path: root/elementary-xfce/panel/16/gpm-keyboard-040.svg
diff options
authorAlistair Buxton <>2018-04-06 18:57:06 +0100
committerSimon Steinbeiß <>2018-04-06 22:29:56 +0200
commitbfab3bcf27977cc3d09eeb0c195b32fd05d072bd (patch)
tree757fe310bbd01efda1837c383a70fa4d58ca3022 /elementary-xfce/panel/16/gpm-keyboard-040.svg
parent7f21d1856a91b9222c255660354f3dcb179ddc3b (diff)
vacuum-defs and export-plain-svg.
Generated with: find -type f -name '*.svg' -exec inkscape --vacuum-defs {} --export-plain-svg={} \; The above has been run twice to work around inkscape reversing attrib lists. See Confirmed no visual change by generating all PNG icons for this and previous commit (including those without size) and then binary comparing the results.
Diffstat (limited to 'elementary-xfce/panel/16/gpm-keyboard-040.svg')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 619 deletions
diff --git a/elementary-xfce/panel/16/gpm-keyboard-040.svg b/elementary-xfce/panel/16/gpm-keyboard-040.svg
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+++ b/elementary-xfce/panel/16/gpm-keyboard-040.svg
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
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