diff options
4 files changed, 10 insertions, 499 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_kernel_to_ssa.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_kernel_to_ssa.erl
index 2406a634e6..42a3bba8b7 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_kernel_to_ssa.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_kernel_to_ssa.erl
@@ -533,9 +533,9 @@ guard_clause_cg(#k_guard_clause{guard=G,body=B}, Fail, St0) ->
guard_cg(#k_protected{arg=Ts,ret=Rs,inner=Inner}, Fail, St) ->
protected_cg(Ts, Rs, Inner, Fail, St);
-guard_cg(#k_test{op=Test0,args=As,inverted=Inverted}, Fail, St0) ->
+guard_cg(#k_test{op=Test0,args=As}, Fail, St0) ->
#k_remote{mod=#k_atom{val=erlang},name=#k_atom{val=Test}} = Test0,
- test_cg(Test, Inverted, As, Fail, St0);
+ test_cg(Test, false, As, Fail, St0);
guard_cg(#k_seq{arg=Arg,body=Body}, Fail, St0) ->
{ArgIs,St1} = guard_cg(Arg, Fail, St0),
{BodyIs,St} = guard_cg(Body, Fail, St1),
@@ -552,7 +552,8 @@ test_cg(Test, Inverted, As0, Fail, St0) ->
case {Test,ssa_args(As0, St0)} of
when is_atom(Atom), is_integer(Int) ->
- test_is_record_cg(Inverted, Fail, Tuple, Tag, Arity, St0);
+ false = Inverted, %Assertion.
+ test_is_record_cg(Fail, Tuple, Tag, Arity, St0);
{_,As} ->
{Bool,St1} = new_ssa_var('@ssa_bool', St0),
{Succ,St} = new_label(St1),
@@ -564,7 +565,7 @@ test_cg(Test, Inverted, As0, Fail, St0) ->
-test_is_record_cg(false, Fail, Tuple, TagVal, ArityVal, St0) ->
+test_is_record_cg(Fail, Tuple, TagVal, ArityVal, St0) ->
{Arity,St1} = new_ssa_var('@ssa_arity', St0),
{Tag,St2} = new_ssa_var('@ssa_tag', St1),
{Is0,St3} = make_cond_branch({bif,is_tuple}, [Tuple], Fail, St2),
@@ -574,19 +575,6 @@ test_is_record_cg(false, Fail, Tuple, TagVal, ArityVal, St0) ->
{Is2,St} = make_cond_branch({bif,'=:='}, [Tag,TagVal], Fail, St4),
Is = Is0 ++ [GetArity] ++ Is1 ++ [GetTag] ++ Is2,
- {Is,St};
-test_is_record_cg(true, Fail, Tuple, TagVal, ArityVal, St0) ->
- {Succ,St1} = new_label(St0),
- {Arity,St2} = new_ssa_var('@ssa_arity', St1),
- {Tag,St3} = new_ssa_var('@ssa_tag', St2),
- {Is0,St4} = make_cond_branch({bif,is_tuple}, [Tuple], Succ, St3),
- GetArity = #b_set{op={bif,tuple_size},dst=Arity,args=[Tuple]},
- {Is1,St5} = make_cond_branch({bif,'=:='}, [Arity,ArityVal], Succ, St4),
- GetTag = #b_set{op=get_tuple_element,dst=Tag,
- args=[Tuple,#b_literal{val=0}]},
- {Is2,St} = make_cond_branch({bif,'=:='}, [Tag,TagVal], Succ, St5),
- Is3 = [make_uncond_branch(Fail),{label,Succ}],
- Is = Is0 ++ [GetArity] ++ Is1 ++ [GetTag] ++ Is2 ++ Is3,
%% protected_cg([Kexpr], [Ret], Fail, St) -> {[Ainstr],St}.
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl
index 49fb66126f..3f7f7f95d6 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
- splitwith/2,sort/1]).
+ splitwith/2]).
