path: root/lib/crypto/test/crypto_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/crypto/test/crypto_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 200 deletions
diff --git a/lib/crypto/test/crypto_SUITE.erl b/lib/crypto/test/crypto_SUITE.erl
index 617ca9b760..ed67ecd0b3 100644
--- a/lib/crypto/test/crypto_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/crypto/test/crypto_SUITE.erl
@@ -473,8 +473,7 @@ hmac() ->
[{doc, "Test hmac function"}].
hmac(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Tuples = lazy_eval(proplists:get_value(hmac, Config)),
- lists:foreach(fun hmac_check/1, Tuples),
- lists:foreach(fun hmac_check/1, mac_listify(Tuples)).
+ do_cipher_tests(fun hmac_check/1, Tuples++mac_listify(Tuples)).
no_hmac() ->
@@ -502,8 +501,7 @@ cmac() ->
[{doc, "Test all different cmac functions"}].
cmac(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Pairs = lazy_eval(proplists:get_value(cmac, Config)),
- lists:foreach(fun cmac_check/1, Pairs),
- lists:foreach(fun cmac_check/1, mac_listify(Pairs)).
+ do_cipher_tests(fun cmac_check/1, Pairs ++ mac_listify(Pairs)).
poly1305() ->
@@ -533,8 +531,7 @@ block() ->
[{doc, "Test block ciphers"}].
block(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
[_|_] = Blocks = lazy_eval(proplists:get_value(cipher, Config)),
- lists:foreach(fun block_cipher/1, Blocks),
- lists:foreach(fun block_cipher/1, block_iolistify(Blocks)),
+ do_cipher_tests(fun block_cipher/1, Blocks++block_iolistify(Blocks)),
lists:foreach(fun block_cipher_increment/1, block_iolistify(Blocks)).
@@ -833,8 +830,6 @@ no_stream_ivec(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
notsup(fun crypto:stream_init/3, [Type, <<"Key">>, <<"Ivec">>]).
-aead() ->
- [{doc, "Test AEAD ciphers"}].
aead(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
[_|_] = AEADs = lazy_eval(proplists:get_value(cipher, Config)),
FilteredAEADs =
@@ -849,7 +844,7 @@ aead(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
IVLen >= 12
end, AEADs)
- lists:foreach(fun aead_cipher/1, FilteredAEADs).
+ do_cipher_tests(fun aead_cipher/1, FilteredAEADs).
aead_ng(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -866,7 +861,7 @@ aead_ng(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
IVLen >= 12
end, AEADs)
- lists:foreach(fun aead_cipher_ng/1, FilteredAEADs ++ spec_0_bytes(Config)).
+ do_cipher_tests(fun aead_cipher_ng/1, FilteredAEADs ++ spec_0_bytes(Config)).
aead_bad_tag(Config) ->
@@ -883,7 +878,7 @@ aead_bad_tag(Config) ->
IVLen >= 12
end, AEADs)
- lists:foreach(fun aead_cipher_bad_tag/1, FilteredAEADs).
+ do_cipher_tests(fun aead_cipher_bad_tag/1, FilteredAEADs).
sign_verify() ->
@@ -1228,76 +1223,49 @@ hmac_increment(State0, [Increment | Rest]) ->
hmac_increment(State, Rest).
-cmac_check({cmac, Type, Key, Text, CMac}) ->
+cmac_check({cmac, Type, Key, Text, CMac}=T) ->
ExpCMac = iolist_to_binary(CMac),
- case crypto:cmac(Type, Key, Text) of
- ExpCMac ->
- ok;
- Other ->
- ct:fail({{crypto, cmac, [Type, Key, Text]}, {expected, ExpCMac}, {got, Other}})
- end;
-cmac_check({cmac, Type, Key, Text, Size, CMac}) ->
+ cipher_test(T,
+ fun() -> crypto:cmac(Type, Key, Text) end,
+ ExpCMac);
+cmac_check({cmac, Type, Key, Text, Size, CMac}=T) ->
ExpCMac = iolist_to_binary(CMac),
- case crypto:cmac(Type, Key, Text, Size) of
- ExpCMac ->
- ok;
- Other ->
- ct:fail({{crypto, cmac, [Type, Key, Text, Size]}, {expected, ExpCMac}, {got, Other}})
- end.
