RealDSTEndMonth] - RealDSTEndDay;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+(* Julian day *)
+ L := DSTEndDay;
+ if (DSTEndSpecType = DSTJulian) then
+(* 0-based *)
+ if (L + LeapDay (Y) <= 59) then
+ Inc (L)
+ else
+ L := L + 1 - LeapDay (Y);
+ if L <= 31 then
+ begin
+ RealDSTEndMonth := 1;
+ RealDSTEndDay := L;
+ end
+ else
+ if (L <= 59) or
+ (DSTEndSpecType = DSTJulian) and (L - LeapDay (Y) <= 59) then
+ begin
+ RealDSTEndMonth := 2;
+ RealDSTEndDay := DSTEndDay - 31;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ RealDSTEndMonth := 3;
+ while (RealDSTEndMonth < 12) and (MonthEnds [RealDSTEndMonth] > L) do
+ Inc (RealDSTEndMonth);
+ RealDSTEndDay := L - MonthEnds [Pred (RealDSTEndMonth)];
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+function GetUniversalTime (var SystemTime: TSystemTime): boolean;
+ GetLocalTime (SystemTime);
+ UpdateTimeWithOffset (SystemTime, GetLocalTimeOffset);
+ GetUniversalTime := true;
+function GetLocalTimeOffset: integer;
+ if InDST then
+ GetLocalTimeOffset := DSTOffsetMin
+ else
+ GetLocalTimeOffset := TZOffsetMin;
+function GetLocalTimeOffset(const DateTime: TDateTime; const InputIsUTC: boolean; out Offset: integer): boolean;
+ SystemTime: TSystemTime;
+ DateTimeToSystemTime (DateTime, SystemTime);
+ if InDST (SystemTime, InputIsUTC) then
+ Offset := DSTOffsetMin
+ else
+ Offset := TZOffsetMin;
+ GetLocalTimeOffset := true;