path: root/doc
diff options
authorMichael Jennings <>2001-08-23 21:04:36 +0000
committerMichael Jennings <>2001-08-23 21:04:36 +0000
commite65a9e34aaacdb8a8904fca7d09c6616864f0fea (patch)
tree96de5218186af56ddf8357176778163f55ae2eff /doc
parent2770621c7db2b865adc7e6a95e4460cab10d70e2 (diff)
Thu Aug 23 14:00:02 2001 Michael Jennings (mej)
I got tired of having to maintain half a gazillion menus.cfg files considering that the vast majority of them are identical or have large identical sections. Thus, I took the m4-based menus.cfg from the chooser theme and hacked on it a bunch. I can now regenerate the menu files for all Eterm themes from a single source file using the gen-menus script in doc/. I also removed the comments from the theme.cfg files of all themes except "Eterm" itself. SVN revision: 5263
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
2 files changed, 716 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/gen-menus b/doc/gen-menus
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a3c7281
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/gen-menus
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Regenerate menus.cfg files for themes from the master file
+# 23 August 2001
+# Michael Jennings <>
+# (Consider this code public domain. I don't care who does what with
+# it. It's not that significant.) :-)
+if [ "x$1" = "x-d" ]; then
+ shift
+ DIR=$1
+ shift
+for i in "$@" ; do
+ echo $i
+ DEF=`echo $(basename $i) | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`
+ m4 -D$DEF ${DIR:-.}/menu-master-file.m4 | perl -ne '/^\s*$/ || print;' > $i/menus.cfg
+ chmod a+r,o-w $i/*.cfg
diff --git a/doc/menu-master-file.m4 b/doc/menu-master-file.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..083de27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/menu-master-file.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,692 @@
+dnl# These macros are used everywhere.
+define(STRING_ITEM, `begin menuitem
+ text "$1"
+ ifelse($3, `', `action string "$2"', `rtext "$2"
+ action string "$3"')
+ end')
+define(ECHO_ITEM, `begin menuitem
+ text "$1"
+ ifelse($3, `', `action echo "$2"', `rtext "$2"
+ action echo "$3"')
+ end')
+define(SUBMENU_ITEM, `begin menuitem
+ text "$1"
+ action submenu "ifelse($2, `', $1, $2)"
+ end')
+define(SCRIPT_ITEM, `begin menuitem
+ text "$1"
+ ifelse($3, `', `action script "$2"', `rtext "$2"
+ action script "$3"')
+ end')
+define(FONT_ITEM, `begin menuitem
+ text "$1"
+ action string "\e]50;#$2"
+ end')
+dnl# Define these only for the chooser theme
+ifdef(`CHOOSER', `
+dnl# HOST_ITEM(protocol, hostname [, ip])
+define(HOST_ITEM, `begin menuitem
+ text "$2"
+ action script "string(\e]0\\;$2\\ $1\a); echo($1\\ '`ifelse($3, `', `$2', `$3')'`\r);"
+ end')
+dnl# INT_MENU(protocol)
+define(INT_MENU, `begin menu
+ title "Internal Hosts $1"
+ HOST_ITEM(`$1', `alpha')
+ HOST_ITEM(`$1', `beta')
+ HOST_ITEM(`$1', `gamma', `')
+ HOST_ITEM(`$1', `delta')
+define(EXT_MENU, `begin menu
+ title "External Hosts $1"
+ HOST_ITEM(`$1', `')
+ HOST_ITEM(`$1', `')
+ HOST_ITEM(`$1', `')
+define(PROTOCOL_MENU, `begin menu
+ title "$1"
+ begin menuitem
+ text "Internal Hosts"
+ action submenu "Internal Hosts $1"
+ end
+ begin menuitem
+ text "External Hosts"
+ action submenu "External Hosts $1"
+ end
+define(DO_PROTOCOL, `INT_MENU($1)
+dnl# Beginning of the actual menus
+begin menu
+ title Font
+ FONT_ITEM(`Normal', `')
+ FONT_ITEM(`Larger', `+')
+ FONT_ITEM(`Smaller', `-')
+ -
+ FONT_ITEM(`Font 1', `1')
+ FONT_ITEM(`Font 2', `2')
+ FONT_ITEM(`Font 3', `3')
+ FONT_ITEM(`Font 4', `4')
+begin menu
+ title Toggles
+ STRING_ITEM(`Cursor Visible', `\e[?25t')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Home on Output', `\e[?1010t')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Home on Input', `\e[?1012t')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Map Alert', `\e]6;21\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Primary/Secondary Screen', `\e[?47t')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Reverse Video', `\e[?5t')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Select Trailing Spaces', `\e]6;25\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Select Whole Line on Triple-click', `\e]6;23\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Visual Bell', `\e]6;20\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`X11 Mouse Reporting', `\e[?1000t')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Xterm Selection Behavior', `\e]6;22\a')
+begin menu
+ title Keys
+ STRING_ITEM(`Application Arrow Keys', `\e[?1t')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Application Keypad', `\e[?66t')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Backspace/Delete', `\e[?67t')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Xterm Shift-Keys', `\e[?35t')
+begin menu
+ title Scrollbar
+ STRING_ITEM(`Toggle Visibility', `Ctrl-Button2', `\e[?30t')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Swap Sides', `\e]6;11\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Toggle Floating', `\e]6;12\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Toggle Popup Mode', `\e]6;13\a')
+ -
+ STRING_ITEM(`Motif (Traditional) Style', `\e]6;10;motif;;\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`NeXT Style', `\e]6;10;next;;\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Xterm Style', `\e]6;10;xterm;;\a')