+ cipher_test(T,
+ fun() -> crypto:cmac(Type, Key, Text, Size) end,
+ ExpCMac).
-mac_check({MacType, SubType, Key, Text, Mac}) ->
+mac_check({MacType, SubType, Key, Text, Mac}=T) ->
ExpMac = iolist_to_binary(Mac),
- case crypto:mac(MacType, SubType, Key, Text) of
- ExpMac ->
- ok;
- Other ->
- ct:fail({{crypto, mac, [MacType, SubType, Key, Text]}, {expected, ExpMac}, {got, Other}})
- end;
-mac_check({MacType, SubType, Key, Text, Size, Mac}) ->
+ cipher_test(T,
+ fun() -> crypto:mac(MacType, SubType, Key, Text) end,
+ ExpMac);
+mac_check({MacType, SubType, Key, Text, Size, Mac}=T) ->
ExpMac = iolist_to_binary(Mac),
- case crypto:mac(MacType, SubType, Key, Text, Size) of
- ExpMac ->
- ok;
- Other ->
- ct:fail({{crypto, mac, [MacType, SubType, Key, Text]}, {expected, ExpMac}, {got, Other}})
- end.
+ cipher_test(T,
+ fun() -> crypto:mac(MacType, SubType, Key, Text, Size) end,
+ ExpMac).
-block_cipher({Type, Key, PlainText}) ->
+block_cipher({Type, Key, PlainText}=T) ->
Plain = iolist_to_binary(PlainText),
CipherText = crypto:block_encrypt(Type, Key, PlainText),
- case crypto:block_decrypt(Type, Key, CipherText) of
- Plain ->
- ok;
- Other ->
- ct:fail({{crypto, block_decrypt, [Type, Key, CipherText]}, {expected, Plain}, {got, Other}})
- end;
+ cipher_test(T,
+ fun() -> crypto:block_decrypt(Type, Key, CipherText) end,
+ Plain);
-block_cipher({Type, Key, IV, PlainText}) ->
+block_cipher({Type, Key, IV, PlainText}=T) ->
Plain = iolist_to_binary(PlainText),
CipherText = crypto:block_encrypt(Type, Key, IV, PlainText),
- case crypto:block_decrypt(Type, Key, IV, CipherText) of
- Plain ->
- ok;
- Other ->
- ct:fail({{crypto, block_decrypt, [Type, Key, IV, CipherText]}, {expected, Plain}, {got, Other}})
- end;
+ cipher_test(T,
+ fun() -> crypto:block_decrypt(Type, Key, IV, CipherText) end,
+ Plain);
-block_cipher({Type, Key, IV, PlainText, CipherText}) ->
+block_cipher({Type, Key, IV, PlainText, CipherText}=T) ->
Plain = iolist_to_binary(PlainText),
- case crypto:block_encrypt(Type, Key, IV, Plain) of
- CipherText ->
- ok;
- Other0 ->
- ct:fail({{crypto, block_encrypt, [Type, Key, IV, Plain]}, {expected, CipherText}, {got, Other0}})
- end,
- case crypto:block_decrypt(Type, Key, IV, CipherText) of
- Plain ->
- ok;
- Other1 ->
- ct:fail({{crypto, block_decrypt, [Type, Key, IV, CipherText]}, {expected, Plain}, {got, Other1}})
- end.
+ cipher_test(T,
+ fun() -> crypto:block_encrypt(Type, Key, IV, Plain) end,
+ CipherText,
+ fun() -> crypto:block_decrypt(Type, Key, IV, CipherText) end,
+ Plain).
block_cipher_increment({Type, Key, IV, PlainTexts}) when Type == des_cbc ;
Type == des3_cbc ;
@@ -1418,124 +1386,99 @@ stream_cipher_incment_loop(State0, OrigState, [PlainText | PlainTexts], Acc, Pla
{State, CipherText} = crypto:stream_encrypt(State0, PlainText),
stream_cipher_incment_loop(State, OrigState, PlainTexts, [CipherText | Acc], Plain).
