path: root/inttest
diff options
authorLuis Rascão <>2015-08-13 22:11:52 +0100
committerLuis Rascão <>2016-02-13 12:18:06 +0000
commitf5bc6df43989e53e60536674bf3c0f212b8962b9 (patch)
treea562197388393344cb94196365a18182c8baa7b8 /inttest
parentc83bacb98b0b0fafb5c57fb9cf45301b74b84cd6 (diff)
Add neotoma regression test
Integration regression test that checks for correct generation of .erl files from .peg ones and that they are cleaned up.
Diffstat (limited to 'inttest')
8 files changed, 1166 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/inttest/neotoma1/mock/neotoma/priv/peg_includes.hrl b/inttest/neotoma1/mock/neotoma/priv/peg_includes.hrl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..183b98c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inttest/neotoma1/mock/neotoma/priv/peg_includes.hrl
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+-file("peg_includes.hrl", 1).
+-type index() :: {{line, pos_integer()}, {column, pos_integer()}}.
+-type input() :: binary().
+-type parse_failure() :: {fail, term()}.
+-type parse_success() :: {term(), input(), index()}.
+-type parse_result() :: parse_failure() | parse_success().
+-type parse_fun() :: fun((input(), index()) -> parse_result()).
+-type xform_fun() :: fun((input(), index()) -> term()).
+-spec p(input(), index(), atom(), parse_fun(), xform_fun()) -> parse_result().
+p(Inp, StartIndex, Name, ParseFun, TransformFun) ->
+ case get_memo(StartIndex, Name) of % See if the current reduction is memoized
+ {ok, Memo} -> %Memo; % If it is, return the stored result
+ Memo;
+ _ -> % If not, attempt to parse
+ Result = case ParseFun(Inp, StartIndex) of
+ {fail,_} = Failure -> % If it fails, memoize the failure
+ Failure;
+ {Match, InpRem, NewIndex} -> % If it passes, transform and memoize the result.
+ Transformed = TransformFun(Match, StartIndex),
+ {Transformed, InpRem, NewIndex}
+ end,
+ memoize(StartIndex, Name, Result),
+ Result
+ end.
+-spec setup_memo() -> ets:tid().
+setup_memo() ->
+ put({parse_memo_table, ?MODULE}, ets:new(?MODULE, [set])).
+-spec release_memo() -> true.
+release_memo() ->
+ ets:delete(memo_table_name()).
+-spec memoize(index(), atom(), parse_result()) -> true.
+memoize(Index, Name, Result) ->
+ Memo = case ets:lookup(memo_table_name(), Index) of
+ [] -> [];
+ [{Index, Plist}] -> Plist
+ end,
+ ets:insert(memo_table_name(), {Index, [{Name, Result}|Memo]}).
+-spec get_memo(index(), atom()) -> {ok, term()} | {error, not_found}.
+get_memo(Index, Name) ->
+ case ets:lookup(memo_table_name(), Index) of
+ [] -> {error, not_found};
+ [{Index, Plist}] ->
+ case proplists:lookup(Name, Plist) of
+ {Name, Result} -> {ok, Result};
+ _ -> {error, not_found}
+ end
+ end.
+-spec memo_table_name() -> ets:tid().
+memo_table_name() ->
+ get({parse_memo_table, ?MODULE}).
+-spec p_eof() -> parse_fun().
+p_eof() ->
+ fun(<<>>, Index) -> {eof, [], Index};
+ (_, Index) -> {fail, {expected, eof, Index}} end.
+-spec p_optional(parse_fun()) -> parse_fun().
+p_optional(P) ->
+ fun(Input, Index) ->
+ case P(Input, Index) of
+ {fail,_} -> {[], Input, Index};
+ {_, _, _} = Success -> Success
+ end
+ end.
+-spec p_not(parse_fun()) -> parse_fun().
+p_not(P) ->
+ fun(Input, Index)->
+ case P(Input,Index) of
+ {fail,_} ->
+ {[], Input, Index};
+ {Result, _, _} -> {fail, {expected, {no_match, Result},Index}}
+ end
+ end.
+-spec p_assert(parse_fun()) -> parse_fun().
+p_assert(P) ->
+ fun(Input,Index) ->
+ case P(Input,Index) of
+ {fail,_} = Failure-> Failure;
+ _ -> {[], Input, Index}
+ end
+ end.
+-spec p_seq([parse_fun()]) -> parse_fun().
+p_seq(P) ->
+ fun(Input, Index) ->
+ p_all(P, Input, Index, [])
+ end.
+-spec p_all([parse_fun()], input(), index(), [term()]) -> parse_result().
+p_all([], Inp, Index, Accum ) -> {lists:reverse( Accum ), Inp, Index};
+p_all([P|Parsers], Inp, Index, Accum) ->
+ case P(Inp, Index) of
+ {fail, _} = Failure -> Failure;
+ {Result, InpRem, NewIndex} -> p_all(Parsers, InpRem, NewIndex, [Result|Accum])
+ end.
+-spec p_choose([parse_fun()]) -> parse_fun().
+p_choose(Parsers) ->
+ fun(Input, Index) ->
+ p_attempt(Parsers, Input, Index, none)
+ end.
+-spec p_attempt([parse_fun()], input(), index(), none | parse_failure()) -> parse_result().
+p_attempt([], _Input, _Index, Failure) -> Failure;
+p_attempt([P|Parsers], Input, Index, FirstFailure)->
+ case P(Input, Index) of
+ {fail, _} = Failure ->
+ case FirstFailure of
+ none -> p_attempt(Parsers, Input, Index, Failure);
+ _ -> p_attempt(Parsers, Input, Index, FirstFailure)
+ end;
+ Result -> Result
+ end.
+-spec p_zero_or_more(parse_fun()) -> parse_fun().
+p_zero_or_more(P) ->
+ fun(Input, Index) ->
+ p_scan(P, Input, Index, [])
+ end.
+-spec p_one_or_more(parse_fun()) -> parse_fun().