+begin menu
+ title Width
+ STRING_ITEM(`5', `\e]6;10;;5;\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`6', `\e]6;10;;6;\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`7', `\e]6;10;;7;\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`8', `\e]6;10;;8;\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`9', `\e]6;10;;9;\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`10', `\e]6;10;;10;\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`11', `\e]6;10;;11;\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`12', `\e]6;10;;12;\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`13', `\e]6;10;;13;\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`14', `\e]6;10;;14;\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`15', `\e]6;10;;15;\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`16', `\e]6;10;;16;\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`17', `\e]6;10;;17;\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`18', `\e]6;10;;18;\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`19', `\e]6;10;;19;\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`20', `\e]6;10;;20;\a')
+begin menu
+ title "Move to Desktop"
+ STRING_ITEM(`0', `\e]6;50;0;\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`1', `\e]6;50;1;\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`2', `\e]6;50;2;\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`3', `\e]6;50;3;\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`4', `\e]6;50;4;\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`5', `\e]6;50;5;\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`6', `\e]6;50;6;\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`7', `\e]6;50;7;\a')
+begin menu
+ title Terminal
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Toggles')
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Scrollbar')
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Move to Desktop')
+ -
+ STRING_ITEM(`Steal Focus', `Ctrl-Button1', `\e]5;\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Full Reset', `\ec')
+begin menu
+ title Tiled
+ STRING_ITEM(`70s Marble', `\e]20;tile/70s_marble.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Atoms', `\e]20;tile/atoms.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Black Stone', `\e]20;tile/blackstone.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Blue Ether', `\e]20;tile/ether_blue.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Blue Marble', `\e]20;tile/blue_marble.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Bubbly 1', `\e]20;tile/bubbly1.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Bubbly 2', `\e]20;tile/bubbly2.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Bubbly 3', `\e]20;tile/bubbly3.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Bubbly 4', `\e]20;tile/bubbly4.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Circuit', `\e]20;tile/circuit.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Confusion', `\e]20;tile/confusion.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Cyber Playground', `\e]20;tile/cyber_bg.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Dimples', `\e]20;tile/014.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Dirt', `\e]20;tile/dirt.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Egg', `\e]20;tile/egg.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Ether', `\e]20;tile/ether.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Giger 1', `\e]20;tile/giger1.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Giger 2', `\e]20;tile/giger2.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Gray Matter', `\e]20;tile/22.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Gray Waves', `\e]20;tile/59.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Green Ether', `\e]20;tile/ether_green.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Lava', `\e]20;tile/004.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Nebula', `\e]20;tile/nebula.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`On Stage', `\e]20;tile/lightb1.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Purple Stuff', `\e]20;tile/purple_stuff.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Red Whisper', `\e]20;tile/40.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Shale', `\e]20;tile/shale.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Soft Marble', `\e]20;tile/soft.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Space', `\e]20;tile/space.png;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Starry Night', `\e]20;tile/starry.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Steel', `\e]20;tile/steel1.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Twisted', `\e]20;tile/twisted.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Whirlpool', `\e]20;tile/015.jpg;0x0+0+0:tile\a')
+begin menu
+ title Scaled
+ STRING_ITEM(`Day/Night', `\e]20;scale/day-night.jpg;100x100+50+50\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Good Morning', `\e]20;scale/good-morning.jpg;100x100+50+50\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Neopolis', `\e]20;scale/Neopolis-horizon.jpg;100x100+50+50\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Pond', `\e]20;scale/pond.jpg;100x100+50+50\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Ripple', `\e]20;scale/ripple.jpg;100x100+50+50\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Sunset', `\e]20;scale/sunset.jpg;100x100+50+50\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Wasteland', `\e]20;scale/wasteland.jpg;100x100+50+50\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Winter Tree', `\e]20;scale/wintertree.jpg;100x100+50+50\a')