-import(ordsets, [add_element/2,del_element/2,union/2,union/1,subtract/2]).
-import(cerl, [c_tuple/1]).
@@ -111,7 +111,6 @@ copy_anno(Kdst, Ksrc) ->
-record(iclause, {anno=[],isub,osub,pats,guard,body}).
-record(ireceive_accept, {anno=[],arg}).
-record(ireceive_next, {anno=[],arg}).
--record(ignored, {anno=[]}).
-type warning() :: term(). % XXX: REFINE
@@ -206,478 +205,9 @@ guard(G0, Sub, St0) ->
{G1,St1} = wrap_guard(G0, St0),
{Ge0,Pre,St2} = expr(G1, Sub, St1),
{Ge1,St3} = gexpr_test(Ge0, St2),
- {Ge,St} = guard_opt(Ge1, St3),
+ {Ge,St} = {Ge1,St3},
{pre_seq(Pre, Ge),St}.
-%% guard_opt(Kexpr, State) -> {Kexpr,State}.
-%% Optimize the Kexpr for the guard. Instead of evaluating a boolean
-%% expression comparing it to 'true' in a final #k_test{},
-%% replace BIF calls with #k_test{} in the expression.
-%% As an example, take the guard:
-%% when is_integer(V0), is_atom(V1) ->
-%% The unoptimized Kexpr translated to pseudo BEAM assembly
-%% code would look like:
-%% bif is_integer V0 => Bool0
-%% bif is_atom V1 => Bool1
-%% bif and Bool0 Bool1 => Bool
-%% test Bool =:= true else goto Fail
-%% ...
-%% Fail:
-%% ...
-%% The optimized code would look like:
-%% test is_integer V0 else goto Fail
-%% test is_atom V1 else goto Fail
-%% ...
-%% Fail:
-%% ...
-%% An 'or' operation is only slightly more complicated:
-%% test is_integer V0 else goto NotFailedYet
-%% goto Success
-%% NotFailedYet:
-%% test is_atom V1 else goto Fail
-%% Success:
-%% ...
-%% Fail:
-%% ...
-guard_opt(G, St0) ->
- {Root,Forest0,St1} = make_forest(G, St0),
- {Exprs,Forest,St} = rewrite_bool(Root, Forest0, false, St1),
- E = forest_pre_seq(Exprs, Forest),
- {G#k_try{arg=E},St}.
-%% rewrite_bool(Kexpr, Forest, Inv, St) -> {[Kexpr],Forest,St}.
-%% Rewrite Kexpr to use #k_test{} operations instead of comparison
-%% and type test BIFs.
-%% If Kexpr is a #k_test{} operation, the call will always
-%% succeed. Otherwise, a 'not_possible' exception will be
-%% thrown if Kexpr cannot be rewritten.
- args=[#k_var{}=V,#k_atom{val=true}]}=Test, Forest0, Inv, St0) ->
- try rewrite_bool_var(V, Forest0, Inv, St0) of
- {_,_,_}=Res ->
- Res
- catch
- throw:not_possible ->
- {[Test],Forest0,St0}
- end;
- args=[#k_var{}=V,#k_atom{val=false}]}=Test, Forest0, Inv, St0) ->
- try rewrite_bool_var(V, Forest0, not Inv, St0) of
- {_,_,_}=Res ->
- Res
- catch
- throw:not_possible ->
- {[Test],Forest0,St0}
- end;
- args=[#k_atom{val=V1},#k_atom{val=V2}]}, Forest0, false, St0) ->
- case V1 =:= V2 of
- true ->
- {[make_test(is_boolean, [#k_atom{val=true}])],Forest0,St0};
- false ->
- {[make_failing_test()],Forest0,St0}
- end;
-rewrite_bool(#k_test{}=Test, Forest, false, St) ->
- {[Test],Forest,St};
- handler=#k_atom{val=false},ret=[]}=Prot,
- Forest0, Inv, St0) ->
- {Root,Forest1,St1} = make_forest(Prot, Forest0, St0),
- {Exprs,Forest2,St} = rewrite_bool(Root, Forest1, Inv, St1),
- InnerForest = maps:without(maps:keys(Forest0), Forest2),
- Forest = maps:without(maps:keys(InnerForest), Forest2),
- E = forest_pre_seq(Exprs, InnerForest),
- {[Prot#k_try{arg=E}],Forest,St};
-rewrite_bool(#k_match{body=Body,ret=[]}, Forest, Inv, St) ->
- rewrite_match(Body, Forest, Inv, St);
-rewrite_bool(Other, Forest, Inv, St) ->
- case extract_bif(Other) of
- {Name,Args} ->
- rewrite_bif(Name, Args, Forest, Inv, St);
- error ->
- throw(not_possible)
- end.