+p_one_or_more(P) ->
+ fun(Input, Index)->
+ Result = p_scan(P, Input, Index, []),
+ case Result of
+ {[_|_], _, _} ->
+ Result;
+ _ ->
+ {fail, {expected, Failure, _}} = P(Input,Index),
+ {fail, {expected, {at_least_one, Failure}, Index}}
+ end
+ end.
+-spec p_label(atom(), parse_fun()) -> parse_fun().
+p_label(Tag, P) ->
+ fun(Input, Index) ->
+ case P(Input, Index) of
+ {fail,_} = Failure ->
+ Failure;
+ {Result, InpRem, NewIndex} ->
+ {{Tag, Result}, InpRem, NewIndex}
+ end
+ end.
+-spec p_scan(parse_fun(), input(), index(), [term()]) -> {[term()], input(), index()}.
+p_scan(_, <<>>, Index, Accum) -> {lists:reverse(Accum), <<>>, Index};
+p_scan(P, Inp, Index, Accum) ->
+ case P(Inp, Index) of
+ {fail,_} -> {lists:reverse(Accum), Inp, Index};
+ {Result, InpRem, NewIndex} -> p_scan(P, InpRem, NewIndex, [Result | Accum])
+ end.
+-spec p_string(binary()) -> parse_fun().
+p_string(S) ->
+ Length = erlang:byte_size(S),
+ fun(Input, Index) ->
+ try
+ <<S:Length/binary, Rest/binary>> = Input,
+ {S, Rest, p_advance_index(S, Index)}
+ catch
+ error:{badmatch,_} -> {fail, {expected, {string, S}, Index}}
+ end
+ end.
+-spec p_anything() -> parse_fun().
+p_anything() ->
+ fun(<<>>, Index) -> {fail, {expected, any_character, Index}};
+ (Input, Index) when is_binary(Input) ->
+ <<C/utf8, Rest/binary>> = Input,
+ {<<C/utf8>>, Rest, p_advance_index(<<C/utf8>>, Index)}
+ end.
+-spec p_charclass(string() | binary()) -> parse_fun().
+p_charclass(Class) ->
+ {ok, RE} = re:compile(Class, [unicode, dotall]),
+ fun(Inp, Index) ->
+ case re:run(Inp, RE, [anchored]) of
+ {match, [{0, Length}|_]} ->
+ {Head, Tail} = erlang:split_binary(Inp, Length),
+ {Head, Tail, p_advance_index(Head, Index)};
+ _ -> {fail, {expected, {character_class, binary_to_list(Class)}, Index}}
+ end
+ end.
+-spec p_regexp(binary()) -> parse_fun().
+p_regexp(Regexp) ->
+ {ok, RE} = re:compile(Regexp, [unicode, dotall, anchored]),
+ fun(Inp, Index) ->
+ case re:run(Inp, RE) of
+ {match, [{0, Length}|_]} ->
+ {Head, Tail} = erlang:split_binary(Inp, Length),
+ {Head, Tail, p_advance_index(Head, Index)};
+ _ -> {fail, {expected, {regexp, binary_to_list(Regexp)}, Index}}
+ end
+ end.
+-spec line(index() | term()) -> pos_integer() | undefined.
+line({{line,L},_}) -> L;
+line(_) -> undefined.
+-spec column(index() | term()) -> pos_integer() | undefined.
+column({_,{column,C}}) -> C;
+column(_) -> undefined.
+-spec p_advance_index(input() | unicode:charlist() | pos_integer(), index()) -> index().
+p_advance_index(MatchedInput, Index) when is_list(MatchedInput) orelse is_binary(MatchedInput)-> % strings
+ lists:foldl(fun p_advance_index/2, Index, unicode:characters_to_list(MatchedInput));
+p_advance_index(MatchedInput, Index) when is_integer(MatchedInput) -> % single characters
+ {{line, Line}, {column, Col}} = Index,
+ case MatchedInput of
+ $\n -> {{line, Line+1}, {column, 1}};
+ _ -> {{line, Line}, {column, Col+1}}
+ end.
diff --git a/inttest/neotoma1/mock/neotoma/src/ b/inttest/neotoma1/mock/neotoma/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dff6cef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inttest/neotoma1/mock/neotoma/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+{application, neotoma,
+ [
+ {description, "PEG/Packrat toolkit and parser-generator."},
+ {vsn, "1.7.3"},
+ {applications, [kernel, stdlib]},
+ {contributors, ["Sean Cribbs"]},
+ {licenses, ["MIT"]},
+ {links, [{"Github", ""}]}
+ ]
diff --git a/inttest/neotoma1/mock/neotoma/src/neotoma.erl b/inttest/neotoma1/mock/neotoma/src/neotoma.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4102f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inttest/neotoma1/mock/neotoma/src/neotoma.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+-author("Sean Cribbs <>").
+-export([file/1, file/2, bootstrap/0]).
+-define(ALL_COMBINATORS, [p_eof, p_optional, p_not, p_assert, p_seq,
+ p_choose, p_zero_or_more, p_one_or_more, p_label, p_scan,
+ p_string, p_anything, p_charclass, p_regexp, line, column]).
+-type option() :: {module, atom()} | {output, file:filename()} | {transform_module, atom()} |
+ {neotoma_priv_dir, file:filename()}.
+%% @doc Handler function for escript.
+-spec main(list()) -> ok | no_return().
+main([]) ->
+ io:format("Usage: neotoma filename [-module output_module] [-output output_dir] [-transform_module transform_module]\n");
+main([Filename | Args]) ->
+ %% code:priv_dir is unreliable when called in escript context, but
+ %% escript:script_name does what we want.
+ PrivDir = filename:join([filename:dirname(escript:script_name()), "priv"]),
+ file(Filename, [{neotoma_priv_dir, PrivDir} | parse_options(Args)]).
+%% @doc Generates a parser from the specified file.
+%% @equiv file(Filename, [])
+-spec file(file:filename()) -> ok | {error, atom()}.
+file(InputGrammar) ->
+ file(InputGrammar, []).
+%% @doc Generates a parser from the specified file with the given options.
+-spec file(file:filename(), [option()]) -> ok | {error, atom()}.
