diff options
authorkaroly <karoly@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2020-04-28 01:23:31 +0000
committerkaroly <karoly@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2020-04-28 01:23:31 +0000
commit36784a2a20bffbf829e0ae92d6bdfc10321e0f70 (patch)
parent56a400ff3d85b052fd7f2b506eff0d0ebe3b1b8f (diff)
z80: added quick & dirty vasm assembler support to the target
git-svn-id: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
4 files changed, 929 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index f44cdd5e38..bb18c30fcd 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -257,6 +257,7 @@
+ ,as_z80_vasm
tlink = (ld_none,
diff --git a/compiler/systems/i_zxspectrum.pas b/compiler/systems/i_zxspectrum.pas
index de6897693e..df4678c870 100644
--- a/compiler/systems/i_zxspectrum.pas
+++ b/compiler/systems/i_zxspectrum.pas
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ unit i_zxspectrum;
name : 'ZX Spectrum';
shortname : 'zxspectrum';
flags : [tf_needs_symbol_size,tf_files_case_sensitive,
- tf_smartlink_library,
+ tf_smartlink_library,tf_smartlink_sections,
cpu : cpu_z80;
unit_env : '';
diff --git a/compiler/z80/agz80vasm.pas b/compiler/z80/agz80vasm.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b5c7f2cd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/z80/agz80vasm.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,924 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003 by Florian Klaempfl
+ This unit implements an asm for the Z80
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+{ This unit implements the assembler writer for the vasm assembler:
+unit agz80vasm;
+ interface
+ uses
+ globtype,systems,
+ aasmbase,aasmtai,aasmdata,aasmcpu,
+ assemble,
+ cpubase;
+ type
+ { TZ80vasm }
+ TZ80Vasm=class(TExternalAssembler)
+ private
+ procedure WriteDecodedSleb128(a: int64);
+ procedure WriteDecodedUleb128(a: qword);
+ procedure WriteRealConstAsBytes(hp: tai_realconst; const dbdir: string; do_line: boolean);
+ function sectionname(atype:TAsmSectiontype;const aname:string;aorder:TAsmSectionOrder):string;
+ procedure WriteSection(atype:TAsmSectiontype;const aname:string;aorder:TAsmSectionOrder;secalign:longint;
+ secflags:TSectionFlags=[];secprogbits:TSectionProgbits=SPB_None);
+ procedure WriteInstruction(hp: taicpu);
+ procedure WriteOper(const o:toper; opcode: tasmop;ops:longint;dest : boolean);
+ procedure WriteOper_jmp(const o:toper; ai : taicpu);
+ procedure WriteExternals;
+ public
+ procedure WriteTree(p : TAsmList); override;
+ procedure WriteAsmList;override;
+ function MakeCmdLine: TCmdStr; override;
+ end;
+ implementation
+ uses
+ cutils,globals,verbose,
+ cpuinfo,
+ cgbase,cgutils,
+ finput;
+ const
+ line_length = 70;
+ max_tokens : longint = 25;
+ ait_const2str : array[aitconst_128bit..aitconst_64bit_unaligned] of string[20]=(
+ #9''#9,#9'FIXMEDQ'#9,#9'FIXMEDD'#9,#9'.word'#9,#9'.byte'#9,
+ #9'FIXME',#9'FIXME',#9'FIXME',#9'FIXME',
+ #9'.uahalf'#9,#9'FIXMEDD'#9,#9'FIXMEDQ'#9
+ );
+ procedure TZ80vasm.WriteDecodedSleb128(a: int64);
+ var
+ i,len : longint;
+ buf : array[0..255] of byte;
+ begin
