diff options
20 files changed, 1605 insertions, 732 deletions
diff --git a/lib/reltool/bin/reltool.escript b/lib/reltool/bin/reltool.escript
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0dcd5ad1e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/reltool/bin/reltool.escript
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env escript
+%% -*- erlang -*-
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+main(Args) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ try
+ Tokens = scan_args(Args, [], []),
+ {Options, Actions} = parse_args(Tokens, []),
+ case invoke(Options, Actions) of
+ ok ->
+ safe_stop(0);
+ {error, ReasonString} ->
+ fatal_error(ReasonString, 2)
+ end
+ catch
+ throw:usage ->
+ usage(),
+ safe_stop(1);
+ exit:Reason ->
+ String = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("EXIT: ~p", [Reason])),
+ fatal_error(String, 3)
+ end.
+usage() ->
+ Usage =
+ [
+ "[Config] [--window]",
+ "[Config] --create_config [-defaults] [-derived] [ConfigFile]",
+ "[Config] --create_rel RelName [RelFile]",
+ "[Config] --create_script RelName [ScriptFile]",
+ "[Config] --create_target TargetDir",
+ "[Config] --create_target_spec [SpecFile]",
+ "[Config] --eval_target_spec Spec TargetDir RootDir"
+ ],
+ Script = script_name(),
+ String = lists:flatten([[Script, " ", U, "\n"] || U <- Usage]),
+ io:format("Erlang/OTP release management tool\n\n"
+ "~s\nConfig = ConfigFile | '{sys, [sys()]}'\n"
+ "Spec = SpecFile | '{spec, [target_spec()}']\n\n"
+ "See User's guide and Reference manual for more info.\n",
+ [String]).
+safe_stop(Code) ->
+ init:stop(Code),
+ timer:sleep(infinity).
+invoke(Options, Actions) ->
+ case Actions of
+ [] ->
+ invoke(Options, [["--window"]]);
+ [["--window"]] ->
+ start_window(Options);
+ [["--create_config" | OptArgs]] ->
+ DefArg = "-defaults",
+ DerivArg = "-derived",
+ InclDef = lists:member(DefArg, OptArgs),
+ InclDeriv = lists:member(DerivArg, OptArgs),
+ case reltool:get_config(Options, InclDef, InclDeriv) of
+ {ok, Config} ->
+ String = pretty("config", Config),
+ case OptArgs -- [DefArg, DerivArg] of
+ [] ->
+ format("~s", [String]);
+ [ConfigFile] ->
+ write_file(ConfigFile, String);
+ _ ->
+ throw(usage)
+ end;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end;
+ [["--create_rel", RelName | OptArgs]] ->
+ case reltool:get_rel(Options, RelName) of
+ {ok, Rel} ->
+ String = pretty("rel", Rel),
+ case OptArgs of
+ [] ->
+ format("~s", [String]);
+ [RelFile] ->
+ write_file(RelFile, String);
+ _ ->
+ throw(usage)
+ end;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end;
+ [["--create_script", RelName | OptArgs]] ->
+ case reltool:get_script(Options, RelName) of
+ {ok, Script} ->
+ String = pretty("script", Script),
+ case OptArgs of
+ [] ->
+ format("~s", [String]);
+ [ScriptFile] ->
+ write_file(ScriptFile, String);
+ _ ->
+ throw(usage)
+ end;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end;
+ [["--create_target", TargetDir]] ->
+ reltool:create_target(Options, TargetDir);
+ [["--create_target_spec" | OptArgs]] ->
+ case reltool:get_target_spec(Options) of
+ {ok, Script} ->
+ String = pretty("target_spec", Script),
+ case OptArgs of
+ [] ->
+ format("~s", [String]);
+ [SpecFile] ->
+ write_file(SpecFile, String);
+ _ ->
+ throw(usage)
+ end;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end;
+ [["--eval_target_spec", TargetSpec, TargetDir, RootDir]] ->
+ try
+ {ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(TargetSpec ++ ". "),
+ {ok, {spec, Spec}} = erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens),
+ reltool:eval_target_spec(Spec, TargetDir, RootDir)
+ catch
+ error:{badmatch, _} ->
+ case file:consult(TargetSpec) of
+ {ok, Spec2} ->
+ reltool:eval_target_spec(Spec2, TargetDir, RootDir);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ Text = file:format_error(Reason),
+ {error, TargetSpec ++ ": " ++ Text}
+ end
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ throw(usage)
+ end.
+start_window(Options) ->
+ case reltool:start_link(Options) of
+ {ok, WinPid} ->
+ receive
+ {'EXIT', WinPid, shutdown} ->
+ ok;
+ {'EXIT', WinPid, normal} ->
+ ok;
+ {'EXIT', WinPid, Reason} ->
+ exit(Reason)
+ end;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end.
+%% Helpers
+script_name() ->
+ filename:basename(escript:script_name(), ".escript").
+fatal_error(String, Code) ->
+ io:format(standard_error, "~s: ~s\n", [script_name(), String]),
+ safe_stop(Code).
+write_file(File, IoList) ->
+ case file:write_file(File, IoList) of
+ ok ->
+ ok;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, file:format_error(Reason)}
+ end.
+format(Format, Args) ->
+ io:format(Format, Args),
+ %% Wait a while for the I/O to be processed
+ timer:sleep(timer:seconds(1)).
+pretty(Tag, Term) ->
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format("%% ~s generated at ~w ~w\n~p.\n\n",
+ [Tag, date(), time(), Term])).
+scan_args([H | T], Single, Multi) ->
+ case H of
+ "--" ++ _ when Single =:= [] ->
+ scan_args(T, [H], Multi);
+ "--" ++ _ ->
+ scan_args(T, [H], [lists:reverse(Single) | Multi]);
+ _ ->
+ scan_args(T, [H | Single], Multi)
+ end;
+scan_args([], [], Multi) ->
+ lists:reverse(Multi);
+scan_args([], Single, Multi) ->
+ lists:reverse([lists:reverse(Single) | Multi]).
+parse_args([H | T] = Args, Options) ->
+ case H of
+ ["--wx_debug" | Levels] ->
+ Dbg =
+ fun(L) ->
+ case catch list_to_integer(L) of
+ {'EXIT', _} ->
+ case catch list_to_atom(L) of
+ {'EXIT', _} ->
+ exit("Illegal wx debug level: " ++ L);
+ Atom ->
+ Atom
+ end;
+ Int ->
+ Int
+ end
+ end,
+ Levels2 = lists:map(Dbg, Levels),
+ parse_args(T, [{wx_debug, Levels2} | Options]);
+ ["--" ++ _ | _] ->
+ %% No more options
+ {lists:reverse(Options), Args};
+ [Config] ->
+ try
+ {ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(Config ++ ". "),
+ {ok, {sys, _} = Sys} = erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens),
+ parse_args(T, [{config, Sys} | Options])
+ catch
+ error:{badmatch, _} ->
+ parse_args(T, [{config, Config} | Options]);
+ X:Y ->
+ io:format("\n\n~p\n\n", [{X, Y}])
+ end
+ end;
+parse_args([], Options) ->
+ {lists:reverse(Options), []}.
diff --git a/lib/reltool/doc/src/reltool.xml b/lib/reltool/doc/src/reltool.xml
index 9786928ae8..0c2b7d2a2b 100644
--- a/lib/reltool/doc/src/reltool.xml
+++ b/lib/reltool/doc/src/reltool.xml
@@ -67,14 +67,14 @@
- <tag><c><![CDATA[config]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>config</c></tag>
<p>This is the main option and it controls the configuration
of <c>reltool</c>. It can either be a <c>sys</c> tuple or
a name of a <c>file</c> containing a sys tuple.</p>
- <tag><c><![CDATA[trap_exit]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>trap_exit></c></tag>
<p>This option controls the error handling behavior of
<c>reltool</c>. By default the window processes traps
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
<c>trap_exit</c> to <c>false</c>.</p>
- <tag><c><![CDATA[wx_debug]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>wx_debug</c></tag>
<p>This option controls the debug level of <c>wx</c>. As its
name indicates it is only useful for debugging. See
@@ -97,27 +97,27 @@
- <tag><c><![CDATA[erts]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>erts</c></tag>
<p>Erts specific configuration. See application level options
- <tag><c><![CDATA[escript]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>escript</c></tag>
<p>Escript specific configuration. An escript has a mandatory
file name and escript level options that are described
- <tag><c><![CDATA[app]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>app</c></tag>
<p>Application specific configuration. An application has a
mandatory name and application level options that are
described below.</p>
- <tag><c><![CDATA[mod_cond]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>mod_cond</c></tag>
<p>This parameter controls the module inclusion policy. It
defaults to <c>all</c> which means that if an application is
@@ -134,28 +134,28 @@
system level is used as default for all applications.</p>
- <tag><c><![CDATA[incl_cond]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>incl_cond</c></tag>
- <p>This parameter controls the application and escript
- inclusion policy. It defaults to <c>derived</c> which means
- that the applications that not have any explicit
- <c>incl_cond</c> setting, will only be included if any other
- (explicitly or implicitly included) application uses it. The
- value <c>include</c> implies that all applications and
- escripts that that not have any explicit <c>incl_cond</c>
- setting will be included. <c>exclude</c> implies that all
- applications and escripts) that that not have any explicit
- <c>incl_cond</c> setting will be excluded.</p>
+ <p>This parameter controls the application and escript
+ inclusion policy. It defaults to <c>derived</c> which means
+ that the applications that not have any explicit
+ <c>incl_cond</c> setting, will only be included if any other
+ (explicitly or implicitly included) application uses it. The
+ value <c>include</c> implies that all applications and
+ escripts that that not have any explicit <c>incl_cond</c>
+ setting will be included. <c>exclude</c> implies that all
+ applications and escripts) that that not have any explicit
+ <c>incl_cond</c> setting will be excluded.</p>
- <tag><c><![CDATA[boot_rel]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>boot_rel</c></tag>
<p>A target system may have several releases but the one given
as <c>boot_rel</c> will be used as default when the system is
booting up.</p>
- <tag><c><![CDATA[rel]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>rel</c></tag>
<p>Release specific configuration. Each release maps to a
<c>rel</c>, <c>script</c> and <c>boot </c> file. See the
@@ -165,38 +165,38 @@
- <tag><c><![CDATA[relocatable]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>relocatable</c></tag>
- <p>This parameter controls whether the <c>erl</c> executable
- in the target system automatically should determine where it
- is installed or if it should use a hardcoded path to the
- installation. In the latter case the target system must be
- installed with <c>reltool:install/2</c> before it can be
- used. If the system is relocatable, the file tree containing
- the target system can be moved to another location without
- re-installation. The default is <c>true</c>.</p>
+ <p>This parameter controls whether the <c>erl</c> executable
+ in the target system automatically should determine where it
+ is installed or if it should use a hardcoded path to the
+ installation. In the latter case the target system must be
+ installed with <c>reltool:install/2</c> before it can be
+ used. If the system is relocatable, the file tree containing
+ the target system can be moved to another location without
+ re-installation. The default is <c>true</c>.</p>
- <tag><c><![CDATA[profile]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>profile</c></tag>
- <p>The creation of the specification for a target system is
- performed in two steps. In the first step a complete
- specification is generated. It will likely contain much more
- files than you are interested in your customized target
- system. In the second step the specification will be filtered
- according to your filters. There you have the ability to
- specify filters per application as well as system wide
- filters. You can also select a <c>profile</c> for your
- system. Depending on the <c>profile</c>, different default
- filters will be used. There are three different profiles to
- choose from: <c>development</c>, <c>embedded</c> and
- <c>standalone</c>. <c>development</c> is default. The
- parameters that are affected by the <c>profile</c> are:
- <c>incl_sys_filters</c>, <c>excl_sys_filters</c>,
- <c>incl_app_filters</c> and <c>excl_app_filters</c>.</p>
+ <p>The creation of the specification for a target system is
+ performed in two steps. In the first step a complete
+ specification is generated. It will likely contain much more
+ files than you are interested in your customized target
+ system. In the second step the specification will be filtered
+ according to your filters. There you have the ability to
+ specify filters per application as well as system wide
+ filters. You can also select a <c>profile</c> for your
+ system. Depending on the <c>profile</c>, different default
+ filters will be used. There are three different profiles to
+ choose from: <c>development</c>, <c>embedded</c> and
+ <c>standalone</c>. <c>development</c> is default. The
+ parameters that are affected by the <c>profile</c> are:
+ <c>incl_sys_filters</c>, <c>excl_sys_filters</c>,
+ <c>incl_app_filters</c> and <c>excl_app_filters</c>.</p>
- <tag><c><![CDATA[app_file]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>app_file</c></tag>
<p>This parameter controls the default handling of the
<c>app</c> files when a target system is generated. It
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
and <c>strip</c>.</p>
- <tag><c><![CDATA[debug_info]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>debug_info</c></tag>
<p>The <c>debug_info</c> parameter controls whether the debug
information in the beam file should be kept (<c>keep</c>) or
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
- <tag><c><![CDATA[incl_sys_filters]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>incl_sys_filters</c></tag>
<p>This parameter normally contains a list of regular
expressions that controls which files in the system that
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@
- <tag><c><![CDATA[excl_sys_filters]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>excl_sys_filters</c></tag>
<p>This parameter normally contains a list of regular
expressions that controls which files in the system that not
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
<c>excl_sys_filters</c>. This parameter defaults to
- <tag><c><![CDATA[incl_app_filters]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>incl_app_filters</c></tag>
<p>This parameter normally contains a list of regular
expressions that controls which application specific files
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
parameter defaults to <c>[".*"]</c>.</p>
- <tag><c><![CDATA[excl_app_filters]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>excl_app_filters</c></tag>
<p>This parameter normally contains a list of regular
expressions that controls which application specific files
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
- <tag><c><![CDATA[incl_archive_filters]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>incl_archive_filters</c></tag>
<p>This parameter normally contains a list of regular
expressions that controls which top level directories in an
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
parameter defaults to <c>[".*"]</c>.</p>
- <tag><c><![CDATA[excl_archive_filters]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>excl_archive_filters</c></tag>
<p>This parameter normally contains a list of regular
expressions that controls which top level directories in an
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@
parameter defaults to <c>["^include$","^priv$"]</c>.</p>
- <tag><c><![CDATA[archive_opts]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>archive_opts</c></tag>
<p>This parameter contains a list of options that are given to
<c>zip:create/3</c> when application specific files are
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
- <tag><c><![CDATA[incl_cond]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>incl_cond</c></tag>
<p>The value of this parameter overrides the parameter with the
same name on system level.</p>
@@ -318,62 +318,62 @@
- <tag><c><![CDATA[vsn]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>vsn</c></tag>
<p>The version of the application. In an installed system there may
exist several versions of an application. The <c>vsn</c> parameter
controls which version of the application that will be choosen. If it
is omitted, the latest version will be choosen.</p>
- <tag><c><![CDATA[mod]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>mod</c></tag>
<p>Module specific configuration. A module has a mandatory
name and module level options that are described below.</p>
- <tag><c><![CDATA[mod_cond]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>mod_cond</c></tag>
<p>The value of this parameter overrides the parameter with the
same name on system level.</p>
- <tag><c><![CDATA[incl_cond]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>incl_cond</c></tag>
<p>The value of this parameter overrides the parameter with the
same name on system level.</p>
- <tag><c><![CDATA[app_file]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>app_file</c></tag>
<p>The value of this parameter overrides the parameter with the
same name on system level.</p>
- <tag><c><![CDATA[debug_info]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>debug_info</c></tag>
<p>The value of this parameter overrides the parameter with the
same name on system level.</p>
- <tag><c><![CDATA[incl_app_filters]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>incl_app_filters</c></tag>
<p>The value of this parameter overrides the parameter with the
same name on system level.</p>
- <tag><c><![CDATA[excl_app_filters]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>excl_app_filters</c></tag>
<p>The value of this parameter overrides the parameter with the
same name on system level.</p>
- <tag><c><![CDATA[incl_archive_filters]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>incl_archive_filters</c></tag>
<p>The value of this parameter overrides the parameter with the
same name on system level.</p>
- <tag><c><![CDATA[excl_archive_filters]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>excl_archive_filters</c></tag>
<p>The value of this parameter overrides the parameter with the
same name on system level.</p>
- <tag><c><![CDATA[archive_opts]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>archive_opts</c></tag>
<p>The value of this parameter overrides the parameter with the
same name on system level.</p>
@@ -384,18 +384,18 @@
- <tag><c><![CDATA[incl_cond]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>incl_cond</c></tag>
- <p>This parameter controls whether the module is included or not. By
- default the <c>mod_incl</c> parameter on application and system level
- will be used to control whether the module is included or not. The
- value of <c>incl_cond</c> overrides the module inclusion policy.