-%% rewrite_bool_var(Var, Forest, Inv, St) -> {[Kexpr],Forest,St}.
-%% Rewrite the boolean expression whose key in Forest is
-%% given by Var. Throw a 'not_possible' expression if something
-%% prevents the rewriting.
-rewrite_bool_var(Arg, Forest0, Inv, St) ->
- {Expr,Forest} = forest_take_expr(Arg, Forest0),
- rewrite_bool(Expr, Forest, Inv, St).
-%% rewrite_bool_args([Kexpr], Forest, Inv, St) -> {[[Kexpr]],Forest,St}.
-%% Rewrite each Kexpr in the list. The input Kexpr should be variables
-%% or boolean values. Throw a 'not_possible' expression if something
-%% prevents the rewriting.
-%% This function is suitable for handling the arguments for both
-%% 'and' and 'or'.
-rewrite_bool_args([#k_atom{val=B}=A|Vs], Forest0, false=Inv, St0) when is_boolean(B) ->
- {Tail,Forest1,St1} = rewrite_bool_args(Vs, Forest0, Inv, St0),
- Bif = make_bif('=:=', [A,#k_atom{val=true}]),
- {Exprs,Forest,St} = rewrite_bool(Bif, Forest1, Inv, St1),
- {[Exprs|Tail],Forest,St};
-rewrite_bool_args([#k_var{}=Var|Vs], Forest0, false=Inv, St0) ->
- {Tail,Forest1,St1} = rewrite_bool_args(Vs, Forest0, Inv, St0),
- {Exprs,Forest,St} =
- case is_bool_expr(Var, Forest0) of
- true ->
- rewrite_bool_var(Var, Forest1, Inv, St1);
- false ->
- Bif = make_bif('=:=', [Var,#k_atom{val=true}]),
- rewrite_bool(Bif, Forest1, Inv, St1)
- end,
- {[Exprs|Tail],Forest,St};
-rewrite_bool_args([_|_], _Forest, _Inv, _St) ->
- throw(not_possible);
-rewrite_bool_args([], Forest, _Inv, St) ->
- {[],Forest,St}.
-%% rewrite_bif(Name, [Kexpr], Forest, Inv, St) -> {[Kexpr],Forest,St}.
-%% Rewrite a BIF. Throw a 'not_possible' expression if something
-%% prevents the rewriting.
-rewrite_bif('or', Args, Forest, true, St) ->
- rewrite_not_args('and', Args, Forest, St);
-rewrite_bif('and', Args, Forest, true, St) ->
- rewrite_not_args('or', Args, Forest, St);
-rewrite_bif('and', [#k_atom{val=Val},Arg], Forest0, Inv, St0) ->
- false = Inv, %Assertion.
- case Val of
- true ->
- %% The result only depends on Arg.
- rewrite_bool_var(Arg, Forest0, Inv, St0);
- _ ->
- %% Will fail. There is no need to evalute the expression
- %% represented by Arg. Take it out from the forest and
- %% discard the expression.