+ writer.AsmWrite(#9'.byte'#9);
+ len:=EncodeSleb128(a,buf,0);
+ for i:=0 to len-1 do
+ begin
+ if (i > 0) then
+ writer.AsmWrite(',');
+ writer.AsmWrite(tostr(buf[i]));
+ end;
+ writer.AsmWriteLn(#9'; sleb '+tostr(a));
+ end;
+ procedure TZ80vasm.WriteDecodedUleb128(a: qword);
+ var
+ i,len : longint;
+ buf : array[0..63] of byte;
+ begin
+ writer.AsmWrite(#9'.byte'#9);
+ len:=EncodeUleb128(a,buf,0);
+ for i:=0 to len-1 do
+ begin
+ if (i > 0) then
+ writer.AsmWrite(',');
+ writer.AsmWrite(tostr(buf[i]));
+ end;
+ writer.AsmWriteLn(#9'; uleb '+tostr(a));
+ end;
+ procedure TZ80vasm.WriteRealConstAsBytes(hp: tai_realconst; const dbdir: string; do_line: boolean);
+ var
+ pdata: pbyte;
+ index, step, swapmask, count: longint;
+ ssingle: single;
+ ddouble: double;
+ ccomp: comp;
+{$if defined(cpuextended) and defined(FPC_HAS_TYPE_EXTENDED)}
+ eextended: extended;
+{$ifdef FPC_SOFT_FPUX80}
+ eextended: floatx80;
+{$endif cpuextended}
+ begin
+ if do_line then
+ begin
+ case tai_realconst(hp).realtyp of
+ aitrealconst_s32bit:
+ writer.AsmWriteLn(asminfo^.comment+'value: '+single2str(tai_realconst(hp).value.s32val));
+ aitrealconst_s64bit:
+ writer.AsmWriteLn(asminfo^.comment+'value: '+double2str(tai_realconst(hp).value.s64val));
+{$if defined(cpuextended) and defined(FPC_HAS_TYPE_EXTENDED)}
+ { can't write full 80 bit floating point constants yet on non-x86 }
+ aitrealconst_s80bit:
+ writer.AsmWriteLn(asminfo^.comment+'value: '+extended2str(tai_realconst(hp).value.s80val));
+{$ifdef FPC_SOFT_FPUX80}
+{$push}{$warn 6018 off} { Unreachable code due to compile time evaluation }
+ aitrealconst_s80bit:
+ begin
+ if sizeof(tai_realconst(hp).value.s80val) = sizeof(double) then
+ writer.AsmWriteLn(asminfo^.comment+'value: '+double2str(tai_realconst(hp).value.s80val))
+ else if sizeof(tai_realconst(hp).value.s80val) = sizeof(single) then
+ writer.AsmWriteLn(asminfo^.comment+'value: '+single2str(tai_realconst(hp).value.s80val))
+ else
+ internalerror(2017091901);
+ end;
+{$endif cpuextended}
+ aitrealconst_s64comp:
+ writer.AsmWriteLn(asminfo^.comment+'value: '+extended2str(tai_realconst(hp).value.s64compval));
+ else
+ internalerror(2014050604);
+ end;
+ end;
+ writer.AsmWrite(dbdir);
+ { generic float writing code: get start address of value, then write
+ byte by byte. Can't use fields directly, because e.g ts64comp is
+ defined as extended on x86 }
+ case tai_realconst(hp).realtyp of
+ aitrealconst_s32bit:
+ begin
+ ssingle:=single(tai_realconst(hp).value.s32val);
+ pdata:=@ssingle;
+ end;
+ aitrealconst_s64bit:
+ begin
+ ddouble:=double(tai_realconst(hp).value.s64val);
+ pdata:=@ddouble;
+ end;
+{$if defined(cpuextended) and defined(FPC_HAS_TYPE_EXTENDED)}
+ { can't write full 80 bit floating point constants yet on non-x86 }
+ aitrealconst_s80bit:
+ begin
+ eextended:=extended(tai_realconst(hp).value.s80val);
+ pdata:=@eextended;
+ end;
+{$ifdef FPC_SOFT_FPUX80}
+{$push}{$warn 6018 off} { Unreachable code due to compile time evaluation }
+ aitrealconst_s80bit:
+ begin
+ if sizeof(tai_realconst(hp).value.s80val) = sizeof(double) then
+ eextended:=float64_to_floatx80(float64(double(tai_realconst(hp).value.s80val)))
