path: root/src/bin/eet_main.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/bin/eet_main.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 541 deletions
diff --git a/src/bin/eet_main.c b/src/bin/eet_main.c
deleted file mode 100644
index eff7207..0000000
--- a/src/bin/eet_main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,541 +0,0 @@
-# include <config.h>
-#endif /* ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-# include <unistd.h>
-#endif /* ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H */
-#ifdef HAVE_EVIL
-# include <Evil.h>
-#endif /* ifdef HAVE_EVIL */
-#include <Eet.h>
-static int _eet_main_log_dom = -1;
-#endif /* ifdef EET_DEFAULT_LOG_COLOR */
-#ifdef ERR
-#undef ERR
-#endif /* ifdef ERR */
-#define ERR(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_ERR(_eet_main_log_dom, __VA_ARGS__)
-#ifdef DBG
-#undef DBG
-#endif /* ifdef DBG */
-#define DBG(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_DBG(_eet_main_log_dom, __VA_ARGS__)
-#ifdef INF
-#undef INF
-#endif /* ifdef INF */
-#define INF(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_INFO(_eet_main_log_dom, __VA_ARGS__)
-#ifdef WRN
-#undef WRN
-#endif /* ifdef WRN */
-#define WRN(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_WARN(_eet_main_log_dom, __VA_ARGS__)
-#ifdef CRIT
-#undef CRIT
-#endif /* ifdef CRIT */
-#define CRIT(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_CRIT(_eet_main_log_dom, __VA_ARGS__)
-static void
-do_eet_list(const char *file, Eina_Bool verbose)
- Eina_Iterator *it;
- Eet_Entry *entry;
- Eet_File *ef;
- unsigned long long total = 0;
- ef = eet_open(file, EET_FILE_MODE_READ);
- if (!ef)
- {
- ERR("cannot open for reading: %s", file);
- exit(-1);
- }
- it = eet_list_entries(ef);
- {
- if (verbose)
- {
- if (entry->alias)
- {
- printf("%s is an alias for %s\n",
- entry->name, eet_alias_get(ef, entry->name));
- }
- else
- {
- if (entry->compression)
- printf("%s start at %i with a size of %i Bytes with an uncompressed size of %i Bytes.\n",
- entry->name, entry->offset, entry->size, entry->data_size);
- else
- printf("%s start at %i with a size of %i Bytes.\n",
- entry->name, entry->offset, entry->size);
- total += entry->size;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- printf("%s\n", entry->name);
- }
- }
- eina_iterator_free(it);
- if (verbose)
- {
- printf("*** ***\n");
- printf("Total payload size : %lli.\n", total);
- }
- eet_close(ef);
-} /* do_eet_list */
-static void
-do_eet_stats(const char *file)
- int i, num;
- int count[2] = { 0, 0 };
- int size[2] = { 0, 0 };
- char **list;
- Eet_File *ef;
- Eet_Dictionary *ed;
- ef = eet_open(file, EET_FILE_MODE_READ);
- if (!ef)
- {
- ERR("cannot open for reading: %s", file);
- exit(-1);
- }
- printf("*** sections stats ***\n");
- list = eet_list(ef, "*", &num);
- if (list)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
- {
- const void *ro = NULL;
- void *rw = NULL;
- int tsize;
- ro = eet_read_direct(ef, list[i], &tsize);
- if (!ro) rw = eet_read(ef, list[i], &tsize);
- printf(rw ? "%s of size %i is compressed.\n" : "%s of size %i is not compressed.\n", list[i], tsize);
- count[rw ? 0 : 1]++;
- size[rw ? 0 : 1] += tsize;
- free(rw);
- }
- free(list);
- }
- printf("*** dictionary ***\n");
- ed = eet_dictionary_get(ef);
- if (ed)
- {
- printf("%i strings inside the dictionary.\n", eet_dictionary_count(ed));
- }
- else
- {
- printf("no dictionary in this file.\n");
- }
- printf("*** global ***\n");
- printf("%i sections\n", num);
- printf("- %i of them are compressed (%02.2f%%) expanding in %i bytes.\n",
- count[0], (float) count[0] * 100 / (float) num, size[0]);
- printf("- %i of them are directly mappable in memory (%02.2f%%) representing %i bytes.\n",
- count[1], (float) count[1] * 100 / (float) num, size[1]);
- eet_close(ef);
-static void
-do_eet_extract(const char *file,
- const char *key,
- const char *out,
- const char *crypto_key)
- Eet_File *ef;
- void *data;
- int size = 0;
- FILE *f = stdout;
