path: root/lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl
index 3b2dde6b9b..9e5410c10f 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl
@@ -1278,9 +1278,9 @@ ets_insert_new_with_check(Table, ToInsert) ->
t_insert_list_parallel_do(Opts) ->
[(fun(I) ->
- t_insert_list_parallel_do(Opts, I, 2, 100, 5000),
- t_insert_list_parallel_do(Opts, I, 10, 100, 500),
- t_insert_list_parallel_do(Opts, I, 1000, 100, 50),
+ t_insert_list_parallel_do(Opts, I, 2, 100, 500),
+ t_insert_list_parallel_do(Opts, I, 10, 100, 100),
+ t_insert_list_parallel_do(Opts, I, 1000, 100, 10),
t_insert_list_parallel_do(Opts, I, 50000, 3, 1)
end)(InsertFun) || InsertFun <- [fun ets_insert_with_check/2,
fun ets_insert_new_with_check/2]].
@@ -5118,7 +5118,7 @@ test_delete_table_while_size_snapshot_helper(TableType) ->
Problem -> TopParent ! Problem
end || _ <- Pids]
- 15000),
+ 100*erlang:system_info(schedulers_online)),
Problem -> throw(Problem)
after 0 -> ok
@@ -6853,7 +6853,7 @@ verify_table_load(T) ->
true ->
- io:format("Stats = ~p\n",[Stats]),
+ io:format("Stats = ~p\n~p\n",[Stats, ets:info(T)]),
@@ -8134,58 +8134,60 @@ wait_for_memory_deallocations() ->
etsmem() ->
- % The following is done twice to avoid an inconsistent memory
- % "snapshot" (see verify_etsmem/2).
- lists:foldl(
- fun(AttemptNr, PrevEtsMem) ->
- AllTabsExceptions = [logger, code],
- %% The logger table is excluded from the AllTabs list
- %% below because it uses decentralized counters to keep
- %% track of the size and the memory counters. This cause
- %% ets:info(T,size) and ets:info(T,memory) to trigger
- %% allocations and frees that may change the amount of
- %% memory that is allocated for ETS.
- %%
- %% The code table is excluded from the list below
- %% because the amount of memory allocated for it may
- %% change if the tested code loads a new module.
- AllTabs =
- lists:sort(
- [begin
- try ets:info(T, decentralized_counters) of
- true ->
- ct:fail("Background ETS table (~p) that "
- "uses decentralized counters (Add exception?)",
- [ets:info(T,name)]);
- _ -> ok
- catch _:_ ->
- ok
- end,
- {T,
- ets:info(T,name),
- ets:info(T,size),
- ets:info(T,memory),
- ets:info(T,type)}
- end
- || T <- ets:all(),
- not lists:member(ets:info(T, name), AllTabsExceptions)]),
- wait_for_memory_deallocations(),
- EtsAllocSize = erts_debug:alloc_blocks_size(ets_alloc),
- ErlangMemoryEts = try erlang:memory(ets) catch error:notsup -> notsup end,
- FlxCtrMemUsage = try erts_debug:get_internal_state(flxctr_memory_usage) catch error:badarg -> notsup end,
- Mem = {ErlangMemoryEts, EtsAllocSize, FlxCtrMemUsage},
- EtsMem = {Mem, AllTabs},
- case PrevEtsMem of
- first -> ok;
- _ when PrevEtsMem =:= EtsMem -> ok;
- _ ->
- io:format("etsmem(): Change in attempt ~p~n~nbefore:~n~p~n~nafter:~n~p~n~n",
- [AttemptNr, PrevEtsMem, EtsMem])
- end,
- EtsMem
- end,
- first,
- lists:seq(1,2)).
+ etsmem(get_etsmem(), 1).
+etsmem(PrevEtsMem, Try) when Try < 10 ->
+ case get_etsmem() of
+ PrevEtsMem ->
+ PrevEtsMem;
+ EtsMem ->
+ io:format("etsmem(): Change in attempt ~p~n~nbefore:~n~p~n~nafter:~n~p~n~n",
+ [Try, PrevEtsMem, EtsMem]),
+ etsmem(EtsMem, Try+1)
+ end;
+etsmem(_, _) ->
+ ct:fail("Failed to get a stable/consistent memory snapshot").
+get_etsmem() ->
+ AllTabsExceptions = [logger, code],
+ %% The logger table is excluded from the AllTabs list
+ %% below because it uses decentralized counters to keep
+ %% track of the size and the memory counters. This cause
+ %% ets:info(T,size) and ets:info(T,memory) to trigger
+ %% allocations and frees that may change the amount of
+ %% memory that is allocated for ETS.
+ %%
+ %% The code table is excluded from the list below
+ %% because the amount of memory allocated for it may
+ %% change if the tested code loads a new module.
+ AllTabs =
+ lists:sort(
+ [begin
+ try ets:info(T, decentralized_counters) of
+ true ->
+ ct:fail("Background ETS table (~p) that "
+ "uses decentralized counters (Add exception?)",
+ [ets:info(T,name)]);
+ _ -> ok
+ catch _:_ ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ {T,
+ ets:info(T,name),
+ ets:info(T,size),
+ ets:info(T,memory),
+ ets:info(T,type)}
+ end
+ || T <- ets:all(),
+ not lists:member(ets:info(T, name), AllTabsExceptions)]),
+ wait_for_memory_deallocations(),
+ EtsAllocSize = erts_debug:alloc_blocks_size(ets_alloc),
+ ErlangMemoryEts = try erlang:memory(ets)
+ catch error:notsup -> notsup end,
+ FlxCtrMemUsage = try erts_debug:get_internal_state(flxctr_memory_usage)
+ catch error:badarg -> notsup end,
+ Mem = {ErlangMemoryEts, EtsAllocSize, FlxCtrMemUsage},
+ {Mem, AllTabs}.
verify_etsmem(MI) ->