path: root/blake2.h
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authorJeffrey Walton <>2016-04-17 03:06:28 -0400
committerJeffrey Walton <>2016-04-17 03:06:28 -0400
commit30c1af2858da32e82ea22f58d14d9c4857ea0df0 (patch)
tree97a1668ef26b5ccbfc9bd597bb20a4a93e7fa394 /blake2.h
parenta11c9e7574b29049bb20991de3732b4acfe287cc (diff)
Added BLAKE2 Cryptographic Hash and Message Authentication Code
Diffstat (limited to 'blake2.h')
1 files changed, 319 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/blake2.h b/blake2.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd081fc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blake2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+// blake2.cpp - written and placed in the public domain by Jeffrey Walton and Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn
+// Based on Aumasson, Neves, Wilcox-O’Hearn and Winnerlein's reference BLAKE2
+// implementation at
+//! \file blake2.h
+//! \brief Classes for BLAKE2b and BLAKE2s message digests and keyed message digests
+//! \details This implmentation follows Aumasson, Neves, Wilcox-O’Hearn and Winnerlein's
+//! <A HREF="">BLAKE2: simpler, smaller, fast as MD5</A> (2013.01.29).
+//! Static algorithm names return either "BLAKE2b" or "BLAKE2s". An object algorithm name follows
+//! the naming described in <A HREF="">RFC 7693, The
+//! BLAKE2 Cryptographic Hash and Message Authentication Code (MAC)</A>.
+#include "cryptlib.h"
+#include "secblock.h"
+#include "seckey.h"
+// Can't use GetAlignmentOf<W>() because its not a constant expression. GCC has
+// some bugs spanning 4.0 through 4.9, so we can't use CRYPTOPP_CONSTANT, either.
+// Also see We may need to increase alignment
+// to 32 bytes due to SSE4 alignment requirements.
+# define BLAKE2_DALIGN 16
+#elif defined(_M_X64) || defined(__LP64__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__amd64__)
+# define BLAKE2_DALIGN 8
+# define BLAKE2_DALIGN 4
+//! \class BLAKE2_Info
+//! \brief BLAKE2 hash information
+//! \tparam T_64bit flag indicating 64-bit
+template <bool T_64bit>
+struct CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE BLAKE2_Info : public VariableKeyLength<0,0,(T_64bit ? 64 : 32),1,SimpleKeyingInterface::NOT_RESYNCHRONIZABLE>
+ CRYPTOPP_CONSTANT(BLOCKSIZE = (T_64bit ? 128 : 64))
+ CRYPTOPP_CONSTANT(SALTSIZE = (T_64bit ? 16 : 8))
+ static const char *StaticAlgorithmName() {return (T_64bit ? "BLAKE2b" : "BLAKE2s");}
+//! \class BLAKE2_ParameterBlock
+//! \brief BLAKE2 parameter block
+//! \tparam T_64bit flag indicating 64-bit
+//! \details BLAKE2b uses BLAKE2_ParameterBlock<true>, while BLAKE2s
+//! uses BLAKE2_ParameterBlock<false>.
+template <bool T_64bit>
+struct CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE BLAKE2_ParameterBlock
+//! \brief BLAKE2b parameter block specialization
+struct CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE BLAKE2_ParameterBlock<true>
+ ~BLAKE2_ParameterBlock()
+ {
+ // Easier than SecBlock<ParameterBlock> or using an AlignedAllocatorWithCleanup
+ SecureWipeBuffer(reinterpret_cast<byte*>(this), sizeof(*this));
+ };
+ BLAKE2_ParameterBlock()
+ {
+ memset(this, 0x00, sizeof(*this));
+ digestLength = DIGESTSIZE;
+ fanout = depth = 1;
+ }
+ BLAKE2_ParameterBlock(size_t digestSize)
+ {
+ assert(digestSize <= DIGESTSIZE);
+ memset(this, 0x00, sizeof(*this));
+ digestLength = (byte)digestSize;
+ fanout = depth = 1;
+ }
+ BLAKE2_ParameterBlock(size_t digestSize, size_t keyLength, const byte* salt, size_t saltLength,
+ const byte* personalization, size_t personalizationLength);
+ byte digestLength, keyLength, fanout, depth;
+ byte leafLength[4];
+ byte nodeOffset[8];
+ byte nodeDepth, innerLength, rfu[14];
+ byte salt[SALTSIZE];
+ byte personalization[PERSONALIZATIONSIZE];
+//! \brief BLAKE2s parameter block specialization
+struct CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE BLAKE2_ParameterBlock<false>
+ ~BLAKE2_ParameterBlock()
+ {
+ // Easier than SecBlock<ParameterBlock> or using an AlignedAllocatorWithCleanup
+ SecureWipeBuffer(reinterpret_cast<byte*>(this), sizeof(*this));
+ };
+ BLAKE2_ParameterBlock()
+ {
+ memset(this, 0x00, sizeof(*this));
+ digestLength = DIGESTSIZE;
+ fanout = depth = 1;
+ }
+ BLAKE2_ParameterBlock(size_t digestSize)
+ {
+ assert(digestSize <= BLAKE2_Info<false>::DIGESTSIZE);
+ memset(this, 0x00, sizeof(*this));
+ digestLength = (byte)digestSize;
+ fanout = depth = 1;
+ }
+ BLAKE2_ParameterBlock(size_t digestSize, size_t keyLength, const byte* salt, size_t saltLength,
+ const byte* personalization, size_t personalizationLength);
+ byte digestLength, keyLength, fanout, depth;
+ byte leafLength[4];
+ byte nodeOffset[6];
+ byte nodeDepth, innerLength;
+ byte salt[SALTSIZE];
+ byte personalization[PERSONALIZATIONSIZE];
+//! \class BLAKE2_State
+//! \brief BLAKE2 state information
+//! \tparam W word type
+//! \tparam T_64bit flag indicating 64-bit
+//! \details BLAKE2b uses BLAKE2_State<word64, true>, while BLAKE2s
+//! uses BLAKE2_State<word32, false>.
