path: root/lib/compiler/src/core_pp.erl
diff options
authorErlang/OTP <>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
committerErlang/OTP <>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
commit84adefa331c4159d432d22840663c38f155cd4c1 (patch)
treebff9a9c66adda4df2106dfd0e5c053ab182a12bd /lib/compiler/src/core_pp.erl
The R13B03 release.OTP_R13B03
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/compiler/src/core_pp.erl')
1 files changed, 504 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/core_pp.erl b/lib/compiler/src/core_pp.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f91a52be3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/core_pp.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1999-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% Purpose : Core Erlang (naive) prettyprinter
+%% ====================================================================== %%
+%% format(Node) -> Text
+%% Node = coreErlang()
+%% Text = string() | [Text]
+%% Prettyprint-formats (naively) an abstract Core Erlang syntax
+%% tree.
+-record(ctxt, {class = term :: 'clause' | 'def' | 'expr' | 'term',
+ indent = 0 :: integer(),
+ item_indent = 2 :: integer(),
+ body_indent = 4 :: integer(),
+ tab_width = 8 :: non_neg_integer(),
+ line = 0 :: integer()}).
+-spec format(cerl:cerl()) -> iolist().
+format(Node) ->
+ format(Node, #ctxt{}).
+maybe_anno(Node, Fun, Ctxt) ->
+ As = core_lib:get_anno(Node),
+ case get_line(As) of
+ none ->
+ maybe_anno(Node, Fun, Ctxt, As);
+ Line ->
+ if Line > Ctxt#ctxt.line ->
+ [io_lib:format("%% Line ~w",[Line]),
+ nl_indent(Ctxt),
+ maybe_anno(Node, Fun, Ctxt#ctxt{line = Line}, As)
+ ];
+ true ->
+ maybe_anno(Node, Fun, Ctxt, As)
+ end
+ end.
+maybe_anno(Node, Fun, Ctxt, As) ->
+ case strip_line(As) of
+ [] ->
+ Fun(Node, Ctxt);
+ List ->
+ Ctxt1 = add_indent(Ctxt, 2),
+ Ctxt2 = add_indent(Ctxt1, 3),
+ ["( ",
+ Fun(Node, Ctxt1),
+ nl_indent(Ctxt1),
+ "-| ",format_anno(List, Ctxt2)," )"
+ ]
+ end.
+format_anno([_|_]=List, Ctxt) ->
+ [$[,format_anno_list(List, Ctxt),$]];
+format_anno(Tuple, Ctxt) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
+ [${,format_anno_list(tuple_to_list(Tuple), Ctxt),$}];
+format_anno(Val, Ctxt) when is_atom(Val) ->
+ format_1(#c_literal{val=Val}, Ctxt);
+format_anno(Val, Ctxt) when is_integer(Val) ->
+ format_1(#c_literal{val=Val}, Ctxt).
+format_anno_list([H|[_|_]=T], Ctxt) ->
+ [format_anno(H, Ctxt), $, | format_anno_list(T, Ctxt)];
+format_anno_list([H], Ctxt) ->
+ format_anno(H, Ctxt).
+strip_line([A | As]) when is_integer(A) ->
+ strip_line(As);
+strip_line([{file,_File} | As]) ->
+ strip_line(As);
+strip_line([A | As]) ->
+ [A | strip_line(As)];
+strip_line([]) ->
+ [].
+get_line([L | _As]) when is_integer(L) ->
+ L;
+get_line([_ | As]) ->
+ get_line(As);
+get_line([]) ->
+ none.
+format(Node, Ctxt) ->
+ maybe_anno(Node, fun format_1/2, Ctxt).
+format_1(#c_literal{val=[]}, _) -> "[]";
+format_1(#c_literal{val=I}, _) when is_integer(I) -> integer_to_list(I);
+format_1(#c_literal{val=F}, _) when is_float(F) -> float_to_list(F);
+format_1(#c_literal{val=A}, _) when is_atom(A) -> core_atom(A);
+format_1(#c_literal{val=[H|T]}, Ctxt) ->
+ format_1(#c_cons{hd=#c_literal{val=H},tl=#c_literal{val=T}}, Ctxt);
+format_1(#c_literal{val=Tuple}, Ctxt) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
+ format_1(#c_tuple{es=[#c_literal{val=E} || E <- tuple_to_list(Tuple)]}, Ctxt);
+format_1(#c_literal{anno=A,val=Bitstring}, Ctxt) when is_bitstring(Bitstring) ->
+ Segs = segs_from_bitstring(Bitstring),
+ format_1(#c_binary{anno=A,segments=Segs}, Ctxt);
+format_1(#c_var{name={I,A}}, _) ->
+ [core_atom(I),$/,integer_to_list(A)];
+format_1(#c_var{name=V}, _) ->
+ %% Internal variable names may be:
+ %% - atoms representing proper Erlang variable names, or
+ %% any atoms that may be printed without single-quoting
+ %% - nonnegative integers.