+begin menu
+ title Attrib
+ STRING_ITEM(`Full Size', `\e]20;;100x100')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Normal Size', `\e]20;;0x0')
+ -
+ STRING_ITEM(`Tiled', `\e]20;;:tile')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Scaled', `\e]20;;100x100')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Proportional Scale', `\e]20;;100x100:propscale')
+ -
+ STRING_ITEM(`Center', `\e]20;;=+50+50')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Top Left Corner', `\e]20;;=+0+0')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Bottom Right Corner', `\e]20;;=+100+100')
+begin menu
+ title Pixmap
+ STRING_ITEM(`None', `\e[m\e]20;;\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Toggle Viewport Mode', `\e]6;24\a')
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Scaled')
+ -
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Attrib')
+begin menu
+ title Brightness
+ STRING_ITEM(`512 (200%)', `\e]6;1;image;brightness;512\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`480 (188%)', `\e]6;1;image;brightness;480\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`448 (175%)', `\e]6;1;image;brightness;448\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`416 (163%)', `\e]6;1;image;brightness;416\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`384 (150%)', `\e]6;1;image;brightness;384\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`352 (138%)', `\e]6;1;image;brightness;352\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`320 (125%)', `\e]6;1;image;brightness;320\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`288 (113%)', `\e]6;1;image;brightness;288\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`256 (100%)', `\e]6;1;image;brightness;256\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`224 (88%)', `\e]6;1;image;brightness;224\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`192 (75%)', `\e]6;1;image;brightness;192\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`160 (63%)', `\e]6;1;image;brightness;160\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`128 (50%)', `\e]6;1;image;brightness;128\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`96 (38%)', `\e]6;1;image;brightness;96\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`64 (25%)', `\e]6;1;image;brightness;64\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`32 (13%)', `\e]6;1;image;brightness;32\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`0 (0%)', `\e]6;1;image;brightness;0\a')
+begin menu
+ title Contrast
+ STRING_ITEM(`512 (200%)', `\e]6;1;image;contrast;512\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`480 (188%)', `\e]6;1;image;contrast;480\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`448 (175%)', `\e]6;1;image;contrast;448\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`416 (163%)', `\e]6;1;image;contrast;416\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`384 (150%)', `\e]6;1;image;contrast;384\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`352 (138%)', `\e]6;1;image;contrast;352\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`320 (125%)', `\e]6;1;image;contrast;320\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`288 (113%)', `\e]6;1;image;contrast;288\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`256 (100%)', `\e]6;1;image;contrast;256\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`224 (88%)', `\e]6;1;image;contrast;224\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`192 (75%)', `\e]6;1;image;contrast;192\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`160 (63%)', `\e]6;1;image;contrast;160\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`128 (50%)', `\e]6;1;image;contrast;128\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`96 (38%)', `\e]6;1;image;contrast;96\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`64 (25%)', `\e]6;1;image;contrast;64\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`32 (13%)', `\e]6;1;image;contrast;32\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`0 (0%)', `\e]6;1;image;contrast;0\a')
+begin menu
+ title Gamma
+ STRING_ITEM(`512 (200%)', `\e]6;1;image;gamma;512\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`480 (188%)', `\e]6;1;image;gamma;480\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`448 (175%)', `\e]6;1;image;gamma;448\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`416 (163%)', `\e]6;1;image;gamma;416\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`384 (150%)', `\e]6;1;image;gamma;384\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`352 (138%)', `\e]6;1;image;gamma;352\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`320 (125%)', `\e]6;1;image;gamma;320\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`288 (113%)', `\e]6;1;image;gamma;288\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`256 (100%)', `\e]6;1;image;gamma;256\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`224 (88%)', `\e]6;1;image;gamma;224\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`192 (75%)', `\e]6;1;image;gamma;192\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`160 (63%)', `\e]6;1;image;gamma;160\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`128 (50%)', `\e]6;1;image;gamma;128\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`96 (38%)', `\e]6;1;image;gamma;96\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`64 (25%)', `\e]6;1;image;gamma;64\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`32 (13%)', `\e]6;1;image;gamma;32\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`0 (0%)', `\e]6;1;image;gamma;0\a')
