path: root/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_lint.erl
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authorBjörn Gustavsson <>2018-02-01 08:33:10 +0100
committerBjörn Gustavsson <>2018-08-24 09:57:06 +0200
commit6bee2ac7d11668888d93ec4f93730bcae3e5fa79 (patch)
treedf6c6be429ccacfa9c1cf7ea07f890892f73b461 /lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_lint.erl
parent004257f6fc1ea9efea1c99a93211e2f39b1d14ad (diff)
Introduce a new SSA-based intermediate format
v3_codegen is replaced by three new passes: * beam_kernel_to_ssa which translates the Kernel Erlang format to a new SSA-based intermediate format. * beam_ssa_pre_codegen which prepares the SSA-based format for code generation, including register allocation. Registers are allocated using the linear scan algorithm. * beam_ssa_codegen which generates BEAM assembly code from the SSA-based format. It easier and more effective to optimize the SSA-based format before X and Y registers have been assigned. The current optimization passes constantly have to make sure no "holes" in the X register assignments are created (that is, that no X register becomes undefined that an allocation instruction depends on). This commit also introduces the following optimizations: * Replacing of tuple matching of records with the is_tagged_tuple instruction. (Replacing beam_record.) * Sinking of get_tuple_element instructions to just before the first use of the extracted values. As well as potentially avoiding extracting tuple elements when they are not actually used on all executions paths, this optimization could also reduce the number values that will need to be stored in Y registers. (Similar to beam_reorder, but more effective.) * Live optimizations, removing the definition of a variable that is not subsequently used (provided that the operation has no side effects), as well strength reduction of binary matching by replacing the extraction of value from a binary with a skip instruction. (Used to be done by beam_block, beam_utils, and v3_codegen.) * Removal of redundant bs_restore2 instructions. (Formerly done by beam_bs.) * Type-based optimizations across branches. More effective than the old beam_type pass that only did type-based optimizations in basic blocks. * Optimization of floating point instructions. (Formerly done by beam_type.) * Optimization of receive statements to introduce recv_mark and recv_set instructions. More effective with far fewer restrictions on what instructions are allowed between creating the reference and entering the receive statement. * Common subexpression elimination. (Formerly done by beam_block.)
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_lint.erl')
1 files changed, 349 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_lint.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_lint.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a003607dab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_lint.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2018. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% Purpose: Internal consistency checks for the beam_ssa format.
+-export([module/2, format_error/1]).
+-import(lists, [append/1, foldl/3, foreach/2]).
+-spec module(#b_module{}, [compile:option()]) ->
+ {'ok',#b_module{}} | {'error',list()}.
+module(#b_module{body=Fs,name=Name}=Mod0, _Options) ->
+ Es0 = append([validate_function(F) || F <- Fs]),
+ case [{?MODULE,E} || E <- Es0] of
+ [] ->
+ {ok, Mod0};
+ [_|_]=Es ->
+ {error,[{atom_to_list(Name), Es}]}
+ end.
+-spec format_error(term()) -> iolist().
+format_error({{_M,F,A},{redefined_variable, Name, Old, I}}) ->
+ io_lib:format("~p/~p: Variable ~ts (~ts) redefined by ~ts",
+ [F, A, format_var(Name), format_instr(Old), format_instr(I)]);
+format_error({{_M,F,A},{missing_phi_paths, Paths, I}}) ->
+ io_lib:format("~p/~p: Phi node ~ts doesn't define a value for these "
+ "branches: ~w",
+ [F, A, format_instr(I), Paths]);
+format_error({{_M,F,A},{garbage_phi_paths, Paths, I}}) ->
+ io_lib:format("~p/~p: Phi node ~ts defines a value for these unreachable "
+ "or non-existent branches: ~w",
+ [F, A, format_instr(I), Paths]);
+format_error({{_M,F,A},{unknown_phi_variable, Name, {From, _To}, I}}) ->
+ io_lib:format("~p/~p: Variable ~ts used in phi node ~ts is undefined on "
+ "branch ~w",
+ [F, A, format_var(Name), format_instr(I), From]);
+format_error({{_M,F,A},{unknown_block, Label, I}}) ->
+ io_lib:format("~p/~p: Unknown block ~p referenced in ~ts",
+ [F, A, Label, I]);
+format_error({{_M,F,A},{unknown_variable, Name, I}}) ->
+ io_lib:format("~p/~p: Unbound variable ~ts used in ~ts",
+ [F, A, format_var(Name), format_instr(I)]);
+format_error({{_M,F,A},{phi_inside_block, Name, Id}}) ->
+ io_lib:format("~p/~p: Phi node defining ~ts is not at start of block ~p",
+ [F, A, format_var(Name), Id]);
+format_error({{_M,F,A},{undefined_label_in_phi, Label, I}}) ->
+ io_lib:format("~p/~p: Unknown block label ~p in phi node ~ts",
+ [F, A, Label, format_instr(I)]).
