path: root/lib/stdlib/test
diff options
authorJohn Högberg <>2023-04-20 12:28:15 +0200
committerGitHub <>2023-04-20 12:28:15 +0200
commit77430f2040b63648b8d2ffd9bdff81e950c51a4f (patch)
treea991b5864d3f551b876fc077bc45b8be1f8810cd /lib/stdlib/test
parentaaf77a2d0a3b68935e9ee03dada4c671aa19443e (diff)
parent3b21b0ce49e6db62002c8d6a2948bccb48541e5f (diff)
Merge pull request #6852 from max-au/max-au/argparse
[argparse] Command line parser for Erlang OTP-18558
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/test')
2 files changed, 1064 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/Makefile b/lib/stdlib/test/Makefile
index 5d4ffcf86e..2597157004 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/Makefile
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/Makefile
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ include $(ERL_TOP)/make/$(TARGET)/
array_SUITE \
+ argparse_SUITE \
base64_SUITE \
base64_property_test_SUITE \
beam_lib_SUITE \
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/argparse_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/argparse_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb7eaecda1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/argparse_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1063 @@
+%% Copyright Maxim Fedorov
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+-export([suite/0, all/0, groups/0]).
+ readme/0, readme/1,
+ basic/0, basic/1,
+ long_form_eq/0, long_form_eq/1,
+ built_in_types/0, built_in_types/1,
+ type_validators/0, type_validators/1,
+ invalid_arguments/0, invalid_arguments/1,
+ complex_command/0, complex_command/1,
+ unicode/0, unicode/1,
+ parser_error/0, parser_error/1,
+ nargs/0, nargs/1,
+ argparse/0, argparse/1,
+ negative/0, negative/1,
+ nodigits/0, nodigits/1,
+ pos_mixed_with_opt/0, pos_mixed_with_opt/1,
+ default_for_not_required/0, default_for_not_required/1,
+ global_default/0, global_default/1,
+ subcommand/0, subcommand/1,
+ very_short/0, very_short/1,
+ multi_short/0, multi_short/1,
+ proxy_arguments/0, proxy_arguments/1,
+ usage/0, usage/1,
+ usage_required_args/0, usage_required_args/1,
+ usage_template/0, usage_template/1,
+ parser_error_usage/0, parser_error_usage/1,
+ command_usage/0, command_usage/1,
+ usage_width/0, usage_width/1,
+ validator_exception/0, validator_exception/1,
+ validator_exception_format/0, validator_exception_format/1,
+ run_handle/0, run_handle/1
+suite() ->
+ [{timetrap, {seconds, 30}}].
+groups() ->
+ [
+ {parser, [parallel], [
+ readme, basic, long_form_eq, built_in_types, type_validators,
+ invalid_arguments, complex_command, unicode, parser_error,
+ nargs, argparse, negative, nodigits, pos_mixed_with_opt,
+ default_for_not_required, global_default, subcommand,
+ very_short, multi_short, proxy_arguments
+ ]},
+ {usage, [parallel], [
+ usage, usage_required_args, usage_template,
+ parser_error_usage, command_usage, usage_width
+ ]},
+ {validator, [parallel], [
+ validator_exception, validator_exception_format
+ ]},
+ {run, [parallel], [
+ run_handle
+ ]}
+ ].
+all() ->
+ [{group, parser}, {group, validator}, {group, usage}].
+%% Helpers
+prog() ->
+ {ok, [[ProgStr]]} = init:get_argument(progname), ProgStr.
+parser_error(CmdLine, CmdMap) ->
+ {error, Reason} = parse(CmdLine, CmdMap),
+ unicode:characters_to_list(argparse:format_error(Reason)).
+parse_opts(Args, Opts) ->
+ argparse:parse(string:lexemes(Args, " "), #{arguments => Opts}).
+parse(Args, Command) ->
+ argparse:parse(string:lexemes(Args, " "), Command).
+parse_cmd(Args, Command) ->
+ argparse:parse(string:lexemes(Args, " "), #{commands => Command}).
+%% ubiquitous command, containing sub-commands, and all possible option types
+%% with all nargs. Not all combinations though.
+ubiq_cmd() ->
+ #{
+ arguments => [
+ #{name => r, short => $r, type => boolean, help => "recursive"},
+ #{name => f, short => $f, type => boolean, long => "-force", help => "force"},
+ #{name => v, short => $v, type => boolean, action => count, help => "verbosity level"},
+ #{name => interval, short => $i, type => {integer, [{min, 1}]}, help => "interval set"},
+ #{name => weird, long => "-req", help => "required optional, right?"},
+ #{name => float, long => "-float", type => float, default => 3.14, help => "floating-point long form argument"}
+ ],
+ commands => #{
+ "start" => #{help => "verifies configuration and starts server",
+ arguments => [
+ #{name => server, help => "server to start"},
+ #{name => shard, short => $s, type => integer, nargs => nonempty_list, help => "initial shards"},
+ #{name => part, short => $p, type => integer, nargs => list, help => hidden},
+ #{name => z, short => $z, type => {integer, [{min, 1}, {max, 10}]}, help => "between"},
+ #{name => l, short => $l, type => {integer, [{max, 10}]}, nargs => 'maybe', help => "maybe lower"},
+ #{name => more, short => $m, type => {integer, [{max, 10}]}, help => "less than 10"},
+ #{name => optpos, required => false, type => {integer, []}, help => "optional positional"},
+ #{name => bin, short => $b, type => {binary, <<"m">>}, help => "binary with re"},
+ #{name => g, short => $g, type => {binary, <<"m">>, []}, help => "binary with re"},
+ #{name => t, short => $t, type => {string, "m"}, help => "string with re"},
+ #{name => e, long => "--maybe-req", required => true, type => integer, nargs => 'maybe', help => "maybe required int"},
+ #{name => y, required => true, long => "-yyy", short => $y, type => {string, "m", []}, help => "string with re"},
+ #{name => u, short => $u, type => {string, ["1", "2"]}, help => "string choices"},
+ #{name => choice, short => $c, type => {integer, [1,2,3]}, help => "tough choice"},
+ #{name => fc, short => $q, type => {float, [2.1,1.2]}, help => "floating choice"},
+ #{name => ac, short => $w, type => {atom, [one, two]}, help => "atom choice"},
+ #{name => au, long => "-unsafe", type => {atom, unsafe}, help => "unsafe atom"},
+ #{name => as, long => "-safe", type => atom, help => <<"safe atom">>},
+ #{name => name, required => false, nargs => list, help => hidden},
+ #{name => long, long => "foobar", required => false, help => [<<"foobaring option">>]}
+ ], commands => #{
+ "crawler" => #{arguments => [
+ #{name => extra, long => "--extra", help => "extra option very deep"}
+ ],
+ help => "controls crawler behaviour"},
+ "doze" => #{help => "dozes a bit"}}
+ },
+ "stop" => #{help => <<"stops running server">>, arguments => []
+ },
+ "status" => #{help => "prints server status", arguments => [],
+ commands => #{
+ "crawler" => #{
+ arguments => [#{name => extra, long => "--extra", help => "extra option very deep"}],
+ help => "crawler status"}}
+ },
+ "restart" => #{help => hidden, arguments => [
+ #{name => server, help => "server to restart"},
+ #{name => duo, short => $d, long => "-duo", help => "dual option"}
+ ]}
+ }
+ }.