+ %% It is important that when printing variables, no two names
+ %% should ever map to the same string.
+ if is_atom(V) ->
+ S = atom_to_list(V),
+ case S of
+ [C | _] when C >= $A, C =< $Z ->
+ %% Ordinary uppercase-prefixed names are
+ %% printed just as they are.
+ S;
+ [$_ | _] ->
+ %% Already "_"-prefixed names are prefixed
+ %% with "_X", e.g. '_foo' => '_X_foo', to
+ %% avoid generating things like "____foo" upon
+ %% repeated writing and reading of code.
+ %% ("_X_X_X_foo" is better.)
+ [$_, $X | S];
+ _ ->
+ %% Plain atoms are prefixed with a single "_".
+ %% E.g. foo => "_foo".
+ [$_ | S]
+ end;
+ is_integer(V) ->
+ %% Integers are also simply prefixed with "_".
+ [$_ | integer_to_list(V)]
+ end;
+format_1(#c_binary{segments=Segs}, Ctxt) ->
+ ["#{",
+ format_vseq(Segs, "", ",", add_indent(Ctxt, 2),
+ fun format_bitstr/2),
+ "}#"
+ ];
+format_1(#c_tuple{es=Es}, Ctxt) ->
+ [${,
+ format_hseq(Es, ",", add_indent(Ctxt, 1), fun format/2),
+ $}
+ ];
+format_1(#c_cons{hd=H,tl=T}, Ctxt) ->
+ Txt = ["["|format(H, add_indent(Ctxt, 1))],
+ [Txt|format_list_tail(T, add_indent(Ctxt, width(Txt, Ctxt)))];
+format_1(#c_values{es=Es}, Ctxt) ->
+ format_values(Es, Ctxt);
+format_1(#c_alias{var=V,pat=P}, Ctxt) ->
+ Txt = [format(V, Ctxt)|" = "],
+ [Txt|format(P, add_indent(Ctxt, width(Txt, Ctxt)))];
+format_1(#c_let{vars=Vs0,arg=A,body=B}, Ctxt) ->
+ Vs = [core_lib:set_anno(V, []) || V <- Vs0],
+ case is_simple_term(A) of
+ false ->
+ Ctxt1 = add_indent(Ctxt, Ctxt#ctxt.body_indent),
+ ["let ",
+ format_values(Vs, add_indent(Ctxt, 4)),
+ " =",
+ nl_indent(Ctxt1),
+ format(A, Ctxt1),
+ nl_indent(Ctxt),
+ "in "
+ | format(B, add_indent(Ctxt, 4))
+ ];
+ true ->
+ Ctxt1 = add_indent(Ctxt, Ctxt#ctxt.body_indent),
+ ["let ",
+ format_values(Vs, add_indent(Ctxt, 4)),
+ " = ",
+ format(core_lib:set_anno(A, []), Ctxt1),
+ nl_indent(Ctxt),
+ "in "
+ | format(B, add_indent(Ctxt, 4))
+ ]
+ end;
+format_1(#c_letrec{defs=Fs,body=B}, Ctxt) ->
+ Ctxt1 = add_indent(Ctxt, Ctxt#ctxt.body_indent),
+ ["letrec",
+ nl_indent(Ctxt1),
+ format_funcs(Fs, Ctxt1),
+ nl_indent(Ctxt),
+ "in "
+ | format(B, add_indent(Ctxt, 4))
+ ];
+format_1(#c_seq{arg=A,body=B}, Ctxt) ->
+ Ctxt1 = add_indent(Ctxt, 4),
+ ["do ",
+ format(A, Ctxt1),
+ nl_indent(Ctxt1)
+ | format(B, Ctxt1)
+ ];
+format_1(#c_case{arg=A,clauses=Cs}, Ctxt) ->
+ Ctxt1 = add_indent(Ctxt, Ctxt#ctxt.item_indent),
+ ["case ",
+ format(A, add_indent(Ctxt, 5)),
+ " of",
+ nl_indent(Ctxt1),
+ format_clauses(Cs, Ctxt1),
