diff options
authorJeffrey Walton <>2016-07-11 19:41:55 -0400
committerJeffrey Walton <>2016-07-11 19:41:55 -0400
commitb9232e01b28cef2657bb09a83357f86154872aed (patch)
parent5361185ef1c6fdc71f7d52074d501c154007425e (diff)
Add tests for SunCC and GCC defines (__SSE2__, __SSE3__, __AES__, __PCLMUL__, __RDRND__, etc)
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 82724e63..3b1e83a5 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ fi
GCC_60_OR_ABOVE=$("$CXX" -v 2>&1 | "$EGREP" -i -c 'gcc version (6\.[0-9]|[7-9])')
GCC_51_OR_ABOVE=$("$CXX" -v 2>&1 | "$EGREP" -i -c 'gcc version (5\.[1-9]|[6-9])')
GCC_48_COMPILER=$("$CXX" -v 2>&1 | "$EGREP" -i -c 'gcc version 4\.8')
+SUNCC_121_OR_ABOVE=$("$CXX" -V 2>&1 | "$EGREP" -c "CC: (Sun|Studio) .* (5\.1[0-9]|5\.[2-9]|[6-9]\.)")
# Fixup
if [[ ("$IS_OPENBSD" -ne "0" || "$IS_NETBSD" -ne "0") ]]; then
@@ -2843,6 +2844,93 @@ if [[ "$IS_SOLARIS" -ne "0" ]]; then
+ # SunCC with GCC defines
+ if [[ ("$SUNCC_121_OR_ABOVE" -ne "0") ]]; then
+ ISAINFO=$(isainfo -v 2>/dev/null)
+ SUN_SSE2=$(echo "$ISAINFO" | "$GREP" -c "sse2")
+ SUN_SSE3=$(echo "$ISAINFO" | "$GREP" -c "sse3")
+ SUN_SSSE3=$(echo "$ISAINFO" | "$GREP" -c "ssse3")
+ SUN_SSE41=$(echo "$ISAINFO" | "$GREP" -c "sse4.1")
+ SUN_SSE42=$(echo "$ISAINFO" | "$GREP" -c "sse4.2")
+ SUN_AES=$(echo "$ISAINFO" | "$GREP" -c "aes")
+ SUN_PCLMUL=$(echo "$ISAINFO" | "$GREP" -c "pclmulqdq")
+ SUN_RDRAND=$(echo "$ISAINFO" | "$GREP" -c "rdrand")
+ SUN_RDSEED=$(echo "$ISAINFO" | "$GREP" -c "rdseed")
+ SUN_BMI=$(echo "$ISAINFO" | "$GREP" -c "bmi")
+ SUN_BMI2=$(echo "$ISAINFO" | "$GREP" -c "bmi2")
+ if [[ ("$SUN_SSE2" -ne "0") ]]; then SUNCC_CXXFLAGS+="-D__SSE2__ "; fi
+ if [[ ("$SUN_SSE3" -ne "0") ]]; then SUNCC_CXXFLAGS+="-D__SSE3__ "; fi
+ if [[ ("$SUN_SSSE3" -ne "0") ]]; then SUNCC_CXXFLAGS+="-D__SSSE3__ "; fi
+ if [[ ("$SUN_SSE41" -ne "0") ]]; then SUNCC_CXXFLAGS+="-D__SSE4_1__ "; fi
+ if [[ ("$SUN_SSE42" -ne "0") ]]; then SUNCC_CXXFLAGS+="-D__SSE4_2__ "; fi
+ # if [[ ("$SUN_AES" -ne "0") ]]; then SUNCC_CXXFLAGS+="-D__AES__ "; fi
+ if [[ ("$SUN_PCLMUL" -ne "0") ]]; then SUNCC_CXXFLAGS+="-D__PCLMUL__ "; fi
+ if [[ ("$SUN_RDRAND" -ne "0") ]]; then SUNCC_CXXFLAGS+="-D__RDRND__ "; fi
+ if [[ ("$SUN_RDSEED" -ne "0") ]]; then SUNCC_CXXFLAGS+="-D__RDSEED__ "; fi
+ if [[ ("$SUN_BMI" -ne "0") ]]; then SUNCC_CXXFLAGS+="-D__BMI__ "; fi
+ if [[ ("$SUN_BMI2" -ne "0") ]]; then SUNCC_CXXFLAGS+="-D__BMI2__ "; fi
+ ############################################
+ # Debug build
+ echo
+ echo "************************************" | tee -a "$TEST_RESULTS"
+ echo "Testing: SunCC with GCC defines, debug CXXFLAGS" | tee -a "$TEST_RESULTS"
+ echo
+ unset CXXFLAGS
+ "$MAKE" clean > /dev/null 2>&1
+ rm -f adhoc.cpp > /dev/null 2>&1
+ export CXXFLAGS="-DDEBUG -g3 -O0 ${SUNCC_CXXFLAGS[@]}"
+ "$MAKE" "${MAKEARGS[@]}" CXX="$CXX" static dynamic cryptest.exe 2>&1 | tee -a "$TEST_RESULTS"
+ if [[ ("${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne "0") ]]; then
+ echo "ERROR: failed to make cryptest.exe" | tee -a "$TEST_RESULTS"
+ else
+ ./cryptest.exe v 2>&1 | tee -a "$TEST_RESULTS"
+ if [[ ("${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne "0") ]]; then
+ echo "ERROR: failed to execute validation suite" | tee -a "$TEST_RESULTS"
+ fi
+ ./cryptest.exe tv all 2>&1 | tee -a "$TEST_RESULTS"
+ if [[ ("${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne "0") ]]; then
+ echo "ERROR: failed to execute test vectors" | tee -a "$TEST_RESULTS"
+ fi
+ fi
+ ############################################
+ # Release build
+ echo
+ echo "************************************" | tee -a "$TEST_RESULTS"
+ echo "Testing: SunCC with GCC defines, release CXXFLAGS" | tee -a "$TEST_RESULTS"
+ echo
+ unset CXXFLAGS
+ "$MAKE" clean > /dev/null 2>&1
+ rm -f adhoc.cpp > /dev/null 2>&1
+ "$MAKE" "${MAKEARGS[@]}" CXX="$CXX" static dynamic cryptest.exe 2>&1 | tee -a "$TEST_RESULTS"
+ if [[ ("${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne "0") ]]; then
+ echo "ERROR: failed to make cryptest.exe" | tee -a "$TEST_RESULTS"
+ else
+ ./cryptest.exe v 2>&1 | tee -a "$TEST_RESULTS"
+ if [[ ("${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne "0") ]]; then
+ echo "ERROR: failed to execute validation suite" | tee -a "$TEST_RESULTS"
+ fi
+ ./cryptest.exe tv all 2>&1 | tee -a "$TEST_RESULTS"
+ if [[ ("${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne "0") ]]; then
+ echo "ERROR: failed to execute test vectors" | tee -a "$TEST_RESULTS"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ ############################################
# GCC on Solaris
if [[ (-e "/bin/g++") ]]; then