+format_instr(I) ->
+ [$',beam_ssa_pp:format_instr(I),$'].
+format_var(V) ->
+ beam_ssa_pp:format_var(#b_var{name=V}).
+validate_function(F) ->
+ try
+ validate_variables(F),
+ []
+ catch
+ throw:Reason ->
+ #{func_info:=MFA} = F#b_function.anno,
+ [{MFA,Reason}];
+ Class:Error:Stack ->
+ io:fwrite("Function: ~p\n", [F#b_function.anno]),
+ erlang:raise(Class, Error, Stack)
+ end.
+-type defined_vars() :: gb_sets:set(beam_ssa:var_name()).
+ {blocks :: #{ beam_ssa:label() => beam_ssa:b_blk() },
+ branch_def_vars :: #{
+ %% Describes the variable state at the time of this exact branch (phi
+ %% node validation).
+ {From :: beam_ssa:label(), To :: beam_ssa:label()} => defined_vars(),
+ %% Describes the variable state common to all branches leading to this
+ %% label (un/redefined variable validation).
+ beam_ssa:label() => defined_vars() },
+ defined_vars :: defined_vars()}).
+-spec validate_variables(beam_ssa:b_function()) -> ok.
+validate_variables(#b_function{ args = Args, bs = Blocks }) ->
+ %% Prefill the mapping with function arguments.
+ ArgNames = vvars_get_varnames(Args),
+ DefVars = gb_sets:from_list(ArgNames),
+ Entry = 0,
+ State = #vvars{blocks = Blocks,
+ branch_def_vars = #{ Entry => DefVars },
+ defined_vars = DefVars},
+ ok = vvars_assert_unique(Blocks, ArgNames),
+ vvars_phi_nodes(vvars_block(Entry, State)).
+%% Checks the uniqueness of all variables across all blocks.
+-spec vvars_assert_unique(Blocks, [beam_ssa:var_name()]) -> ok when
+ Blocks :: #{ beam_ssa:label() => beam_ssa:b_blk() }.
+vvars_assert_unique(Blocks, Args) ->
+ BlockIs = [Is || #b_blk{is=Is} <- maps:values(Blocks)],
+ Defined0 = maps:from_list([{V,argument} || V <- Args]),
+ _ = foldl(fun(Is, Defined) ->
+ vvars_assert_unique_1(Is, Defined)
+ end, Defined0, BlockIs),
+ ok.
+-spec vvars_assert_unique_1(Is, Defined) -> ok when
+ Is :: list(beam_ssa:b_set()),
+ Defined :: #{ beam_ssa:var_name() => beam_ssa:b_set() }.
+vvars_assert_unique_1([#b_set{dst=#b_var{name=DstName}}=I|Is], Defined) ->
+ case Defined of
+ #{DstName:=Old} -> throw({redefined_variable, DstName, Old, I});
+ _ -> vvars_assert_unique_1(Is, Defined#{DstName=>I})
+ end;
+vvars_assert_unique_1([], Defined) ->
+ Defined.
+-spec vvars_phi_nodes(State :: #vvars{}) -> ok.
+vvars_phi_nodes(#vvars{ blocks = Blocks }=State) ->
+ _ = [vvars_phi_nodes_1(Is, Id, State) ||
+ {Id, #b_blk{ is = Is }} <- maps:to_list(Blocks)],
+ ok.
+-spec vvars_phi_nodes_1(Is, Id, State) -> ok when
+ Is :: list(beam_ssa:b_set()),
+ Id :: beam_ssa:label(),
+ State :: #vvars{}.
+vvars_phi_nodes_1([#b_set{ op = phi, args = Phis }=I | Is], Id, State) ->
+ ok = vvars_assert_phi_paths(Phis, I, Id, State),
+ ok = vvars_assert_phi_vars(Phis, I, Id, State),
+ vvars_phi_nodes_1(Is, Id, State);
+vvars_phi_nodes_1([_ | Is], Id, _State) ->
+ case [Dst || #b_set{op=phi,dst=#b_var{name=Dst}} <- Is] of
+ [Name|_] ->
+ throw({phi_inside_block, Name, Id});
+ [] ->
+ ok
+ end;
+vvars_phi_nodes_1([], _Id, _State) ->
+ ok.
+%% Checks whether all paths leading to this phi node are represented, and that
+%% it doesn't reference any non-existent paths.
