path: root/lib/compiler/src/beam_kernel_to_ssa.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/compiler/src/beam_kernel_to_ssa.erl')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_kernel_to_ssa.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_kernel_to_ssa.erl
index 2406a634e6..42a3bba8b7 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_kernel_to_ssa.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_kernel_to_ssa.erl
@@ -533,9 +533,9 @@ guard_clause_cg(#k_guard_clause{guard=G,body=B}, Fail, St0) ->
guard_cg(#k_protected{arg=Ts,ret=Rs,inner=Inner}, Fail, St) ->
protected_cg(Ts, Rs, Inner, Fail, St);
-guard_cg(#k_test{op=Test0,args=As,inverted=Inverted}, Fail, St0) ->
+guard_cg(#k_test{op=Test0,args=As}, Fail, St0) ->
#k_remote{mod=#k_atom{val=erlang},name=#k_atom{val=Test}} = Test0,
- test_cg(Test, Inverted, As, Fail, St0);
+ test_cg(Test, false, As, Fail, St0);
guard_cg(#k_seq{arg=Arg,body=Body}, Fail, St0) ->
{ArgIs,St1} = guard_cg(Arg, Fail, St0),
{BodyIs,St} = guard_cg(Body, Fail, St1),
@@ -552,7 +552,8 @@ test_cg(Test, Inverted, As0, Fail, St0) ->
case {Test,ssa_args(As0, St0)} of
when is_atom(Atom), is_integer(Int) ->
- test_is_record_cg(Inverted, Fail, Tuple, Tag, Arity, St0);
+ false = Inverted, %Assertion.
+ test_is_record_cg(Fail, Tuple, Tag, Arity, St0);
{_,As} ->
{Bool,St1} = new_ssa_var('@ssa_bool', St0),
{Succ,St} = new_label(St1),
@@ -564,7 +565,7 @@ test_cg(Test, Inverted, As0, Fail, St0) ->
-test_is_record_cg(false, Fail, Tuple, TagVal, ArityVal, St0) ->
+test_is_record_cg(Fail, Tuple, TagVal, ArityVal, St0) ->
{Arity,St1} = new_ssa_var('@ssa_arity', St0),
{Tag,St2} = new_ssa_var('@ssa_tag', St1),
{Is0,St3} = make_cond_branch({bif,is_tuple}, [Tuple], Fail, St2),
@@ -574,19 +575,6 @@ test_is_record_cg(false, Fail, Tuple, TagVal, ArityVal, St0) ->
{Is2,St} = make_cond_branch({bif,'=:='}, [Tag,TagVal], Fail, St4),
Is = Is0 ++ [GetArity] ++ Is1 ++ [GetTag] ++ Is2,
- {Is,St};
-test_is_record_cg(true, Fail, Tuple, TagVal, ArityVal, St0) ->
- {Succ,St1} = new_label(St0),
- {Arity,St2} = new_ssa_var('@ssa_arity', St1),
- {Tag,St3} = new_ssa_var('@ssa_tag', St2),
- {Is0,St4} = make_cond_branch({bif,is_tuple}, [Tuple], Succ, St3),
- GetArity = #b_set{op={bif,tuple_size},dst=Arity,args=[Tuple]},
- {Is1,St5} = make_cond_branch({bif,'=:='}, [Arity,ArityVal], Succ, St4),
- GetTag = #b_set{op=get_tuple_element,dst=Tag,
- args=[Tuple,#b_literal{val=0}]},
- {Is2,St} = make_cond_branch({bif,'=:='}, [Tag,TagVal], Succ, St5),
- Is3 = [make_uncond_branch(Fail),{label,Succ}],
- Is = Is0 ++ [GetArity] ++ Is1 ++ [GetTag] ++ Is2 ++ Is3,
%% protected_cg([Kexpr], [Ret], Fail, St) -> {[Ainstr],St}.