+file(InputGrammar, Options) ->
+ Basename = filename:basename(InputGrammar, ".peg"),
+ InputDir = filename:dirname(InputGrammar),
+ ModuleName = proplists:get_value(module, Options, list_to_atom(Basename)),
+ OutputDir = proplists:get_value(output, Options, InputDir),
+ OutputFilename = filename:join(OutputDir, atom_to_list(ModuleName) ++ ".erl"),
+ TransformModule = proplists:get_value(transform_module, Options, false),
+ validate_params(filename:absname(InputGrammar),
+ ModuleName,
+ TransformModule,
+ filename:absname(OutputFilename)),
+ Parsed = parse_grammar(InputGrammar),
+ Rules = proplists:get_value(rules, Parsed),
+ Root = proplists:get_value(root, Parsed),
+ Code = proplists:get_value(code, Parsed),
+ GenTransform = proplists:get_value(transform, Parsed),
+ Combinators = proplists:get_value(combinators, Parsed, ?ALL_COMBINATORS),
+ ModuleAttrs = generate_module_attrs(ModuleName, Combinators),
+ EntryFuns = generate_entry_functions(Root),
+ TransformFun = create_transform(TransformModule, OutputDir, GenTransform),
+ PrivDir = proplists:get_value(neotoma_priv_dir, Options, code:priv_dir(neotoma)),
+ {ok, PegIncludes} = file:read_file(filename:join([PrivDir, "peg_includes.hrl"])),
+ file:write_file(OutputFilename, [ModuleAttrs, "\n", Code, "\n", EntryFuns, "\n", Rules, "\n", TransformFun, "\n", PegIncludes]).
+-spec validate_params(file:filename(),atom(),atom(),file:filename()) -> 'ok'.
+validate_params(InputGrammar, _, _, OutputFile) when InputGrammar =:= OutputFile ->
+ throw({badarg, "Input and output file are the same!"});
+validate_params(_,_, false, _) -> ok;
+validate_params(_,_, TransformModule, _) when not is_atom(TransformModule) ->
+ throw({badarg, "transform_module option must be an atom"});
+validate_params(_,Basename, TransformModule, _) when Basename =:= TransformModule ->
+ throw({badarg, "Transform module named same as parser module!"});
+validate_params(_,_, TransformModule, OutputFile) ->
+ OutMod = list_to_atom(filename:basename(OutputFile, ".erl")),
+ case OutMod of
+ TransformModule -> throw({badarg, "Transform module file same as parser output file!"});
+ _ -> ok
+ end.
+-spec generate_module_attrs(atom(), [atom()]) -> iolist().
+generate_module_attrs(ModName, Combinators) ->
+ ["-module(", atom_to_list(ModName) ,").\n",
+ "-export([parse/1,file/1]).\n",
+ [ generate_combinator_macro(C) || Combinators /= undefined, C <- Combinators ],
+ "\n"
+ ].
+generate_combinator_macro(C) ->
+ ["-define(", atom_to_list(C), ",true).\n"].
+-spec generate_entry_functions({iodata(),_}) -> iolist().
+generate_entry_functions(Root) ->
+ {RootRule,_} = Root,
+ ["-spec file(file:name()) -> any().\n",
+ "file(Filename) -> case file:read_file(Filename) of {ok,Bin} -> parse(Bin); Err -> Err end.\n\n",
+ "-spec parse(binary() | list()) -> any().\n",
+ "parse(List) when is_list(List) -> parse(unicode:characters_to_binary(List));\n",
+ "parse(Input) when is_binary(Input) ->\n",
+ " _ = setup_memo(),\n",
+ " Result = case '",RootRule,"'(Input,{{line,1},{column,1}}) of\n",
+ " {AST, <<>>, _Index} -> AST;\n",
+ " Any -> Any\n"
+ " end,\n",
+ " release_memo(), Result.\n"].
+-spec parse_grammar(file:filename()) -> any().
+parse_grammar(InputFile) ->
+ case neotoma_parse:file(InputFile) of
+ {fail, Index} ->
+ throw({grammar_error, {fail, Index}});
+ {Parsed, Remainder, Index} ->
+ io:format("WARNING: Grammar parse ended unexpectedly at ~p, generated parser may be incorrect.~nRemainder:~n~p",
+ [Index, Remainder]),
+ Parsed;
+ L when is_list(L) -> L;
+ _ -> throw({error, {unknown, grammar, InputFile}})
+ end.
+-spec create_transform(atom() | boolean(),file:filename(),_) -> iolist().
+create_transform(_,_,[]) -> [];
+create_transform(false,_,_) ->
+ "transform(_,Node,_Index) -> Node.";
+create_transform(ModName,Dir,_) when is_atom(ModName) ->
+ XfFile = filename:join(Dir, atom_to_list(ModName) ++ ".erl"),
+ case filelib:is_regular(XfFile) of
+ true -> io:format("'~s' already exists, skipping generation.~n", [XfFile]);
+ false -> generate_transform_stub(XfFile, ModName)
+ end,
+ ["transform(Symbol,Node,Index) -> ",atom_to_list(ModName),":transform(Symbol, Node, Index)."].
+-spec generate_transform_stub(file:filename(), atom()) -> 'ok' | {'error',atom()}.
+generate_transform_stub(XfFile,ModName) ->
+ Data = ["-module(",atom_to_list(ModName),").\n",
+ "-export([transform/3]).\n\n",
+ "%% Add clauses to this function to transform syntax nodes\n",
+ "%% from the parser into semantic output.\n",
+ "transform(Symbol, Node, _Index) when is_atom(Symbol) ->\n Node."],
+ file:write_file(XfFile, Data).
+%% @doc Bootstraps the neotoma metagrammar. Intended only for internal development!
+%% @equiv file("src/neotoma_parse.peg")
+-spec bootstrap() -> 'ok'.
+bootstrap() ->
+ file("priv/neotoma_parse.peg", [{output, "src/"}, {neotoma_priv_dir, "priv"}]).
+%% @doc Parses arguments passed to escript
+-spec parse_options(list()) -> list().