+%% Parser Test Cases
+readme() ->
+ [{doc, "Test cases covered in the README"}].
+readme(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Prog = prog(),
+ Rm = #{
+ arguments => [
+ #{name => dir},
+ #{name => force, short => $f, type => boolean, default => false},
+ #{name => recursive, short => $r, type => boolean}
+ ]
+ },
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{dir => "dir", force => true, recursive => true}, [Prog], Rm},
+ argparse:parse(["-rf", "dir"], Rm)),
+ %% override progname
+ ?assertEqual("Usage:\n readme\n",
+ unicode:characters_to_list(argparse:help(#{}, #{progname => "readme"}))),
+ ?assertEqual("Usage:\n readme\n",
+ unicode:characters_to_list(argparse:help(#{}, #{progname => readme}))),
+ ?assertEqual("Usage:\n readme\n",
+ unicode:characters_to_list(argparse:help(#{}, #{progname => <<"readme">>}))),
+ %% test that command has priority over just a positional argument:
+ %% - parsing "opt sub" means "find positional argument "pos", then enter subcommand
+ %% - parsing "sub opt" means "enter sub-command, and then find positional argument"
+ Cmd = #{
+ commands => #{"sub" => #{}},
+ arguments => [#{name => pos}]
+ },
+ ?assertEqual(parse("opt sub", Cmd), parse("sub opt", Cmd)).
+basic() ->
+ [{doc, "Basic cases"}].
+basic(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Prog = prog(),
+ %% empty command, with full options path
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{}, [Prog, "cmd"], #{}},
+ argparse:parse(["cmd"], #{commands => #{"cmd" => #{}}})),
+ %% sub-command, with no path, but user-supplied argument
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{}, [Prog, "cmd", "sub"], #{attr => pos}},
+ argparse:parse(["cmd", "sub"], #{commands => #{"cmd" => #{commands => #{"sub" => #{attr => pos}}}}})),
+ %% command with positional argument
+ PosCmd = #{arguments => [#{name => pos}]},
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{pos => "arg"}, [Prog, "cmd"], PosCmd},
+ argparse:parse(["cmd", "arg"], #{commands => #{"cmd" => PosCmd}})),
+ %% command with optional argument
+ OptCmd = #{arguments => [#{name => force, short => $f, type => boolean}]},
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{force => true}, [Prog, "rm"], OptCmd},
+ parse(["rm -f"], #{commands => #{"rm" => OptCmd}}), "rm -f"),
+ %% command with optional and positional argument
+ PosOptCmd = #{arguments => [#{name => force, short => $f, type => boolean}, #{name => dir}]},
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{force => true, dir => "dir"}, [Prog, "rm"], PosOptCmd},
+ parse(["rm -f dir"], #{commands => #{"rm" => PosOptCmd}}), "rm -f dir"),
+ %% no command, just argument list
+ KernelCmd = #{arguments => [#{name => kernel, long => "kernel", type => atom, nargs => 2}]},
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{kernel => [port, dist]}, [Prog], KernelCmd},
+ parse(["-kernel port dist"], KernelCmd)),
+ %% same but positional
+ ArgListCmd = #{arguments => [#{name => arg, nargs => 2, type => boolean}]},
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{arg => [true, false]}, [Prog], ArgListCmd},
+ parse(["true false"], ArgListCmd)).
+long_form_eq() ->
+ [{doc, "Tests that long form supports --arg=value"}].
+long_form_eq(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Prog = prog(),
+ %% cmd --arg=value
+ PosOptCmd = #{arguments => [#{name => arg, long => "-arg"}]},
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{arg => "value"}, [Prog, "cmd"], PosOptCmd},
+ parse(["cmd --arg=value"], #{commands => #{"cmd" => PosOptCmd}})),
+ %% --integer=10
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{int := 10}, _, _},
+ parse(["--int=10"], #{arguments => [#{name => int, type => integer, long => "-int"}]})).
+built_in_types() ->
+ [{doc, "Tests all built-in types supplied as a single argument"}].
+% built-in types testing
+built_in_types(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Prog = [prog()],
+ Bool = #{arguments => [#{name => meta, type => boolean, short => $b, long => "-boolean"}]},
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{}, Prog, Bool}, parse([""], Bool)),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{meta => true}, Prog, Bool}, parse(["-b"], Bool)),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{meta => true}, Prog, Bool}, parse(["--boolean"], Bool)),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{meta => false}, Prog, Bool}, parse(["--boolean false"], Bool)),
+ %% integer tests
+ Int = #{arguments => [#{name => int, type => integer, short => $i, long => "-int"}]},
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{int => 1}, Prog, Int}, parse([" -i 1"], Int)),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{int => 1}, Prog, Int}, parse(["--int 1"], Int)),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{int => -1}, Prog, Int}, parse(["-i -1"], Int)),
+ %% floating point
+ Float = #{arguments => [#{name => f, type => float, short => $f}]},
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{f => 44.44}, Prog, Float}, parse(["-f 44.44"], Float)),
+ %% atoms, existing
+ Atom = #{arguments => [#{name => atom, type => atom, short => $a, long => "-atom"}]},
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{atom => atom}, Prog, Atom}, parse(["-a atom"], Atom)),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{atom => atom}, Prog, Atom}, parse(["--atom atom"], Atom)).
+type_validators() ->
+ [{doc, "Test that parser return expected conversions for valid arguments"}].
+type_validators(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ %% successful string regexes
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{str := "me"}, _, _},
+ parse_opts("me", [#{name => str, type => {string, "m."}}])),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{str := "me"}, _, _},
+ parse_opts("me", [#{name => str, type => {string, "m.", []}}])),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{"str" := "me"}, _, _},
+ parse_opts("me", [#{name => "str", type => {string, "m.", [{capture, none}]}}])),
+ %% and binary too...