+begin menu
+ title Background
+ STRING_ITEM(`Toggle Transparency', `\e]6;0\a')
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Pixmap')
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Brightness')
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Contrast')
+dnl# chooser-only menus
+ifdef(`CHOOSER', `
+dnl### BEGIN mutt menus
+ifdef(`MUTT', `
+begin menu
+ title Messages
+ ECHO_ITEM(`New Message', `m')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Reply', `r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Group Reply', `g')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Forward', `f')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Bounce', `b')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Move Message to...', `s')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Copy Message to...', `C')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Delete Message', `d')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Display Message', `\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Toggle Headers', `h')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Show Attachments', `v')
+ -
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Exit mutt', `q')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Exit without Saving', `x')
+begin menu
+ title "Change Folder"
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Inbox', `c!\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Sent Mail', `c<\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Received Mail', `c>\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Other...', `c')
+begin menu
+ title Forward
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Forward by Message Date', `od')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Forward by Sender', `of')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Forward by Date Received', `or')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Forward by Subject', `os')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Forward by Thread', `ot')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Forward by Size', `oz')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Forward by Mailbox Order', `ou')
+begin menu
+ title Reverse
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Reverse by Message Date', `Od')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Reverse by Sender', `Of')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Reverse by Date Received', `Or')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Reverse by Subject', `Os')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Reverse by Thread', `Ot')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Reverse by Size', `Oz')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Reverse by Mailbox Order', `Ou')
+begin menu
+ title Sort
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Forward')
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Forward')
+begin menu
+ title Mailbox
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Change to Folder')
+ -
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Resync', `$')
+dnl### END mutt menus
+dnl### BEGIN vim menus
+ifdef(`VIM', `
+begin menu
+ title Method
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Manual', `\e:set fdm=manual\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Indent', `\e:set fdm=indent\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Expression', `\e:set fdm=expr\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Syntax', `\e:set fdm=syntax\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Diff', `\e:set fdm=diff\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Marker', `\e:set fdm=marker\r')
+begin menu
+ title F_Width
+ ECHO_ITEM(`0', `\e:set fdc=0\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`1', `\e:set fdc=1\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`2', `\e:set fdc=2\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`3', `\e:set fdc=3\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`4', `\e:set fdc=4\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`5', `\e:set fdc=5\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`6', `\e:set fdc=6\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`7', `\e:set fdc=7\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`8', `\e:set fdc=8\r')
+begin menu
+ title Folding
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Enable/Disable Folding', `\ezi')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`View Curosr Line', `\ezv')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`View Cursor Line only', `\ezMzx')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Close more folds', `\ezm')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Close all folds', `\ezM')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Open more folds', `\ezr')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Open all folds', `\ezR')