- Failing = make_failing_test(),
- try rewrite_bool_var(Arg, Forest0, Inv, St0) of
- {_,Forest,St} ->
- {[Failing],Forest,St}
- catch
- throw:not_possible ->
- try forest_take_expr(Arg, Forest0) of
- {_,Forest} ->
- {[Failing],Forest,St0}
- catch
- throw:not_possible ->
- %% Arg is probably a variable bound in an
- %% outer scope.
- {[Failing],Forest0,St0}
- end
- end
- end;
-rewrite_bif('and', [Arg,#k_atom{}=Atom], Forest, Inv, St) ->
- false = Inv, %Assertion.
- rewrite_bif('and', [Atom,Arg], Forest, Inv, St);
-rewrite_bif('and', Args, Forest0, Inv, St0) ->
- false = Inv, %Assertion.
- {[Es1,Es2],Forest,St} = rewrite_bool_args(Args, Forest0, Inv, St0),
- {Es1 ++ Es2,Forest,St};
-rewrite_bif('or', Args, Forest0, Inv, St0) ->
- false = Inv, %Assertion.
- {[First,Then],Forest,St} = rewrite_bool_args(Args, Forest0, Inv, St0),
- Alt = make_alt(First, Then),
- {[Alt],Forest,St};
-rewrite_bif('xor', [_,_], _Forest, _Inv, _St) ->
- %% Rewriting 'xor' is not practical. Fortunately, 'xor' is
- %% almost never used in practice.
- throw(not_possible);
-rewrite_bif('not', [Arg], Forest0, Inv, St) ->
- {Expr,Forest} = forest_take_expr(Arg, Forest0),
- rewrite_bool(Expr, Forest, not Inv, St);
-rewrite_bif(Op, Args, Forest, Inv, St) ->
- case is_test(Op, Args) of
- true ->
- rewrite_bool(make_test(Op, Args, Inv), Forest, false, St);
- false ->
- throw(not_possible)
- end.
-rewrite_not_args(Op, [A0,B0], Forest0, St0) ->
- {A,Forest1,St1} = rewrite_not_args_1(A0, Forest0, St0),
- {B,Forest2,St2} = rewrite_not_args_1(B0, Forest1, St1),
- rewrite_bif(Op, [A,B], Forest2, false, St2).
-rewrite_not_args_1(Arg, Forest, St) ->
- Not = make_bif('not', [Arg]),
- forest_add_expr(Not, Forest, St).
-%% rewrite_match(Kvar, TypeClause, Forest, Inv, St) ->
-%% {[Kexpr],Forest,St}.
-%% Try to rewrite a #k_match{} originating from an 'andalso' or an 'orelse'.
-rewrite_match(#k_alt{first=First,then=Then}, Forest, Inv, St) ->
- case {First,Then} of
- {#k_select{var=#k_var{name=V}=Var,types=[TypeClause]},#k_var{name=V}} ->
- rewrite_match_1(Var, TypeClause, Forest, Inv, St);
- {_,_} ->
- throw(not_possible)
- end.
-rewrite_match_1(Var, #k_type_clause{values=Cs0}, Forest0, Inv, St0) ->
- Cs = sort([{Val,B} || #k_val_clause{val=#k_atom{val=Val},body=B} <- Cs0]),
- case Cs of
- [{false,False},{true,True}] ->
- rewrite_match_2(Var, False, True, Forest0, Inv, St0);
- _ ->
- throw(not_possible)
- end.
-rewrite_match_2(Var, False, #k_atom{val=true}, Forest0, Inv, St0) ->
- %% Originates from an 'orelse'.
- case False of
- #k_atom{val=NotBool} when not is_boolean(NotBool) ->
- rewrite_bool(Var, Forest0, Inv, St0);
- _ ->
- {CodeVar,Forest1,St1} = add_protected_expr(False, Forest0, St0),
- rewrite_bif('or', [Var,CodeVar], Forest1, Inv, St1)
- end;
-rewrite_match_2(Var, #k_atom{val=false}, True, Forest0, Inv, St0) ->
- %% Originates from an 'andalso'.