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{bin := <<"me">>}, _, _},
+ parse_opts("me", [#{name => bin, type => {binary, <<"m.">>}}])),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{<<"bin">> := <<"me">>}, _, _},
+ parse_opts("me", [#{name => <<"bin">>, type => {binary, <<"m.">>, []}}])),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{bin := <<"me">>}, _, _},
+ parse_opts("me", [#{name => bin, type => {binary, <<"m.">>, [{capture, none}]}}])),
+ %% successful integer with range validators
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{int := 5}, _, _},
+ parse_opts("5", [#{name => int, type => {integer, [{min, 0}, {max, 10}]}}])),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{bin := <<"5">>}, _, _},
+ parse_opts("5", [#{name => bin, type => binary}])),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{str := "011"}, _, _},
+ parse_opts("11", [#{name => str, type => {custom, fun(S) -> [$0|S] end}}])),
+ %% choices: valid
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{bin := <<"K">>}, _, _},
+ parse_opts("K", [#{name => bin, type => {binary, [<<"M">>, <<"K">>]}}])),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{str := "K"}, _, _},
+ parse_opts("K", [#{name => str, type => {string, ["K", "N"]}}])),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{atom := one}, _, _},
+ parse_opts("one", [#{name => atom, type => {atom, [one, two]}}])),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{int := 12}, _, _},
+ parse_opts("12", [#{name => int, type => {integer, [10, 12]}}])),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{float := 1.3}, _, _},
+ parse_opts("1.3", [#{name => float, type => {float, [1.3, 1.4]}}])),
+ %% test for unsafe atom
+ %% ensure the atom does not exist
+ ?assertException(error, badarg, list_to_existing_atom("$can_never_be")),
+ {ok, ArgMap, _, _} = parse_opts("$can_never_be", [#{name => atom, type => {atom, unsafe}}]),
+ argparse:validate(#{arguments => [#{name => atom, type => {atom, unsafe}}]}),
+ %% now that atom exists, because argparse created it (in an unsafe way!)
+ ?assertEqual(list_to_existing_atom("$can_never_be"), maps:get(atom, ArgMap)),
+ %% test successful user-defined conversion
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{user := "VER"}, _, _},
+ parse_opts("REV", [#{name => user, type => {custom, fun (Str) -> lists:reverse(Str) end}}])).
+invalid_arguments() ->
+ [{doc, "Test that parser return errors for invalid arguments"}].
+invalid_arguments(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ %% {float, [{min, float()} | {max, float()}]} |
+ Prog = [prog()],
+ MinFloat = #{name => float, type => {float, [{min, 1.0}]}},
+ ?assertEqual({error, {Prog, MinFloat, "0.0", <<"is less than accepted minimum">>}},
+ parse_opts("0.0", [MinFloat])),
+ MaxFloat = #{name => float, type => {float, [{max, 1.0}]}},
+ ?assertEqual({error, {Prog, MaxFloat, "2.0", <<"is greater than accepted maximum">>}},
+ parse_opts("2.0", [MaxFloat])),
+ %% {int, [{min, integer()} | {max, integer()}]} |
+ MinInt = #{name => int, type => {integer, [{min, 20}]}},
+ ?assertEqual({error, {Prog, MinInt, "10", <<"is less than accepted minimum">>}},
+ parse_opts("10", [MinInt])),
+ MaxInt = #{name => int, type => {integer, [{max, -10}]}},
+ ?assertEqual({error, {Prog, MaxInt, "-5", <<"is greater than accepted maximum">>}},
+ parse_opts("-5", [MaxInt])),
+ %% string: regex & regex with options
+ %% {string, string()} | {string, string(), []}
+ StrRegex = #{name => str, type => {string, ""}},
+ ?assertEqual({error, {Prog, StrRegex, "me", <<"does not match">>}},
+ parse_opts("me", [StrRegex])),
+ StrRegexOpt = #{name => str, type => {string, "", []}},
+ ?assertEqual({error, {Prog, StrRegexOpt, "me", <<"does not match">>}},
+ parse_opts("me", [StrRegexOpt])),
+ %% {binary, {re, binary()} | {re, binary(), []}
+ BinRegex = #{name => bin, type => {binary, <<"">>}},
+ ?assertEqual({error, {Prog, BinRegex, "me", <<"does not match">>}},
+ parse_opts("me", [BinRegex])),
+ BinRegexOpt = #{name => bin, type => {binary, <<"">>, []}},
+ ?assertEqual({error, {Prog, BinRegexOpt, "me", <<"does not match">>}},
+ parse_opts("me", [BinRegexOpt])),
+ %% invalid integer (comma , is not parsed)
+ ?assertEqual({error, {Prog, MinInt, "1,", <<"is not an integer">>}},
+ parse_opts(["1,"], [MinInt])),
+ %% test invalid choices
+ BinChoices = #{name => bin, type => {binary, [<<"M">>, <<"N">>]}},
+ ?assertEqual({error, {Prog, BinChoices, "K", <<"is not one of the choices">>}},
+ parse_opts("K", [BinChoices])),
+ StrChoices = #{name => str, type => {string, ["M", "N"]}},
+ ?assertEqual({error, {Prog, StrChoices, "K", <<"is not one of the choices">>}},
+ parse_opts("K", [StrChoices])),
+ AtomChoices = #{name => atom, type => {atom, [one, two]}},
+ ?assertEqual({error, {Prog, AtomChoices, "K", <<"is not one of the choices">>}},
+ parse_opts("K", [AtomChoices])),
+ IntChoices = #{name => int, type => {integer, [10, 11]}},
+ ?assertEqual({error, {Prog, IntChoices, "12", <<"is not one of the choices">>}},
+ parse_opts("12", [IntChoices])),
+ FloatChoices = #{name => float, type => {float, [1.2, 1.4]}},
+ ?assertEqual({error, {Prog, FloatChoices, "1.3", <<"is not one of the choices">>}},
+ parse_opts("1.3", [FloatChoices])),
+ %% unsuccessful user-defined conversion
+ ?assertMatch({error, {Prog, _, "REV", <<"failed faildation">>}},
+ parse_opts("REV", [#{name => user, type => {custom, fun (Str) -> integer_to_binary(Str) end}}])).
+complex_command() ->
+ [{doc, "Parses a complex command that has a mix of optional and positional arguments"}].
+complex_command(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Command = #{arguments => [
+ %% options
+ #{name => string, short => $s, long => "-string", action => append, help => "String list option"},
+ #{name => boolean, type => boolean, short => $b, action => append, help => "Boolean list option"},
+ #{name => float, type => float, short => $f, long => "-float", action => append, help => "Float option"},
+ %% positional args
+ #{name => integer, type => integer, help => "Integer variable"},
+ #{name => string, help => "alias for string option", action => extend, nargs => list}
+ ]},
+ CmdMap = #{commands => #{"start" => Command}},
+ Parsed = argparse:parse(string:lexemes("start --float 1.04 -f 112 -b -b -s s1 42 --string s2 s3 s4", " "), CmdMap),
+ Expected = #{float => [1.04, 112], boolean => [true, true], integer => 42, string => ["s1", "s2", "s3", "s4"]},
+ ?assertEqual({ok, Expected, [prog(), "start"], Command}, Parsed).