+parse_options(["-module", ModName | Rest]) ->
+ [{module, list_to_atom(ModName)} | parse_options(Rest)];
+parse_options(["-output", Dir | Rest]) ->
+ [{output, Dir} | parse_options(Rest)];
+parse_options(["-transform_module", ModName | Rest]) ->
+ [{transform_module, list_to_atom(ModName)} | parse_options(Rest)];
+parse_options([]) ->
+ [].
diff --git a/inttest/neotoma1/mock/neotoma/src/neotoma_parse.erl b/inttest/neotoma1/mock/neotoma/src/neotoma_parse.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bffaf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inttest/neotoma1/mock/neotoma/src/neotoma_parse.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,625 @@
+% insert escapes into a string
+-spec escape_string(string()) -> string().
+escape_string(String) -> escape_string(String, []).
+-spec escape_string(string(), string()) -> string().
+escape_string([], Output) ->
+ lists:reverse(Output);
+escape_string([H|T], Output) ->
+ escape_string(T,
+ case H of
+ $/ -> [$/,$\\|Output];
+ $\" -> [$\",$\\|Output]; % " comment inserted to help some editors with highlighting the generated parser
+ $\' -> [$\',$\\|Output]; % ' comment inserted to help some editors with highlighting the generated parser
+ $\b -> [$b,$\\|Output];
+ $\d -> [$d,$\\|Output];
+ $\e -> [$e,$\\|Output];
+ $\f -> [$f,$\\|Output];
+ $\n -> [$n,$\\|Output];
+ $\r -> [$r,$\\|Output];
+ $\s -> [$s,$\\|Output];
+ $\t -> [$t,$\\|Output];
+ $\v -> [$v,$\\|Output];
+ _ -> [H|Output]
+ end).
+-spec add_lhs(binary(), index()) -> true.
+add_lhs(Symbol, Index) ->
+ case ets:lookup(memo_table_name(), lhs) of
+ [] ->
+ ets:insert(memo_table_name(), {lhs, [{Symbol,Index}]});
+ [{lhs, L}] when is_list(L) ->
+ ets:insert(memo_table_name(), {lhs, [{Symbol,Index}|L]})
+ end.
+-spec add_nt(binary(), index()) -> true | ok.
+add_nt(Symbol, Index) ->
+ case ets:lookup(memo_table_name(), nts) of
+ [] ->
+ ets:insert(memo_table_name(), {nts, [{Symbol,Index}]});
+ [{nts, L}] when is_list(L) ->
+ case proplists:is_defined(Symbol, L) of
+ true ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ ets:insert(memo_table_name(), {nts, [{Symbol,Index}|L]})
+ end
+ end.
+-spec verify_rules() -> ok | no_return().
+verify_rules() ->
+ [{lhs, LHS}] = ets:lookup(memo_table_name(), lhs),
+ [{nts, NTs}] = ets:lookup(memo_table_name(), nts),
+ [Root|NonRoots] = lists:reverse(LHS),
+ lists:foreach(fun({Sym,Idx}) ->
+ case proplists:is_defined(Sym, NTs) of
+ true ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ io:format("neotoma warning: rule '~s' is unused. ~p~n", [Sym,Idx])
+ end
+ end, NonRoots),
+ lists:foreach(fun({S,I}) ->
+ case proplists:is_defined(S, LHS) of
+ true ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ io:format("neotoma error: nonterminal '~s' has no reduction. (found at ~p) No parser will be generated!~n", [S,I]),
+ exit({neotoma, {no_reduction, list_to_atom(binary_to_list(S))}})
+ end
+ end, NTs),
+ Root.
+-spec used_combinator(atom()) -> true.
+used_combinator(C) ->
+ case ets:lookup(memo_table_name(), combinators) of
+ [] ->
+ ets:insert(memo_table_name(), {combinators, ordsets:from_list([C])});
+ [{combinators, Cs}] ->
+ ets:insert(memo_table_name(), {combinators, ordsets:add_element(C, Cs)})
+ end.
+-spec used_transform_variables(binary()) -> [ 'Node' | 'Idx' ].
+used_transform_variables(Transform) ->
+ Code = unicode:characters_to_list(Transform),
+ {ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(Code),
+ used_transform_variables(Tokens, []).
+used_transform_variables([{var, _, Name}|Tokens], Acc) ->
+ used_transform_variables(Tokens, case Name of
+ 'Node' -> [Name | Acc];
+ 'Idx' -> [Name | Acc];
+ _ -> Acc
+ end);
+used_transform_variables([_|Tokens], Acc) ->
+ used_transform_variables(Tokens, Acc);
+used_transform_variables([], Acc) ->
+ lists:usort(Acc).
+-spec file(file:name()) -> any().
+file(Filename) -> case file:read_file(Filename) of {ok,Bin} -> parse(Bin); Err -> Err end.
+-spec parse(binary() | list()) -> any().
+parse(List) when is_list(List) -> parse(unicode:characters_to_binary(List));
+parse(Input) when is_binary(Input) ->
+ _ = setup_memo(),
+ Result = case 'rules'(Input,{{line,1},{column,1}}) of
+ {AST, <<>>, _Index} -> AST;
+ Any -> Any
+ end,
+ release_memo(), Result.
+-spec 'rules'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'rules'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'rules', fun(I,D) -> (p_seq([p_optional(fun 'space'/2), fun 'declaration_sequence'/2, p_optional(fun 'space'/2), p_optional(fun 'code_block'/2), p_optional(fun 'space'/2)]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->
+ RootRule = verify_rules(),
+ Rules = unicode:characters_to_binary(lists:map(fun(R) -> [R, "\n\n"] end, lists:nth(2, Node))),
+ Code = case lists:nth(4, Node) of
+ {code, Block} -> Block;
+ _ -> []
+ end,
+ [{rules, Rules},
+ {code, Code},
+ {root, RootRule},
+ {transform, ets:lookup(memo_table_name(),gen_transform)},
+ {combinators, ets:lookup_element(memo_table_name(), combinators, 2)}]
+ end).
+-spec 'declaration_sequence'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'declaration_sequence'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'declaration_sequence', fun(I,D) -> (p_seq([p_label('head', fun 'declaration'/2), p_label('tail', p_zero_or_more(p_seq([fun 'space'/2, fun 'declaration'/2])))]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->
+ FirstRule = proplists:get_value(head, Node),
+ OtherRules = [I || [_,I] <- proplists:get_value(tail, Node, [])],
+ [FirstRule|OtherRules]
+ end).