+ -
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Method', `Method')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Create Fold', `\ezf')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Delete Fold', `\ezd')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Delete All Folds', `\ezD')
+ -
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Fold Column Width', `F_Width')
+begin menu
+ title Shiftwidth
+ ECHO_ITEM(`2', `\e:set shiftwidth=2\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`3', `\e:set shiftwidth=3\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`4', `\e:set shiftwidth=4\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`5', `\e:set shiftwidth=5\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`6', `\e:set shiftwidth=6\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`7', `\e:set shiftwidth=7\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`8', `\e:set shiftwidth=8\r')
+begin menu
+ title Settings
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Toggle Line Numbering', `\e:set nu!\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Toggle Line Wrap', `\e:set wrap!\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Toggle Search Pattern Hilight', `\e:set hls!\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Toggle Expand Tab', `\e:set et!\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Toggle auto-indent', `\e:set ai!\r')
+ -
+ STRING_ITEM(`Toggle Toolbar', `\e]6;14\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Toggle Scrollbar Left/Right', `\e]6;11\a')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Toggle Scrollbar Visible', `\e[?30t')
+ -
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Shiftwidth', `Shiftwidth')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Text Width', `\e:set textwidth=')
+begin menu
+ title File
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Open...', `[:e]', `\e:e')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Split-Open...', `[:sp]', `\e:sp')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`New', `[:enew]', `\e:enew\r')
+ -
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Save', `[:w]', `\e:w\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Save As...', `[:saveas]', `\e:saveas')
+ -
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Show Diff with...', `[:diffsplit]', `\e:diffsplit')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Show Patched by...', `(broken)', `o broken in gvim too')
+ -
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Print', `[:print]', `\e:print')
+ -
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Save-Exit', `[:wq]', `\e:wq\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Exit', `[:q]', `\e:q\r')
+begin menu
+ title Edit
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Undo', `[:u]', `\e:u\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Redo', `[:red]', `\e:red\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Repeat', `[.]', `\e.')
+ -
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Cut', `[+x]', `+x')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Copy', `[+y]', `+y')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Paste', `[^Y]', `C-Y')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Put Before', `\e[p\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Put After', `\e]p\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Select All', `[ggVG]', `ggVG')
+ -
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Find', `[/]', `\e/')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Find and Replace', `[:%s/]', `\e:\%s/')
+ -
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Settings Window', `[:options]', `\e:options\r')
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Settings', `Settings')
+begin menu
+ title Tools
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Jump to this tag[x]', `\eg^]')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Jump back', `i\e^T')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Build Tags File', `\e:!ctags -R .\r')
+ -
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Folding', `Folding')
+ -
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Make', `[:make]', `\e:make\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`List Errors', `[:cl]', `\e:cl\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`List Messages', `[:cl!]', `\ecl!\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Next Error', `[:cn]', `\e:cn\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Previous Error', `[:cp]', `\e:cp\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Older List', `[:cold]', `\e:cold\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Newer List', `[:cnew]', `\e:cnew\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Error Window', `[:cwin]', `\e:cwin\r')
+ -
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Convert to HEX', `\e:let b:mod = &mod\r:silent \%!xxd\r:set ft=xxd\r:let &mod = b:mod\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Convert Back', `\e:let b:mod = &mod\e:\%!xxd -r\r:doautocmd filetypedetect BufReadPost\r:let &mod = b:mod\r')
+begin menu
+ title Syntax