+unicode() ->
+ [{doc, "Tests basic unicode support"}].
+unicode(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ %% test unicode short & long
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{one := true}, _, _},
+ parse(["-Ф"], #{arguments => [#{name => one, short => $Ф, type => boolean}]})),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{long := true}, _, _},
+ parse(["--åäö"], #{arguments => [#{name => long, long => "-åäö", type => boolean}]})),
+ %% test default, help and value in unicode
+ Cmd = #{arguments => [#{name => text, type => binary, help => "åäö", default => <<"★"/utf8>>}]},
+ Expected = #{text => <<"★"/utf8>>},
+ Prog = [prog()],
+ ?assertEqual({ok, Expected, Prog, Cmd}, argparse:parse([], Cmd)), %% default
+ ?assertEqual({ok, Expected, Prog, Cmd}, argparse:parse(["★"], Cmd)), %% specified in the command line
+ ?assertEqual("Usage:\n " ++ prog() ++ " <text>\n\nArguments:\n text åäö (binary, ★)\n",
+ unicode:characters_to_list(argparse:help(Cmd))),
+ %% test command name and argument name in unicode
+ Uni = #{commands => #{"åäö" => #{help => "öФ"}}, handler => optional,
+ arguments => [#{name => "Ф", short => $ä, long => "åäö"}]},
+ UniExpected = "Usage:\n " ++ prog() ++
+ " {åäö} [-ä <Ф>] [-åäö <Ф>]\n\nSubcommands:\n åäö öФ\n\nOptional arguments:\n -ä, -åäö Ф\n",
+ ?assertEqual(UniExpected, unicode:characters_to_list(argparse:help(Uni))),
+ ParsedExpected = #{"Ф" => "öФ"},
+ ?assertEqual({ok, ParsedExpected, Prog, Uni}, argparse:parse(["-ä", "öФ"], Uni)).
+parser_error() ->
+ [{doc, "Tests error tuples that the parser returns"}].
+parser_error(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Prog = prog(),
+ %% unknown option at the top of the path
+ ?assertEqual({error, {[Prog], undefined, "arg", <<>>}},
+ parse_cmd(["arg"], #{})),
+ %% positional argument missing in a sub-command
+ Opt = #{name => mode, required => true},
+ ?assertMatch({error, {[Prog, "start"], _, undefined, <<>>}},
+ parse_cmd(["start"], #{"start" => #{arguments => [Opt]}})),
+ %% optional argument missing in a sub-command
+ Opt1 = #{name => mode, short => $o, required => true},
+ ?assertMatch({error, {[Prog, "start"], _, undefined, <<>>}},
+ parse_cmd(["start"], #{"start" => #{arguments => [Opt1]}})),
+ %% positional argument: an atom that does not exist
+ Opt2 = #{name => atom, type => atom},
+ ?assertEqual({error, {[Prog], Opt2, "boo-foo", <<"is not an existing atom">>}},
+ parse_opts(["boo-foo"], [Opt2])),
+ %% optional argument missing some items
+ Opt3 = #{name => kernel, long => "kernel", type => atom, nargs => 2},
+ ?assertEqual({error, {[Prog], Opt3, ["port"], "expected 2, found 1 argument(s)"}},
+ parse_opts(["-kernel port"], [Opt3])),
+ %% positional argument missing some items
+ Opt4 = #{name => arg, type => atom, nargs => 3},
+ ?assertEqual({error, {[Prog], Opt4, ["p1"], "expected 3, found 1 argument(s)"}},
+ parse_opts(["p1"], [Opt4])),
+ %% short option with no argument, when it's needed
+ ?assertMatch({error, {_, _, undefined, <<"expected argument">>}},
+ parse("-1", #{arguments => [#{name => short49, short => 49}]})).
+nargs() ->
+ [{doc, "Tests argument consumption option, with nargs"}].
+nargs(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Prog = [prog()],
+ %% consume optional list arguments
+ Opts = [
+ #{name => arg, short => $s, nargs => list, type => integer},
+ #{name => bool, short => $b, type => boolean}
+ ],
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{arg := [1, 2, 3], bool := true}, _, _},
+ parse_opts(["-s 1 2 3 -b"], Opts)),
+ %% consume one_or_more arguments in an optional list
+ Opts2 = [
+ #{name => arg, short => $s, nargs => nonempty_list},
+ #{name => extra, short => $x}
+ ],
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{extra := "X", arg := ["a","b","c"]}, _, _},
+ parse_opts(["-s port -s a b c -x X"], Opts2)),
+ %% error if there is no argument to consume
+ ?assertMatch({error, {_, _, ["-x"], <<"expected argument">>}},
+ parse_opts(["-s -x"], Opts2)),
+ %% error when positional has nargs = nonempty_list or pos_integer
+ ?assertMatch({error, {_, _, undefined, <<>>}},
+ parse_opts([""], [#{name => req, nargs => nonempty_list}])),
+ %% positional arguments consumption: one or more positional argument
+ OptsPos1 = #{arguments => [
+ #{name => arg, nargs => nonempty_list},
+ #{name => extra, short => $x}
+ ]},
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{extra => "X", arg => ["b","c"]}, Prog, OptsPos1},
+ parse(["-x port -x a b c -x X"], OptsPos1)),
+ %% positional arguments consumption, any number (maybe zero)
+ OptsPos2 = #{arguments => [
+ #{name => arg, nargs => list},
+ #{name => extra, short => $x}
+ ]},
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{extra => "X", arg => ["a","b","c"]}, Prog, OptsPos2},
+ parse(["-x port a b c -x X"], OptsPos2)),
+ %% positional: consume ALL arguments!
+ OptsAll = #{arguments => [
+ #{name => arg, nargs => all},
+ #{name => extra, short => $x}
+ ]},
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{extra => "port", arg => ["a","b","c", "-x", "X"]}, Prog, OptsAll},
+ parse(["-x port a b c -x X"], OptsAll)),
+ %% maybe with a specified default
+ OptMaybe = [
+ #{name => foo, long => "-foo", nargs => {'maybe', c}, default => d},
+ #{name => bar, nargs => 'maybe', default => d}
+ ],
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{foo := "YY", bar := "XX"}, Prog, _},
+ parse_opts(["XX --foo YY"], OptMaybe)),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{foo := c, bar := "XX"}, Prog, _},
+ parse_opts(["XX --foo"], OptMaybe)),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{foo := d, bar := d}, Prog, _},
+ parse_opts([""], OptMaybe)),
+ %% maybe with default provided by argparse
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{foo := d, bar := "XX", baz := ok}, _, _},
+ parse_opts(["XX -b"], [#{name => baz, nargs => 'maybe', short => $b, default => ok} | OptMaybe])),
+ %% maybe arg - with no default given
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{foo := d, bar := "XX", baz := 0}, _, _},
+ parse_opts(["XX -b"], [#{name => baz, nargs => 'maybe', short => $b, type => integer} | OptMaybe])),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{foo := d, bar := "XX", baz := ""}, _, _},
+ parse_opts(["XX -b"], [#{name => baz, nargs => 'maybe', short => $b, type => string} | OptMaybe])),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{foo := d, bar := "XX", baz := undefined}, _, _},
+ parse_opts(["XX -b"], [#{name => baz, nargs => 'maybe', short => $b, type => atom} | OptMaybe])),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{foo := d, bar := "XX", baz := <<"">>}, _, _},
+ parse_opts(["XX -b"], [#{name => baz, nargs => 'maybe', short => $b, type => binary} | OptMaybe])),
+ %% nargs: optional list, yet it still needs to be 'not required'!