- <c>include</c> implies that the module is included, while
- <c>exclude</c> implies that the module not is included.
- <c>derived</c> implies that the is included if any included uses the
- module.</p>
+ <p>This parameter controls whether the module is included or not. By
+ default the <c>mod_incl</c> parameter on application and system level
+ will be used to control whether the module is included or not. The
+ value of <c>incl_cond</c> overrides the module inclusion policy.
+ <c>include</c> implies that the module is included, while
+ <c>exclude</c> implies that the module not is included.
+ <c>derived</c> implies that the is included if any included uses the
+ module.</p>
- <tag><c><![CDATA[debug_info]]></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>debug_info</c></tag>
<p>The value of this parameter overrides the parameter with
the same name on application level.</p>
@@ -477,7 +477,9 @@ mod_name() = atom()
profile() = development | embedded | standalone
re_regexp() = string()
reason() = string()
-regexps() = [re_regexp()] | {add, [re_regexp()]} | {del, [re_regexp()]}
+regexps() = [re_regexp()]
+ | {add, [re_regexp()]}
+ | {del, [re_regexp()]}
rel_file() = term()
rel_name() = string()
rel_vsn() = string()
@@ -487,7 +489,19 @@ script_file() = term()
server() = server_pid() | options()
server_pid() = pid()
target_dir() = file()
-window_pid() = pid()]]></code>
+window_pid() = pid()
+base_dir() = dir()
+base_file() = file()
+top_dir() = file()
+top_file() = file()
+target_spec() = [target_spec()]
+ | {create_dir, base_dir(), [target_spec()]}
+ | {create_dir, base_dir(), top_dir(), [target_spec()]}
+ | {archive, base_file(), [archive_opt()], [target_spec()]}
+ | {copy_file, base_file()}
+ | {copy_file, base_file(), top_file()}
+ | {write_file, base_file(), iolist()}
+ | {strip_beam_file, base_file()}]]></code>
<marker id="start"></marker>
@@ -497,9 +511,9 @@ window_pid() = pid()]]></code>
<name>create_target(Server, TargetDir) -> ok | {error, Reason}</name>
<fsummary>Create a target system</fsummary>
- <v>Server = server()</v>
+ <v>Server = server()</v>
<v>TargetDir = target_dir()</v>
- <v>Reason = reason()</v>
+ <v>Reason = reason()</v>
<desc><p>Create a target system. Gives the same result as
<c>{ok,TargetSpec}=reltool:get_target_spec(Server)</c> and
@@ -604,6 +618,17 @@ window_pid() = pid()]]></code>
+ <name>get_status(Server) -> {ok, [Warning]} | {error, Reason}</name>
+ <fsummary>Get contents of a release file</fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>Server = server()</v>
+ <v>Warning = string()</v>
+ <v>Reason = reason()</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc><p>Get status about the configuration</p></desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
<name>get_server(WindowPid) -> {ok, ServerPid} | {error, Reason}</name>
<fsummary>Start server process with options</fsummary>
diff --git a/lib/reltool/doc/src/reltool_examples.xml b/lib/reltool/doc/src/reltool_examples.xml
index d6db246f6c..bce9413b52 100644
--- a/lib/reltool/doc/src/reltool_examples.xml
+++ b/lib/reltool/doc/src/reltool_examples.xml
@@ -249,11 +249,11 @@ Eshell V5.7.3 (abort with ^G)
5&gt; {ok, Server} = reltool:start_server([{config, {sys, [{boot_rel, "NAME"},
{rel, "NAME", "VSN",
- [kernel, stdlib, sasl]}]}}]).
+ [sasl]}]}}]).
6&gt; reltool:get_config(Server).
- {rel,"NAME","VSN",[kernel,stdlib,sasl]}]}}
+ {rel,"NAME","VSN",[sasl]}]}}
7&gt; reltool:get_rel(Server, "NAME").
diff --git a/lib/reltool/src/Makefile b/lib/reltool/src/Makefile
index 7fac7cbf88..4e6a112b7e 100644
--- a/lib/reltool/src/Makefile
+++ b/lib/reltool/src/Makefile
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ include ../
APP_VSN = "reltool-$(VSN)"
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Release directory specification
# ----------------------------------------------------
@@ -39,25 +38,20 @@ RELSYSDIR = $(RELEASE_PATH)/lib/reltool-$(VSN)
# Target Specs
# ----------------------------------------------------
- reltool \
- reltool_app_win \
- reltool_fgraph \
- reltool_fgraph_win \
- reltool_mod_win \
- reltool_sys_win \
- reltool_server \
- reltool_target \
- reltool_utils
-INTERNAL_HRL_FILES = reltool.hrl reltool_fgraph.hrl
ERL_FILES = $(MODULES:%=%.erl)
+APP_SRC = $(APP_FILE).src
+APPUP_FILE = reltool.appup
# ----------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------
@@ -69,15 +63,28 @@ ERL_COMPILE_FLAGS += +'{parse_transform,sys_pre_attributes}' \
# Targets
# ----------------------------------------------------
-debug opt: $(TARGET_FILES) $(HRL_FILES)
+ @${MAKE} TYPE=debug opt
- rm -f $(TARGET_FILES)
rm -f core
# ----------------------------------------------------
+# Special Build Targets
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+$(APP_TARGET): $(APP_SRC) ../
+ sed -e 's;%VSN%;$(VSN);' $< > $@
+ sed -e 's;%VSN%;$(VSN);' $< > $@
+# ----------------------------------------------------
# Dependencies
# ----------------------------------------------------
@@ -94,6 +101,7 @@ release_spec: opt
diff --git a/lib/reltool/src/ b/lib/reltool/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99a1f1c14a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/reltool/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#-*-makefile-*- ; force emacs to enter makefile-mode
+# %CopyrightBegin%
+# Copyright Ericsson AB 2010. All Rights Reserved.
+# The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+# Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+# compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+# Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+# retrieved online at
+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+# the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+# under the License.
+# %CopyrightEnd%
+ reltool \
+ reltool_app_win \
+ reltool_fgraph \
+ reltool_fgraph_win \
+ reltool_mod_win \
+ reltool_sys_win \
+ reltool_server \
+ reltool_target \
+ reltool_utils
+INTERNAL_HRL_FILES = reltool.hrl reltool_fgraph.hrl
diff --git a/lib/reltool/src/ b/lib/reltool/src/
index f83042c157..b80753e8fc 100644
--- a/lib/reltool/src/
+++ b/lib/reltool/src/
@@ -1,37 +1,38 @@
%% This is an -*- erlang -*- file.
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2009-2010. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
{application, reltool,
- [{description, "Release management tool"},
- {vsn, "%VSN%"},
- {modules, [
- reltool,
- reltool_app,
- reltool_fgraph,
- reltool_fgraph_win,
- reltool_gen,
- reltool_mod,
- reltool_sys,
- reltool_server,
- reltool_utils
- ]},
- {applications, [kernel, stdlib]}
- ]
+ [{description, "Reltool the release management tool"},
+ {vsn, "%VSN%"},
+ {modules,
+ [
+ reltool_app_win,
+ reltool,
+ reltool_fgraph,
+ reltool_fgraph_win,
+ reltool_mod_win,
+ reltool_server,
+ reltool_sys_win,
+ reltool_target,
+ reltool_utils
+ ]},
+ {registered, []},
+ {applications, [stdlib, kernel]},
+ {env, []}
+ ]}.
diff --git a/lib/reltool/src/reltool.appup.src b/lib/reltool/src/reltool.appup.src
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c02edd2afb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/reltool/src/reltool.appup.src
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+%% This is an -*- erlang -*- file.
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+ [ ]
diff --git a/lib/reltool/src/reltool.erl b/lib/reltool/src/reltool.erl
index e6a8bca069..9dd0a24f46 100644
--- a/lib/reltool/src/reltool.erl
+++ b/lib/reltool/src/reltool.erl
@@ -20,9 +20,8 @@
%% Public
- main/1, % Escript
start/0, start/1, start_link/1, debug/0, % GUI
- start_server/1, get_server/1, stop/1,
+ start_server/1, get_server/1, get_status/1, stop/1,
get_config/1, get_config/3, get_rel/2, get_script/2,
create_target/2, get_target_spec/1, eval_target_spec/3,
@@ -32,39 +31,26 @@
-%% Main function for escript
--spec main([escript_arg()]) -> ok.
-main(_) ->
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- {ok, WinPid} = start_link([]),
- receive
- {'EXIT', WinPid, shutdown} ->
- ok;
- {'EXIT', WinPid, normal} ->
- ok;
- {'EXIT', WinPid, Reason} ->
- io:format("EXIT: ~p\n", [Reason]),
- erlang:halt(1)
- end.
%% Start main window process
--spec start() -> {ok, window_pid()}.
+-spec start() -> {ok, window_pid()} | {error, reason()}.
start() ->
%% Start main window process
--spec start(options()) -> {ok, window_pid() | {error, reason()}}.
+-spec start(options()) -> {ok, window_pid()} | {error, reason()}.
start(Options)when is_list(Options) ->
- {ok, WinPid} = start_link(Options),
- unlink(WinPid),
- {ok, WinPid}.
+ case start_link(Options) of
+ {ok, WinPid} ->
+ unlink(WinPid),
+ {ok, WinPid};
+ Other->
+ Other
+ end.
%% Start main window process with wx debugging enabled
--spec debug() -> {ok, window_pid()}.
+-spec debug() -> {ok, window_pid()} | {error, reason()}.
debug() ->
- {ok, WinPid} = start_link([{wx_debug, 2}]),
- unlink(WinPid),
- {ok, WinPid}.
+ start([{wx_debug, 2}]).
%% Start main window process with options
-spec start_link(options()) -> {ok, window_pid() | {error, reason()}}.
@@ -110,20 +96,48 @@ stop(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
%% Internal library function
--spec eval_server(server(), fun((server_pid()) -> term())) ->
+-spec eval_server(server(), boolean(), fun((server_pid()) -> term())) ->
{ok, server_pid()} | {error, reason()}.
-eval_server(Pid, Fun) when is_pid(Pid) ->
+eval_server(Pid, DisplayWarnings, Fun)
+ when is_pid(Pid) ->
-eval_server(Options, Fun) when is_list(Options), is_function(Fun, 1) ->
- case start_server(Options) of
- {ok, Pid} ->
- Res = Fun(Pid),
- stop(Pid),
- Res;
- {error, Reason} ->
- {error, Reason}
+eval_server(Options, DisplayWarnings, Fun)
+ when is_list(Options) ->
+ TrapExit = process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ Res = case start_server(Options) of
+ {ok, Pid} ->
+ apply_fun(Pid, DisplayWarnings, Fun);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end,
+ process_flag(trap_exit, TrapExit),
+ Res.
+apply_fun(Pid, false, Fun) ->
+ Res = Fun(Pid),
+ stop(Pid),
+ Res;
+apply_fun(Pid, true, Fun) ->
+ case get_status(Pid) of
+ {ok, Warnings} ->
+ [io:format("~p: ~s\n", [?APPLICATION, W]) || W <- Warnings],
+ apply_fun(Pid, false, Fun);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ stop(Pid),
+ {error, Reason}
+%% Get status about the configuration
+-type warning() :: string().
+-spec get_status(server()) ->
+ {ok, [warning()]} | {error, reason()}.
+ when is_pid(PidOrOptions); is_list(PidOrOptions) ->
+ eval_server(PidOrOptions, false,
+ fun(Pid) ->
+ reltool_server:get_status(Pid)
+ end).
%% Get reltool configuration
-spec get_config(server()) -> {ok, config()} | {error, reason()}.
get_config(PidOrOption) ->
@@ -133,7 +147,7 @@ get_config(PidOrOption) ->
{ok, config()} | {error, reason()}.
get_config(PidOrOptions, InclDef, InclDeriv)
when is_pid(PidOrOptions); is_list(PidOrOptions) ->
- eval_server(PidOrOptions,
+ eval_server(PidOrOptions, true,
fun(Pid) ->
reltool_server:get_config(Pid, InclDef, InclDeriv)
@@ -142,7 +156,7 @@ get_config(PidOrOptions, InclDef, InclDeriv)
-spec get_rel(server(), rel_name()) -> {ok, rel_file()} | {error, reason()}.
get_rel(PidOrOptions, RelName)
when is_pid(PidOrOptions); is_list(PidOrOptions) ->
- eval_server(PidOrOptions,
+ eval_server(PidOrOptions, true,
fun(Pid) -> reltool_server:get_rel(Pid, RelName) end).
%% Get contents of boot script file
@@ -150,21 +164,22 @@ get_rel(PidOrOptions, RelName)
{ok, script_file()} | {error, reason()}.
get_script(PidOrOptions, RelName)
when is_pid(PidOrOptions); is_list(PidOrOptions) ->
- eval_server(PidOrOptions,
+ eval_server(PidOrOptions, true,
fun(Pid) -> reltool_server:get_script(Pid, RelName) end).
%% Generate a target system
-spec create_target(server(), target_dir()) -> ok | {error, reason()}.
create_target(PidOrOptions, TargetDir)
when is_pid(PidOrOptions); is_list(PidOrOptions) ->
- eval_server(PidOrOptions,
+ eval_server(PidOrOptions, true,
fun(Pid) -> reltool_server:gen_target(Pid, TargetDir) end).
%% Generate a target system
-spec get_target_spec(server()) -> {ok, target_spec()} | {error, reason()}.
when is_pid(PidOrOptions); is_list(PidOrOptions) ->
- eval_server(PidOrOptions, fun(Pid) -> reltool_server:gen_spec(Pid) end).
+ eval_server(PidOrOptions, true,
+ fun(Pid) -> reltool_server:gen_spec(Pid) end).
%% Generate a target system
-spec eval_target_spec(target_spec(), root_dir(), target_dir()) ->
diff --git a/lib/reltool/src/reltool.hrl b/lib/reltool/src/reltool.hrl
index 8a6a2142fd..1a34ced89d 100644
--- a/lib/reltool/src/reltool.hrl
+++ b/lib/reltool/src/reltool.hrl
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
%% %CopyrightEnd%
-define(APPLICATION, reltool).
--define(MISSING_APP, '*MISSING*').
-type file() :: string().
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
-type rel_file() :: term().
-type script_file() :: term().
-type reason() :: string().
--type escript_arg() :: string().
-type base_dir() :: dir().
-type base_file() :: file().
-type top_dir() :: file().