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Set syntax only', `\e:let s:syntax_menu_synonly=1\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Off', `[:syn off]', `\e:syn off\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Manual', `[:syn manual]', `\e:syn manual\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Automatic', `[:syn on]', `\e:syn on\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`on (this file)', `\e:set syn=ON\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`off (this file)', `\esyn clear\r')
+ -
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Color test', `\e:sp \$VIMRUNTIME/syntax/colortest.vim\r:source \%\r8Gz\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Hilight test', `\e:so \$VIMRUNTIME/syntax/hitest.vim\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Convert to HTML', `\e:so \$VIMRUNTIME/syntax/2html.vim\r')
+begin menu
+ title Move_To
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Top', `\e^WK')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Bottom', `\e^WK')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Left', `\e^WH')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Right', `\e^WL')
+begin menu
+ title Window
+ ECHO_ITEM(`New', `\e^Wn')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Split', `\e^Ws')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Split to \#', `\e^W^^')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Split Vertically', `\e^wv')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Split File Explorer', `\e:20vsp .\r')
+ -
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Close', `\e^Wc')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Close Other(s)', `^Wo')
+ -
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Move To', `Move_To')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Rotate Up', `\e^WR')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Rotate Down', `\e^Wr')
+ -
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Equal Size', `\e^W=')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Max Height', `\e^W_')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Min Height', `\e^W1_')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Max Width', `\e^W\|')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Min Width', `\e^W1\|')
+begin menu
+ title Help
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Overview', `\e:h\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`How-to links', `\e:h how-to\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Credits', `\e:h credits\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Copying', `\e:h uganda\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Find...', `\e:helpfind')
+ -
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Version', `\e:version\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`About', `\e:intro\r')
+dnl### END vim menus
+dnl### BEGIN Emacs menus
+ifdef(`EMACS', `
+begin menu
+ title Buffers
+ ECHO_ITEM(`List all', `C-x C-b', `C-xC-b')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Change to other', `C-x o', `C-xo')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Change to...', `C-x b', `C-xb')
+begin menu
+ title Files
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Open File...', `C-x C-f', `C-xC-f')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Open Directory...', `C-x d', `C-xd')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Save Buffer', `C-x C-s', `C-xC-s')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Save Buffer As...', `C-x C-w', `C-xC-w')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Revert Buffer', `M-x revert-buffer\r', `M-xrevert-buffer\r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Insert File...', `C-x i', `C-xi')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Kill Current Buffer', `M-x kill-this-buffer\r', `M-xkill-this-buffer\r')
+ -
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Make New Frame', `C-x 52', `C-x52')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Open New Display...', `M-x make-frame-on-display', `M-xmake-frame-on-display')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Delete Frame', `C-x 50', `C-x50')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Split Window', `C-x 2', `C-x2')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`One Window', `C-x 1', `C-x1')
+ -
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Exit Emacs', `C-x C-c', `C-xC-c')
+begin menu
+ title Edit
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Undo', `C-_', `C-_')
+ -
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Set Mark', `C-\40', `C-\40')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Cut', `C-w', `C-w')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Copy', `M-w', `M-w')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Paste', `C-y', `C-y')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Clear', `M-x delete-region', `M-xdelete-region')
+ -
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Cut Rectangle', `M-x kill-rectangle', `M-xkill-rectangle')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Clear Rectangle', `M-x clear-rectangle', `M-xclear-rectangle')
+begin menu
+ title Search
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Search...', `C-s', `C-s')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Regexp Search...', `M-x isearch-forward-regexp', `M-xisearch-forward-regexp')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Search Backward...', `C-r', `C-r')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Regexp Search Backward...', `M-x isearch-backward-regexp', `M-xisearch-backward-regexp')
