path: root/lib/compiler
diff options
authorBjörn Gustavsson <>2023-04-24 11:49:20 +0200
committerBjörn Gustavsson <>2023-05-02 06:48:04 +0200
commite5f3fea6dbcdf41d5c6d4c00a7d1c85817cf4c01 (patch)
treed9cb6ba0558ad68806301ab39a0d1b8f9c62ab69 /lib/compiler
parent5400ccf243a31d664153a4b9ceb9de3edfce1e0e (diff)
Fix two type-related bugs
Issue #7147 uncovered two bugs in the compiler. The first one is in the swapping of operands for commutative operands, that the compiler does to simplify for the JIT. When the operands were swapped, types for the operands in the annotation were not updated. The second one is in `beam_validator`, which assumed that if the binary construction `<<F/float>>` succeeded, then `F` must be a float. That is not correct, because `F` could also be an integer. Closes #7147
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/compiler')
4 files changed, 110 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa.erl
index 5037811614..c1d11c89da 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa.erl
@@ -372,13 +372,22 @@ successors(#b_blk{last=Terminator}) ->
-spec normalize(b_set() | terminator()) ->
b_set() | terminator().
-normalize(#b_set{op={bif,Bif},args=Args}=Set) ->
+normalize(#b_set{anno=Anno0,op={bif,Bif},args=Args}=Set) ->
case {is_commutative(Bif),Args} of
- {false,_} ->
- Set;
- {true,[#b_literal{}=Lit,#b_var{}=Var]} ->
- Set#b_set{args=[Var,Lit]};
- {true,_} ->
+ {true, [#b_literal{}=Lit,#b_var{}=Var]} ->
+ Anno = case Anno0 of
+ #{arg_types := ArgTypes0} ->
+ case ArgTypes0 of
+ #{1 := Type} ->
+ Anno0#{arg_types => #{0 => Type}};
+ #{} ->
+ Anno0
+ end;
+ #{} ->
+ Anno0
+ end,
+ Set#b_set{anno=Anno,args=[Var,Lit]};
+ {_, _} ->
normalize(#b_set{}=Set) ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl
index 98eacce0fc..95243feeb1 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_validator.erl
@@ -1463,7 +1463,7 @@ update_create_bin_list([], Vst) -> Vst.
update_create_bin_type(append) -> #t_bitstring{};
update_create_bin_type(private_append) -> #t_bitstring{};
update_create_bin_type(binary) -> #t_bitstring{};
-update_create_bin_type(float) -> #t_float{};
+update_create_bin_type(float) -> number;
update_create_bin_type(integer) -> #t_integer{};
update_create_bin_type(utf8) -> #t_integer{};
update_create_bin_type(utf16) -> #t_integer{};
diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/beam_ssa_SUITE.erl b/lib/compiler/test/beam_ssa_SUITE.erl
index d1330b78bf..b98ff3644c 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/test/beam_ssa_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/test/beam_ssa_SUITE.erl
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
- coverage/1]).
+ coverage/1,normalize/1]).
suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}].
@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ groups() ->
- coverage
+ coverage,
+ normalize
init_per_suite(Config) ->
@@ -1178,5 +1179,90 @@ coverage_5() ->
end#coverage{name = whatever}.
+%% Test beam_ssa:normalize/1, especially that argument types are
+%% correctly updated when arguments are swapped.
+normalize(_Config) ->
+ normalize_commutative({bif,'band'}),
+ normalize_commutative({bif,'+'}),
+ normalize_noncommutative({bif,'div'}),
+ ok.
+-record(b_var, {name}).
+-record(b_literal, {val}).
+normalize_commutative(Op) ->
+ A = #b_var{name=a},
+ B = #b_var{name=b},
+ Lit = #b_literal{val=42},
+ normalize_same(Op, [A,B]),
+ normalize_same(Op, [A,Lit]),
+ normalize_swapped(Op, [Lit,A]),
+ ok.
+normalize_noncommutative(Op) ->
+ A = #b_var{name=a},
+ B = #b_var{name=b},
+ Lit = #b_literal{val=42},
+ normalize_same(Op, [A,B]),
+ normalize_same(Op, [A,Lit]),
+ ArgTypes0 = [{1,beam_types:make_integer(0, 1023)}],
+ I1 = make_bset(ArgTypes0, Op, [Lit,A]),
+ I1 = beam_ssa:normalize(I1),
+ ok.
+normalize_same(Op, Args) ->
+ I0 = make_bset(#{}, Op, Args),
+ I0 = beam_ssa:normalize(I0),
+ ArgTypes0 = [{0,beam_types:make_integer(0, 1023)}],
+ I1 = make_bset(ArgTypes0, Op, Args),
+ I1 = beam_ssa:normalize(I1),
+ case Args of
+ [#b_var{},#b_var{}] ->
+ ArgTypes1 = [{0,beam_types:make_integer(0, 1023)},
+ {1,beam_types:make_integer(42)}],
+ I2 = make_bset(ArgTypes1, Op, Args),
+ I2 = beam_ssa:normalize(I2);
+ [_,_] ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ ok.
+normalize_swapped(Op, [#b_literal{}=Lit,#b_var{}=Var]=Args) ->
+ EmptyAnno = #{},
+ I0 = make_bset(EmptyAnno, Op, Args),
+ {b_set,EmptyAnno,#b_var{name=1000},Op,[Var,Lit]} = beam_ssa:normalize(I0),
+ EmptyTypes = #{arg_types => #{}},
+ I1 = make_bset(EmptyTypes, Op, Args),
+ {b_set,EmptyTypes,#b_var{name=1000},Op,[Var,Lit]} = beam_ssa:normalize(I1),
+ IntRange = beam_types:make_integer(0, 1023),
+ ArgTypes0 = [{1,IntRange}],
+ I2 = make_bset(ArgTypes0, Op, Args),
+ {[{0,IntRange}],Op,[Var,Lit]} = unpack_bset(beam_ssa:normalize(I2)),
+ ok.
+make_bset(ArgTypes, Op, Args) when is_list(ArgTypes) ->
+ Anno = #{arg_types => maps:from_list(ArgTypes)},
+ {b_set,Anno,#b_var{name=1000},Op,Args};
+make_bset(Anno, Op, Args) when is_map(Anno) ->
+ {b_set,Anno,#b_var{name=1000},Op,Args}.
+unpack_bset({b_set,Anno,{b_var,1000},Op,Args}) ->
+ ArgTypes = maps:get(arg_types, Anno, #{}),
+ {lists:sort(maps:to_list(ArgTypes)),Op,Args}.
%% The identity function.
id(I) -> I.
diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/beam_type_SUITE.erl b/lib/compiler/test/beam_type_SUITE.erl
index ceb7ff07b3..e448b5cf41 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/test/beam_type_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/test/beam_type_SUITE.erl
@@ -499,11 +499,17 @@ record_float(R, N0) ->
binary_float(_Config) ->
<<-1/float>> = binary_negate_float(<<1/float>>),
+ {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = catch binary_float_1(id(64.0), id(0)),
binary_negate_float(<<Float/float>>) ->
+%% GH-7147.
+binary_float_1(X, Y) ->
+ _ = <<Y:(ceil(64.0 = X))/float, (binary_to_integer(ok))>>,
+ ceil(X) band Y.
float_compare(_Config) ->
false = do_float_compare(-42.0),
false = do_float_compare(-42),