-aead_cipher({Type, Key, PlainText, IV, AAD, CipherText, CipherTag, Info}) ->
+aead_cipher({Type, Key, PlainText, IV, AAD, CipherText, CipherTag, _Info}=T) ->
Plain = iolist_to_binary(PlainText),
- case crypto:block_encrypt(Type, Key, IV, {AAD, Plain}) of
- {CipherText, CipherTag} ->
- ok;
- Other0 ->
- ct:fail({{crypto,
- block_encrypt,
- [{info,Info}, {key,Key}, {pt,PlainText}, {iv,IV}, {aad,AAD}, {ct,CipherText}, {tag,CipherTag}]},
- {expected, {CipherText, CipherTag}},
- {got, Other0}})
- end,
- case crypto:block_decrypt(Type, Key, IV, {AAD, CipherText, CipherTag}) of
- Plain ->
- ok;
- Other1 ->
- ct:fail({{crypto,
- block_decrypt,
- [{info,Info}, {key,Key}, {pt,PlainText}, {iv,IV}, {aad,AAD}, {ct,CipherText}, {tag,CipherTag}]},
- {expected, Plain},
- {got, Other1}})
- end;
-aead_cipher({Type, Key, PlainText, IV, AAD, CipherText, CipherTag, TagLen, Info}) ->
+ cipher_test(T,
+ fun() -> crypto:block_encrypt(Type, Key, IV, {AAD, Plain}) end,
+ {CipherText, CipherTag},
+ fun() -> crypto:block_decrypt(Type, Key, IV, {AAD, CipherText, CipherTag}) end,
+ Plain);
+aead_cipher({Type, Key, PlainText, IV, AAD, CipherText, CipherTag, TagLen, _Info}=T) ->
<<TruncatedCipherTag:TagLen/binary, _/binary>> = CipherTag,
Plain = iolist_to_binary(PlainText),
- try crypto:block_encrypt(Type, Key, IV, {AAD, Plain, TagLen}) of
- {CipherText, TruncatedCipherTag} ->
- ok;
- Other0 ->
- ct:fail({{crypto,
- block_encrypt,
- [{info,Info}, {key,Key}, {pt,PlainText}, {iv,IV}, {aad,AAD}, {ct,CipherText}, {tag,CipherTag}, {taglen,TagLen}]},
- {expected, {CipherText, TruncatedCipherTag}},
- {got, Other0}})
- catch
- error:E ->
- ct:log("~p",[{Type, Key, PlainText, IV, AAD, CipherText, CipherTag, TagLen, Info}]),
- try crypto:crypto_one_time_aead(Type, Key, IV, PlainText, AAD, TagLen, true)
- of
- RR ->
- ct:log("Works: ~p",[RR])
- catch
- CC:EE ->
- ct:log("~p:~p", [CC,EE])
- end,
- ct:fail("~p",[E])
- end,
- case crypto:block_decrypt(Type, Key, IV, {AAD, CipherText, TruncatedCipherTag}) of
- Plain ->
- ok;
- Other1 ->
- ct:fail({{crypto,
- block_decrypt,
- [{info,Info}, {key,Key}, {pt,PlainText}, {iv,IV}, {aad,AAD}, {ct,CipherText}, {tag,CipherTag},
- {truncated,TruncatedCipherTag}]},
- {expected, Plain},
- {got, Other1}})
- end.
+ cipher_test(T,
+ fun() -> crypto:block_encrypt(Type, Key, IV, {AAD, Plain, TagLen}) end,
+ {CipherText, TruncatedCipherTag},
+ fun() -> crypto:block_decrypt(Type, Key, IV, {AAD, CipherText, TruncatedCipherTag}) end,
+ Plain).