@@ -112,10 +112,7 @@
-type target_spec() :: [target_spec()]
| {create_dir, base_dir(), [target_spec()]}
| {create_dir, base_dir(), top_dir(), [target_spec()]}
- | {archive,
- base_file(),
- [archive_opt()],
- [target_spec()]}
+ | {archive, base_file(), [archive_opt()], [target_spec()]}
| {copy_file, base_file()}
| {copy_file, base_file(), top_file()}
| {write_file, base_file(), iolist()}
@@ -139,57 +136,58 @@
{%% Static
- name :: mod_name(),
- app_name :: app_name(),
- incl_cond :: incl_cond() | undefined,
- debug_info :: debug_info() | undefined,
- is_app_mod :: boolean(),
+ name :: mod_name(),
+ app_name :: app_name(),
+ incl_cond :: incl_cond() | undefined,
+ debug_info :: debug_info() | undefined,
+ is_app_mod :: boolean(),
is_ebin_mod :: boolean(),
- uses_mods :: [mod_name()],
- exists :: boolean(),
+ uses_mods :: [mod_name()],
+ exists :: boolean(),
%% Dynamic
- status :: status(),
- used_by_mods :: [mod_name()],
+ status :: status(),
+ used_by_mods :: [mod_name()],
is_pre_included :: boolean() | undefined,
- is_included :: boolean() | undefined
+ is_included :: boolean() | undefined
- description = "",
- id = "",
- vsn = "",
- modules = [],
- maxP = infinity,
- maxT = infinity,
- registered = [],
- incl_apps = [],
- applications = [],
- env = [],
- mod = undefined,
- start_phases = undefined
+ description = "" :: string(),
+ id = "" :: string(),
+ vsn = "" :: app_vsn(),
+ modules = [] :: [mod_name()],
+ maxP = infinity :: integer() | infinity,
+ maxT = infinity :: integer() | infinity,
+ registered = [] :: [atom()],
+ incl_apps = [] :: [app_name()],
+ applications = [] :: [app_name()],
+ env = [] :: [{atom(), term()}],
+ mod = undefined :: {mod_name(), [term()]} | undefined,
+ start_phases = undefined :: [{atom(), term()}] | undefined
{%% Static info
- name :: app_name(),
- is_escript :: boolean(),
+ name :: app_name(),
+ is_escript :: boolean(),
use_selected_vsn :: boolean() | undefined,
- active_dir :: dir(),
- sorted_dirs :: [dir()],
- vsn :: app_vsn(),
- label :: app_label(),
- info :: #app_info{} | undefined,
- mods :: [#mod{}],
+ active_dir :: dir(),
+ sorted_dirs :: [dir()],
+ vsn :: app_vsn(),
+ label :: app_label(),
+ info :: #app_info{} | undefined,
+ mods :: [#mod{}],
%% Static source cond
- mod_cond :: mod_cond() | undefined,
+ mod_cond :: mod_cond() | undefined,
incl_cond :: incl_cond() | undefined,
%% Static target cond
- debug_info :: debug_info() | undefined,
- app_file :: app_file() | undefined,
- app_type :: app_type(),
+ debug_info :: debug_info() | undefined,
+ app_file :: app_file() | undefined,
+ app_type :: app_type() | undefined,
incl_app_filters :: incl_app_filters(),
excl_app_filters :: excl_app_filters(),
incl_archive_filters :: incl_archive_filters(),
@@ -197,19 +195,20 @@
archive_opts :: [archive_opt()],
%% Dynamic
- status :: status(),
- uses_mods :: [mod_name()],
- used_by_mods :: [mod_name()],
- uses_apps :: [app_name()],
- used_by_apps :: [app_name()],
+ status :: status(),
+ uses_mods :: [mod_name()],
+ used_by_mods :: [mod_name()],
+ uses_apps :: [app_name()],
+ used_by_apps :: [app_name()],
is_pre_included :: boolean(),
- is_included :: boolean()
+ is_included :: boolean(),
+ rels :: [rel_name()]
- name :: app_name(),
- app_type :: app_type(),
+ name :: app_name(),
+ app_type :: app_type(),
incl_apps :: [incl_app()]
@@ -231,21 +230,22 @@
apps :: [#app{}],
%% Target cond
- boot_rel :: boot_rel(),
- rels :: [#rel{}],
- emu_name :: emu_name(),
- profile :: profile(),
- incl_sys_filters :: incl_sys_filters(),
- excl_sys_filters :: excl_sys_filters(),
- incl_app_filters :: incl_app_filters(),
- excl_app_filters :: excl_app_filters(),
+ boot_rel :: boot_rel(),
+ rels :: [#rel{}],
+ emu_name :: emu_name(),
+ profile :: profile(),
+ incl_sys_filters :: incl_sys_filters(),
+ excl_sys_filters :: excl_sys_filters(),
+ incl_app_filters :: incl_app_filters(),
+ excl_app_filters :: excl_app_filters(),
incl_archive_filters :: incl_archive_filters(),
excl_archive_filters :: excl_archive_filters(),
- archive_opts :: [archive_opt()],
- relocatable :: boolean(),
- app_type :: app_type(),
- app_file :: app_file(),
- debug_info :: debug_info()
+ archive_opts :: [archive_opt()],
+ relocatable :: boolean(),
+ rel_app_type :: app_type(),
+ embedded_app_type :: app_type() | undefined,
+ app_file :: app_file(),
+ debug_info :: debug_info()
-record(regexp, {source, compiled}).
@@ -268,7 +268,8 @@
-define(DEFAULT_EMU_NAME, "beam").
-define(DEFAULT_PROFILE, development).
--define(DEFAULT_APP_TYPE, permanent).
+-define(DEFAULT_REL_APP_TYPE, permanent).
+-define(DEFAULT_EMBEDDED_APP_TYPE, undefined).
-define(DEFAULT_APP_FILE, keep).
-define(DEFAULT_DEBUG_INFO, keep).
@@ -282,22 +283,23 @@
- "^erts",
- "^lib",
- "^releases"]).
+ "^erts",
+ "^lib",
+ "^releases"]).
-define(EMBEDDED_INCL_APP_FILTERS, ["^ebin",
- "^priv",
- "^include"]).
+ "^include",
+ "^priv"]).
+-define(EMBEDDED_APP_TYPE, load).
-define(STANDALONE_INCL_SYS_FILTERS, ["^bin/(erl|epmd)(|\\.exe|\\.ini)\$",
- "^bin/start(|_clean).boot\$",
- "^erts.*/bin",
- "^lib\$"]).
+ "^bin/start(|_clean).boot\$",
+ "^erts.*/bin",
+ "^lib\$"]).
diff --git a/lib/reltool/src/reltool_mod_win.erl b/lib/reltool/src/reltool_mod_win.erl
index c2544cc2d8..f68c61fd6f 100644
--- a/lib/reltool/src/reltool_mod_win.erl
+++ b/lib/reltool/src/reltool_mod_win.erl
@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ select_image(Xref, ModName) ->
{ok, M} = reltool_server:get_mod(Xref, ModName),
Image =
case M#mod.is_included of
- _ when M#mod.app_name =:= ?MISSING_APP -> ?ERR_IMAGE;
+ _ when M#mod.app_name =:= ?MISSING_APP_NAME -> ?ERR_IMAGE;
true -> ?TICK_IMAGE;
false -> ?WARN_IMAGE;
undefined -> ?ERR_IMAGE
@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ do_goto_function(#state{active_page = P} = S, [FunName]) ->
find_regexp_forward(S, "^" ++ FunName ++ "(");
do_goto_function(S, [ModStr, FunStr]) ->
case reltool_server:get_mod(S#state.xref_pid, list_to_atom(ModStr)) of
- {ok, Mod} when Mod#mod.app_name =/= ?MISSING_APP ->
+ {ok, Mod} when Mod#mod.app_name =/= ?MISSING_APP_NAME ->
S2 = create_code_page(S#state{mod = Mod}, ModStr),
find_regexp_forward(S2, "^" ++ FunStr ++ "(");
{ok, _} ->
diff --git a/lib/reltool/src/reltool_server.erl b/lib/reltool/src/reltool_server.erl
index a7064f7651..039ad56aa8 100644
--- a/lib/reltool/src/reltool_server.erl
+++ b/lib/reltool/src/reltool_server.erl
@@ -132,19 +132,20 @@ init(Options) ->
do_init(Options) ->
- case parse_options(Options) of
- {#state{parent_pid = ParentPid, common = C, sys = Sys} = S, Status} ->
- %% process_flag(trap_exit, (S#state.common)#common.trap_exit),
- proc_lib:init_ack(ParentPid,
- {ok, self(), C, Sys#sys{apps = undefined}}),
- {S2, Status2} = refresh(S, true, Status),
- {S3, Status3} = analyse(S2#state{old_sys = S2#state.sys}, Status2),
- case Status3 of
- {ok, _Warnings} ->
- loop(S3#state{status = Status3, old_status = {ok, []}});
- {error, Reason} ->
- exit(Reason)
- end
+ {S, Status} = parse_options(Options),
+ #state{parent_pid = ParentPid, common = C, sys = Sys} = S,
+ %% process_flag(trap_exit, (S#state.common)#common.trap_exit),
+ proc_lib:init_ack(ParentPid,
+ {ok, self(), C, Sys#sys{apps = undefined}}),
+ {S2, Status2} = refresh(S, true, Status),
+ {S3, Status3} =
+ analyse(S2#state{old_sys = S2#state.sys}, Status2),
+ case Status3 of
+ {ok, _Warnings} -> % BUGBUG: handle warnings
+ loop(S3#state{status = Status3, old_status = {ok, []}});
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ exit(Reason)
parse_options(Opts) ->
@@ -161,33 +162,28 @@ parse_options(Opts) ->
rels = reltool_utils:default_rels(),
emu_name = ?DEFAULT_EMU_NAME,
- incl_sys_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(incl_sys_filters,
- []),
- excl_sys_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(excl_sys_filters,
- []),
- incl_app_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(incl_app_filters,
- []),
- excl_app_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(excl_app_filters,
- []),
+ incl_sys_filters = dec_re(incl_sys_filters,
+ []),
+ excl_sys_filters = dec_re(excl_sys_filters,
+ []),
+ incl_app_filters = dec_re(incl_app_filters,
+ []),
+ excl_app_filters = dec_re(excl_app_filters,
+ []),
- app_type = ?DEFAULT_APP_TYPE,
+ rel_app_type = ?DEFAULT_REL_APP_TYPE,
+ embedded_app_type = ?DEFAULT_EMBEDDED_APP_TYPE,
app_file = ?DEFAULT_APP_FILE,
- incl_archive_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(incl_archive_filters,
- []),
- excl_archive_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(excl_archive_filters,
- []),
+ incl_archive_filters = dec_re(incl_archive_filters,
+ []),
+ excl_archive_filters = dec_re(excl_archive_filters,
+ []),
archive_opts = ?DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_OPTS,
debug_info = ?DEFAULT_DEBUG_INFO},
C2 = #common{sys_debug = [],
@@ -199,6 +195,9 @@ parse_options(Opts) ->
S = #state{options = Opts},
parse_options(Opts, S, C2, Sys, {ok, []}).
+dec_re(Key, Regexps, Old) ->
+ reltool_utils:decode_regexps(Key, Regexps, Old).
parse_options([{Key, Val} | KeyVals], S, C, Sys, Status) ->
case Key of
parent ->
@@ -261,6 +260,7 @@ loop(#state{common = C, sys = Sys} = S) ->
{ok, _Warnings} ->
S5#state{status = Status3, old_status = S#state.status};
{error, _} ->
+ %% Keep old state
reltool_utils:reply(ReplyTo, Ref, Status3),
@@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ loop(#state{common = C, sys = Sys} = S) ->
Reply =
case lists:keysearch(RelName,, Sys#sys.rels) of
{value, Rel} ->
- {ok, reltool_target:gen_rel(Rel, Sys)};
+ reltool_target:gen_rel(Rel, Sys);
false ->
- {error, "No such release"}
+ {error, "No such release: " ++ RelName}
reltool_utils:reply(ReplyTo, Ref, Reply),
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ loop(#state{common = C, sys = Sys} = S) ->
Vars = [],
reltool_target:gen_script(Rel, Sys, PathFlag, Vars);
false ->
- {error, "No such release"}
+ {error, "No such release: " ++ RelName}
reltool_utils:reply(ReplyTo, Ref, Reply),
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ loop(#state{common = C, sys = Sys} = S) ->
[M] ->
{ok, M};
[] ->
- {ok, missing_mod(ModName, ?MISSING_APP)}
+ {ok, missing_mod(ModName, ?MISSING_APP_NAME)}
reltool_utils:reply(ReplyTo, Ref, Reply),
@@ -312,7 +312,8 @@ loop(#state{common = C, sys = Sys} = S) ->
{value, App} ->
{ok, App};
false ->
- {error, enoent}
+ {error, "No such application: " ++
+ atom_to_list(AppName)}
reltool_utils:reply(ReplyTo, Ref, Reply),
@@ -327,6 +328,7 @@ loop(#state{common = C, sys = Sys} = S) ->
reltool_utils:reply(ReplyTo, Ref, {ok, App2, Warnings}),
{error, Reason} ->
+ %% Keep old state
reltool_utils:reply(ReplyTo, Ref, {error, Reason}),
@@ -372,16 +374,20 @@ loop(#state{common = C, sys = Sys} = S) ->
(Sys2#sys.lib_dirs =/= Sys#sys.lib_dirs) orelse
(Sys2#sys.escripts =/= Sys#sys.escripts),
{S3, Status} = refresh(S2, Force, {ok, []}),
- {S4, Status2} = analyse(S3#state{old_sys = S#state.sys}, Status),
- S6 =
- case Status2 of
- {ok, _Warnings} ->
- S4#state{status = Status2, old_status = S#state.status};
- {error, _} ->
- S
- end,
- reltool_utils:reply(ReplyTo, Ref, Status2),
- ?MODULE:loop(S6);
+ {S4, Status2} =
+ analyse(S3#state{old_sys = S#state.sys}, Status),
+ {S5, Status3} =
+ case Status2 of
+ {ok, _Warnings} -> % BUGBUG: handle warnings
+ {S4#state{status = Status2,
+ old_status = S#state.status},
+ Status2};
+ {error, _} ->
+ %% Keep old state
+ {S, Status2}
+ end,
+ reltool_utils:reply(ReplyTo, Ref, Status3),
+ ?MODULE:loop(S5);
{call, ReplyTo, Ref, get_status} ->
reltool_utils:reply(ReplyTo, Ref, S#state.status),
@@ -427,15 +433,24 @@ do_set_app(#state{sys = Sys} = S, App, Status) ->
Sys2 = Sys#sys{apps = Apps2, escripts = Escripts},
{S#state{sys = Sys2}, Status2}.