- {CodeVar,Forest1,St1} = add_protected_expr(True, Forest0, St0),
- rewrite_bif('and', [Var,CodeVar], Forest1, Inv, St1);
-rewrite_match_2(_V, _, _, _Forest, _Inv, _St) ->
- throw(not_possible).
-%% is_bool_expr(#k_var{}, Forest) -> true|false.
-%% Return true if the variable refers to a boolean expression
-%% that does not need an explicit '=:= true' test.
-is_bool_expr(V, Forest) ->
- case forest_peek_expr(V, Forest) of
- error ->
- %% Defined outside of the guard. We can't know.
- false;
- Expr ->
- case extract_bif(Expr) of
- {Name,Args} ->
- is_test(Name, Args) orelse
- erl_internal:bool_op(Name, length(Args));
- error ->
- %% Not a BIF. Should be possible to rewrite
- %% to a boolean. Definitely does not need
- %% a '=:= true' test.
- true
- end
- end.
-make_bif(Op, Args) ->
- #k_bif{op=#k_remote{mod=#k_atom{val=erlang},
- name=#k_atom{val=Op},
- arity=length(Args)},
- args=Args}.
- name=#k_atom{val=Name}},
- args=Args}) ->
- {Name,Args};
-extract_bif(_) ->
- error.
-%% make_alt(First, Then) -> KMatch.
-%% Make a #k_alt{} within a #k_match{} to implement
-%% 'or' or 'orelse'.
-make_alt(First0, Then0) ->
- First1 = pre_seq(droplast(First0), last(First0)),
- Then1 = pre_seq(droplast(Then0), last(Then0)),
- First2 = make_protected(First1),
- Then2 = make_protected(Then1),
- Body = #ignored{},
- First3 = #k_guard_clause{guard=First2,body=Body},
- Then3 = #k_guard_clause{guard=Then2,body=Body},
- First = #k_guard{clauses=[First3]},
- Then = #k_guard{clauses=[Then3]},
- Alt = #k_alt{first=First,then=Then},
- #k_match{vars=[],body=Alt}.
-add_protected_expr(#k_atom{}=Atom, Forest, St) ->
- {Atom,Forest,St};
-add_protected_expr(#k_var{}=Var, Forest, St) ->
- {Var,Forest,St};
-add_protected_expr(E0, Forest, St) ->
- E = make_protected(E0),
- forest_add_expr(E, Forest, St).
-make_protected(#k_try{}=Try) ->
- Try;
-make_protected(B) ->
- #k_try{arg=B,vars=[#k_var{name=''}],body=#k_var{name=''},
- handler=#k_atom{val=false}}.
-make_failing_test() ->
- make_test(is_boolean, [#k_atom{val=fail}]).
-make_test(Op, Args) ->
- make_test(Op, Args, false).
-make_test(Op, Args, Inv) ->
- Remote = #k_remote{mod=#k_atom{val=erlang},
- name=#k_atom{val=Op},
- arity=length(Args)},
- #k_test{op=Remote,args=Args,inverted=Inv}.
-is_test(Op, Args) ->
- A = length(Args),
- erl_internal:new_type_test(Op, A) orelse erl_internal:comp_op(Op, A).
-%% make_forest(Kexpr, St) -> {RootKexpr,Forest,St}.
-%% Build a forest out of Kexpr. RootKexpr is the final expression
-%% nested inside Kexpr.
-make_forest(G, St) ->
- make_forest_1(G, #{}, 0, St).
-%% make_forest(Kexpr, St) -> {RootKexpr,Forest,St}.
-%% Add to Forest from Kexpr. RootKexpr is the final expression
-%% nested inside Kexpr.
-make_forest(G, Forest0, St) ->
- N = forest_next_index(Forest0),
- make_forest_1(G, Forest0, N, St).
