path: root/lib/erl_interface
diff options
authorSverker Eriksson <>2022-06-08 14:25:26 +0200
committerSverker Eriksson <>2022-06-08 14:50:11 +0200
commitb2d78f7e5124e80d2f38fda78a915d857daaff3c (patch)
treee530752bf25159952d48f43cf284d2452f8c6bba /lib/erl_interface
parent0863bd30aabd035c83158c78046c5ffda16127e1 (diff)
parent9c0b04f95628d6d11d8ea60230f0bc6306d03954 (diff)
Merge branch 'sverker/23/fix-hopeful-fun-size-encoding/OTP-18104'
into sverker/24/fix-hopeful-fun-size-encoding/OTP-18104
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/erl_interface')
4 files changed, 237 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/lib/erl_interface/test/all_SUITE_data/ei_runner.h b/lib/erl_interface/test/all_SUITE_data/ei_runner.h
index 6d6e0717e8..2b52225d33 100644
--- a/lib/erl_interface/test/all_SUITE_data/ei_runner.h
+++ b/lib/erl_interface/test/all_SUITE_data/ei_runner.h
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ void free_packet(char*);
#define fail(reason) do_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, reason)
#define fail1(reason, a1) do_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, reason, a1)
#define fail2(reason, a1, a2) do_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, reason, a1, a2)
+#define fail3(reason, a1, a2, a3) do_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, reason, a1, a2, a3)
#define report(ok) do_report(__FILE__, __LINE__, ok)
void do_report(char* file, int line, int ok);
diff --git a/lib/erl_interface/test/ei_accept_SUITE.erl b/lib/erl_interface/test/ei_accept_SUITE.erl
index 612d6e1b81..ed992c43f0 100644
--- a/lib/erl_interface/test/ei_accept_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/erl_interface/test/ei_accept_SUITE.erl
@@ -26,23 +26,35 @@
-export([all/0, suite/0,
- ei_accept/1, ei_threaded_accept/1,
+ ei_accept/1,
+ hopeful_random/1,
+ ei_threaded_accept/1,
+%% Internals
-import(runner, [get_term/1,send_term/2]).
suite() ->
{timetrap, {seconds, 30}}].
all() ->
- [ei_accept, ei_threaded_accept,
+ [ei_accept,
+ hopeful_random,
+ ei_threaded_accept,
init_per_testcase(Case, Config) ->
+ rand:uniform(), % Make sure rand is initialized and seeded.
+ %%rand:seed({exsss, [61781477086241372|88832360391433009]}),
+ io:format("** rand seed = ~p\n", [rand:export_seed()]),
runner:init_per_testcase(?MODULE, Case, Config).
ei_accept(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
[ei_accept_do(Config, CR, SI)
|| CR <- [0,21],
SI <- [default, ussi]],
@@ -61,11 +73,20 @@ ei_accept_do(Config, CompatRel, SockImpl) ->
%% We take this opportunity to also test export-funs and bit-strings
%% with (ugly) tuple fallbacks in OTP 21 and older.
%% Test both toward pending connection and established connection.
- RealTerms = [<<1:1>>, fun lists:map/2],
+ TermsAndFallbacks =
+ [{<<1:1>>, {<<128>>,1}},
+ {fun lists:map/2, {lists,map}},
+ %% Also test funs with hopeful encoding in environment,
+ %% which lead to incorrect fun size encoding (OTP-18104)
+ %% toward pending connection.
+ {fun_with_env(<<1:1>>), fun_with_env({<<128>>,1})},
+ {fun_with_env(fun lists:map/2), fun_with_env({lists,map})}],
+ {RealTerms, Fallbacks} = lists:unzip(TermsAndFallbacks),
EncTerms = case CompatRel of
0 -> RealTerms;
- 21 -> [{<<128>>,1}, {lists,map}]
- end,
+ 21 -> Fallbacks
+ end,
Self = self(),
Funny = fun() -> hello end,
@@ -90,6 +111,186 @@ ei_accept_do(Config, CompatRel, SockImpl) ->
+fun_with_env(Term) ->
+ Env = ?MODULE:id(Term),
+ fun() -> Env end.
+id(X) -> X.
+%% Send random hopeful encoded terms from emulator to c-node
+%% and verify correct encoding with/without fallback.
+hopeful_random(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ [hopeful_random_do(Config, CR, SI)
+ || CR <- [0, 21],
+ SI <- [default, ussi]],
+ ok.