- ef = eet_open(file, EET_FILE_MODE_READ);
- if (!ef)
- {
- ERR("cannot open for reading: %s", file);
- exit(-1);
- }
- data = eet_read_cipher(ef, key, &size, crypto_key);
- if (!data)
- {
- ERR("cannot read key %s", key);
- exit(-1);
- }
- if (out)
- {
- f = fopen(out, "wb");
- if (!f)
- {
- ERR("cannot open %s", out);
- exit(-1);
- }
- }
- if (fwrite(data, size, 1, f) != 1)
- {
- ERR("cannot write to %s", out ? out : "standard output");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if (out) fclose(f);
- free(data);
- eet_close(ef);
-} /* do_eet_extract */
-static void
-do_eet_decode_dump(void *data,
- const char *str)
- fputs(str, (FILE *)data);
-} /* do_eet_decode_dump */
-static void
-do_eet_decode(const char *file,
- const char *key,
- const char *out,
- const char *crypto_key)
- Eet_File *ef;
- FILE *f = stdout;
- ef = eet_open(file, EET_FILE_MODE_READ);
- if (!ef)
- {
- ERR("cannot open for reading: %s", file);
- exit(-1);
- }
- if (out)
- {
- f = fopen(out, "wb");
- if (!f)
- {
- ERR("cannot open %s", out);
- exit(-1);
- }
- }
- if (!eet_data_dump_cipher(ef, key, crypto_key, do_eet_decode_dump, f))
- {
- ERR("cannot write to %s", out ? out : "standard output");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if (out) fclose(f);
- eet_close(ef);
-} /* do_eet_decode */
-static void
-do_eet_insert(const char *file,
- const char *key,
- const char *out,
- int compress,
- const char *crypto_key)
- Eet_File *ef;
- void *data;
- int size = 0;
- FILE *f;
- ef = eet_open(file, EET_FILE_MODE_READ_WRITE);
- if (!ef)
- ef = eet_open(file, EET_FILE_MODE_WRITE);
- if (!ef)
- {
- ERR("cannot open for read+write: %s", file);
- exit(-1);
- }
- f = fopen(out, "rb");
- if (!f)
- {
- ERR("cannot open %s", out);
- exit(-1);
- }
- fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
- size = ftell(f);
- rewind(f);
- data = malloc(size);
- if (!data)
- {
- ERR("cannot allocate %i bytes", size);
- exit(-1);
- }
- if (fread(data, size, 1, f) != 1)
- {
- ERR("cannot read file %s", out);
- exit(-1);
- }
- fclose(f);
- eet_write_cipher(ef, key, data, size, compress, crypto_key);
- free(data);
- eet_close(ef);
-} /* do_eet_insert */
-static void
-do_eet_encode(const char *file,
- const char *key,
- const char *out,
- int compress,
- const char *crypto_key)
- Eet_File *ef;
- char *text;
- int textlen = 0;
- int size = 0;
- FILE *f;
- ef = eet_open(file, EET_FILE_MODE_READ_WRITE);
- if (!ef)
- ef = eet_open(file, EET_FILE_MODE_WRITE);
- if (!ef)
- {
- ERR("cannot open for read+write: %s", file);
- exit(-1);
- }
- f = fopen(out, "rb");
- if (!f)
- {
- ERR("cannot open %s", out);
- exit(-1);
- }
- fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
- textlen = ftell(f);
- rewind(f);
- text = malloc(textlen);
- if (!text)
- {
- ERR("cannot allocate %i bytes", size);
- exit(-1);
- }
- if (fread(text, textlen, 1, f) != 1)
- {
- ERR("cannot read file %s", out);
- exit(-1);
- }
- fclose(f);
- if (!eet_data_undump_cipher(ef, key, crypto_key, text, textlen, compress))
- {
- ERR("cannot parse %s", out);
- exit(-1);
- }
- free(text);
- eet_close(ef);
-} /* do_eet_encode */
-static void
-do_eet_remove(const char *file,
- const char *key)
- Eet_File *ef;
- ef = eet_open(file, EET_FILE_MODE_READ_WRITE);
- if (!ef)
- {
- ERR("cannot open for read+write: %s", file);
- exit(-1);
- }
- eet_delete(ef, key);
- eet_close(ef);
-} /* do_eet_remove */
-static void
-do_eet_check(const char *file)
- Eet_File *ef;
- const void *der;
- int der_length;
- int sign_length;
- ef = eet_open(file, EET_FILE_MODE_READ);
- if (!ef)
- {
- ERR("checking signature of `%s` failed", file);
- exit(-1);
- }
- der = eet_identity_x509(ef, &der_length);
- fprintf(stdout, "Certificate length %i.\n", der_length);
- eet_identity_certificate_print(der, der_length, stdout);
- eet_identity_signature(ef, &sign_length);
- fprintf(stdout, "Signature length %i.\n", sign_length);
- eet_close(ef);
-} /* do_eet_check */
-static void
-do_eet_sign(const char *file,