-make_forest_1(#k_try{arg=B}, Forest, I, St) ->
- make_forest_1(B, Forest, I, St);
-make_forest_1(#iset{vars=[]}=Iset0, Forest, I, St0) ->
- {UnrefVar,St} = new_var(St0),
- Iset = Iset0#iset{vars=[UnrefVar]},
- make_forest_1(Iset, Forest, I, St);
-make_forest_1(#iset{vars=[#k_var{name=V}],arg=Arg,body=B}, Forest0, I, St) ->
- Forest = Forest0#{V => {I,Arg}, {untaken,V} => true},
- make_forest_1(B, Forest, I+1, St);
-make_forest_1(Innermost, Forest, _I, St) ->
- {Innermost,Forest,St}.
-%% forest_take_expr(Kexpr, Forest) -> {Expr,Forest}.
-%% If Kexpr is a variable, take out the expression corresponding
-%% to variable in Forest. Expressions that have been taken out
-%% of the forest will not be included the Kexpr returned
-%% by forest_pre_seq/2.
-%% Throw a 'not_possible' exception if Kexpr is not a variable or
-%% if the name of the variable is not a key in Forest.
-forest_take_expr(#k_var{name=V}, Forest0) ->
- %% v3_core currently always generates guard expressions that can
- %% be represented as a tree. Other code generators (such as LFE)
- %% could generate guard expressions that can only be represented
- %% as a DAG (i.e. some nodes are referenced more than once). To
- %% handle DAGs, we must never remove a node from the forest, but
- %% just remove the {untaken,V} marker. That will effectively convert
- %% the DAG to a tree by duplicating the shared nodes and their
- %% descendants.
- case maps:find(V, Forest0) of
- {ok,{_,Expr}} ->
- Forest = maps:remove({untaken,V}, Forest0),
- {Expr,Forest};
- error ->
- throw(not_possible)
- end;
-forest_take_expr(_, _) ->
- throw(not_possible).
-%% forest_peek_expr(Kvar, Forest) -> Kexpr | error.
-%% Return the expression corresponding to Kvar in Forest or
-%% return 'error' if there is a corresponding expression.
-forest_peek_expr(#k_var{name=V}, Forest0) ->
- case maps:find(V, Forest0) of
- {ok,{_,Expr}} -> Expr;
- error -> error
- end.
-%% forest_add_expr(Kexpr, Forest, St) -> {Kvar,Forest,St}.
-%% Add a new expression to Forest.
-forest_add_expr(Expr, Forest0, St0) ->
- {#k_var{name=V}=Var,St} = new_var(St0),
- N = forest_next_index(Forest0),
- Forest = Forest0#{V => {N,Expr}},
- {Var,Forest,St}.
-forest_next_index(Forest) ->
- 1 + lists:max([N || {N,_} <- maps:values(Forest),
- is_integer(N)] ++ [0]).
-%% forest_pre_seq([Kexpr], Forest) -> Kexpr.
-%% Package the list of Kexprs into a nested Kexpr, prepending all
-%% expressions in Forest that have not been taken out using
-%% forest_take_expr/2.
-forest_pre_seq(Exprs, Forest) ->
- Es0 = [#k_var{name=V} || {untaken,V} <- maps:keys(Forest)],
- Es = Es0 ++ Exprs,
- Vs = extract_all_vars(Es, Forest, []),
- Pre0 = sort([{maps:get(V, Forest),V} || V <- Vs]),
- Pre = [#iset{vars=[#k_var{name=V}],arg=A} ||
- {{_,A},V} <- Pre0],
- pre_seq(Pre++droplast(Exprs), last(Exprs)).
-extract_all_vars(Es, Forest, Acc0) ->
- case extract_var_list(Es) of
- [] ->
- Acc0;
- [_|_]=Vs0 ->
- Vs = [V || V <- Vs0, maps:is_key(V, Forest)],
- NewVs = ordsets:subtract(Vs, Acc0),
- NewEs = [begin
- {_,E} = maps:get(V, Forest),
- E
- end || V <- NewVs],
- Acc = union(NewVs, Acc0),
- extract_all_vars(NewEs, Forest, Acc)
- end.