+ OptList = [#{name => arg, nargs => list, required => false, type => integer}],
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{}, Prog, #{arguments => OptList}}, parse_opts("", OptList)),
+ %% tests that action "count" with nargs "maybe" counts two times, first time
+ %% consuming an argument (for "maybe"), second time just counting
+ Cmd = #{arguments => [
+ #{name => short49, short => $1, long => "-force", action => count, nargs => 'maybe'}]},
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{short49 => 2}, Prog, Cmd},
+ parse("-1 arg1 --force", Cmd)).
+argparse() ->
+ [{doc, "Tests success cases, inspired by argparse in Python"}].
+argparse(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Prog = [prog()],
+ Parser = #{arguments => [
+ #{name => sum, long => "-sum", action => {store, sum}, default => max},
+ #{name => integers, type => integer, nargs => nonempty_list}
+ ]},
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{integers => [1, 2, 3, 4], sum => max}, Prog, Parser},
+ parse("1 2 3 4", Parser)),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{integers => [1, 2, 3, 4], sum => sum}, Prog, Parser},
+ parse("1 2 3 4 --sum", Parser)),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{integers => [7, -1, 42], sum => sum}, Prog, Parser},
+ parse("--sum 7 -1 42", Parser)),
+ %% name or flags
+ Parser2 = #{arguments => [
+ #{name => bar, required => true},
+ #{name => foo, short => $f, long => "-foo"}
+ ]},
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{bar => "BAR"}, Prog, Parser2}, parse("BAR", Parser2)),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{bar => "BAR", foo => "FOO"}, Prog, Parser2}, parse("BAR --foo FOO", Parser2)),
+ %PROG: error: the following arguments are required: bar
+ ?assertMatch({error, {Prog, _, undefined, <<>>}}, parse("--foo FOO", Parser2)),
+ %% action tests: default
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{foo := "1"}, Prog, _},
+ parse("--foo 1", #{arguments => [#{name => foo, long => "-foo"}]})),
+ %% action test: store
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{foo := 42}, Prog, _},
+ parse("--foo", #{arguments => [#{name => foo, long => "-foo", action => {store, 42}}]})),
+ %% action tests: boolean (variants)
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{foo := true}, Prog, _},
+ parse("--foo", #{arguments => [#{name => foo, long => "-foo", action => {store, true}}]})),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{foo := 42}, Prog, _},
+ parse("--foo", #{arguments => [#{name => foo, long => "-foo", type => boolean, action => {store, 42}}]})),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{foo := true}, Prog, _},
+ parse("--foo", #{arguments => [#{name => foo, long => "-foo", type => boolean}]})),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{foo := true}, Prog, _},
+ parse("--foo true", #{arguments => [#{name => foo, long => "-foo", type => boolean}]})),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{foo := false}, Prog, _},
+ parse("--foo false", #{arguments => [#{name => foo, long => "-foo", type => boolean}]})),
+ %% action tests: append & append_const
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{all := [1, "1"]}, Prog, _},
+ parse("--x 1 -x 1", #{arguments => [
+ #{name => all, long => "-x", type => integer, action => append},
+ #{name => all, short => $x, action => append}]})),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{all := ["Z", 2]}, Prog, _},
+ parse("--x -x", #{arguments => [
+ #{name => all, long => "-x", action => {append, "Z"}},
+ #{name => all, short => $x, action => {append, 2}}]})),
+ %% count:
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{v := 3}, Prog, _},
+ parse("-v -v -v", #{arguments => [#{name => v, short => $v, action => count}]})).
+negative() ->
+ [{doc, "Test negative number parser"}].
+negative(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Parser = #{arguments => [
+ #{name => x, short => $x, type => integer, action => store},
+ #{name => foo, nargs => 'maybe', required => false}
+ ]},
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{x := -1}, _, _}, parse("-x -1", Parser)),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{x := -1, foo := "-5"}, _, _}, parse("-x -1 -5", Parser)),
+ %%
+ Parser2 = #{arguments => [
+ #{name => one, short => $1},
+ #{name => foo, nargs => 'maybe', required => false}
+ ]},
+ %% negative number options present, so -1 is an option
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{one := "X"}, _, _}, parse("-1 X", Parser2)),
+ %% negative number options present, so -2 is an option
+ ?assertMatch({error, {_, undefined, "-2", _}}, parse("-2", Parser2)),
+ %% negative number options present, so both -1s are options
+ ?assertMatch({error, {_, _, undefined, _}}, parse("-1 -1", Parser2)),
+ %% no "-" prefix, can only be an integer
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{foo := "-1"}, _, _}, argparse:parse(["-1"], Parser2, #{prefixes => "+"})),
+ %% no "-" prefix, can only be an integer, but just one integer!
+ ?assertMatch({error, {_, undefined, "-1", _}},
+ argparse:parse(["-2", "-1"], Parser2, #{prefixes => "+"})),
+ %% just in case, floats work that way too...
+ ?assertMatch({error, {_, undefined, "-2", _}},
+ parse("-2", #{arguments => [#{name => one, long => "1.2"}]})).
+nodigits() ->
+ [{doc, "Test prefixes and negative numbers together"}].
+nodigits(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ %% verify nodigits working as expected
+ Parser3 = #{arguments => [
+ #{name => extra, short => $3},
+ #{name => arg, nargs => list}
+ ]},
+ %% ensure not to consume optional prefix
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{extra => "X", arg => ["a","b","3"]}, [prog()], Parser3},
+ argparse:parse(string:lexemes("-3 port a b 3 +3 X", " "), Parser3, #{prefixes => "-+"})).
+pos_mixed_with_opt() ->
+ [{doc, "Tests that optional argument correctly consumes expected argument"
+ "inspired by"}].