+ else if sizeof(tai_realconst(hp).value.s80val) = sizeof(single) then
+ eextended:=float32_to_floatx80(float32(single(tai_realconst(hp).value.s80val)))
+ else
+ internalerror(2017091901);
+ pdata:=@eextended;
+ end;
+{$endif cpuextended}
+ aitrealconst_s64comp:
+ begin
+ ccomp:=comp(tai_realconst(hp).value.s64compval);
+ pdata:=@ccomp;
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(2014051001);
+ end;
+ count:=tai_realconst(hp).datasize;
+ { write bytes in inverse order if source and target endianess don't
+ match }
+ if source_info.endian<>target_info.endian then
+ begin
+ { go from back to front }
+ index:=count-1;
+ step:=-1;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ index:=0;
+ step:=1;
+ end;
+{$ifdef ARM}
+ { ARM-specific: low and high dwords of a double may be swapped }
+ if tai_realconst(hp).formatoptions=fo_hiloswapped then
+ begin
+ { only supported for double }
+ if tai_realconst(hp).datasize<>8 then
+ internalerror(2014050605);
+ { switch bit of the index so that the words are written in
+ the opposite order }
+ swapmask:=4;
+ end
+ else
+{$endif ARM}
+ swapmask:=0;
+ repeat
+ writer.AsmWrite(tostr(pdata[index xor swapmask]));
+ inc(index,step);
+ dec(count);
+ if count<>0 then
+ writer.AsmWrite(',');
+ until count=0;
+ { padding }
+ for count:=tai_realconst(hp).datasize+1 to tai_realconst(hp).savesize do
+ writer.AsmWrite(',0');
+ writer.AsmLn;
+ end;
+ function TZ80vasm.sectionname(atype: TAsmSectiontype;
+ const aname: string; aorder: TAsmSectionOrder): string;
+ const
+ secnames : array[TAsmSectiontype] of string[length('__DATA, __datacoal_nt,coalesced')] = ('','',
+ '.text',
+ '.data',
+ '.data',
+ '.rodata',
+ '.bss',
+ '.threadvar',
+ '.pdata',
+ '', { stubs }
+ '__DATA,__nl_symbol_ptr',
+ '__DATA,__la_symbol_ptr',
+ '__DATA,__mod_init_func',
+ '__DATA,__mod_term_func',
+ '.stab',
+ '.stabstr',
+ '.idata$2','.idata$4','.idata$5','.idata$6','.idata$7','.edata',
+ '.eh_frame',
+ '.debug_frame','.debug_info','.debug_line','.debug_abbrev','.debug_aranges','.debug_ranges',
+ '.fpc',
+ '.toc',
+ '.init',
+ '.fini',
+ '.objc_class',
+ '.objc_meta_class',
+ '.objc_cat_cls_meth',
+ '.objc_cat_inst_meth',
+ '.objc_protocol',
+ '.objc_string_object',
+ '.objc_cls_meth',
+ '.objc_inst_meth',
+ '.objc_cls_refs',
+ '.objc_message_refs',
+ '.objc_symbols',
+ '.objc_category',
+ '.objc_class_vars',
+ '.objc_instance_vars',
+ '.objc_module_info',
+ '.objc_class_names',
+ '.objc_meth_var_types',
+ '.objc_meth_var_names',
+ '.objc_selector_strs',
+ '.objc_protocol_ext',
+ '.objc_class_ext',
+ '.objc_property',
+ '.objc_image_info',
+ '.objc_cstring_object',
+ '.objc_sel_fixup',
+ '__DATA,__objc_data',
+ '__DATA,__objc_const',
+ '.objc_superrefs',
+ '__DATA, __datacoal_nt,coalesced',
+ '.objc_classlist',
+ '.objc_nlclasslist',
+ '.objc_catlist',
+ '.obcj_nlcatlist',
+ '.objc_protolist',
+ '.stack',
+ '.heap',
+ '.gcc_except_table',
+ '.ARM.attributes'
+ );
+ var
+ sep: string[3];
+ begin
+ result:=secnames[atype];
+ if (aname<>'') then
+ begin
+ case aorder of
+ secorder_begin :
+ sep:='.b_';
+ secorder_end :
+ sep:='.z_';