-extract_vars(#iset{arg=A,body=B}) ->
- union(extract_vars(A), extract_vars(B));
-extract_vars(#k_bif{args=Args}) ->
- ordsets:from_list(lit_list_vars(Args));
-extract_vars(#k_call{}) ->
- [];
-extract_vars(#k_test{args=Args}) ->
- ordsets:from_list(lit_list_vars(Args));
-extract_vars(#k_match{body=Body}) ->
- extract_vars(Body);
-extract_vars(#k_alt{first=First,then=Then}) ->
- union(extract_vars(First), extract_vars(Then));
-extract_vars(#k_guard{clauses=Cs}) ->
- extract_var_list(Cs);
-extract_vars(#k_guard_clause{guard=G}) ->
- extract_vars(G);
-extract_vars(#k_select{var=Var,types=Types}) ->
- union(ordsets:from_list(lit_vars(Var)),
- extract_var_list(Types));
-extract_vars(#k_type_clause{values=Values}) ->
- extract_var_list(Values);
-extract_vars(#k_val_clause{body=Body}) ->
- extract_vars(Body);
-extract_vars(#k_try{arg=Arg}) ->
- extract_vars(Arg);
-extract_vars(Lit) ->
- ordsets:from_list(lit_vars(Lit)).
-extract_var_list(L) ->
- union([extract_vars(E) || E <- L]).
%% Wrap the entire guard in a try/catch if needed.
wrap_guard(#c_try{}=Try, St) -> {Try,St};
@@ -2356,8 +1886,6 @@ ubody(E, return, St0) ->
{Ea,Pa,St1} = force_atomic(E, St0),
ubody(pre_seq(Pa, #ivalues{args=[Ea]}), return, St1)
-ubody(#ignored{}, {break,_} = Break, St) ->
- ubody(#ivalues{args=[]}, Break, St);
ubody(E, {break,[_]} = Break, St0) ->
%%ok = io:fwrite("ubody ~w:~p~n", [?LINE,{E,Br}]),
%% Exiting expressions need no trailing break.
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.hrl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.hrl
index e26360a6da..31816846cf 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.hrl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.hrl
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
-record(k_seq, {anno=[],arg,body}).
-record(k_put, {anno=[],arg,ret=[]}).
-record(k_bif, {anno=[],op,args,ret=[]}).
--record(k_test, {anno=[],op,args,inverted=false}).
+-record(k_test, {anno=[],op,args}).
-record(k_call, {anno=[],op,args,ret=[]}).
-record(k_enter, {anno=[],op,args}).
-record(k_receive, {anno=[],var,body,timeout,action,ret=[]}).
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel_pp.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel_pp.erl
index c12c301ee2..3ebe957657 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel_pp.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel_pp.erl
@@ -235,13 +235,8 @@ format_1(#k_bif{op=Op,args=As,ret=Rs}, Ctxt) ->
[Txt,format_args(As, Ctxt1),
format_ret(Rs, Ctxt1)
-format_1(#k_test{op=Op,args=As,inverted=Inverted}, Ctxt) ->
- Txt = case Inverted of
- false ->
- ["test (",format(Op, ctxt_bump_indent(Ctxt, 6)),$)];
- true ->
- ["inverted_test (",format(Op, ctxt_bump_indent(Ctxt, 6)),$)]
- end,
+format_1(#k_test{op=Op,args=As}, Ctxt) ->
+ Txt = ["test (",format(Op, ctxt_bump_indent(Ctxt, 6)),$)],
Ctxt1 = ctxt_bump_indent(Ctxt, 2),
[Txt,format_args(As, Ctxt1)];
format_1(#k_put{arg=A,ret=Rs}, Ctxt) ->