+pos_mixed_with_opt(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Parser = #{arguments => [
+ #{name => pos},
+ #{name => opt, default => 24, type => integer, long => "-opt"},
+ #{name => vars, nargs => list}
+ ]},
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{pos => "1", opt => 8, vars => ["8", "9"]}, [prog()], Parser},
+ parse("1 2 --opt 8 8 9", Parser)).
+default_for_not_required() ->
+ [{doc, "Tests that default value is used for non-required positional argument"}].
+default_for_not_required(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{def := 1}, _, _},
+ parse("", #{arguments => [#{name => def, short => $d, required => false, default => 1}]})),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{def := 1}, _, _},
+ parse("", #{arguments => [#{name => def, required => false, default => 1}]})).
+global_default() ->
+ [{doc, "Tests that a global default can be enabled for all non-required arguments"}].
+global_default(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{def := "global"}, _, _},
+ argparse:parse("", #{arguments => [#{name => def, type => integer, required => false}]},
+ #{default => "global"})).
+subcommand() ->
+ [{doc, "Tests subcommands parser"}].
+subcommand(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ TwoCmd = #{arguments => [#{name => bar}]},
+ Cmd = #{
+ arguments => [#{name => force, type => boolean, short => $f}],
+ commands => #{"one" => #{
+ arguments => [#{name => foo, type => boolean, long => "-foo"}, #{name => baz}],
+ commands => #{
+ "two" => TwoCmd}}}},
+ ?assertEqual({ok, #{force => true, baz => "N1O1O", foo => true, bar => "bar"}, [prog(), "one", "two"], TwoCmd},
+ parse("one N1O1O -f two --foo bar", Cmd)),
+ %% it is an error not to choose subcommand
+ ?assertEqual({error, {[prog(), "one"], undefined, undefined, <<"subcommand expected">>}},
+ parse("one N1O1O -f", Cmd)).
+very_short() ->
+ [{doc, "Tests short option appended to the optional itself"}].
+very_short(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{x := "V"}, _, _},
+ parse("-xV", #{arguments => [#{name => x, short => $x}]})).
+multi_short() ->
+ [{doc, "Tests multiple short arguments blend into one"}].
+multi_short(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ %% ensure non-flammable argument does not explode, even when it's possible
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{v := "xv"}, _, _},
+ parse("-vxv", #{arguments => [#{name => v, short => $v}, #{name => x, short => $x}]})),
+ %% ensure 'verbosity' use-case works
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{v := 3}, _, _},
+ parse("-vvv", #{arguments => [#{name => v, short => $v, action => count}]})),
+ %%
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{recursive := true, force := true, path := "dir"}, _, _},
+ parse("-rf dir", #{arguments => [
+ #{name => recursive, short => $r, type => boolean},
+ #{name => force, short => $f, type => boolean},
+ #{name => path}
+ ]})).
+proxy_arguments() ->
+ [{doc, "Tests nargs => all used to proxy arguments to another script"}].
+proxy_arguments(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Cmd = #{
+ commands => #{
+ "start" => #{
+ arguments => [
+ #{name => shell, short => $s, long => "-shell", type => boolean},
+ #{name => skip, short => $x, long => "-skip", type => boolean},
+ #{name => args, required => false, nargs => all}
+ ]
+ },
+ "stop" => #{},
+ "status" => #{
+ arguments => [
+ #{name => skip, required => false, default => "ok"},
+ #{name => args, required => false, nargs => all}
+ ]},
+ "state" => #{
+ arguments => [
+ #{name => skip, required => false},
+ #{name => args, required => false, nargs => all}
+ ]}
+ },
+ arguments => [
+ #{name => node}
+ ],
+ handler => fun (#{}) -> ok end
+ },
+ Prog = prog(),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{node := "node1"}, _, _}, parse("node1", Cmd)),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{node := "node1"}, [Prog, "stop"], #{}}, parse("node1 stop", Cmd)),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{node := "", shell := true, skip := true}, _, _}, parse(" start -x -s", Cmd)),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{args := ["-app","key","value"],node := ""}, [Prog, "start"], _},
+ parse(" start -app key value", Cmd)),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{args := ["-app","key","value", "-app2", "key2", "value2"],
+ node := "", shell := true}, [Prog, "start"], _},
+ parse(" start -s -app key value -app2 key2 value2", Cmd)),
+ %% test that any non-required positionals are skipped
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{args := ["-a","bcd"], node := "", skip := "ok"}, _, _}, parse(" status -a bcd", Cmd)),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, #{args := ["-app", "key"], node := ""}, _, _}, parse(" state -app key", Cmd)).
+%% Usage Test Cases
+usage() ->
+ [{doc, "Basic tests for help formatter, including 'hidden' help"}].
+usage(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Cmd = ubiq_cmd(),
+ Usage = "Usage:\n erl start {crawler|doze} [-lrfv] [-s <shard>...] [-z <z>] [-m <more>] [-b <bin>]\n"
+ " [-g <g>] [-t <t>] ---maybe-req -y <y> --yyy <y> [-u <u>] [-c <choice>]\n"
+ " [-q <fc>] [-w <ac>] [--unsafe <au>] [--safe <as>] [-foobar <long>] [--force]\n"
+ " [-i <interval>] [--req <weird>] [--float <float>] <server> [<optpos>]\n\n"
+ "Subcommands:\n"
+ " crawler controls crawler behaviour\n"
+ " doze dozes a bit\n\n"
+ "Arguments:\n"
+ " server server to start\n"
+ " optpos optional positional (int)\n\n"
+ "Optional arguments:\n"
+ " -s initial shards (int)\n"
+ " -z between (1 <= int <= 10)\n"
+ " -l maybe lower (int <= 10)\n"
+ " -m less than 10 (int <= 10)\n"
+ " -b binary with re (binary re: m)\n"
+ " -g binary with re (binary re: m)\n"
+ " -t string with re (string re: m)\n"
+ " ---maybe-req maybe required int (int)\n"
+ " -y, --yyy string with re (string re: m)\n"
+ " -u string choices (choice: 1, 2)\n"
+ " -c tough choice (choice: 1, 2, 3)\n"
+ " -q floating choice (choice: 2.10000, 1.20000)\n"
+ " -w atom choice (choice: one, two)\n"
+ " --unsafe unsafe atom (atom)\n"
+ " --safe safe atom (existing atom)\n"
+ " -foobar foobaring option\n"
+ " -r recursive\n"
+ " -f, --force force\n"
+ " -v verbosity level\n"
+ " -i interval set (int >= 1)\n"
+ " --req required optional, right?\n"
+ " --float floating-point long form argument (float, 3.14)\n",
+ ?assertEqual(Usage, unicode:characters_to_list(argparse:help(Cmd,
+ #{progname => "erl", command => ["start"]}))),
+ FullCmd = "Usage:\n erl"
+ " <command> [-rfv] [--force] [-i <interval>] [--req <weird>] [--float <float>]\n\n"
+ "Subcommands:\n"
+ " start verifies configuration and starts server\n"
+ " status prints server status\n"
+ " stop stops running server\n\n"
+ "Optional arguments:\n"
+ " -r recursive\n"
+ " -f, --force force\n"
+ " -v verbosity level\n"
+ " -i interval set (int >= 1)\n"
+ " --req required optional, right?\n"
+ " --float floating-point long form argument (float, 3.14)\n",
+ ?assertEqual(FullCmd, unicode:characters_to_list(argparse:help(Cmd,
+ #{progname => erl}))),
+ CrawlerStatus = "Usage:\n erl status crawler [-rfv] [---extra <extra>] [--force] [-i <interval>]\n"
+ " [--req <weird>] [--float <float>]\n\nOptional arguments:\n"
+ " ---extra extra option very deep\n -r recursive\n"
+ " -f, --force force\n -v verbosity level\n"
+ " -i interval set (int >= 1)\n"
+ " --req required optional, right?\n"
+ " --float floating-point long form argument (float, 3.14)\n",
+ ?assertEqual(CrawlerStatus, unicode:characters_to_list(argparse:help(Cmd,
+ #{progname => "erl", command => ["status", "crawler"]}))),
+ ok.