-analyse(#state{common = C, sys = #sys{apps = Apps0} = Sys} = S, Status) ->
- Apps = lists:keydelete(?MISSING_APP,, Apps0),
+analyse(#state{common = C,
+ sys = #sys{apps = Apps0, rels = Rels} = Sys} = S,
+ Status) ->
+ Apps = lists:keydelete(?MISSING_APP_NAME,, Apps0),
- MissingApp = default_app(?MISSING_APP, "missing"),
+ MissingApp = default_app(?MISSING_APP_NAME, "missing"),
ets:insert(C#common.app_tab, MissingApp),
- Apps2 = lists:map(fun(App) -> app_init_is_included(C, Sys, App) end, Apps),
+ {RevRelApps, Status2} = apps_in_rels(Rels, Apps, Status),
+ RelApps2 = lists:reverse(RevRelApps),
+ {Apps2, Status3} =
+ lists:mapfoldl(fun(App, Acc) ->
+ app_init_is_included(C, Sys, App, RelApps2, Acc)
+ end,
+ Status2,
+ Apps),
Apps3 =
case app_propagate_is_included(C, Sys, Apps2, []) of
[] ->
@@ -452,17 +467,59 @@ analyse(#state{common = C, sys = #sys{apps = Apps0} = Sys} = S, Status) ->
app_propagate_is_used_by(C, Apps3),
Apps4 = read_apps(C, Sys, Apps3, []),
%% io:format("Missing app: ~p\n",
- %% [lists:keysearch(?MISSING_APP,, Apps4)]),
+ %% [lists:keysearch(?MISSING_APP_NAME,, Apps4)]),
Sys2 = Sys#sys{apps = Apps4},
- try
- Status2 = verify_config(Sys2, Status),
- {S#state{sys = Sys2}, Status2}
- catch
- throw:{error, Status3} ->
- {S, Status3}
+ case verify_config(RelApps2, Sys2, Status3) of
+ {ok, _Warnings} = Status4 ->
+ {S#state{sys = Sys2}, Status4};
+ {error, _} = Status4 ->
+ {S, Status4}
-app_init_is_included(C, Sys, #app{mods = Mods} = A) ->
+apps_in_rels(Rels, Apps, Status) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun(Rel, {RelApps, S}) ->
+ {MoreRelApps, S2} = apps_in_rel(Rel, Apps, S),
+ {MoreRelApps ++ RelApps, S2}
+ end,
+ {[], Status},
+ Rels).
+apps_in_rel(#rel{name = RelName, rel_apps = RelApps}, Apps, Status) ->
+ Mandatory = [{RelName, kernel}, {RelName, stdlib}],
+ Other = [{RelName, AppName} ||
+ RA <- RelApps,
+ AppName <- [ | RA#rel_app.incl_apps],
+ not lists:keymember(AppName, 2, Mandatory)],
+ more_apps_in_rels(Mandatory ++ Other, Apps, [], Status).
+more_apps_in_rels([{RelName, AppName} = RA | RelApps], Apps, Acc, Status) ->
+ case lists:member(RA, Acc) of
+ true ->
+ more_apps_in_rels(RelApps, Apps, Acc, Status);
+ false ->
+ case lists:keysearch(AppName,, Apps) of
+ {value, #app{info = #app_info{applications = InfoApps}}} ->
+ Extra = [{RelName, N} || N <- InfoApps],
+ {Acc2, Status2} =
+ more_apps_in_rels(Extra, Apps, [RA | Acc], Status),
+ more_apps_in_rels(RelApps, Apps, Acc2, Status2);
+ false ->
+ Text = lists:concat(["Release ", RelName,
+ " uses non existing application ",
+ AppName]),
+ Status2 = reltool_utils:return_first_error(Status, Text),
+ more_apps_in_rels(RelApps, Apps, Acc, Status2)
+ end
+ end;
+more_apps_in_rels([], _Apps, Acc, Status) ->
+ {Acc, Status}.
+ Sys,
+ #app{name = AppName, mods = Mods} = A,
+ RelApps,
+ Status) ->
AppCond =
case A#app.incl_cond of
undefined -> Sys#sys.incl_cond;
@@ -473,24 +530,37 @@ app_init_is_included(C, Sys, #app{mods = Mods} = A) ->
undefined -> Sys#sys.mod_cond;
_ -> A#app.mod_cond
- IsIncl =
- case AppCond of
- include -> true;
- exclude -> false;
- derived -> undefined
+ Rels = [RelName || {RelName, AN} <- RelApps, AN =:= AppName],
+ {Default, IsPreIncl, IsIncl, Status2} =
+ case {AppCond, Rels} of
+ {include, _} ->
+ {undefined, true, true, Status};
+ {exclude, []} ->
+ {undefined, false, false, Status};
+ {exclude, [RelName | _]} -> % App is included in at least one rel
+ Text = lists:concat(["Application ", AppName, " is used "
+ "in release ", RelName, " and cannot "
+ "be excluded"]),
+ TmpStatus = reltool_utils:return_first_error(Status, Text),
+ {undefined, false, false, TmpStatus};
+ {derived, []} ->
+ {undefined, undefined, undefined, Status};
+ {derived, [_ | _]} -> % App is included in at least one rel
+ {true, undefined, true, Status}
- A2 = A#app{is_pre_included = IsIncl, is_included = IsIncl},
+ A2 = A#app{is_pre_included = IsPreIncl,
+ is_included = IsIncl,
+ rels = Rels},
ets:insert(C#common.app_tab, A2),
lists:foreach(fun(Mod) ->
- undefined)
+ Default)
- %%app_mod_init_is_included(C, AppName, Info, ModCond, AppCond),
- A2.
+ {A2, Status2}.
mod_init_is_included(C, M, ModCond, AppCond, Default) ->
%% print(, hipe, "incl_cond -> ~p\n", [AppCond]),
@@ -635,7 +705,7 @@ mod_mark_is_included(C, Sys, UsedByName, [ModName | ModNames], Acc) ->
[] ->
- M = missing_mod(ModName, ?MISSING_APP),
+ M = missing_mod(ModName, ?MISSING_APP_NAME),
M2 = M#mod{is_included = true},
ets:insert(C#common.mod_tab, M2),
ets:insert(C#common.mod_used_by_tab, {UsedByName, ModName}),
@@ -646,7 +716,7 @@ mod_mark_is_included(_C, _Sys, _UsedByName, [], Acc) ->
app_propagate_is_used_by(C, [#app{mods = Mods, name = Name} | Apps]) ->
- case Name =:= ?MISSING_APP of
+ case Name =:= ?MISSING_APP_NAME of
true -> ok;
false -> ok
@@ -672,8 +742,6 @@ mod_propagate_is_used_by(_C, []) ->
read_apps(C, Sys, [#app{mods = Mods, is_included = IsIncl} = A | Apps], Acc) ->
{Mods2, IsIncl2} = read_apps(C, Sys, A, Mods, [], IsIncl),
- %% reltool_utils:print(, stdlib, "Mods2: ~p\n",
- %% [[M#mod.status || M <- Mods2]]),
Status =
case lists:keysearch(missing, #mod.status, Mods2) of
{value, _} -> missing;
@@ -736,9 +804,7 @@ filter_app(A) ->
Mods = [M#mod{is_app_mod = undefined,
is_ebin_mod = undefined,
uses_mods = undefined,
- exists = false,
- is_pre_included = undefined,
- is_included = undefined} ||
+ exists = false} ||
M <- A#app.mods,
M#mod.incl_cond =/= undefined],
@@ -747,8 +813,7 @@ filter_app(A) ->
label = undefined,
info = undefined,
mods = [],
- uses_mods = undefined,
- is_included = undefined}};
+ uses_mods = undefined}};
Mods =:= [],
A#app.mod_cond =:= undefined,
A#app.incl_cond =:= undefined,
@@ -778,8 +843,7 @@ filter_app(A) ->
label = undefined,
info = undefined,
mods = Mods,
- uses_mods = undefined,
- is_included = undefined}}
+ uses_mods = undefined}}
@@ -816,16 +880,16 @@ refresh_app(#app{name = AppName,
%% Add non-existing modules
+ AppInfoMods = AppInfo#app_info.modules,
AppModNames =
case AppInfo#app_info.mod of
{StartModName, _} ->
- case lists:member(StartModName,
- AppInfo#app_info.modules) of
- true -> AppInfo#app_info.modules;
- false -> [StartModName | AppInfo#app_info.modules]
+ case lists:member(StartModName, AppInfoMods) of
+ true -> AppInfoMods;
+ false -> [StartModName | AppInfoMods]
undefined ->
- AppInfo#app_info.modules
+ AppInfoMods
MissingMods = add_missing_mods(AppName, EbinMods, AppModNames),
@@ -862,11 +926,15 @@ read_app_info(AppFileOrBin, AppFile, AppName, DefaultVsn, Status) ->
parse_app_info(AppFile, Info, AI, Status);
{ok, _BadApp} ->
Text = lists:concat([AppName,
- ": Illegal contents in app file ", AppFile]),
+ ": Illegal contents in app file ", AppFile,
+ ", application tuple with arity 3 expected."]),
reltool_utils:add_warning(Status, Text)};
- {error, Text} when Text =:= EnoentText->
- {missing_app_info(DefaultVsn), Status};
+ {error, Text} when Text =:= EnoentText ->
+ Text2 = lists:concat([AppName,
+ ": Missing app file ", AppFile, "."]),
+ {missing_app_info(DefaultVsn),
+ reltool_utils:add_warning(Status, Text2)};
{error, Text} ->
Text2 = lists:concat([AppName,
": Cannot parse app file ",
@@ -1045,7 +1113,7 @@ do_get_config(S, InclDef, InclDeriv) ->
false -> shrink_sys(S);
true -> S
- {ok, reltool_target:gen_config(S2#state.sys, InclDef)}.
+ reltool_target:gen_config(S2#state.sys, InclDef).
do_save_config(S, Filename, InclDef, InclDeriv) ->
{ok, Config} = do_get_config(S, InclDef, InclDeriv),
@@ -1072,6 +1140,7 @@ do_load_config(S, SysConfig) ->
{ok, _Warnings2} ->
S3#state{status = Status3, old_status = S#state.status};
{error, _} ->
+ %% Keep old state
{S4, Status3};
@@ -1093,29 +1162,36 @@ read_config(OldSys, Filename, Status) when is_list(Filename) ->
{error, Reason} ->
Text = file:format_error(Reason),
- reltool_utils:return_first_error(Status, "File access: " ++
- Text)}
+ reltool_utils:return_first_error(Status,
+ "Illegal config file " ++
+ Filename ++ ": " ++ Text)}
read_config(OldSys, {sys, KeyVals}, Status) ->
{NewSys, Status2} =
- try
- decode(OldSys#sys{apps = [], rels = []}, KeyVals, Status)
- catch
- throw:{error, Text} ->
- {OldSys, reltool_utils:return_first_error(Status, Text)}
- end,
- Apps = [A#app{mods = lists:sort(A#app.mods)} || A <- NewSys#sys.apps],
- case NewSys#sys.rels of
- [] -> Rels = reltool_utils:default_rels();
- Rels -> ok
- end,
- NewSys2 = NewSys#sys{apps = lists:sort(Apps), rels = lists:sort(Rels)},
- case lists:keysearch(NewSys2#sys.boot_rel,, NewSys2#sys.rels) of
- {value, _} ->
- {NewSys2, Status2};
- false ->
- Text2 = "Missing rel: " ++ NewSys2#sys.boot_rel,
- {OldSys, reltool_utils:return_first_error(Status2, Text2)}
+ decode(OldSys#sys{apps = [], rels = []}, KeyVals, Status),
+ case Status2 of
+ {ok, _Warnings} -> % BUGBUG: handle warnings
+ Apps = [A#app{mods = lists:sort(A#app.mods)} ||
+ A <- NewSys#sys.apps],
+ case NewSys#sys.rels of
+ [] -> Rels = reltool_utils:default_rels();
+ Rels -> ok
+ end,
+ NewSys2 = NewSys#sys{apps = lists:sort(Apps),
+ rels = lists:sort(Rels)},
+ case lists:keysearch(NewSys2#sys.boot_rel,
+ NewSys2#sys.rels) of
+ {value, _} ->
+ {NewSys2, Status2};
+ false ->
+ Text2 = lists:concat(["Release " ++ NewSys2#sys.boot_rel,
+ " is mandatory (used as boot_rel)"]),
+ {OldSys, reltool_utils:return_first_error(Status2, Text2)}
+ end;
+ {error, _} ->
+ %% Keep old state
+ {OldSys, Status2}
read_config(OldSys, BadConfig, Status) ->
Text = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [BadConfig])),
@@ -1160,120 +1236,96 @@ decode(#sys{} = Sys, [{Key, Val} | KeyVals], Status) ->
{Sys#sys{root_dir = Val}, Status};
lib_dirs when is_list(Val) ->
{Sys#sys{lib_dirs = Val}, Status};
- mod_cond when Val =:= all; Val =:= app;
- Val =:= ebin; Val =:= derived;
+ mod_cond when Val =:= all;
+ Val =:= app;
+ Val =:= ebin;
+ Val =:= derived;
Val =:= none ->
{Sys#sys{mod_cond = Val}, Status};
- incl_cond when Val =:= include; Val =:= exclude;
+ incl_cond when Val =:= include;
+ Val =:= exclude;
Val =:= derived ->
{Sys#sys{incl_cond = Val}, Status};
boot_rel when is_list(Val) ->
{Sys#sys{boot_rel = Val}, Status};
emu_name when is_list(Val) ->
{Sys#sys{emu_name = Val}, Status};
- profile when Val =:= development ->
- Val = ?DEFAULT_PROFILE, % assert,
- {Sys#sys{profile = Val,
- incl_sys_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(incl_sys_filters,
- Sys#sys.incl_sys_filters),
- excl_sys_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(excl_sys_filters,
- Sys#sys.excl_sys_filters),
- incl_app_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(incl_app_filters,
- Sys#sys.incl_app_filters),
- excl_app_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(excl_app_filters,
- Sys#sys.excl_app_filters)},
- Status};
- profile when Val =:= embedded ->
- {Sys#sys{profile = Val,
- incl_sys_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(incl_sys_filters,
- Sys#sys.incl_sys_filters),
- excl_sys_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(excl_sys_filters,
- Sys#sys.excl_sys_filters),
- incl_app_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(incl_app_filters,
- Sys#sys.incl_app_filters),
- excl_app_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(excl_app_filters,
- Sys#sys.excl_app_filters)},
- Status};
- profile when Val =:= standalone ->
- {Sys#sys{profile = Val,
- incl_sys_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(incl_sys_filters,
- Sys#sys.incl_sys_filters),
- excl_sys_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(excl_sys_filters,
- Sys#sys.excl_sys_filters),
- incl_app_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(incl_app_filters,
- Sys#sys.incl_app_filters),
- excl_app_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(excl_app_filters,
- Sys#sys.excl_app_filters)},
+ profile when Val =:= development;
+ Val =:= embedded;
+ Val =:= standalone ->
+ InclSys = reltool_utils:choose_default(incl_sys_filters, Val, false),
+ ExclSys = reltool_utils:choose_default(excl_sys_filters, Val, false),
+ InclApp = reltool_utils:choose_default(incl_app_filters, Val, false),
+ ExclApp = reltool_utils:choose_default(excl_app_filters, Val, false),
+ AppType = reltool_utils:choose_default(embedded_app_type, Val, false),
+ {Sys#sys{profile = Val,
+ incl_sys_filters = dec_re(incl_sys_filters,
+ InclSys,
+ Sys#sys.incl_sys_filters),
+ excl_sys_filters = dec_re(excl_sys_filters,
+ ExclSys,
+ Sys#sys.excl_sys_filters),
+ incl_app_filters = dec_re(incl_app_filters,
+ InclApp,
+ Sys#sys.incl_app_filters),
+ excl_app_filters = dec_re(excl_app_filters,
+ ExclApp,
+ Sys#sys.excl_app_filters),
+ embedded_app_type = AppType},
incl_sys_filters ->
{Sys#sys{incl_sys_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(Key,
- Val,
- Sys#sys.incl_sys_filters)},
+ dec_re(Key,
+ Val,
+ Sys#sys.incl_sys_filters)},
excl_sys_filters ->
{Sys#sys{excl_sys_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(Key,
- Val,
- Sys#sys.excl_sys_filters)},
+ dec_re(Key,
+ Val,
+ Sys#sys.excl_sys_filters)},
incl_app_filters ->
{Sys#sys{incl_app_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(Key,
- Val,
- Sys#sys.incl_app_filters)},
+ dec_re(Key,
+ Val,
+ Sys#sys.incl_app_filters)},
excl_app_filters ->
{Sys#sys{excl_app_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(Key,
- Val,
- Sys#sys.excl_app_filters)},
+ dec_re(Key,
+ Val,
+ Sys#sys.excl_app_filters)},
incl_archive_filters ->
{Sys#sys{incl_archive_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(Key,
- Val,
- Sys#sys.incl_archive_filters)},
+ dec_re(Key,
+ Val,
+ Sys#sys.incl_archive_filters)},
excl_archive_filters ->
{Sys#sys{excl_archive_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(Key,
- Val,
- Sys#sys.excl_archive_filters)},
+ dec_re(Key,
+ Val,
+ Sys#sys.excl_archive_filters)},
archive_opts when is_list(Val) ->
{Sys#sys{archive_opts = Val}, Status};
relocatable when Val =:= true; Val =:= false ->
{Sys#sys{relocatable = Val}, Status};
- app_type when Val =:= permanent;
- Val =:= transient;
- Val =:= temporary;
- Val =:= load; Val =:= none ->
- {Sys#sys{app_type = Val}, Status};
+ rel_app_type when Val =:= permanent;
+ Val =:= transient;
+ Val =:= temporary;
+ Val =:= load;
+ Val =:= none ->
+ {Sys#sys{rel_app_type = Val}, Status};
+ embedded_app_type when Val =:= permanent;
+ Val =:= transient;
+ Val =:= temporary;
+ Val =:= load;
+ Val =:= none;
+ Val =:= undefined ->
+ {Sys#sys{embedded_app_type = Val}, Status};
app_file when Val =:= keep; Val =:= strip, Val =:= all ->
{Sys#sys{app_file = Val}, Status};
debug_info when Val =:= keep; Val =:= strip ->
@@ -1303,38 +1355,39 @@ decode(#app{} = App, [{Key, Val} | KeyVals], Status) ->
Val =:= strip ->
{App#app{debug_info = Val}, Status};
app_file when Val =:= keep;
- Val =:= strip,
+ Val =:= strip;
Val =:= all ->
{App#app{app_file = Val}, Status};
app_type when Val =:= permanent;
Val =:= transient;
Val =:= temporary;
Val =:= load;
- Val =:= none ->
+ Val =:= none;
+ Val =:= undefined ->
{App#app{app_type = Val}, Status};
incl_app_filters ->
{App#app{incl_app_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(Key,
- Val,
- App#app.incl_app_filters)},
+ dec_re(Key,
+ Val,
+ App#app.incl_app_filters)},
excl_app_filters ->
{App#app{excl_app_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(Key,
- Val,
- App#app.excl_app_filters)},
+ dec_re(Key,
+ Val,
+ App#app.excl_app_filters)},
incl_archive_filters ->
{App#app{incl_archive_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(Key,
- Val,
- App#app.incl_archive_filters)},
+ dec_re(Key,
+ Val,
+ App#app.incl_archive_filters)},
excl_archive_filters ->
{App#app{excl_archive_filters =
- reltool_utils:decode_regexps(Key,
- Val,
- App#app.excl_archive_filters)},
+ dec_re(Key,
+ Val,
+ App#app.excl_archive_filters)},
archive_opts when is_list(Val) ->
{App#app{archive_opts = Val}, Status};
@@ -1439,54 +1492,53 @@ merge_config(OldSys, NewSys, Force, Status) ->
apps = PatchedApps},
{NewSys2, Status5}.