+hopeful_random_do(Config, CompatRel, SockImpl) ->
+ io:format("CompatRel=~p, SockImpl=~p\n", [CompatRel, SockImpl]),
+ P = runner:start(Config, ?interpret),
+ 0 = ei_connect_init(P, 42, erlang:get_cookie(), 0, CompatRel, SockImpl),
+ Myname = hd(tl(string:tokens(atom_to_list(node()), "@"))),
+ io:format("Myname ~p ~n", [Myname]),
+ EINode = list_to_atom("c42@"++Myname),
+ io:format("EINode ~p ~n", [EINode]),
+ Port = 6543,
+ {ok, ListenFd} = ei_publish(P, Port),
+ Terms = [rand_term(10) || _ <- lists:seq(1,10)],
+ %% lists:foldl(fun(T,N) ->
+ %% io:format("Term #~p = ~p\n", [N, printable(T)]),
+ %% N+1
+ %% end,
+ %% 1,
+ %% Terms),
+ %% Send on pending connection (hopeful encoding)
+ [{any, EINode} ! T || T <- Terms],
+ {ok, Fd, Node} = ei_accept(P, ListenFd),
+ Node = node(),
+ [match(T, ei_receive(P, Fd), CompatRel) || T <- Terms],
+ %% Send again on established connection
+ [{any, EINode} ! T || T <- Terms],
+ [match(T, ei_receive(P, Fd), CompatRel) || T <- Terms],
+ runner:finish(P),
+ ok.
+match(A, B, 0) ->
+ match(A, B);
+match(A, B, 21) ->
+ match(fallback(printable(A)),
+ printable(B)). %% B assumed to already be fallback'ed
+match(A, A) -> ok;
+match(A, B) ->
+ io:format("match failed\nA = ~p\nB = ~p\n", [A, B]),
+ ct:fail("match failed").
+%% Convert to fallbacks to bitstrings and export funs.
+%% Does not support local funs with environment terms.
+fallback(Binary) when is_binary(Binary) ->
+ Binary;
+fallback(BitStr) when is_bitstring(BitStr) ->
+ TailBits = bit_size(BitStr) rem 8,
+ PadBits = 8 - TailBits,
+ {<<BitStr/bits, 0:PadBits>>, TailBits};
+fallback(Fun) when is_function(Fun) ->
+ FI = erlang:fun_info(Fun),
+ {type,external} = lists:keyfind(type, 1, FI),
+ {module, Mod} = lists:keyfind(module, 1, FI),
+ {name, Func} = lists:keyfind(name, 1, FI),
+ {Mod, Func};
+fallback([H|T]) ->
+ [fallback(H)|fallback(T)];
+fallback(Tuple) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
+ list_to_tuple(fallback(tuple_to_list(Tuple)));
+fallback(Map) when is_map(Map) ->
+ maps:from_list(fallback(maps:to_list(Map)));
+fallback(Leaf) ->
+ Leaf.
+rand_term(MaxSize) ->
+ F = rand:uniform(100), % to produce non-literals
+ Big = 666_701_523_687_345_689_643 * F,
+ MagicRef = atomics:new(10,[]),
+ Leafs = {atom, 42, 42.17*F,
+ Big, -Big,
+ [], {}, #{},
+ fun lists:sort/1,
+ fun() -> ok end,
+ self(),
+ lists:last(erlang:ports()),
+ make_ref(),
+ MagicRef,
+ <<F:(8*10)>>, % HeapBin
+ <<F:(8*65)>>, % ProcBin
+ <<F:7>>, % SubBin + HeapBin
+ <<F:(8*80+1)>>, % SubBin + ProcBin
+ mk_ext_pid({a@b, 17}, 17, 42),
+ mk_ext_port({a@b, 21}, 13),
+ mk_ext_ref({a@b, 42}, [42, 19, 11])},
+ rand_term(Leafs, rand:uniform(MaxSize)).
+rand_term(Leafs, Arity) when Arity > 0 ->
+ Length = rand:uniform(Arity),
+ List = [rand_term(Leafs, Arity-Length) || _ <- lists:seq(1,Length)],
+ case rand:uniform(6) of
+ 1 -> List;
+ 2 -> list_to_improper_list(List);
+ 3 -> list_to_tuple(List);
+ 4 -> list_to_flatmap(List);
+ 5 -> list_to_hashmap(List);
+ 6 -> list_to_fun(List)
+ end;
+rand_term(Leafs, 0) ->
+ element(rand:uniform(size(Leafs)), Leafs).
+list_to_improper_list([A,B|T]) ->
+ T ++ [A|B];
+list_to_improper_list([H]) ->
+ [[]|H].
+list_to_flatmap(List) ->
+ list_to_map(List, #{}).
+list_to_hashmap(List) ->
+ HashMap = #{1=>1, 2=>2, 3=>3, 4=>4, 5=>5, 6=>6, 7=>7, 8=>8, 9=>9,10=>0,
+ 11=>1,12=>2,13=>3,14=>4,15=>5,16=>6,17=>7,18=>8,19=>9,20=>0,
+ 21=>1,22=>2,23=>3,24=>4,25=>5,26=>6,27=>7,28=>8,29=>9,30=>0,
+ 31=>1,32=>2,33=>3},
+ list_to_map(List, HashMap).