+usage_required_args() ->
+ [{doc, "Verify that required args are printed as required in usage"}].
+usage_required_args(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Cmd = #{commands => #{"test" => #{arguments => [#{name => required, required => true, long => "-req"}]}}},
+ Expected = "Usage:\n " ++ prog() ++ " test --req <required>\n\nOptional arguments:\n --req required\n",
+ ?assertEqual(Expected, unicode:characters_to_list(argparse:help(Cmd, #{command => ["test"]}))).
+usage_template() ->
+ [{doc, "Tests templates in help/usage"}].
+usage_template(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ %% Argument (positional)
+ Cmd = #{arguments => [#{
+ name => shard,
+ type => integer,
+ default => 0,
+ help => {"[-s SHARD]", ["initial number, ", type, <<" with a default value of ">>, default]}}
+ ]},
+ ?assertEqual("Usage:\n " ++ prog() ++ " [-s SHARD]\n\nArguments:\n shard initial number, int with a default value of 0\n",
+ unicode:characters_to_list(argparse:help(Cmd, #{}))),
+ %% Optional
+ Cmd1 = #{arguments => [#{
+ name => shard,
+ short => $s,
+ type => integer,
+ default => 0,
+ help => {<<"[-s SHARD]">>, ["initial number"]}}
+ ]},
+ ?assertEqual("Usage:\n " ++ prog() ++ " [-s SHARD]\n\nOptional arguments:\n -s initial number\n",
+ unicode:characters_to_list(argparse:help(Cmd1, #{}))),
+ %% ISO Date example
+ DefaultRange = {{2020, 1, 1}, {2020, 6, 22}},
+ CmdISO = #{
+ arguments => [
+ #{
+ name => range,
+ long => "-range",
+ short => $r,
+ help => {"[--range RNG]", fun() ->
+ {{FY, FM, FD}, {TY, TM, TD}} = DefaultRange,
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format("date range, ~b-~b-~b..~b-~b-~b", [FY, FM, FD, TY, TM, TD]))
+ end},
+ type => {custom, fun(S) -> [S, DefaultRange] end},
+ default => DefaultRange
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ ?assertEqual("Usage:\n " ++ prog() ++ " [--range RNG]\n\nOptional arguments:\n -r, --range date range, 2020-1-1..2020-6-22\n",
+ unicode:characters_to_list(argparse:help(CmdISO, #{}))),
+ ok.
+parser_error_usage() ->
+ [{doc, "Tests that parser errors have corresponding usage text"}].
+parser_error_usage(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ %% unknown arguments
+ Prog = prog(),
+ ?assertEqual(Prog ++ ": unknown argument: arg", parser_error(["arg"], #{})),
+ ?assertEqual(Prog ++ ": unknown argument: -a", parser_error(["-a"], #{})),
+ %% missing argument
+ ?assertEqual(Prog ++ ": required argument missing: need", parser_error([""],
+ #{arguments => [#{name => need}]})),
+ ?assertEqual(Prog ++ ": required argument missing: need", parser_error([""],
+ #{arguments => [#{name => need, short => $n, required => true}]})),
+ %% invalid value
+ ?assertEqual(Prog ++ ": invalid argument for need: foo is not an integer", parser_error(["foo"],
+ #{arguments => [#{name => need, type => integer}]})),
+ ?assertEqual(Prog ++ ": invalid argument for need: cAnNotExIsT is not an existing atom", parser_error(["cAnNotExIsT"],
+ #{arguments => [#{name => need, type => atom}]})).
+command_usage() ->
+ [{doc, "Test command help template"}].
+command_usage(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Cmd = #{arguments => [
+ #{name => arg, help => "argument help"}, #{name => opt, short => $o, help => "option help"}],
+ help => ["Options:\n", options, arguments, <<"NOTAUSAGE">>, usage, "\n"]
+ },
+ ?assertEqual("Options:\n -o option help\n arg argument help\nNOTAUSAGE " ++ prog() ++ " [-o <opt>] <arg>\n",
+ unicode:characters_to_list(argparse:help(Cmd, #{}))).
+usage_width() ->
+ [{doc, "Test usage fitting in the viewport"}].
+usage_width(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Cmd = #{arguments => [
+ #{name => arg, help => "argument help that spans way over allowed viewport width, wrapping words"},
+ #{name => opt, short => $o, long => "-option_long_name",
+ help => "another quite long word wrapped thing spanning over several lines"},
+ #{name => v, short => $v, type => boolean},
+ #{name => q, short => $q, type => boolean}],
+ commands => #{
+ "cmd1" => #{help => "Help for command number 1, not fitting at all"},
+ "cmd2" => #{help => <<"Short help">>},
+ "cmd3" => #{help => "Yet another instance of a very long help message"}
+ },
+ help => " Very long help line taking much more than 40 characters allowed by the test case.
+Also containing a few newlines.
+ Indented new lines must be honoured!"
+ },
+ Expected = "Usage:\n erl {cmd1|cmd2|cmd3} [-vq] [-o <opt>]\n"
+ " [--option_long_name <opt>] <arg>\n\n"
+ " Very long help line taking much more\n"
+ "than 40 characters allowed by the test\n"
+ "case.\n"
+ "Also containing a few newlines.\n\n"
+ " Indented new lines must be honoured!\n\n"
+ "Subcommands:\n"
+ " cmd1 Help for\n"
+ " command number\n"
+ " 1, not fitting\n"
+ " at all\n"
+ " cmd2 Short help\n"
+ " cmd3 Yet another\n"
+ " instance of a\n"
+ " very long help\n"
+ " message\n\n"
+ "Arguments:\n"
+ " arg argument help\n"
+ " that spans way\n"
+ " over allowed\n"
+ " viewport width,\n"
+ " wrapping words\n\n"
+ "Optional arguments:\n"
+ " -o, --option_long_name another quite\n"
+ " long word\n"
+ " wrapped thing\n"
+ " spanning over\n"
+ " several lines\n"
+ " -v v\n"
+ " -q q\n",
+ ?assertEqual(Expected, unicode:characters_to_list(argparse:help(Cmd, #{columns => 40, progname => "erl"}))).