-verify_config(Sys, Status) ->
- case lists:keymember(Sys#sys.boot_rel,, Sys#sys.rels) of
+verify_config(RelApps, #sys{boot_rel = BootRel, rels = Rels, apps = Apps}, Status) ->
+ case lists:keymember(BootRel,, Rels) of
true ->
- lists:foreach(fun(Rel)-> check_rel(Rel, Sys, Status) end,
- Sys#sys.rels),
- Status;
+ Status2 = lists:foldl(fun(RA, Acc) ->
+ check_app(RA, Apps, Acc) end,
+ Status,
+ RelApps),
+ lists:foldl(fun(#rel{name = RelName}, Acc)->
+ check_rel(RelName, RelApps, Acc)
+ end,
+ Status2,
+ Rels);
false ->
- Text = lists:concat([Sys#sys.boot_rel, ": release is mandatory"]),
- Status2 = reltool_utils:return_first_error(Status, Text),
- throw({error, Status2})
+ Text = lists:concat(["Release ", BootRel,
+ " is mandatory (used as boot_rel)"]),
+ reltool_utils:return_first_error(Status, Text)
+ end.
+check_app({RelName, AppName}, Apps, Status) ->
+ case lists:keysearch(AppName,, Apps) of
+ {value, App} when App#app.is_pre_included ->
+ Status;
+ {value, App} when App#app.is_included ->
+ Status;
+ _ ->
+ Text = lists:concat(["Release ", RelName,
+ " uses non included application ",
+ AppName]),
+ reltool_utils:return_first_error(Status, Text)
-check_rel(#rel{name = RelName, rel_apps = RelApps},
- #sys{apps = Apps},
- Status) ->
+check_rel(RelName, RelApps, Status) ->
EnsureApp =
- fun(AppName) ->
- case lists:keymember(AppName,, RelApps) of
+ fun(AppName, Acc) ->
+ case lists:member({RelName, AppName}, RelApps) of
true ->
- ok;
+ Acc;
false ->
- Text = lists:concat([RelName, ": ", AppName,
- " is not included."]),
- Status2 =
- reltool_utils:return_first_error(Status, Text),
- throw({error, Status2})
- end
- end,
- EnsureApp(kernel),
- EnsureApp(stdlib),
- CheckRelApp =
- fun(#rel_app{name = AppName}) ->
- case lists:keysearch(AppName,, Apps) of
- {value, App} when App#app.is_pre_included ->
- ok;
- {value, App} when App#app.is_included ->
- ok;
- _ ->
- Text =
- lists:concat([RelName, ": uses application ",
- AppName, " that not is included."]),
- Status2 =
- reltool_utils:return_first_error(Status, Text),
- %% throw BUGBUG: add throw
- ({error, Status2})
+ Text = lists:concat(["Mandatory application ",
+ AppName,
+ " is not included in release ",
+ RelName]),
+ reltool_utils:return_first_error(Acc, Text)
- lists:foreach(CheckRelApp, RelApps).
+ Mandatory = [kernel, stdlib],
+ lists:foldl(EnsureApp, Status, Mandatory).
patch_erts_version(RootDir, Apps, Status) ->
AppName = erts,
@@ -1507,7 +1559,7 @@ patch_erts_version(RootDir, Apps, Status) ->
{Apps, Status}
false ->
- Text = "erts cannnot be found in the root directory " ++ RootDir,
+ Text = "erts cannot be found in the root directory " ++ RootDir,
Status2 = reltool_utils:return_first_error(Status, Text),
{Apps, Status2}
@@ -1813,7 +1865,8 @@ default_app(Name) ->
status = missing,
uses_mods = undefined,
is_pre_included = undefined,
- is_included = undefined}.
+ is_included = undefined,
+ rels = undefined}.
%% Assume that the application are sorted
refresh_apps([Old | OldApps], [New | NewApps], Acc, Force, Status)
@@ -1842,7 +1895,7 @@ refresh_apps([Old | OldApps], [New | NewApps], Acc, Force, Status)
when > ->
%% No new version. Remove the old.
Status2 =
- case =:= ?MISSING_APP of
+ case =:= ?MISSING_APP_NAME of
true ->
false ->
@@ -1860,7 +1913,7 @@ refresh_apps([], [New | NewApps], Acc, Force, Status) ->
refresh_apps([Old | OldApps], [], Acc, Force, Status) ->
%% No new version. Remove the old.
Status2 =
- case =:= ?MISSING_APP of
+ case =:= ?MISSING_APP_NAME of
true ->
false ->
diff --git a/lib/reltool/src/reltool_sys_win.erl b/lib/reltool/src/reltool_sys_win.erl
index 2e226d9147..dbb8e32aa2 100644
--- a/lib/reltool/src/reltool_sys_win.erl
+++ b/lib/reltool/src/reltool_sys_win.erl
@@ -1227,7 +1227,7 @@ create_fgraph_window(S, Title, Nodes, Links) ->
Panel = wxPanel:new(Frame, []),
Options = [{size, {lists:max([100, ?WIN_WIDTH - 100]), ?WIN_HEIGHT}}],
{Server, Fgraph} = reltool_fgraph_win:new(Panel, Options),
- Choose = fun(?MISSING_APP) -> alternate;
+ Choose = fun(?MISSING_APP_NAME) -> alternate;
(_) -> default
[reltool_fgraph_win:add_node(Server, N, Choose(N)) || N <- Nodes],
diff --git a/lib/reltool/src/reltool_target.erl b/lib/reltool/src/reltool_target.erl
index e079a02f3c..dd6f75b9fc 100644
--- a/lib/reltool/src/reltool_target.erl
+++ b/lib/reltool/src/reltool_target.erl
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
@@ -64,54 +64,60 @@ kernel_processes(KernelApp) ->
%% Generate the contents of a config file
-gen_config(#sys{root_dir = RootDir,
- lib_dirs = LibDirs,
- mod_cond = ModCond,
- incl_cond = AppCond,
- apps = Apps,
- boot_rel = BootRel,
- rels = Rels,
- emu_name = EmuName,
- profile = Profile,
- incl_sys_filters = InclSysFiles,
- excl_sys_filters = ExclSysFiles,
- incl_app_filters = InclAppFiles,
- excl_app_filters = ExclAppFiles,
- incl_archive_filters = InclArchiveDirs,
- excl_archive_filters = ExclArchiveDirs,
- archive_opts = ArchiveOpts,
- relocatable = Relocatable,
- app_type = AppType,
- app_file = AppFile,
- debug_info = DebugInfo},
- InclDefs) ->
+gen_config(Sys, InclDefs) ->
+ {ok, do_gen_config(Sys, InclDefs)}.
+do_gen_config(#sys{root_dir = RootDir,
+ lib_dirs = LibDirs,
+ mod_cond = ModCond,
+ incl_cond = AppCond,
+ apps = Apps,
+ boot_rel = BootRel,
+ rels = Rels,
+ emu_name = EmuName,
+ profile = Profile,
+ incl_sys_filters = InclSysFiles,
+ excl_sys_filters = ExclSysFiles,
+ incl_app_filters = InclAppFiles,
+ excl_app_filters = ExclAppFiles,
+ incl_archive_filters = InclArchiveDirs,
+ excl_archive_filters = ExclArchiveDirs,
+ archive_opts = ArchiveOpts,
+ relocatable = Relocatable,
+ rel_app_type = RelAppType,
+ embedded_app_type = InclAppType,
+ app_file = AppFile,
+ debug_info = DebugInfo},
+ InclDefs) ->
ErtsItems =
case lists:keysearch(erts,, Apps) of
{value, Erts} ->
- [{erts, gen_config(Erts, InclDefs)}];
+ [{erts, do_gen_config(Erts, InclDefs)}];
false ->
AppsItems =
- [{app,, gen_config(A, InclDefs)}
+ [do_gen_config(A, InclDefs)
|| A <- Apps,
+ =/= ?MISSING_APP_NAME, =/= erts,
- A#app.is_included =:= true,
- A#app.is_escript =/= true],
+ not A#app.is_escript],
EscriptItems = [{escript,
emit(incl_cond, A#app.incl_cond, undefined, InclDefs)}
- || A <- Apps, A#app.is_escript],
+ || A <- Apps, A#app.is_escript],
DefaultRels = reltool_utils:default_rels(),
RelsItems =
- case {[{rel,, R#rel.vsn, gen_config(R, InclDefs)} ||
- R <- Rels],
- [{rel,, R#rel.vsn, gen_config(R, InclDefs)} ||
- R <- DefaultRels]} of
- {RI, RI} -> [];
- {RI, _} -> RI
- end,
+ [{rel,, R#rel.vsn, do_gen_config(R, InclDefs)} ||
+ R <- Rels],
+ DefaultRelsItems =
+ [{rel,, R#rel.vsn, do_gen_config(R, InclDefs)} ||
+ R <- DefaultRels],
+ RelsItems2 =
+ case InclDefs of
+ true -> RelsItems;
+ false -> RelsItems -- DefaultRelsItems
+ end,
X = fun(List) -> [Re || #regexp{source = Re} <- List] end,
emit(root_dir, RootDir, code:root_dir(), InclDefs) ++
@@ -120,78 +126,103 @@ gen_config(#sys{root_dir = RootDir,
emit(mod_cond, ModCond, ?DEFAULT_MOD_COND, InclDefs) ++
emit(incl_cond, AppCond, ?DEFAULT_INCL_COND, InclDefs) ++
ErtsItems ++
- AppsItems ++
+ lists:flatten(AppsItems) ++
emit(boot_rel, BootRel, ?DEFAULT_REL_NAME, InclDefs) ++
- RelsItems ++
+ RelsItems2 ++
emit(emu_name, EmuName, ?DEFAULT_EMU_NAME, InclDefs) ++
emit(relocatable, Relocatable, ?DEFAULT_RELOCATABLE, InclDefs) ++
emit(profile, Profile, ?DEFAULT_PROFILE, InclDefs) ++
- emit(incl_sys_filters, X(InclSysFiles), ?DEFAULT_INCL_SYS_FILTERS, InclDefs) ++
- emit(excl_sys_filters, X(ExclSysFiles), ?DEFAULT_EXCL_SYS_FILTERS, InclDefs) ++
- emit(incl_app_filters, X(InclAppFiles), ?DEFAULT_INCL_APP_FILTERS, InclDefs) ++
- emit(excl_app_filters, X(ExclAppFiles), ?DEFAULT_EXCL_APP_FILTERS, InclDefs) ++
+ emit(incl_sys_filters, X(InclSysFiles), reltool_utils:choose_default(incl_sys_filters, Profile, InclDefs), InclDefs) ++
+ emit(excl_sys_filters, X(ExclSysFiles), reltool_utils:choose_default(excl_sys_filters, Profile, InclDefs), InclDefs) ++
+ emit(incl_app_filters, X(InclAppFiles), reltool_utils:choose_default(incl_app_filters, Profile, InclDefs), InclDefs) ++
+ emit(excl_app_filters, X(ExclAppFiles), reltool_utils:choose_default(excl_app_filters, Profile, InclDefs), InclDefs) ++
emit(incl_archive_filters, X(InclArchiveDirs), ?DEFAULT_INCL_ARCHIVE_FILTERS, InclDefs) ++
emit(excl_archive_filters, X(ExclArchiveDirs), ?DEFAULT_EXCL_ARCHIVE_FILTERS, InclDefs) ++
emit(archive_opts, ArchiveOpts, ?DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_OPTS, InclDefs) ++
- emit(app_type, AppType, ?DEFAULT_APP_TYPE, InclDefs) ++
+ emit(rel_app_type, RelAppType, ?DEFAULT_REL_APP_TYPE, InclDefs) ++
+ emit(embedded_app_type, InclAppType, reltool_utils:choose_default(embedded_app_type, Profile, InclDefs), InclDefs) ++
emit(app_file, AppFile, ?DEFAULT_APP_FILE, InclDefs) ++
emit(debug_info, DebugInfo, ?DEFAULT_DEBUG_INFO, InclDefs)};
-gen_config(#app{name = _Name,
- mod_cond = ModCond,
- incl_cond = AppCond,
- debug_info = DebugInfo,
- app_file = AppFile,
- incl_app_filters = InclAppFiles,
- excl_app_filters = ExclAppFiles,
- incl_archive_filters = InclArchiveDirs,
- excl_archive_filters = ExclArchiveDirs,
- archive_opts = ArchiveOpts,
- use_selected_vsn = UseSelected,
- vsn = Vsn,
- mods = Mods},
- InclDefs) ->
- emit(mod_cond, ModCond, undefined, InclDefs) ++
- emit(incl_cond, AppCond, undefined, InclDefs) ++
- emit(debug_info, DebugInfo, undefined, InclDefs) ++
- emit(app_file, AppFile, undefined, InclDefs) ++
- emit(incl_app_filters, InclAppFiles, undefined, InclDefs) ++
- emit(excl_app_filters, ExclAppFiles, undefined, InclDefs) ++
- emit(incl_archive_filters, InclArchiveDirs, undefined, InclDefs) ++
- emit(excl_archive_filters, ExclArchiveDirs, undefined, InclDefs) ++
- emit(archive_opts, ArchiveOpts, undefined, InclDefs) ++
- emit(vsn, Vsn, undefined, InclDefs orelse UseSelected =/= true) ++
- [{mod,, gen_config(M, InclDefs)} ||
- M <- Mods,
- M#mod.is_included =:= true];
-gen_config(#mod{name = _Name,
- incl_cond = AppCond,
- debug_info = DebugInfo},
- InclDefs) ->
- emit(incl_cond, AppCond, undefined, InclDefs) ++
- emit(debug_info, DebugInfo, undefined, InclDefs);
-gen_config(#rel{name = _Name,
- vsn = _Vsn,
- rel_apps = RelApps},
- InclDefs) ->
- [gen_config(RA, InclDefs) || RA <- RelApps];
-gen_config(#rel_app{name = Name,
- app_type = Type,
- incl_apps = InclApps},
- _InclDefs) ->
+do_gen_config(#app{name = Name,
+ mod_cond = ModCond,