+template <class W, bool T_64bit>
+ ~BLAKE2_State()
+ {
+ // Easier than SecBlock<State> or using an AlignedAllocatorWithCleanup
+ SecureWipeBuffer(reinterpret_cast<byte*>(this), sizeof(*this));
+ };
+ BLAKE2_State()
+ {
+ // Set all members excpet scratch buf[]
+ memset(this, 0x00, sizeof(*this)-sizeof(buffer));
+ }
+ W t[2], h[8], f[2];
+ size_t length;
+ byte buffer[BLOCKSIZE];
+//! \class BLAKE2_Base
+//! \brief BLAKE2 hash implementation
+//! \tparam W word type
+//! \tparam T_64bit flag indicating 64-bit
+//! \details BLAKE2b uses BLAKE2_Base<word64, true>, while BLAKE2s
+//! uses BLAKE2_Base<word32, false>.
+template <class W, bool T_64bit>
+class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE BLAKE2_Base : public SimpleKeyingInterfaceImpl<MessageAuthenticationCode, BLAKE2_Info<T_64bit> >
+ typedef BLAKE2_ParameterBlock<T_64bit> ParameterBlock;
+ typedef BLAKE2_State<W, T_64bit> State;
+ virtual ~BLAKE2_Base() {}
+ //! \brief Retrieve the static algorithm name
+ //! \returns the algorithm name (BLAKE2s or BLAKE2b)
+ static const char *StaticAlgorithmName() {return BLAKE2_Info<T_64bit>::StaticAlgorithmName();}
+ //! \brief Retrieve the object's name
+ //! \returns the object's algorithm name following RFC 7693
+ //! \details Object algorithm name follows the naming described in
+ //! <A HREF="">RFC 7693, The BLAKE2 Cryptographic Hash and
+ //! Message Authentication Code (MAC)</A>. For example, "BLAKE2b-512" and "BLAKE2s-256".
+ std::string AlgorithmName() const {return std::string(StaticAlgorithmName()) + "-" + IntToString(this->DigestSize()*8);}
+ unsigned int DigestSize() const {return m_digestSize;}
+ unsigned int OptimalDataAlignment() const {return ALIGNSIZE;}
+ void Update(const byte *input, size_t length);
+ void Restart();
+ //! \brief Restart a hash with parameter block and counter
+ //! \param block paramter block
+ //! \param counter counter array
+ //! \details Parameter block is persisted across calls to Restart().
+ void Restart(const BLAKE2_ParameterBlock<T_64bit>& block, const W counter[2]);
+ //! \brief Set tree mode
+ //! \param mode the new tree mode
+ //! \details BLAKE2 has two finalization flags, called State::f[0] and State::f[1].
+ //! If <tt>treeMode=false</tt> (default), then State::f[1] is never set. If
+ //! <tt>treeMode=true</tt>, then State::f[1] is set when State::f[0] is set.
+ //! Tree mode is persisted across calls to Restart().
+ void SetTreeMode(bool mode) {m_treeMode=mode;}
+ //! \brief Get tree mode
+ //! \returns the current tree mode
+ //! \details Tree mode is persisted across calls to Restart().
+ bool GetTreeMode() const {return m_treeMode;}
+ void TruncatedFinal(byte *hash, size_t size);
+ BLAKE2_Base();
+ BLAKE2_Base(bool treeMode, unsigned int digestSize);
+ BLAKE2_Base(const byte *key, size_t keyLength, const byte* salt, size_t saltLength,
+ const byte* personalization, size_t personalizationLength,
+ bool treeMode, unsigned int digestSize);
+ // Operates on state buffer and/or input. Must be BLOCKSIZE, final block will pad with 0's.