+ nl_indent(Ctxt)
+ | "end"
+ ];
+format_1(#c_receive{clauses=Cs,timeout=T,action=A}, Ctxt) ->
+ Ctxt1 = add_indent(Ctxt, Ctxt#ctxt.item_indent),
+ ["receive",
+ nl_indent(Ctxt1),
+ format_clauses(Cs, Ctxt1),
+ nl_indent(Ctxt),
+ "after ",
+ format(T, add_indent(Ctxt, 6)),
+ " ->",
+ nl_indent(Ctxt1),
+ format(A, Ctxt1)
+ ];
+format_1(#c_fun{vars=Vs,body=B}, Ctxt) ->
+ Ctxt1 = add_indent(Ctxt, Ctxt#ctxt.body_indent),
+ ["fun (",
+ format_hseq(Vs, ",", add_indent(Ctxt, 5), fun format/2),
+ ") ->",
+ nl_indent(Ctxt1)
+ | format(B, Ctxt1)
+ ];
+format_1(#c_apply{op=O,args=As}, Ctxt0) ->
+ Ctxt1 = add_indent(Ctxt0, 6), %"apply "
+ Op = format(O, Ctxt1),
+ Ctxt2 = add_indent(Ctxt0, 4),
+ ["apply ",Op,
+ nl_indent(Ctxt2),
+ $(,format_hseq(As, ", ", add_indent(Ctxt2, 1), fun format/2),$)
+ ];
+format_1(#c_call{module=M,name=N,args=As}, Ctxt0) ->
+ Ctxt1 = add_indent(Ctxt0, 5), %"call "
+ Mod = format(M, Ctxt1),
+ Ctxt2 = add_indent(Ctxt1, width(Mod, Ctxt1)+1),
+ Name = format(N, Ctxt2),
+ Ctxt3 = add_indent(Ctxt0, 4),
+ ["call ",Mod,":",Name,
+ nl_indent(Ctxt3),
+ $(,format_hseq(As, ", ", add_indent(Ctxt3, 1), fun format/2),$)
+ ];
+format_1(#c_primop{name=N,args=As}, Ctxt0) ->
+ Ctxt1 = add_indent(Ctxt0, 7), %"primop "
+ Name = format(N, Ctxt1),
+ Ctxt2 = add_indent(Ctxt0, 4),
+ ["primop ",Name,
+ nl_indent(Ctxt2),
+ $(,format_hseq(As, ", ", add_indent(Ctxt2, 1), fun format/2),$)
+ ];
+format_1(#c_catch{body=B}, Ctxt) ->
+ Ctxt1 = add_indent(Ctxt, Ctxt#ctxt.body_indent),
+ ["catch",
+ nl_indent(Ctxt1),
+ format(B, Ctxt1)
+ ];
+format_1(#c_try{arg=E,vars=Vs,body=B,evars=Evs,handler=H}, Ctxt) ->
+ Ctxt1 = add_indent(Ctxt, Ctxt#ctxt.body_indent),
+ ["try",
+ nl_indent(Ctxt1),
+ format(E, Ctxt1),
+ nl_indent(Ctxt),
+ "of ",
+ format_values(Vs, add_indent(Ctxt, 3)),
+ " ->",
+ nl_indent(Ctxt1),
+ format(B, Ctxt1),
+ nl_indent(Ctxt),
+ "catch ",
+ format_values(Evs, add_indent(Ctxt, 6)),
+ " ->",
+ nl_indent(Ctxt1)
+ | format(H, Ctxt1)
+ ];
+format_1(#c_module{name=N,exports=Es,attrs=As,defs=Ds}, Ctxt) ->
+ Mod = ["module ", format(N, Ctxt)],
+ [Mod," [",
+ format_vseq(Es,
+ "", ",",
+ add_indent(set_class(Ctxt, term), width(Mod, Ctxt)+2),
+ fun format/2),
+ "]",
+ nl_indent(Ctxt),
+ " attributes [",
+ format_vseq(As,
+ "", ",",
+ add_indent(set_class(Ctxt, def), 16),
+ fun format_def/2),
+ "]",
+ nl_indent(Ctxt),
+ format_funcs(Ds, Ctxt),
+ nl_indent(Ctxt)
+ | "end"
+ ];
+format_1(Type, _) ->
+ ["** Unsupported type: ",
+ io_lib:write(Type)
+ | " **"
+ ].