+ else
+ sep:='.n_';
+ end;
+ result:=result+sep+aname;
+ end;
+{ else
+ result:=secname;}
+ end;
+ procedure TZ80vasm.WriteSection(atype: TAsmSectiontype;
+ const aname: string; aorder: TAsmSectionOrder; secalign: longint;
+ secflags: TSectionFlags; secprogbits: TSectionProgbits);
+ var
+ s : string;
+ secflag: TSectionFlag;
+ sectionprogbits,
+ sectionflags: boolean;
+ begin
+ writer.AsmLn;
+ sectionflags:=false;
+ sectionprogbits:=false;
+ writer.AsmWrite(#9'.section ');
+ { sectionname may rename those sections, so we do not write flags/progbits for them,
+ the assembler will ignore them/spite out a warning anyways }
+ if not(atype in [sec_data,sec_rodata,sec_rodata_norel]) then
+ begin
+ sectionflags:=true;
+ sectionprogbits:=true;
+ end;
+ s:=sectionname(atype,aname,aorder);
+ writer.AsmWrite(s);
+ writer.AsmLn;
+ LastSecType:=atype;
+ end;
+ procedure TZ80vasm.WriteInstruction(hp: taicpu);
+ var
+ i: Integer;
+ begin
+ writer.AsmWrite(#9#9+std_op2str[hp.opcode]);
+ if (taicpu(hp).ops<>0) or (hp.condition<>C_None) then
+ begin
+ writer.AsmWrite(#9);
+ if hp.condition<>C_None then
+ begin
+ writer.AsmWrite(uppercond2str[hp.condition]);
+ if taicpu(hp).ops<>0 then
+ writer.AsmWrite(',');
+ end;
+ for i:=0 to taicpu(hp).ops-1 do
+ begin
+ if i<>0 then
+ writer.AsmWrite(',');
+ if is_calljmp(hp.opcode) then
+ WriteOper_jmp(taicpu(hp).oper[i]^,hp)
+ else
+ WriteOper(taicpu(hp).oper[i]^,hp.opcode,taicpu(hp).ops,(i=2));
+ end;
+ end;
+ writer.AsmLn;
+ end;
+ procedure TZ80vasm.WriteOper(const o: toper; opcode: tasmop; ops: longint; dest: boolean);
+ var
+ need_plus: Boolean;
+ begin
+ case o.typ of
+ top_reg :
+ writer.AsmWrite(std_regname(o.reg));
+ top_const :
+ begin
+ writer.AsmWrite(tostr(longint(o.val)));
+ end;
+ top_ref:
+ begin
+ if assigned(o.ref^.symbol) and (o.ref^.refaddr in [addr_lo8,addr_hi8,addr_full]) then
+ begin
+ {if SmartAsm then
+ AddSymbol(o.ref^,false);}
+ if (o.ref^.base<>NR_NO) or (o.ref^.index<>NR_NO) then
+ internalerror(2020041101);
+ // writer.AsmWrite('#');
+ case o.ref^.refaddr of
+ addr_lo8:
+ writer.AsmWrite('<');
+ addr_hi8:
+ writer.AsmWrite('>');
+ addr_full:
+ {nothing};
+ else
+ ;
+ end;
+ if o.ref^.offset<>0 then
+ writer.AsmWrite('('+ApplyAsmSymbolRestrictions(o.ref^'+'+tostr(o.ref^.offset)+')')
+ else
+ writer.AsmWrite(ApplyAsmSymbolRestrictions(o.ref^;
+ end
+ else if not assigned(o.ref^.symbol) and
+ ((o.ref^.base<>NR_NO) or (o.ref^.index<>NR_NO)) and
+ (o.ref^.offset<>0) then
+ begin
+ //writer.AsmWrite(tostr(o.ref^.offset));
+ writer.AsmWrite('(');
+ if o.ref^.base<>NR_NO then
+ begin
+ if o.ref^.index<>NR_NO then
+ internalerror(2020040201);
+ writer.AsmWrite(std_regname(o.ref^.base));
+ end
+ else if o.ref^.index<>NR_NO then
+ begin
+ if o.ref^.scalefactor>1 then
+ internalerror(2020040202);
+ writer.AsmWrite(std_regname(o.ref^.index));
+ end;
+ if o.ref^.offset > 0 then
+ writer.AsmWrite('+'+tostr(o.ref^.offset))
+ else
+ if o.ref^.offset < 0 then
+ writer.AsmWrite(tostr(o.ref^.offset));
+ writer.AsmWrite(')');
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ writer.AsmWrite('(');
+ need_plus:=false;