+-spec vvars_assert_phi_paths(Phis, I, Id, State) -> ok when
+ Phis :: list({beam_ssa:argument(), beam_ssa:label()}),
+ Id :: beam_ssa:label(),
+ I :: beam_ssa:b_set(),
+ State :: #vvars{}.
+vvars_assert_phi_paths(Phis, I, Id, State) ->
+ BranchKeys = maps:keys(State#vvars.branch_def_vars),
+ RequiredPaths = ordsets:from_list([From || {From, To} <- BranchKeys, To =:= Id]),
+ ProvidedPaths = ordsets:from_list([From || {_Value, From} <- Phis]),
+ case ordsets:subtract(RequiredPaths, ProvidedPaths) of
+ [_|_]=MissingPaths -> throw({missing_phi_paths, MissingPaths, I});
+ [] -> ok
+ end.
+ %% %% The following test is sometimes useful to find missing optimizations.
+ %% %% It is commented out, though, because it can be triggered by
+ %% %% by weird but legal code.
+ %% case ordsets:subtract(ProvidedPaths, RequiredPaths) of
+ %% [_|_]=GarbagePaths -> throw({garbage_phi_paths, GarbagePaths, I});
+ %% [] -> ok
+ %% end.
+%% Checks whether all variables used in this phi node are defined in the branch
+%% they arrived on.
+-spec vvars_assert_phi_vars(Phis, I, Id, State) -> ok when
+ Phis :: list({beam_ssa:argument(), beam_ssa:label()}),
+ Id :: beam_ssa:label(),
+ I :: beam_ssa:b_set(),
+ State :: #vvars{}.
+vvars_assert_phi_vars(Phis, I, Id, #vvars{blocks=Blocks,
+ branch_def_vars=BranchDefVars}) ->
+ Vars = [{Var, From} || {#b_var{}=Var, From} <- Phis],
+ foreach(fun({#b_var{name=VarName}, From}) ->
+ BranchKey = {From, Id},
+ case BranchDefVars of
+ #{BranchKey:=DefVars} ->
+ case gb_sets:is_member(VarName, DefVars) of
+ true -> ok;
+ false -> throw({unknown_variable, VarName, I})
+ end;
+ #{} ->
+ throw({unknown_phi_variable, VarName, BranchKey, I})
+ end
+ end, Vars),
+ Labels = [From || {#b_literal{},From} <- Phis],
+ foreach(fun(Label) ->
+ case Blocks of
+ #{Label:=_} ->
+ ok;
+ #{} ->
+ throw({undefined_label_in_phi, Label, I})
+ end
+ end, Labels).
+-spec vvars_block(Id, State) -> #vvars{} when
+ Id :: beam_ssa:label(),
+ State :: #vvars{}.
+vvars_block(Id, State0) ->
+ #{ Id := #b_blk{ is = Is, last = Terminator} } = State0#vvars.blocks,
+ #{ Id := DefVars } = State0#vvars.branch_def_vars,
+ State = State0#vvars{ defined_vars = DefVars },
+ vvars_terminator(Terminator, Id, vvars_block_1(Is, State)).
+-spec vvars_block_1(Blocks, State) -> #vvars{} when
+ Blocks :: list(beam_ssa:b_blk()),
+ State :: #vvars{}.
+vvars_block_1([], State) ->
+ State;
+vvars_block_1([#b_set{ dst = #b_var{ name = DstName }, op = phi } | Is], State0) ->
+ %% We don't check phi node arguments at this point since we may not have
+ %% visited their definition yet. They'll be handled later on in
+ %% vvars_phi_nodes/1 after all blocks are processed.
+ vvars_block_1(Is, vvars_save_var(DstName, State0));
+vvars_block_1([#b_set{ dst = #b_var{ name = DstName }, args = Args }=I | Is], State0) ->
+ ok = vvars_assert_args(Args, I, State0),
+ vvars_block_1(Is, vvars_save_var(DstName, State0)).
+-spec vvars_terminator(Terminator, From, State) -> #vvars{} when
+ Terminator :: beam_ssa:terminator(),
+ From :: beam_ssa:label(),
+ State :: #vvars{}.