+format_funcs(Fs, Ctxt) ->
+ format_vseq(Fs,
+ "", "",
+ set_class(Ctxt, def),
+ fun format_def/2).
+format_def({N,V}, Ctxt0) ->
+ Ctxt1 = add_indent(set_class(Ctxt0, expr), Ctxt0#ctxt.body_indent),
+ [format(N, Ctxt0),
+ " =",
+ nl_indent(Ctxt1)
+ | format(V, Ctxt1)
+ ].
+format_values(Vs, Ctxt) ->
+ [$<,
+ format_hseq(Vs, ",", add_indent(Ctxt, 1), fun format/2),
+ $>].
+format_bitstr(#c_bitstr{val=V,size=S,unit=U,type=T,flags=Fs}, Ctxt0) ->
+ Vs = [S, U, T, Fs],
+ Ctxt1 = add_indent(Ctxt0, 2),
+ Val = format(V, Ctxt1),
+ Ctxt2 = add_indent(Ctxt1, width(Val, Ctxt1) + 2),
+ ["#<", Val, ">(", format_hseq(Vs,",", Ctxt2, fun format/2), $)].
+format_clauses(Cs, Ctxt) ->
+ format_vseq(Cs, "", "", set_class(Ctxt, clause),
+ fun format_clause/2).
+format_clause(Node, Ctxt) ->
+ maybe_anno(Node, fun format_clause_1/2, Ctxt).
+format_clause_1(#c_clause{pats=Ps,guard=G,body=B}, Ctxt) ->
+ Ptxt = format_values(Ps, Ctxt),
+ Ctxt2 = add_indent(Ctxt, Ctxt#ctxt.body_indent),
+ [Ptxt,
+ case is_trivial_guard(G) of
+ true ->
+ [" when ",
+ format_guard(G, add_indent(set_class(Ctxt, expr),
+ width(Ptxt, Ctxt) + 6))];
+ false ->
+ [nl_indent(Ctxt2), "when ",
+ format_guard(G, add_indent(Ctxt2, 2))]
+ end++
+ " ->",
+ nl_indent(Ctxt2)
+ | format(B, set_class(Ctxt2, expr))
+ ].
+is_trivial_guard(#c_literal{val=Val}) when is_atom(Val) -> true;
+is_trivial_guard(_) -> false.
+format_guard(Node, Ctxt) ->
+ maybe_anno(Node, fun format_guard_1/2, Ctxt).
+format_guard_1(#c_call{module=M,name=N,args=As}, Ctxt0) ->
+ Ctxt1 = add_indent(Ctxt0, 5), %"call "
+ Mod = format(M, Ctxt1),
+ Ctxt2 = add_indent(Ctxt1, width(Mod, Ctxt1)+1),
+ Name = format(N, Ctxt2),
+ Ctxt3 = add_indent(Ctxt0, 4),
+ ["call ",Mod,":",Name,
+ nl_indent(Ctxt3),
+ $(,format_vseq(As, "",",", add_indent(Ctxt3, 1), fun format_guard/2),$)
+ ];
+format_guard_1(E, Ctxt) -> format_1(E, Ctxt). %Anno already done
+%% format_hseq([Thing], Separator, Context, Fun) -> Txt.
+%% Format a sequence horizontally on the same line with Separator between.
+format_hseq([H], _, Ctxt, Fun) ->
+ Fun(H, Ctxt);
+format_hseq([H|T], Sep, Ctxt, Fun) ->
+ Txt = [Fun(H, Ctxt)|Sep],
+ Ctxt1 = add_indent(Ctxt, width(Txt, Ctxt)),
+ [Txt|format_hseq(T, Sep, Ctxt1, Fun)];
+format_hseq([], _, _, _) -> "".
+%% format_vseq([Thing], LinePrefix, LineSuffix, Context, Fun) -> Txt.
+%% Format a sequence vertically in indented lines adding LinePrefix
+%% to the beginning of each line and LineSuffix to the end of each
+%% line. No prefix on the first line or suffix on the last line.
+format_vseq([H], _Pre, _Suf, Ctxt, Fun) ->
+ Fun(H, Ctxt);
+format_vseq([H|T], Pre, Suf, Ctxt, Fun) ->
+ [Fun(H, Ctxt),Suf,nl_indent(Ctxt),Pre|
+ format_vseq(T, Pre, Suf, Ctxt, Fun)];
+format_vseq([], _, _, _, _) -> "".