+ if o.ref^.base<>NR_NO then
+ begin
+ if o.ref^.index<>NR_NO then
+ internalerror(2020040201);
+ writer.AsmWrite(std_regname(o.ref^.base));
+ need_plus:=true;
+ end
+ else if o.ref^.index<>NR_NO then
+ begin
+ if o.ref^.scalefactor>1 then
+ internalerror(2020040202);
+ writer.AsmWrite(std_regname(o.ref^.index));
+ need_plus:=true;
+ end;
+ if assigned(o.ref^.symbol) then
+ begin
+ {if SmartAsm then
+ AddSymbol(o.ref^,false);}
+ if need_plus then
+ writer.AsmWrite('+');
+ writer.AsmWrite(ApplyAsmSymbolRestrictions(o.ref^;
+ need_plus:=true;
+ end;
+ if o.ref^.offset<>0 then
+ begin
+ if need_plus and (o.ref^.offset>0) then
+ writer.AsmWrite('+');
+ writer.AsmWrite(tostr(o.ref^.offset));
+ need_plus:=true;
+ end;
+ if not need_plus then
+ writer.AsmWrite('0');
+ writer.AsmWrite(')');
+ end;
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(10001);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure TZ80vasm.WriteOper_jmp(const o: toper; ai: taicpu);
+ begin
+ case o.typ of
+ top_reg :
+ writer.AsmWrite(std_regname(o.reg));
+ top_const :
+ begin
+ writer.AsmWrite(tostr(longint(o.val)));
+ end;
+ top_ref:
+ begin
+ if o.ref^.refaddr=addr_no then
+ begin
+ writer.AsmWrite('TODO:indirect jump ref');
+ //WriteReference(o.ref^);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ writer.AsmWrite(ApplyAsmSymbolRestrictions(o.ref^;
+ //if SmartAsm then
+ // AddSymbol(o.ref^,false);
+ if o.ref^.offset>0 then
+ writer.AsmWrite('+'+tostr(o.ref^.offset))
+ else
+ if o.ref^.offset<0 then
+ writer.AsmWrite(tostr(o.ref^.offset));
+ end;
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(10001);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure TZ80vasm.WriteExternals;
+ var
+ sym : TAsmSymbol;
+ i : longint;
+ begin
+ writer.AsmWriteln('; Begin externals');
+ for i:=0 to current_asmdata.AsmSymbolDict.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ sym:=TAsmSymbol(current_asmdata.AsmSymbolDict[i]);
+ if sym.bind in [AB_EXTERNAL,AB_EXTERNAL_INDIRECT] then
+ writer.AsmWriteln(#9'.globl'#9+ApplyAsmSymbolRestrictions(;
+ end;
+ writer.AsmWriteln('; End externals');
+ end;
+ procedure TZ80vasm.WriteTree(p: TAsmList);
+ procedure doalign(alignment: byte; use_op: boolean; fillop: byte; maxbytes: byte; out last_align: longint;lasthp:tai);
+ var
+ i: longint;
+ alignment64 : int64;
+ begin
+ last_align:=alignment;
+ if alignment>1 then
+ writer.AsmWriteLn(#9'.balign '+tostr(alignment));
+ end;
+ var
+ lasthp,
+ hp: tai;
+ s, LastSecName: string;
+ counter,lines,i,j,l,tokens,pos,last_align: longint;
+ quoted, do_line: Boolean;
+ consttype: taiconst_type;
+ ch: Char;
+ InlineLevel : longint;
+ prevfileinfo : tfileposinfo;
+ previnfile : tinputfile;
+ LastAlign: Integer;
+ LastSecOrder: TAsmSectionOrder;
+ begin
+ if not assigned(p) then
+ exit;
+ InlineLevel:=0;
+ last_align:=1;
+ lasthp:=nil;
+ { lineinfo is only needed for al_procedures (PFV) }
+ do_line:=(cs_asm_source in current_settings.globalswitches) or
+ ((cs_lineinfo in current_settings.moduleswitches)
+ and (p=current_asmdata.asmlists[al_procedures]));
+ hp:=tai(p.first);
+ while assigned(hp) do
+ begin
+ prefetch(pointer(^);