+-spec 'declaration'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'declaration'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'declaration', fun(I,D) -> (p_seq([fun 'nonterminal'/2, p_zero_or_more(fun 'space'/2), p_string(<<"<-">>), p_zero_or_more(fun 'space'/2), fun 'parsing_expression'/2, p_optional(fun 'space'/2), p_optional(fun 'code_block'/2), p_optional(fun 'space'/2), p_string(<<";">>)]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->
+ [{nonterminal,Symbol}|Tail] = Node,
+ add_lhs(Symbol, Index),
+ Transform = case lists:nth(6,Tail) of
+ {code, CodeBlock} -> CodeBlock;
+ _ ->
+ ets:insert_new(memo_table_name(),{gen_transform, true}),
+ ["transform('",Symbol,"', Node, Idx)"]
+ end,
+ TransformArgs = case used_transform_variables(Transform) of
+ [] -> "_Node, _Idx";
+ ['Idx'] -> "_Node, Idx";
+ ['Node'] -> "Node, _Idx";
+ ['Idx', 'Node'] -> "Node, Idx"
+ end,
+ ["-spec '", Symbol, "'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().\n",
+ "'",Symbol,"'","(Input, Index) ->\n ",
+ "p(Input, Index, '",Symbol,"', fun(I,D) -> (",
+ lists:nth(4, Tail),
+ ")(I,D) end, fun(", TransformArgs, ") ->",Transform," end)."]
+ end).
+-spec 'parsing_expression'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'parsing_expression'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'parsing_expression', fun(I,D) -> (p_choose([fun 'choice'/2, fun 'sequence'/2, fun 'primary'/2]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->Node end).
+-spec 'choice'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'choice'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'choice', fun(I,D) -> (p_seq([p_label('head', fun 'alternative'/2), p_label('tail', p_one_or_more(p_seq([fun 'space'/2, p_string(<<"\/">>), fun 'space'/2, fun 'alternative'/2])))]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->
+ Tail = [lists:last(S) || S <- proplists:get_value(tail, Node)],
+ Head = proplists:get_value(head, Node),
+ Statements = [[", ", TS] || TS <- Tail],
+ used_combinator(p_choose),
+ ["p_choose([", Head, Statements, "])"]
+ end).
+-spec 'alternative'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'alternative'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'alternative', fun(I,D) -> (p_choose([fun 'sequence'/2, fun 'labeled_primary'/2]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->Node end).
+-spec 'primary'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'primary'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'primary', fun(I,D) -> (p_choose([p_seq([fun 'prefix'/2, fun 'atomic'/2]), p_seq([fun 'atomic'/2, fun 'suffix'/2]), fun 'atomic'/2]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->
+case Node of
+ [Atomic, one_or_more] ->
+ used_combinator(p_one_or_more),
+ used_combinator(p_scan),
+ ["p_one_or_more(", Atomic, ")"];
+ [Atomic, zero_or_more] ->
+ used_combinator(p_zero_or_more),
+ used_combinator(p_scan),
+ ["p_zero_or_more(", Atomic, ")"];
+ [Atomic, optional] ->
+ used_combinator(p_optional),
+ ["p_optional(", Atomic, ")"];
+ [assert, Atomic] ->
+ used_combinator(p_assert),
+ ["p_assert(", Atomic, ")"];
+ [not_, Atomic] ->
+ used_combinator(p_not),
+ ["p_not(", Atomic, ")"];
+ _ -> Node
+ end).
+-spec 'sequence'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'sequence'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'sequence', fun(I,D) -> (p_seq([p_label('head', fun 'labeled_primary'/2), p_label('tail', p_one_or_more(p_seq([fun 'space'/2, fun 'labeled_primary'/2])))]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->
+ Tail = [lists:nth(2, S) || S <- proplists:get_value(tail, Node)],
+ Head = proplists:get_value(head, Node),
+ Statements = [[", ", TS] || TS <- Tail],
+ used_combinator(p_seq),
+ ["p_seq([", Head, Statements, "])"]
+ end).
+-spec 'labeled_primary'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'labeled_primary'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'labeled_primary', fun(I,D) -> (p_seq([p_optional(fun 'label'/2), fun 'primary'/2]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->
+ case hd(Node) of
+ [] -> lists:nth(2, Node);
+ Label ->
+ used_combinator(p_label),
+ ["p_label('", Label, "', ", lists:nth(2, Node), ")"]
+ end
+ end).
+-spec 'label'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'label'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'label', fun(I,D) -> (p_seq([fun 'alpha_char'/2, p_zero_or_more(fun 'alphanumeric_char'/2), p_string(<<":">>)]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->
+ lists:sublist(Node, length(Node)-1)
+ end).
+-spec 'suffix'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'suffix'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'suffix', fun(I,D) -> (p_choose([fun 'repetition_suffix'/2, fun 'optional_suffix'/2]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->
+ case Node of
+ <<"*">> -> zero_or_more;
+ <<"+">> -> one_or_more;
+ <<"?">> -> optional
+ end
+ end).
+-spec 'optional_suffix'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'optional_suffix'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'optional_suffix', fun(I,D) -> (p_string(<<"?">>))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->Node end).
+-spec 'repetition_suffix'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'repetition_suffix'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'repetition_suffix', fun(I,D) -> (p_choose([p_string(<<"+">>), p_string(<<"*">>)]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->Node end).
+-spec 'prefix'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'prefix'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'prefix', fun(I,D) -> (p_choose([p_string(<<"&">>), p_string(<<"!">>)]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->
+ case Node of
+ <<"&">> -> assert;
+ <<"!">> -> not_
+ end
+ end).
+-spec 'atomic'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'atomic'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'atomic', fun(I,D) -> (p_choose([fun 'terminal'/2, fun 'nonterminal'/2, fun 'parenthesized_expression'/2]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->
+case Node of
+ {nonterminal, Symbol} ->
+ [<<"fun '">>, Symbol, <<"'/2">>];
+ _ -> Node
+ end).