-aead_cipher_ng({Type, Key, PlainText, IV, AAD, CipherText, CipherTag, Info}) ->
+aead_cipher_ng({Type, Key, PlainText, IV, AAD, CipherText, CipherTag, _Info}=T) ->
Plain = iolist_to_binary(PlainText),
- case crypto:crypto_one_time_aead(Type, Key, IV, PlainText, AAD, true) of
- {CipherText, CipherTag} ->
- ok;
- Other0 ->
- ct:fail({{crypto,
- block_encrypt,
- [{info,Info}, {key,Key}, {pt,PlainText}, {iv,IV}, {aad,AAD}, {ct,CipherText}, {tag,CipherTag}]},
- {expected, {CipherText, CipherTag}},
- {got, Other0}})
- end,
- case crypto:crypto_one_time_aead(Type, Key, IV, CipherText, AAD, CipherTag, false) of
- Plain ->
- ok;
- Other1 ->
- ct:fail({{crypto,
- block_decrypt,
- [{info,Info}, {key,Key}, {pt,PlainText}, {iv,IV}, {aad,AAD}, {ct,CipherText}, {tag,CipherTag}]},
- {expected, Plain},
- {got, Other1}})
- end;
-aead_cipher_ng({Type, Key, PlainText, IV, AAD, CipherText, CipherTag, TagLen, Info}) ->
+ cipher_test(T,
+ fun() -> crypto:crypto_one_time_aead(Type, Key, IV, PlainText, AAD, true) end,
+ {CipherText, CipherTag},
+ fun() -> crypto:crypto_one_time_aead(Type, Key, IV, CipherText, AAD, CipherTag, false) end,
+ Plain);
+aead_cipher_ng({Type, Key, PlainText, IV, AAD, CipherText, CipherTag, TagLen, _Info}=T) ->
<<TruncatedCipherTag:TagLen/binary, _/binary>> = CipherTag,
Plain = iolist_to_binary(PlainText),
- try crypto:crypto_one_time_aead(Type, Key, IV, PlainText, AAD, TagLen, true) of
- {CipherText, TruncatedCipherTag} ->
- ok;
- Other0 ->
- ct:fail({{crypto,
- block_encrypt,
- [{info,Info}, {key,Key}, {pt,PlainText}, {iv,IV}, {aad,AAD}, {ct,CipherText}, {tag,CipherTag}, {taglen,TagLen}]},
- {expected, {CipherText, TruncatedCipherTag}},
- {got, Other0}})
+ cipher_test(T,
+ fun() -> crypto:crypto_one_time_aead(Type, Key, IV, PlainText, AAD, TagLen, true) end,
+ {CipherText, TruncatedCipherTag},
+ fun() -> crypto:crypto_one_time_aead(Type, Key, IV, CipherText, AAD, TruncatedCipherTag, false) end,
+ Plain).
+aead_cipher_bad_tag({Type, Key, _PlainText, IV, AAD, CipherText, CipherTag, _Info}=T) ->
+ BadTag = mk_bad_tag(CipherTag),
+ cipher_test(T,
+ fun() -> crypto:crypto_one_time_aead(Type, Key, IV, CipherText, AAD, BadTag, false) end,
+ error);
+aead_cipher_bad_tag({Type, Key, _PlainText, IV, AAD, CipherText, CipherTag, TagLen, _Info}=T) ->
+ <<TruncatedCipherTag:TagLen/binary, _/binary>> = CipherTag,
+ BadTruncatedTag = mk_bad_tag(TruncatedCipherTag),
+ cipher_test(T,
+ fun() -> crypto:crypto_one_time_aead(Type, Key, IV, CipherText, AAD, BadTruncatedTag, false) end,
+ error).
+cipher_test(T, Fe, Ee, Fd, Ed) ->
+ %% Test encrypt
+ Re = cipher_test(encrypt, T, Fe, Ee),
+ %% Test decrypt
+ Rd = cipher_test(decrypt, T, Fd, Ed),
+ case {Re, Rd} of
+ {ok,ok} -> ok;
+ {ok,_} -> Rd;
+ {_,ok} -> Re;
+ _ -> {Re,Rd}
+ end.
+cipher_test(T, F, E) ->
+ cipher_test(notag, T, F, E).