+ -
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Repeat Search', `M-x isearch-repeat-forward', `M-xisearch-repeat-forward')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Repeat Regexp Search', `M-x isearch-repeat-forward', `M-xisearch-repeat-forward')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Repeat Search Backward', `M-x isearch-repeat-backward', `M-xisearch-repeat-backward')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Repeat Regexp Search Backward', `M-x isearch-repeat-backward', `M-xisearch-repeat-backward')
+ -
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Replace String...', `M-x replace-string', `M-xreplace-string')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Replace Regexp...', `M-x replace-regexp', `M-xreplace-regexp')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Query Replace String...', `M-x query-replace', `M-xquery-replace')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Query Replace Regexp...', `M-x query-replace-regexp', `M-xquery-replace-regexp')
+ -
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Goto Line...', `M-x goto-line', `M-xgoto-line')
+begin menu
+ title Help
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Customize', `M-x customize', `M-xcustomize')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Emacs News', `M-x view-emacs-news', `M-xview-emacs-news')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Emacs FAQ', `M-x view-emacs-FAQ', `M-xview-emacs-FAQ')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Info Browser', `M-x info', `M-xinfo')
+ -
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Describe Mode', `M-x describe-mode', `M-xdescribe-mode')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Command Apropos...', `M-x command-apropos', `M-xcommand-apropos')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`List Keybindings', `M-x describe-bindings', `M-xdescribe-bindings')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Describe Key...', `M-x describe-key', `M-xdescribe-key')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Describe Function...', `M-x describe-function', `M-xdescribe-function')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Describe Variable...', `M-x describe-variable', `M-xdescribe-variable')
+ -
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Man...', `M-x man', `M-xman')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Emacs Tutorial', `M-x help-with-tutorial', `M-xhelp-with-tutorial')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Find Lisp Packages...', `M-x finder-by-keyword', `M-xfinder-by-keyword')
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Send Bug Report...', `M-x report-emacs-bug', `M-xreport-emacs-bug')
+ -
+ ECHO_ITEM(`Show Version', `M-x version', `M-xversion')
+dnl### END Emacs menus
+dnl### BEGIN xterm menus
+ifdef(`XTERM', `
+begin menu
+ title "Eterm Options"
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Scrollbar')
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Move to Desktop')
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Pixmap')
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Brightness')
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Contrast')
+ -
+ STRING_ITEM(`Steal Focus', `Ctrl-Button1', `\e]5;\a')
+ SCRIPT_ITEM(`New Eterm Window', `spawn(Eterm)')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Version', `\e[8n')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Status', `\e[9n')
+ separator
+ SCRIPT_ITEM(`Save User Settings...', `save')
+ SCRIPT_ITEM(`Save Theme Settings...', `save(theme)')
+ SCRIPT_ITEM(`Exit', `exit')
+dnl### END xterm menus
+begin menu
+ title ifdef(`VIM', `Vim', `Eterm')
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(Background)
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(Terminal)
+ -
+ifdef(`CHOOSER', `
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`rlogin')
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`telnet')
+ -
+ifdef(`MUTT', `
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Messages')
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Mailbox')
+ -
+ifdef(`VIM', `
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`File', `File')
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Edit', `Edit')
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Tools', `Tools')
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Syntax', `Syntax')
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Window', `Window')
+ SUBMENU_ITEM(`Help', `Help')
+ -
+ SCRIPT_ITEM(`New Eterm Window', `spawn(Eterm)')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Version', `\e[8n')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Status', `\e[9n')
+ separator
+ SCRIPT_ITEM(`Save User Settings...', `save')
+ SCRIPT_ITEM(`Save Theme Settings...', `save(theme)')
+ SCRIPT_ITEM(`Exit', `exit')
+begin menu
+ title "Eterm Operations"
+ SCRIPT_ITEM(`New Eterm Window', `spawn(Eterm)')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Version', `\e[8n')
+ STRING_ITEM(`Status', `\e[9n')
+ separator
+ SCRIPT_ITEM(`Save User Settings...', `save')
+ SCRIPT_ITEM(`Save Theme Settings...', `save(theme)')
+ SCRIPT_ITEM(`Exit', `exit')