+-spec 'parenthesized_expression'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'parenthesized_expression'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'parenthesized_expression', fun(I,D) -> (p_seq([p_string(<<"(">>), p_optional(fun 'space'/2), fun 'parsing_expression'/2, p_optional(fun 'space'/2), p_string(<<")">>)]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->lists:nth(3, Node) end).
+-spec 'nonterminal'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'nonterminal'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'nonterminal', fun(I,D) -> (p_seq([fun 'alpha_char'/2, p_zero_or_more(fun 'alphanumeric_char'/2)]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, Idx) ->
+ Symbol = unicode:characters_to_binary(Node),
+ add_nt(Symbol, Idx),
+ {nonterminal, Symbol}
+ end).
+-spec 'terminal'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'terminal'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'terminal', fun(I,D) -> (p_choose([fun 'regexp_string'/2, fun 'quoted_string'/2, fun 'character_class'/2, fun 'anything_symbol'/2]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->Node end).
+-spec 'regexp_string'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'regexp_string'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'regexp_string', fun(I,D) -> (p_seq([p_string(<<"#">>), p_label('string', p_one_or_more(p_seq([p_not(p_string(<<"#">>)), p_choose([p_string(<<"\\#">>), p_anything()])]))), p_string(<<"#">>)]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->
+ used_combinator(p_regexp),
+ ["p_regexp(<<\"",
+ % Escape \ and " as they are used in erlang string. Other sumbol stay as is.
+ % \ -> \\
+ % " -> \"
+ re:replace(proplists:get_value(string, Node), "\"|\\\\", "\\\\&", [{return, binary}, global]),
+ "\">>)"]
+ end).
+-spec 'quoted_string'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'quoted_string'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'quoted_string', fun(I,D) -> (p_choose([fun 'single_quoted_string'/2, fun 'double_quoted_string'/2]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->
+ used_combinator(p_string),
+ lists:flatten(["p_string(<<\"",
+ escape_string(unicode:characters_to_list(proplists:get_value(string, Node))),
+ "\">>)"])
+ end).
+-spec 'double_quoted_string'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'double_quoted_string'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'double_quoted_string', fun(I,D) -> (p_seq([p_string(<<"\"">>), p_label('string', p_zero_or_more(p_seq([p_not(p_string(<<"\"">>)), p_choose([p_string(<<"\\\\">>), p_string(<<"\\\"">>), p_anything()])]))), p_string(<<"\"">>)]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->Node end).
+-spec 'single_quoted_string'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'single_quoted_string'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'single_quoted_string', fun(I,D) -> (p_seq([p_string(<<"\'">>), p_label('string', p_zero_or_more(p_seq([p_not(p_string(<<"\'">>)), p_choose([p_string(<<"\\\\">>), p_string(<<"\\\'">>), p_anything()])]))), p_string(<<"\'">>)]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->Node end).
+-spec 'character_class'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'character_class'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'character_class', fun(I,D) -> (p_seq([p_string(<<"[">>), p_label('characters', p_one_or_more(p_seq([p_not(p_string(<<"]">>)), p_choose([p_seq([p_string(<<"\\\\">>), p_anything()]), p_seq([p_not(p_string(<<"\\\\">>)), p_anything()])])]))), p_string(<<"]">>)]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->
+ used_combinator(p_charclass),
+ ["p_charclass(<<\"[",
+ escape_string(unicode:characters_to_list(proplists:get_value(characters, Node))),
+ "]\">>)"]
+ end).
+-spec 'anything_symbol'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'anything_symbol'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'anything_symbol', fun(I,D) -> (p_string(<<".">>))(I,D) end, fun(_Node, _Idx) -> used_combinator(p_anything), <<"p_anything()">> end).
+-spec 'alpha_char'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'alpha_char'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'alpha_char', fun(I,D) -> (p_charclass(<<"[A-Za-z_]">>))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->Node end).
+-spec 'alphanumeric_char'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'alphanumeric_char'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'alphanumeric_char', fun(I,D) -> (p_choose([fun 'alpha_char'/2, p_charclass(<<"[0-9]">>)]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->Node end).
+-spec 'space'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'space'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'space', fun(I,D) -> (p_one_or_more(p_choose([fun 'white'/2, fun 'comment_to_eol'/2])))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->Node end).
+-spec 'comment_to_eol'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'comment_to_eol'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'comment_to_eol', fun(I,D) -> (p_seq([p_not(p_string(<<"%{">>)), p_string(<<"%">>), p_zero_or_more(p_seq([p_not(p_string(<<"\n">>)), p_anything()]))]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->Node end).
+-spec 'white'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'white'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'white', fun(I,D) -> (p_charclass(<<"[\s\t\n\r]">>))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->Node end).
+-spec 'code_block'(input(), index()) -> parse_result().
+'code_block'(Input, Index) ->
+ p(Input, Index, 'code_block', fun(I,D) -> (p_choose([p_seq([p_string(<<"%{">>), p_label('code', p_one_or_more(p_choose([p_string(<<"\\%">>), p_string(<<"$%">>), p_seq([p_not(p_string(<<"%}">>)), p_anything()])]))), p_string(<<"%}">>)]), p_seq([p_string(<<"`">>), p_label('code', p_one_or_more(p_choose([p_string(<<"\\`">>), p_string(<<"$`">>), p_seq([p_not(p_string(<<"`">>)), p_anything()])]))), p_string(<<"`">>)]), p_string(<<"~">>)]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) ->
+ case Node of
+ <<"~">> -> {code, <<"Node">>};
+ _ -> {code, proplists:get_value('code', Node)}
+ end
+ end).
+-file("peg_includes.hrl", 1).
+-type index() :: {{line, pos_integer()}, {column, pos_integer()}}.
+-type input() :: binary().
+-type parse_failure() :: {fail, term()}.
+-type parse_success() :: {term(), input(), index()}.
+-type parse_result() :: parse_failure() | parse_success().
+-type parse_fun() :: fun((input(), index()) -> parse_result()).
+-type xform_fun() :: fun((input(), index()) -> term()).
+-spec p(input(), index(), atom(), parse_fun(), xform_fun()) -> parse_result().