- const char *private_key,
- const char *public_key)
- Eet_File *ef;
- Eet_Key *key;
- ef = eet_open(file, EET_FILE_MODE_READ_WRITE);
- if (!ef)
- {
- ERR("cannot open for read+write: %s.", file);
- exit(-1);
- }
- key = eet_identity_open(public_key, private_key, NULL);
- if (!key)
- {
- ERR("cannot open key '%s:%s'.", public_key, private_key);
- exit(-1);
- }
- fprintf(stdout, "Using the following key to sign `%s`.\n", file);
- eet_identity_print(key, stdout);
- eet_identity_set(ef, key);
- eet_close(ef);
-} /* do_eet_sign */
-main(int argc,
- char **argv)
- if (!eet_init())
- return -1;
- _eet_main_log_dom = eina_log_domain_register("eet_main", EINA_COLOR_CYAN);
- if(_eet_main_log_dom < -1)
- {
- EINA_LOG_ERR("Impossible to create a log domain for eet_main.");
- eet_shutdown();
- return -1;
- }
- if (argc < 2)
- {
- printf(
- "Usage:\n"
- " eet -l [-v] FILE.EET list all keys in FILE.EET\n"
- " eet -x FILE.EET KEY [OUT-FILE] [CRYPTO_KEY] extract data stored in KEY in FILE.EET and write to OUT-FILE or standard output\n"
- " eet -d FILE.EET KEY [OUT-FILE] [CRYPTO_KEY] extract and decode data stored in KEY in FILE.EET and write to OUT-FILE or standard output\n"
- " eet -i FILE.EET KEY IN-FILE COMPRESS [CRYPTO_KEY] insert data to KEY in FILE.EET from IN-FILE and if COMPRESS is 1, compress it\n"
- " eet -e FILE.EET KEY IN-FILE COMPRESS [CRYPTO_KEY] insert and encode to KEY in FILE.EET from IN-FILE and if COMPRESS is 1, compress it\n"
- " eet -r FILE.EET KEY remove KEY in FILE.EET\n"
- " eet -c FILE.EET report and check the signature information of an eet file\n"
- " eet -s FILE.EET PRIVATE_KEY PUBLIC_KEY sign FILE.EET with PRIVATE_KEY and attach PUBLIC_KEY as it's certificate\n"
- " eet -t FILE.EET give some statistic about a file\n"
- );
- eet_shutdown();
- return -1;
- }
- if ((!strncmp(argv[1], "-h", 2)))
- goto help;
- else if (((!strcmp(argv[1], "-l")) || (!strcmp(argv[1], "-v"))) && (argc > 2))
- {
- if (argc == 3)
- do_eet_list(argv[2], EINA_FALSE);
- else if ((!strcmp(argv[2], "-l")) || (!strcmp(argv[2], "-v")))
- do_eet_list(argv[3], EINA_TRUE);
- else
- goto help;
- }
- else if ((!strcmp(argv[1], "-x")) && (argc > 3))
- {
- switch (argc)
- {
- case 4:
- {
- do_eet_extract(argv[2], argv[3], NULL, NULL);
- break;
- }
- case 5:
- {
- do_eet_extract(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], NULL);
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- do_eet_extract(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5]);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else if ((!strcmp(argv[1], "-d")) && (argc > 3))
- {
- switch (argc)
- {
- case 4:
- {
- do_eet_decode(argv[2], argv[3], NULL, NULL);
- break;
- }
- case 5:
- {
- do_eet_decode(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], NULL);
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- do_eet_decode(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5]);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else if ((!strcmp(argv[1], "-i")) && (argc > 5))
- {
- if (argc > 6)
- do_eet_insert(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], atoi(argv[5]), argv[6]);
- else
- do_eet_insert(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], atoi(argv[5]), NULL);
- }
- else if ((!strcmp(argv[1], "-e")) && (argc > 5))
- {
- if (argc > 6)
- do_eet_encode(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], atoi(argv[5]), argv[6]);
- else
- do_eet_encode(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], atoi(argv[5]), NULL);
- }
- else if ((!strcmp(argv[1], "-r")) && (argc > 3))
- do_eet_remove(argv[2], argv[3]);
- else if ((!strcmp(argv[1], "-c")) && (argc > 2))
- do_eet_check(argv[2]);
- else if ((!strcmp(argv[1], "-s")) && (argc > 4))
- do_eet_sign(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]);
- else if ((!strcmp(argv[1], "-t")) && (argc > 2))
- do_eet_stats(argv[2]);
- else
- goto help;
- eina_log_domain_unregister(_eet_main_log_dom);
- eet_shutdown();
- return 0;
-} /* main */