+ incl_cond = AppCond,
+ debug_info = DebugInfo,
+ app_file = AppFile,
+ incl_app_filters = InclAppFiles,
+ excl_app_filters = ExclAppFiles,
+ incl_archive_filters = InclArchiveDirs,
+ excl_archive_filters = ExclArchiveDirs,
+ archive_opts = ArchiveOpts,
+ use_selected_vsn = UseSelected,
+ vsn = Vsn,
+ mods = Mods,
+ is_included = IsIncl},
+ InclDefs) ->
+ AppConfig =
+ [
+ emit(mod_cond, ModCond, undefined, InclDefs),
+ emit(incl_cond, AppCond, undefined, InclDefs),
+ emit(debug_info, DebugInfo, undefined, InclDefs),
+ emit(app_file, AppFile, undefined, InclDefs),
+ emit(incl_app_filters, InclAppFiles, undefined, InclDefs),
+ emit(excl_app_filters, ExclAppFiles, undefined, InclDefs),
+ emit(incl_archive_filters, InclArchiveDirs, undefined, InclDefs),
+ emit(excl_archive_filters, ExclArchiveDirs, undefined, InclDefs),
+ emit(archive_opts, ArchiveOpts, undefined, InclDefs),
+ if
+ IsIncl, InclDefs -> [{vsn, Vsn}];
+ UseSelected -> [{vsn, Vsn}];
+ true -> []
+ end,
+ [do_gen_config(M, InclDefs) || M <- Mods]
+ ],
+ case lists:flatten(AppConfig) of
+ FlatAppConfig when FlatAppConfig =/= []; IsIncl ->
+ [{app, Name, FlatAppConfig}];
+ [] ->
+ []
+ end;
+do_gen_config(#mod{name = Name,
+ incl_cond = AppCond,
+ debug_info = DebugInfo,
+ is_included = IsIncl},
+ InclDefs) ->
+ ModConfig =
+ [
+ emit(incl_cond, AppCond, undefined, InclDefs),
+ emit(debug_info, DebugInfo, undefined, InclDefs)
+ ],
+ case lists:flatten(ModConfig) of
+ FlatModConfig when FlatModConfig =/= []; IsIncl ->
+ [{mod, Name, FlatModConfig}];
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end;
+do_gen_config(#rel{name = _Name,
+ vsn = _Vsn,
+ rel_apps = RelApps},
+ InclDefs) ->
+ [do_gen_config(RA, InclDefs) || RA <- RelApps];
+do_gen_config(#rel_app{name = Name,
+ app_type = Type,
+ incl_apps = InclApps},
+ _InclDefs) ->
case {Type, InclApps} of
{undefined, []} -> Name;
{undefined, _} -> {Name, InclApps};
{_, []} -> {Name, Type};
{_, _} -> {Name, Type, InclApps}
-gen_config({Tag, Val}, InclDefs) ->
+do_gen_config({Tag, Val}, InclDefs) ->
emit(Tag, Val, undefined, InclDefs);
-gen_config([], _InclDefs) ->
+do_gen_config([], _InclDefs) ->
-gen_config([H | T], InclDefs) ->
- lists:flatten([gen_config(H, InclDefs), gen_config(T, InclDefs)]).
+do_gen_config([H | T], InclDefs) ->
+ lists:flatten([do_gen_config(H, InclDefs), do_gen_config(T, InclDefs)]).
emit(Tag, Val, Default, InclDefs) ->
+ %% io:format("~p(~p):\n\t~p\n\t~p\n",
+ %% [Tag, Val =/= Default, Val, Default]),
Val == undefined -> [];
InclDefs -> [{Tag, Val}];
@@ -239,24 +270,127 @@ gen_app(#app{name = Name,
%% Generate the contents of a rel file
-gen_rel(#rel{name = RelName, vsn = RelVsn, rel_apps = RelApps},
- #sys{apps = Apps}) ->
- {value, Erts} = lists:keysearch(erts,, Apps),
- {release,
- {RelName, RelVsn},
- {erts, Erts#app.vsn},
- [app_to_rel(RA, Apps ) || RA <- RelApps]}.
-app_to_rel(#rel_app{name = Name, app_type = Type, incl_apps = InclApps},
- Apps) ->
- {value, #app{vsn = Vsn}} = lists:keysearch(Name,, Apps),
+gen_rel(Rel, Sys) ->
+ try
+ MergedApps = merge_apps(Rel, Sys),
+ {ok, do_gen_rel(Rel, Sys, MergedApps)}
+ catch
+ throw:{error, Text} ->
+ {error, Text}
+ end.
+do_gen_rel(#rel{name = RelName, vsn = RelVsn},
+ #sys{apps = Apps},
+ MergedApps) ->
+ ErtsName = erts,
+ case lists:keysearch(ErtsName,, Apps) of
+ {value, Erts} ->
+ {release,
+ {RelName, RelVsn},
+ {ErtsName, Erts#app.vsn},
+ [strip_rel_info(App) || App <- MergedApps]};
+ false ->
+ reltool_utils:throw_error("Mandatory application ~p is "
+ "not included",
+ [ErtsName])
+ end.
+strip_rel_info(#app{name = Name,
+ vsn = Vsn,
+ app_type = Type,
+ info = #app_info{incl_apps = InclApps}})
+ when Type =/= undefined ->
case {Type, InclApps} of
- {undefined, []} -> {Name, Vsn};
- {undefined, _} -> {Name, Vsn, InclApps};
+ {permanent, []} -> {Name, Vsn};
+ {permanent, _} -> {Name, Vsn, InclApps};
{_, []} -> {Name, Vsn, Type};
{_, _} -> {Name, Vsn, Type, InclApps}
+merge_apps(#rel{name = RelName,
+ rel_apps = RelApps},
+ #sys{apps = Apps,
+ rel_app_type = RelAppType,
+ embedded_app_type = EmbAppType}) ->
+ Mandatory = [kernel, stdlib],
+ MergedApps = do_merge_apps(RelName, Mandatory, Apps, permanent, []),
+ MergedApps2 = do_merge_apps(RelName, RelApps, Apps, RelAppType, MergedApps),
+ Embedded =
+ [ || A <- Apps,
+ EmbAppType =/= undefined,
+ A#app.is_included,
+ =/= erts,
+ not lists:keymember(,, MergedApps2)],
+ MergedApps3 = do_merge_apps(RelName, Embedded, Apps, EmbAppType, MergedApps2),
+ sort_apps(MergedApps3).
+do_merge_apps(RelName, [#rel_app{name = Name} = RA | RelApps], Apps, RelAppType, Acc) ->
+ case is_already_merged(Name, RelApps, Acc) of
+ true ->
+ do_merge_apps(RelName, RelApps, Apps, RelAppType, Acc);
+ false ->
+ {value, App} = lists:keysearch(Name,, Apps),
+ MergedApp = merge_app(RelName, RA, RelAppType, App),
+ MoreNames = (,
+ Acc2 = [MergedApp | Acc],
+ do_merge_apps(RelName, MoreNames ++ RelApps, Apps, RelAppType, Acc2)
+ end;
+do_merge_apps(RelName, [Name | RelApps], Apps, RelAppType, Acc) ->
+ case is_already_merged(Name, RelApps, Acc) of
+ true ->
+ do_merge_apps(RelName, RelApps, Apps, RelAppType, Acc);
+ false ->
+ RelApp = init_rel_app(Name, Apps),
+ do_merge_apps(RelName, [RelApp | RelApps], Apps, RelAppType, Acc)
+ end;
+do_merge_apps(_RelName, [], _Apps, _RelAppType, Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc).
+init_rel_app(Name, Apps) ->
+ {value, App} = lists:keysearch(Name,, Apps),
+ Info =,
+ #rel_app{name = Name,
+ app_type = undefined,
+ incl_apps = Info#app_info.incl_apps}.
+ #rel_app{name = Name,
+ app_type = Type,
+ incl_apps = InclApps},
+ RelAppType,
+ App) ->
+ Type2 =
+ case {Type, App#app.app_type} of
+ {undefined, undefined} -> RelAppType;
+ {undefined, AppAppType} -> AppAppType;
+ {_, _} -> Type
+ end,
+ Info =,
+ case InclApps -- Info#app_info.incl_apps of
+ [] ->
+ App#app{app_type = Type2, info = Info#app_info{incl_apps = InclApps}};
+ BadIncl ->
+ reltool_utils:throw_error("~p: These applications are "
+ "used by release ~s but are "
+ "missing as included_applications "
+ "in the app file: ~p",
+ [Name, RelName, BadIncl])
+ end.
+is_already_merged(Name, [Name | _], _MergedApps) ->
+ true;
+is_already_merged(Name, [#rel_app{name = Name} | _], _MergedApps) ->
+ true;
+is_already_merged(Name, [_ | RelApps], MergedApps) ->
+ is_already_merged(Name, RelApps, MergedApps);
+is_already_merged(Name, [], [#app{name = Name} | _MergedApps]) ->
+ true;
+is_already_merged(Name, [] = RelApps, [_ | MergedApps]) ->
+ is_already_merged(Name, RelApps, MergedApps);
+is_already_merged(_Name, [], []) ->
+ false.
%% Generate the contents of a boot file
@@ -270,27 +404,24 @@ gen_boot({script, {_, _}, _} = Script) ->
gen_script(Rel, Sys, PathFlag, Variables) ->
- do_gen_script(Rel, Sys, PathFlag, Variables)
+ MergedApps = merge_apps(Rel, Sys),
+ do_gen_script(Rel, Sys, MergedApps, PathFlag, Variables)
throw:{error, Text} ->
{error, Text}
-do_gen_script(#rel{name = RelName, vsn = RelVsn, rel_apps = RelApps},
- #sys{apps = Apps, app_type = DefaultType},
+do_gen_script(#rel{name = RelName, vsn = RelVsn},
+ #sys{apps = Apps},
+ MergedApps,
Variables) ->
{value, Erts} = lists:keysearch(erts,, Apps),
Preloaded = [ || Mod <- Erts#app.mods],
Mandatory = mandatory_modules(),
Early = Mandatory ++ Preloaded,
- MergedApps = [merge_app(RA, Apps, DefaultType) || RA <- RelApps],
- SortedApps = sort_apps(MergedApps),
- {value, KernelApp} = lists:keysearch(kernel,, SortedApps),
- InclApps =
- lists:append([I ||
- #app{info = #app_info{incl_apps = I}} <- SortedApps]),
+ {value, KernelApp} = lists:keysearch(kernel,, MergedApps),
+ InclApps = [I || #app{info = #app_info{incl_apps = I}} <- MergedApps],
%% Create the script
DeepList =
@@ -300,30 +431,30 @@ do_gen_script(#rel{name = RelName, vsn = RelVsn, rel_apps = RelApps},
{progress, preloaded},
%% Load mandatory modules
- {path, create_mandatory_path(SortedApps, PathFlag, Variables)},
+ {path, create_mandatory_path(MergedApps, PathFlag, Variables)},
{primLoad, lists:sort(Mandatory)},
{progress, kernel_load_completed},
%% Load remaining modules
- [load_app_mods(A, Early, PathFlag, Variables) || A <- SortedApps],
+ [load_app_mods(A, Early, PathFlag, Variables) || A <- MergedApps],
{progress, modules_loaded},
%% Start kernel processes
- {path, create_path(SortedApps, PathFlag, Variables)},
+ {path, create_path(MergedApps, PathFlag, Variables)},
{progress, init_kernel_started},
%% Load applications
[{apply, {application, load, [gen_app(A)]}} ||
- A = #app{name = Name, app_type = Type} <- SortedApps,
+ A = #app{name = Name, app_type = Type} <- MergedApps,
Name =/= kernel,
Type =/= none],
{progress, applications_loaded},
%% Start applications
[{apply, {application, start_boot, [Name, Type]}} ||
- #app{name = Name, app_type = Type} <- SortedApps,
+ #app{name = Name, app_type = Type} <- MergedApps,
Type =/= none,
Type =/= load,
not lists:member(Name, InclApps)],
@@ -334,28 +465,6 @@ do_gen_script(#rel{name = RelName, vsn = RelVsn, rel_apps = RelApps},
{ok, {script, {RelName, RelVsn}, lists:flatten(DeepList)}}.
-merge_app(#rel_app{name = Name, app_type = Type, incl_apps = RelIncl},
- Apps,
- DefaultType) ->
- {value, App} = lists:keysearch(Name,, Apps),
- Type2 =
- case {Type, App#app.app_type} of
- {undefined, undefined} -> DefaultType;
- {undefined, AppType} -> AppType;
- {_, _} -> Type
- end,
- Info =,
- case RelIncl -- Info#app_info.incl_apps of
- [] ->
- App#app{app_type = Type2,
- info = Info#app_info{incl_apps = RelIncl}};
- BadIncl ->
- reltool_utils:throw_error("~p: These applications are "
- "missing as included_applications "
- "in the app file: ~p\n",
- [Name, BadIncl])
- end.
load_app_mods(#app{mods = Mods} = App, Mand, PathFlag, Variables) ->
@@ -438,13 +547,13 @@ sort_apps([], [], [], _) ->
sort_apps([], Missing, [], _) ->
%% this has already been checked before, but as we have the info...
- reltool_utils:throw_error("Undefined applications: ~p\n",
+ reltool_utils:throw_error("Undefined applications: ~p",
sort_apps([], [], Circular, _) ->
- reltool_utils:throw_error("Circular dependencies: ~p\n",
+ reltool_utils:throw_error("Circular dependencies: ~p",
sort_apps([], Missing, Circular, _) ->
- reltool_utils:throw_error("Circular dependencies: ~p\n"
+ reltool_utils:throw_error("Circular dependencies: ~p"
"Undefined applications: ~p\n",
[make_set(Circular), make_set(Missing)]).