+p(Inp, StartIndex, Name, ParseFun, TransformFun) ->
+ case get_memo(StartIndex, Name) of % See if the current reduction is memoized
+ {ok, Memo} -> %Memo; % If it is, return the stored result
+ Memo;
+ _ -> % If not, attempt to parse
+ Result = case ParseFun(Inp, StartIndex) of
+ {fail,_} = Failure -> % If it fails, memoize the failure
+ Failure;
+ {Match, InpRem, NewIndex} -> % If it passes, transform and memoize the result.
+ Transformed = TransformFun(Match, StartIndex),
+ {Transformed, InpRem, NewIndex}
+ end,
+ memoize(StartIndex, Name, Result),
+ Result
+ end.
+-spec setup_memo() -> ets:tid().
+setup_memo() ->
+ put({parse_memo_table, ?MODULE}, ets:new(?MODULE, [set])).
+-spec release_memo() -> true.
+release_memo() ->
+ ets:delete(memo_table_name()).
+-spec memoize(index(), atom(), parse_result()) -> true.
+memoize(Index, Name, Result) ->
+ Memo = case ets:lookup(memo_table_name(), Index) of
+ [] -> [];
+ [{Index, Plist}] -> Plist
+ end,
+ ets:insert(memo_table_name(), {Index, [{Name, Result}|Memo]}).
+-spec get_memo(index(), atom()) -> {ok, term()} | {error, not_found}.
+get_memo(Index, Name) ->
+ case ets:lookup(memo_table_name(), Index) of
+ [] -> {error, not_found};
+ [{Index, Plist}] ->
+ case proplists:lookup(Name, Plist) of
+ {Name, Result} -> {ok, Result};
+ _ -> {error, not_found}
+ end
+ end.
+-spec memo_table_name() -> ets:tid().
+memo_table_name() ->
+ get({parse_memo_table, ?MODULE}).
+-spec p_eof() -> parse_fun().
+p_eof() ->
+ fun(<<>>, Index) -> {eof, [], Index};
+ (_, Index) -> {fail, {expected, eof, Index}} end.
+-spec p_optional(parse_fun()) -> parse_fun().
+p_optional(P) ->
+ fun(Input, Index) ->
+ case P(Input, Index) of
+ {fail,_} -> {[], Input, Index};
+ {_, _, _} = Success -> Success
+ end
+ end.
+-spec p_not(parse_fun()) -> parse_fun().
+p_not(P) ->
+ fun(Input, Index)->
+ case P(Input,Index) of
+ {fail,_} ->
+ {[], Input, Index};
+ {Result, _, _} -> {fail, {expected, {no_match, Result},Index}}
+ end
+ end.
+-spec p_assert(parse_fun()) -> parse_fun().
+p_assert(P) ->
+ fun(Input,Index) ->
+ case P(Input,Index) of
+ {fail,_} = Failure-> Failure;
+ _ -> {[], Input, Index}
+ end
+ end.
+-spec p_seq([parse_fun()]) -> parse_fun().
+p_seq(P) ->
+ fun(Input, Index) ->
+ p_all(P, Input, Index, [])
+ end.
+-spec p_all([parse_fun()], input(), index(), [term()]) -> parse_result().
+p_all([], Inp, Index, Accum ) -> {lists:reverse( Accum ), Inp, Index};
+p_all([P|Parsers], Inp, Index, Accum) ->
+ case P(Inp, Index) of
+ {fail, _} = Failure -> Failure;
+ {Result, InpRem, NewIndex} -> p_all(Parsers, InpRem, NewIndex, [Result|Accum])
+ end.
+-spec p_choose([parse_fun()]) -> parse_fun().
+p_choose(Parsers) ->
+ fun(Input, Index) ->
+ p_attempt(Parsers, Input, Index, none)
+ end.
+-spec p_attempt([parse_fun()], input(), index(), none | parse_failure()) -> parse_result().
+p_attempt([], _Input, _Index, Failure) -> Failure;
+p_attempt([P|Parsers], Input, Index, FirstFailure)->
+ case P(Input, Index) of
+ {fail, _} = Failure ->
+ case FirstFailure of
+ none -> p_attempt(Parsers, Input, Index, Failure);
+ _ -> p_attempt(Parsers, Input, Index, FirstFailure)
+ end;
+ Result -> Result
+ end.
+-spec p_zero_or_more(parse_fun()) -> parse_fun().
+p_zero_or_more(P) ->
+ fun(Input, Index) ->
+ p_scan(P, Input, Index, [])
+ end.
+-spec p_one_or_more(parse_fun()) -> parse_fun().
+p_one_or_more(P) ->
+ fun(Input, Index)->
+ Result = p_scan(P, Input, Index, []),
+ case Result of
+ {[_|_], _, _} ->
+ Result;
+ _ ->
+ {fail, {expected, Failure, _}} = P(Input,Index),
+ {fail, {expected, {at_least_one, Failure}, Index}}
+ end
+ end.
+-spec p_label(atom(), parse_fun()) -> parse_fun().
+p_label(Tag, P) ->
+ fun(Input, Index) ->
+ case P(Input, Index) of
+ {fail,_} = Failure ->
+ Failure;
+ {Result, InpRem, NewIndex} ->
+ {{Tag, Result}, InpRem, NewIndex}
+ end
+ end.
+-spec p_scan(parse_fun(), input(), index(), [term()]) -> {[term()], input(), index()}.
+p_scan(_, <<>>, Index, Accum) -> {lists:reverse(Accum), <<>>, Index};
+p_scan(P, Inp, Index, Accum) ->
+ case P(Inp, Index) of
+ {fail,_} -> {lists:reverse(Accum), Inp, Index};
+ {Result, InpRem, NewIndex} -> p_scan(P, InpRem, NewIndex, [Result | Accum])
+ end.
+-spec p_string(binary()) -> parse_fun().
+p_string(S) ->
+ Length = erlang:byte_size(S),
+ fun(Input, Index) ->
+ try
+ <<S:Length/binary, Rest/binary>> = Input,
+ {S, Rest, p_advance_index(S, Index)}
+ catch
+ error:{badmatch,_} -> {fail, {expected, {string, S}, Index}}
+ end
+ end.
+-spec p_anything() -> parse_fun().