+ if not(hp.typ in SkipLineInfo) then
+ begin
+ previnfile:=lastinfile;
+ prevfileinfo:=lastfileinfo;
+ current_filepos:=tailineinfo(hp).fileinfo;
+ { no line info for inlined code }
+ if do_line and (inlinelevel=0) then
+ WriteSourceLine(hp as tailineinfo);
+ (*if (lastfileinfo.line<>prevfileinfo.line) or
+ (previnfile<>lastinfile) then
+ begin
+ { +0 postfix means no line increment per assembler instruction }
+ writer.AsmWrite('%LINE '+tostr(current_filepos.line)+'+0');
+ if assigned(lastinfile) and ((previnfile<>lastinfile) or NewObject) then
+ writer.AsmWriteLn(' '
+ else
+ writer.AsmLn;
+ NewObject:=false;
+ end;*)
+ end;
+ case hp.typ of
+ ait_comment :
+ begin
+ writer.AsmWrite(asminfo^.comment);
+ writer.AsmWritePChar(tai_comment(hp).str);
+ writer.AsmLn;
+ end;
+ ait_regalloc :
+ begin
+ if (cs_asm_regalloc in current_settings.globalswitches) then
+ writer.AsmWriteLn(#9#9+asminfo^.comment+'Register '+std_regname(tai_regalloc(hp).reg)+' '+
+ regallocstr[tai_regalloc(hp).ratype]);
+ end;
+ ait_tempalloc :
+ begin
+ if (cs_asm_tempalloc in current_settings.globalswitches) then
+ WriteTempalloc(tai_tempalloc(hp));
+ end;
+ ait_section :
+ begin
+ if tai_section(hp).sectype<>sec_none then
+ WriteSection(tai_section(hp).sectype,tai_section(hp).name^,tai_section(hp).secorder,
+ tai_section(hp).secalign,tai_section(hp).secflags,tai_section(hp).secprogbits)
+ else
+ begin
+{$ifdef EXTDEBUG}
+ writer.AsmWrite(asminfo^.comment);
+ writer.AsmWriteln(' sec_none');
+{$endif EXTDEBUG}
+ end;
+ end;
+ ait_align :
+ begin
+ doalign(tai_align_abstract(hp).aligntype,tai_align_abstract(hp).use_op,tai_align_abstract(hp).fillop,tai_align_abstract(hp).maxbytes,last_align,lasthp);
+ end;
+ ait_label :
+ begin
+ if tai_label(hp).labsym.is_used then
+ begin
+ writer.AsmWrite(ApplyAsmSymbolRestrictions(tai_label(hp);
+ if tai_label(hp).labsym.bind in [AB_GLOBAL,AB_PRIVATE_EXTERN] then
+ writer.AsmWriteLn(':')
+ else
+ writer.AsmWriteLn(':');
+ end;
+ end;
+ ait_symbol :
+ begin
+ if not(tai_symbol(hp).has_value) then
+ begin
+ if tai_symbol(hp).is_global then
+ writer.AsmWriteLn(ApplyAsmSymbolRestrictions(tai_symbol(hp) + ':')
+ else
+ writer.AsmWriteLn(ApplyAsmSymbolRestrictions(tai_symbol(hp) + ':');
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if tai_symbol(hp).is_global then
+ writer.AsmWriteLn(ApplyAsmSymbolRestrictions(tai_symbol(hp) + '=' + tostr(tai_symbol(hp).value))
+ else
+ writer.AsmWriteLn(ApplyAsmSymbolRestrictions(tai_symbol(hp) + '=' + tostr(tai_symbol(hp).value));
+ end;
+ end;
+ ait_symbol_end :
+ begin
+ end;
+ ait_datablock :
+ begin
+ if tai_datablock(hp).is_global or SmartAsm then
+ writer.AsmWriteLn(ApplyAsmSymbolRestrictions(tai_datablock(hp) + ':')
+ else
+ writer.AsmWriteLn(ApplyAsmSymbolRestrictions(tai_datablock(hp) + ':');
+ {if SmartAsm then
+ AddSymbol(tai_datablock(hp),true);}
+ writer.AsmWriteLn(#9'.zero'#9+tostr(tai_datablock(hp).size));
+ end;
+ ait_realconst:
+ WriteRealConstAsBytes(tai_realconst(hp),#9'.byte'#9,do_line);
+ ait_const:
+ begin
+ consttype:=tai_const(hp).consttype;
+ case consttype of
+ aitconst_uleb128bit:
+ WriteDecodedUleb128(qword(tai_const(hp).value));
+ aitconst_sleb128bit:
+ WriteDecodedSleb128(int64(tai_const(hp).value));
+ aitconst_64bit,
+ aitconst_64bit_unaligned,
+ aitconst_32bit,
+ aitconst_32bit_unaligned:
+ begin
+ writer.AsmWrite(#9'.uahalf'#9);
+ l:=0;
+ tokens:=1;
+ repeat
+ if assigned(tai_const(hp).sym) then
+ begin
+ if assigned(tai_const(hp).endsym) then
+ s:=ApplyAsmSymbolRestrictions(tai_const(hp)'-'+ApplyAsmSymbolRestrictions(tai_const(hp)
+ else
+ s:=ApplyAsmSymbolRestrictions(tai_const(hp);
+ if tai_const(hp).value<>0 then
+ s:=s+tostr_with_plus(tai_const(hp).value);
+ if consttype in [aitconst_64bit,aitconst_64bit_unaligned] then
+ s:=s+',0,0,0'
+ else
+ s:=s+',0';
+ end
+ else
+ if consttype in [aitconst_64bit,aitconst_64bit_unaligned] then
+ s:=tostr(Word(tai_const(hp).value)) +','+tostr(Word(tai_const(hp).value shr 16))+','+
+ tostr(Word(tai_const(hp).value shr 32))+','+tostr(Word(tai_const(hp).value shr 48))
+ else
+ s:=tostr(Word(tai_const(hp).value))+','+tostr(Word(tai_const(hp).value shr 16));
+ writer.AsmWrite(s);
+ inc(l,length(s));
+ inc(tokens);
+ if (l>line_length) or
+ (tokens>max_tokens) or
+ ( or
+ (tai(<>ait_const) or
+ (tai_const(<>consttype) then
+ break;
+ hp:=tai(;
+ writer.AsmWrite(',');
+ until false;
+ { Substract section start for secrel32 type }
+ {if consttype=aitconst_secrel32_symbol then
+ writer.AsmWrite(' - $$');}
+ writer.AsmLn;
+ end;
+ {aitconst_128bit,}
+ aitconst_16bit,
+ aitconst_8bit,
+ aitconst_16bit_unaligned{,
+ aitconst_rva_symbol,
+ aitconst_secrel32_symbol} :
+ begin
+ writer.AsmWrite(ait_const2str[consttype]);
+ l:=0;
+ tokens:=1;
+ repeat
+ if assigned(tai_const(hp).sym) then
+ begin
+ if assigned(tai_const(hp).endsym) then
+ s:=ApplyAsmSymbolRestrictions(tai_const(hp)'-'+ApplyAsmSymbolRestrictions(tai_const(hp)
+ else
+ s:=ApplyAsmSymbolRestrictions(tai_const(hp);
+ if tai_const(hp).value<>0 then
+ s:=s+tostr_with_plus(tai_const(hp).value);
+ end
+ else
+ s:=tostr(tai_const(hp).value);
+ writer.AsmWrite(s);
+ inc(l,length(s));
+ inc(tokens);
+ if (l>line_length) or
+ (tokens>max_tokens) or
+ ( or
+ (tai(<>ait_const) or
+ (tai_const(<>consttype) then
+ break;
+ hp:=tai(;
+ writer.AsmWrite(',');
+ until false;
+ { Substract section start for secrel32 type }
+ if consttype=aitconst_secrel32_symbol then
+ writer.AsmWrite(' - $$');
+ writer.AsmLn;
+ end;
+ else
+ begin
+ writer.AsmWrite(asminfo^.comment);
+ writer.AsmWrite('WARNING: not yet implemented in assembler output: ');
+ Str(consttype,s);
+ writer.AsmWriteLn(s);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ait_string :
+ begin
+ pos:=0;
+ for i:=1 to tai_string(hp).len do
+ begin
+ if pos=0 then
+ begin
+ writer.AsmWrite(#9'.ascii'#9'"');
+ pos:=20;
+ end;
+ ch:=tai_string(hp).str[i-1];
+ case ch of
+ #0, {This can't be done by range, because a bug in FPC}
+ #1..#31,
+ #128..#255 : s:='\'+tostr(ord(ch) shr 6)+tostr((ord(ch) and 63) shr 3)+tostr(ord(ch) and 7);
+ '"' : s:='\"';
+ '\' : s:='\\';
+ else
+ s:=ch;
+ end;
+ writer.AsmWrite(s);
+ inc(pos,length(s));
+ if (pos>line_length) or (i=tai_string(hp).len) then
+ begin
+ writer.AsmWriteLn('"');
