path: root/lib/erl_docgen/doc
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/erl_docgen/doc')
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/lib/erl_docgen/doc/src/doc_storage.xml b/lib/erl_docgen/doc/src/doc_storage.xml
index 2fd804b522..d4899774b8 100644
--- a/lib/erl_docgen/doc/src/doc_storage.xml
+++ b/lib/erl_docgen/doc/src/doc_storage.xml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
limitations under the License.
- <title>Documentation Storage</title>
+ <title>EEP-48: Implementation in Erlang/OTP</title>
@@ -31,29 +31,98 @@
<title>EEP-48: Documentation storage and format</title>
- <p><url href="">EEP-48</url>
+ <p><seeguide marker="kernel:eep48_chapter">EEP-48</seeguide>
defines a common documentation storage format for module documentation in the Erlang/OTP
ecosystem. Erl_Docgen can generate documentation in this format from XML files following
the DTD's descibed in the other User's Guides in this application.</p>
- <p></p>
<p>Some special considerations have to be taken when writing documentation that
should also be available through EEP-48 style storage.</p>
- <item>The <c>#PCDATA</c> within <c>&lt;name&gt;</c> tags must be parseable to figure out the arity of the function.</item>
+ <item>The <c>#PCDATA</c> within <c>&lt;name&gt;</c> tags must be parseable
+ to figure out the arity of the function.</item>
<item>It is not allowed to mix <c>&lt;name&gt;</c> tags with #PCDATA and attributes.</item>
- <item>All <c>&lt;name&gt;</c> tags within <c>&lt;func&gt;</c> has to have a <c>since</c> attribute.</item>
+ <item>All <c>&lt;name&gt;</c> tags within <c>&lt;func&gt;</c>
+ has to have a <c>since</c> attribute.</item>
<item>All callback function documentations have to start with a <c>Module</c> prefix.</item>
<title>Erlang Documentation Format</title>
- <p>When generating documentation for generic storage</p>
+ <p>When generating documentation for EEP-48 Erl_Docgen uses the format mime type
+ &lt;&lt;"application/erlang+html"&gt;&gt;. The documentation content is an Erlang
+ term that represents an HTML like structure.</p>
+ <code>
+-type chunk_elements() :: [chunk_element()].
+-type chunk_element() :: {chunk_element_type(),chunk_element_attrs(),
+ chunk_elements()} | unicode:unicode_binary().
+-type chunk_element_attrs() :: [chunk_element_attr()].
+-type chunk_element_attr() :: {atom(),unicode:unicode_binary()}.
+-type chunk_element_type() :: chunk_element_inline_type() | chunk_element_block_type().
+-type chunk_element_inline_type() :: a | code | em | i.
+-type chunk_element_block_type() :: p | 'div' | br | pre | ul |
+ ol | li | dl | dt | dd | h1 | h2 | h3.
+ </code>
+ <p>The different element types follow their HTML meaning when rendered.
+ The following are some general rules for how the chunk elements are allowed
+ to be generated.</p>
+ <list>
+ <item>Inline and <c>pre</c> elements are not allowed to contain block elements.</item>
+ <item><c>p</c> elements are not allowed to be nested.</item>
+ </list>
+ <p>The attributes on some elements have a special meaning.</p>
+ <taglist>
+ <tag><c>{'div',[{class,unicode:unicode_binary()}],_}</c></tag>
+ <item>The class name will be used to provide styling to the content in the div.
+ The types of classes used by Erlang/OTP are: <c>warning</c>, <c>note</c>, <c>do</c>,
+ <c>dont</c> and <c>quote</c>.</item>
+ <tag><c><![CDATA[{ul,[{class,<<"types">>}],_}]]></c></tag>
+ <item>This is a list containing type documentation.</item>
+ <tag><c><![CDATA[{li,[{name,TypeName :: unicode:unicode_binary()}],_}]]></c></tag>
+ <item>A list item with a type specification located in the metadata of this modules
+ EEP-48 documentation. The implementation should look for the AST representation of
+ the type under the <c>types</c> key. This attribute is only valid under a <c>ul</c>
+ with class &lt;&lt;"types"&gt;&gt;.</item>
+ <tag><c><![CDATA[{li,[{class,<<"type">>}],_}]]></c></tag>
+ <item>A list item with the type described in the Erlang Documentation Format.
+ This attribute is only valid under a <c>ul</c> with class &lt;&lt;"types"&gt;&gt;.</item>
+ <tag><c><![CDATA[{li,[{class,<<"description">>}],_}]]></c></tag>
+ <item>A list item with the description of the type previous in the list.
+ This attribute is only valid under a <c>ul</c> with class &lt;&lt;"types"&gt;&gt;.</item>
+ </taglist>
+ <p>The <seemfa marker="stdlib:shell_docs#validate/1"><c>shell_docs:validate/1</c></seemfa>
+ function can be used to do a validation of the Erlang Documentation Format.</p>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <title>Erlang Documentation extra Metadata</title>
+ <p>Erlang/OTP uses some extra metadata fields to embed more information into the EEP-48 docs.</p>
+ <list>
+ <item>Fields on module level:
+ <taglist>
+ <tag><c>otp_doc_vsn := {non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()}</c></tag>
+ <item>Describes the version of the Erlang Documentation Format used
+ within this module</item>
+ <tag><c>types := #{ TypeName :: unicode:unicode_binary() => TypeAST }</c></tag>
+ <item>A map containing the AST of the types that are part of this module.
+ This map is used to by functions and callbacks to render the types inline
+ into their documentation.</item>
+ </taglist>
+ </item>
+ <item>Fields on functions and types:
+ <taglist>
+ <tag><c>signature := SpecAST</c></tag>
+ <item>The spec AST associated with this function. It is used to render a more
+ descriptive slogan for the documentation entry.</item>
+ </taglist>
+ </item>
+ </list>
<title>See Also</title>
+ <seeguide marker="kernel:eep48_chapter"></seeguide>
<seeerl marker="stdlib:shell_docs"><c>shell_docs(3)</c></seeerl>,
<seemfa marker="kernel:code#get_doc/1"><c>code:get_doc(3)</c></seemfa>