+%% Validator Test Cases
+validator_exception() ->
+ [{doc, "Tests that the validator throws expected exceptions"}].
+validator_exception(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Prg = [prog()],
+ %% conflicting option names
+ ?assertException(error, {argparse, argument, Prg, short, "short conflicting with previously defined short for one"},
+ argparse:validate(#{arguments => [#{name => one, short => $$}, #{name => two, short => $$}]})),
+ ?assertException(error, {argparse, argument, Prg, long, "long conflicting with previously defined long for one"},
+ argparse:validate(#{arguments => [#{name => one, long => "a"}, #{name => two, long => "a"}]})),
+ %% broken options
+ %% long must be a string
+ ?assertException(error, {argparse, argument, Prg, long, _},
+ argparse:validate(#{arguments => [#{name => one, long => ok}]})),
+ %% short must be a printable character
+ ?assertException(error, {argparse, argument, Prg, short, _},
+ argparse:validate(#{arguments => [#{name => one, short => ok}]})),
+ ?assertException(error, {argparse, argument, Prg, short, _},
+ argparse:validate(#{arguments => [#{name => one, short => 7}]})),
+ %% required is a boolean
+ ?assertException(error, {argparse, argument, Prg, required, _},
+ argparse:validate(#{arguments => [#{name => one, required => ok}]})),
+ ?assertException(error, {argparse, argument, Prg, help, _},
+ argparse:validate(#{arguments => [#{name => one, help => ok}]})),
+ %% broken commands
+ try argparse:help(#{}, #{progname => 123}), ?assert(false)
+ catch error:badarg:Stack ->
+ [{_, _, _, Ext} | _] = Stack,
+ #{cause := #{2 := Detail}} = proplists:get_value(error_info, Ext),
+ ?assertEqual(<<"progname is not valid">>, Detail)
+ end,
+ %% not-a-list of arguments provided to a subcommand
+ Prog = prog(),
+ ?assertException(error, {argparse, command, [Prog, "start"], arguments, <<"expected a list, [argument()]">>},
+ argparse:validate(#{commands => #{"start" => #{arguments => atom}}})),
+ %% command is not a map
+ ?assertException(error, {argparse, command, Prg, commands, <<"expected map of #{string() => command()}">>},
+ argparse:validate(#{commands => []})),
+ %% invalid commands field
+ ?assertException(error, {argparse, command, Prg, commands, _},
+ argparse:validate(#{commands => ok})),
+ ?assertException(error, {argparse, command, _, commands, _},
+ argparse:validate(#{commands => #{ok => #{}}})),
+ ?assertException(error, {argparse, command, _, help,
+ <<"must be a printable unicode list, or a command help template">>},
+ argparse:validate(#{commands => #{"ok" => #{help => ok}}})),
+ ?assertException(error, {argparse, command, _, handler, _},
+ argparse:validate(#{commands => #{"ok" => #{handler => fun validator_exception/0}}})),
+ %% extend + maybe: validator exception
+ ?assertException(error, {argparse, argument, _, action, <<"extend action works only with lists">>},
+ parse("-1 -1", #{arguments =>
+ [#{action => extend, name => short49, nargs => 'maybe', short => 49}]})).
+validator_exception_format() ->
+ [{doc, "Tests human-readable (EEP-54) format for exceptions thrown by the validator"}].
+validator_exception_format(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ %% set up as a contract: test that EEP-54 transformation is done (but don't check strings)
+ try
+ argparse:validate(#{commands => #{"one" => #{commands => #{"two" => atom}}}}),
+ ?assert(false)
+ catch
+ error:R1:S1 ->
+ #{1 := Cmd, reason := RR1, general := G} = argparse:format_error(R1, S1),
+ ?assertEqual("command specification is invalid", unicode:characters_to_list(G)),
+ ?assertEqual("command \"" ++ prog() ++ " one two\": invalid field 'commands', reason: expected command()",
+ unicode:characters_to_list(RR1)),
+ ?assertEqual(["atom"], Cmd)
+ end,
+ %% check argument
+ try
+ argparse:validate(#{arguments => [#{}]}),
+ ?assert(false)
+ catch
+ error:R2:S2 ->
+ #{1 := Cmd2, reason := RR2, general := G2} = argparse:format_error(R2, S2),
+ ?assertEqual("argument specification is invalid", unicode:characters_to_list(G2)),
+ ?assertEqual("command \"" ++ prog() ++
+ "\", argument '', invalid field 'name': argument must be a map containing 'name' field",
+ unicode:characters_to_list(RR2)),
+ ?assertEqual(["#{}"], Cmd2)
+ end.
+%% Validator Test Cases
+run_handle() ->
+ [{doc, "Very basic tests for argparse:run/3, choice of handlers formats"}].
+%% fun((arg_map()) -> term()) | %% handler accepting arg_map
+%% {module(), Fn :: atom()} | %% handler, accepting arg_map, Fn exported from module()
+%% {fun(() -> term()), term()} | %% handler, positional form (term() is supplied for omitted args)
+%% {module(), atom(), term()}
+run_handle(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ %% no subcommand, basic fun handler with argmap
+ ?assertEqual(6,
+ argparse:run(["-i", "3"], #{handler => fun (#{in := Val}) -> Val * 2 end,
+ arguments => [#{name => in, short => $i, type => integer}]}, #{})),
+ %% subcommand, positional fun() handler
+ ?assertEqual(6,
+ argparse:run(["mul", "2", "3"], #{commands => #{"mul" => #{
+ handler => {fun (match, L, R) -> L * R end, match},
+ arguments => [#{name => opt, short => $o},
+ #{name => l, type => integer}, #{name => r, type => integer}]}}},
+ #{})),
+ %% no subcommand, positional module-based function
+ ?assertEqual(6,
+ argparse:run(["2", "3"], #{handler => {erlang, '*', undefined},
+ arguments => [#{name => l, type => integer}, #{name => r, type => integer}]},
+ #{})),
+ %% subcommand, module-based function accepting argmap
+ ?assertEqual([{arg, "arg"}],
+ argparse:run(["map", "arg"], #{commands => #{"map" => #{
+ handler => {maps, to_list},
+ arguments => [#{name => arg}]}}},
+ #{})). \ No newline at end of file