+ pos:=0;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ait_instruction :
+ begin
+ WriteInstruction(taicpu(hp));
+ end;
+ ait_directive :
+ begin
+ case tai_directive(hp).directive of
+ asd_cpu :
+ writer.AsmWriteLn('; CPU '+tai_directive(hp).name);
+ else
+ begin
+ writer.AsmWrite(asminfo^.comment);
+ writer.AsmWrite('WARNING: not yet implemented in assembler output: ait_directive.');
+ Str(tai_directive(hp).directive,s);
+ writer.AsmWriteLn(s);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ait_cutobject :
+ begin
+ if SmartAsm then
+ begin
+ { only reset buffer if nothing has changed }
+ if not writer.ClearIfEmpty then
+ begin
+ {if SmartAsm then
+ begin
+ WriteSmartExternals;
+ FreeExternChainList;
+ end;
+ WriteGroups;}
+ writer.AsmClose;
+ DoAssemble;
+ writer.AsmCreate(tai_cutobject(hp).place);
+ {ResetSectionsList;
+ WriteHeader;}
+ end;
+ { avoid empty files }
+ LastSecType:=sec_none;
+ LastSecName:='';
+ LastSecOrder:=secorder_default;
+ LastAlign:=1;
+ while assigned( and (tai( in [ait_cutobject,ait_section,ait_comment]) do
+ begin
+ if tai( then
+ begin
+ LastSecType:=tai_section(;
+ LastSecName:=tai_section(^;
+ LastSecOrder:=tai_section(;
+ LastAlign:=tai_section(;
+ end;
+ hp:=tai(;
+ end;
+ if LastSecType<>sec_none then
+ WriteSection(LastSecType,LastSecName,LastSecOrder,LastAlign);
+ writer.MarkEmpty;
+ //NewObject:=true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ait_marker :
+ if tai_marker(hp).kind=mark_NoLineInfoStart then
+ inc(InlineLevel)
+ else if tai_marker(hp).kind=mark_NoLineInfoEnd then
+ dec(InlineLevel);
+ ait_stab,
+ ait_force_line,
+ ait_function_name : ;
+ else
+ begin
+ writer.AsmWrite(asminfo^.comment);
+ writer.AsmWrite('WARNING: not yet implemented in assembler output: ');
+ Str(hp.typ,s);
+ writer.AsmWriteLn(s);
+ end;
+ end;
+ lasthp:=hp;
+ hp:=tai(;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure TZ80vasm.WriteAsmList;
+ var
+ hal: TAsmListType;
+ begin
+ WriteExternals;
+ for hal:=low(TasmlistType) to high(TasmlistType) do
+ begin
+ writer.AsmWriteLn(asminfo^.comment+'Begin asmlist '+AsmListTypeStr[hal]);
+ writetree(current_asmdata.asmlists[hal]);
+ writer.AsmWriteLn(asminfo^.comment+'End asmlist '+AsmListTypeStr[hal]);
+ end;
+ end;
+ function TZ80vasm.MakeCmdLine: TCmdStr;
+ begin
+ result := {'-mmcu='+lower(cputypestr[current_settings.cputype])+' '+}inherited MakeCmdLine;
+ end;
+ const
+ as_z80_vasm_info : tasminfo =
+ (
+ id : as_z80_vasm;
+ idtxt : 'VASM';
+ asmbin : 'vasmz80_std';
+ asmcmd : '-quiet -Fvobj -o $OBJ $EXTRAOPT $ASM';
+ supported_targets : [system_z80_embedded, system_z80_zxspectrum];
+ flags : [af_needar,af_smartlink_sections];
+ labelprefix : '.L';
+ labelmaxlen : -1;
+ comment : '; ';
+ dollarsign: '$';
+ );
+ RegisterAssembler(as_z80_vasm_info,TZ80vasm);
diff --git a/compiler/z80/cputarg.pas b/compiler/z80/cputarg.pas
index 71b756a90f..8dc8bb5383 100644
--- a/compiler/z80/cputarg.pas
+++ b/compiler/z80/cputarg.pas
@@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ implementation
{$ifndef NOAGSDASZ80}
+ {$ifndef NOAGZ80VASM}
+ ,agz80vasm
+ {$endif}
Assembler Readers