+p_anything() ->
+ fun(<<>>, Index) -> {fail, {expected, any_character, Index}};
+ (Input, Index) when is_binary(Input) ->
+ <<C/utf8, Rest/binary>> = Input,
+ {<<C/utf8>>, Rest, p_advance_index(<<C/utf8>>, Index)}
+ end.
+-spec p_charclass(string() | binary()) -> parse_fun().
+p_charclass(Class) ->
+ {ok, RE} = re:compile(Class, [unicode, dotall]),
+ fun(Inp, Index) ->
+ case re:run(Inp, RE, [anchored]) of
+ {match, [{0, Length}|_]} ->
+ {Head, Tail} = erlang:split_binary(Inp, Length),
+ {Head, Tail, p_advance_index(Head, Index)};
+ _ -> {fail, {expected, {character_class, binary_to_list(Class)}, Index}}
+ end
+ end.
+-spec p_regexp(binary()) -> parse_fun().
+p_regexp(Regexp) ->
+ {ok, RE} = re:compile(Regexp, [unicode, dotall, anchored]),
+ fun(Inp, Index) ->
+ case re:run(Inp, RE) of
+ {match, [{0, Length}|_]} ->
+ {Head, Tail} = erlang:split_binary(Inp, Length),
+ {Head, Tail, p_advance_index(Head, Index)};
+ _ -> {fail, {expected, {regexp, binary_to_list(Regexp)}, Index}}
+ end
+ end.
+-spec line(index() | term()) -> pos_integer() | undefined.
+line({{line,L},_}) -> L;
+line(_) -> undefined.
+-spec column(index() | term()) -> pos_integer() | undefined.
+column({_,{column,C}}) -> C;
+column(_) -> undefined.
+-spec p_advance_index(input() | unicode:charlist() | pos_integer(), index()) -> index().
+p_advance_index(MatchedInput, Index) when is_list(MatchedInput) orelse is_binary(MatchedInput)-> % strings
+ lists:foldl(fun p_advance_index/2, Index, unicode:characters_to_list(MatchedInput));
+p_advance_index(MatchedInput, Index) when is_integer(MatchedInput) -> % single characters
+ {{line, Line}, {column, Col}} = Index,
+ case MatchedInput of
+ $\n -> {{line, Line+1}, {column, 1}};
+ _ -> {{line, Line}, {column, Col+1}}
+ end.
diff --git a/inttest/neotoma1/neotoma_src_rt.erl b/inttest/neotoma1/neotoma_src_rt.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f7c6ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inttest/neotoma1/neotoma_src_rt.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+%% ex: ts=4 sw=4 et
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% rebar: Erlang Build Tools
+%% Copyright (c) 2015 Luis Rascao (
+%% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+%% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+%% in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+%% to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+%% copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+%% furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+%% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+%% all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ [csv_peg]).
+files() ->
+ [{copy, "../../rebar", "rebar"},
+ {copy, "rebar.config", "rebar.config"},
+ {copy, "mock", "deps"},
+ {copy, "src", "src"}].
+run(Dir) ->
+ retest_log:log(debug, "Running in Dir: ~s~n", [Dir]),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, _}, retest:sh("./rebar compile",
+ [{async, false}])),
+ ok = check_files_generated(),
+ retest_log:log(debug, "Verify cleanup~n", []),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, _}, retest_sh:run("./rebar clean",
+ [])),
+ ok = check_files_deleted(),
+ ok.
+check_files_generated() ->
+ check(fun filelib:is_regular/1,
+ generated_erl_files()).
+check_files_deleted() ->
+ check(fun file_does_not_exist/1,
+ generated_erl_files()).
+generated_erl_files() ->
+ add_dir("src", add_ext(?GENERATED_MODULES, ".erl")).
+add_ext(Modules, Ext) ->
+ [lists:concat([Module, Ext]) || Module <- Modules].
+add_dir(Dir, Files) ->
+ [filename:join(Dir, File) || File <- Files].
+file_does_not_exist(F) ->
+ not filelib:is_regular(F).
+check(Check, Files) ->
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(F) ->
+ ?assertMatch({true, _}, {Check(F), F})
+ end,
+ Files).
diff --git a/inttest/neotoma1/rebar.config b/inttest/neotoma1/rebar.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8757da8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inttest/neotoma1/rebar.config
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+%% -*- mode: erlang;erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+%% ex: ts=4 sw=4 ft=erlang et
+ [
+ %% The dependency below to neotoma is needed for "rebar compile" to
+ %% work, thus for the inttest to work, but the neotoma that is actually
+ %% used in inttest is brought in from the inttest/neotoma1/mock
+ %% subdirectory.
+ {neotoma, ".*"}
+ ]}.
+{neotoma_opts, [
+ {module_ext, "_peg"}
diff --git a/inttest/neotoma1/src/csv.peg b/inttest/neotoma1/src/csv.peg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..000c00f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inttest/neotoma1/src/csv.peg
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+rows <- head:row tail:(crlf row)* / ''
+case Node of
+ [] -> [];
+ [""] -> [];
+ _ ->
+ Head = proplists:get_value(head, Node),
+ Tail = [R || [_,R] <- proplists:get_value(tail, Node)],
+ [Head|Tail]
+row <- head:field tail:(field_sep field)* / ''
+case Node of
+ [] -> [];
+ [""] -> [];
+ _ ->
+ Head = proplists:get_value(head, Node),
+ Tail = [F || [_,F] <- proplists:get_value(tail, Node)],
+ [Head|Tail]
+field <- quoted_field / (!field_sep !crlf .)* `iolist_to_binary(Node)`;
+quoted_field <- '"' string:('""' / (!'"' .))* '"'
+ String = proplists:get_value(string, Node),
+ re:replace(String, "[\"]{2}", "\"",[global, {return, binary}])
+field_sep <- ',' ~;
+crlf <- [\r]? [\n] ~;
diff --git a/inttest/neotoma1/src/ b/inttest/neotoma1/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96a50e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inttest/neotoma1/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+{application, neotoma1,
+ [{vsn, "1"},
+ {modules, []},
+ {registered, []},
+ {applications, [kernel, stdlib]}]}.