+ void Compress(const byte *input);
+ inline void IncrementCounter(size_t count=BLOCKSIZE);
+ void UncheckedSetKey(const byte* key, unsigned int length, const CryptoPP::NameValuePairs& params);
+ CRYPTOPP_ALIGN_DATA(BLAKE2_DALIGN) ParameterBlock m_block;
+ AlignedSecByteBlock m_key;
+ word32 m_digestSize;
+ bool m_treeMode;
+//! \brief The BLAKE2b cryptographic hash function
+//! \details BLAKE2b can function as both a hash and keyed hash. If you want only the hash,
+//! then use the BLAKE2b constructor that accepts no parameters or digest size. If you
+//! want a keyed hash, then use the constuctor that accpts the key as a parameter.
+//! Once a key and digest size are selected, its effectively immutable. The Restart()
+//! method that accepts a ParameterBlock does not allow you to change it.
+//! \sa Aumasson, Neves, Wilcox-O’Hearn and Winnerlein's
+//! <A HREF="">BLAKE2: simpler, smaller, fast as MD5</A> (2013.01.29).
+class BLAKE2b : public BLAKE2_Base<word64, true>
+ typedef BLAKE2_Base<word64, true> BaseClass; // Early Visual Studio workaround
+ typedef BLAKE2_ParameterBlock<true> ParameterBlock;
+ CRYPTOPP_COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(ParameterBlock) == 64);
+ //! \brief Construct a BLAKE2b hash
+ //! \param digestSize the digest size, in bytes
+ BLAKE2b(bool treeMode=false, unsigned int digestSize = DIGESTSIZE) : BaseClass(treeMode, digestSize) {}
+ //! \brief Construct a BLAKE2b hash
+ //! \param key a byte array used to key the cipher
+ //! \param keyLength the size of the byte array
+ //! \param salt a byte array used as salt
+ //! \param saltLength the size of the byte array
+ //! \param personalization a byte array used as prsonalization string
+ //! \param personalizationLength the size of the byte array
+ //! \param treeMode flag indicating tree mode
+ //! \param digestSize the digest size, in bytes
+ BLAKE2b(const byte *key, size_t keyLength, const byte* salt = NULL, size_t saltLength = 0,
+ const byte* personalization = NULL, size_t personalizationLength = 0,
+ bool treeMode=false, unsigned int digestSize = DIGESTSIZE)
+ : BaseClass(key, keyLength, salt, saltLength, personalization, personalizationLength, treeMode, digestSize) {}
+//! \brief The BLAKE2s cryptographic hash function
+//! \details BLAKE2s can function as both a hash and keyed hash. If you want only the hash,
+//! then use the BLAKE2s constructor that accepts no parameters or digest size. If you
+//! want a keyed hash, then use the constuctor that accpts the key as a parameter.
+//! Once a key and digest size are selected, its effectively immutable. The Restart()
+//! method that accepts a ParameterBlock does not allow you to change it.
+//! \sa Aumasson, Neves, Wilcox-O’Hearn and Winnerlein's
+//! <A HREF="">BLAKE2: simpler, smaller, fast as MD5</A> (2013.01.29).
+class BLAKE2s : public BLAKE2_Base<word32, false>
+ typedef BLAKE2_Base<word32, false> BaseClass; // Early Visual Studio workaround
+ typedef BLAKE2_ParameterBlock<false> ParameterBlock;
+ CRYPTOPP_COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(ParameterBlock) == 32);
+ //! \brief Construct a BLAKE2b hash
+ //! \param digestSize the digest size, in bytes
+ BLAKE2s(bool treeMode=false, unsigned int digestSize = DIGESTSIZE) : BaseClass(treeMode, digestSize) {}
+ //! \brief Construct a BLAKE2b hash
+ //! \param key a byte array used to key the cipher
+ //! \param keyLength the size of the byte array
+ //! \param salt a byte array used as salt
+ //! \param saltLength the size of the byte array
+ //! \param personalization a byte array used as prsonalization string
+ //! \param personalizationLength the size of the byte array
+ //! \param treeMode flag indicating tree mode
+ //! \param digestSize the digest size, in bytes
+ BLAKE2s(const byte *key, size_t keyLength, const byte* salt = NULL, size_t saltLength = 0,
+ const byte* personalization = NULL, size_t personalizationLength = 0,
+ bool treeMode=false, unsigned int digestSize = DIGESTSIZE)
+ : BaseClass(key, keyLength, salt, saltLength, personalization, personalizationLength, treeMode, digestSize) {}