path: root/lib/compiler/test/guard_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/compiler/test/guard_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/guard_SUITE.erl b/lib/compiler/test/guard_SUITE.erl
index d3d62b53f5..fd11a66a18 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/test/guard_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/test/guard_SUITE.erl
@@ -1213,6 +1213,10 @@ tricky(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
error = tricky_3(#{}),
error = tricky_3({a,b}),
+ {'EXIT',_} = (catch tricky_4(x)),
+ {'EXIT',_} = (catch tricky_4(42)),
+ {'EXIT',_} = (catch tricky_4(true)),
tricky_1(X, Y) when abs((X == 1) or (Y == 2)) -> ok;
@@ -1230,6 +1234,13 @@ tricky_3(X)
tricky_3(_) ->
+tricky_4(X) ->
+ B = (abs(X) or abs(X)) =:= true,
+ case B of
+ true -> ok;
+ false -> error
+ end.
%% From dets_v9:read_buckets/11, simplified.
rb(Size, ToRead, SoFar) when SoFar + Size < 81920; ToRead == [] -> true;
@@ -1931,6 +1942,15 @@ andalso_semi(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ok = andalso_semi_bar([a,b,c]),
ok = andalso_semi_bar(1),
fc(catch andalso_semi_bar([a,b])),
+ ok = andalso_semi_dispatch(name, fun andalso_semi/1),
+ ok = andalso_semi_dispatch(name, fun ?MODULE:andalso_semi/1),
+ ok = andalso_semi_dispatch(name, {?MODULE,andalso_semi,1}),
+ fc(catch andalso_semi_dispatch(42, fun andalso_semi/1)),
+ fc(catch andalso_semi_dispatch(name, not_fun)),
+ fc(catch andalso_semi_dispatch(name, fun andalso_semi_dispatch/2)),
+ fc(catch andalso_semi_dispatch(42, {a,b})),
andalso_semi_foo(Bar) when is_integer(Bar) andalso Bar =:= 0; Bar =:= 1 ->
@@ -1939,6 +1959,10 @@ andalso_semi_foo(Bar) when is_integer(Bar) andalso Bar =:= 0; Bar =:= 1 ->
andalso_semi_bar(Bar) when is_list(Bar) andalso length(Bar) =:= 3; Bar =:= 1 ->
+andalso_semi_dispatch(Registry, MFAOrFun) when
+ is_atom(Registry) andalso is_function(MFAOrFun, 1);
+ is_atom(Registry) andalso tuple_size(MFAOrFun) == 3 ->
+ ok.
t_tuple_size(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
10 = do_tuple_size({1,2,3,4}),
@@ -2234,7 +2258,8 @@ do_guard_in_catch_bin(From) ->
%%% The beam_bool pass has been eliminated. Here are the tests from
-%%% beam_bool_SUITE.
+%%% beam_bool_SUITE, as well as new tests to test the new beam_ssa_bool
+%%% module.
beam_bool_SUITE(_Config) ->
@@ -2243,6 +2268,9 @@ beam_bool_SUITE(_Config) ->
+ cover_shortcut_branches(),
+ wrong_order(),
+ megaco(),
before_and_inside_if() ->
@@ -2380,6 +2408,83 @@ maps() ->
evidence(#{0 := Charge}) when 0; #{[] => Charge} == #{[] => 42} ->
+cover_shortcut_branches() ->
+ ok = cover_shortcut_branches({r1}, 0, 42, false),
+ ok = cover_shortcut_branches({r1}, 42, 42, true),
+ error = cover_shortcut_branches({r1}, same, same, false),
+ error = cover_shortcut_branches({r1}, x, y, true),
+ error = cover_shortcut_branches({r2}, 0, 42, false),
+ error = cover_shortcut_branches({}, 0, 42, false),
+ error = cover_shortcut_branches(not_tuple, 0, 42, false),
+ ok.
+cover_shortcut_branches(St, X, Y, Z) ->
+ if
+ %% The ((Y =:= X) =:= Z) part will test handling of a comparison
+ %% operator followed by a one-way `br`.
+ ((element(1, St) =:= r1) orelse fail) and ((Y =:= X) =:= Z) ->
+ ok;
+ true ->
+ error
+ end.
+wrong_order() ->
+ ok = wrong_order(repeat_until_fail, true),
+ ok = wrong_order(repeat_until_fail, whatever),
+ error = wrong_order(repeat_until_fail, false),
+ error = wrong_order(nope, true),
+ ok.
+wrong_order(RepeatType, Mode) ->
+ Parallel = Mode =/= false,
+ RepeatStop = RepeatType =:= repeat_until_fail,
+ if
+ Parallel andalso RepeatStop ->
+ ok;
+ true ->
+ error
+ end.
+megaco() ->
+ ok = megaco('NULL', 0),
+ ok = megaco('NULL', 7),
+ ok = megaco('NULL', 15),
+ ok = megaco('NULL', asn1_NOVALUE),
+ ok = megaco(asn1_NOVALUE, 0),
+ ok = megaco(asn1_NOVALUE, 7),
+ ok = megaco(asn1_NOVALUE, 15),
+ ok = megaco(asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE),
+ error = megaco(bad, 0),
+ error = megaco(bad, 7),
+ error = megaco(bad, 15),
+ error = megaco(bad, asn1_NOVALUE),
+ error = megaco('NULL', not_integer),
+ error = megaco('NULL', -1),
+ error = megaco('NULL', 16),
+ error = megaco(asn1_NOVALUE, not_integer),
+ error = megaco(asn1_NOVALUE, -1),
+ error = megaco(asn1_NOVALUE, 16),
+ error = megaco(bad, bad),
+ error = megaco(bad, -1),
+ error = megaco(bad, 42),
+ ok.
+megaco(Top, SelPrio)
+ when (Top =:= 'NULL' orelse Top =:= asn1_NOVALUE) andalso
+ ((is_integer(SelPrio) andalso ((0 =< SelPrio) and (SelPrio =< 15))) orelse
+ SelPrio =:= asn1_NOVALUE) ->
+ ok;
+megaco(_, _) ->
+ error.
+%%% End of beam_bool_SUITE tests.
repeated_type_tests(_Config) ->
binary = repeated_type_test(<<42>>),
bitstring = repeated_type_test(<<1:1>>),