@@ -603,14 +712,15 @@ gen_rel_files(Sys, TargetDir) ->
spec_rel_files(#sys{rels = Rels} = Sys) ->
lists:append([do_spec_rel_files(R, Sys) || R <- Rels]).
-do_spec_rel_files(#rel{name = Name} = Rel, Sys) ->
- RelFile = Name ++ ".rel",
- ScriptFile = Name ++ ".script",
- BootFile = Name ++ ".boot",
- GenRel = gen_rel(Rel, Sys),
+do_spec_rel_files(#rel{name = RelName} = Rel, Sys) ->
+ RelFile = RelName ++ ".rel",
+ ScriptFile = RelName ++ ".script",
+ BootFile = RelName ++ ".boot",
+ MergedApps = merge_apps(Rel, Sys),
+ GenRel = do_gen_rel(Rel, Sys, MergedApps),
PathFlag = true,
Variables = [],
- {ok, Script} = do_gen_script(Rel, Sys, PathFlag, Variables),
+ {ok, Script} = do_gen_script(Rel, Sys, MergedApps, PathFlag, Variables),
{ok, BootBin} = gen_boot(Script),
Date = date(),
Time = time(),
@@ -665,8 +775,6 @@ do_gen_spec(#sys{root_dir = RootDir,
{create_dir,BootVsn, RelFiles}]},
{create_dir, "bin", BinFiles}
] ++ SysFiles2,
- %% io:format("InclRegexps2: ~p\n", [InclRegexps2]),
- %% io:format("ExclRegexps2: ~p\n", [ExclRegexps2]),
SysFiles4 = filter_spec(SysFiles3, InclRegexps2, ExclRegexps2),
SysFiles5 = SysFiles4 ++ [{create_dir, "lib", LibFiles}],
check_sys(["bin", "erts", "lib"], SysFiles5),
@@ -678,23 +786,25 @@ strip_sys_files(Relocatable, SysFiles, Apps, ExclRegexps) ->
true ->
ExtraExcl = ["^erts.*/bin/.*src\$"],
- {add, ExtraExcl}, ExclRegexps);
+ {add, ExtraExcl},
+ ExclRegexps);
false ->
{value, Erts} = lists:keysearch(erts,, Apps),
FilterErts =
fun(Spec) ->
- File = element(2, Spec),
- case lists:prefix("erts", File) of
- true ->
- if
- File =:= Erts#app.label ->
- replace_dyn_erl(Relocatable, Spec);
- true ->
- false
- end;
- false ->
+ File = element(2, Spec),
+ case File of
+ "erts" ->
+ reltool_utils:throw_error("This system is not installed. "
+ "The directory ~s is missing.",
+ [Erts#app.label]);
+ _ when File =:= Erts#app.label ->
+ replace_dyn_erl(Relocatable, Spec);
+ "erts-" ++ _ ->
+ false;
+ _ ->
@@ -707,7 +817,8 @@ strip_sys_files(Relocatable, SysFiles, Apps, ExclRegexps) ->
replace_dyn_erl(false, _ErtsSpec) ->
replace_dyn_erl(true, {create_dir, ErtsDir, ErtsFiles}) ->
- [{create_dir, _, BinFiles}] = safe_lookup_spec("bin", ErtsFiles),
+ [{create_dir, _, BinFiles}] =
+ safe_lookup_spec("bin", ErtsFiles),
case lookup_spec("dyn_erl", BinFiles) of
[] ->
case lookup_spec("erl.ini", BinFiles) of
@@ -759,20 +870,31 @@ spec_bin_files(Sys, AllSysFiles, StrippedSysFiles, RelFiles, InclRegexps) ->
GoodNames = [F || {copy_file, F} <- OldBinFiles,
not lists:suffix(".boot", F),
not lists:suffix(".script", F)],
- BinFiles2 = [Map(S) || S <- BinFiles, lists:member(element(2, S), GoodNames)],
+ BinFiles2 = [Map(S) || S <- BinFiles,
+ lists:member(element(2, S), GoodNames)],
BootFiles = [F || F <- RelFiles, lists:suffix(".boot", element(2, F))],
- [{write_file, _, BootRel}] = safe_lookup_spec(Sys#sys.boot_rel ++ ".boot", BootFiles),
- BootFiles2 = lists:keystore("start.boot", 2, BootFiles, {write_file, "start.boot", BootRel}),
- MakeRegexp = fun(File) -> "^bin/" ++ element(2, File) ++ "(|.escript)\$" end,
+ [{write_file, _, BootRel}] =
+ safe_lookup_spec(Sys#sys.boot_rel ++ ".boot", BootFiles),
+ BootFiles2 = lists:keystore("start.boot",
+ 2,
+ BootFiles,
+ {write_file, "start.boot", BootRel}),
+ MakeRegexp =
+ fun(File) -> "^bin/" ++ element(2, File) ++ "(|.escript)\$" end,
ExtraIncl = lists:map(MakeRegexp, Escripts),
- InclRegexps2 = reltool_utils:decode_regexps(incl_sys_filters, {add, ExtraIncl}, InclRegexps),
+ InclRegexps2 = reltool_utils:decode_regexps(incl_sys_filters,
+ {add, ExtraIncl},
+ InclRegexps),
{InclRegexps2, Escripts ++ BinFiles2 ++ BootFiles2}.
spec_escripts(#sys{apps = Apps}, ErtsBin, BinFiles) ->
- Filter = fun(#app{is_escript = IsEscript, is_included = IsIncl,
- is_pre_included = IsPre, name = Name, active_dir = File}) ->
+ Filter = fun(#app{is_escript = IsEscript,
+ is_included = IsIncl,
+ is_pre_included = IsPre,
+ name = Name,
+ active_dir = File}) ->
- Name =:= ?MISSING_APP ->
+ Name =:= ?MISSING_APP_NAME ->
not IsEscript ->
@@ -796,7 +918,6 @@ check_sys(Mandatory, SysFiles) ->
lists:foreach(fun(M) -> do_check_sys(M, SysFiles) end, Mandatory).
do_check_sys(Prefix, Specs) ->
- %%io:format("Prefix: ~p\n", [Prefix]),
case lookup_spec(Prefix, Specs) of
[] ->
reltool_utils:throw_error("Mandatory system directory ~s "
@@ -820,6 +941,7 @@ lookup_spec(Prefix, Specs) ->
safe_lookup_spec(Prefix, Specs) ->
case lookup_spec(Prefix, Specs) of
[] ->
+ %% io:format("lookup fail ~s:\n\t~p\n", [Prefix, Specs]),
reltool_utils:throw_error("Mandatory system file ~s is "
"not included", [Prefix]);
Match ->
@@ -834,7 +956,7 @@ spec_lib_files(#sys{apps = Apps} = Sys) ->
Filter = fun(#app{is_escript = IsEscript, is_included = IsIncl,
is_pre_included = IsPre, name = Name}) ->
- Name =:= ?MISSING_APP ->
+ Name =:= ?MISSING_APP_NAME ->
IsEscript ->
@@ -863,10 +985,10 @@ check_apps([], _) ->
spec_app(#app{name = Name,
mods = Mods,
active_dir = SourceDir,
- incl_app_filters = AppInclRegexps,
- excl_app_filters = AppExclRegexps} = App,
- #sys{incl_app_filters = SysInclRegexps,
- excl_app_filters = SysExclRegexps,
+ incl_app_filters = AppInclRegexps,
+ excl_app_filters = AppExclRegexps} = App,
+ #sys{incl_app_filters = SysInclRegexps,
+ excl_app_filters = SysExclRegexps,
debug_info = SysDebugInfo} = Sys) ->
%% List files recursively
{create_dir, _, AppFiles} = spec_dir(SourceDir),
@@ -942,13 +1064,13 @@ spec_dir(Dir) ->
[spec_dir(filename:join([Dir, F])) || F <- Files]};
error ->
- reltool_utils:throw_error("list dir ~s failed\n", [Dir])
+ reltool_utils:throw_error("list dir ~s failed", [Dir])
{ok, #file_info{type = regular}} ->
%% Plain file
{copy_file, Base};
_ ->
- reltool_utils:throw_error("read file info ~s failed\n", [Dir])
+ reltool_utils:throw_error("read file info ~s failed", [Dir])
spec_mod(Mod, DebugInfo) ->
@@ -1082,7 +1204,7 @@ do_eval_spec({archive, Archive, Options, Files},
{ok, _} ->
{error, Reason} ->
- reltool_utils:throw_error("create archive ~s: ~p\n",
+ reltool_utils:throw_error("create archive ~s failed: ~p",
[ArchiveFile, Reason])
do_eval_spec({copy_file, File}, _OrigSourceDir, SourceDir, TargetDir) ->
@@ -1216,18 +1338,7 @@ opt_join(Path, File) ->
filename:join([Path, File]).
match(String, InclRegexps, ExclRegexps) ->
- %%case
- match(String, InclRegexps) andalso not match(String, ExclRegexps).
-%% of
-%% true ->
-%% true;
-%% false ->
-%% io:format("no match: ~p\n"
-%% " incl: ~p\n"
-%% " excl: ~p\n",
-%% [String, InclRegexps, ExclRegexps]),
-%% false
-%% end.
+ match(String, InclRegexps) andalso not match(String, ExclRegexps).
%% Match at least one regexp
match(_String, []) ->
@@ -1284,7 +1395,7 @@ do_install(RelName, TargetDir) ->
ok = release_handler:create_RELEASES(TargetDir2, RelFile),
_ ->
- reltool_utils:throw_error("~s: Illegal syntax.\n", [DataFile])
+ reltool_utils:throw_error("~s: Illegal data file syntax", [DataFile])
subst_src_scripts(Scripts, SrcDir, DestDir, Vars, Opts) ->
diff --git a/lib/reltool/src/reltool_utils.erl b/lib/reltool/src/reltool_utils.erl
index 403fa574c5..39d057d994 100644
--- a/lib/reltool/src/reltool_utils.erl
+++ b/lib/reltool/src/reltool_utils.erl
@@ -19,7 +19,30 @@
%% Public
+-export([root_dir/0, erl_libs/0, lib_dirs/1,
+ split_app_name/1, prim_consult/1,
+ default_rels/0, choose_default/3,
+ assign_image_list/1, get_latest_resize/1,
+ mod_conds/0, list_to_mod_cond/1, mod_cond_to_index/1,
+ incl_conds/0, list_to_incl_cond/1, incl_cond_to_index/1, elem_to_index/2,
+ app_dir_test/2, split_app_dir/1,
+ get_item/1, get_items/1, get_selected_items/3,
+ select_items/3, select_item/2,
+ safe_keysearch/5, print/4, return_first_error/2, add_warning/2,
+ create_dir/1, list_dir/1, read_file_info/1,
+ write_file_info/2, read_file/1, write_file/2,
+ recursive_delete/1, delete/2, recursive_copy_file/2, copy_file/2,
+ throw_error/2,
+ decode_regexps/3,
+ default_val/2,
+ escript_foldl/3,
+ call/2, cast/2, reply/3]).
@@ -103,18 +126,46 @@ prim_parse(Tokens, Acc) ->
default_rels() ->
- Kernel = #rel_app{name = kernel, incl_apps = []},
- Stdlib = #rel_app{name = stdlib, incl_apps = []},
- Sasl = #rel_app{name = sasl, incl_apps = []},
+ %%Kernel = #rel_app{name = kernel, incl_apps = []},
+ %%Stdlib = #rel_app{name = stdlib, incl_apps = []},
+ Sasl = #rel_app{name = sasl, incl_apps = []},
#rel{name = ?DEFAULT_REL_NAME,
vsn = "1.0",
- rel_apps = [Kernel, Stdlib]},
+ rel_apps = []},
+ %%rel_apps = [Kernel, Stdlib]},
#rel{name = "start_sasl",
vsn = "1.0",
- rel_apps = [Kernel, Sasl, Stdlib]}
+ rel_apps = [Sasl]}
+ %%rel_apps = [Kernel, Sasl, Stdlib]}
+choose_default(Tag, Profile, InclDefs)
+ when Profile =:= ?DEFAULT_PROFILE; InclDefs ->
+ case Tag of
+ incl_sys_filters -> ?DEFAULT_INCL_SYS_FILTERS;
+ excl_sys_filters -> ?DEFAULT_EXCL_SYS_FILTERS;
+ incl_app_filters -> ?DEFAULT_INCL_APP_FILTERS;
+ excl_app_filters -> ?DEFAULT_EXCL_APP_FILTERS;
+ embedded_app_type -> ?DEFAULT_EMBEDDED_APP_TYPE
+ end;
+choose_default(Tag, standalone, _InclDefs) ->
+ case Tag of
+ incl_sys_filters -> ?STANDALONE_INCL_SYS_FILTERS;
+ excl_sys_filters -> ?STANDALONE_EXCL_SYS_FILTERS;
+ incl_app_filters -> ?STANDALONE_INCL_APP_FILTERS;
+ excl_app_filters -> ?STANDALONE_EXCL_APP_FILTERS;
+ embedded_app_type -> ?DEFAULT_EMBEDDED_APP_TYPE
+ end;
+choose_default(Tag, embedded, _InclDefs) ->
+ case Tag of
+ incl_sys_filters -> ?EMBEDDED_INCL_SYS_FILTERS;
+ excl_sys_filters -> ?EMBEDDED_EXCL_SYS_FILTERS;
+ incl_app_filters -> ?EMBEDDED_INCL_APP_FILTERS;
+ excl_app_filters -> ?EMBEDDED_EXCL_APP_FILTERS;
+ embedded_app_type -> ?EMBEDDED_APP_TYPE
+ end.
assign_image_list(ListCtrl) ->
@@ -379,7 +430,7 @@ create_dir(Dir) ->
{error, Reason} ->
Text = file:format_error(Reason),
- throw_error("create dir ~s: ~s\n", [Dir, Text])
+ throw_error("create dir ~s: ~s", [Dir, Text])
list_dir(Dir) ->
@@ -388,7 +439,7 @@ list_dir(Dir) ->
error ->
Text = file:format_error(enoent),
- throw_error("list dir ~s: ~s\n", [Dir, Text])
+ throw_error("list dir ~s: ~s", [Dir, Text])
read_file_info(File) ->
@@ -397,7 +448,7 @@ read_file_info(File) ->
{error, Reason} ->
Text = file:format_error(Reason),
- throw_error("read file info ~s: ~s\n", [File, Text])
+ throw_error("read file info ~s: ~s", [File, Text])
write_file_info(File, Info) ->
@@ -406,7 +457,7 @@ write_file_info(File, Info) ->
{error, Reason} ->
Text = file:format_error(Reason),
- throw_error("write file info ~s: ~s\n", [File, Text])
+ throw_error("write file info ~s: ~s", [File, Text])
read_file(File) ->
@@ -415,7 +466,7 @@ read_file(File) ->
{error, Reason} ->
Text = file:format_error(Reason),
- throw_error("read file ~s: ~s\n", [File, Text])
+ throw_error("read file ~s: ~s", [File, Text])
write_file(File, IoList) ->
@@ -424,7 +475,7 @@ write_file(File, IoList) ->
{error, Reason} ->
Text = file:format_error(Reason),
- throw_error("write file ~s: ~s\n", [File, Text])
+ throw_error("write file ~s: ~s", [File, Text])
recursive_delete(Dir) ->
@@ -560,7 +611,12 @@ escript_foldl(Fun, Acc, File) ->
call(Name, Msg) when is_atom(Name) ->
- call(whereis(Name), Msg);
+ case whereis(Name) of
+ undefined ->
+ {error, {noproc, Name}};
+ Pid ->
+ call(Pid, Msg)
+ end;
call(Pid, Msg) when is_pid(Pid) ->
Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
Pid ! {call, self(), Ref, Msg},
diff --git a/lib/reltool/test/Makefile b/lib/reltool/test/Makefile
index 00d2add3e5..34781ae720 100644
--- a/lib/reltool/test/Makefile
+++ b/lib/reltool/test/Makefile
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
# %CopyrightBegin%
-# Copyright Ericsson AB 2009. All Rights Reserved.