+list_to_map([], Map) ->
+ Map;
+list_to_map([K], Map) ->
+ Map#{K => K};
+list_to_map([K,V|T], Map) ->
+ list_to_map(T, Map#{K => V}).
+list_to_fun([X]) ->
+ fun(A) -> A + X end;
+list_to_fun([X, Y]) ->
+ fun(A) -> A + X + Y end;
+list_to_fun([X, Y | T]) ->
+ fun(A) -> [A+X+Y | T] end.
+mk_ext_pid({NodeName, Creation}, Number, Serial) ->
+ erts_test_utils:mk_ext_pid({NodeName, Creation}, Number, Serial).
+mk_ext_port({NodeName, Creation}, Number) ->
+ erts_test_utils:mk_ext_port({NodeName, Creation}, Number).
+mk_ext_ref({NodeName, Creation}, Numbers) ->
+ erts_test_utils:mk_ext_ref({NodeName, Creation}, Numbers).
+%% Convert local funs to maps to show fun environment
+printable(Fun) when is_function(Fun) ->
+ case erlang:fun_info(Fun, type) of
+ {type,local} ->
+ {env, Env} = erlang:fun_info(Fun, env),
+ #{'fun' => [printable(T) || T <- Env]};
+ {type,external} ->
+ Fun
+ end;
+printable([H|T]) ->
+ [printable(H)|printable(T)];
+printable(Tuple) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
+ list_to_tuple(printable(tuple_to_list(Tuple)));
+printable(Map) when is_map(Map) ->
+ maps:from_list(printable(maps:to_list(Map)));
+printable(Leaf) ->
+ Leaf.
ei_threaded_accept(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Einode = filename:join(proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config), "eiaccnode"),
ei_threaded_accept_do(Einode, default),
diff --git a/lib/erl_interface/test/ei_accept_SUITE_data/ei_accept_test.c b/lib/erl_interface/test/ei_accept_SUITE_data/ei_accept_test.c
index 7cfc0c9da0..f307646ecc 100644
--- a/lib/erl_interface/test/ei_accept_SUITE_data/ei_accept_test.c
+++ b/lib/erl_interface/test/ei_accept_SUITE_data/ei_accept_test.c
@@ -198,10 +198,13 @@ static void cmd_ei_accept(char* buf, int len)
static void cmd_ei_receive(char* buf, int len)
+ static int call_cnt = 0;
ei_x_buff x;
erlang_msg msg;
long l;
int fd, index = 0;
+ call_cnt++;
if (ei_decode_long(buf, &index, &l) < 0)
fail("expected int (fd)");
@@ -215,6 +218,22 @@ static void cmd_ei_receive(char* buf, int len)
fail1("ei_xreceive_msg, got==%d", got);
+ {
+ int index = 0;
+ int skip_ret;
+ if (ei_decode_version(x.buff, &index, NULL) != 0)
+ fail("ei_decode_version failed");
+ skip_ret = ei_skip_term(x.buff, &index);
+ if (skip_ret != 0)
+ fail1("ei_skip_term returned %d", skip_ret);
+ if (index != x.index )
+ fail3("ei_skip_term length mismatch %d != %d (call_cnt=%d)\n",
+ index, x.index, call_cnt);
+ }
index = 1;
diff --git a/lib/erl_interface/test/runner.erl b/lib/erl_interface/test/runner.erl
index 484890006e..76cbc49907 100644
--- a/lib/erl_interface/test/runner.erl
+++ b/lib/erl_interface/test/runner.erl
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-export([test/2, test/3,
- start/2, send_term/2, finish/1, send_eot/1, recv_eot/1,
+ start/2, start/3, send_term/2, finish/1, send_eot/1, recv_eot/1,
get_term/1, get_term/2]).
-define(default_timeout, 5000).
@@ -55,14 +55,21 @@ test(Config, Tc, Timeout) ->
%% Returns: {ok, Port}
-start(Config, {Prog, Tc}) when is_list(Prog), is_integer(Tc) ->
- Port = open_port({spawn, prog_cmd(Config, Prog)},
+start(Config, ProgTc) ->
+ start(Config, ProgTc, []).
+start(Config, {Prog, Tc}, Opt) when is_list(Prog), is_integer(Tc) ->
+ Port = open_port({spawn, prog_cmd(Config, Prog, Opt)},
[{packet, 4}, exit_status]),
Command = [Tc div 256, Tc rem 256],
Port ! {self(), {command, Command}},
-prog_cmd(Config, Prog) ->
+prog_cmd(Config, Prog0, Opt) ->
+ Prog = case Opt of
+ rr -> "rr " ++ Prog0;
+ [] -> Prog0
+ end,
case proplists:get_value(valgrind_cmd_fun, Config) of
undefined ->