path: root/erts/emulator/test/trace_call_time_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'erts/emulator/test/trace_call_time_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/trace_call_time_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/trace_call_time_SUITE.erl
index 26f96a1766..9bab4cbbd8 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/trace_call_time_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/trace_call_time_SUITE.erl
@@ -254,8 +254,7 @@ combo(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
2 = erlang:trace_pattern({erlang, term_to_binary, '_'}, [], [local]),
2 = erlang:trace_pattern({erlang, term_to_binary, '_'}, true, [call_time]),
2 = erlang:trace_pattern({erlang, term_to_binary, '_'}, MetaMs, [{meta,MetaTracer}]),
- %% not implemented
- %2 = erlang:trace_pattern({erlang, term_to_binary, '_'}, true, [call_count]),
+ 2 = erlang:trace_pattern({erlang, term_to_binary, '_'}, true, [call_count]),
1 = erlang:trace(Self, true, [{tracer,LocalTracer} | Flags]),
@@ -284,9 +283,7 @@ combo(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{value,{match_spec,[]}} = lists:keysearch(match_spec, 1, TraceInfoBif),
{value,{meta, MetaTracer}} = lists:keysearch(meta, 1, TraceInfoBif),
{value,{meta_match_spec,MetaMs}} = lists:keysearch(meta_match_spec, 1, TraceInfoBif),
- %% not implemented
- {value,{call_count,false}} = lists:keysearch(call_count, 1, TraceInfoBif),
- %{value,{call_count,0}} = lists:keysearch(call_count, 1, TraceInfoBif),
+ {value,{call_count,0}} = lists:keysearch(call_count, 1, TraceInfoBif),
{value,{call_time,[]}} = lists:keysearch(call_time, 1, TraceInfoBif),
@@ -429,6 +426,8 @@ called_function(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
dead_tracer(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ TracedMFAs = dead_tracer_mfas(),
Self = self(),
FirstTracer = tracer(),
StartTracing = fun() -> turn_on_tracing(Self) end,
@@ -443,14 +442,14 @@ dead_tracer(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% Collect and check that we only get call_time info for the current process.
- Info1 = collect_all_info(),
+ Info1 = collect_all_info(TracedMFAs),
[] = other_than_self(Info1),
io:format("~p\n", [Info1]),
%% Note that we have not turned off tracing for the current process,
%% but that the tracer has terminated. No more call_time information should be recorded.
[1,2,3] = seq(1, 3, fun(I) -> I + 1 end),
- [] = collect_all_info(),
+ [] = collect_all_info(TracedMFAs),
%% When we start a second tracer process, that tracer process must
%% not inherit the tracing flags and the dead tracer (even though
@@ -459,7 +458,7 @@ dead_tracer(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
tell_tracer(SecondTracer, StartTracing),
Seq20 = lists:seq(1, 20),
Seq20 = seq(1, 20, fun(I) -> I + 1 end),
- Info2 = collect_all_info(),
+ Info2 = collect_all_info(TracedMFAs),
io:format("~p\n", [Info2]),
[] = other_than_self(Info2),
SecondTracer ! quit,
@@ -495,9 +494,21 @@ turn_on_tracing(Pid) ->
_ = now(),
-collect_all_info() ->
- collect_all_info([{?MODULE,F,A} || {F,A} <- module_info(functions)] ++
- erlang:system_info(snifs)).
+%% We want to trace functions local to this module as well as all BIFs, and for
+%% the latter we need to ensure that their modules are loaded.