+format_list_tail(#c_literal{anno=[],val=[]}, _) -> "]";
+format_list_tail(#c_cons{anno=[],hd=H,tl=T}, Ctxt) ->
+ Txt = [$,|format(H, Ctxt)],
+ Ctxt1 = add_indent(Ctxt, width(Txt, Ctxt)),
+ [Txt|format_list_tail(T, Ctxt1)];
+format_list_tail(Tail, Ctxt) ->
+ ["|",format(Tail, add_indent(Ctxt, 1)),"]"].
+indent(Ctxt) -> indent(Ctxt#ctxt.indent, Ctxt).
+indent(N, _) when N =< 0 -> "";
+indent(N, Ctxt) ->
+ T = Ctxt#ctxt.tab_width,
+ string:chars($\t, N div T, string:chars($\s, N rem T)).
+nl_indent(Ctxt) -> [$\n|indent(Ctxt)].
+unindent(T, Ctxt) ->
+ unindent(T, Ctxt#ctxt.indent, Ctxt, []).
+unindent(T, N, _, C) when N =< 0 ->
+ [T|C];
+unindent([$\s|T], N, Ctxt, C) ->
+ unindent(T, N - 1, Ctxt, C);
+unindent([$\t|T], N, Ctxt, C) ->
+ Tab = Ctxt#ctxt.tab_width,
+ if N >= Tab ->
+ unindent(T, N - Tab, Ctxt, C);
+ true ->
+ unindent([string:chars($\s, Tab - N)|T], 0, Ctxt, C)
+ end;
+unindent([L|T], N, Ctxt, C) when is_list(L) ->
+ unindent(L, N, Ctxt, [T|C]);
+unindent([H|T], _, _, C) ->
+ [H|[T|C]];
+unindent([], N, Ctxt, [H|T]) ->
+ unindent(H, N, Ctxt, T);
+unindent([], _, _, []) -> [].
+width(Txt, Ctxt) ->
+ try width(Txt, 0, Ctxt, [])
+ catch error:_ -> exit({bad_text,Txt})
+ end.
+width([$\t|T], A, Ctxt, C) ->
+ width(T, A + Ctxt#ctxt.tab_width, Ctxt, C);
+width([$\n|T], _, Ctxt, C) ->
+ width(unindent([T|C], Ctxt), Ctxt);
+width([H|T], A, Ctxt, C) when is_list(H) ->
+ width(H, A, Ctxt, [T|C]);
+width([_|T], A, Ctxt, C) ->
+ width(T, A + 1, Ctxt, C);
+width([], A, Ctxt, [H|T]) ->
+ width(H, A, Ctxt, T);
+width([], A, _, []) -> A.
+add_indent(Ctxt, Dx) ->
+ Ctxt#ctxt{indent = Ctxt#ctxt.indent + Dx}.
+set_class(Ctxt, Class) ->
+ Ctxt#ctxt{class = Class}.
+core_atom(A) -> io_lib:write_string(atom_to_list(A), $').
+is_simple_term(#c_values{es=Es}) ->
+ length(Es) < 3 andalso lists:all(fun is_simple_term/1, Es);
+is_simple_term(#c_tuple{es=Es}) ->
+ length(Es) < 4 andalso lists:all(fun is_simple_term/1, Es);
+is_simple_term(#c_var{}) -> true;
+is_simple_term(#c_literal{val=[_|_]}) -> false;
+is_simple_term(#c_literal{val=V}) -> not is_tuple(V);
+is_simple_term(_) -> false.
+segs_from_bitstring(<<H,T/bitstring>>) ->
+ [#c_bitstr{val=#c_literal{val=H},
+ size=#c_literal{val=8},
+ unit=#c_literal{val=1},
+ type=#c_literal{val=integer},
+ flags=#c_literal{val=[unsigned,big]}}|segs_from_bitstring(T)];
+segs_from_bitstring(<<>>) ->
+ [];
+segs_from_bitstring(Bitstring) ->
+ N = bit_size(Bitstring),
+ <<I:N>> = Bitstring,
+ [#c_bitstr{val=#c_literal{val=I},
+ size=#c_literal{val=N},
+ unit=#c_literal{val=1},
+ type=#c_literal{val=integer},
+ flags=#c_literal{val=[unsigned,big]}}].