+# Copyright Ericsson AB 2009-2010. All Rights Reserved.
# The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
# Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
# Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
# retrieved online at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
# the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
# under the License.
# %CopyrightEnd%
include $(ERL_TOP)/make/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ include $(ERL_TOP)/make/$(TARGET)/
rtt \
+ reltool_app_SUITE \
reltool_wx_SUITE \
reltool_server_SUITE \
diff --git a/lib/reltool/test/reltool_app_SUITE.erl b/lib/reltool/test/reltool_app_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8433f73d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/reltool/test/reltool_app_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% Purpose: Verify the application specifics of the Reltool application
+t() -> reltool_test_lib:t(?MODULE).
+t(Case) -> reltool_test_lib:t({?MODULE, Case}).
+%% Test server callbacks
+init_per_suite(Config) ->
+ Config2 = reltool_test_lib:init_per_suite(Config),
+ case is_app(reltool) of
+ {ok, AppFile} ->
+ %% io:format("AppFile: ~n~p~n", [AppFile]),
+ [{app_file, AppFile} | Config2];
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ fail(Reason)
+ end.
+end_per_suite(Config) ->
+ reltool_test_lib:end_per_suite(Config).
+init_per_testcase(Case, Config) ->
+ Config2 =
+ case Case of
+ undef_funcs ->
+ [{tc_timeout, timer:minutes(10)} | Config];
+ _ ->
+ Config
+ end,
+ reltool_test_lib:init_per_testcase(Case, Config2).
+end_per_testcase(Func,Config) ->
+ reltool_test_lib:end_per_testcase(Func,Config).
+fin_per_testcase(Case, Config) ->
+ reltool_test_lib:end_per_testcase(Case, Config).
+all() ->
+ all(suite).
+all(suite) ->
+ [
+ fields,
+ modules,
+ export_all,
+ app_depend,
+ undef_funcs
+ ].
+is_app(App) ->
+ LibDir = code:lib_dir(App),
+ File = filename:join([LibDir, "ebin", atom_to_list(App) ++ ".app"]),
+ case file:consult(File) of
+ {ok, [{application, App, AppFile}]} ->
+ {ok, AppFile};
+ {error, {LineNo, Mod, Code}} ->
+ IoList = lists:concat([File, ":", LineNo, ": ",
+ Mod:format_error(Code)]),
+ {error, list_to_atom(lists:flatten(IoList))}
+ end.
+fields(suite) ->
+ [];
+fields(doc) ->
+ [];
+fields(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ AppFile = key1search(app_file, Config),
+ Fields = [vsn, description, modules, registered, applications],
+ case check_fields(Fields, AppFile, []) of
+ [] ->
+ ok;
+ Missing ->
+ fail({missing_fields, Missing})
+ end.
+check_fields([], _AppFile, Missing) ->
+ Missing;
+check_fields([Field|Fields], AppFile, Missing) ->
+ check_fields(Fields, AppFile, check_field(Field, AppFile, Missing)).
+check_field(Name, AppFile, Missing) ->
+ io:format("checking field: ~p~n", [Name]),
+ case lists:keymember(Name, 1, AppFile) of
+ true ->
+ Missing;
+ false ->
+ [Name|Missing]
+ end.
+modules(suite) ->
+ [];
+modules(doc) ->
+ [];
+modules(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ AppFile = key1search(app_file, Config),
+ Mods = key1search(modules, AppFile),
+ EbinList = get_ebin_mods(reltool),
+ case missing_modules(Mods, EbinList, []) of
+ [] ->
+ ok;
+ Missing ->
+ throw({error, {missing_modules, Missing}})
+ end,
+ case extra_modules(Mods, EbinList, []) of
+ [] ->
+ ok;
+ Extra ->
+ throw({error, {extra_modules, Extra}})
+ end,
+ {ok, Mods}.
+get_ebin_mods(App) ->
+ LibDir = code:lib_dir(App),
+ EbinDir = filename:join([LibDir,"ebin"]),
+ {ok, Files0} = file:list_dir(EbinDir),
+ Files1 = [lists:reverse(File) || File <- Files0],
+ [list_to_atom(lists:reverse(Name)) || [$m,$a,$e,$b,$.|Name] <- Files1].
+missing_modules([], _Ebins, Missing) ->
+ Missing;
+missing_modules([Mod|Mods], Ebins, Missing) ->
+ case lists:member(Mod, Ebins) of
+ true ->
+ missing_modules(Mods, Ebins, Missing);
+ false ->
+ io:format("missing module: ~p~n", [Mod]),
+ missing_modules(Mods, Ebins, [Mod|Missing])
+ end.
+extra_modules(_Mods, [], Extra) ->
+ Extra;
+extra_modules(Mods, [Mod|Ebins], Extra) ->
+ case lists:member(Mod, Mods) of
+ true ->
+ extra_modules(Mods, Ebins, Extra);
+ false ->
+ io:format("supefluous module: ~p~n", [Mod]),
+ extra_modules(Mods, Ebins, [Mod|Extra])
+ end.
+export_all(suite) ->
+ [];
+export_all(doc) ->
+ [];
+export_all(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ AppFile = key1search(app_file, Config),
+ Mods = key1search(modules, AppFile),
+ check_export_all(Mods).
+check_export_all([]) ->
+ ok;
+check_export_all([Mod|Mods]) ->
+ case (catch apply(Mod, module_info, [compile])) of
+ {'EXIT', {undef, _}} ->
+ check_export_all(Mods);
+ O ->
+ case lists:keysearch(options, 1, O) of
+ false ->
+ check_export_all(Mods);
+ {value, {options, List}} ->
+ case lists:member(export_all, List) of
+ true ->
+ throw({error, {export_all, Mod}});
+ false ->
+ check_export_all(Mods)
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+app_depend(suite) ->
+ [];
+app_depend(doc) ->
+ [];
+app_depend(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ AppFile = key1search(app_file, Config),
+ Apps = key1search(applications, AppFile),
+ check_apps(Apps).
+check_apps([]) ->
+ ok;
+check_apps([App|Apps]) ->
+ case is_app(App) of
+ {ok, _} ->
+ check_apps(Apps);
+ Error ->
+ throw({error, {missing_app, {App, Error}}})
+ end.
+undef_funcs(suite) ->
+ [];
+undef_funcs(doc) ->
+ [];
+undef_funcs(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ App = reltool,
+ AppFile = key1search(app_file, Config),
+ Mods = key1search(modules, AppFile),
+ Root = code:root_dir(),
+ LibDir = code:lib_dir(App),
+ EbinDir = filename:join([LibDir,"ebin"]),
+ XRefTestName = undef_funcs_make_name(App, xref_test_name),
+ {ok, XRef} = xref:start(XRefTestName),
+ ok = xref:set_default(XRef,
+ [{verbose,false},{warnings,false}]),
+ XRefName = undef_funcs_make_name(App, xref_name),
+ {ok, XRefName} = xref:add_release(XRef, Root, {name,XRefName}),
+ {ok, App} = xref:replace_application(XRef, App, EbinDir),
+ {ok, Undefs} = xref:analyze(XRef, undefined_function_calls),
+ xref:stop(XRef),
+ analyze_undefined_function_calls(Undefs, Mods, []).
+analyze_undefined_function_calls([], _, []) ->
+ ok;
+analyze_undefined_function_calls([], _, AppUndefs) ->
+ exit({suite_failed, {undefined_function_calls, AppUndefs}});
+analyze_undefined_function_calls([{{Mod, _F, _A}, _C} = AppUndef|Undefs],
+ AppModules, AppUndefs) ->
+ %% Check that this module is our's
+ case lists:member(Mod,AppModules) of
+ true ->
+ {Calling,Called} = AppUndef,
+ {Mod1,Func1,Ar1} = Calling,
+ {Mod2,Func2,Ar2} = Called,
+ io:format("undefined function call: "
+ "~n ~w:~w/~w calls ~w:~w/~w~n",
+ [Mod1,Func1,Ar1,Mod2,Func2,Ar2]),
+ analyze_undefined_function_calls(Undefs, AppModules,
+ [AppUndef|AppUndefs]);
+ false ->
+ io:format("dropping ~p~n", [Mod]),
+ analyze_undefined_function_calls(Undefs, AppModules, AppUndefs)
+ end.
+%% This function is used simply to avoid cut-and-paste errors later...
+undef_funcs_make_name(App, PostFix) ->
+ list_to_atom(atom_to_list(App) ++ "_" ++ atom_to_list(PostFix)).
+fail(Reason) ->
+ exit({suite_failed, Reason}).
+key1search(Key, L) ->
+ case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, L) of
+ false ->
+ fail({not_found, Key, L});
+ {value, {Key, Value}} ->
+ Value
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/reltool/test/reltool_server_SUITE.erl b/lib/reltool/test/reltool_server_SUITE.erl
index cf951191a0..faf1bdbba2 100644
--- a/lib/reltool/test/reltool_server_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/reltool/test/reltool_server_SUITE.erl
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2009-2010. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
@@ -26,11 +26,13 @@
+-define(WORK_DIR, "reltool_work_dir").
%% Initialization functions.
init_per_suite(Config) ->
+ ?ignore(file:make_dir(?WORK_DIR)),
end_per_suite(Config) ->
@@ -128,8 +130,7 @@ create_release(_Config) ->
{value, {_, _, StdlibVsn}} = lists:keysearch(stdlib, 1, Apps),
Rel = {release, {RelName, RelVsn},
{erts, ErtsVsn},
- [{kernel, KernelVsn},
- {stdlib, StdlibVsn}]},
+ [{kernel, KernelVsn}, {stdlib, StdlibVsn}]},
?m({ok, Rel}, reltool:get_rel([{config, Config}], RelName)),
@@ -159,15 +160,17 @@ create_script(_Config) ->
Rel = {release,
{RelName, RelVsn},
{erts, ErtsVsn},
- [{stdlib, StdlibVsn}, {kernel, KernelVsn}]},
+ [{kernel, KernelVsn}, {stdlib, StdlibVsn}]},
?m({ok, Rel}, reltool:get_rel(Pid, RelName)),
- RelFile = RelName ++ ".rel",
- ?m(ok, file:write_file(RelFile, io_lib:format("~p.\n", [Rel]))),
+ ?m(ok, file:write_file(filename:join([?WORK_DIR, RelName ++ ".rel"]),
+ io_lib:format("~p.\n", [Rel]))),
%% Generate script file
+ {ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
+ ?m(ok, file:set_cwd(?WORK_DIR)),
?m(ok, systools:make_script(RelName, [])),
- ScriptFile = RelName ++ ".script",
- {ok, [OrigScript]} = ?msym({ok, [_]}, file:consult(ScriptFile)),
+ {ok, [OrigScript]} = ?msym({ok, [_]}, file:consult(RelName ++ ".script")),
+ ?m(ok, file:set_cwd(Cwd)),
{ok, Script} = ?msym({ok, _}, reltool:get_script(Pid, RelName)),
%% OrigScript2 = sort_script(OrigScript),
%% Script2 = sort_script(Script),
@@ -201,9 +204,10 @@ create_target(_Config) ->
%% Generate target file
- TargetDir = "reltool_target_dir_development",
+ TargetDir = filename:join([?WORK_DIR, "target_development"]),
?m(ok, reltool_utils:recursive_delete(TargetDir)),
?m(ok, file:make_dir(TargetDir)),
+ ?log("SPEC: ~p\n", [reltool:get_target_spec([{config, Config}])]),
?m(ok, reltool:create_target([{config, Config}], TargetDir)),
Erl = filename:join([TargetDir, "bin", "erl"]),
@@ -234,7 +238,7 @@ create_embedded(_Config) ->
%% Generate target file
- TargetDir = "reltool_target_dir_embedded",
+ TargetDir = filename:join([?WORK_DIR, "target_embedded"]),
?m(ok, reltool_utils:recursive_delete(TargetDir)),
?m(ok, file:make_dir(TargetDir)),
?m(ok, reltool:create_target([{config, Config}], TargetDir)),
@@ -264,7 +268,7 @@ create_standalone(_Config) ->
%% Generate target file
- TargetDir = "reltool_target_dir_standalone",
+ TargetDir = filename:join([?WORK_DIR, "target_standalone"]),
?m(ok, reltool_utils:recursive_delete(TargetDir)),
?m(ok, file:make_dir(TargetDir)),
?m(ok, reltool:create_target([{config, Config}], TargetDir)),
@@ -290,6 +294,8 @@ create_standalone(_Config) ->
create_old_target(TestInfo) when is_atom(TestInfo) ->
create_old_target(_Config) ->
+ ?skip("Old style of target", []),
%% Configure the server
RelName1 = "Just testing",
RelName2 = "Just testing with SASL",
@@ -306,7 +312,7 @@ create_old_target(_Config) ->
%% Generate target file
- TargetDir = "reltool_target_dir_old",
+ TargetDir = filename:join([?WORK_DIR, "target_old_style"]),
?m(ok, reltool_utils:recursive_delete(TargetDir)),
?m(ok, file:make_dir(TargetDir)),
?m(ok, reltool:create_target([{config, Config}], TargetDir)),
diff --git a/lib/reltool/test/reltool_test_lib.erl b/lib/reltool/test/reltool_test_lib.erl
index 25978294ee..5390b0a75e 100644
--- a/lib/reltool/test/reltool_test_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/reltool/test/reltool_test_lib.erl
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2009-2010. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
@@ -24,9 +24,11 @@
init_per_suite(Config) when is_list(Config)->
+ global:register_name(reltool_global_logger, group_leader()),
incr_timetrap(Config, 5).
end_per_suite(Config) when is_list(Config)->
+ global:unregister_name(reltool_global_logger),
incr_timetrap(Config, Times) ->
@@ -130,11 +132,9 @@ wx_end_per_suite(Config) ->
init_per_testcase(_Func, Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- global:register_name(reltool_global_logger, group_leader()),
end_per_testcase(_Func, Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- global:unregister_name(reltool_global_logger),
diff --git a/lib/reltool/test/reltool_test_lib.hrl b/lib/reltool/test/reltool_test_lib.hrl
index 93134144ea..b592ebb2f0 100644
--- a/lib/reltool/test/reltool_test_lib.hrl
+++ b/lib/reltool/test/reltool_test_lib.hrl
@@ -1,23 +1,24 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2009-2010. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
+-define(flat_format(Format,Args), lists:flatten(io_lib:format(Format,Args))).
-define(log(Format,Args), reltool_test_lib:log(Format,Args,?FILE,?LINE)).
-define(warning(Format,Args), ?log("<WARNING>\n " ++ Format,Args)).
-define(error(Format,Args), reltool_test_lib:error(Format,Args,?FILE,?LINE)).
diff --git a/lib/reltool/test/rtt b/lib/reltool/test/rtt
index 2411195338..1f93396196 100755
--- a/lib/reltool/test/rtt
+++ b/lib/reltool/test/rtt
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
#! /bin/sh -f
# %CopyrightBegin%
-# Copyright Ericsson AB 2009. All Rights Reserved.
+# Copyright Ericsson AB 2009-2010. All Rights Reserved.
# The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
# Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
# Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
# retrieved online at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
# the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
# under the License.
# %CopyrightEnd%
# Usage: rtt [-cerl] <args to erlang startup script>
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case "$1" in
- emu=cerl
+ emu="$ERL_TOP/bin/cerl"