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authorVyas Ramasubramani <>2023-04-23 09:33:30 -0700
committerGitHub <>2023-04-23 17:33:30 +0100
commit1183af2c99c62af93bf6fe89bc13a5772fb4f10b (patch)
parentbcb6c0e1af0086b7900db518e73e61e48ee5167b (diff)
Add an example of a custom exception handler. (#5334)
* Add an example of a custom exception handler. * Make sure to mention that any custom exception would work just as well
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/docs/src/userguide/wrapping_CPlusPlus.rst b/docs/src/userguide/wrapping_CPlusPlus.rst
index b4df14e69..47b55245c 100644
--- a/docs/src/userguide/wrapping_CPlusPlus.rst
+++ b/docs/src/userguide/wrapping_CPlusPlus.rst
@@ -445,7 +445,10 @@ for Cython to discern that, so watch out with exception masks on IO streams. ::
cdef int bar() except +MemoryError
This will catch any C++ error and raise a Python MemoryError in its place.
-(Any Python exception is valid here.) ::
+(Any Python exception is valid here.)
+Cython also supports using a custom exception handler. This is an advanced feature
+that most users won't need, but for those that do a full example follows::
cdef int raise_py_error()
cdef int something_dangerous() except +raise_py_error
@@ -453,7 +456,90 @@ This will catch any C++ error and raise a Python MemoryError in its place.
If something_dangerous raises a C++ exception then raise_py_error will be
called, which allows one to do custom C++ to Python error "translations." If
raise_py_error does not actually raise an exception a RuntimeError will be
+raised. This approach may also be used to manage custom Python exceptions
+created using the Python C API. ::
+ # raising.pxd
+ cdef extern from "Python.h" nogil:
+ ctypedef struct PyObject
+ cdef extern from *:
+ """
+ #include <Python.h>
+ #include <stdexcept>
+ #include <ios>
+ PyObject *CustomLogicError;
+ void create_custom_exceptions() {
+ CustomLogicError = PyErr_NewException("raiser.CustomLogicError", NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ void custom_exception_handler() {
+ try {
+ if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ ; // let the latest Python exn pass through and ignore the current one
+ } else {
+ throw;
+ }
+ } catch (const std::logic_error& exn) {
+ // Add mapping of std::logic_error -> CustomLogicError
+ PyErr_SetString(CustomLogicError, exn.what());
+ } catch (...) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Unknown exception");
+ }
+ }
+ class Raiser {
+ public:
+ Raiser () {}
+ void raise_exception() {
+ throw std::logic_error("Failure");
+ }
+ };
+ """
+ cdef PyObject* CustomLogicError
+ cdef void create_custom_exceptions()
+ cdef void custom_exception_handler()
+ cdef cppclass Raiser:
+ Raiser() noexcept
+ void raise_exception() except +custom_exception_handler
+ # raising.pyx
+ create_custom_exceptions()
+ PyCustomLogicError = <object> CustomLogicError
+ cdef class PyRaiser:
+ cdef Raiser c_obj
+ def raise_exception(self):
+ self.c_obj.raise_exception()
+The above example leverages Cython's ability to include :ref:`verbatim C code
+<verbatim_c>` in pxd files to create a new Python exception type
+``CustomLogicError`` and map it to the standard C++ ``std::logic_error`` using
+the ``custom_exception_handler`` function. There is nothing special about using
+a standard exception class here, ``std::logic_error`` could easily be replaced
+with some new C++ exception type defined in this file. The
+``Raiser::raise_exception`` is marked with ``+custom_exception_handler`` to
+indicate that this function should be called whenever an exception is raised.
+The corresponding Python function ``PyRaiser.raise_exception`` will raise a
+``CustomLogicError`` whenever it is called. Defining ``PyCustomLogicError``
+allows other code to catch this exception, as shown below: ::
+ try:
+ PyRaiser().raise_exception()
+ except PyCustomLogicError:
+ print("Caught the exception")
+When defining custom exception handlers it is typically good to also include
+logic to handle all the standard exceptions that Cython typically handles as
+listed in the table above. The code for this standard exception handler can be
+found `here
There is also the special form::