+vvars_terminator(#b_ret{ arg = Arg }=I, _From, State) ->
+ ok = vvars_assert_args([Arg], I, State),
+ State;
+vvars_terminator(#b_switch{arg=Arg,fail=Fail,list=Switch}=I, From, State) ->
+ ok = vvars_assert_args([Arg], I, State),
+ ok = vvars_assert_args([A || {A,_Lbl} <- Switch], I, State),
+ Labels = [Fail | [Lbl || {_Arg, Lbl} <- Switch]],
+ ok = vvars_assert_labels(Labels, I, State),
+ vvars_terminator_1(Labels, From, State);
+vvars_terminator(#b_br{bool=#b_literal{val=true},succ=Succ}=I, From, State) ->
+ Labels = [Succ],
+ ok = vvars_assert_labels(Labels, I, State),
+ vvars_terminator_1(Labels, From, State);
+vvars_terminator(#b_br{bool=#b_literal{val=false},fail=Fail}=I, From, State) ->
+ Labels = [Fail],
+ ok = vvars_assert_labels(Labels, I, State),
+ vvars_terminator_1(Labels, From, State);
+vvars_terminator(#b_br{ bool = Arg, succ = Succ, fail = Fail }=I, From, State) ->
+ ok = vvars_assert_args([Arg], I, State),
+ Labels = [Fail, Succ],
+ ok = vvars_assert_labels(Labels, I, State),
+ vvars_terminator_1(Labels, From, State).
+-spec vvars_terminator_1(Labels, From, State) -> #vvars{} when
+ Labels :: list(beam_ssa:label()),
+ From :: beam_ssa:label(),
+ State :: #vvars{}.
+vvars_terminator_1(Labels0, From, State0) ->
+ %% Filter out all branches that have already been taken. This should result
+ %% in either all of Labels0 or an empty list.
+ Labels = [To || To <- Labels0,
+ not maps:is_key({From, To}, State0#vvars.branch_def_vars)],
+ true = Labels =:= Labels0 orelse Labels =:= [], %Assertion
+ State1 = foldl(fun(To, State) ->
+ vvars_save_branch(From, To, State)
+ end, State0, Labels),
+ foldl(fun(To, State) ->
+ vvars_block(To, State)
+ end, State1, Labels).
+%% Gets all variable names in args, ignoring literals etc
+-spec vvars_get_varnames(Args) -> list(beam_ssa:var_name()) when
+ Args :: list(beam_ssa:argument()).
+vvars_get_varnames(Args) ->
+ [Name || #b_var{ name = Name } <- Args].
+%% Checks that all variables in Args are defined in all paths leading to the
+%% current State.
+-spec vvars_assert_args(Args, I, State) -> ok when
+ Args :: list(beam_ssa:argument()),
+ I :: beam_ssa:terminator() | beam_ssa:b_set(),
+ State :: #vvars{}.
+vvars_assert_args(Args, I, #vvars{defined_vars=DefVars}=State) ->
+ foreach(fun(#b_remote{mod=Mod,name=Name}) ->
+ vvars_assert_args([Mod,Name], I, State);
+ (#b_var{name=Name}) ->
+ case gb_sets:is_member(Name, DefVars) of
+ true -> ok;
+ false -> throw({unknown_variable,Name,I})
+ end;
+ (_) -> ok
+ end, Args).
+%% Checks that all given labels are defined in State.
+-spec vvars_assert_labels(Labels, I, State) -> ok when
+ Labels :: list(beam_ssa:label()),
+ I :: beam_ssa:terminator(),
+ State :: #vvars{}.
+vvars_assert_labels(Labels, I, #vvars{blocks=Blocks}) ->
+ foreach(fun(Label) ->
+ case maps:is_key(Label, Blocks) of
+ false -> throw({unknown_block, Label, I});
+ true -> ok
+ end
+ end, Labels).
+-spec vvars_save_branch(From, To, State) -> #vvars{} when
+ From :: beam_ssa:label(),
+ To :: beam_ssa:label(),
+ State :: #vvars{}.
+vvars_save_branch(From, To, State) ->
+ DefVars = State#vvars.defined_vars,
+ Branches0 = State#vvars.branch_def_vars,
+ case Branches0 of
+ #{ To := LblDefVars } ->
+ MergedVars = vvars_merge_branches(DefVars, LblDefVars),
+ Branches = Branches0#{ To => MergedVars, {From, To} => DefVars },
+ State#vvars { branch_def_vars = Branches };
+ _ ->
+ Branches = Branches0#{ To => DefVars, {From, To} => DefVars },
+ State#vvars { branch_def_vars = Branches }
+ end.
+-spec vvars_merge_branches(New, Existing) -> defined_vars() when
+ New :: defined_vars(),
+ Existing :: defined_vars().
+vvars_merge_branches(New, Existing) ->
+ gb_sets:intersection(New, Existing).
+-spec vvars_save_var(VarName, State) -> #vvars{} when
+ VarName :: beam_ssa:var_name(),
+ State :: #vvars{}.
+vvars_save_var(VarName, State0) ->
+ %% vvars_assert_unique guarantees that variables are never set twice.
+ DefVars = gb_sets:insert(VarName, State0#vvars.defined_vars),
+ State0#vvars{ defined_vars = DefVars }.