+cipher_test(Tag, T, F, E) ->
+ try F() of
+ E -> ok;
+ Other -> {other, {Tag,T,Other}}
- error:E ->
- ct:log("~p",[{Type, Key, PlainText, IV, AAD, CipherText, CipherTag, TagLen, Info}]),
- try crypto:crypto_one_time_aead(Type, Key, IV, PlainText, AAD, TagLen, true)
- of
- RR ->
- ct:log("Works: ~p",[RR])
- catch
- CC:EE ->
- ct:log("~p:~p", [CC,EE])
- end,
- ct:fail("~p",[E])
- end,
- case crypto:crypto_one_time_aead(Type, Key, IV, CipherText, AAD, TruncatedCipherTag, false) of
- Plain ->
- ok;
- Other1 ->
- ct:fail({{crypto,
- block_decrypt,
- [{info,Info}, {key,Key}, {pt,PlainText}, {iv,IV}, {aad,AAD}, {ct,CipherText}, {tag,CipherTag},
- {truncated,TruncatedCipherTag}]},
- {expected, Plain},
- {got, Other1}})
+ error:Error -> {error, {Tag,T,Error}}
+ end.
+do_cipher_tests(F, TestVectors) when is_function(F,1) ->
+ {Passed,Failed} =
+ lists:partition(
+ fun(R) -> R == ok end,
+ lists:map(F, TestVectors)
+ ),
+ BothFailed = lists:filter(fun({ok,_}) -> false;
+ ({_,ok}) -> false;
+ (ok) -> false;
+ (_) -> true
+ end,
+ Failed),
+ ct:log("Passed: ~p, BothFailed: ~p OnlyOneFailed: ~p",
+ [length(Passed), length(BothFailed), length(Failed)-length(BothFailed)]),
+ case Failed of
+ [] ->
+ ct:comment("All ~p passed", [length(Passed)]);
+ _ ->
+ ct:log("~p",[hd(Failed)]),
+ ct:comment("Passed: ~p, BothFailed: ~p OnlyOneFailed: ~p",
+ [length(Passed), length(BothFailed), length(Failed)-length(BothFailed)]),
+ ct:fail("Failed", [])
mk_bad_tag(CipherTag) ->
case <<0:(size(CipherTag))/unit:8>> of
CipherTag -> % The correct tag may happen to be a suite of zeroes
@@ -1544,30 +1487,6 @@ mk_bad_tag(CipherTag) ->
-aead_cipher_bad_tag({Type, Key, PlainText, IV, AAD, CipherText, CipherTag, Info}) ->
- Plain = iolist_to_binary(PlainText),
- BadTag = mk_bad_tag(CipherTag),
- case crypto:crypto_one_time_aead(Type, Key, IV, CipherText, AAD, BadTag, false) of
- error ->
- ok;
- Plain ->
- ct:log("~p:~p~n info: ~p~n key: ~p~n pt: ~p~n iv: ~p~n aad: ~p~n ct: ~p~n tag: ~p~n bad tag: ~p~n",
- [?MODULE,?LINE,Info, Key, PlainText, IV, AAD, CipherText, CipherTag, BadTag]),
- ct:fail("Didn't fail on bad tag")
- end;
-aead_cipher_bad_tag({Type, Key, PlainText, IV, AAD, CipherText, CipherTag, TagLen, Info}) ->
- Plain = iolist_to_binary(PlainText),
- <<TruncatedCipherTag:TagLen/binary, _/binary>> = CipherTag,
- BadTruncatedTag = mk_bad_tag(TruncatedCipherTag),
- case crypto:crypto_one_time_aead(Type, Key, IV, CipherText, AAD, BadTruncatedTag, false) of
- error ->
- ok;
- Plain ->
- ct:log("~p:~p~n info: ~p~n key: ~p~n pt: ~p~n iv: ~p~n aad: ~p~n ct: ~p~n tag: ~p~n bad tag: ~p~n",
- [Info, Key, PlainText, IV, AAD, CipherText, TruncatedCipherTag, BadTruncatedTag]),
- ct:fail("Didn't fail on bad tag")
- end.
do_sign_verify({Type, undefined=Hash, Private, Public, Msg, Signature}) ->
case crypto:sign(eddsa, Hash, Msg, [Private,Type]) of
Signature ->