+dead_tracer_mfas() ->
+ Modules = [M || {M,_F,_A} <- erlang:system_info(snifs)],
+ Whitelist0 = gb_sets:from_list(Modules),
+ Whitelist = case code:ensure_modules_loaded(Modules) of
+ {error, Reasons} ->
+ Blacklist = gb_sets:from_list([M || {M, _} <- Reasons]),
+ gb_sets:subtract(Whitelist0, Blacklist);
+ ok ->
+ Whitelist0
+ end,
+ EligibleSNIFs = [MFA || {M,_F,_A}=MFA <- erlang:system_info(snifs),
+ gb_sets:is_element(M, Whitelist)],
+ [{?MODULE,F,A} || {F,A} <- module_info(functions)] ++ EligibleSNIFs.
collect_all_info([MFA|T]) ->
CallTime = erlang:trace_info(MFA, call_time),
@@ -567,21 +578,29 @@ seq_r(Start, Stop, Succ, R) ->
seq_r(Succ(Start), Stop, Succ, [Start | R]).
% Check call time tracing data and print mismatches
-check_trace_info(Mfa, [{Pid, C,_,_}] = Expect, Time) ->
- case erlang:trace_info(Mfa, call_time) of
- % Time tests are somewhat problematic. We want to know if Time (EXPECTED_TIME) and S*1000000 + Us (ACTUAL_TIME)
- % is the same.
- % If the ratio EXPECTED_TIME/ACTUAL_TIME is ~ 1 or if EXPECTED_TIME - ACTUAL_TIME is near zero, the test is ok.
- {call_time,[{Pid,C,S,Us}]} when S >= 0, Us >= 0, abs(1 - Time/(S*1000000 + Us)) < ?R_ERROR; abs(Time - S*1000000 - Us) < ?US_ERROR ->
+check_trace_info(Mfa, [{Pid, ExpectedC,_,_}] = Expect, Time) ->
+ {call_time,[{Pid,C,S,Us}]} = erlang:trace_info(Mfa, call_time),
+ {Mod, Name, Arity} = Mfa,
+ IsBuiltin = erlang:is_builtin(Mod, Name, Arity),
+ if
+ %% Call count on BIFs may exceed number of calls as they often trap to
+ %% themselves.
+ IsBuiltin, C >= ExpectedC, S >= 0, Us >= 0,
+ abs(1 - Time/(S*1000000 + Us)) < ?R_ERROR;
+ abs(Time - S*1000000 - Us) < ?US_ERROR ->
- {call_time,[{Pid,C,S,Us}]} ->
+ not IsBuiltin, C =:= ExpectedC, S >= 0, Us >= 0,
+ abs(1 - Time/(S*1000000 + Us)) < ?R_ERROR;
+ abs(Time - S*1000000 - Us) < ?US_ERROR ->
+ ok;
+ true ->
Sum = S*1000000 + Us,
- io:format("Expected ~p -> {call_time, ~p (Time ~p us)}~n - got ~w s. ~w us. = ~w us. - ~w -> delta ~w (ratio ~.2f, should be 1.0)~n",
- [Mfa, Expect, Time, S, Us, Sum, Time, Sum - Time, Time/Sum]),
- time_error;
- Other ->
- io:format("Expected ~p -> {call_time, ~p (Time ~p us)}~n - got ~p~n", [ Mfa, Expect, Time, Other]),
- time_count_error
+ io:format("Expected ~p -> {call_time, ~p (Time ~p us)}~n - got ~w "
+ "s. ~w us. = ~w us. - ~w -> delta ~w (ratio ~.2f, "
+ "should be 1.0)~n",
+ [Mfa, Expect, Time,
+ S, Us, Sum, Time, Sum - Time, Time/Sum]),
+ time_error
check_trace_info(Mfa, Expect, _) ->
case erlang:trace_info(Mfa, call_time) of
@@ -670,9 +689,12 @@ loop() ->
quit ->
{Pid, execute, Fun } when is_function(Fun) ->
+ %% Make sure we always run with the same amount of reductions.
+ erlang:yield(),
Pid ! {self(), answer, erlang:apply(Fun, [])},
{Pid, execute, {M, F, A}} ->
+ erlang:yield(),
Pid ! {self(), answer, erlang:apply(M, F, A)},